Join us on Tuesday evening to toast in the new year at this week’s edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 242 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
So, while certain individuals frequenting this blog constantly go on about the Steele dossier, it has become apparent that it was the drunken blather on the part of a high-level campaign official in Fat Donny’s camp who really got the ball rolling on the FBI investigations. (It’s the New York Times so open that link in a private window.)
“It was not, as Mr. Trump and other politicians have alleged, a dossier compiled by a former British spy hired by a rival campaign. Instead, it was firsthand information from one of America’s closest intelligence allies.”
Notice that Fat Donny has repeatedly denounced Australia’s Government over the months, as more of this comes to light. It is certain that he’s been getting information about this before anyone else has. His campaign operatives are the people running his public persona, such as it is. They tell him what they think he needs to know, and let him blow the smoke up everyones asses as they can always just call their friends in the Media after the fact, and offer “clarifications” or rephrase the original questions to fit the answers they’ve already given, while pretending that either the target audience misunderstood that question, or that the original questions never existed in the first place.
One of the things I find amusing about the lunatic rantings of the folks who harp on the Steele Dossier don’t seem to have anything to say about the veracity of the actual contents of that dossier, only the fact of that dossier’s existence, as though that and of itself was some sort of crime. Which it certainly is not.
The reality is is that campaign organizations always compile dossiers of the opposition; research, ideas, possible leverages that can be used during campaign events and alluded to in speech-writing etc. This always happens and has probably been part of such campaigns since the idea that people should choose their leadership and representation based on (supposedly) educated opinions has existed.
It is now obvious to anyone with a functional cerebral cortex that, like assholes, opinions are something that everyone has at least some possession of and control over, intellect and education notwithstanding. It is certain that the least educated and most reactionary are the people who seem to be making the most progress in the courts of public opinion. It seems as though the stupidest and loudest people in the room are the folks who other folks are listening to merely by the fact of the sheer volume of bullshit being generated. This is by purpose. It isn’t about facts, it’s all about just burying the opposition under heaps of rapid-fire lies that cannot be countered in any sort of real-time format. It forces the opposition to react to things and leaves them little room to present a genuine countering opinion without sounding a little desperate or reactionary themselves.
“Buttery Males!”
Uh, there isn’t really anything there to show serious wrongdoing”
“See! She’s LYING!”
“But no crime was committed, and this isn’t anything different from what your side is doing.”
“It’s a COVERUP!”
etc, etc, etc.
There is such a huge industry built around that bullshit that people don’t really know what is real anymore by the basic fact that they have never been offered any sort of instruction on how to filter it out. This is also by design. The Republicans, especially since WW2 have always been opposed to a system of General Education, regarding higher education as either mere jobs training programs for the working classes, or pure class gateways that should only be reserved for the wealthy elite. They were opposed to going to war against Germany because Germany was going to war against the Communists, and the pogroms that came with that war were just an anecdote to it. The Conservative Authoritarians were willing to at least overlook if not openly support those pogroms if it meant that “their” side would win. They don’t care about harm, they don’t care about the destruction, as violence is part and parcel of the paradigm. They made a serious attempt to instigate a coup against Roosevelt and install a military dictator in 1933, and the man they chose to be that Dictator turned around and blabbed to Congress and the Press about it.
Too bad none of them were hanged. They sure as shit should have been, to the last man.
The reactionaries just don’t care about any of that. They repeat the obvious falsehoods with ever increasing levels of vehemence and vitriol simply because it offers them the illusion of having people listening to them. They know that there is a substantial percentage of the population that will agree with them and repeat the story without questioning it, no matter how outrageous or bizarre their claims may be.
When the bullshit is called out, and there are people who start questioning the bullshitter, the reactionary element starts talking about violence as being a legitimate tool in their efforts to preserve and enforce their narrative. At some point in time, they will have to force people to listen to them, or die.
This isn’t unlike the “super-preppers” who stockpile weapons and ammunition and the like, not because they see an economic collapse as being something they can mitigate for themselves, but because possession of such weaponry permits them the ability to rob and murder those who have taken a more realistic approach to that potential problem by taking a less violent and possibly more altruistic attitude towards it. Starving people are easy to control when they can be bought off by the basic offering of food. This is how the Central American and African tribal terrorists recruit their soldiers. It was how Batiste controlled Cuba, only with water more than anything else. Inviting American mobsters in to help him control that economy was just another system of graft for him. The brothels were kept well-stocked with little kids and fresh teenagers for more than one reason. Cuba was famous for those brothels, and every single room in them was “wired”.
People with weapons and the willingness to use them always believe that they can prevent their own starvation by stealing from, and murdering the people who have the things they want. There are a lot of people who think that by being prevented from participating in luxury and/or political power, that they are being starved and oppressed no matter how well-fed and sheltered they really are. This is the idea that the American Conservatives have always relied on to manufacture their reasons for existing. Thus, they do not have to denounce the actual contents of the Steele Dossier, only the fact of its existence.
So, while certain individuals frequenting this blog constantly go on about the Steele dossier, it has become apparent that it was the drunken blather on the part of a high-level campaign official in Fat Donny’s camp who really got the ball rolling on the FBI investigations.
