The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for our weekly gathering of conversation over drinks. Please stop by and say hello.
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Good Morning, from NYC.–sp-500-futures-now-down-6-percent-on-the-day.html
Try to have a good day. I think things will be ok. No worries. I can’t wait to jump in.
But what is really funny about all this is that when Obama was President it was always doom and gloom, but now that the black guy is gone it seems to be quite explainable and everyone just take it in stride as it all being natural. Natural being the wrong choice of words, but I think you know what I mean.
Meanwhile HA Lunatic Adam Schiff has really lost it…
— Democrat Adam Schiff: Russians Promoted 2nd Amendment So Americans Would ‘Kill Each Other’
Wow this proves James Madison was working for Putin! —
Till Next Time!
Awww… another frivilous DUMMOCRETIN bred lawsuit flushed…
Free speech RULES!
Till Next Time!
Till Next Time!
More info that Puddy first broke here on HA DUMMOCRETINS on the drunk driving Indianapolis football player killer illegal alien…
— go-Savala hopped the border successfully twice before after being kicked out. The threat of deportation may be a deterrent for some illegals who are otherwise keeping their noses clean while in the U.S., but for someone who’s beaten the system already? If anything, removal and reentry multiple times might inculcate a sense of impunity in those who’ve done it. —
PuddyCommentary in just one sentence: Sanctuary cities… home for illegal alien outlaws!
Till Next Time!
Now wait for the early morning shitstain steve HATE comment!
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile REAL NEWS broke out yesterday…
Till Next Time!
Where’s Doctor Dumbfuck this morning? Busy selling livestock to meet margin calls?
So much loon HATE! It started at 4:00 AM and continues non-stop. SAD!
@9 it chills me to think that he might be on the East Coast. Hopefully nowhere near NYC.
Good ol shitstain steve,
As predicted, as defined.
Till Next Time!
Good ol shitstain steve,
A fool in its own mind!
Till Next Time!
Right now the stock market is higher Roger senile idiot wabbit.
Wait until 4 PM EST then you can leave another vile bile load!
Till Next Time!
@13 I win either way. Higher, I’m worth more. Lower, I buy more. Your money still in your mattress? Sucks to be you.
GOP NY Rep who won her last contest with under 50% agrees that not being a boot licker and applauding glorious leader’s every proclamation is UnAmerican.
Bye Bye.
How do you know when a troll has been neutralized?
When the sum total of their daily output consists entirely of:
-links to bot-farm generated stories reporting “breathtaking corruption” about some part-time staffer for a “Dummocretin” first-term city councilor in Pisgah with too many parking tickets;
-spit-fights with RR;
-spit-fights with Steve;
-gratuitous double-post head explosions featuring all caps-lock.
Trump Sadministration is a mountain of incompetence. Who did trump’s FEMA contract to provide relief meals to Peurto RICO? a one employee wedding caterer who delivers 50k of the 1.8m agreed upon meals. The delivered meals were deemed substandard and didn’t meet contractual requirements.
Boy that sure is a shit stain on Dump Sadministration.
It would be Tooooooooooo Daaaaaaamnnnn funnnnnnyyyyt if it weren’t tragic. Still no power in parts of America too.
FEMA head Brock Long to San Juan mayor. “Silence woman! We are doing an excellent job. No job has ever been better. Yet still you persist with your shrill complaining. This is THE most competent administration ever and if you keep talking it’s a short trip to GITMO. Let the men handle this little lady.”
The Dow is up .1% of yesterday’s losses right now. See glorious leader knows exactly what he’s doing the market is soaring.
(However as of now it’s back in the red)
New edict from Drumpf/Goebbels press office: Either report what we want, or you won’t report at all.
Krugman’s take on stock market turmoil:
“It’s surely not a good thing that Trump got rid of one of the most distinguished Federal Reserve chairs in history just before markets started to flash some warning signs. …
“Meanwhile, the current secretary of the Treasury … may be the least distinguished, least informed individual ever to hold that position.
“So are we heading for trouble? Too soon to tell. But if we are, rest assured that we’ll have the worst possible people on the case.”
Memo to loon: This is how you properly attribute quoted material, nitwit! Step 1: Put quote marks (which look like this: ” … “) around the quoted material. Step 2: Put a link to the source under the quoted material. See? That’s how it’s done. See above for example. Even kids can do this right, so why can’t you? Because you’re a fucking idiot, that’s why.
