Tonight will be filled with primary election results from Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina and Virginia. Perhaps, the local issues in your head tax you to drinking. Whatever your reasons, stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally tonight to ponder politics over a pint.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 253 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
Kim agreed to say the same things his country has been saying for decades, and Trump agreed to call that a breakthrough.
Months ago, during the tax bill debates, I posted that the Trump/GOP tax cuts would produce inflation. I knew what I was talking about. Last month’s 2.8% inflation rate is the highest in 6 years, well above the Fed’s 2% inflation target, and if inflation continues to accelerate it could force the Fed into policy tightening that will trigger a recession.
Nearly every mainstream economist has said this was the wrong stimulus at the wrong time. From my perspective, that’s really irrelevant, because it was — pure and simple — a payoff to the GOP’s rich donors, just as Dubya’s tax cuts were. In the latter case, the rich got back roughly 100 times as much as they had donated to GOP candidates — a 10,000% return on investment.
America’s rich understand they have to pump big bucks into our political system to maintain their special advantages. They also understand that when Republicans are in power they’ll get their money back many times over.
You and I pay for it, so why would anyone worth less than $10 million vote Republican? Even some prominent billionaires find this system so embarrassing they can’t vote for it, even though they directly and bigly benefit from it — Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Howard Schultz, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Nick Hanauer, and Mohamed El-Erian come to mind.
Inflation the highest since Obama was president. You left that part out.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if the Trump tax cuts produced inflation, what did Obama do to produce it?
@3 Here ya go:
Last month: 2.8%
Last year: 2.11%
2016: 2.07%
2015: 0.73%
2014: 0.76%
2013: 1.5%
2012: 1.74%
2011: 2.96%
2010: 1.5%
2009: 2.72%
2008: 0.09%
2007: 4.08%
What you left out is (a) Obama inherited a wrecked economy from his Republican predecessor, wrecked in large part because of stupid and unworkable GOP laissez-faire ideology, and (b) the GOP is causing inflation drastically higher than the average inflation under Obama.
After GOP banking and mortgage lending deregulation wrought its demonic destruction, deflation, not inflation, was the major threat to the staggering economy and both Obama and Bernanke (a Bush appointee) implemented emergency “reflation” policies. These took hold, worked as intended, and prevented another Great Depression.
The Yellen Fed’s target inflation rate was 2%. After three QEs and several years of ZIRP, that target was reached in 2016. Nobody thought it was a good idea to overshoot it, which is now happening with Republican economic illiterates back in charge.
The March rate is roughly a 60% increase above the average inflation rate under Obama, and this can be expected to climb as the GOP tax cuts expand the supply of money in circulation faster than the economy’s output of goods and services. The equivalency you’re looking in the inflation figures vis-a-vis Obama and Trump doesn’t exist.
45 agreed to end SK/USA joint military exercises, a NK goal for 50 years and denuclearizing the Penninsula includes U.S. Nukes in South Korea, a check on China for…..
Guys – I can’t make it this evening, but feel free to pass this around and have a good laugh.
@5, 6 – Trump just proved he’s as idiotic as we thought. Having invited comparisons of his negotiating skills with Obama’s, you’re now going to see a barrage of commentary pointing out that what he got from Kim is grossly inferior to what Obama extracted from Iran.
More evidence that Trump blew the ballgame.
@ 5
1. Three Americans released from PDNK captivity.
2. Cessation of PDNK missile testing.
3. Destruction, such as we can tell so far, of the PDNK testing facility.
4. Substantial easing of tensions in and around the Korean peninsula.
Tell me, Pilsner – those 1994 Nobel Peace Prizes given to Arafat and to the Israeli leaders? How well did those lauded successes end up playing out?
@9. I hear The Hump even asked if he wanted fries with that.
Another take out lunch today. It was delicious. Glad I could also do my part and fill up the landfills and oceans with more plastic.
@9 you really are into that fake news.
And don’t give much thought to the years of economic sanction by previous Admins. Maybe that’s why NK finally does what it does.
