We are now heavily into the 2018 election season, with primary elections tonight in Colorado, Maryland, New York (federal only), Oklahoma and Utah, and run-off elections tonight in Mississippi and South Carolina. Of course there are plenty of things happening in state and local politics, as well. Stop by and we can chat about them at tonight’s gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 253 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
I love that Oxy-crushing trailerbillies fell for Maxine Waters.
We need more of this. Teachers grade their kids harder, coaches bench their kids, cooks and servers spit in their food, key their cars, push the “door close” button.
That’s not “civil war”. That’s resistance.
Union supporters can watch their future prospects fade here:
@ 1
Oh, look. Sistah Souljah’s back on radio station KJA.
The weakest signal at the far left of your dial.
More than 12,000 viewers logged on @ 2 right now.
Will the next one be Janus?
All right, West Coast libbies, you’ve had your Anna Diggs Taylor moment.
Next time take an adult approach to the travel ban issue or we’ll have to go Bush v. Gore on your asses.
Unions get one more day to sweat.
@2 @6 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck revels in spitting on workers. In his younger days, he probably was one of those long-haired hippies spitting on Vietnam heroes returning home, too.
Doctor Dumbfuck hates real Americans.
Dumbfuck hasn’t had this much fun watching Scotusblog since — oops.
Now who’s going to tell me that if they owned a restaurant and one of the patrons came in and was dirty and smelled because they hadn’t eaten or slept in a bed for two tears prior (now homeless but out of the generosity of some compassion person was give. A $100 bill) and wanted a hot meal that they would actually seat them right next to the rest of the clientele and not call the cops on the guy. Oh especially if he was black or in drag.
Restaurant’s Sanders snub snowballs into partisan fight – The Hill
Anyone? Bob? Tell me you wouldn’t kick them out.
Fuck the bitch. No cake, no food. Bitch should cook her own food.
@9 Speaking of dirty restaurants …
You probably should avoid these unhealthy establishments.
Oh look. Landscape Jesus just left a slow steady leak in your sprinkler system, swimming pool Jesus just turned your pool up to 95, and housekeeping Maria just replaced your daughter’s contraceptive cream with toothpaste!
That’s right. She’ll have babies.
But they’ll have fantastic teeth.
@11 We need babies. Without immigrants, America will depopulate like Russia and Japan, and there’ll be no one to support Doctor Dumbfuck’s social security or fight his wars.
And Mitt Romney’s and Sheldon Adelson’s and the Koch Bros..
i.e. who gives a fuck about a-holes who wake up every morning and make the world a shittier place? Eventually they will die. And the rest of us will pick up the pieces.
That’s just life.
Argentina advances to the round of 16.
Vlad Putin was seen officiating with its shirt off.
I just watched a livestream of President Herr von Loco presenting the Medal of Honor to the widow of a Battle of the Bulge hero. He’s joking around and being flippant. This fuck can’t even perform a solemn medal ceremony properly. He’s a mess.
This is an upgrade from the DFC for 1LT Garlin Connor, a draftee who also won 4 Silver Stars and multiple Purple Hearts. He died in 1998 at age 79. The MOH was awarded for his actions as an impromptu forward observer against a German tank attack.
Conservatives are becoming so PC…….here is PC for you – go fuck yourselves you fucking Nazi bastard snowflake mother fucking bitch ass douche bags.
Oh and Happy Holudays! Just 6 month from the Gay birth of Jehebus.
Chief Justice Roberts got a little defensive in upholding Trump’s Muslim travel ban. When Justice Sotomayer argued in her dissent that it has parallels to the WW2 Japanese internments, Roberts responded by overruling the 1944 decision upholding the internments and said FDR’s executive order was unconstitutional.
That could have ramifications for surviving internees seeking compensation. Presumably it also will it harder for any current or future president to order mass internments in the name of national security.