As you’ve probably heard, Republicans support family leave. Here’s how it will work: If you take a leave of absence to have a baby or care for an ill family member, you can draw from your future Social Security benefits until you return to work.* This approach complies with the GOP’s dogma on “personal responsibility,” i.e., you pay for misfortune yourself from your own resources. For example, if the area where you live is devastated by a hurricane, that’s your tough luck.
* This doesn’t assume you’ll return to your previous job, because nothing in this proposal says your employer has to hire you back.
Uh-oh. The loon showed up, and his dial is set at Peak Hate! And he arrives with a double-post of HATE!, no less. Somehow I foresee many loon head explosions in our future. Maybe even another triple post!
With the accident on the Acela Express, appeatscthey seperated due to a mechanical failure. The Acela Express, loosely based on the TGV, is getting a little old, and Amtrak has already ordered a replacement, the Alstom Avelia Liberty. As for the passengers, they were transferred to a Northeast Regional train.
So now you care about vehicle deaths? #charlottesville Maintain the silence.
Ho ho Hey hey
White supremacy is A OK” -piddles
@24 “So now you care about vehicle deaths?”
When they can be exploited for propaganda, sure, but don’t expect him to send flowers.
Wow. The DJIA just jumped from -95 to +277 in 30 seconds. It’s hard to buy or sell stocks when prices are bouncing so wildly, but I spent $35k on 3 stocks and caught all 3 of them at the bottom before they bounced up. I can’t time markets, nobody can, I just watch the real-time quotes and push the “launch” button at the right moment.
Buying stocks is like waging a military campaign. You decide on an objective, study the maps, develop a strategy, deploy your assets, then wait for the right conditions to commit your troops to battle. In the stock market, dollars are soldiers. If you do this right, you win.
I spend days, weeks, or months plotting my moves. I study 10+ stocks for every buy. What I don’t buy is as important as what I do buy. Today I bought Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Pfizer; yesterday Hershey, Vodafone, and Exxon. Stock ideas I considered and rejected: Harley Davidson, Carnival Cruise Lines, Ford, General Motors, Hormel, UPS, Enbridge, Winnebago Industries, and several others. I’ve now spent $60k on stocks in 2 days.
I think today’s the day this sucker bottoms. Once the forced selling runs its course, the market will turn. Dow just bounced up 500 points and is now +417 points for the day. Just like that, JNJ is $3 higher than what I paid for it 15 minutes ago. Couldn’t have timed it better, but I don’t have any timing ability, just accurate gut instincts.
@17 maybe we will get to see that play out on the next Apprentice show, and Jim Bob gets fired.
What irritates me, and endangers our nation, are all of the spineless, supine, sycophantic Republican slime out there. At least some on the right dare to speak out.
Regarding the orange moron’s accusation of Democrat treason, some excerpts of what conservative Rick Wilson wrote,
“If you’re looking for someone in the act of betraying the glorious vision of our Founders and our Constitution, look no further than the vulgar, prancing, reality-show clown who holds the presidency.”
“For some reason, this president seems determined to demonstrate that he will do anything, at any time, to please the Russian authoritarian. He will tear down the United States government around him to hide from accountability. He will wreck alliances, compromise intelligence sources, and endanger our troops to please Putin. There’s a word for that.
There is always a reckoning for treason. There is always a moment where justice and history strip away the excuses and rationalizations, and the betrayer is held to account.
One thing Donald Trump should have considered before launching Monday’s attack was just how vulnerable he is to the same accusation, and that reckoning.”
The rest was a good read. I forgive his previous wingnut transgressions.
Johnson & Johnson’s daily low was $128.00 and I got it for $128.22. That was only 30 minutes ago, and it’s now $131.31.
Procter & Gamble’s daily low was $80.12. I paid $80.87 for it, and it’s now $81.85.
Pfizer’s daily low was $34.00. I paid $34.41 for it, and it’s now $35.20.
That’s close enough for me. Artillery doesn’t have to be a rifle shot. Getting it this near the target works fine.
@6 Nice Job Rog.
Although I still consider Tesla a long hold I took the opportunity to sell some of it at over 350 and buy it back at about 334 Assuming there would be some skittish Tesla heavy selling.