In theory what is much different about this than the Iranian deal?
The irony of the World. “Provocative”.
Too funny. But it actually works in brainwashing the hillbillies, which is the main goal.
“Tell me, Pilsner – those 1994 Nobel Peace Prizes given to Arafat and to the Israeli leaders? How well did those lauded successes end up playing out?”
But Iran couldn’t pan out? Wow, making excuses for the guy already, but the Iran Deal was a complete failure the day after the Ink dried.
Bob – give it up. Just come out with the question already and ask The Hump how big his dick is because you would like to suck it.
Pretends the world doesn’t already know NK testing facility caved in leading Western Govts intelligence to conclude they’re useful.
“Here son, You can have my old truck. “
“You mean the one with no Alternator, three wheels, no windshield and a blown transmission.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I couldn’t possibly…here take $500 for it. Best Deal EVER!”
He’s not called Dumbfuck for nothing.
By this time next week he’ll be sharing his favorite bulgogi spots in Tillicum and planning a family vacation to a fabulous children’s theme park in Kaesong.
This is what it looks like when someone exchanges their intellect and patriotism for the freedom to tell racist jokes without disapproval.
Never seen a Republican wax so rhapsodic about a Stalinist murdering despot who holds an allies’ capitol hostage.
Live long enough you see it all. Incredible.
Or, you could just make ESPN about sports again.
The AT&T/Time-Warner merger highlights the desperate need to develop a new public narrative on monopoly and antitrust that refocuses on the economic imperative of blocking anticompetitive practices regardless of the alleged short-term impact on consumers.
Give a dumb cunt a little money and this is what you get.
McCaskill used private plane on campaign RV tour
Sen. Claire McCaskill on Tuesday confirmed that she used a private plane during a three-day RV tour of her state last month, an admission that promises to become a political headache in the Missouri Democrat’s reelection bid.
@15 I remember when you could buy that truck for $50. I guess I’m getting old. Or maybe there’s a lot of inflation right now.
@19 “cunt”
If you can say this in public spaces, why can’t Samantha Bee say this out loud, too?
If it wasn’t NetJets and she didn’t charge her govt travel account, and didn’t stop over for a week in Paris and hook up with her favorite coke dealer you need to shut the fuck up, Dumbfuck.
Pruitt burned your pulpit.
@18, 19 In which Doctor Dumbfuck attains Peak Dumbfuck.
Unless one thinks there is a fight in the Democratic party between progressives and the corporatists the primaries are of little interest. Nearly all the incumbents from both parties will win. A couple of incumbent’s have too survive a challenge which will make them appear weaker than they are, but a charismatic likeable opponent can make that work to defeat the incumbent in the fall. Since the Democrats have a larger number of candidates there is some interest to see who wins those primaries. Liberals, communist, progressives, corporatist, but in all these states all the candidates who are first past the poll are the parties candidate in the fall. The only other interesting thing is where you get a two candidates from the same party having the resources and willing to go run in the general election. It can happen and this year if it happens it is more likely to be on the Democratic side, brining some of the laundry out onto view. It’s the downside of being a big tent party.
{PS remember it’s now the time to vote in some states and time to go vote often. Or we have met the enemy and he is us. True advice from Pogo.
@25 Are you trying to out-dumbfuck the doctor?
@4 It took Democrats and Republicans to tank the economy. The President has limited power in the economy when you come down to it. Most of the policies you have mentioned had democratic support in Congress and on some even took a Democratic President to pass (glass-Stiegel being one example). The economy would probably be much the same, but the stock market would not be as high, and business would be less happy if Clinton had been elected. While we are due for a slowdown, it has not happened yet, and remains somewhere on the horizon. Things are good and that bodes well for Republican’s this fall. If the economic sky stays this way well Trump could have a second term or it could be Pence. Trump maybe fed up and decide to gracefully depart, if that is possible. And there is that thing known as the Republican primaries and election process that Trump has to go through, and there is no guarantee he would get the nomination. Apparently there is one American politician that had such a guarantee last primary season and some pundits suggest that politician has the same guarantee in 2020. Probably with same end results with Trump or Pence running…or any other Republican. And Democrats might get a little light in a House that might impeach, but the adults in the House should throw cold water on all that, as it would just hand Trump a victory in the Senate.
