The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets Tuesday night for another evening of political analysis over a drink. Stop by and share what’s on your mind.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 242 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Early Stage: Moderate Cognitive Decline.
Despite the best efforts of the narcissist, their decreased cognitive abilities become apparent to others. They typically struggle to remember even recent events, accidentally send too much money to the electrical company, or getting lost easily when in new locations. Complex work tasks become too difficult but the narcissist won’t admit to it. Instead they will blame others and distract with elaborate stories of past successes. To avoid embarrassment (the Achilles heel of the narcissist), they withdraw from family and friends. When needed, the narcissist can function at a select event for a short period of time but as soon as it is done, so are they. The disengagement is extreme and may even appear catatonic.
Yep. You Pillbillies really got yourselves a real winner. So much winning it boggles the mind.
Anyone wonder why VP keeps ‘rescheduling’ his Middle East trip. Probably because no one except Likud will meet with him or even wants him around.
A Kansas Republican says blacks use drugs because of their “character and genetics.” The NAACP called him an “idiot.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey buddy, your racism is showing! Oh, and Puddy, don’t forget people like him want you dead.
Look,on the bright side – the stock market is doing well!
Democrats are forcing a Senate vote that will put Republicans on the record as opposing net neutrality in an election year.
Better not catch the flu because, you know, Puerto Rico isn’t making IV bags anymore because, you know, no electricity there.
@2 Also, he may be needed at home any moment if the dishwasher breaks down.
It’s cold in Florida. Global warming is fake news.
“Boiled” bats are droppIng our of the sky in Australia.
It’s always about money with those people.
Watch at the very end the expression on Drumpf’s face. He looked kind of relieved that The Anthem was over…..probably was thinking to himself, “Boy, that was a close one”.
But I sure bet he knows the Russian National Anthem by HEART.
I am sure Repukes will vote it down or refuse to take it up.
You know because they are all for Nuts to have the nuke button and guns and shit.
How low do scumbucket Republicans keep to prevent minorities from voting in Florida? In 2014, in Miami-Dade County, which is 84% nonwhite, they not only made them wait in line for hours, but also closed the restrooms — under the ruse of being “fair” to disabled people — so they couldn’t piss.
@11 I’d guess there isn’t a single Republican office holder in the country who could pass a psychiatric exam.
In case you had any doubt
Louisiana is a Right to Work state.
Teacher pay in that district starts at $39k and tops out $58k over 65 pay bands and 25 years. Louisiana teachers face pretty much the exact same educational, testing, and cert requirements of teachers everywhere else. BA/BS to start, MA/MS to retain/advance, advanced professional cert, etc.
The part where the resource officer throws her to the floor is probably what Roypublicans mean when they say teachers have way too much power.
Sheriff Joe is running for Senate. One can only hope he gets through the primary because an anti-immigrant racist, multiple lawsuit losing costing millions of tax-payer dollars, pardoned criminal who announced he’s running “To support Donald Trump and his agenda to Make America Great Again” who lost his last election by nearly 12% makes Arizona a Democratic pick-up.×377.jpg
Them damn gays ruined it for us. No I can’t wed 7 wives and keep grabbing the pussy
@15 I saw that in the news, and didn’t post on it, because I didn’t feel it was worth mentioning. The guy is 85 years old. Get elected to the Senate at that age? I doubt it, even if his politics doesn’t disqualify him.
Even with a booming stock market and a low unemployment rate, the Trump economy isn’t doing all that great:
1. Everyone thinks the stock market is frothy;
2. Underemployment is still above 10%;
3. The quality of jobs has deteriorated;
4. Hiring slowed down dramatically last month;
5. The flattening yield curve suggests a recession may not be far off;
6. All three major sectors — government, corporations, consumers — are debt-burdened;
7. Consumer debt quality has deteriorated, with more unsecured debt than ever, and default rates are rising, especially in the auto loan and credit card sectors;
8. The household savings rate is at a multi-decade low;
9. Wage growth remains sluggish;
10. Auto sales are in a recession.
There’s actually very little about this economy Trump can brag about.