As the dossier is demonstrated more and more to be a political hammer rather than a factual assimilation, the FBI needs an alternative explanation for its investigation of Page and of Trump.
This is what it’s got left. We’ll probably not be talking about the dossier at all in another year.
Biggest loser:
Stevea certain individual.Stick a fork in me – I’m done.
I wonder if I can get my old gig back at SNL?
…provided you are prepared to stipulate to the PeePee President’s declarations that everybody inside the CIA, MI6, Mossad, the NSA and the major global media corporations are engaged in a decades long conspiracy on behalf of the Bush family to discredit a reality teevee star who might someday run for President and humiliate them.
Just curious: does this new pizza parlor also have its own torture dungeon?
I wonder if Huma Abedin could sue Trump for this?
She’s a public figure, but the malice element certainly seems to be there.
Unless we are. In which case dependable meat robots and Aggrieved White Working Class Males everywhere will continue to peddle the laughably absurd concept that at some point when JEB! was still in Texas working as a coffee boy for James Baker papa Bush hatched a global plot to fabricate a vast tapestry of eyewitness accounts, recorded conversations, and digital records implicating the largely unknown son of a New York real estate tycoon still mired in defending his father’s company from from federal charges of housing discrimination. Whew! Rest up. You’ve got your work cut out for you.
@1 “the folks who harp on the Steele Dossier don’t seem to have anything to say about the veracity of the actual contents of that dossier”
I’ve noticed that too. But you know what? It makes no difference. Trump could run through the streets naked and squawking like a chicken, and the 32% would approve of his job performance anyway. You can’t fix stupid.
“They know that there is a substantial percentage of the population that will agree with them …. ”
Like I said, the 32% who’d vote for a squawking chicken, because you can’t fix stupid.
“the reactionary element starts talking about violence as being a legitimate tool”
Which is why liberals should arm, the operative principle being that when chickens have guns, farmers need guns, too. To keep the peace.
I’d avoid the libel claim and go with either/both a due process violation, or Title 42, sec. 1983. I like that the distinction between the two would honor the late J. Scalia and force Fuckface’s lawyers to argue against him.
@2 “the FBI needs an alternative explanation for its investigation of Page and of Trump”
Corruption will do, but why bother with that when you’ve got a trail of treason to follow?
@ 5
I wonder if Huma Abedin could sue Trump for this?
You really have had your head up your own ass, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Abedin sent multiple State Department communications, which were marked classified at the time, to Weiner’s laptop. Weiner did not have clearance to read them.
The State Department has released emails from Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, that were found by the FBI on her husband’s laptop.
Some of the emails found on former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop were marked classified. It was unclear whether they were deemed classified at the time they were sent or when the State Department was preparing them for release.
You are well on your way to being an even bigger dumbfuck in 2018 than you proved yourself to be in 2017.
@2 Your comments stink of borscht, traitor.
You got nuthin’, Steve.
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
And this dumb twat will never, ever be White House Chief of Staff.
Huma Abedin forwarded sensitive State Department emails, including passwords to government systems, to her personal Yahoo email account before every single Yahoo account was hacked, a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of emails released as part of a lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch shows.
Abedin, the top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, used her insecure personal email provider to conduct sensitive work. This guarantees that an account with high-level correspondence in Clinton’s State Department was impacted by one or more of a series of breaches — at least one of which was perpetrated by a “state-sponsored actor.”
Trump didn’t need to collude with Russia. Russia already had #CrookedHillary and Co.
@12 True, that, in as much as I don’t have 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags to my credit like you do, you fucking traitor.
A true pro at work folks. When the new material isn’t landing fall back on your classic catchphrase. Na-nu! Na-nu!
“Huma Abedin”
Fuck you. The object of your hashtag affections glibly blabbed US intelligence secrets straight from his mouth to Russian ears.
“Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials”
Your treason stinks of borscht, traitor.
@15 We have our very own HA treason barometer. The tighter the noose, the more pro-Putin hashtags we see being posted by Doctor Dumbfuck, and lately we’re seeing an awful fucking lot of them. At the rate he’s posting them now, he’ll be at 5,000 in no time, and every damned one of them stinks of borscht.
@10 Since when is someone a dumbfuck for asking a question? Usually the dumbfuck is the person who doesn’t ask questions because he thinks he already knows everything. I’ve noticed you always have more answers than questions.
@12 On that score, you’re probably in better shape than Trump and his minions, but that’s relatively speaking.
“Abedin sent multiple State Department communications, which were marked classified at the time, to Weiner’s laptop. Weiner did not have clearance to read them.”
We are talking about the documents recently released by the State Department. Documents that were given to the State Department by the FBI. Documents that the FBI obtained from the laptop in question. Documents that the FBI had in their possession when then Dir. Comey issued a statement reaffirming that neither Sec. Clinton nor any of her aides broke the law. Correct?
Unless you’re talking about some other source of information, then we have little recourse but to gaze in wild wonder at the extent to which you will ignore inconvenient facts.
@16 But it can’t be treason if Trump declares Russia our friend, Putin a blood brother, and borscht is now replacing the hotdog as America’s national dish, can it? As @5, not expressing an opinion, just asking a question, doc.
