Please join us this evening for more adventures in politics, conversation and drinks at this week’s meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 244 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Sounds about right.
Federal prosecutors recommend 21 months in jail for Sen. Rand Paul’s neighbor, Rene Boucher
I think if YLB ever physically attacked someone, it would occur similar to this – a cheap shot aimed at the back of someone who had no reason to expect it.
Either that or a purse to the face.
Why, this simply cannot be.
Schumer comes under fire over funding deal
Some of Schumer’s Democratic colleagues are questioning the wisdom of getting into a three-day standoff with Republicans over a stopgap-spending bill and then backing down after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) offered a modest concession.
“We went in with a very weak set of cards, with [25] people up for re-election,” said one Democratic senator, one of several lawmakers who requested anonymity to assess Schumer’s performance frankly.
After all, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit told us
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks to me like Schumer outflanked Turtle, Ryan, and Trump.
Is it possible that he was wrong? Newt, what do you think, after you lost your shirt had you taken Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investing advice about GE?
“Is it possible that he was wrong?”
Anything is possible. It is possible that history will record the Presidency of The Very Stable Genius as surpassing Lincoln’s. It is possible that bright pretty blue birds will fly out of Andrew Anglin’s ass and carry all the “Africans back to Africa”.
But Roypublicans might not want to count on it.
In terms of the distribution of voting power between the two parties absolutely nothing has changed. Just as before, the GOP controls all three branches. Just as before, the GOP controls the legislative agenda. And just as before, under current Senate rules the GOP leadership needs to secure the votes of nine Dems to pass leg outside of budget rec.
But now the Majority Leader has committed to a deadline. And breaking that commitment will ruin his relationship with not just Dems, but at least a dozen member of his own caucus. And the importance of those relationships extends well beyond DACA, and well beyond 2018.
In an election year we must assume that the Majority Leader would have made plans to force a few “tough” votes on red state Dems. Breaking a public commitment over a very popular program like DACA opens the door for vulnerable Dems like McCaskil, Donnelly, and Heitkamp to go against the Fuckface base and weakens the impact of those virtue signaling votes.
I don’t suggest that this is some kind of master power play. But given the last minute collapse of the GOP negotiating position, the capitulation of the House leadership to the demands of White House staff, and the six or seven different “drop dead” positions adopted by the White House in the last 48 hrs of negotiations, a shut down was probably inevitable. That Schumer was able to obtain anything out of it is a good outcome for Dems.
Trump’s mindless immigration policies at work.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nobody’s safe. I wonder if they’ll come for Doctor Dumbfuck next? Sure would hate to lose him because then we’d have only Puddy to kick around.
@1 “I think if YLB ever physically attacked someone, it would occur similar to this – a cheap shot aimed at the back of someone who had no reason to expect it.”
Sez the troll who takes a cheap shot at someone or other in virtually every comment he posts.
@2 Schumer got a 6-year CHIP extension out of it. And on Feb. 8, Trump-Ryan-McConnell have to bargain with Schumer all over again. The next 3-week funding extension won’t be free, either.
P.S., You’re a dumbfuck. No, a double dumbfuck, because you should’ve shorted GE at $23 like I suggested.
“Sez the troll who takes a cheap shot at someone or other in virtually every comment he posts.”
Hence the phrase – It takes one to know one. Bob not only throws cheap shots but he likes to be a bully. Might be a relative of the great dictators (pick which ever one you like).
Oh, and Republicans just added another $31 billion to the deficit to get that 3-week negotiating extension. But deficits don’t matter anymore, now that Republicans are in charge.
Two high school shootings in two days. Too many guns, not enough gun control. I’m not saying confiscate or outlaw guns. But there’s no good reason for the unfettered access to guns by anyone, no matter how unstable or dangerous, that Republicans champion.
One interesting potential in all this is a series of short term CRs necessitated by White House temper tantrums each with a deficit price tag in the billions. Not great for Speaker Ryan and his tax cut/entitlement cut agenda. The White House political agenda may have stopped aligning with the House political agenda. For Kelly and Miller it will be 24/7 rapey Meskins from here on out. Trailer parks everywhere will be in a lather.
If a week goes by and you still haven’t formulated an excuse for why you took Russian drug money to fuck with U.S. elections…
…it’s probably because there is no excuse.
And as a first time offender he’ll get more like 90 days and probation if any time at all.