@27 “It took Democrats and Republicans to tank the economy.”
Actually, not. Giving Wall Street, banks, and mortgage lenders is the Republican platform, as was deregulating S&Ls back in the 1980s. Democrats don’t support this.
In addition, Republican austerity ideology under Hoover turned a recession into the Great Depression in 1929-30, and would have done so again in 2008-2009 if Republicans had gotten their way.
Republicans learn nothing from history, keep making the same mistakes over and over, and we all have to pay for their stupidity. For my part, the least I can do is not vote for these dumbshits.
@27 “Things are good and that bodes well for Republican’s this fall. If the economic sky stays this way well Trump could have a second term or it could be Pence.”
And this administration’s racism and indifference to human life doesn’t bother you one little bit.
Maine’s jackass governor just called his state’s electoral system “the most horrific thing in the world” (it’s not) and is throwing an infantile temper tantrum.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maine is a beautiful place, but I wouldn’t want to live there, because the people who elected this jerk have something wrong with them.
Really not a bad day today.
Let’s start with a concluded one-day summit after which libbies are reduced to claiming that Trump failed because he didn’t return from it bearing two stone tablets and a pocketful of plutonium.
Then there’s the AT&T decision. Goldy’s unhappy, which means it’s good for America, just not his version of it.
We also learned that the Seattle head tax is repealed. Goldy blames Amazon, no doubt, but the truth is the City Council saw an electoral juggernaut in the making to kill it and decided instead that the message was received.
Finally, GE is down on the day. My Notadumbfuck Method of stock selection. This thing sells itself each and every time Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit says something about the market.
“The Deputy Attorney General was making the point — after being threatened with contempt — that as an American citizen charged with the offense of contempt of Congress, he would have the right to defend himself, including requesting production of relevant emails and text messages and calling them as witnesses to demonstrate that their allegations are false,” the official said.
Bwahhahahhahahahhahha – – – – FUCK YOU Nunes you greasy little cheesedick.
@ 32
This is a nothingburger, you unemployably psychotic fuck.
A member of the executive branch will need to request that the GC for a legislative branch chamber conduct an investigation.
Do you not recall how differences of opinion between federal branches of government play out? Let me help you out. The House once held then-AG Eric Holder in civil and criminal contempt and referred the matter to…
wait for it…
the DOJ for action.
Do you recall what happened, ‘froggy?
That’s right. Nothing happened. Rosenstein will experience the same.
@ Dr. drooler @ #3:
You know, when you lie, that isn’t a rational argument. It means nothing in a serious discussion. It has no relevance whatsoever.
It is a lie. You know it is a lie, you know that everyone reading the words know that is a lie, and as such they’re going to just blink and shake their heads when you keep repeating it as though it means something.
“Inflation the highest since Obama was president. You left that part out.”
Is bullshit, and you damn well know it. You’re lying. If you want to have a rational, serious discussion and have people consider your opinions as relevant to that discussion, stop doing that. Otherwise, you just look like a fucking moron with a big mouth and no brains to back it up. Whats funnier about that, is that practically everyone in the room (except for yourself, of course) understands that you’re just an asshole and a liar and will end up either ignoring you completely, or kicking your greasy, fat little ass around the room for a few minutes before throwing your dumb ass out the door. People are tired of it.
Deficit be groooooowwwwwwing!
Those Repukes are such mathematicians.
Who would have thought. Surely not Bob.
@31 “Let’s start with a concluded one-day summit after which libbies are reduced to claiming that Trump failed because he didn’t return from it bearing two stone tablets and a pocketful of plutonium.”
This is called “putting lipstick on a pig.” It’s what dumbfucks do when they don’t realize their girlfriend isn’t exactly Miss America.
