Please joins us this evening for another cocktail-enhanced and conversation-packed edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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Now Baby I told you to behave. Remember to mind your manners.
#fuckThemKids #FuckMyBaby
Armageddon it yet?
Over all, 51 percent of Americans approve of the tax law, while 46 percent disapprove, according to a poll for The New York Times conducted between Feb. 5 and Feb. 11 by SurveyMonkey. Approval has risen from 46 percent in January and 37 percent in December, when the law was passed.
“Public opinion is moving in the direction of this bill,” said Jon Cohen, chief research officer for SurveyMonkey. “Considering where it was, it is dramatically different.”
NYT, today.
I’d like to thank the Democrat party. Without exception, it voted against the tax cut bill.
Well, it’s not like you were going to read about this on MSNBC:
Michael Moore participated in anti-Trump rally allegedly organized by Russians
Hey, Steve. Does this make Michael Moore a traitor, too?
I might have been wrong @ 3.
Sort of. You saw it on MSNBC when MSNBC didn’t know they were being Russian traitors, too.
A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day, with live reports every hour. Correspondents celebrated the idea that it was “a love rally,” and repeated the marchers’ anti-Trump mantras, such as: “We reject the President-elect.”
I sure hope Michael Moore had a good time that day.
All I gotta say is it’s a good thing Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit can’t afford to fly.
Farty passenger forces flight to make emergency landing
No worse than McCaskill’s reversal with respect to the Clintons.
Replying to @GoldyHA
Seriously. Given a choice between publicly debasing myself like this and a bullet in the head, I would choose the bullet in the head.
Research confirms what oldtimers have long known intuitively: A glass or three of whiskey a day helps keep the undertaker away.
A fifth helps Doc think straighter, too, i.e. he’s at his best when he’s stumbling drunk. Relatively speaking, of course.
@2 Yes, you can fool 51% of the people some of the time, and 36% of the people all of the time. P. T. Barnum knew that over a century ago. You’re one of the 36%. Can’t pull the fur over a rabbit’s eyes, though. We have our eyes wide open all the time.
A Study…
…In Contrasts.
Let us recap: Yesterday the Good Clean Family Mormon gratefully accepted the backing and support of the Commie Puppet who fucks hookers at drug-fueled orgies, pays them to spank him, brags about forcibly finger-raping unsuspecting women, shits on the memories of dead heroes while arguing with their grieving widows, protects, defends, and promotes wife-beaters, and stumps for the KKK and Nazis.
They must have bonded over their mutual hatred of dogs.
@4 “I might have been wrong @ 3.”
Why don’t you just admit that you’re wrong all the time? Everyone else already knows it. Why do you think we call you “Doctor Dumbfuck”?
@5 HA’s biggest gasbag is griping about farts? Interesting.
Republican being a jerk. Heck, why not? That’s what Republicans do best.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s entitled to his position on abortion. Presumably his constituents knew it when they elected him. But threatening to call the cops on a group of citizens who want to lobby him on birth control and sex education bills just because he doesn’t like Planned Parenthood? C’mon. Asking him to vote a certain way on pending legislation isn’t a crime, but his reaction to being lobbied makes him a first-class jackass.
“Hey, Steve. Does this make Michael Moore a traitor, too?”
I’ll let you sort that out, Doctor.
Meanwhile, I can’t help but note that there hasn’t been one harsh word uttered by your fearless leader about Putin and Russia’s interference in our elections. Contrast that with Republicans who have had quite a few harsh words recently for American students who survived yet another school shooting massacre.
“Donald Trump Jr. likes tweet smearing teen Parkland shooting survivor as an FBI stooge”
“CNN’s Alisyn Camerota calls BS on Jack Kingston’s claim that Parkland teens are left-wing pawns”
“Viewers demand CNN boot Jack Kingston after he calls Parkland students left-wing stooges”
I’m sure you have an explanation for this display of disturbing and disgusting behavior exhibited by the political party which has earned your vote.
Anything goes as long as you get a tax cut that allows you to add a little cash to your already significant stash?