I don’t think it’s so much about these people sensing the walls closing in at all. Probably all of Trump’s partisan adherents, and a good percentage of all the hapless dupes who bought the con and voted for him, find it far easier to believe an absurd myth about decades of interlocking conspiracy by dozens of independent agencies, hundreds of companies, and thousands of individuals than to ever admit their own depravity.
If anything prods them to these depths of frantic distraction it’s more likely to be a subconscious horror at who they themselves have become. And they do seem to be doing a pretty fair job of distracting themselves. Something I think we ought to encourage. The more partisan the public discourse surrounding Trumpublican crimes the less likely they are to ever realize how badly all 63 million of them have been defrauded and used. And in their self-induced ignorance lies their defeat and America’s salvation. The longer they continue to obediently follow Fuckface’s lead and pretend that “there is no collusion” (whatever the fuck that means) and that the whole idea of Russian interference in the election is false, the less prepared all of them will be to offer any sort of credible defense when the time comes.
Orrin Hatch is done. Romney wants to replace him. Trump doesn’t like that idea. Thus Hatch’s retirement is a setback for Trump, who tried to talk Hatch into staying another term.
@ 20
Documents that the FBI had in their possession when then Dir. Comey issued a statement reaffirming that neither Sec. Clinton nor any of her aides broke the law. Correct?
Here’s Comey’s November 2016 statement:
Nothing there about Abedin or the other aides.
Doc is grasping at straws this morning. He’s got nothing on Hillary, so he’s now reduced to going after her aides. He must’ve had a rough New Year’s. Or perhaps he forgot to buy hay for his horse.
In less than 24 hours, Doug Jones will be sworn in as a U.S. senator. Being Roy Moore must really suck.
Less than 12 hours after Doug Jones had been declared the winner in Alabama’s special election, Trumpeteers were tweeting about a rumor that folks in Mississippi had been “encouraged to cross over into AL and vote,” adding that this might explain the turnout.
Clearly, it never occurred to these folks that, in order to actually affect the outcome of the election, this “encouragement” would require using more than 800 busses in some way that no one would notice.
@27 They need a narrative that delegitimizes an election they lost. It doesn’t have to be plausible. After all, nothing else in their alternate reality is.
“Here’s Comey’s November 2016 statement…”
Right. The FBI have had these documents in their possession since October. Why wasn’t Abedin arrested or indicted in November? Indeed, why hasn’t she been arrested or indicted at all?
“Doc is grasping at Abedin straws this morning.”
I’d agree, but I doubt this has anything to do with New Year’s celebrations. This is his normal dumbfuckery.
@ 29 re @ 24
I don’t know.
Perhaps it wouldn’t have happened under the Obama DOJ because Obama. Perhaps now it’s unnecessary because, er,
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
The owner of the laptop on which the classified documents were found did end up going to jail. Oh, and the jokes…
Al Franken officially resigns Senate seat
Welcome to the world’s greatest deliberative body, Senator Romney.
Utah Sen. Hatch says he is retiring after 7 terms
Perhaps if Obama had taken Russia seriously rather than using it as a joke to bash Romney in 2012, #CrookedHillary might be president today.
Romney turned out to be right.
@30 “#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.”
Of course not. Neither will Obama (again). That won’t stop you and your pals from campaigning against both of them in 2020 instead of whoever’s actually running.
@32 You didn’t really need to bold it, as I already reported it @23.
If only Doctor Dumbfuck, Breitbart, and Fuckface had pushed black vote suppression just a little bit harder.
Lesson learned, eh Dumbfuck?
wherein a Trumpanzee admits that Russian espionage agents working on behalf of the Roypublican Party helped throw the election for President of the United States but only when it suits him in the moment.
“I don’t know.”
Like a broken clock, with the added feature of not understanding Occam’s razor.
We should form a committee, raise funds, and in Jan 2021 throw Fuckface and the Roypublican Party a huge farewell parade down Pennsylvania Ave thanking and congratulating them for defending white nationalist authoritarianism from pant suits, pizza parlor dungeons, and long form birth certificates.
@ 38
If history is any guide, you’ll need somewhat more than $1.2B and the DOJ in your pocket.
Although it’s hard to believe you’ll have a worse candidate than you did last time around. She was truly, truly awful.
I thought y’all had a committee. Didn’t #CrookedHillary give it back?
@ the blithering moran @ 13:
Oh, dear. Thats fucking rich.
Luke Rosiak is an investigative reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“investigative reporter”
Holy Noodles. That guy? He’s got all the wit and intelligence of a sack of wet beans. He cites articles he himself has written in other blogs and hatesites, without fucking attribution as though he’s just confirming and expanding on what those other sites have already “discovered”.
“See THEY are saying it too, and I’ve gone further in my investigations of this and can confirm what they’ve been saying all along! It’s ALL TRUE!”
He’s the Ouroboros of derp. He’s an entirely self-enclosed, one man Human Centipede.
Trump didn’t need to collude with Russia. Russia already had #CrookedHillary and Co.
