Stormy days, these. But you can find shelter at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Stop by this evening for conversations over a drink.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Ok…then check out one of the 249 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
Hey, YLB:
When you sponge off your parents do you still call it free money?
Poll: 3 In 4 Parents Help Their Adult Kids Pay Debts, Living Expenses
I think Moses tweeted something like these, just before departing Mount Sinai for the Promised Land. Probably why it took so long.
The Republican project to create an apartheid America ruled by a white nationalist minority must either end in failure or in a failed state.
The Republican Party is a much greater threat to our republic than the Russians.
A retired SCOTUS justice says it’s time to repeal the Second Amendment.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I would settle for amending it to clarify its original intent, which was to allow states to maintain armed militias (i.e., National Guard units), as some conservative justices seem confused on that issue.
It’s the economy, stupid.
CNN Poll: 42% approve of Trump, highest in 11 months
The President’s strongest approval ratings on the issues come on the economy, the only issue tested where his reviews tilt more positive than negative: 48% approve and 45% disapprove. That isn’t the case on foreign trade, however, the economic issue on which Trump has most recently taken action, implementing tariffs aimed at Chinese imports, steel and aluminum.
I doubt that Anderson Cooper did much to change the data.
@1 I wouldn’t call sucking on the Medicare teat “sponging.” It’s more like suckling.
@ 3
You should read Bob Woodward’s account of post-resignation William O. Douglas in The Brethren.
SCOTUS retirees should fade quickly into the background.
@4 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates Trump’s brief 42% approval rating as his best yet. It lasted all of 24 hours.
@ 5
Call it whatever you wish. No one around here has a stronger or better-conditioned suckling reflex than YLB. It helps that she was able to hone her prodigious skills while spending eight years on her knees in front of The One.
Looks like rightwing billionaire Peter Thiel dipped his fingers into CA’s subversive activities, too.
@ 7
The more important data in your link is here, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
By a 34 percent to 25 percent margin, Americans say Republicans are better at dealing with the economy, a reversal from the 35 to 30 percent Democratic edge when the question was last asked in the NBC-Wall Street Journal poll in December.
That’s a 14 point swing toward the GOP.
Meanwhile, the Trump gang seem determined to wreck the census.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How many people will talk to a census taker if doing so might get them deported? This will result an inaccurate population count, and in communities burdened with large immigrant populations losing financial support for schools, health care, social services, etc. and other per-capital based tax allocations and grants at the same time the Trumpistas want to convert Medicaid to block grants. Needless to say, this will hit low income communities in red states hardest. Oh well, you get what you vote for.
@ 11
Judd Gregg could not be reached for comment.
@ 11
This will result in communities already overburdened with illegals to lose financial support for schools, health care, social services, etc. and other per-capital based tax allocations and grants at the same time the Trumpistas want to convert Medicaid to block grants.
Know what else hurts schools, health care, and social services in those communities, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Yup. Too many illegals.
@ 11, 13
The thing is, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, when you use terms like illegals, gooks, and towelheads when you post on HA, people notice.
You need to think more prior to posting. No amount of scrubbing prior posts is enough to hide your everyday racism, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@12 He wanted to get into the unemployment line ahead of the rest of your Republican buddies.
@13 A basic rule of logic is that when your factual premise (i.e., that illegals don’t work or pay taxes) falls apart, so does your argument.
@14 I see you have nothing better to do this morning than wallow in bitterness. Which makes the HA cesspool a perfect place for you to fritter away your declining years.
After all, it’s gotta be tough for a reactionary like you to watch Trump’s fleeting 42% approval rating drop back into the 30s overnight.
@ 17
You were caught. Own it.
“You need to think more prior to posting.”
Why should I? You don’t. You publicly make a fool of yourself by braying like a jackass every time you post.
@18 Caught at what? The only thing I’ve done recently is call a teat sucking jackass by his right name.