A blue tsunami is coming for you this fall. Your gerrymandering and vote suppression can’t stop it. You folks better start begging Putin to help you out again.
California’s largest party by voter registration is the Democrats, followed by No Preference, with the GOP coming in third as a minor fringe party.
Well done, Doctor. Now all you have to do is hope Putin comes through for you again.
“House Republicans Just Voted To Eliminate The Agency That Makes Sure Voting Machines Can’t Be Hacked”
I’m sure your party will declare yet another stolen election as being proof of your mandate to destroy our nation on behalf of Putin’s Russia.
Like I’ve said before, perverts are drawn to the GOP as flies are to shit.
“Man Featured On ‘Trump Dating’ Site Convicted Of Child Sex Offenses”
This assault weapon ban didn’t need legislative action.
Russian bots and Putin Puppets are busy this morning manufacturing a big freakout over this:
Sure, they’re doing it mostly in hopes that it’ll sell more guns to more irrational assholes and blood drunk TeaBaggers.
But the thing is, the billboard vandals are right.
Vandalism is wrong, of course. But the message is absolutely correct. Every moral human being’s objective here should be to destroy the NRA permanently. That organization, more than anything else, is the reason why we get to wake up to mass shooting headlines on average all the time. The NRA opposes background checks. All of them. No matter what. The NRA opposes waiting periods. All of them. No matter what. The NRA opposes simple, affordable, practical safety devices like trigger locks and gun safes. All of them. No matter what. For Fucks Sake The NRA opposes restrictions on TOY GUNS. All of them. No matter what. Thanks to the NRA and mountains of lobbying money it is legal in 30 states for a baby to own an AR-15*.
The NRA does not equal the 2nd Amendment. The NRA is, more than almost anything else, a huge lobbying empire devoted to gun manufacturers and promoting the unlicensed, unlimited, and utterly unrestricted sale of firearms to anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any reason.
Kill the NRA and the healing can begin.
*Federal law restricts sale, but does not prevent a parent or guardian from making the purchase and giving the weapon to their child.
“Kill the NRA and the healing can begin.”
The NRA would rather that students were killed.
Add this to what has become too long of a list of Republicans hating the survivors of the school shooting.
“Florida GOP staffer accuses Parkland students of being ‘crisis actors’ who travel to shootings”
Nice try, Bob, but only Putin can save you now.
“Republicans will sue to block court-drawn Pennsylvania congressional map”
Maybe it would help if you guys added a plank to the Republican platform which advocates wife-beating.
Earlier today @ 2 I pointed out the improving support for the tax cut law and, notably, the uniform Democrat opposition to it.
Dems are rethinking the wisdom of that opposition. One could say their opposition strategy is beginning to, er…
Vela suggested that Massachusetts Rep. Richard Neal, ranking member on the Ways and Means Committee, should be Democrats’ lead messenger against the tax bill, not Pelosi, given Republicans’ reliance on her as a campaign cudgel.
Other Democrats say the problem is not necessarily Pelosi herself but how she has chosen to combat the GOP tax law. The minority leader described benefits to the middle class — such as pay bumps or bonuses handed out by businesses after its passage — as “crumbs” compared with the tax breaks corporations received.
“I would not use crumbs personally, and I think a lot of Blue Dogs would not use crumbs,” said Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), a leader of the centrist coalition.
Blue Dogs? There are still some left?
“Blue Dogs? There are still some left?””
Admittedly there aren’t nearly as many of those as there are Republican wife-beaters, child molesters and goatfuckers.
It appears to me that the confidence you Republicans have in the working class and poor rewarding you for giving them crumbs is reflected in your party’s desperate attempts to continue gerrymandering districts, suppressing votes, as well as your open invitation to Putin to do it again.
in which a bored, frustrated, and deeply disappointed TeaBagger stuck indoors due to crappy weather and desperately scrambling for purchase on a looong, bumpy, inevitable slide into irrelevancy “suddenly” “discovers” that politics involves people arguing over stuff.