Hey Doctor Dumbfuck, I bought more shares of Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson this morning, so you can go ahead and sell yours now. You’re welcome.
@10 Oh, but they like deficits now. Gives ’em an excuse to take away welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid from their constituents.
@9 More details on this morning’s Kentucky high school shooting: A boy and a girl, both 15, were killed, and another 17 students are injured, 12 of them with gunshot wounds. The 15-year-old shooter was captured and is in custody.
Remember those FBI agent text messages that were supposed to prove an FBI conspiracy to defeat Trump? Well, now that they’ve been released, they disprove it.
Remember Rielle Hunter? I’m sure our trolls do.
In 2008 she was then candidate John Edwards’ baby-mama/campaign documentarian who the campaign arranged to receive $1 million to purchase her silence during Edwards’ run. A couple of years later when the payoff was uncovered Edwards was indicted by a federal grand jury on six felony counts for the payoff/cover up scheme.
And now we come to Pissident Felony Stable Genius, his porny sex romp with Stormy Daniels, as many as 200 other dirty-dirty hookups with porny ladies, and the Delaware LLC that Michael Cohen set up to pay them all off for the 2016 campaign.
We live in good times, people.
@ 6
@2 Schumer got a 6-year CHIP extension out of it.
Wrong. 6-year CHIP was on the table well before the shutdown. Shutting down did not add that to the list. Second consecutive day you have been incorrect about that.
Oh, and Republicans just added another $31 billion to the deficit to get that 3-week negotiating extension.
That’s from deferral of unpopular Obamacare taxes. They have been deferred for years. All this did was defer them some more. Had Obama not deferred them when he was in office, Hillary Clinton may very well have lost Minnesota, too.
Another way of looking at it would be that the GOP obtained another $31 tax cut, which would be just as dishonest as you are being, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Dems are flailing.
Hey look!
One of our Fuckface cheerleaders who routinely claims that he never voted for him is complaining about “dishonesty”.
@ 19
No, I’m calling it dishonesty. Because some in the GOP are framing it as a tax cut.
It isn’t.
@18 Sorry, dumbfuck, but the 6-year CHIP extension was PASSED and SIGNED INTO LAW yesterday, not “on the table.” The Dems didn’t have it on Friday, and they have it now. Most people would consider that a net gain. Your math may vary.
@19 Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny, too. What would we do for laughs without this dumbfuck?
“Guys, that is why the Democratic base is clearly worried that they are getting played.”
Two minutes of virtually every major US media company admitting that Schumer lost and lost bigly.
Pretty much the exact opposite of what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 2 tried to spin yesterday.
I’m sure that in three more weeks, when the Dow is headed to 27,000, Dems will have much better leverage. Hey, they can always shut down the government if they don’t get their way, amirite?
@20 Deficits without a tax cut. Wow. GOPers should have fun selling THAT to their base.
@20 So, did you sell your JNJ and PG today, or are you now deviating from the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit Investing Method by not taking your own advice?
“It isn’t.”
So that means Roypukes “are flailing” too.
A party in the minority in Congress, with the White House controlled by Crazy Uncle Stripper-fucker and his merry band of Dirty Meskin Hunters, and forced onto the sidelines by focused partisanship, has few options but to flail.
But what do you suppose it means when the Revolutionary Movement Party in the Majority exercising absolute hegemony and serving a Hillbilly mandate find themselves flailing as well?
@26 “But what do you suppose it means when the Revolutionary Movement Party in the Majority exercising absolute hegemony and serving a Hillbilly mandate find themselves flailing as well?”
Serial clusterfuck
The Dems get 6 more years of CHIP; Trump doesn’t get a single brick.
Yeah, that looks like losing — if you’re a Repuke.
It’ll be interesting to watch “smaht” Hillbillies like Tucker Carlson or even our own Doctor Dumbfuck as they are forced to pretend that the Fuckface Wall is a good use of their tax dollars.
Seems DUMMOCRETIN polling is not good after all…
Gotta love those DUMMOCRETIN litmus tests!
Till Next Time!
“Officials in New York, New Jersey, California, and Maryland are … reworking their tax codes to [neutralize] … limits to federal deductions for state, local and property taxes. ….