@9 McDonald’s has people fitting your description every day that go into their restaurants every day fitting your description. If a homeless person who smells, and needs a bath, ect, but has a hundred dollar bill (and that may not be enough for even a modest eatery in New York city) then the person should be allowed to eat a meal there. I doubt that Chef Ramsey has given an opinion on the matter, and he probably will not, but I suspect he would tell the restaurant to serve the poor person graciously, and tell the Red Hen you all really should have just served the woman and her family dinner and not opened this can of worms, disputes such as this distract from the business and what we chefs do, which is prepare food for customers. While not always evident Mr. Ramsey does have a bit of compassion, just he’s is a no holds barred, no bullshit, knowledgeable chef. Not one of my favorite persons, but I’d eat the mans food or have a beer with him.
Is AG Ferguson having a winning day? Doubt it. Fortunately it’s not a Republican dominated legislature so there will not be much or any push back on the public funds that were spent on the travel ban action doomed to fail at the Supreme Court.
PS @17 the court never ruled that the Japanese internment was constitutional, it took a punt in the original ruling, and nothing in the citations, or other remarks overturn the courts finding in that case. And frankly it’s getting more and more difficult to find survivors of the internments, and it’s not like Washington state did anything to return farmers the land held by them before internment, returned houses sold at rock bottom prices due to coercion brought about by the order, the return of possessions or restitution of those possessions, all of which would be a large sum today to the survivors and their families. The Washington state governor and others in state and local government went along and were instrumental in applying the order and carrying the order out. There is much on the hands of Washington states government and it’s citizens at the time on this matter. Not so much on the governments of and people of Iowa and Illinois (as the order was generally geographical in nature) who did not do much in interning their Japanese, Italian or German populations.
@18 No shirt, no shoes, no service.
@19 I do recall stating that I thought the AG was wasting state money on this effort. And maybe planning a run for office, well that plan maybe stillborn, we will know in 2020. I doubt the state legislature is going to call his office in and do an investigation on the money spent or demand an audit. Why because both houses of the legislature are closely divided, and democratic. Guess the AG wins one there or has had that win in his pocket.
@20 Not all restaurants and it must be posted, and frankly it comes down to employees actually enforcing the rule, and everyone knows many restaurants where those rules are fluted. Clearly the one rule you could argue for is no pants, but frankly in some restaurants if a person gets in the door with enough cash to eat there, they do not care if you have pants on or not as long as you got a wallet, card or cash.
Does no pants day on the New York subway cause some restaurant owners to faint as their no shoes, no shirt, no service sign as a clear fault should a subway patron come up from the subway on no pants day to enjoy their establishment. Of course no shoes and no shirt is an objective standard though the daring will try to ignore or get around…. are flip flops shoes? Is a tube top a shirt. Perhaps better to pretend ones establishment is on the beach in California. And frankly if one is Des Moines, Iowa in January the no shoes, no shirt, no service is really not needed. And if you kick them out you could end up in trouble for not providing aid, and causing the person to have frost bite….and a killer lawsuit the restaurant may not survive.
Hey Morty how is that baked rabbit coming? Got a big party from Washington coming in.
@10 The problem with the story is two things. Multiple different health departments and employees doing the inspections. And a baseline for each jurisdiction to know the typical outcomes for a health inspection in each jurisdiction, and some jurisdictions where there has been high levels of corruption in the past, and rumors of corruption that may or not be true.
Personally I go with having a pretty good set of bacteria in my gut, making sure the restaurant looks clean and smells ok, and if it tastes wrong then don’t eat it, unless you have too. (Hey if your sitting at the Tunisian’s ambassadors table at the white house and work for the state department well you eat the damned food. I should be so lucky.)
@19 “PS @17 the court never ruled that the Japanese internment was constitutional, it took a punt in the original ruling, and nothing in the citations, or other remarks overturn the courts finding in that case.”
You don’t know what you’re talking about. Read the opinions:
As for whether today’s decision overturns Korematsu, see
at p.38 of the opinion (p.43 of the document), where C.J. Roberts wrote:
“Finally, the dissent invokes Korematsu v. United States,
323 U. S. 214 (1944). Whatever rhetorical advantage the
dissent may see in doing so, Korematsu has nothing to do
with this case. The forcible relocation of U. S. citizens to
concentration camps, solely and explicitly on the basis of
race, is objectively unlawful and outside the scope of Presidential authority. But it is wholly inapt to liken that
morally repugnant order to a facially neutral policy denying
certain foreign nationals the privilege of admission.
