According to the data that we pilfered from Facebook and analyzed into a profile by our team of data scientists using the very latest in neural network-based AI, you need a damn drink! So stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally this evening and join us for conversations and/or rants over that drink.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Ok…then check out one of the 249 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
Stormy’s lawyer was on MSNBC and pretty much confirmed that they have a dick pic.
I’m working on a Trump themed porn Parody. Can’t decide on a title,
“Command Her No Briefs”
“White House Up”
“The Silence of the Evangelicals”
“Wag the Dick”
“All the President’s Minge”
“Shallow Impact”
“Whale Rider”
“Cockwork Orange”
“All the President’s Women”
“Fifty Shades of Orange”
“The Perfect Stormy”
“Stormy of the Century”
“Finding Dottard”
“Vienna Sausage Party”
Trying the same thing over and over again, each time expecting different results.
Fine people. All of them. (File under, I’m shocked, Shocked that prosperity gospel folks would use Jesus to enrich themselves part 42054)
HUD Chief Information Officer escorted from the premises. He also holds an IT position with Joel Osteen’s megachurch. For now.
His dismissal follows a weekend story by the guardian citing the “Christian” charity he ran, GJH Ministries, with an already resigned in disgrace HUD official that appears to have solicited lots of donations but have not provided any documentation of any educational or charity works performed. The ministries’ website which as of publication was still excepting donations has been taking behind a private firewall As the Guardian was requesting information about their work.
And in other news, 45s motion to dismiss in the lawsuit by Summer Zavros who alleges he groped and forcibly kissed her nine years ago denied.
Discovery begins.
Of course that’s Zervos. Not Zavros.
@6 Oklahoma, like Kansas, is a desert island surrounded by land. No roads, no schools, no health care, no libraries, no services.
While Trump’s appointees loot the Treasury, Warren Buffet reimburses his company for stamps.
“The chief executive of Cambridge Analytica claimed his company ran all the digital operations for the Trump campaign, according to a new report from UK’s Channel 4.”
With millions of people’s personal data stolen from Facebook, he might have added.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dots.
@1 hopefully it is produced so that Bob can tell us how it compares to Weiner’s wiener…..since we all know how interested he gets into wieners.
A trigger-happy cop who took an innocent life will stand trial for murder and manslaughter.
@13 He’s sure fascinated with mine. And catheter sex. Creepy.
They still got Okie Noodlin!
“With millions of incredibly unsophisticated, gullible
people’strailerbilly’s personal data stolen from Facebook, he might have added.ftfdd*
*fixed that for Doctor Dumbfuck
According to Ballotpedia, this scumbag judge is a Democrat. Makes no difference. This isn’t what I meant when I said Democrats should behave more like Republicans. If he’s gonna behave like a Republican scumbag, then he deserves to be treated like a Republican scumbag. Throw his ass in jail!
Another Republican scofflaw under investigation. Like father-in-law, like son-in-law, and vice versa. The whole family’s corrupt.
What follows is sworn testimony before an investigative committee of the United States Congress:
“”I left it with my wife. The next thing that I, quite frankly, heard about it was that this $31,000 table had been bought.”
What a guy! The hero Piddles deserves!
Another School shooting today. Children shot. NRA cool with it.
Former Solicitor General Ted Olson, king shit litigator at Gibson Dunn, told President PornFucker to piss off (or on) last week. After the Russian’s co-conspirators learned that Mueller was digging into the businesses they decided to try and up their game… a lot. But to no avail. Olson wouldn’t have it.
As I see it, this tells us nothing about whatever opinions the establishment Roypublicans have of the Dumpster Fire on the Potomac. This is about money and protecting the business. Gibson Dunn employs more than 1000 lawyers in dozens of countries and represents huge corporate clients including some of the biggest consumer brands.
Thanks to their slavish devotion to the PeePee President and his hand chosen coterie of child molesters, wife beaters, and con artists, the PornHub Party has become toxic to consumer brands. And service to this administration, far from conferring honor and respect upon a firm and its lawyers, conveys nothing if not desperation or perhaps controlled substance addiction.