Yeah, you keep scraping on it like that, the skin is gonna wear through and yer gonna end up being on suppositories for a month. Thats rich. You really need to stop taking 4Chan seriously. You’re quoting an article, written by an atomic bullshit machine, who cribs from a ‘Chan site that used to be famous for freely distributing KiddyPron and snuff vids, and is now one last bastion of TinFoil Hat neonazi mass murdering wannabees, that is publicizing another loony lawsuit by Judicial Watch! That organization that has made itself very wealthy on LOSING LAWSUITS. Larry Klaymann and his legal firm have been banned from several State Courts as a Vexatious Litigator, and has yet to win a single case in court. Many of his lawsuits don’t even get to trial, they’re dismissed with prejudice in the first or second hearing. The man is a certifiable lunatic.
You fucking idiot.
You really are that stupid aren’t you. You’re getting to be as bad as the Schiz. Maybe even worse, he at least has the excuse of being a religious schizophreniac. You don’t even have that to fall back on.
Judicial Watch, indeed.
“If history is any guide, you’ll need somewhat more than $1.2B and the DOJ in your pocket.”
Could be. Using history as a guide, in 2020 Democrats will be going up against Putin again, who has you and the rest of the GOP scumbag traitors in his pocket.
Just think of it. At the rate you’re going, by the end of 2020 you’ll probably have over 25,000 pro-Putin hashtags to your credit.
We already knew the Colorado cop killer was a rightwing nutcase, but as more information leaks out, it increasingly appears he not only was politically crazy, but was mental health crazy, too.
Meanwhile, some people think Cheeto Jesus has dementia. Who’ll run the show when he can’t remember who or where he is? Probably the same guy running it now; just call him Vlad.
@40 Just goes to show anybody can be a lawyer. Anybody can be a doctor, too. It doesn’t require character or brains.
The Colorado cop ambush by a rightwing nutcase with mental health issues was instigated by a traffic stop. Imagine how things would’ve turned out if the driver had been black instead of white. Probably woulda been nipped in the bud. White privilege let it happen.
“You’re getting to be as bad as the Schiz. Maybe even worse, he at least has the excuse of being a religious schizophreniac. You don’t even have that to fall back on.”
It’s been something to behold, really. All my training and experience told me to expect this. But it still surprised me a little to see it happen in real time over the last twelve months or so. It went exactly as theory and observation predicted. The tireless promotion of utter nonsense, which begins as an overtly and internally acknowledged cynical strategy, ends up taking over and forming the intellectual core of the individual and the movement.
Hatch has had 7 terms in the Senate. That’s 5 too many.
It’s time for term limits to rid ourselves of the pestilence of professional politicians.
I propose amending the Constitution to limit House members to 2 four-year terms (no more two-years terms for those guys and gals) and the Senate to 2 four -year terms (no more six-year terms for those folks). In addition, let’s prohibit people from serving in the House/Senate, then running for the opposite body after terming-out by requiring a ten-year time period to elapse before anyone can run for the other body. No more professional politicians and the special interest groups that own them!
Some Chinese folks old enough to remember the worst years under Chairman Mao are feeling a sense of deja vu. And it’s not about the current regime in China.
It’s a good thing to remember when rank-and-file Republican Dumbfucks can’t tell you why the FBI hasn’t arrested or indicted Huma Abedin over the past 14 months. People who believed that the RNC was running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza joint that had no basement are willing tools being wielded by people who want a moronic President to not have to face any scrutiny.
@46 Utah voters could have term-limited him any time they chose.
@46 If we’re gonna redesign the whole system, then let’s have a parliamentary system where governments serve only until they lose popular support. See #47 for details of rationale.
I suppose this bullshit is what Doc Dumbfuck was alluding to @ #13.
Or, maybe, it was this one.
The most humorous thing about this, is them trying to say that Mueller’s investigation is somehow biased. Mueller is a lifelong Republican, hired by and working for a Republican, operating a primarily Republican led investigation, into another Republican who has had a mobsters reputation in his home city for the better part of the last 30 years. The man had a reputation for skipping out on $100,000 restaurant bills back in the 80s.
New Yorkers know damn well that Fat Donny Two-Scoops is a mobster, and the old-money millionaires know that he’s an utter bullshit artist and can’t be trusted to change a dollar bill without trying to sneak a dime out of it for himself every time. There are probably a hundred reasons why no American or British Bank will do business with him. He had to go to a third party bank headquartered in Cyprus, with guarantees from the Russian Government to get enough to keep his head above water long enough to run another scam and pay them back. Then he even told them to go fuck themselves. Manafort was just there to protect Deutschs Banks interests in the matter. That figure is apparently disconcertingly close to a $Billion, and they sure as shit aren’t going to accept the traditional 7 or 8 cents on the Dollar like Fat Donny has traditionally gotten away with from other creditors.
Even if it were the case that they were to try to balance things out and remove potential political bias, it would add Democrats in place of Republicans. They don’t want that either. The reality is, they don’t want anybody looking at this with any intention of actually finding out the truth of the matter.
And the whole of the evidence that the investigation is somehow biased? Two people who said anti-trump things. People who when discovered, were immediately reassigned or let go. These morons are saying that those people should have been interviewed regarding political beliefs prior to joining the investigation. What those idiots seem to be blissfully unaware of, is that doing so would be illegal as hell.
