Please joins us this evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally meets for conversations over drinks.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Ok…then check out one of the 244 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
My goodness! The amount of HATE! spewed by the loon in the last thread was amazing! How does he do it? How can a loon have so much HATE! inside him??
Students from Pampano Beach High School skipped class today and walked 16 miles to Majority Stoneman High School in support of the victims, survivors and. #NeverAgain
GOP still praying the soon to be 18 among them will be too lazy to vote
Republicans can’t help themselves. They are what they are.
@1 Assistance from a Russian staff? Compulsive mental disorder? Bots? All of the above?
Fed chair Powell seems to be dancing around trouble spots in the economy in his testimony to Congress today, but did signal a possible acceleration of rate hikes to offset inflationary fiscal stimulus, which translated into English means taking back some of your tax cuts. Yawn. It’s not like nobody saw this coming.
The rubes still believe they’ll get $2-3,000 more in their paychecks. What they don’t grasp is there will be a relentless chipping away at this windfall in the grocery store, at the gas pump, by higher health insurance premiums and Medicare cuts, and in a hundred other ways. And then, a few years from now, the lower withholding and taxes go >poof!< but these other things stay, and then all the rubes have to show for their votes for Trump and the GOP is a higher cost of living.
Meanwhile, the billionaires and GOP donors and politicians are laughing at them all the way to the bank.
Well, I don’t know about you guys. But I’m neither a billionaire nor a GOP donor. And I’m laughing myself sick at the orange cum-drunk stupudity of Trumpanzees like Doctor Dumbfuck.
@ 5
What they don’t grasp is there will be a relentless chipping away at this windfall in the grocery store, at the gas pump, by higher health insurance premiums and Medicare cuts, and in a hundred other ways.
Same result from years of QE.
The rush is on to milk the last bit of retirement savings spare change from the sock drawers of sad, irrelevant traillerbillies battling with ED and a receding hairline!
Can’t say I blame her. This Russian/Orange perversion thing probably hit its peak some time last summer. Scamming 2 or 3 million dollars from idiots like our trolls and using it to build herself a new media career promotional network is probably a good move right now. Might as well get it while she can. Get yer checkbook out, trailerbillies!
Hey look – it’s one of Puddy’s mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers @7
Of course he hasn’t. Putin is the GOP’s only hope. But even Putin can’t stop what’s coming.
“Cyber Command chief: Trump has not given us permission to stop Russian attacks on 2018 elections”
Women, Gen X, the millennials, Gen Z…they all hate your fucking guts, Doctor, as well they should.
@7 QE made your wealth go up (if you’re not a worker). Sure it’s fake wealth, but isn’t it all? Trump-O-Nomics will make it go down. But go ahead, be a contrarian, and do the opposite of what Roger Rabbit does. See if I give a shit. I’m doing fine faking being a greedy capitalist.
This morning, on a mid-week morning, while the National Security Council is struggling to keep a lid on direct military engagement between U.S. and Russian forces in Syria, and the U.S. envoy to North Korea quit under pressure just as proof has been uncovered of N. Korea supplying chemical weapons to Assad, the current President of the United States found time to watch an hour and a half of television. And then rage-Tweet about it.
So when people from Ty Cobb’s office tell reporters that it would be a “travesty” to expect this President to take time away from his busy schedule of television watching, napping, Ambien-fueled rage-Tweeting, and golf to answer questions as a key witness to a criminal investigation of national importance how should reporters reply?
Let’s put it this way: If any elected official anywhere sat in the gun turret of their personal coal-rolling Hummer, surrounded by bags of greasy cheeseburgers and empty Butterfinger wrappers, guzzling half-gallons of Mountain Dew Code Red, muffin-top rolls of belly lard spilling over the waist band of their “relaxed fit” pants and declared to “journalists” that they were a devoted environmentalist and a globally ranked champion triathlete logging 500 miles a week on their bike, how would that be reported?
Journalism is a big part of the problem here, folks.
@12 “Journalism is a big part of the problem here, folks.”