“The White House has expressed its disapproval. ‘I hope that the states are more focused on cutting their budgets and giving tax cuts to their people in their states than they are in trying to evade the law,’ Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said at a news briefing this month.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, the idea was to impose the “Kansas experiment” on blue states by forcing them to slash money for schools and other public services, and Munchkin doesn’t like the fact they’re figuring out ways around it? Fuck you, twerp. You’re being outflanked.
Rommel probably didn’t like being outflanked by Montgomery, either. He wasn’t supposed to like it. Nobody gave a shit what he liked. We don’t give a shit what Munchkin likes.
Watch some of the loooooooooooooonatic DUMMOCRETINS attack these people getting more money!
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile an Evergreen State libtard admits antifa ain’t helping the cause…
PuddyCommentary: Puddy agrees! Being a libtard DUMMOCRETIN is “unholy and un-American.”
Here is the video…
Till Next Time!
Check the time stamp.
Four hours, sixteen minutes, and three seconds. That’s how long Starr live questioned sitting President Bill Clinton in September of 1998.
It would not appear as though, at this point, Sekulow or Dowd have been allowed to get in any time preparing His Illustrious Urine-soaked Orangeness due to scheduling conflicts with important nap time. And while Mueller’s efforts to obtain the Pissident’s sworn testimony are still in their infancy at some point in the next few months Mueller will obviously have to go before a federal judge seeking an order and citing, of course, the fairly plain precedent going back to 1998. It would take some mighty fancy dancing to keep the issue tied up in court through the mid terms. And once that battle is joined it would tend to foreclose on the other effort to fire Mueller for “reasons”.
I don’t give the Roypublican Man-Baby much hope of lasting for more than 30 min of direct examination without losing his shit. Less if he’s expected to read a lengthy statement first. That leaves Team Fuckface with either having him testify and then fake an illness in the middle of it. Or fire Mueller sooner rather than later.
He’s going to fire Mueller. Probably pretty soon.
Four hours, sixteen minutes, and three seconds. That’s how long Starr live questioned sitting President Bill Clinton in September of 1998
U betcha Klamath Mountain hillbilly FOOL! Clinton was accused by Paula Jones and his Lewinsky deposition lies about oral sex directly affected the case. He had to be deposed.
Big difference libtard hillbilly moron!
Till Next Time!
Yes DUMMOCRETINS you own this…
Till Next Time!
Here are more Peter Strzok texts that Roger senile idiot wabbit will love!
Remember DUMMOCRETINS you own antifa! “unholy and un-American.”
Till Next Time!
Seems DUMMOCRETINS Tommy Vietor and Jon Favreau believe Alex Jones.
HA’s own clueless crazed databaze cretin head exploded!
Till Next Time!
Yup. Big difference. That was a civil case for money damages.
This is a criminal case. Actually three criminal cases that we know of… so far.
Face it chump. The only end game available to you now is to declare that the Orange Man-baby is totally unique among Presidents and is a law unto himself. And that would be yet another legal precedent you may come to regret… secretly, of course.
It’s abundantly clear from the video of people screaming, “You are a liar!” and “Democrats are Deporters!” at Nancy Pelosi, and Dreamers protesting in front of Chuck Schumer’s house, that Democrats prevailed in the shutdown over the weekend.
Doctor Dumbfuck would love this guy. He can’t stand paying his employees. He thinks their work should be free.–They-used-to-be-servants-Minimum-wage-hating-restauranteur-rants-about-his-greedy-employees?detail=emaildkre
Oh yeah, and this: “At the age of 27 Degel was convinced [sic] of credit card fraud. He was sentenced to five years in prison, but was released after six months after a plea deal. His witness testimony against his co-conspirators helped the government prosecution leading to their incarceration, including Gambino Crime Family Mobster Louis Ferrante.”
Well, of course he hangs out with mobsters. They don’t pay minimum wage, either.
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS actually listen to this moron!
Till Next Time!
Indiana Church Targeted By Vandals After Hosting ‘Resistance’ Event
“The banner apparently referenced both the 2016 massacre of 49 people that targeted the LGBTQ community at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, as well as last year’s mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. ”
Shit like this kind of makes me numb to Radical Islamist Terrorists. Really, what is the difference…..If anything I have less disrespect to the lslamic terrorists – I never really consider them friends like I would my own American citizen. I expect more from my own Country and less from outsiders.
Wherein Rep. Steve King (R, of course) refers to minorities as “other categories of people” and insinuates only white Europeans have “contributed to civilization.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Should we tell him that 6 of the last 6 American Nobel prizewinners in the sciences are immigrants? Nah, let him figure it out.