This whole idea that Mueller is on some Liberal/Democratic witch-hunt is an utter joke from the outset. The same can be said of Liberals who think that Mueller will turn a blind eye to Clinton and Obama. The problem with that is, so far, nothing illegal has been found or even suspected of them.
Mueller is a Republican through-and-through This can be clearly seen from his career:
In 2001 he was appointed by Bush, a Republican, as acting Deputy Attorney General;
In 2001, he was nominated by Bush, a republican, as FBI director, and he was confirmed by unanimous vote in the Senate, receiving zero nay votes from Republicans.
In 2017, he was chosen as Special Counsel by Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, a Republican, who was himself appointed by President Trump, also Republican. This selection of Mueller as Special Counsel has been repeatedly praised by many Republican Senators and Representatives.
Until the last few weeks of course, and the majority of the people making those noises are the CongressCritters who already have a lengthy reputation for being utter, window-licking imbeciles such as Louie Gohmert and their leg-humpers in the media like Sean Hannity and Alex Jones.
So if there is some Democratic taint to the leadership of the investigation, it surely doesn’t originate with Mueller or his team, nor even those who appointed him to the office.
Probably the same God who advised Roy Moore to run for the senate.
“Michele Bachmann: God Will Tell Her If She Should Run For Al Franken’s Seat”
“Interior gets caught charging Zinke’s $39,295 helicopter trip to wildfire preparedness fund”
“The American Public Reportedly Spent $43 Million Last Year So Trump Could Play Golf ”
“Trump Didn’t Take Phone Calls While Golfing Because He Wanted To Focus On Game, Golf Buddy Says”
Republicans are Hypocrites! If President Obama or his administration had done any of these, they would be loosing their shit. Can you imagine how godwin and puddy would be frothing?
Odd thing.
D’ja notice how no one on the Trump side is actually directing their criticisms at the investigation on any basis that Trump and his cohorts are innocent? Or that they’ve entirely abandoned their sacred mantra: “If you’re innocent you have nothing to worry about” that they’ve been pounding their fists on the table about since the 1940s? They’re panicking.
Instead they attack the investigators, the actual people doing the work, trying to discredit them through their reputations. Now that idea seems to be washing out, they’re now claiming that the evidence is invalid, even though they, nor anyone else outside of the investigating committee itself has actually seen the evidence. They claim that there are serious leaks coming out of that committee, even though there have been zero leaks from the investigation itself. The only information they have to go with is the purely conjectural information given to them by the people and organizations that are being investigated or have received subpoenas. Don Jr. himself has tweeted out such evidence, and has twitterated several outright confessions in the matter because he’s an utter, fucking, moron.
But, while we’re supposed to go ahead and believe that Obama and Hillary are going to be going to jail any minute now, ANY MINUTE NOW, you’ll notice that no Democrats have criticized the investigation or denounced the investigators. They’re not worried. Hell, I’ll bet that a bunch of them know exactly what Mueller is finding, (at least little tidbits of it) and have been having some rather discreet and informal conversations with their Republican counterparts. You’re going to see a lot more people making that reluctant decision to not run for re-election so they can spend more time with their family Lawyers.
Republican desperation is really starting to show. Hell, they’ve all lawyered themselves to their eyebrows and have been shifting money overseas for several years, and now they’re caught up in a situation they might just not be able to buy themselves out of.
What I personally believe could start happening is for people starting to get whacked. Visibly. Not the investigator people, but the people they’re sniffing around. Certain mid-level flunkies, “business associates” of business associates, and maybe even the occasional peripheral family member.
Boy howdy, it’d be just like an episode of The Godfather and the funniest thing about that is, I really believe Fat Donny has the capacity to try that shit. The Russians sure as hell have no problem with it.
He’s certainly stupid and mean enough and he really seems to believe that he’s tough enough. He tells himself that in the mirror 40 times a day.
@53 “D’ja notice how no one on the Trump side is actually directing their criticisms at the investigation on any basis that Trump and his cohorts are innocent?”
Yeah, we noticed.
@46 “It’s time for term limits to rid ourselves of the pestilence of professional politicians.”
You and Shortbus are quite a pair. We have term limits already. If you don’t like how they are performing, you can always vote them out of office. The problem isn’t the politicians (although they can be problematic in their own right), it is the ignorant voters that can’t decide for themselves but hang on every word that some talking head spews (or they just can’t ever vote from someone a particular party). Works pretty well, just ask Roy Moore, or say Warren Magnuson or Tom Foley.
Shortbus and his bullshit idea of letting the folks on the East side of the state have the same weight as the folks on the West side (to even things out) and the asinine idea of term limits just because you don’t like someone that has been there for a long time. Why penalize good representatives? You two fail basic civics and the concept of a federated republic form of government.
Even better, why not run for public office and see what the rest of the populous thinks? Put your money where your mouth is.
I see Bob really is enjoying retirement. Driving that fast car and boat are such great pleasures and exhilarating. Especially when right after a spin in the car and being at the helm of your ship whilst having the refreshing breeze in the face the horse fucks you tirelessly.