He may not get through the Roypublican primary. But his candidacy will help define it, the party, and the general election in the minds of Arizona voters regardless. And he’ll almost certainly score double digits.
Every party in every corner of America has it’s kooks, gadflies, and fringe characters. Once they meet the filing requirements and qualify for the ballot they are entitled to the same public access and process as any other candidate. But when political parties function effectively the primary candidacies of unqualified dimwit buffoons become diminished and irrelevant as they fail to pick up any party org endorsements, civic group endorsements, industry group endorsements, or labor group endorsements.
Unfortunately for the Roypublican Party that isn’t how “conservative” politics works today. Nor has it for some time. Your state’s Roypublican Party got a taste of what was in store in 1988 when well organized religious fanatics and kooks flooded the Presidential party caucuses for lunatic Pat Robertson. Today trailerpublican gun-huggers, konstitutional kooks, and Fred Perry racists define Roypublican primary politics throughout most of the United States. They fundamentally decide who will carry the banner and the brand and who EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE will get to choose from in general elections. And they are the reason EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE found themselves voting for a bloated, unhinged, lazy, racist, faded reality teevee celebrity for President.
I wonder if Repukes meet on Sundays and call it “Dying Conservatively”.
now come on Rog – #crookedHillary
What is Pfizer doing with their tax cut?
Ending their research into Alzheimer and Parkinson’s and laying off the 300 scientists working in that division.
But American voters won’t notice that. It’s not like any of them are dealing with Alzheimers in their families. They’ll see their tax returns and KNOW everything is better in America.
Maybe mom can use the “extra tankfull of gas” to take the H2 for a spin going the wrong way on the freeway.
For a preview of how a “fully in-charge” President Stable Genius might fare in a cooperative interview with the Special Prosecutor we have today’s DACA meeting.
He only managed to give away uncoupling DACA from the wall, uncoupling DACA from the shutdown, and tying immigration reform around Paul Ryan’s neck. Perfect! Not as if it’s an election year!
Sorry Mr. Speaker. I guess sometimes demonstrating “stability” and “geniusness” is more important than “comprehensive entitlement reform”. And no, you can’t get back the 48 hrs you just wasted at Camp David. Just try to learn from these experiences.
Perhaps some disappointing news will break the stony silence from Врач немой ебать.
Notorious RBG has released selection lists for clerks through 2020. Hope that brightens up your day, Dumbfuck!
Here’s President Fuckface Von Stable-Genius agreeing to a proposed compromise with Dem. Senator Diane Feinstein to go ahead with a clean DACA re-authorization bill:
President Russian PeePee says he “has no problem” with a “clean” DACA re-authorization that is not coupled to any wall or any other comprehensive immigration reform. He then repeats himself and pulls in a Republican attendee and says “Yeah, I would like to do that”. Then Kevin McCarthy has to interrupt him and try to fix the problem and tell President Fuckface Von Stable-Genius what he is thinking by bundling the wall and comprehensive reform right back into it. Then Sen. Feinstein gives McCarthy the opportunity to commit his leadership, the Senate leadership, and his party’s caucus in both chambers to getting all that done in less than ten weeks, while Fuckface looks on like he’s on the other side of the bars at the zoo.
He’s back! Oh hell yeah! The train is on the track, the throttle is all the way forward, and they are heading straight for the wall!
One of Trump’s “fine people.”
Driving drunk is a bad idea, making racial slurs is a worse idea, and threatening the arresting officer is the very worst idea. Especially if you’re a cop yourself.
Well he used to be a cop.
@24 I see why Kim wants direct negotiations with him.
Send the Fucker to Russia!
“Julian Assange May Be Forced To Leave Ecuador Embassy After Upsetting President”
@30 He can be Snowden’s roomie.
@28 the best part is when he says the handcuffs hurt…..ohhhh, boo, hoo, hoo. He’s lucky he wasn’t choked to death.
And being a Cop – he’s supposed to be able to drive drunk! God damn it!
Losing his job shouldn’t be the least of his punishment.
