Join us this Tuesday evening for another adventure in politics and drinks at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 244 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Seattle’s new congresswoman staying out of the kitchen at SOTU.
That’s a one-thousand point rise in fewer than two weeks. More accurately and accounting for the MLK holiday, that rise occurred in barely more than a week.
Thank you, President Clinton.
Up early trading your 10 shares, Doc? Don’t forget your poor horses. They want to be fed. Neighhh.
So, the U-6 unemployment rate is still over 8%, more than 3.3 million workers still earn $7.25/hr or less, the average American can’t pay a $500 car repair or medical bill without going to a pawnshop or payday lender, but Doctor Dumbfuck is fine with all that as long as he’s got his.
@ 4
U-6 was nonexistent to Democrats between 2009-2016.
You’re a fucking joke.
Trump has a way to go to match President Obama’s economic record. In fact, he’s still riding his predecessor’s coat tails.
@5 At least I’m fucking my own species.
Just a side note about the Dow, and Doctor Dumbfuck’s crowing: The Dow, as you know, is made up of just 30 stocks, and they’re not equally weighted, so a move in just 1 or 2 stocks can skew that average. The S&P 500, which includes roughly 500 companies, is more representative of the whole market.
Well sir, the Dow is up 3x the S&P this morning, and almost 3x the Nasdaq. Why? Because Merck made a big move. If you own Merck, fine. If you don’t own Merck, Boeing, and/or United Healthcare, you’re probably not seeing pennies rain from heaven this morning. A third of the Dow stocks are actually down today.
But crow away, Doc. I have what I need — enough to live on, without needing a job or having a boss or a daily commute or coworkers and customers etc. — and that’s all that counts. I don’t need a horse ranch, a horse trailer, an F-350 to pull the horse trailer, horses, horse feed, or a horse veterinarian. If that stuff rows your boat and you have the means to pay for it, good on ya, mate. Rabbits have no use for horses. There’s nothing you have that I want, and I have something you’ll never have: A heart. You should be jealous of me, not the other way around.
@2 should the “success” of the stock market today be measured in such a short term? What if in a year from now it is back down to 23,000. What would you say then, if you had the foresight to say?
@ 9
After criticizing someone for saying only one day prior to the election that Hillary Clinton had an ‘absolute lock’ on 252 electoral votes, why in the world would I put myself out there by predicting the Dow one full year from now?
I think if Democrats with money could have known with certainty on 8Nov2016 that the Dow would be at 23,000 if they elected Gary Johnson, we’d have a President Gary Johnson right now.
Your father called. Oops, my bad. No, he didn’t. He never will.
the bias has more to do with demographics and history than reluctance on the part of Dems to celebrate their economic accomplishments.
If you were born in 1950 (just as an example) you turned 30 the year Ronald Reagan was elected President. And although the economy’s performance under Reagan in many ways lags behind more recent Dems, one key factor is age cohort and population. The birth rate bubble resulted in a very large cohort of voters entering into the career period in which most wage earners see their largest gains year over year (not peak, but gain). So you’ve got a massive cohort of voters experiencing yearly wage increases, promotions, and perks combined with personal advances in terms of home acquisition, and personal wealth accumulation during the Reagan years. Gains seem to be what figures most in how voters perceive the economy. A big problem for Roypublicans, and a real challenge for Dems, is that the gains once experience by a large cross section of younger wage earners are now almost exclusively concentrated among young college educated city dwellers. Young hillbillies are fucked in this economy.
The Roypublican’s embrace of overt racism and white nationalism appeals to the less educated young white working class. Problem for Roypublicans is that those people don’t vote in large percentages. Bannon’s genius was in crafting a comms strategy aimed with laser like precision at motivating those people to vote. But now he’s a “coffee boy” thrown under the bus and Roypublican populism is bent on cutting taxes for billionaires and gutting the support payment programs these young hillbillies (and their spawn) depend on. Infrastructure? Less than a slogan now.
Obama grew the economy more than Reagan. Sure. But who he grew it for and how they experienced it matters more. Healthy, affluent, well educated, progressive, young, coastal voters have all benefited tremendously from that growth. They got jobs, employer provided health insurance, promotions, bonus stock options, low interest home loans, graduate degrees and world travel out of that growth.