@55 Repukes understand term limits quite well – just look at their refusal to vote in their beloved Orin Hatch.
“I have a bigger dick than you do, neener neener!!”
Thanks to Drumpf the skies are more friendly and safe…..unfortunately the Coal mines not so much.
you mean “I’m a bigger dick than you are, neener neener”
Bear in mind that EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE like that one aren’t remotely concerned about Dino Rossi still laboring to extend his public employment. PERS2 not as generous I guess.
@51 she’s probably tired of sitting at home watching Marcus molest little boys.
Oh dear, what is the Washington State Republican party going to do now that their bright shining light of a Chair, Susan Hutchison is going to vacate her position?
They had to scrape the bottom of the barrel after Chris Vance bailed on them:
My, talk about a real leadership vacuum.
If Dino Rossi ran for the chair of the WA GOP maybe he could finally win an election on his own.
I see the loon is babbling to himself on a dead thread again. Sucks to be the loon.
@ 63:
“If Dino Rossi ran for the chair of the WA GOP maybe he could finally win an election on his own.”
Doubtful, he’d still lose, maybe to someone like Marty McClendon.
We are talking about the documents recently released by the State Department. Documents that were given to the State Department by the FBI. Documents that the FBI obtained from the laptop in question. Documents that the FBI had in their possession when then Dir. Comey issued a statement reaffirming that neither Sec. Clinton nor any of her aides broke the law. Correct?
NOPE John Doe. Weiner’s laptop was a different investigation! It was under the control of the State Department, not the FBI. The FBI joined in with the investigation after they found sexting info to a 15 year old on the laptop! Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit was against the State Department!
Till Next Time!
@46 How about a little “term limits traitor” reminder? George Nethercutt, remember him? Talk about the height of term limits hypocrisy:
“NOPE John Doe. Weiner’s laptop was a different investigation! It was under the control of the State Department, not the FBI.”
The only thing you got right is that the laptop was discovered as part of a different investigation. Unfortunately for you, that fact is irrelevant, because that investigation was also conducted by the FBI:
The FBI has had those documents for more than 14 months. Had they constituted sufficient evidence to prove that a crime had been committed, someone would have been indicted by now. No indictments, no crime.
But, by all means, keep hyperventilating.
The FBI has had those documents for more than 14 months. Had they constituted sufficient evidence to prove that a crime had been committed, someone would have been indicted by now. No indictments, no crime.
Keep that thought while FOIA says otherwise! We now know Comey exonerated #CrookedHillary before reviewing the emails. Soooooooooooooooooo, the Obummer deep state was covering everything up together and finally, the cockroaches are seeing sunlight!
Till Next Time!
@ 68
Right. Because all crimes, once confirmed, result in indictments.
Hey vomit producer @1,
This contradicts the NY Slimes article saying Carter Page was the reason.
Trump Adviser’s Visit to Moscow Got the F.B.I.’s Attention
— Back then, no fewer than six of the Times’ top reporters, along with a researcher, worked their anonymous “current and former law enforcement and intelligence officials” in order to generate the Page blockbuster. With these leaks, the paper confidently reported: “From the Russia trip of the once-obscure Mr. Page grew a wide-ranging investigation, now accompanied by two congressional inquiries, that has cast a shadow over the early months of the Trump administration” —
So it seems this is another attempt by the NY Slimes to change the narrative and this shifting of goal posts is their latest attempt vomit producer. This may have something to do with the political problem for Adam Schiff being created by the fact that the FBI sought a FISA warrant based on an opposition research document (the Steele dossier) paid for by the #CrookedHillary campaign.
And we also now know this vomit producer… Fusion GPS, the DUMMOCRETIN research firm that retained Chris Steele for the “project” was more deeply involved with Obummer’s just us department than before. Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, and we learned two weeks ago that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and another Fusion GPS executive that no one has “identified” yet.
Sunlight always exposes DUMMOCRETIN cockroaches!
Till Next Time!
@63 So “Nonpartisan” Susie is leaving us? What a shame. She’s done a great job of keeping Washington blue.
Losing the state senate probably has nothing to do with her resigning. Nobody would put that on her, certainly not vengeful Republicans.
Btw did WA Republicans win anything during her tenure? Oh yeah, that’s right, Sheriff Dave got reelected again.
@68 The loon is going Mark Adams on us? i.e. can’t keep his facts straight? What a shock.
@69 “No indictments, no crime. Hyperventilating? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Keep that thought while FOIA says otherwise!”
Can’t keep laws straight, either. Should we tell him what FOIA is? Nahhh, let him figure it out.
Yup. You still have your facts screwed up, and have now wandered off into the never-never land of derp state conspiracies. Better get your tinfoil hat.
“Because all crimes, once confirmed, result in indictments.”
No, Doctor Dumbfuck. When the evidence doesn’t tell us who committed the crime, indictments are hard to come by. Did I really need to explain that to you?
To quote you @10 above:
Or, maybe you just forgot that the allegations you are making are specific to both the what and the who?
Yes, about those passwords!