@ Dr. Drooler @ 33:
“That’s right. Nothing happened. Rosenstein will experience the same.”
That isn’t the point, moron. The fact that Nunes is trying to play a big boys game with people who have more smarts in their little finger than he will ever know.
Nunes, like Fat Donny and the rest of his weird little gang is an utter, compleate foucking imbecile.
You’re representatives, indeed. I can see why you like these guys.
@30 it is beautiful with some respect…but it’s also just dirt roads that are filled with water and breeding mosquitoes. But the humans there also breed within the same family so breading mosquitoes aren’t all that bad.
I know the Governor’s nephew – worked with him until recently when he quit. But the kid is ok.
@34 “a fucking moron with a big mouth and no brains to back it up”
He’s always been that, since his first day here; and to my knowledge, no one has ever taken him seriously, except possibly himself. I doubt his wife takes him seriously, and I’m sure his horses don’t. He probably has to drive or walk everywhere, because no horse worth a damn would give him a ride. Luckily for him, cars can’t think.
@35 Now wait for them to complain we can’t afford CHIPS because of deficits and debt.
The perpetually unemployed @ 34
“Inflation the highest since Obama was president. You left that part out.”
Is bullshit, and you damn well know it.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 2 stated that the most recently reported inflation rate is 2.8%.
In January, 2012
it was 2.9%. When Obama was president. That is the six years ago to which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit helpfully referred.
You can look it up. You’ve certainly got the spare time in between visits to pick up that unemployment check, ‘froggy.
Seems it’s not just love that will find a way.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said the man accused of killing his former boss with a hatchet tried to buy a gun just days before the attack.
Reading 538’s live thread, it’s looking like the Dems are less progressive and the GOP’s more Trumpy.
IOW everyone’s running away from ‘froggy.
How the votes will be counted in Maine:
To avoid under-trained town clerks counting the ballots wrong, all the ranked-choice ballots are getting shipped to Augusta, the state capital. The ballots have three days to get there — a.k.a. until Friday. Then everyone has the weekend off, and the counting of the second-place votes and retabulation by round starts in earnest on Monday.
From this dude on 538:
@41 The “most recently reported inflation rate” referred to in #2 is March 2018.
Remember the special election Scotty Walker tried to block?
“Wisconsin Democrats scored a major upset victory Tuesday night, winning a state Senate seat in a district that went for Donald Trump by double digits in 2016.”
Looks like the “blue wave” is still on.
Meanwhile, Republican cannibals eat each other.
@42 Given a choice between a maniac with a hatchet or a maniac with a gun, I’ll take my chances with the hatchet guy. I might be able to outrun him.
Next thing you know, Dumbfuck’s gonna tell us hatchets are a serious problem in this country and guns aren’t.
Heh. Your Orange God-Emperor sold himself and his gigling cheerleaders (the sweater really does make your boobs look big!) for the freeze-for-freeze framework the Chinese obtained a decade ago.
They say you can fake your way into special olympics too. You’d be a natural.
“Let’s start with a concluded one-day summit after which libbies are reduced to claiming that Trump failed because he didn’t return from it bearing two stone tablets and a pocketful of plutonium.”
NK State media is saying 45 is ending sanctions. So if he does….well we got 3 prisoners for utter capitulation. If he doesn’t NK says he welched and well we got 3 prisoners and gave KJU the photos he wanted of NK and US flags of equal size and import and elevated him to “He loves his people.”
Don’t miss comments by Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard about Trump’s meeting with Kim.
It’s enough to make you wonder wby Hillary still has a megaphone.
Now this is DAYUM funny! The NY Times is investigating…
Somehow they forget how they were so anti-Trump they reported anything and everything. Now the blowback is happening and ooopsie?
Till Next Time libtard suckas!
ENR article – 6-12-2018 “Audit: Design Errors, Delays Add $408M in Costs to Fort Bliss Hospital Complex in Texas” – Vic Kolenc
“Construction of the new William Beaumont Army Medical Center complex at Fort Bliss has been plagued by hundreds of design errors, design omissions, contract changes and time delays that have put the massive project almost three years behind schedule and added $408 million in additional costs, a new federal audit found.”