See post, at 26–28. The entry suspension is an act that is
well within executive authority and could have been taken
by any other President—the only question is evaluating
the actions of this particular President in promulgating an
otherwise valid Proclamation.
“The dissent’s reference to Korematsu, however, affords
this Court the opportunity to make express what is already
obvious: Korematsu was gravely wrong the day it
was decided, has been overruled in the court of history,
and—to be clear—’has no place in law under the Constitution.’
323 U. S., at 248 (Jackson, J., dissenting).”
This is not a footnote, it is text from the opinion, and while you could try arguing it’s dicta, it manifestly says Korematsu’s status as precedent is “overruled.”
My advice to you: Don’t try to be an amateur lawyer.
@23 A failed health inspection is a failed health inspection, and no amount of lame effort to explain it away changes that.
@19 PS, the text of a SCOTUS opinion is not “remarks”; unless it’s dicta, it’s the law of the land, and this text doesn’t bear much resemblance to dicta.
Lookee here, do you see what you see?
I see the wind going out of the doctor’s sails, and his sails hanging limp in a dead calm:
” … David Lynch has been misunderstood. On Tuesday, the ‘Twin Peaks’ creator posted an open letter to President Donald Trump clarifying an earlier statement he’d made that Trump ‘could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history,'” which Trump and Doctor Dumbfuck gleefully jumped on.
“‘I wish you and I could sit down and have a talk,’ Lynch’s letter read. ‘This quote which has traveled around was taken a bit out of context and would need some explaining. Unfortunately, if you continue as you have been, you will not have a chance to go down in history as a great president. … You are causing suffering and division.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As I pointed out a couple days ago, Lynch by his own admission is “not a political person,” and takes little interest in politics or public policy issues, therefore is one of the least qualified people in the country to judge Trump’s “greatness” or lack thereof. If even a political ignoramus like Lynch sees something wrong with Trump’s political style, then it’s safe to say there’s something wrong with it. Lynch may not have articulated it with terms like “racist, bigot, inflammatory, provocateur,” but he knows a dick when he sees one.
The German historian Joachim Fest, in his biography of Hitler, struggled to define “greatness.” Certainly, he said, Hitler had great impact on history. But, he added, if there’s a moral component to greatness, then “Hitler’s distance from it is immeasurable.”
Trump may turn out to be a consequential president, but not likely in a good way. He’s far away from that kind of greatness.
Where is Dr. Dumbfuck on GE? The great conglomerate will be no more: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ge-divestiture/ge-breakup-leaves-it-with-best-and-worst-performers-idUSKBN1JM0ZT
Jack Welch must be hunting down Jeff Immelt tonight, wanting to give him a serious bitch-slap for ruining Jack’s legacy.
Abigail…I wasn’t talking about a McDonald’s. How about one of Donald’s places?
And you forget about the fucking cake….opening a can of worms….fuck off.
I bet a little experiment could be done…..I give some bum $100 to go have dinner at the Kentucky Derby and let’s see what happens…..maybe nothing, being that them hillbillies all smell like bums anyways.
And, then let’s see the reaction….it won’t be about the bum, Conservatives will turn it into me, the instigator, that put the bum up to it. Distract and deflect from the true issue is what they do best.
You try it – see what happens. I’ll pick the Restaurant, and the bum, and give you the $100 to give him…..then let’s see what your little false equivalencies get you….stick to the Harry Potter novel(s).
@25 – Abigail goes deep on his knees for Repukes.
The federal debt is headed for the highest levels since World War II, CBO says
“Government debt is on track to hit historically high levels and at its current growth rate will be nearly equal in size to the U.S. economy by 2028, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday.”
Bet they take ALL of godwin’s Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to help fill this hole. He can afford it. He made all that money off of GE, right?
@33 the picture featured in the article is pretty funny….empty steps that use to hold a bunch or Repukes that use to squawk about it.
Bunch of mother fuckers.
hey Mark, here you go. Give us all your fantasy equivalent scenarios of how this one went down.
I wonder – maybe all I have to do is get this blind man and not a smelly, dirty bum.
Jehebus told me to say that.
Hey, I’d kill myself too if I were stupid enough to have voted for The Hump.