I would say Trump’s problem is honest journalism, where it still exists. He does fine with Fox audiences fed pablum by fake journos. As P. T. Barnum pointed out, you can fool some of the people (about 36% of them) all of the time; Doctor Dumbfuck being one of them, which is why we call him a dumbfuck.
2018 Carter Paige to Sean Hannity, “Sean, you know, in that context, I have to thank you because you have been the Edward R. Murrow of this (Russia Investigation) process.”
Oct.25, 2016
Sean HannityVerified account
I’m not a journalist jackass. I’m a talk host.
It’s a problem for all of us. The WSJ editorial board may be operating on the fringes of reality, but traditionally its newsroom has been a reliable organization. And I’d say, in passing along the deep background comments from Cobb’s office, the newsroom isn’t acting exceptionally. And that’s the fucking problem. It really isn’t responsible to report stuff like that. It is so obviously untrue that it does a massive disservice to the readership. And there are any number of better ways of dealing with it, and reporting on it, than to just lazily write “an unnamed member of the legal team said such and such”.
What’s really going on? Cobb’s team has been struggling with this since late November. How many meetings have they been able to set up to brief the President? Any? Have they advised him that he needs prep before hand? Have they been able to advise him? Is he unwilling to be prepped? Is he simply overwhelmed physically, mentally, and emotionally by the office of the Presidency? Is what they are really saying that with all this, with the President’s rapidly declining capacity to function in an overwhelming job, they are unable to even present these issues to him? Let’s be honest. Apply Occam’s razor. He obviously isn’t “too busy” or even “too important”. Fuck, if were really so important why on earth would he engage in pointless media spit fights with low ranking elected officials that only serve to humiliate and insult grieving widows and mothers?
Journalists have an obligation to stand between their readers and bullshit. Fairness doesn’t enter into it. It isn’t just FOX or the WSJ. It’s all of them. Local and national. When a source feeds them bullshit their obligation is not to report it “in the interest of fairness” and “both siderism”. Their obligation is to get to work digging. Bullshit is used to bury the truth. The truth is what they are supposed to be reporting to their readers. Obvious bullshit makes their job easier because it tells them where to dig. Digging through mountains of bullshit is never fun or easy. But it is their job. Not click pimping. Not “leveraging social”. Digging. And then reporting on what they find. If they are all too lazy to do it, then that leaves the rest of us stuck having to do it for ourselves. And that’s why news is in decline. They are making themselves obsolete every day.
You and I both know that Donald J. Trump is overwhelmed by the job of being President. He’s an overweight 70 year old man battling hair loss, ED, and sleep apnea with terrible lifestyle habits who never exercises and eats cheeseburgers, Pringles, and diet soda all day. He doesn’t like to read and he doesn’t like to listen. The reason Cobb’s office is fighting Mueller is because they know they can’t prep him, and they fear that he’ll hang himself. But we don’t know this because it is being reported. We have to dig for it ourselves and draw the logical conclusions. We have to do the journalist’s job for them. Trump’s people pile the bullshit high enough that anyone can see where to dig. It just takes the rest of us longer. And the longer it takes the more damage they can do.
My pal Mike Rogers is back in the news today.
“Mike Rogers: Trump hasn’t authorized US Cyber Command to disrupt Russia’s ongoing election hack ops”
Oh wait different Mike Rogers. This one’s an Admiral and NSA Director.
No cause for concern, right?
All depends on what your concerns are, right?
I mean, if your concerns center on continuing to abet a clumsy effort on the part of pale, zit-faced Moldovan teens to abjectly humiliate 63 million beer drunk, angry white nationalists gripped by fears of their manifest impotence and irrelevance, then it’s all good.
The best part is, the trailerbillies themselves are cheering it on. It’s like Stockholm Syndrome meets r/AbusePorn and they have a baby who loves NASCAR.
Gee, what information could Rick Gates trade to Mueller in exchange for dropping 20 criminal charges, including bank and tax fraud? Probably something more than shoplifting.