Roger senile idiot wabbit,
Comey claimed there was nothing “classified” on the Weiner laptop. The FOIA from Judicial Watch upheld by the US Courts says this was another Comey lie! Multiple classified emails were on the Weiner laptop!
FACTS! Things John Doe and the senile FOOL can’t comprehend!
Till Next Time!
I wish these freaks could keep their Pizza Dungeon conspiracies straight. Are they after a thorough house cleaning at the FBI or a thorogh housecleaning at the NYT Co? Cause if its the FBI then NYT Co sources are irrelevant. And if its the NYT then you just have to get Robert Mercer to buy it. Either way they aren’t making any sense.
“Comey claimed there was nothing “classified” on the Weiner laptop.”
No, he didn’t. He just said that their review did not change the conclusions that they’d reached the previous July.
Facts–things that can be independently verified, not things that have been regurgitated from Puddy’s faulty memory.
Robert Mercer?
Thats it. Play dumb. Its what comes naturally to you.
“Either way they aren’t making any sense.”
Nah, there’s a really easy way to understand what the Trumpeteers are up to. When the information turned up by the investigation nails your ass to the wall, scream very loudly about the reason that the investigation started.
@79 Wrong again John Doe…
There is no faulty memory. All you have to do is contact the clueless crazed databaze deala and you’ll determine the original time of the PuddyPosts. Grow some balls and your faulty memory will be refreshed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
— It was not clear how many, if any, of the forwarded emails were among the 12 “classified” emails Comey said had been found on Weiner’s laptop. None of the messages carried classified markings at the time they were sent. —
Previously from above, the FOIA proved there WERE real classified emails on the Weiner laptop!
FACTS, those pesky things that bite DUMMOCRETINS in the ASS!
Till Next Time!
Typical DUMMOCRETIN response>>>. I don’t know how this happened!
Abedin’s lawyer issued a statement after Comey’s Oct. 28 letter, saying Abedin had no idea how her exchanges with Clinton got on Weiner’s laptop, and no idea that they were there.
Till Next Time!
To what possible end? By now it ought to be obvious that every major intelligence agency on earth was monitoring these ass clowns in their interractions with Russian FSB and just looking for some way of signaling to the US law enforcement authorities that didnt violate our laws or give away their own sources and methods. By the time Pap had his tongue loosened by a couple thousand dollars worth of Premier Grand Cru it would have been an open secret that the campaign was dancing with the Russians.
@77 “can’t comprehend!”
Who the fuck CAN comprehend your gibberish? As Donald Trump would say, “Speak English!” Moron.
@ The SchizoPoodle @ 77
“The FOIA from Judicial Watch upheld by the US Courts says this was another Comey lie!”
That says no such thing. As I have said before. Judicial Watch is a joke. They have been repeatedly chastised and sanctioned by multiple Courts over the years as Vexatious Litigators. That means that those courts, and several others over the years have considered the lawsuits they file as having no merit, no substance, and often have been so poorly written that they aren’t even worth the Courts time at all and are summarily dismissed with prejudice.
Anyone may file a Freedom Of Information Act suit, and those are often simplicity itself to win especially when nobody has any reason to hide the documents. Comey and the FBI had nothing to hide, and they didn’t hide it. JW got their request, and what it showed was that it had nothing whatsoever to do with Hilary Clinton, nor anyone else relevant to that investigation, and had nothing of any real value as evidence in Court.
“Multiple classified emails were on the Weiner laptop!”
So? That doesn’t mean a damn thing. It is not relevant to the Trump/Russian mob/Treason/Cypress Bank investigations in any way, shape or form whatsoever and obviously had no merit in any sort of criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton or any of her people.
It doesn’t even mean he could access them. You of all people should know how email encryption works. You don’t have the key, and you can’t open them. I could send you a shit-ton of illegal images through email and you’d have them on your computer Even if you didn’t have the decryption key, would that justify the FBI arresting you for possession of those images?
“You of all people should know how email encryption works.”
Heh. I dunno about that. The Chrome-challenged loon can hardly post a comment here without fucking up.
“There is no faulty memory.”
Puddy can’t even remember what he’d said in an earlier post in this thread.
@77, Puddy said:
““Comey claimed there was nothing “classified” on the Weiner laptop.”
According to the ProPublica article linked @83, Comey’s error consisted of overstating the number of emails that had classified information:
At no point did Comey ever state there was nothing classified on Weiner’s computer.
Expect copious amounts of squid ink in the near future, but I think my work is done here.
One thing clear now after the reveal of much of the Russian interference in our election and the public comment phases on net neutrality and other issues is, when Putin looked for ways to weaken America and bolster Russia, it was determined that the best way to go about that was to support the GOP and attack Democrats.
And they likely foresaw that there were plenty of dumbfuck Americans who would help them every step of the way and they’d do it for free, their efforts costing Russia not one single ruble. People like Doctor Dumbfuck. He sold our nation out only so he could post snide taunts directed at loyal, patriotic Americans on a little-read local blog.
Good try DUMMOCRETIN morons. You all forgot Comey’s testimony! FORGOT! Didn’t even remember ProPublica. Puddy did!
John Doe chose to hijack this: According to the ProPublica article linked @83, Comey’s error consisted of overstating the number of emails that had classified information:
Comey said they were classified “after the fact”.