What say all the Transportation opponents that are always complaining of cost overruns? Do we stop building hospital for the Vets?
TexaSS of all places. The land of Conservatives are good with money.
@42 I’d much rather go against a hatchet than a gun. You?
@48 damn….you and I think very much alike….unfortunately not everyone can have a skull that stores a brain, some just have empty space.
@49 at first I thought he posted it because the two guys may have been lovers.
NK state media is Kim. Those are official NK govt statements about the agreements they made with the Dumbfuck’s new girlfriend.
Today Kim is also saying that a desperate and pleading President PornFuck agrred to a bi-lateral, phased reduction of nuclear weapons that would allow Kim to keep a limited defensive arsenal for “security” and leave Seoul defenseless.
Roypublicans have completed their ideological trifecta: now well established as financially reckless and irresponsible, deplorably amoral and perverted, they get to add militarilly incompetent and weak and soft on communism.
Stupid fuck gman @ 54:
This is NOT a state-related issue. It’s a federal issue. You apparently are unaware of the disastrous VA project in Obama- and Hillary-loving Colorado:
VA warned repeatedly about cost overruns of $1.7 billion Aurora hospital
WASHINGTON — Cost overruns of more than $1 billion at the Veterans Affairs hospital under construction in Aurora were the fault of agency officials who ignored repeated warnings about its price and went ahead with plans to build a medical campus that one consultant compared to a shopping mall, according to an investigation made public Wednesday.
The 82-page report, by the internal watchdog at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, identifies several instances in which VA leaders turned a blind eye toward problems with the new facility, which won’t be finished before January 2018.
Those would be Obama’s VA leaders, gman. Has nothing to do with weed-smoking Coloradans, conservative or liberal or libertarian.
You stupid fuck.
@51 “NK State media is saying 45 is ending sanctions. So if he does….well we got 3 prisoners for utter capitulation.”
And the next time NK wants something, they’ll simply kidnap 3 more tourists, most likely unwitting fools from some evangelical association who went to NK with Bibles in their luggage, possession of which is a crime there.
@59 You missed his point. Here’s a clue: Start with rightwing hypocrisy and see where that takes you.
Of course, if the VA operated like dumbfuck’s Orange Moron, it’d have come in under budget because everybody involved would have been stiffed.
I see in this morning’s news that Michael Cohen is losing his legal team, expects to be arrested, and intends to cooperate with Mueller.
Put this between two slices of bun, squirt some ketchup on it, call it a “Nothingburger,” serve it to Dumbfuck, and charge him $15 for it. That will cover 1 hour of minimum-wage labor (2 hours in slave states).
Only a few days ago it was Canada. Today it’s the New York Times and the Washington Post.
“Trump calls ‘fake news’ the country’s biggest enemy”
Who knows anymore? But what we do know is that dumbfucks support dumbfucks.
@ 63
It’s something for liberals to talk about instead of the IG report when it’s released tomorrow.
Glenn Harlan Reynolds wrote An Army of Davids.
Now, Reynolds-affiliated PJ Media brings you
An Army of YLBs.
At Least 400 LGBT Candidates Vowing Political Wave This Campaign Season
That’s a lotta pink yarn, libbies.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit had his urethral and large bowel catheters in a twist @ 2 about increasing inflation.
Well, the Fed’s guidance is about to be announced this morning, interest rates will rise, and it’s such a calamitous thing that the DJIA has fallen 0.01% as I write this. Now, the S&P 500 and NASDAQ are each higher today, but it’s the disaster befalling the Dow that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will point to in order to make you afraid.
Of course it has.
The nation’s second largest federal employee union has filed an injunction to prevent the implementation of two of President Trump’s recent executive orders aimed at making it easier to fire poor performers and curbing the ability of employee groups to represent federal workers.
Public service unions. Protecting the ‘froggys of the world.
@59 State or Federal – doesn’t really matter – same contractors and designers and tradesmen (or people). The point being that failed project. No State politicians involved in that project?