So far everyone who’s bet against Elon musk has lost so we’ll see how the launch goes
Hey senile FOOOOOOOOOOOL. Looks like indices gained today. So much for your BULLSHITTIUM this morning!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Another useless jackASS!
Till Next Time!
We shall applaud Der Fuhrer! It is un-American to do otherwise, perhaps even treason.
Rep. Claudia Tenney (Traitor-NY) “I would say it was un-American. And they don’t love our country. I don’t know if I would go as far as treasonous”
“GOP Rep. to Obama: ‘You Lie!’ – YouTube”
“You lie!? That was, like a decade ago. Now we hold ourselves to a uh hum wait a standard. No I can’t say that’s a higher or lower why do you ask? it’s Im ma terial. No further comment.”
@28 “What irritates me, and endangers our nation, are all of the spineless, supine, sycophantic Republican slime out there.”
Betcha I took some money from them today. They’re the fools who sell low because of
(1) margin calls,
(2) fund redemptions,
(3) short squeezes
or (4) they shorted the VIX.
All four of these factors were in play today, and that’s why the market swung so wildly. It turned up after these idiots’ pockets were picked clean and they had nothing left to give away for pennies on the dollar, which is what leverage does to gamblers caught naked in the rain.
I’ll bet the sheep I sheared today voted for Trump. Democrats don’t short the VIX when he’s slinking around.
@31 The rocket launch and recovery was picture perfect.
Yes the science nerd in me is super excited about that.
Let me quess…..these two are #MakingAGA
Let’s see:
Originally from a Trump state? Check.
Living currently in a Trump state? Check.
Suburban community? Check.
Pregnant at the alter? Check.
Community College dropout? Check.
On assistance? Check
It’s for sure. They are part of Fuckface Hillbilly ‘Murica!
And one way or another it’s all the fault of some dirty Meskin or lazy black guy.
@37 “Yes the science nerd in me is super excited about that.”
As it should be. What they did was extremely tough, probably a million, or more, things could have gone wrong, but they didn’t.
Elon has his issues, so does Jeff, but hat tip to them for making the space race still exciting and happen.
On an annualized basis, I’m up 2.18% so far this year. That’s even after the volatility of the past several days. Events like we’ve had recently are good at flushing out some of the trash that seems to accumulate in the markets.
People who have a short time horizon, say 5 years or less, shouldn’t be in the market because the volatility can sometimes be very discouraging. Discipline, delayed gratification and diversification are the rule for those who are trying to achieve something with their market investments. The the long view and stick to your guns, and you’ll do OK.
Der Fuhrer, “Du sollst erschossen werden!!”
“Trump’s 2020 campaign just released a video accusing ‘treasonous’ Democrats of ‘disrespecting our people’ by not clapping”
Verherrliche Der Fuhrer!
“Trump orders high-ranking Pentagon officials to hold a ‘grand military parade’ through the streets of DC for him”
Calls for the creation of a new Cabinet Sec. for Military Parades.
Second career for Shortbus?
It was the treasonous Kenyan who caused the markets to fall. Don’t you know??
“Sean Hannity Blames Obama For Stock Market Plunge”
Now I see why they cheered for more Gitmo. It’s intended to detain DUMMOCRETIN SCUM!
Report: Kelly treats Trump like a mushroom.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: To go around Kelly, talk to Melania.
@40 Owning sports teams used to be the favorite rich guy’s hobby. Now it’s going to Mars and beyond.
@43 Sure, why not? Timed to coincide with Mueller frog-marching Trump out of the White House, so it can do double-duty by inaugurating his successor. Saves taxpayers money.
@45 I wish he’d do it more often. We need more buying opportunities like this. Several years ago I bought Johnson & Johnson for $66. Now it’s a bargain if you can get it for $132. That’s what Obama did to us.
Why Republicans should vote against their party:
“We understand why Republicans, even moderate ones, are reluctant to cross party lines. Party, today, is identity. But in the through-the-looking-glass era of Donald Trump, the best thing Republicans can do for their party is vote against it. We understand, too, the many imperfections of the Democratic Party. … But the Democratic Party is not a threat to our democratic order.”
Re 43: Pathetic. Trump reminds me of Lt. Scheisskopf in Catch-22. Not coincidentally, in 1968 when I was applying for Army OCS in a misguided attempt to avoid the draft there was a personality aptitude test with the question “Do you like to march in parades?”