@16 & 17
That could accurately be described as a Stand Down Order.
@15 “Journalists have an obligation to stand between their readers and bullshit.”
Bingo. That’s why media and blogs aren’t the same. It explains why Gateway Pundit and Breitbart aren’t “sources,” and Fox barely qualifies as “journalism” if at all.
Powell admits Fed has to raise interest rates faster and more, because Trump-O-Nomics is inflationary. Dow promptly drops 220 points. How’s your personal QE wealth effect doing today, doc?
In case you’re wondering, “states with stricter gun regulation have fewer firearms deaths — in some cases dramatically fewer — than those that don’t.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The people opposing gun control have blood on their hands.
Jared is going to have to sit at the kids’ table while the adults talk about private adult things.
“and Fox barely qualifies as “journalism” if at all.”
And that’s only because of Shepard Smith.
And then there’s ‘froggy, who for decades has been displaced by mere common sense.
Gallup poll: Americans split on universal basic income for workers displaced by AI
@ 11
I’m doing fine faking being a greedy capitalist.
Doubt it. You were never able to fake being a competent attorney.
@ 12
I dunno, how about “Elijah said never talk voluntarily to the FBI about anything.”?
…answer questions as a key witness to a criminal investigation of national importance how should reporters reply?
The Florida school shooter is one of Trump’s “fine people”:
“Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz had swastikas ammunition magazines he brought into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, a federal law enforcement source with direct knowledge of the investigation told CBS News on Tuesday.”
@26 Better a fake rabbit than a fake human being.
Trump in front of Mueller conjures up the image of the last courtroom scene of “A Few Good Men.”
Trump will indict himself and Mueller and his team know this.
Another rat jumps ship:
“Josh Raffel, the deputy White House communications director and right-hand man to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, is leaving the White House after less than a year on the job, Axios reported on Tuesday afternoon.”
IF and only if your bloated Cheeto Jesus and the rest of you traitors ever manage to nut up and simply and directly invoke your 5th amendment rights you almost might have what passes for a valid point somewhere in all that #CrisisActor/#FREECARTERPAGE!/PizzaGate lunacy.
I’llHaveAPilsner spews:
Tuesday, 2/27/18 at 11:43 am
My pal Mike Rogers is back in the news today.
Thanks for the admission flat beer froth AKA dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Till Next Time!
New info on Steve Wynn. One woman attests that she had his child after he raped her. He could clear all this us by just taking the DNA test that
cherokeeWhite women have asked him to take.Another employee states that she had consensual sex with Wynn but was fired when she broke off the relationship.
GOP calling for donation returns….. I see you, that one guy in the back… oh no. I thought you said Wynn but you’re saying WynStein.
But while the researchers confirmed that states with tougher gun laws have lower gun-related death rates, the study did not explain whether gun laws were the reason for the difference.
“As our study could not determine cause-and-effect relationships, further studies are necessary to define the nature of this association,” they wrote.
Thanks for proving you are a moron roger senile idiot wabbit! You really possess shit for brains!
Many many times, in fact same day copped to a mistake. That’s why I make mistakes and you are a confirmed liar. That’s why a different Mike Rogers is funny.
Try admitting you were wrong once in a while instead of digging in and saying “Show me Where… Fool… PWNed (like it’s 2005) and being a general ignoramous.
Hey did you see the new article on ZeroHedge? When you going to link to it? Anything new going on over at uNsound Politics? What did your sources at WorldNetDaily tell you today.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
So you’re in favor of lifting the ban on even STUDYING gun violence put in place by your lovers in the Congress. Oh, wait, they don’t love you. They prefer your kind are disarmed or already shot. Or sometimes unarmed and shot because, well, they were clearly up to no good. Right Philando?
(Unforced Error by a Liar)
Meanwhile back at the ranch on the Congressional DUMMOCRETIN Memo…
PuddyCommentary: The Klamath Mountains hillbilly can’t deal with FACTS because its silly argument would have no merit!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Such TRUTHS! To shitstain stoooooooooooooopid solution steve FACTS are always hate!