@33 @34 Don’t put it past those guys to sell the Capitol to China. They’re already sold the White House to Russia.
Tonight is primary election night, and a top House Democrat was taken out by a young Hispanic woman who ran without corporate donors and was outspent 16-to-1.
“Activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated powerful House Democrat Joe Crowley in a stunning primary election upset Tuesday, a result that could shake the foundations of the established party.
“The 28-year-old’s decisive victory over the fourth-ranking House Democrat … holds potentially huge implications for the future of the party. Crowley … had possible ambitions to challenge Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for House speaker if Democrats … take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.”
Her campaign promises include abolishing ICE.
In Utah, Mitt Romney easily won the GOP nomination to replace retiring Sen. Orrin Hatch tonight.
In Florida, Sen. Bill Nelson (D) leads challenger Rick Scott (R) by 49%-45% in polls. The primary is in August.
In Arizona, where Sen. Jeff Flake (R) is retiring, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D), the likely Democratic nominee, leads Rep. Martha McSally, her most likely fall opponent, by 49%-38%, while Joe Arpaio finishes dead last in both the GOP primary field and in a matchup against Sinema.
In Ohio, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) holds a 51%-38% lead over Rep. Jim Renacci (R) in polls.
Plastic straws are illegal…….
It’s perfectly legal and acceptable to shoot heroin and toss the needle on a children’s playfield, take a dump in middle of the sidewalk, park your mobile meth lab wherever you want, and pretty much set up a tent and camp any damn place you feel…
Yay seattle! Say it loud and proud!
@41 Nice rant, but heroin and meth are illegal everywhere in the U.S. including in Seattle, defecating on public sidewalks is not permitted, and Seattle police have been shutting down tent camps. Oh, and btw, plastic straws are still legal in Seattle until July 1. So far you’re batting 0-for-5. Your hitting sucks.
A federal judge in California has issued a nationwide injunction against family separations and given DHS 30 days to reunite those already separated in a lawsuit was brought by the ACLU. The judge is a Bush appointee.
Police Chief arrests reporters who reported on his corruption.
They’ll be following Vlad’s example next. A little polonium or nerve gas in their food, maybe even a mysterious speeding car or a sudden, unexpected fall from a 10 story window. Cyanide if they’re in a hurry. Or they could do it like they did with Paul Wellstone where it all ends up nice and tidy and nobody questions it.
The GOP would certainly love to see these undesirables eliminated. Reporters tend to turn over rocks and ask questions about things that are better left in the dark.
@ 45
You never disappoint, O Unemployable One.
I heard from Miss Piggy that Jim Henson was bumped off, too. It wasn’t just Kermit’s finger that smelled like pork, and Kermit’s a jealous guy.
Check it out, ‘froggy. Lord knows you’ve got the free time to do it.
Actually none of those things are legal.
So you lied again.
Why? Your Orange Soft Turd of a Party Leader lies every day. And you lie every day. And these lies are all obvious.
Immigrant families are more law abiding, more self sufficient, harder working, and more responsible than the average native born American. While you sleep they rise and go to work. While you crush Oxy and channel surf, they read to their children and help out their neighbors. While you lie in your filthy trailer on Sunday morning nursing another massive beer hangover they go to church.
We need a wall… around Republicans.
@ 46
Actually none of those things are legal.
Well, no, but the laws prohibiting them are enforced the same way as the ban against public nudity in Seattle, so really, they might as well be.
Effectively, he’s @ 41 right. He warrants a Politifact Mostly True on it.
The news just keeps getting better and better for ‘froggy.
Intelligent Machines
A team of AI algorithms just crushed humans in a complex computer game
And you thought the travel ban issue was decided.
The case is not over. The Supreme Court merely reversed the nationwide injunction that had been issued by the lower court. The case will now be back on remand, and it remains to be seen whether the 9th Circuit and the district courts within its geographic jurisdiction will heed the message. After all, this is now the fourth time that the Supreme Court has rejected their orders blocking the president from exercising the powers of the office to which he was elected, on a matter that was a central issue in the presidential campaign of 2016. Once more, and the 9th Circuit will surpass its own record of ignoring governing Supreme Court authority on the same case—the prior mark having been set by the late Harry Pregerson, who kept issuing last-minute stays of execution (contrary to Supreme Court rulings) in order to block the execution of convicted murderer Robert Alton Harris until the Supreme Court took the extraordinary step of barring the 9th Circuit from further jurisdiction over the matter.