@37 see @43 for unholy an unAmerikun.
Another one of Trump’s “fine” people.
It appears Doctor Dumbfuck hopes no one will notice he ignored @25.
@2 Hey Dumbfuck, I didn’t ask for RR’s advice on GE’s stock, I asked him for his opinion, there is a big difference.
As I recall he suggested to you to short the stock and given how GE stock has performed recently, seems you could have made a tidy sum.
Go ahead, keep repeating an untruth, just like Shrub the Idiot did about Iraq and yellowcake uranium. Saying enough times still doesn’t make it true.
@ 43
I give it 6 weeks, then we see a follow-up article that one of yours did it for the publicity, gman.
Like this chick:
Hey, happy Pride. It’s a mystery.
” Hey, they can always shut down the government if they don’t get their way, amirite?”
The end result may differ, but the GOP didn’t have any problem shutting down the government when they couldn’t get their way, amirite? Not to mention always threatening to succeed from the Union.
Bob – for an educated doctor you have no smarts. Now I know, a dog could be a doctor.
@49. You never know. It’s not unlike a Repuke to do something similar. But hell – figure out how to make payment and I’ll bet you $100.00 on it. You know you have so much of that stock market money, what do you got to lose?
@44 maybe white in appearance. Maybe I should google it but I wonder how many “white” Europeans are truly 100% white.
I see Bob is fucking cheap or just flings shit out of his ass.
good guy gets bad guy, or bad guy gets good guy, or something like that….good guy gets good guy, or bad guy gets bad guy….I don’t know, tough to figure it out know-a-days.
Hey – give them a scholorship!
What did Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit say about GE stock?
He said this:
I started buying GE in 2001, have been steadily adding to my GE position since 2009, and have not sold any GE shares in over 20 years. My most recent GE buys were in June and this month.
So he was adding to his GE stock holdings when it was $23+/share and when he was recommending it to you, Newt.
Then, he said this:
If you buy the stock today, you’re getting a yield on cost over 4%, and if they cut the dividend by a third, you’ll still get a dividend yield at about the S&P 500 average.
Of course, GE cut its dividend in half and since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was recommending it to you the stock price has fallen by about one-third
Then, the dumbfuck spent two sentences trying to convince you that the stock was worth buying into because it rose that day. Somehow to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit a one day increase is reason enough to say “Go buy!”:
Other investors apparently agree, because the stock rose $1.73 today from its opening price of $22.10 to close at $23.83. GE actually posted a gain today after releasing its shitty earnings report.
Finally, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit tells the world that this turd of a stock is one of his portfolio’s lynchpins:
GE is one of my larger positions, and I’m comfortable with the idea of holding onto it. If you presently own it, you shouldn’t panic and sell it
If he loved it at $23 just think how much he loves it today. At $16.80.
Of course, after all of this lunacy Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit then doubles down on his abject stupidity by claiming the following:
@20 My yield on cost for GE ranges from 2.6% to 13.3%, and in aggregate is 3.9%; got a CD that pays that?
Well, guess what, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? Since GE halved the dividend your yield on that turd that lost you 30% in less than three months is now, in aggregated, 1.95%. And since you asked, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Synchrony Bank is advertising 5-year CDs at 2.4% interest. FDIC insured, so no risk. Nada. Zero. Zilch.
You probably think I’m done. I’m not. After I suggested Varian (VAR, which closed that day at $106.69) as a play on recapturing some of the unreimbursed cost Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will incur in a failed effort to stem the massive growth of his prostatic carcinoma only months from now, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s response was this:
@30 Varian doesn’t pay a dividend, so stock price appreciation is all you get. If you bought Varian on July 1, 2014 for $73.62 and sold it on June 30, 2016, for $72.11, you made roughly what CDs pay, while I was raking in roughly 4% dividends on my GE stock. And YOU call ME a dumbfuck??
Well, Varian closed today at $110.81, up 4% from October. Not a lot, but up an annualized 16%. It still doesn’t pay a dividend. Meanwhile, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is getting a now-halved dividend on his precious GE stock, and somehow that overshadows the 30% loss i GE’s market value.
Alas, I couldn’t convince Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
@32 continued: If you buy Varian today, you’re paying 27 times earnings for it. If you buy GE today, you’re paying 15 times earnings. I’ll take my chances with GE, thank you.