Till Next Time!
@34 “GOP calling for donation returns….. ”
I assume they’re referring to donations Weinstein made to Democrats. While this is basically a moral question, legal precedent offers useful guidance on how to resolve it.
If the Democrats accepted donations from Weinstein without knowledge of his bad behavior, and spent that money in good faith before becoming aware it was from a tainted source, then the legal doctrine of detrimental reliance says the Democrats aren’t obligated to return the donations. On the other hand, if they still have unspent funds from Weinstein, then they should return them.
That’s just common sense, and should satisfy anyone, regardless of party loyalty. But if Republicans want to play games, then the Democrats should demand they return every dime that was ever donated to Nixon for any of his campaigns.
@35 Sure, go ahead and spend taxpayer money studying whether there’s a cause-and-effect relationship between (a) making it easy for the wrong people to get guns, and (b) the wrong people getting guns. See #37 for procedural details.
Hey Puddy, I understand where you’re coming from. I mean your lunacy. If my relations were treated like this by a dominant niche occupier, I’d probably have a bad case of PTSD too.
You should just stick to linking to fake Wikipedia and claiming it’s liberal Wikipedia
Carter Paige was wrong. Timmerman is the Edward R. Murrow of the Russia investigation
Not surprisingly, the NRA’s public support is bleeding away.
This may have some bearing on why General Kelly decided Kushner shouldn’t have access to America’s most sensitive secrets:
“Jared Kushner’s complicated financial holdings, business debt and political inexperience have prompted foreign officials in several countries to discuss ways they can manipulate the president’s son-in-law and close adviser, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.”
Russian and Chinese spy agencies know a good thing when they see it.
@44 “business debt and political inexperience’
Trump the elder has filed bankruptcy six time (
Why people think Trump is some business genius is beyond me. He is an expert at ruining people’s lives by going bankrupt. It isn’t rocket science to figure out Kushner has learned from Donny. Why would anyone expect the results to be different?
As you point out, the Russian and Chinese (and apparently Israeli) spy folks are not stupid, they figure if they study the top of the clan, they can learn and exploit the lower minions. I can just hear it in the back channels and rooms, “Where did you get at intel?” We went to Jared!” What a bunch of clowns Trump and his clan are.
With Trump and clan, it is clearly amateur hour in DC. I almost wish What-a-Dick Cheney was back in power.
Psychotic flat beer froth,
Where did Puddy hide anything about their opinions? Man you are more than a TRAIN WRECK a thread. Unlike the silly senile wabbit who uses tiny URL to hide specific links, Puddy was up front and the link said opinion in it.
EPIC DAYUM flat beer froth is a real FOOL! Deflect… TRAIN WRECK!
TOO BAD the opinion is based on FACT. McCabe’s testimony last December actually said that without the fake dossier there was no FISA warrant. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The DUMMOCRETIN response has nothing in it to refute that FACT! Apparently Adam “CNN Leak” Schiff could not lie about that!
FACTS really suck to a DUMMOCRETIN!
Till Next Time!
Trump the elder has filed bankruptcy six time
Nick Foles from Fly Eagles Fly Superbowl winner says this Newt hillbilly about failure…
PuddyCommentary: Puddy claims a free pass here. DUMMOCRETINS copy more than two paragraphs all the time. Puddy seldom does it ever!
Failure makes you stronger unless you are a freak show HA DUMMOCRETIN then failure is failure! That’s why you have the creepy clueless crazed cretin hillbilly, the vomit producing dead toad hillbilly and other mayonnaise monster lookin ASS cracker hillbillies here! Just because his father failed a few times is no big deal. It seemed he finally succeeded. What have you succeeded at Newt hillbilly?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well there is a recent failure: shitstain stooooooooooopid solution steve. Wait for the hate…
Till Next Time!
The Homestead of Doctor Bob –
Bob’s Wife: “Hey Honey, Whatta you doing?”
Bob: “Ummmm, I’m just chatting with my friends”… thinking to himself – Darn it, should have shorted GE – muttering he says, “I really should have listened to that Rabbit”.