Pastor tells little girl to suck it. And the crowd goes crazy in applause.
Ohhh my….Weinstein, Weinstein, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi…
Why ain’t this so special. You know Freedom of Speach – what’s the problem; it’s got to be in the Bibbbbble somewhere and they certainly have the religious freedom.
No wonder our pet Trolls like him so much.
“A very clear and visible side effect of my lawyers’ questioning of Trump is that he [was revealed as] a routine and habitual fabulist,” said Timothy L. O’Brien, the author Trump had sued.
It has just occurred to me, that with keeping in mind the notion that “One cannot bullshit a bullshitter”, I think I’ve discovered something, in that the major difference I’ve seen in Conservatives and Liberals, is that Liberals do seem to have a better handle on spotting the bullshit and calling it out by asking questions, whereas the Conservatives take it at face value and base all their decisions on that. They really don’t question anything in any real depth. It’s all superficial.
This is how scams like Shaklee, Amway, Erhard Seminars Training and Religion have always been successful. They pick on the gullible. The people who are easily bullshitted. The rubes who can always be counted on to hand over their hard-earned paychecks to be trained into “knowing” exactly which emotions they should be feeling at various points in their daily lives.
So the question is, is this an aspect of sociopathic personalities? Are they psychologically so poorly equipped to deal with the various events of the day that they really just cannot understand how to cope with the daily bullshit without having to be specifically told how they should react to things? It would then seem to follow, that if they cannot develop an emotional construct within themselves without receiving specialized (and expensive) training to do so, that such individuals could then be easily led around by the nose and talked into doing absolutely anything merely by someone using the correct phraseology without there being any necessity for real substantial evidentiary support.
Thus, people can be trained into accepting certain patterns of falsehood as legitimate information, and then affiliate that language with other purported “leaders” who speak with the same sort of inflections and word patterns.
It has been repeatedly said that Fat Donny speaks in public with the language patterns and vocabulary of a 7 or 8 year old.
Interesting, that.
@33 But don’t you see? God loves sinners, so why shouldn’t Roypublicans love them too? Especially ones who sin against little boys and/or girls.
@35 “the major difference I’ve seen in Conservatives and Liberals, is that” Liberals think facts matter.
Oh goody! Now Trump’s lawyer is going to be subject to deposition and other discovery.
“Nearly one year to the day after the Russia dossier’s publication, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer hit both the research firm that produced it and the news organization that released it with lawsuits, saying its allegations about him are wrong.
“Michael Cohen, a personal lawyer for Trump who is named in the dossier, says BuzzFeed and several of its staffers defamed him when it published the 35-page document and an accompanying article last January. He also says that Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson, its founder, similarly defamed him after it hired an ex-British spy to compile the document as part of its opposition research against the Trump campaign.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cohen’s lawsuit claims Fusion GPS and Buzzfeed “recklessly” released the dossier’s “unverified” contents to the public. I’m pretty sure he’s a public figure within the meaning of Sullivan v. New York Times, and I’m also confident that the “actual malice” he must prove under the NYT standard isn’t the same thing as “reckless” or “unverified.” This should be interesting. It looks to me like he’s waiving attorney-client privilege and executive privilege in exchange for — what? Ah, but the satisfaction of dragging the bastards into court must give him a warm glow inside.
Meanwhile, a federal judge has blocked Trump’s attempts to terminate DACA.
Treaty rights. Yakama Nation
@2 Well he could be having dreams of the 25th Amendment. Why go to the middle east as VP on a trip that everyone you meet thinks is of minor importance. VP is the Rodney Dangerfield of American politics, when you could go as President. Apparently all of you on here having those dreams want President Pence. Could Pence be having a coming of winter moment with dragons, snow, and pomp and circumstance.
@3 Our drug laws are based on the notion that male WASPs are not tempted by drugs, only weak people like brown people and women are weak and susceptible to the siren song of drugs. The government must like a knight protect these weak people from themselves. The Kansas lawmaker just points out the logic our drug war is based on. Not likely any courts are going to step in rule that this racial based drug laws are as evil as racist based gerrymandering. The NAACP should point this out, often and loudly, but they suffer from hypocrisy on the issue.