Checking… wait… nope. Sorry. Didn’t unfuck a single one of President PeePee’s hookers, un-Tweet a single PizzaGate hashtag, or bring so much as a single dead student back to life.
@ 25
You said it’s a long slide.
I’ll take it.
It looks like GE is going to be down in the dumps for a while. They need another Jack Welch over there to get that company turned around.
@21 Yeah, conservatives sure know how to behave like swine.
@23 Charlie Brown and Lucy’s football come to mind.
Trump is correct about one thing for sure: we Russians are definitely laughing our asses off at you silly Americans.
@27 Let the finger pointing begin.
@30 Don’t get too comfortable, Vlad. The delusional incompetent (that’s a bad combination) you put in charge of our nuclear football might aim for Pyongyang and hit Moscow. Can’t put anything past him.
I’m sure your party will declare yet another stolen election as being proof of your mandate to destroy our nation on behalf of Putin’s Russia.
Hey shitstain steve, good to see you reading raw story hate and spewing their hatred again. You seem to forget things ex-Pres Obummer said in October 2016 election not rigged. Google “Obama Oct 2016 elections not rigged” and watch Obummer tell another whopper per his sadministration!
So if election was not rigged then how is this Mueller investigation going to prove a negative hmmm…?
Till Next Time
To be honest, I don’t think the Democrats should try to win over these voters. Let Trump have them.
“HENRICO COUNTY, Virginia (WTVR) — A father who impregnated and married his biological, adult daughter was granted bond Tuesday in Henrico County. It was 42-year-old Steven Pladl’s first court appearance in Virginia following his January arrest on an incest charge in North Carolina.”
Meanwhile Puddy stumbled across this NOAA lie!
First the lie of 2014
Now the lie of 2018
Globull Warming is weak in NOAA!
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile Puddy stumbled across this NOAA lie!
First the lie of 2014
Now the lie of 2018
Globull Warming is weak in NOAA!
Till Next Time!
@33 Mueller doesn’t have to prove a negative. All he has to do is submit the guilty pleas to the court.
Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are doing their wasteful 100 city tour telling everyone how they purposely chose not to support the Trump tax cuts.
While Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone how DUMMOCRETINS SUCK one yelled to ber
PuddyCommentary: How extremely funny!
Interesting development…
@36 Don’t look up, or you might bump your head on real science.
Posting bullshit that was debunked years ago is inexcusably lazy. If you’re going to peddle nonsense at least make it look like you worked at it a little bit.
FACTS about Russian collusion overlooked by DUMMOCRETINS near and far…
Watch everyone, shitstain steve will whip out the “hate” moniker!
Till Next Time!
@32 – Don’t get too comfortable yourself. We have nuclear weapons, too!
@39 Even more interesting source:
“Zero Hedge’s content has been classified as ‘alt-right’, anti-establishment, conspiratorial, and economically pessimistic, and has been criticized for presenting extreme and sometimes pro-Russian views. …
“In 2009, shortly after the blog was founded, news reports identified Daniel Ivandjiiski, a Bulgarian-born former hedge-fund analyst who was barred from the industry for insider trading by FINRA in 2008, as the founder of the site …. The website is registered in Bulgaria ….
“Former Zero Hedge writer Colin Lokey … summariz[ed] its political stances as ‘Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft.’ … On leaving, Lokey said: ‘I can’t be a 24-hour cheerleader for Hezbollah, Moscow, Tehran, Beijing, and Trump anymore.’ …
“Dr. Craig Pirrong, professor at the Bauer College of Business writes that ‘I have frequently written that Zero Hedge has the MO of a Soviet agitprop operation, that it reliably peddles Russian propaganda: my first post on this, almost exactly three years ago, noted the parallels between Zero Hedge and Russia Today.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bet Puddy doesn’t even know he’s being duped by Bulgarians playing him for a dope.
@43 Don’t drop them.
The problem was Jack picked the wrong guy to take over GE. Immelt did inherit a problem, but a better leader would have been another Jack disciple Dave Cote. Dave did Honeywell pretty good.