Bob’s Wife: “What’s that honey? Did you say something about a rabbit?”
Bob: “Ohhh, I was just think to myself that that Jack must have a lucky Rabbit.”
Bob’s Wife: “I’m bored, honey. Can we do something today? Can we go for that car ride you keep promising?”
Bob: “What’s that I smell? Smells delicious. Are those my favorite pancakes that you are cooking?”
Bob’s Wife: “Yes. I even went out and bought some strawberries and ice cream to go with them.”
Bob: ” Make sure you wash those strawberries, you never know what illegal pissed on them. What brand of Ice Cream? Not the expensive kind?”
Bob’s Wife: “You know I always wash them. No, not the expensive kind. I know how we have to spend less money now that we have Silver, so I made the ice cream from scratch.”
Bob’s Wife: “The weather is supposed to be really nice this weekend. Do you think we can go on the boat?”
Bob: “We will see”
Bob’s Wife: “We don’t really have to ride it anywhere, so we can save money”
Bob’s Wife: “Have you notice that Silver isn’t as spunky as he use to be. He seems lethargic.”
Bob: “No honey, he seems ok to me.”
Bob’s Wife: “Can We go see Silver today. It’s another nice day. Too nice to be spending it again talking with your friends on that Computer…..I really am worried about Silver”
Bob: “I’ll tell you what – I’ll go see Silver. You relax here at home. Take a nice, hot bath after your done cleaning the house.
8 hours later, Bob returns home after checking on Silver
Bob’s Wife: “Wow, that was a long visit with Silver. How’s Silver doing?”
Bob: “He’s fine. Well, he seemed a little skittish at first, but I managed to calm him down. No patient that a doctor can handle. And boy that Silver is quite a handful.”
Bob’s Wife: “So are we going on the boat?”
Bob: “We will see”
Here’s something that will pizz off shitstain stooooooooooooooopid solution steve…
Where was Kevin treated?
Till Next Time!
Puddles @ 38- Get real fool. Page was on the counterintelligence radar well before the dossier.
He was in contact with Russians multiple times and those contacts were picked up. Four Republican judges approved the surveillance. Spin away, and cherry pick to your heart’s content.
The loon’s really bringing the HATE! tonight. Looks to me like there might be a triple-post loon head explosion in our future. Cool!
Get real fool. Yes 2k is a real fool! This is already known!
PuddyCommentary: Felony schmelony, when you are a DUMMOCRETIN smearing your enemy is your prime concern. Saul Alinsky 101. Tactic used above by 2k! Those previous contacts were originally rejected in June 2016 by the FISA court.
October 2016 they were granted. What changed? The fake dossier was added!
Remember, December 2017 behind closed doors DUMMOCRETIN loving Andrew McCabe said that above! Was McCabe forced to say that under gun point duress 2k?
DAYUM you really are a moron! EPIC FAYLE!
Now wait for it… Puddy PWNS the shitstain stoooooooooooooooopid solution steve
Till Next Time!
Funny, our resident loon keeps asserting “facts” by linking to Opinion pieces written by partisans. The first one is a failed GOP House candidate who wrote a book called, “”Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary & Obama Blamed for Benghazi.” And he digs in…
Ignoring the actual fact that McCabe also testified, on the same day (edited out by Nunez)
Sidenote on @49. Piddles doesn’t know L.A. Geography. Had Smith’s set been at the Comedy Store or Improv the fine doctors at Cedars-Sinai would have treated him. Laugh Factory South, probably Children’s Torrance. Comedy Underground, UCLA Med. Now had he been a teen from Eagle Rock rushed in with preeclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension Glendale Adventist might not have offered all options for treatment on religious grounds possibly leading to the death of the patient. I know that’s what you were getting at. Kevin Smith has no womb, so no religious issues.
But back to issues of facts. Next up, a blog post from well known non-partisan National Review. FACTS! This one is of course penned by a Torture advocate and author of works insisting that President Obama is an adherent of Sharia Law. FACTS!