If I had bought Varian that day at its 27 PE ratio, I would be up 4%. If I had bought GE that day with its PE ratio of 15, I would be down 30%. So would you, Newt. At Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s suggestion.
Newt, only AFTER that ENTIRE DAY of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit being laughed at and mocked by me for his wholly unsubstantiated support for GE’s prospects did he do a complete 180 and start talking about shorting the stock.
So, yes, Newt. Yes, Roger did talk about shorting GE. And that’s what you choose to remember.
And you choose to ignore everything else that dumbfuck had to say. Which included GE being one of his biggest holdings.
One of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s biggest holdings dropped 30% in three months.
Remember that next time you think he’s worth asking for an opinion on a stock. Unless, of course, you are using my
Notadumbfuck Method of investing,…..nt-1313391
in which case you absolutely need to know what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks.
So you can do the exact opposite.
Looks like Dumbfuck is ignoring @47 @48 too.
@57 and he’s a cheap bastard too.
Speaks shit and can’t back it up. Talk the talk, walk the walk.
Meanwhile, @56, “If you buy” becomes “go buy” (nice spin, Doc) and the dumbfuck still doesn’t get that the GE shares I bought for $6.74 on March 5, 2009, yield 7.2% on my cost and are up 250% in less than 9 years. I’ll take that anytime, because it sure beats working for Willie Degel in one of his restaurants (see #41 above).
Oh, and Doc Dumbfuck still won’t tell us whether he follows his own investing advice. So, did you sell Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble? If you didn’t there’s always tomorrow.
@ 59
I’d have to buy it in order to sell it. I have never owned either.
But I bought Amgen at a split-adjusted $5.44 in 1993. In my IRA. And I haven’t touched it. Nor do I ever give one thought as to what it might yield.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you find yourself owning a stock that you have to refer to as if it were a bond, you should have sold the stock. And you sure as fuck shouldn’t be recommending it to others.
Even The Fucking Moron is likely to grasp that concept.
OK, I admit I got a little curious after Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 59 crowed about his GE stock yield on cost being 7.9%.
So I looked up my AMGN yield on cost @ 60.
It’s 91.2%. In my IRA, where it continues to accumulate, tax-free until I decide otherwise.
Good to know. Thanks, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit!
Whoa! Check out the head explosion @38! The loon is really bringing the HATE!
Huh! I see the loon warmed up with a few psycho-laughs. That’s never a good sign. Sure enough, look what happened. A huge head explosion. SAD!
What’s this? Oh, nothing. Just another school shooting. Move along.
Tammy Duckworth is expecting. She’ll give birth at 50 assuming she carries to term.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 59:
the GE shares I bought for $6.74 on March 5, 2009, yield 7.2% on my cost and are up 250% in less than 9 years.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit on 10/20/17:
@20 My yield on cost for GE ranges from 2.6% to 13.3%
I assume the same shares you bought on 3/5/2009 were the ones yielding 13.3% only three months ago, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. GE halved its dividend, so half of 13.3% is 6.65%, and rounding up I get 6.7%. Yup, exact same shares.
You might think you’re making some sort of strong point in support of your investing prowess, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, but all you are doing is confirming that when the bottom dropped out of GE’s stock you were too fucking stupid to sell.
My Notadumbfuck Method of investing.
Really HA libbies, do you still need more proof that it really works?
@56 “So, yes, Newt. Yes, Roger did talk about shorting GE. And that’s what you choose to remember.”
Again, you are ignoring what you really said, deflect, deflect deflect.
Sure, I remember RR offered is opinion and he spent a fair amount of word salad on that, but he never told me to buy the stock. He is entitled to his opinion, as you are, however it simply isn’t true that he ever told me to buy the stuff. I took in his opinion and that was that. I could care less how his holdings were impacted, not really important to me, each investor is different.
You choose to ignore the basic truths of the conversation, especially since I never asked for a recommendation on the purchase of any stock.
Just keep on being a Dumbfuck it is what you do best.
@ 66
Curious how your name relates to GE.
OMG you are a fucking genius if you are now just figuring that out. That is almost “Presidential Level of Genius”.
@ 68
Never mind. I googled.
My God – Michael Steel deserves a Medal. One big fucking medal. He should ware it around his neck every fucking day from now to the day of his death.
Hey Puddy – you learn anything. No? I thought so.