Are all the complaints made regarding transportation all State related? No Federal funds?
So only State Projects need to be accounted for? No Federal Tax payers? Why not hold Federal accountable? We know you don’t hold Repukes and The Hump accountable.
Some of the problems on that Hospital job are very similar to that “State” project you are referring to. Isn’t a cold a cold? Or is there a difference between a State Cold and a Federal Cold?
Like I said – empty fucking skull.
@ 69
Or is there a difference between a State Cold and a Federal Cold?
The federal government can print money with which to wipe its nose when it catches a cold.
Particularly with VA projects, in which construction must be done using a large number of veterans, the differences can be huge.
Quit when you are behind.
This Is How You Get More Trump, Lesson 37:
H&R Block Shares Plunge as Simpler Tax Code Weighs on Forecast
H&R Block Inc. is one company not happy with the Trump tax cuts.
The tax preparer’s shares plunged by more than 20 percent in pre-market trading after its sales forecast disappointed. Management expects 2019 revenue of $3.05 billion to $3.1 billion. The average analyst estimate for the period was $3.14 billion.
H&R Block saw U.S. tax returns prepared grow by 2.5 percent in 2018 as compared to a year earlier, but the company’s pricing is contingent upon the complexity of the filing. BTIG analyst Mark Palmer noted that the bleak sales guidance was a sign that a simpler tax code had taken a “bite out of the company’s future prospects.”
I guess simpler tax returns will help the IRS as well. Winning!
@59 “Those would be Obama’s VA leaders, gman”
The man in charge, Glenn Haggstrom, was appointed to the VA in October 2008…..seems like there is some Republican culpability too.
Being a Democrat means morals were never meant to apply to you.
Democratic candidate who admitted to domestic abuse wins South Carolina congressional primary
Archie Parnell overwhelmingly beat his three primary opponents and will go on to face incumbent Republican Rep. Ralph Norman in the general election for South Carolina’s 5th Congressional District in November.
“Tonight, the people sent a clear message to everyone. You don’t have to be defined by your worst mistake.”
Now, there are a couple of things wrong with what CNN wrote.
First, the Democrat didn’t just beat three opponents. He also beat his wife.
The ex-wife said this caused her to fear for her life and she obtained a restraining order against Parnell.
Sounds like he beat her pretty overwhelmingly as well, although I’m sure the bitch deserved every bump and bruise he gave her.
And second, the clear message sent was not sent by the people. It was sent by Democrats.
Being a Democrat means morals were never meant to apply to you.
@61 Thanks Roger. (Shaking my head sideways) – like I said, I think Bob’s skull is empty.
And beside hypocrisy – when argument is made that it’s State or Federal or Obama or GWB then nothing is solved.
Maybe The Hump should step in and fix that little job in Texas.
Q: What does a male Democrat politician from the South tell a woman with two black eyes?
A: Nothing. He’s already told her twice.
Being a republican – means not knowing what morals and standards are, just biblical bullshit phrases.
@65 Can you remind me of how many indictments your tribe has against Hillary and her aides so far? I forgot. Your guys have controlled the investigation and prosecution apparatus for 1 1/2 years now.
@67 Actually, I expected you to be bragging by now about the huge spike in the Dow and S&P 500 following Trump’s wildly successful summit with Comrade Kim.
@68 Ya, who needs unions, your boss will treat you fairly if you just leave that up to him.
I’m glad to see Dumbfuck come out in favor of eliminating cop unions. He didn’t explicitly refer to them, but it’s clear that’s what he means, and I’m with him on this. Police chiefs should be able to fire bad cops with a flick of their pen. We’ll all be better off when they can.
@ 77
Your guys have controlled the investigation and prosecution apparatus for 1 1/2 years now.
And your guys controlled it before that.
You know the IG report is due out tomorrow, right?
@73 “Being a Democrat means morals were never meant to apply to you.”
This guy isn’t exactly a Roy Moore.
(1) The abuse happened 45 years ago.