Too Damn Funny!
And so easy. Piddles is lying about FACTS! again.
@47 “What have you succeeded at Newt hillbilly?”
I have succeeded at more than you ever will.
Along the road of life, I’ve had a few failures too. I agree with what Nick says.
One of my failures at HA is thinking I could have a reasonable dialog with a babbling and illiterate bat-shit crazy hateful loon like you. At least Bob can carry on an intelligent dialog, you continue to fail and flail away at it.
Nick would be very impressed with how you continue to fail at every post, yet come back for more. Way to go on not fearing failure!
If the heart attack doesn’t kill Smith, the nasty, greasy nut loaf will. After two or three days of eating those vile casseroles he’ll throw himself from his hospital room window.
If failure makes you stronger Piddles is a veritable Zydrunas Savickas by now.
C’mon you guys. It’s like you are arguing with a dog. Seriously.
If the investigation into Russian election treason is invalid, why all the bills of indictment voted out of the grand jury? Why all the plea deals? These aren’t easy cases to bring. We all know this. And so do the trailerbillies. This memo shit is all just empty political theater meant to distract.
Don’t fall for the bullshit.
And when it comes to Roypublicans, it’s all bullshit.
“Nothing is still not happening” Piddles re Virginia.
In a New Hampshire district carried by 13 points by trump, Democrat wins open seat by eight points. Math is hard for our trolls so that’s a 21 point swing in a little under 18 months.
A Democrat also won a vacant seat formerly held for 40 years by the GOP in district that went for Hillary Clinton by just 2 points 49-47.
Puddy has another early morning meeting so Puddy checks to see the BULLSHITTIUM left after Puddy went to bed! Man it reeks of DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM!
Flat beer froth brags and bellows…
I have succeeded at more than you ever will.
Apparently it knows the life of Puddy. Hmmm…? Puddy wonders where it got its information? Oh really?
Puddy is now a dog? Oh really Klamath Mountain hillbilly?
Roger senile idiot wabbit put up some opinion that states with more strict gun laws save lives and then when you READ the article it says well we really can’t prove it yet! So where was your voice ridiculing the senile idiot wabbit? Oh yeah your beer affected voice was up your ASS! What a FOOL!
When the “genesis of the investigation did not involve the dossier.” statement was said it had nothing to do with the June 2016 FISA rejection flat beer froth? If the original investigation yielded nothing for the court to accept the request then why was the FISA court skeptical and rejected it?
If that dossier was not part of the original investigation why did the FISA court reject the original request to wiretapp Carter Page flat beer froth? Why then was the fake dossier used for the October 2016 FISA acceptance to monitor Carter Page? McCabe admitted to it. DAYUM you claim to accomplish much butt being stoooooooooooooopid is still the prime quality you possess and demonstrate here every day flat beer froth!
Chronologically you are still a moron! You were back then with Mike Rogers and still are in 2018!
Till Next Time!
Wait for the hate statement from shitstain stoooooooooooooopid solution steve!
Zydrunas Savickas – a hero of your flat beer froth?
Zydrunas Savickas – a hero of your flat beer froth?
Double post just for HA’s very own shitstain!
Deal with it!
Till Next Time!
Whoa! What we have here, folks, are middle of the night loon head explosions and double posts of raging HATE! There’s only one explanation for this! The noose is getting tight!
Sucks to be the loon.
You argue like a dog. You are fixated, repetitive, and you cling to your losses, unable to accept defeat.
From a legal, statutory, and constitutional perspective all that shrieking about memos and dosseeeyeahs is both irrelevant and underscores Roypublican corruption. The docket is now filled with felony guilty pleas and pending criminal trials arising from an investigation Roypublicans argue should never have occurred. Only the guilty make that argument under those circumstances.
And the FISC dutifully follows statutes created by Roypublicans. If Roypublicans were sincerely unhappy about the FISC surveillance powers they would change the empowering statutes, instead of wailing about a single investigation targeting them that has arisen from those statutes. And regardless of whatever statutes are in place, our constitution exclusively reserves 4th amendment warrant review to the independent judiciary, and not a trailerbilly clown show in Congress.