I would call it 50/50 Jack/Jeff being the problem Bringing Jack back won’t fix the problem. Getting rid of Jeff was a step in the right direction.
I’m surprised nobody has jumped on the Industrial Internet that GE is pushing, go look up Predix. Jeff rolled the dice and went in waaayyyy too late. GE Capital is on Jack, Predix is on Jeff.
Senile idiot wabbit FOOL @40,
What does your link have to do with what Puddy posted above?
Senility is an insipid disease and it’s deeply ingrained in the senile wabbit!
Till Next Time!
Wow senile idiot wabbit, just like that Russian led demonstration attended by Michael Moron eh?
@43 Do it Vlad! Do it!
Drop the big one buddy!
Now baby, quite down. You know daddy don’t wont to give’m up his guns. Baby it will be alright. Hush now girl, and go read one of them romance novels.
He was warned. But even as he lay in the dirt along side the road with his pants and tighty whities stained and in tatters around his ankles while the Moldovan teenagers cackled and took turns humiliating and debasing him still he persisted.
Knowing they will never be able to acknowledge it, and thus never be able to put an end to it, makes their humiliation that much sweeter to behold.
See Bob. We just have to wait for the facts. Soon we will find out that this thingy in Florida never even happened. It really had something to do with Pizza and basements. Them liberals evil people.
Hush now honey. Don’t make daddy get his gun – You hear me.
I tell you Bob, I knew none of this was true.
Hush Girl! How many time I got to tell you – quite down. You don’t want to get daddy upset.
Dman Mexicans! They got to ruin it for all of us good god fearing people.
Hush Girl!
I now why people in the sticks of PA aren’t that bright. Look at the picture of the school in the link above. They probably have better schools in Kabul.
Ohhh, man it’s getting ugly. Bunch of snowflakes going crazy.
@46 Agree. Jack was good at what he did, but he built an entity no one else can manage. At least, Immelt couldn’t. Now shareholders are paying the price. Will more shoes drop? Will GE dilute shareholders? Cut its dividend again? Can Flannery save the company and make it great again? I’m skeptical. He’s got his work cut out for him.
Just what Conservatives needed – some nutjub to speak up.
More fake news
“Democrats just flipped a Kentucky state legislature seat in a district Trump won by 49 points”
@47 Squid ink. >Poot<
Wow! So much hate being spewn by the loon! How does the loon do it without frying his brain? Oh, wait. The loon doesn’t have a brain! My bad. Carry on, folks.
“Democrats just flipped a Kentucky state legislature seat in a district Trump won by 49 points”
Looks like Republican record of hating students who survive school massacres, sexually molesting little girls and boys, wife-beatings and porn-star payoffs is taking its toll. Putin’s hackers and trollbots have certainly got their work cut out for them. But then again, maybe the doctor is right and the $1.70 per week tax cut for the middle class will flip the election for the party of perverts.
77% say Congress isn’t doing enough to curb gun violence. 66% of “independents”
Remember those improving Trump approval numbers that might make November not so bad? Headed downward again.
$833b deficit in 2018.
Good luck in November.
Once again shitstain steve proves Puddy correct again!
Thanks for your support shitstain steve. Still packing it under high pressure!
Till Next Time!
Our NSA, FBI, and justice department are using this information corruptly, but they can’t stop a single school shooting, or is that on purpose. Since school shootings scare the public, and the government can justify this kind of crap.
Our state legislature and governor should create a special national guard unit that will randomly go to schools in the state and provide armed security for a day or week. Nothing takes care of stupid young men or women with a weapon than other young men with fully automatic weapons.
We can set up young pioneers in our schools and we will have young men and women with automatic weapons able to take these bozos out. There are reasons why militaries recruit young men and women. If you have to be 21 to buy what someone calls an assault weapon then 21 should be the age anyone can be recruited or pressed into service by the military.
Where are the calls to prohibit the manufacture and importation of firearms? Not gun control but it would be more effective than the gun control efforts that have been passed.