@5 That is odd when Republicans tried to use the CRA to undo the regulations that was wrong.
Since the FCC undid a rule or regulation that is not covered by the CRA. The FCC can undo a rule, and republicans did not follow through on undoing the rule in 2017. Perhaps because the FCC is an independent agency.
In any case there is no way for he Democrats to force a vote on an agency undoing a regulation, only when a regulation is put into effect. Good politics on the 40 Senators part, but they can’t force a vote, because on a point of order the Senate’s parliamentarian will kill it before a vote can take place. Democrats will have to get Republicans to show their non support of net neutrality some other way, and some Dems will breath a sigh of relief and continue getting checks from Comcast and Verizon.
@7 One of the perks when your spouse is VP, always available. And Blair house gives a lot of opportunity to work on your amateur plumbing moves, just ask any former VPs, some who used plumbing as an opportunity to talk to someone. Please Mr. Bien let me finish work on this faucet or I will have to charge my celebrity plumber fee for work in front of an audience.
@41 Any thoughts we have of a President Pence emanate entirely from our desire for self-preservation. What you do is your business.
@10 This one?
but I’m sure you mean this one
Same or nearly same music different words. And most Russians probably all the verses of both. Americans only know the first verse of ours. Yes ours has 4 versus, you only learn one in elementary school, and it would take too long to play at Yankee stadium, and football players would bruise from all the kneeling.
@11 Hopefully some of his Democratic colleagues have told him to drop it as it’s patently unconstitutional. Or suggested he submit himself to his proposed law before proposing it.
@12 The proper voter response should have been to piss on some officials shoes at those polling places. That would cure that bullshit, and many handicapped people are capable of that as well.
@13 Based on your use of logic then there is not a single Democratic office holder that can pass either, Bernie and Salwant might be the only pols left, or in a very small club.
@15 You don’t understand Arizona politics much do you. Sheriff Joe is pretty popular down there. No chance that Democrats will be able to use the Judge Roy Moore playbook on the man. It may come down to whoever runs against him in the Republican primary. Democrats may not even bother to run in the actual election, or it will be to show the flag basically, Arizona is growing more purple, but is more red during a off Presidential election. The Democratic opponent will have as much chance to win as whatever Republican runs for the Senate assuming we don’t have two Dems running in the general election for Senate.
@18 Three percent growth in two of the next three years and he stays at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 2 percent and below and it gets dicey, but there is always the wag the dog Clinton strategy.
@22 Looks like a business decision. Capitalism demands that companies pull the plug on efforts that are not paying off.
Several drug companies have decided the research is not likely to be a good bet.
Meanwhile capitalists are making massive bank on some old drugs that used to be dirt cheap. Then they heard the classic Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
Now that is all about Capitalism.
@25 Good Trump has put some zip back into RBG. And she is giving the finger to the Dems too. Hope that smart woman has had a flu shot this year.
@26 The fun part is that Senator Feinstein has a primary to get through. Sure Trump is so stupid? What happens if she can’t put DACA on his desk for a signature? Whose Hispanic supporters bolt for the doors?
@30 @31 The Ecuadorians are stuck with him. The last President accepted his request for amnesty. They cannot simply kick him out, Unfortunately even if he left with the Ecuadorian ambassador to go to Heathrow no way to avoid arrest, unless he leaves in a diplomatic bag. Unless another embassy is right next door, even with another nations Ambassador same issues come up. And he is not worried about the fine and small amount of time he could get for the British charges. The longer it goes on the harder the Brits will be able to justify their position, but they ain’t called bulldogs for no reason. Still a liberal government could happen any year.
@37 Of course the conservatives in Russia are all communists. Kinda puts all sorts of things on their head.
@37 And in these here United States we don’t have no true conservatives, not since we told old King George we can govern ourselves. The true conservatives all left to Canada which finally got independence some hundred some years later from their majesty. Still them Canadian conservatives are true conservatives, Our conservatives are wild eyed liberals, and damned American scoundrels.