We’ve been over all this many times already. And all the stupid trolls or any other perverted child molesting Roypublican has offered in response is brilliant analysis like “Oh really” and recycling of dated third rate editorial legal analysis from comm school grads on steroids.
From the very outset, as far back as last spring’s secret midnight White House rendezvous between Nunes and Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the thrust of Roypublican efforts has been to argue, not that the investigation would produce no evidence of criminal acts, but that the investigation should never have been begun. This reveals two important things. First, that they knew all along that there were serious crimes to be discovered. And second, that the Roypublican obstruction end game from the outset has been to stop the investigation and fire the Special Prosecutor, rather than defend those charges.
Every goddamn one of them is in on it now. This should be pretty obvious. They aren’t really even bothering to conceal it. And any time somebody lays it all out the media become uncomfortable, because “working class whites”or some shit. And the fucking trailerbillies drag out their blue-dress Kryptonite and wave it around. There is nothing impolite in refusing to be as stupid as they are.
“A volley of stunning revelations … are rocking Donald Trump’s inner circle …. Kelly downgraded [Kushner’s] top secret security clearance …. The Washington Post published a bombshell report that at least four countries had discussed how to … manipulate him. … CNN reported that … Mueller is asking questions about Trump’s business dealings with Russia before the President’s campaign ….”
And then one of Trump’s liars admitted she’s a little liar, but claimed she’s not a big liar, which is a big goddamned lie right there.
@59 I’m waiting for the loon (or anybody else) to come up with empirical proof that letting every Tom, Dick, and Harry have AR-15s reduces gun violence or at least doesn’t contribute to more gun violence. (crickets)
Republicans rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse. Er, well, not exactly.
More trouble back on the farm:
“The Republican Party is alienating an entire generation of young conservative voters by continuing to downplay climate science and sidestep solutions. … It should come as little surprise, then, that 23 percent of Republicans under 30 switched to the Democratic Party in the past two years.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This was written by the leaders of the College Republican chapters at Harvard and Yale, which are not exactly schools for dummies. They’re worried their elders will wipe out their habitat. They should be. Republicans are beyond stupid about climate change, they’re suicidal, like people trying to drill holes in the bottom of a boat. Any rational crew would toss such passengers overboard simply in the interest of self-preservation. Looks like some of the smartest young Republicans are fixing to do just that. Good for them.
Sidenote, if a beer is flat, it would have no froth…but I digress. (Dude, you even suck at insults)
That graph is so riddled with lunacy it’s barely worth noting but The liar isn’t reading his own material again…
“According to reporting…” FISA rejected the warrant. For someone who demands leeeenks maybe wonder, what reporting. It’s in ZeroHedge among others. FACT!
And the OPINION piece (FACTS!) is riddled with qualifiers that our saintly loon either doesn’t read or more likely is lying because then FACTS??
“As I have stressed, it is unclear… ”
“It could instead mean…
“if the Justice Department did that…”
“To be clear, there does not seem to be any evidence, at least that I know of…
And the piece ends with a nugget of “How come they exonerated Hillary but won’t just let this go?”
And there’s still the pesky issue about the dossier that makes everything our resident liar says fall apart. “Some elements of the dossier have been confirmed by intelligence sources.“
“But, but, but But, they use the dossier.!.?!”
Stollen from Twitter, tangentiallybrelated to @68
“Media, do not fuck with the teens. They were born into the kingdom of heavy snark and forged in the fires of Gamergate, swordfishing and trolls. They will destroy you.”
@70 Good advice for NRA and Republicans as well. While today’s youth may not love Democrats, they seem to hate the NRA and the Republicans with the heat of 10,000 suns.
should that be “catfishing”? Or is this something I haven’t yet come across?
At 72
Yeah you’re right. I must’ve had Travolta and Halle Berry on the brain.
I have done Corporate PR projects with both of them. 100% true story.