““I have very simple admonition: just shut the hell up and don’t preach to me about anything ever again,” Steele suggested.
“After telling me who to love, what to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter, the grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter, the outright behavior and lies don’t matter, just shut up!” Steele blasted.
“They have no voice of authority anymore for me,” Steele concluded.”
Kind of like Bob’s voice.
What’s a guy gotta do to get a little prairie home companion, fer chrissakes?
“In the allegations she provided to MPR, she did not allege that Garrison touched her back, but did claim that he engaged in other unwanted sexual touching,” MPR president Jon McTaggart said in the letter. He later said that “the woman’s attorney presented us with a 12-page letter detailing many of the alleged incidents, including excerpts of emails and written messages, requests for sexual contact and explicit descriptions of sexual communications and touching.”
How far do you have to go to find a liberal who believes in God?
This far:
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Former Democrat Florida congresswoman Corrine Brown has twice been rejected as she tries to delay her entry to prison.
Brown is appealing, saying it was wrong for the trial judge to dismiss a juror who claimed the “Holy Spirit” told him she’s innocent.
OK, OK. I added the D-word.
@69 “Never mind. I googled.”
Miracles do happen.
Great, now that you “Googled” and figured out it is in reference to a character in a novel written by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., that still doesn’t explain why I picked that reference. You’ll never get it, that is for sure.
I’m sure you will just jump to the same wrong conclusion that Piddles did. I’ll give you a clue, it a metaphor and it has absolutely nothing to do with physical size. Another clue, science and religion are the key tenets. I could have picked any number of Vonnegut characters from any of his novels, I just really enjoy the satire of Cat’s Cradle.
I have to admit Dr. Dumbfuck, you remind of a character in Cat’s Cradle. one Mr. H. Lowe Crosby a bicycle manufacture for Illinois (a Hoosier). Mr. Crosby’s classic view of the world seems to be one you share:
From 42. Bicycles for Afghanistan (Cat’s Cradle)
They were heavy people, in their fifties. They spoke twangingly. Crosby told me that he owned a bicycle factory in Chicago, that he had had nothing but ingratitude from his employees. He was going to move his business to grateful San Lorenzo.
“You know San Lorenzo well?” I asked.
“This’ll be the first time I’ve ever seen it, but everything I’ve heard about it I like,” said H. Lowe Crosby. “They’ve got discipline, They’ve got something you can count on from one year to the next. They don’t have the government encouraging everybody to be some kind of original pissant nobody every heard of before.”
“Christ, back in Chicago, we don’t make bicycles any more. It’s all human relations now. The eggheads sit around trying to figure out new ways for everybody to be happy. Nobody can get fired, no matter what; and if somebody does accidentally make a bicycle, the union accuses us of cruel and inhuman practices and the government confiscates the bicycle for back taxes and gives it to a blind man in Afghanistan.”
“And you think things will be better in San Lorenzo?”
“I know damn well they will be. The people down there are poor enough and scared enough and ignorant enough to have some common sense!”
And for clarification as to what a pissant really is:
“You haven’t told us what a pissant is yet,” I said.
“A pissant is somebody who thinks he’s so damn smart, he never can keep his mouth shut. No matter what anybody says, he’s got to argue with it. You say you like something, and, by God, he’ll tell you why you’re wrong to like it. A pissant does his best to make you feel like a boob all the time. No matter what you say, he knows better.”
Dr. Dumbfuck, you might be Hoosier but you are definitely a pissant.
I apologize for taking advantage of quoting many lines of text, but was for educational purposes for our resident pissant.
@ 73
Mostly a big yawn.
Although you did somehow refer to Illinois as a Hoosier.
Wrong state beginning with I. Cradle Twit.
A shitstain sighting @62. Puddy PWNS this useless HA DUMMOCRETIN tool too!
Till Next Time!
@74, Damn auto correct. For once you are correct, Hoosiers are from Indiana. Thanks for making that clarification/correction. I can admit when I made a typographical mistake.
It still doesn’t change that you are a dumbfuck and a pissant.
@60 “I have never owned either.”
Then maybe it’s time to cash in some of your Krugerrands.
@61 Well, since we’re doing my-dick-is-bigger-than-your-dick tonight, I have a 108.1% yield on cost on my Starbucks.
@65 Ever heard of holding separate blocks of the same stock in different accounts? IRAs, etc.? Ask your horse to explain it to you.