In a heartwarming story from Chicago, a White Sox groundskeeper returned to work Monday after a 23-year leave of absence.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Funny how these things happen to minorities a lot more than white people. I wonder why?
CA, where the only question is, will a Latino progressive Democrat replace a Conservative Democrat?
Like the Loon, Bob has some periods of hate. But unlike the Loon’s regularly scheduled explosive episodes, Bob’s are like little burps of retaliation against the machine.
@10 ohhhh soooooo exciting.
@10 Yes, by all means, run on the GOP’s 34% economic approval rating in November. Don’t talk about it, just do it.
Apparently ‘froggy lives in Everett and his real name is Tranh Cong Phan.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Authorities near Seattle have arrested a man suspected of sending suspicious packages to multiple military installations in the Washington, D.C., region, the FBI said Tuesday, warning that he may have mailed other “destructive devices” that have not yet been found.
The packages were similarly designed and contained black powder along with rambling, nonsensical notes similar to those the man has been known to send in the past, according to a U.S. official …
Nice to see ‘froggy put all of that job retraining to good use.
@4 In which Doctor Dumbfuck finds wingnut salvation in a CNN poll.
“Democrats continue to have a solid advantage on the generic Congressional ballot, leading 50-39.”
“Democrats lead by 14 points at 44-30 among independents.”
“Another thing causing Republicans trouble is that the tax bill isn’t doing them any favors.”
“Donald Trump has one of the worst approval ratings we’ve found for him since he took office this month, with only 39% of voters approving of the job he’s doing to 54% who disapprove. 54% of voters wish Barack Obama was still President”
“In hypothetical match ups for reelection Trump trails Joe Biden 56-39, Bernie Sanders 55-39, Elizabeth Warren 51-40, Cory Booker 49-39, Kamala Harris 43-39, and Kirsten Gillibrand 42-40. Trump is consistently at 39% or 40% no matter who you poll him against.”
“Voters really like the Dream Act. 63% support it, to 24% who are opposed.”
“Voters really do not like the wall with Mexico. Only 35% support it, to 58% who are opposed.”
“37% of voters think Joe Biden would win a fistfight with Donald Trump, 32% think Trump would win”
What a dumbfuck.
Gotta love PPP, Steve.
Clinton Leads by 5 in Firewall States
This piece from 11/4/16. This will conclude our public polling program for the 2016 cycle.
@14 In which our resident racist radiologist calls someone else here a racist.
If the polls have you down, Doctor Dumbfuck, and from @4 and @28, it’s obvious they do, you still have something to celebrate that is so very dear to your heart.
The senseless killing of America’s black males…
“Louisiana will not charge officers for fatal Alton Sterling shooting”
…and the pain that this brings to America’s blacks.
“Stephon Clark’s death in Sacramento: ‘You watch a human being executed — for what?'”
Warms the cockles of your heart, I’m sure.
I hope for Dumbfuck’s sake he’s more rational in his reading of investment data than his reading of political polling data.
Rossi hosting Fuckface in Chelan over the fourth ought to be a showstopper! Making my reservation at Campbell’s right now.
@26 “Apparently ‘froggy lives in Everett and his real name is Tranh Cong Phan.”
“The FBI identified the man as Thanh Cong Phan, 43. He was arrested late Monday at his home in Everett, Washington and was set to appear in federal court Tuesday afternoon.”
(From your link)
If you’re going to libel someone in these threads, at least get the spelling right, you illiterate dipshit.
@27 Well, actually, a mere 14-point deficit probably looks pretty good to them right now. After all, it could get worse before November, especially if we’re at war with North Korea and Iran by then.
@30 “I hope for Dumbfuck’s sake he’s more rational in his reading of investment data than his reading of political polling data.”
I don’t mind stupid investors, especially if I profit from them.
Trump now wants to divert Pentagon money for the border wall he promised Mexico will pay for.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At least he isn’t taking it out of schoolkids’ lunch money, although I suspect we may have some hungry soldiers.