Sidenote, if a beer is flat, it would have no froth
And you are finally getting the “message” about what Puddy calls you “pilsner”. Now can you figger out what HAHAHAHAHAHA means? Maybe the vomit producing dead toad figgered out its name too?
Anyway you still haven’t answered the main point. Puddy knows it’s because you don’t comprehend the main point. You are still stuck on 9/2016 and not 5/2016.
So lets argue the way flat beer froth does… “According to reporting…” – well we know what that has proven. Adam Schiff was told Putin has pictures of Trump getting pissed on last year and the caller knows where to get them. Schiff jumps at the news. “We’ll contact you soon.” Well it was FAKE NEWS. Butt “according to reporting” from libtard news sources frequented by flat beer froth regarding the dossier, these pictures are “real”.
Puddy could take more pixels and dissect the rest of flat beer froth’s comment; butt why? It is full of DUMMOCRETIN lies and false innuendos gleaned from left wrong sources.
Till Next Time!
FACTS continue to suck to DUMMOCRETINS!
You can’t even hurl your hate and insults to the correct people. If you were the guard at a school and you had an AR-15 in your hands, you would shoot and kill everyone but the actual shooter.
You are one to talk about “not answering the main point” when asked a direct and simple question, not once, not twice, but three times.
Man, you are dumber than a bag of hammers.
Great humor and satire, almost believable, except for this line, “Ummmm, I’m just chatting with my friends.” Hmm, Bob doesn’t have “friends” here, just people that like to relentless mock him for his, shall we say, “horsemanship.”
Your proof is provided in places like Somolia, Chad, Sudan, Syria, triable areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Yemen and so forth. Unfortunately, I don’t think the proof yields the results that the NRA is hoping for.
No, the gun-nutters hold dear to their “Red Dawn” ideology and won’t ever give up their tactical weapons.
What I find fascinating is even if they ban certain types of weapons, there are plenty of other “Arms” available that they can have and own, and still exercise their 2nd Amendment right.
The 2nd Amendment makes no mention of “type”, “classification”, or “category” of Arms. So what we really have here is the lack of a spine to stand up to the NRA and gun nuts and just go for the ban of AR-15 type weapons. There is not really a valid reason for a civilian to own that type of weapon.
Let’s be absolutely clear about this. Because this isn’t about fighting back against the commies or some Man in the High Castle delusion.
This is what that argument is:
“All you pussies have to get used to more dead kids ’cause me and my buds need an arsenal of military style firearms so we can kill lots and lots of cops… just in case.”
It’s Ruby Ridge, Waco, Bunkerville, and dozens of other armed militants laying siege to law enforcement and the rest of us.
They actually claim this is original intent. Perverted lunatics like Alito, Thomas, and the Scalia support this kind of death worship.
You are partially correct.
However since Trump is selling us out to the Russians, they will once again be in the mind of the ‘nutters once they realize the Russians are coming for them too.
The delusion is the same regardless of the crisis at hand: “Only we that have assault-style weapons can truly save us from a threat, foreign or domestic.”
“Some elements of the dossier have been confirmed by intelligence sources.“
Which elements?
Carter Page met with Russians before he joined the campaign? Wow – where did that go?
Paul Manafort worked for Ukraine? – And was indicted on not registering as a foreign agent
The Russian lawyer who was working with Fusion GPS claiming to have “Hillary Clinton information” meeting with Jared Kushner? – How come the NY Times didn’t print she was working with Fusion GPS in their “we’re proud we published the dossier” article? Oh wait that would undermine their silly look at me position!
What flat beer froth forgets on purpose is with all that FBI knowledge it brags about above; in June 2016 no FISA warrant was approved! And what flat beer froth forgets is Obummer knew Russia was attacking our election process to rig it since before 2012 yet on October 18, 2016 Obummer told Trump the election is not rigged.
Yet all we hear now is Russia rigged the election for Trump! When the coronation didn’t happen one needs to create a reason! Yet Obummer and his cronies tried to rig the Israeli election in 2015.
Till Next Time!