@70 Any reasonable person would have left the reservation long before Steele did, so he doesn’t deserve much credit for that.
@73 Woooeee! Kurt sure had the doctor figured out!
@74 So what. That’s no worse than voting for a guy who (a) can’t find Afghanistan on a map and (b) invaded the wrong country.
23 So lets talk Union politics. Democrats at least give lip service to Union politics. So just how does low skilled workers immigrating from nations benefit Union members. Are these low skilled workers becoming Union members. Are these DACA kids becoming Union members or are they going higher skilled jobs. Lets keeps those kids, we invested in them, but some of them if we can we should send back across the border. As far as I’m concerned Congress could fix this easily by making very simple for these kids to sign on the dotted line and take the oath after showing they have been here for x number of years. Maybe require joining the military or other civil service. Oddly a lot of them may very well become Republican voters.
Still if Democratic politicians think about this you are pitting two sets of people. Union members who can vote against kids who are not citizens and who cannot at this time vote.
Taking into Democratic Union members I think RR has some problems in his rhetoric.
@73 I googled before he did, and maybe came up with your reason for going with that. Doesn’t really matter. You should and he should actually be here as yourselves. At least that is what Kurt Vonnegut’s characters would do if they were real people. And you do show disrespect to the writer by not taking some of the writers core beliefs and themes into account when plagiarizing him in this way.
Also RR and the Democrats did not take into account that military members do vote. So DACA might not fly very with that group, there are more folks in the military than DACA folks.
@6 That is because Chuck does not think it’s time for single payer. After all this program is a Republican one from Orrin Hatch. With single payer this program is not longer needed, and is only needed now as a band aid.
@9 You should go turn in your guns then. Go down to the police station, have a camera crew and turn your guns in. Maybe play Johnny Cash’s “Don’t Take your Guns to Town” make a big show of it. Of course when it’s you having to turn your guns is there a problem willingness to do that?
|And 2 more examples where our militarized police real power is revealed to be more noise than reality. Why didn’t the schools cop meet these brutal stupid kids at the door and have an old fashion shoot out. Can’t do that until high noon I suppose, eight or nine is too early in the day, though recent studies show teenagers are not awake then.
@17 You left out the outcome which was the judge declared a mistrial and the Feds finally dropped it. It did end Edwards political career and he is now days a personal injury attorney in Pitt County, North Carolina. And what the charges were about was the conversion of campaign funds to use as a payoff.
Michael Cohen paying out hush money out of his pocket is not the same thing as what Edwards was charged with. Michael Cohen must be a really nice guy and friend to Donald Trump. Nice to have friends I suppose, especially if you have a porno Queen to pay off, sure you aren’t just jealous. Porn Stars for Trump!!!
@23 And Mitch could always just say fuck it and go nuclear. Ending this whole Senate club mentality. Oher than when the constitution calls for a supermajority why not just go with a simple majority. Dems can then always change things with a majority vote when it’s their turn. Or those Democratic Senators like the club like façade of the US Senate. Of course Mitch is reluctant to go nuclear as he may want to do it as the minority party, after all he enjoyed Senator Ted Cruz reading “The Cat in the Hat” to his daughter from the well of the Senate, and it brought a tear to his eye. as you all know a cynic cannot cry.
@26 I think the whole government shut down shows the weaknesses of both parties. The Republicans got some comeuppance, but clearly there were enough Democratic Senator’s on the proverbial hotseats (10 Democrats facing reelection in states Trump took) which makes one wonder just why they picked this fight. Some bad optics all around. Hey we got the State of the Union coming up, might be a few Democratic members giving their ‘Democratic and Republican opponents some red meat, and enough Dems don’t show up, wonder just what a joint session of Congress with a quorum can do. Would the President be crazy enough to ask for a Declaration of War against North Korea? Killing Obama Care? Fortunately there is the winter Olympics coming up which will be more entertaining than the State of the Union….but the Olympics will be political.
@28 Only it’s a Repuke policy in the first place.
@29 So how about candidate Hilliary Clinton who as Secretary of State wanted barriers on the southern borders. Fences but she tried everything to not use the word wall, still a barrier is a kind of wall. Guess Hilliary is one of your hillbillies you are talking about.