@5 Rabbit farts smell like wet hay. Reminds people of a nice spring morning, unless they know it could be phosgene oxime, which will lead folks diving for gas masks and covering any and all exposed skin.
@6 Not a particularly exciting debate, and someone would have to clean up the mess. Hopefully he would do a good job (insert pistol into mouth toward the upper roof and back and fire to insure effective suicide attempt) ad not turn himself into a vegetable. Is this enough to get a protective order placed on him? Should we try to protect him from himself? Should not some liberal on the list do that?
@12 Well the students were from the one liberal stronghold in Idaho. So why don’t you take a road trip over to Boise, and help the students out by staging a sit in until the Senator comes out and keeps his appointment with them? You don’t have anything better to do since you are retired and spend a shit load of time on here.
@13 You do realize you gave your opponent the high ground, and that you have admitted that he correct that Michael Moore is a traitor in your opinion. Making the rest of your statement tripe.
@14 And since California is non competitive in the national political sphere, it has a smaller and smaller amount of influence on the national scene. California can be ignored. Other than being a source of cash for both parties. And many Republicans have left the state, which could be enough to make other coastal states to be more competitive. (No they new Republican Washingtonians are generally not moving to Seattle.) And a lot of the no preference folks are former Democrats particularly progressives who are upset with their former party. A strong third party could actually happen in California, and there will be support in Oregon and Washington and Nevada for that party. Nice of you to point out the birth of a party.
@15 Putin has to survive the upcoming election and the United States should fuck him and that election as much as possible. All the NSA has to release are the names of Russian politicians he plans to eliminate if they don’t cooperate. Just how far into the Russian rabbit hole is the NSA. Way up the hole, and they can follow all the white rabbits.
@16 Former child molesters need love too. You are preventing him from getting love from a Trump supporter? If the Trump reporter is over 18 shouldn’t you be paying for the date and possible wedding? Celebration is in order here.
@18 So what do you do if there was no NRA and gun control does not work. If the wet dream of making all American’s turn in their guns and 200,000,000 guns are not turned in. I’m sure that would make prohibition look like a picnic. And you all do need the NRA as a stalking horse.
Rather than go after the NRA would a better strategy be to go after gun manufacturers and importers?
@18 You do realize it is legal for an infant to own a motor vehicle in all 50.
@19 Actually the NRA should argue that students should be armed. That would be the right argument for a rights based debate, Some will argue in the NRA teachers should be armed, and the NRA will push concealed weapon be more permissive in all states. And that all the proposals would not have stopped this crime. And if 18 year old can use M-16 in the military they should be able to own its cousin the AR-15. (AR does not stand for assault rifle,)
@22 I could see the US Supreme court ruling the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cannot draw the map. Merely approve or disapprove the plan from the legislature and Governor. Separation of power and all that. The state Supreme court cannot break the state constitutional sits to enforce.
And Alito’s original decision was probably made in the hope the Supremes could stay out of the fray. Alito just does not seem to be a guy who believes in Unicorns, perhaps he just likes to slay them.
@23 Starting to look like she might not be Speaker if the Dems win back the House, and will be replaced if they don’t win. Then again she could be a dead parrot by not winning her Primary.
@32 I’m sure Vlad knows our Minuteman will hit where it’s aimed. Our SSBs can’t fly that far as to miss that much, and he knows that any attack on North Korea is going to be from bombers and aircraft from a carrier group.
@34 No Myrrh, And I don’t think Oedipus could be a Republican he is too much the monarchist.
Men should be ashamed. Woman don’t deserve this, no more than a horse should.
This was so, so hard to foresee that this would happen.
Some Conservatives Are Trying To Discredit Outspoken Florida Shooting Survivors
The first, foremost, and only thing Repukes know how to do is to demonize the opponent.
Like a lawyer who’s client is quilty – try to discredit and run witness character assssination.