Fuckface simply hasn’t got a big enough shovel to backfill the massive hole in the firm’s billings and the hemorrhage of legal talent that having him as a client will create.
Too bad, really. So long as the PeePee family fate rests on the stooped and slouching shoulders of guys like Mr. Safety School, Esq. the chances of Mueller being dismissed remain very, very high. I expect it any day now.
I’d like to congratulate President Putin on the great hard fought victory!
Cheers! Cheers to you and all you other bare chested pony riders!
“Our real concern is that foreign manufacturers can import steel from China, for instance, fabricate it, and then ship it into the U.S. as fabricated steel instead of mill-rolled steel, thereby circumventing the tariff.”
Doesn’t sound like President Pussy Grabber really thought this out that well. And even a supporter of the tariff has to write an opinion piece as what sounds to me as a confession piece of concern that the tariff will actually hurt his business more than if there were no tariff.
“An obvious and easy run around” – not to the Pussy Grabber.
Kentucky GOP candidate retaliates against Democratic congressman for criticizing NRA by threatening to use him for target practice.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy is a former Secret Service agent who tweeted after the 2016 election that he guarded Obama several times and wouldn’t have been a “bullet sponge” for him if something happened. He should have been fired 2 days before becoming eligible for the pension he didn’t earn.
@24 “Doesn’t sound like President Pussy Grabber really thought this out that well.”
Does he think anything out? He can’t even construct an airtight NDA for his mistresses to sign.
Dumb Bitch! All she was suppose to do was cook in the fucking kitchen and wash the dishes.
The other day I was doing some carpentry work in the basement, and having a hell of a time. I couldn’t figure it out, not until I realized I had my cell phone in my hand instead of my toolbar.
I wonder if Puddy ever had this kind of problem.
@27 C’mon. You don’t expect a Republican to accept responsibility for anything, do you? If he didn’t have a wife to blame, he’d blame the dog.
@28 Well, he does go dark now and then, but he always comes back. So, I guess not yet.
Funny how this never happens to white people.
@28 I know how to solve this problem: Better training. Here ya go:
@30 don’t get too crazy there Rog; everyone knows that white people don’t do unlawful things. Especially them Hillbilly types, them types are content with the mobile trailer and sing campfire songs while smoking the crack pipe.
These cops probably will walk, too. A cop of color who shot a white woman is going on trial for murder, but white cops who shoot people of color almost never do. No wonder Trump loves our policing system (except when they investigate him).
“The White House on Tuesday defended President Trump’s decision to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on winning reelection, saying that Washington has no business criticizing the way other countries pick their leaders and wants a more constructive relationship with Moscow.
“‘We don’t get to dictate how other countries operate,’ Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters. ‘What we do know is Putin has been elected in their country, and that’s not something that we can dictate to them, how they operate.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So now Trump and Sanders are apologists for dictators who rig elections and kill their opponents and critics? This is a first in American history. You wouldn’t have seen this from any other U.S. administration, Republican or Democrat.
America used to be a beacon of light to the world, an example of how freedom and democracy are done. Now, under Trump and today’s GOP, we’re a country that tells those yearning to breathe free to fuck off, and we deport them if they dare set foot on our soil.
If you voted for this, you’re worse than a moron, you’re just as bad as the Russian voters, such as they are.
Let the lawsuits begin.
Somebody took shortcuts to save a few bucks. It’s going to cost their insurers, oh, I’d say around $20 to $30 million in wrongful death and personal injury settlements, plus the cost of replacing the bridge.
You can’t make this shit up. This week, we learned just how sleazy Cambridge Analytica is, thanks to a British TV station that James O’Keefed ’em. But what else would you expect from any outfit funded by the Mercers, who are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to rotten-apple billionaires who fund the rightwing sewers and gutters.