@38 Cohen’s the one suing. He is not a public official, and he is not a public figure just by being Trump’s attorney. He is not a household name, and courts are generally reluctant to call attorneys public figures, so how do you figure the courts will see him as such, and not just a citizen wronged by information in the dossier. And if he can show that he was in the US when reported to be in Russia that is malicious or damn close on the face.
@39 Ok, so what will the Appeal court rule, and in the end it’s unlikely the Supremes will uphold the ruling, taking th view this is politics between the legislative and executive branches, or simply Congress must act and if it does not the executive branch must comply with the law, and deport these aliens.
“Our drug laws are based on the notion that male WASPs are not tempted by drugs, only weak people like brown people and women are weak and susceptible to the siren song of drugs. The government must like a knight protect these weak people from themselves. The Kansas lawmaker just points out the logic our drug war is based on. Not likely any courts are going to step in rule that this racial based drug laws are as evil as racist based gerrymandering. The NAACP should point this out, often and loudly, but they suffer from hypocrisy on the issue.”
To think of how funny the above statement is, beyond being a plain waste of space, all you have to do is compare it to the Missouri GOP introducing a bill that all marriages must be performed in a church. Truly Repukes are just plain whack jobs. They’ll try to justify one thing while completely ignoring something else.
Go Jeff, Go.
@57 and you are a sideways talking good one.
“Fire and Fury” Publisher’s legal response to third Rae lawyers demand to pull the book can be read here.
To sum up, “Bitch Please, and now that you’ve threatened action your client is under a legal obligation to preserve any and all documents and materials relating to anything at all within the book.”
45 needs better lawyers.
Oh Really? Even in Trump country of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe, as I mentioned, lost his last race by double digits. He’s never been in a statewide race and there a whole lot of Latinos that will swarm to the polls just for the chance to say, “Fuck You” to a racist “papers Please” piece of shit like him.
21% of Arizonans polled agree with the pardon. Yeah, he’s really popular down there. (Faith based analysis)
But among the GOP, he’s got an even chance in polls to be in the general.
In today’s news, Darrell Issa becomes the latest casualty of the looming blue wave.
And even the Rasmussen poll, which is biased toward Republicans, says Oprah would beat Trump by double digits.
Wherein we see that release of full Government records, paid for by the taxpayer, that have been excerpted for political purposes and released is “sneaky.”
Man he’s an idiot. OK. Feinstein (84, moderate D) does have several primary challengers. the strongest of which is term limited State Pres. Pro Tem Kevin DeLeon. DeLeon is quite a bit left of Feinstein, first generation U.S. born child of Guatemalan parents, father of Chinese decent living in Guatemala. He’s a former educator who taught courses to immigrants on becoming citizens. Helped pass laws to grant drivers licenses regardless of immigration status and directing funds to programs to support clean energy.
Given that there ain’t a chance in hell an R is getting elected in California, why would DerTrumper want DeLeon in the Senate over Feinstein? I would be great with getting a very liberal 51 year-old Senator from California who would likely win reelection in high Latino/Asian population California for the next couple decades.
And also, given California’s overwhelming Democratic party leanings and open top two primary system, this race could very well be Feinstein/DeLeon in the general. Say Feinstein gets more than half of D voters (35-40% of total), DeLeon gets a sizable chunk of the rest, 25-28%, one of the five Declared Rs is going to need about 80% of the GOP vote to get past the primary to get their ass handed to them by Feinstein in the general. Or DeLeon.
That actually complicates matters and it’s not unlikely the GOP pushed him out.
Issa was doomed but an unknown R could fare better.
“I’m sorry Darrell but we know you can’t win and if you decide to seek reelection it will be without our financial support. The funds would be better spent on seats we have a chance to win. You’re on you’re own.” RNC
BTW, Thanks Dianne.
The republican “spin” was Obama’s FBI placed a mole inside the Trump campaign. “This Obama spying MUST be investigated, it’s worse than Watergate! Harumph!”