@40 You may actually want to read Puddy’s articles before posting your old one. One is a direct response to the article showing the NOAA;s numbers are biased. These adjustments are not a tenth of a degree here and there but are 1 or more degrees Fahrenheit adjustments, And of course a 2015 article cannot address the winter of 2018. By the way temperatures have stabilized or gone down and not met the estimated rise predicted by the models, and the artic is not ice free and it’s 2018, and this was supposed to happen in 2013. And for some reason Russia has invested in more, bigger more rugged ice breakers. They know something about the NOAA numbers? Oh it’s Russia so they cannot know anything about the weather, and global warming, though they would be a global warming winner, the biggest by far, so they would want global warming. Yet they seem to expect a colder Artic ocean by their actions. Hmmmm
@43 You do promise to tell us if you have the Doomsday bomb. Keeping it secret might not work out well.
@44 At least Bulgarians are more exotic than Democrats. Not always nice people those Bulgarian’s but definitely exotic. And the pastries are to die for.
@45 It’s ok to drop modern nuclear weapons. Even North Korea has shied away from shotgun type weapons like Little Boy. The bombardier put part of the bomb together in flight it was so unsafe, the crew did not want the bomb to go off accidently on takeoff. The first generation of our nukes were of this type and stayed in the inventory well into the 60’s.
@63 So when Dems had control of the House, a filibuster proof Senate and the President they passed zero gun control bills, Why because they knew that was a surefire way to loose. Not that they won, but going down in flames would have been more fun and productive, as the walk through th wilderness continues, and instead of manna it is Spam.
The Steel Dossier
Mark Cuban is a DUMMOCRETIN hapless hanging human tea bag licker so WTF are you doing talking about his team and their problems? Remember Cuban attacked Trump many times last year!
Till Next Time!
Better watch it Mark Adams. The Klamath Mountains hillbilly don’t like it when you call them out for their stooooooooooooooopidity!
Till Next Time!
MN GOP tied up Franken’s victory in the courts until July (59 votes) Ted Kennedy was busy dying. Ted Died August 25 (59 votes).
This ‘filibuster proof’ control never existed because Ted wasn’t around. If he had been there it lasted 49 days.
Regardless, the slaughter of kids has moved the goalpost on gun bills quite a bit in the intervening years. The 33% Quinnipiac found want no further gun legislation are heavily weighted toward ‘Never voted for a DemyCrat in my life ain’t planning on doin’ it ever.”
Given what’s been happening in deep red district elections in 2018, the Florida vote on not even allowing debate on gun control cost a bunch of Republicans their jobs.
The kids aren’t going away and an ad, “Rep X won’t even discuss keeping our students safe” will be devastating.
@90….what difference does it make. I made no comment that this was a Repuke thing. My comment, if you had any brains, was that this is a man thing, against woman (and horses). And more so a heterosexual male thing, using their power to coerce woman to have sex with them.
Not many gay man have high powered jobs, although there are a few, so they aren’t in the same position to treat women (or men) like the example of the Maverick’s man. Looks like he grew up with shitty parents and no morals.
It wasn’t Cuban who did the repulsive, it was the guy with the big dick.
@93 It’ll be interesting to see whether Idaho is red enough to save this asswipe’s seat after he threatened students with arrest for wanting to meet with him about pending legislation.
@90 “Remember Cuban attacked Trump many times last year!”
Give him a medal. No, wait, give him many medals.
Trump is a good character test. If someone says they support Trump, they have no character. No person of character or conscience can support someone like Trump.
“My comment, if you had any brains…”
I think I might see where the problem is here.
The good thing about Shortbus and Milo’s Pimp is that teh stoopid seems to be concentrated into these bursts of bot-fueled productivity that are very easy to ignore and post over.
My comment, if you had any brains, was that this is a man thing, against woman (and horses).
Once again the Klamath Mountain and hapless hanging human tea bag licker miss the boat. This man thing against women is about a DUMMOCRETIN loving Mark Cuban.
Sheeeeeeeesh two stoooooooooooooooooopid morons!
Till Next Time!
if you had any brains…