“At least he isn’t taking it out of schoolkids’ lunch money”
He will if he starts a war with Iran.
Senseless war. America’s youth and foreign brown people dying. Hungry little kids going without lunch. What’s not for a Republican to love?
Republicans played the war card in the 2002 mid-terms. It was good for Republicans, they gained seats while calling the rest of us traitors. Pumping up the nation for a needless war, one might say the GOP financed their 2002 campaigns with America’s blood and treasure. They won’t hesitate to try it again. It’s the only card they have left to play. The only thing beyond that would be Putin, and I’m sure he’s already in every Republican’s nightly prayers.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s salvation will not be found in current polls. That’s fucking pathetic. Republicans can’t win in 2018 with a bunch of white supremacists, Nazis and child molesters as candidates unless they do something drastic. With John Bolton whispering in the orange moron’s ear, the beating of war drums will be sounding soon, no doubt.
@35 Putin can always retaliate by yanking Trump’s visa, and his entire family’s visas, too. That would really fuck him over. He wouldn’t have access to his bankers anymore.
Revealed today:
1. The NRA accepts donations from foreign sources.
2. An NRA delegation visited Moscow in 2015.
Dots, meet line.
American kids not wanting to get shot and killed in school and Hitler youth. Same thing, obviously.
“Minnesota Republican compares March For Our Lives teens to Hitler Youth”
Yup! If you don’t want to get shot and killed at school, you’re Hitler youth.
“Terrified Alex Jones Depicts Teenagers As Hitler Youth”
@38 Way to win elections, stupes!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, you’d expect a POTUS under investigation to have his pick of America’s best lawyers, but not this POTUS. Lawyers are shunning him because, well, he’s a shitty client. And that’s even before he stiffs them on the bill.
“President Donald Trump is having a tough time finding new lawyers to represent him in the ongoing Russia investigation, and it may be because … ‘they see that Trump is unprepared to listen to the advice of his lawyers,’ said Alex Whiting, a former federal prosecutor who is now a professor at Harvard Law School. He added that Trump has ‘shown that he can turn on his staff and lawyers at any moment. It is hard to have confidence that you could represent Trump effectively under those circumstances.'”
What he’s saying is representing Trump is too much like being one of Hitler’s generals.
The ironic thing about it is that he’s Sharpton’s smarter half.
Al Sharpton’s half-brother charged in murder after marching against guns
Don’t miss the photo of the murderer with Hillary in 2016. She clearly had the murderers’ vote locked up in that one.
And it wouldn’t be a liberal if there wasn’t some major hypocrisy at play, too:
His group participated in the Saturday anti-gun march in Dothan. “The shooting occurred late Sunday night. I do not know where he was prior to the incident. It has been reported by several local outlets that he attended a similar event on Saturday,” said a police spokesman.
I guess it’s not quite clear whether the “similar event” was another march, or another murder.
So now Drumpf wants that fucking wall to be built by the military?
I thought Mexico was going to pay for it.. Ho hum.
Wait for it!
Boob bleats: Neil Gorsuch!
How do you disappoint a libertarian with only one…
So Drumpf can slam Alec Baldwin and Aaahnold on the tweeter but not a peep about Stormy or Karen?
The freak is totally whipped into silence. Weak small-hands birther boy.
The next big Republican agenda is a push to legalize child neglect and endangerment, a/k/a “free range parenting”.
@6 “SCOTUS retirees should fade quickly into the background.”
Like Scalia?
Problem is, Justice Stevens isn’t dead yet and he has a 1st Amendment right to offer up his opinion on the 2nd Amendment. Why do you want take away the basic right of an ordinary citizen, one that happened to have a distinguished legal career and ended up as a SCOTUS.
BTW, Justice W. O. Douglas was a hell of a justice, flawed yes, but overall a great justice.
Fuck this guy.