@31 All I know is the IRS frowns on the kind of crap these state legislatures are proposing. And usually the IRS wins in tax court, and will probably prevail at the appeals level, and at the Supreme Court level. What these states are proposing is simple corruption, we don’t let business, organized crime do these things, and state should not expect to get a pass.
@31 Also Monty was a master at a set piece battle and with all the advantages barely managed to get a break through at El Alamein and it was not a attack on a flank, it was a frontal attack as that was what Monty had to do. Monty failed to envelop the Germans and Italians and they retreated in good order (despite Hitler’s orders that would have been helpful to Monty). Monty was not a particularly good master at the flank attack, though he did have the desert rats. Usually it was Rommel getting the best of the Brits in spit of fewer men, supplies ect. It was not until the American’s came ashore in Algeria that that broke El Alamein, and only at the bitter end of fighting in North Africa did the allies get the victory that Monty envisioned at El Alamein.
@39 Whip out the Reagan playbook from Iran/Contra? Criminal indictments there, and convictions and lots of fun was had by all. Yet St Ronnie ran down the field catching his own forward pass and the band yielded to him. Oh and no impeachment.
@43 They were nice Hoosier vandals and put all of it on easily removed banners. Also that part of Indiana was and is KKK country. And in the 1920’s during that movement Indiana was the state with the most members. If the folks behind it just wanted publicity they got it, real terrorists would follow up with a good old firebomb. It’s how they role in Syria those Islamist terrorists.
@44 You may need to update yourself as your information is outdated. Remember Kip Thorne?
And Barry Barrish
And there is no Nobel Prize in the Sciences. For Physics, For Chemistry, For Medicine, but no science Nobel prize.
Or do you mean the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.
Last US winner was Richard Thaler born in New Jersey
@70 You mean from the Queen right. After all he is in her majesty’s service and she would have to give him the medal. Would you like her majesties address so you can make your recommendation to her? Hope you don’t mind her secretary’s testy reply to your request, but do share it when you receive it.
@77 Or maybe you can make a tax deductible gift to the state of Washington if you prefer.
“Michael Cohen paying out hush money out of his pocket is not the same thing as what Edwards was charged with.”
Yes, Shortbus. It is. Go back and read that Wikipedia article again (so fucking obvious). Somewhere in there you’ll discover that the money for Hunter came from “friends”.
And when you are done making excuses for being a stupid lazy hillbilly who speed reads badly try this: what does it make you when you unfailingly and consistently defend the criminal acts of a candidate for President simply because he’s a Republican?
It makes you a Republican.
Certainly not the brightest. But he owns you now.
A GOP rep who secretly used taxpayer money to secretly settle a sexual harassment claim against him now asserts Obamacare made him do it.
GOP = The Evading Personal Responsibility Party
@96 “And there is no Nobel Prize in the Sciences. For Physics, For Chemistry, For Medicine, but no science Nobel prize.”
I didn’t say there was. I referred to Nobel Prizes in the sciences. Do you want to argue that economics is a “science” but physics, chemistry, and medicine aren’t? Never mind, don’t try to answer that, shortbus.
You have no idea what Vonnegut’s fictional characters would do on this blog because they are 1) fictional and 2) made up by a creative author that wrote an entire book on satire on science, technology, and religion.
I plagiarized nothing. Anytime I’ve used quotes from the book, I given proper credit. I’ve made no attempt to hide the pseudonym is a hat tip to Vonnegut and Cat’s Cradle.
With regards to not adhering to the writers core beliefs and themes, are you on crack?
In some sense I agree that it would be nice if we all posted here under our real names and persona. Who the hell is “Mark Adams” anyway? Probably a made up name, like the rest of us. The very sad reality is that there are far too many batshit crazy people out there. I know RR has told the saga of what happened to Goldy at one point by very pissed off and crazy people that did horrible things to him in is personal life as a result of their anger towards him for things posted on his blog. Nobody wants or deserves that. Nobody. There are many people that read this blog but don’t have the courage or guts to post, not even under a screen name or pseudonym, but they might be willing to attack a person that posts here that they don’t agree with.
If you don’t like the fact that people post here by not using their real name, or even post with their real persona, then you are free get your panties into a twist and leave; your bitching and moaning about it won’t change it, only Goldy, since it is his blog would be able to change that and given his experiences, I doubt he will.
I admire you Shortbus, it must take a lot of courage, determination, and effort for you to get out of bed and face the world each day.
“And so on.”