“Citigroup Inc. said Chief Executive Officer Michael Corbat was unaware that the bank was in the process of closing a real estate loan to a Kushner Cos. venture when he met with Jared Kushner.
“Corbat requested the March 2017 meeting with Kushner, a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, to discuss U.S. trade policy and didn’t discuss the loan or any personal business with Kushner Cos., the bank’s general counsel said in a letter to four Democratic senators.”
Full Disclosure: Never mind the conflicts of interest, I’m talking about my own money here. Roger Rabbit doesn’t own Citibank stocks, have any accounts at Citibank, or (as far as I know) any other bank that lends to Kushner or Trump. I would never lend a dime to those people, not out of any altruism or ideology, but simply because I want to get my money back some day.
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: So now Trump and Sanders are apologists for dictators who rig elections and kill their opponents and critics? This is a first in American history. You wouldn’t have seen this from any other U.S. administration, Republican or Democrat.”
Well, when you aspire to be a dictator (as Obama wanted to be – wink, wink) and kill off your opponents and critics, then this is perfectly understandable. Hence his compliments to China for having a President for life now. I bet that gave Bob the fuzzies that Hillary isn’t President.
A lot of talk about IQ’s lately in the news – not sure the American people have much of an IQ not to figure this guy out – they got the wool completely pulled over their eyes. Civilization is doomed.
@35 maybe they should think about a tunnel and not a new bridge.
Like I’ve been saying – Drumpf isn’t the problem here….it’s Repukes.
“Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon presided over a program at Cambridge Analytica that had the objective of collecting Facebook data to create voter profiles, a former employee of the data science firm told The Washington Post on Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now we know who used stolen Facebook data to help Trump win the election.
They can’t do a tunnel in Florida, climate change will raise the sea level and water table and flood it out soon.
We now know for a fact that Republicans will knowingly nominate and vote for a pedophile. But how do they feel about Nazis?
“It’s Official: GOP To Run Nazi In IL-03”
@28 The loon pounds nails with his head.
This is why Doctor Dumbfuck can’t have effective race baiting anymore.
The PornHub Party has gone full retard.
@1 If you must go with the classics: “Behind the Orange Door.”
@14 No arm twisting by the Aussies? Also the officer is not white. He might get convicted if the jury is all white. Still best of luck to the Prosecutor, Might get manslaughter.
@18 He maybe proven a corrupt Judge, until then he’s an innocent Democratic Judge awaiting trial. Both parties have their share of corrupted individuals, probably some here in Washington, better chance the corrupt ones are Democrats since the Dems are in the majorities.
@19 If it were not for the fact there are 48 dems and 3 Republicans on the New York City Council this sounds like normal New York politics, and the lawyers are going to make hay on that and find Democratic land lords doing the same stuff, and not under investigation.
@19 If it were not for the fact there are 48 dems and 3 Republicans on the New York City Council this sounds like normal New York politics, and the lawyers are going to make hay on that and find Democratic land lords doing the same stuff, and not under investigation.
@22 You have been expecting for months, and expecting Trump to be impeached since day one. Has not happened yet.
It would be a lot more fun for them to set up a special prosecutor to instigate Mueller. That has not happened. Or pardons for everyone. Has not happened either, but could any day now.
And now with Analytical in the mix Mueller is going to add them to his to do list.
@23 Send him a dick pick then. Afraid of old Russian nerve agents?
@43 And a bunch of intel and CIA folks are running as Dems.
Shortbus quoting the Fourt International, a bunch of aging, bearded, man-bun, trustifarians toiling away in Paris cafes sipping €8 cappucinos and smoking cloves.
There’s no hope for these people so long as they continue to eagerly slurp up the Orange Russian Throat Yogurt being dished up for them by pimply Moldovan teens through their social media feeds.
The Austin serial bomber is dead. Blew himself up as police closed in. White, male, 24 years old. He was identified through store purchase receipts. Motive unknown. At this time, I doubt he voted for Hillary.