They don’t call it the Nutty Ninth for nothing.
Are you actually going to atgue that SPD will be assigning duty hours to enforcing a plastic straw ban?
Jesus fucking christ you are a gigantic Dumbfuck.
Anyone outside of the rapidly contracting Orange Event Horizon knows that effectively plastic straws will become illicit following the ban, but will certainly remain in use by scofflaws. And for every pill crushing “disabled” senior crank living off taxpayers while ranting about sidewalk poop, sharps in the sandbox, meth labs on the courthouse steps, and tent camps in Laurelhurst, you can add SJW snowflakes ranting about Bubble Tea peddlers killing sea life with forbidden straws.
Before Trump you were better than this. You all were. Everything he touches he cheapens and diminishes. Including you.
Alito wrote the majority opinion in Janus.
@ 50
Are you actually going to atgue [sic] that SPD will be assigning duty hours to enforcing a plastic straw ban?
Well, no. Did you read what I wrote?
I argued that what was written @ 41 was correct in a sense because the SPD wasn’t enforcing laws against those listed activities, either.
You called him a liar. I merely said he was effectively speaking an uncomfortable truth.
I don’t use straws. I find umbrellas in drinks to be unnecessary, as well. For that matter, I find ice in my bourbon to be an abomination.
I note that Salem Media (SALM) spiked yesterday and is continuing its rise today.
It had been in the high 3s in May or so and was in the $4.40 range earlier this week.
It’s now at around $5.58 and hit $5.80 earlier in the day.
It’s a radio media stock and it programs Christian shows. I figured it would tank in 2018 if there was a blue wave.
Maybe SALM and GOP fortunes are unrelated. Maybe not.
Anyway, the stock’s up 30+% in the past few days.
From Kagan’s Janus dissent:
…large-scale consequences. Public employee unions will lose a secure source of financial support.
Sotomayor’s Janus dissent was a full paragraph. I guess wise Latinas know when to STFU.
Having seen the troubling development in First
Amendment jurisprudence over the years, both in this
Court and in lower courts, I agree fully with JUSTICE
KAGAN that Sorrell—in the way it has been read by this
Court—has allowed courts to “wiel[d] the First Amendment
in . . . an aggressive way” just as the majority does
today. Post, at 27.
OTOH, Goldy’s made quite the name for himself with the F-word, if not otherwise for the quality of his work.
He’d probably have to admit that aggressive First Amendment interpretations have been good for him.
I want all the benefits of cable TV, but I don’t want to pay for it. SCOTUS has my back, right?
Because you won’t pay for it, mentor-to-YLB, we’re cutting out ESPN, which has turned into an incredibly expensive shill site for leftist causes.
So you’ll have to get your precious Eagles updates at philly.com.
But the taxpayers are gonna save $17/mo, per subscriber.
SCOTUS has my back.
If sidewalk tent camping and rolling meth land are illegal, then why are there so many of them in seattle…..in plain sight.
The fact is they are de facto legal if there is purposeful non enforcement.
Hooray scummy seattle! It’s our own little 3rd world zoo! Get up close and personal with a crazed bum or drug zombie! I mean really, who wouldn’t want to raise a family there?!
The city looks like an absolute dump.
If you were drinking liberally on Tuesday I suspect you will be dead drunk today: union defeat, pregnancy centers, travel ban, cake bakers and now Justice Kennedy.
You liberals set the table, Trump served a banquet and Americans are enjoying a feast.
Parks his RV on the street for days at a time each spring “getting it ready” before heading out to visit Okie-America’s finest arm-fishin’ spots;
Puts his pomeranian’s shit in the neighbor’s flower beds;
Burns a half dozen cords of green firewood in an uncertified insert each winter;
Deducts a dozen meals a year at Hooters that have absolutely nothing to do with work;
Almost never uses his turn signal.
You talking about your dad or your creepy brother?
Oh, and your city is a shithole. Can’t even send out the fire dept without them getting attacked.
Nice place.