(2) He admitted it.
(3) He’s sorry.
(4) He hasn’t done it again, didn’t try to justify or excuse it, and his party didn’t urge voters to look the other way.
Voters are entitled to forgive reformed sinners. After all, that’s what Jesus taught. The reason this doesn’t work with Republicans is because none of them have reformed or deserve forgiveness.
In any case, it’s laughable for a Trump shill to preach about “morals.”
Tell me again how many indictments you’ve racked up against our people so far? If you’ve already answered that, I missed it.
Are you even able to recall how desperately you urged us all to regard the OSC and Cohen investigations as “nuthing burgers”?
19 of your Orange Girlfriend’s most senior advisors and employees await felony sentencing. The Campaign Manager loses his bail Friday. President PornFuck’s personal atty gets a pretty ankle bracelet and spills.
@75 I see, Juanita Broaddrick again. The lady who swore under oath that Bill Clinton didn’t rape her. Now you’re trying “black eyes”?
Even Broaddrick doesn’t make that claim.
“As she tells the story, they spent only a few minutes chatting by the window — Clinton pointed to an old jail he wanted to renovate if he became governor — before he began kissing her. She resisted his advances, she said, but soon he pulled her back onto the bed and forcibly had sex with her. She said she did not scream because everything happened so quickly. Her upper lip was bruised and swollen after the encounter because, she said, he had grabbed onto it with his mouth. ‘The last thing he said to me was, ‘You better get some ice for that.’ And he put on his sunglasses and walked out the door,’ she recalled.”
A minute ago you were preaching about morals, so let’s also look at this from that angle:
“David Broaddrick — with whom Broaddrick was having an affair at the time; they both eventually left their spouses to marry each other — also told NBC that Broaddrick’s top lip was black after the alleged incident, and that she told him, ‘that she had been raped by Bill Clinton.'” (Id.)
So, if you believe Broaddrick’s story, then Bill Clinton raped a married woman who was cheating on her husband with a married man who was cheating on his wife. You were saying something about morals? Sure sounds to me like none of these people had any.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending Bill Clinton. I didn’t vote for him. He’s the ONLY Democratic presidential candidate since I began voting in the 1968 election that I didn’t vote for, and I didn’t vote for him precisely because of his character issues. Had I been a senator at the time of his impeachment, I would have voted to remove him, because for me character takes priority over political expediency.
Now explain why Trump should be president? I don’t see how you can defend him except by conceding your standards are lower than mine.
The Fed’s policy announcement this morning signaled four rate hikes in 2018, a sure sign that inflation is becoming a problem, but this really shouldn’t be a surprise, because inflation is what you get when you enact tax stimulus in a full-employment economy.
It’s tempting to say Republicans are economic illiterates who don’t know what they’re doing, but that’s letting them off too easy. I’m pretty sure they knew the little tax cuts they gave to the middle class would be cancelled out by the inflation that would result from their fiscal and trade policies. That’s why they gave them to you. They’re like the used car salesman who knocks $500 off the price of the car and then adds six months to your loan by raising the interest rate. They cater to stupid buyers, and Republicans cater to stupid voters.
“I’m glad to see Dumbfuck come out in favor of eliminating cop unions. ”
LOL! Kasich went there and got his ass kicked.
Low life Scotty Walker didn’t dare touch that. “Right to work”? Every union except for the cops unions.
“I don’t see how you can defend him except by conceding your standards are lower than mine.”
Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t into morals. He’s into dumbfuckery. Dumbfuckery gives the doctor considerably more latitude in commenting as dumbfuck comments don’t have to make even a lick of sense.
“At Least 400 LGBT Candidates Vowing Political Wave This Campaign Season”
Boob is attracted.
“I’m sure the bitch deserved every bump and bruise he gave her.”
The resistance is highly driven by women. They’ve had enough of assholes like boob and drumpf. Successful or not, boob is looking forward to be intensely inflamed this November.
Like the babbling cornhole here at HA every Saturday night before the weekly obligation in the salt mines.