The Ozarks were left with nothing but pills to crush and cans to collect.
A few things were left out @ 11
First, blow jobs. In the 50s women didn’t give them if they wanted to be seen as worthy of attracting a wage-earning husband. Today women must give them, and well, if they want to keep a wage-earning husband. So there’s a HUGE benefit that began after the 50s. And it’s a benefit concentrated amongst conservatives, because liberal women famously are awful at giving blow jobs unless it’s to presidents accused of lying about receiving one. If you’re a liberal and you want a good blow job you need to let a liberal man give you one. ’cause conservative women don’t like that you don’t shower regularly, and gman is far less selective.
Second, @ 11 failed to give props to the unique personality and likability of Barack Obama. White blue-collar Republicans may not be reliable voters – Mitt Romney found that out – but Democrats faced with someone as robotic and cold as Hillary Clinton didn’t exactly turn out to support her, either. And really it was Obama rockin’ the turnout in 2012. Romney received a lot of votes. Obama received even more.
So now, you’re looking at supporting a billionaire celebrity for president so you can get your base excited about…
wait for it…
reducing income inequality. Good luck with that.
Take a moment today and consider the implications of the guy who described Don Jr.’s meeting with Russian espionage agents as “treasonous” hiring the exact same lawyers as Priebus and McGahn to represent him as he prepares to testify before the grand jury and the House Intelligence Committee.
“First, blow jobs.”
Way to come off as clueless about blow jobs.
@ 13
Good. Now let’s do the peeps who chose to hire the exact same woman attorney who tried to buy off people while in the service of Harvey Weinstein.
Good news for y’all HA libbies. Trump’s in sufficiently good health to make it the full eight years.
Notice that Steve took no issue with @ 14 my comments about the irregular and ineffective bathing habits of liberal men.
The stench at Drinking Liberally must be overwhelming. Now I know why Lucy was Headless – she needed that missing olfaction to be able to stand y’all.
“Home schooled” kids.
@9 Its “success” just blew up. A 300-point drop in a couple hours, prompted by — you guessed it — Republicans who care more about fucking over Dreamers than trashing the stock market and economy.
@10 “I think if Democrats with money … blah blah … ”
They elected you to speak for them?
@12 Sounds like Doctor Dumbfuck is an expert about giving and receiving blowjobs, too. I’m not surprised. I’ve always suspected he trolls this blog for a liberal something-something to suck on.
@13 Saves money because they can recycle the trial brief.
@16 Viewed from another angle, his doctor says he’s not cognitively impaired, so neither he nor you can use that as an excuse.
@17 I’ve never been to Drinking Liberally. As far as conservative males and BJs, last I heard, white conservative males don’t receive BJs. Rather, they pay $20 to give BJs to black male undercover cops in public park toilets.
“Allen faces up to 60 days in county jail and a $500 fine for the second-degree misdemeanor. The Merritt Island Republican was accused of peering over a stall in a men’s public park restroom, then agreeing to pay $20 to perform oral sex on Titusville officer Danny Kavanaugh.”
The How to on becoming a Shithole Nation
“Nearly all members of National Park Service advisory panel resign in frustration”
You know how divorce has hurt the fabric of the family in this Country – well the equivalent is how this Administration’s governance is creating one big shithole with nothing but shitheads.
A pattern is emerging wherein the worse things get for Fuckface, and the more the walls close in on the Orange Event Horizon, the more Врач немой ебать sprinkles his commentary with “y’all”.
No idea what that shit is supposed to be about. Probably the Dumbfuck thinks it lends credibility/authenticity. As if. I just think of those poor high school girls at the Freeland Cafe cringing and laughing.
@26 continued…they need to force Klive to take one of the positions – guy needs a real job instead off feeding of the government tit.
@16 Drumpf probably not as in good shape as Kim Jung Un.
As an expert in exchanging bathroom rails and oral sex for contracted lab services you wouldn’t have any professional concept of conflict of interest. But in case you didn’t know it, where the law is concerned a client can “choose” all fucking day and come up empty handed if the lawyers they “choose” are already representing clients whose interests may conflict with theirs.