Actually, the testimony was that a member of the Trump campaign, alarmed by what was happening went full whistle blower and approached the FBI. This is disputed as it now appears that what Fusion assumed was a campaign official was actually the Australian ambassador relaying what now convicted (guilty plea) George Papadopoulos said while drunk.
If Trump has a consistent policy meme at all, it’s this: Retaliating against states that didn’t vote for him.
The GOP tax bill has been criticized for targeting blue states for tax increases. Now, we see a similar pattern in Trump’s coastal drilling “policy,” if you want to call it that: Blue states’ coasts aren’t safe, while a key red state gets an exemption from the danger of oil spills.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Reasonable people can differ over priorities and policy outcomes, but any rational policymaking process is based on articulable economic or non-economic goals, such as boosting GDP or protecting fragile lands. But Trump’s policies contain an extra element: Vindictiveness. The way Trump and his Republican sycophants are handling taxes and offshore drilling really isn’t much different than Chris Christie’s bridge-closing antics. It really boils down to: If you don’t vote for me, you’ll regret it. I’m sure Putin knows that game well. In U.S. federal law, it’s called “extortion” and “racketeering,” and people go to prison for it.
@66 Issa doesn’t need their financial support. He is by far the richest member of Congress, reportedly worth over $750 million as of 2015. He made his fortune by selling car alarms, after starting out in life as a small-time car thief.
I gotta say one of the most remarkable transformations that United States President Fuckface Von Stable-Genius has wrought since bamboozling 63 million drooling, meat robots into voting for him has been capturing the slavish obedience of the entire conservative political leadership. There can be no better example of this than Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach.
A man of limited accomplishment and even less intelligence, Kobach was keen to identify and then quickly seize upon a central Fuckface insecurity: his loss of the popular vote. And by doing so Kobach has elevated his national profile considerably, with the full backing and support of Fuckface. But the adventure having reached it’s very predictably disappointing conclusion, what stands out is the obeisance that every single conservative political leader is compelled to give to Kobach’s work, despite it’s utter failure.
Yet from this moment going forward any conservative political leader is compelled to play along with Kris Kobach as he peddles “alternative facts” in every venue other than one featuring sworn testimony. In court, where “alternative facts” earn you prison time, they find the lowest ranking person they can and that person takes care of the untidy business of telling the truth, however much the truth bothers the man-baby. But as for every other conservative, from the highest to the lowest, by virtue of their partisanship, they must kiss the ring and play along with the bullshit and fully support all the lies… substantial results… going forward… handed off to law enforcement… Democrats uncomfortable with findings… etc.
@70 Handing the “election integrity” commission’s “investigation” over to DHS tells you where this is going and always was going: People of color aren’t Americans, no matter what their birth certificates or naturalization papers say.
but as the court sworn statement from the White House proves, any claim that the “investigation” was “turned over” or in any way otherwise ongoing was a flat out lie. Always was.
There never was any “investigation” and the commission never produced any “findings” of any kind. Whatever the fuck they did – the who, what, where, and when, – the only thing keeping records of it from being obliterated is this lawsuit.
There never was any “investigation”, nor any credible threat of one, nor any legal avenue for using the non-existent results of any such non-existent “investigation” to threaten resident aliens. In truth, other than a sop for the man-baby, the “commission” spent a bunch of tax dollars for no other reason than to fluff the CVs of discredited racist hob-goblins and gremlin hunters like Kobach and Hans Von Spakovsky. What makes the whole episode so tasty, however, is that thanks to the man-baby’s fragile ego and the GOP’s slavish obeisance to him, every single conservative at every level must now treat oleaginous weasels like Kobach and Von Spakovsky as if they are “important” and “powerful”.
In totally unrelated news, every single major Roypublican incumbent announced their plans to retire.
This must be one of Dr. Dumbfuck’s relatives:
Can;t make that shit up. Alabama, sex with with a horse, white redneck hillbilly country all the way.
Not to mention this contained within the horse sex story:
Since it was on the Fox News site, must be true, amirite?