Speaking of little low life:
A third term. A turd term. The low life could pull it off again. The Dems in WI seem weak and beaten down and the electorate seems to prefer inertia to going in another direction.
They will only get the government they deserve.
To keep things in perspective, ripping a breastfeeding newborn away from its mother isn’t as bad as Elie Wiesel’s description of Nazis throwing live babies into bonfires.
Thus, there are worse things than Trumpism, in a relative sense.
It occurs to me that Republicans should WANT some moral relativism from liberals now. This is when they need it most.
There’s always hope I guess.
“Wisconsin Democrats came one step closer to gaining control of the state Senate by picking up a seat held by Republicans for more than 40 years,”
The low life walker went into a small panic over that one. Good.
It’s official: The GOP is a cult.
“The Trump administration is running out of space to house the thousands of unaccompanied minor children currently being held in immigration detention centers around the U.S. Now, according to a new report from McClatchy, tent cities are being considered as one potential solution to the problem.”
I wonder where they got that idea from?
Mr. Safety School, Esq. has lapsed into panic mode today.
Better criminals will typically endure this process with more equanimity. But Dumbfucks must Dumbfuck. USA-SDNY appears ready to arrest his ass in the next few days. And his lawyers promptly announced that in the next seven seconds, when they get done reviewing the mounds of take-out menus and cartoon doodles of dicks that comprise Mr. Safety School’s “files” for “privilege”, they quit. This is the sequence of events that typically accompanies an imminent plea arrangement in exchange for cooperation. But Mr. Safety School must be worried that he’ll
look like a weasellook more like a weasel. So he’s pushing all kinds of bullshit into the lazy media to muddy the waters.I figure the odds are at least 80/20 he gets arrested this week. 50/50 that it’s part of a plea deal his lawyers have put together to reduce his jail time in exchange for his cooperation.
All this, plus The Roypublican Campaign Manager loses his bail.
The GOP’s patience with misuse of public resources by one of their own is nearly endless, but perhaps not infinite.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You know it’s pretty bad when even Republicans are publicly embarrassed by his behavior.
“There is not one U.S. … county in which someone working a 40-hour week on the federal minimum wage of $7.25 can afford to rent a modest two-bed apartment. Minimum wage workers would need to … hold down three full-time jobs” to afford pay rent on this apartment.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But that’s okay with Republicans. They’re untroubled by paying someone else so little for their labor they have to sleep in a car or under a bridge. In fact, they’re now planning to slash food stamps for the working poor. But I don’t think Jesus will like this when they have to explain their earthly lives.
Isn’t is great to see the HA DUMMOCRETIN horde BELIEVING the NK official mouthpiece because of Trump Derangement Syndrome!
As Spock would say… IMPRESSIVE!
IMPRESSIVELY stooooooooooooopid that is!
Till Next Time!
Point made.
The fact that Kim himself disputes the way your President PornAbortion describes his diplonatic “accomplishments” is the clearest indication of his flacid incompetence.
You dropped trou for another pimply communist. Kim will be laughing at YOU the next time he orders mass abortions.
HAHAHAHAHAHA Klamath Mountain hillbilly. You make great self funnies! Of course Kim has to spin it to make him look like a great leader. And you of course eat Kim’s shit direct from the source.
Glad to see you watch North Korea TV. Puddy does NOT watch that crap! As Spock would say… IMPRESSIVE!
U R IMPRESSIVELY stooooooooooooopid!
Till Next Time!
“The GOP is a cult.”
Suits our resident village idiot kultist, the babbling butthole, JUST FINE!
The ruthless communist murderer you just called a “great leader” spun Orange into gold, I wonder how many forced abortions your money will buy him?
Congratulations! I guess some things are more “precious” than the “unborn” after all.
Not after Dear Leader Kim gets through with them. Even the Loonatik’s freaky Saturday Goat Cult is outlawed by the “Great Leader”. Owning too many books is suspicious.
Owning a bible gets you killed.
Aren’t you proud to be an American?
Yeah, GIT dem brown people!