@27 “No idea what that shit is supposed to be about.”
Fake southern drawl.
“Probably the Dumbfuck thinks it lends credibility/authenticity”
to his fake southern roots.
” … high school girls at the Freeland Cafe … ”
That’s what it’s for, of course.
@29 Hardly anyone in the NK inner circle is in as good shape as Kim. His anti-aircraft guns see to that.
“No idea what that shit is supposed to be about.”
Me neither. Kind of weird.
@20 Hey RR, did you see the news about GE Capital today?
Not that you ever told me to buy a stock, I just merely asked your thoughts about GE stock, however, hind sight being what it is, your comment about shorting GE back in the day seems like it might have been a good idea, given their stock is tanking even more these days.
I lost track, did Dr. Dumbfuck bother to short GE or not?
Trending. The GOP had better hope Putin comes through for them in November.
“Young Virginia GOP leader quits party over Trump’s tweets”
“While McDaniel is not a marquee name in the state party’s leadership, the news of his departure nonetheless touched a nerve among some officials in Virginia who worry that Trump is causing deep fissures in the party, especially among younger Republicans.”
“We can’t even count or imagine how many people would be part of our ranks who just take a look at what’s going on and say ‘No thanks’,'” said Stephen Spiker, 32, another member of the 11th Congressional District committee. “For the younger demographic, it’s a bridge they can’t cross.”
Trending. Hey, GOP! The trend ain’t your friend. Better call Putin!
“Democrats grab key Wisconsin Senate seat in Tuesday’s special elections”
“MADISON – Democrats snagged a GOP-leaning state Senate seat in western Wisconsin on Tuesday, buoying progressive hopes that they could ride a wave of victory this fall.”
@8 Did you suddenly sell your stocks, give the money to the poor and join a commune? Or join a cult like that one that took over that town in Oregon, where the guy came around in one of Rolls Royces, and scared all the local town people. Though he probably brought more business to the county than what was there, or has been there since.
@10 And they could have gone for Jill Stein.
@11 And the Ozarks wait with arms spread for Cousin Bill and Aunt hilliary to return and enjoy some mighty fine white white lightening. Two highly educated kids out of Arkansas who made it big. Please come home and visit for a spell you all.
(PS Rural parts of the nation are producing a fine batch of young folks with college degrees, now a days a lot of em are women.
@14 Well share your expertise, and do you swallow?
@16 |I think he has the first nine locked in. Not sure if he will make it to the back nine. Some leader of a shithole country such as North Korea may just give him the 2nd term.
And this was realy what was said at that closed meeting.
The Prophet Frank Zappa made this prediction way back when at some concert.
@17 And they come to the aid of a straight white man pretty quicly and smear a whistleblower.
And liberals really did not treat this guy very well either:
Liberals like to eat their young, or eat their own.
@20 Of how we are a nation of laws until folks take a position that ignores the law.
Or why should 800,000 illegal immigrants be such an issue that Congress can’t do a budget or get basic business done. The health or well being of the United States must be more important than these 800,000 non citizens. After all Mexico wants to consider all of them Mexican citizens if they are from Mexico even if they become US citizens. Mexico wants to play that game send em back to Mexico. Mexico needs some great kids that will kick ass and improve that nation. Tell Mexico that corruption is why Mexico is not a more successful nation. Why Mexico is not a place where Gringoes want to immigrate to.
@26 They were gone in May anyways. Yep when you have been appointed by the prior President the new administration may ignore you. I don’t recall a lot said by the candidate Trump abut the National Parks. And they just advise the park head and the board has no power.
@25 Some of you really like to recycle old news. This story is getting a bit long in the tooth as it happened 10 years ago. To make your point you gotta pick on a current Republican. There is a sitting US Senator in Maryland you could pick on. He’s smearing a trans gender person who has the gall to run against him.
Since when were Southern roots something to be proud of?
Oh, wait. Treason. Never mind.
TIL Shortbus has never been to Baja del Sur or Cancun.
@41 why do you ask – you looking to compare notes?