Republicans love to impose taxes! On hippy, dippy, COMPETITIVE renewable energy:
Fucking insane but what else can you expect from klownservatic Republicans these days?
Bye, bye coal plants in Colorado:
Don’t worry Drumpf-voting coal miners. Drumpf will find jobs for you in his “infrastructure” scam.
(rolls eyes).
In the meantime, watch those coal plants shut down!
“Nope. Nothing is happening. Virginia meant nothing.” HA Trolls
In a special election in MO the Democrat took a GOP held legislative seat in the 97th district. MO-97 went for Trump by 28 points.
@54 as boob would say..
So Drumpf is demanding a military parade because the freak can’t crow about the stock market anymore.
It knows how to deflect, give the freak that.
What could save our nation might be the fact that all these people are nothing but a bunch of fucking nitwits.
@14 Over 1/2 of Americans do not own any stocks. And percentage wise the number of black Americans who own stocks is even lower. Talk about your white privilege there RR. After all when blacks were put into red lined districts it did not allow them to enjoy the benefits of a growing American economy in the 50’s and 60’s. Sure they are affected by the stock market, but not directly.
While Puddy maybe well off comparatively to many blacks, there is a reluctance in that community to get into the stock market. Of course if you are trying to make ends meet it’s hard to have a few extra dollars for investment. Unfortunately black communities did provide economic opportunity, and there were and are wealthy black American’s, still the 60’s did disrupt a lot of strong black communities. And certain African American businesses such as the colored league, which held communities together and was an economic power house, could not survive desegregation, nor were the teams from the wrong side of the tracks allowed into the major leagues.
So count your privilege there RR.
@44 If the Commander in Chief asks me to come back to work and arrange a bloody parade through Washington DC on the 4th my answer is sure I’ll do it. Just remember I’m retired Air Force and enlisted. So when I get a call from the President the answer is yes, though I don’t want that call. The same was true for President Obama, but he did not call. I def8nitely could have helped on that whole Libya think. The most stupid American misadventure in years. The Berbers are still laughing at us.
I’m also African American so I’m waiting for RR and others on here to share there privilege, and send me some of that WALL STREET green they are getting today. Puddy should get some too. Please do it fast as I’m not sure if the volatility is over. Gotta take my profit while I can.
@46 The one thing that has always scared General’s the Base Wives Club, The PEntagon Wives club, and now the Melania Wives Club. Just like old times for General Kelly.
These Russians are just horrible people!!!
@48 Mueller would have to be able to make an arrest, and he cannot, nor can the DOJ. All this and all they can do is make a report to Congress, and then it’s right back into Congress’s lap. Which is why if there is an investigation the investigator should be working for Congress. Wouldn’t that be fun. Or the Republican’s would tell the Democrats to take their marbles home, we ain’t playing.
He’s already made multiple arrests and obtained plea agreements.
Jesus you people are stupid.
Willfully so.
I’m not sorry you people are suffering daily with the shame of facing what you’ve done to belittle democracy and humiliate America. That feeling you are fleeing from goes by another name and it might help you to recognize it:
Objective reality.
The people who get rich off your tribalism discovered a few decades ago how profitable it can be to envelop you in a media curated alternate reality. But no matter what, the real world continues without you. While you dumped beer into your face and bitched about all the lazy minorities reality took away all your jobs. While you pulled money out of your home equity to pay for Dough Boy pools and Sturgis runs reality put your mortgage underwater. It’s always there. Reminding you in thousands of subtle and not so subtle ways that you are a tool.
@57 Sounds like you’re criticizing the capitalist system, which is what I’ve been doing all along. If you think working stiffs should earn better wages so they can own stocks, then support unions instead of voting for politicians who tear down labor organizations and oppose workers.
P.S., E-trade, Schwab, etc., can’t see the skin color of who’s trading. That has nothing to do with it. Anybody can buy stocks if they want to. There’s no redlining.
@58 “I def8nitely could have helped on that whole Libya think.”
Coulda won it all by yourself, eh?
@59 Everybody knows who actually runs the things that matter, e.g., “what’s for dinner” and “when do we eat” and “where’s my clean socks?”
@61 You really should stick to the stuff you already don’t know instead of trying to be a lawyer. This is above your training and pay grade.
@21 “If you take a leave of absence to have a baby or care for an ill family member, you can draw from your future Social Security benefits”
Not if Lyin’ Ryan gets his mitts on them first.