AFTER the FACT! The three paragraphs hijacked (one more than allowed if you are a Republican) doesn’t change this FACT John Doe.
Good try!
FACTS… Not your friend John Doe!
Till Next Time!
Good try DUMMOCRETIN morons. You all forgot Comey’s testimony! FORGOT! Didn’t even remember ProPublica. Puddy did!
John Doe chose to hijack this: According to the ProPublica article linked @83, Comey’s error consisted of overstating the number of emails that had classified information:
Comey said they were classified “after the fact”.
AFTER the FACT! The three paragraphs hijacked (one more than allowed if you are a Republican) doesn’t change this FACT John Doe.
Good try!
FACTS… Not your friend John Doe!
Till Next Time!
Double post just for shitstain!
Till Next Time!
The vomit producer is insufferably stooooooooooooooooopid. What does this have to do with Trump and Russia?
Everything you FOOL!
The same people who exonerated #CrookedHillary, Huma Abedin, and Cheryl Mills are the same ones whom met in Asst Director McCabe’s office and colluded to use the Steele Dossier to get FISA warrants. This is why Adfam Schiff has changed his tune these last few weeks. Ever since he was caught talking to CNN his whole attitude on this investigation changed. One of his underlings said nothing has been found! The Flynn and Manafort guilty please were NOT over Trump’s campaign. Yet you are holding out hope!
First if was Carter Page. Now it was George Papadopolous. Butt, all fingers point to Lisa Page, Peter Strzok and McCabe making a pact with Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr and others to create this false narrative of the Steele dossier.
Keep the faith vomit producer. Just like your faith in Merry Fitzmas! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Till Next Time!
Puddy will help you John Doe.
Classified after the fact. This means “to him” they were not classified before the fact. The FOIA proves these emails were classified and the people whom let Huma and #CrookedHillary slide are the same ones who started this witch hunt on Trump with the DUMMOCRETIN bought dossier!
Puddy gave that fact to you from Talking Points Memo in December. Ask the crazed clueless databaze deala! Those TPM DUMMOCRETINS admitted Mueller was using the dossier for his investigation!
Nuff said suckas.
Till Next Time!
@ The SchizoPoodle @ 95:
“Those TPM DUMMOCRETINS admitted Mueller was using the dossier for his investigation!”
Um, so what? The dossier isn’t the whole of the reason for the investigation, it is just a part of it, and it is being used simply because it corroborates information gleaned and developed from other sources. The basic existence of that dossier isn’t illegal, it was not illegally developed, nor does it contain false information.
The sources have impeccable credentials, and the author has a very good reputation amongst the various intelligence services and is highly regarded for his acumen. The man has studied the Russians for decades and has a pretty good handle on how they operate and who they work with.
Amongst those are Donald “Fat Donny” Trump. He’s been working with them since the 1980s because he cannot handle his finances well enough to use legal resources to support his lifestyle and maintain his mostly illusory personal fortune. He has to do illegal shit, because his business isn’t about golf courses or hotels or casinos. It’s about helping criminals move money around the world to hide their ill-gotten gains from the Governments of the various nations they do business in. He can’t borrow money through normal, legal channels, because he can’t prove he has enough income from doing legal business. His business is mostly illegal in nature and has been for a very long time. The rest of it, the shit held up to public view is just window-dressing. No matter how thin you slice it, Fat Donny Two-Scoops is a fucking criminal by every definition of the term.
No one cannot borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from Banks based on how much cocaine one smuggles, or how much cash one is hiding for one’s friends. Even Mitt Romney eventually figured that out.
No investigator is going to refuse to use information just because it comes from a source that isn’t politically acceptable for some people.
(Open in a private window)
“Republicans have refused to release full transcripts of our firm’s testimony, even as they selectively leak details to media outlets on the far right. It’s time to share what our company told investigators.”
4:00 AM head explosions and double posts. Yet more evidence that the noose is tightening on these traitors.
I was certainly right about the squid ink. I’ve tried to figure out exactly what Puddy’s saying, but it’s just too incoherent to be certain.
Though he never said so, it appears as though Puddy’s talking about classified markings, but he never really says so. That’s not surprising. Puddy’s lack of clarity is notorious. Regardless, here are the facts:
1) Director Comey did, in fact, say that none of the e-mails were marked classified at the time they were sent.
2) Puddy has never cited any source that proves that the e-mails were marked classified at the time they were sent. Indeed, Puddy himself only ever said that the recent FOIA drop from the State Department proves that the e-mails were classified.
We can search for evidence, but we only find sources that corroborate Directory Comey’s statement. For example, there’s a Fox News article that talks about November 2010 document where portions were “redacted and marked classified as of August 2015.” After the fact indeed.
As I said, it’s hard to know exactly what Puddy’s trying to say once the squid ink flows, and clarity and precision have never been Puddy’s strengths. But, the facts we have are pretty clear.
Um, so what? The dossier isn’t the whole of the reason for the investigation, it is just a part of it, and it is being used simply because it corroborates information gleaned and developed from other sources.
OMG, what an insufferable FOOL. If the FISA requests were illegally sourced, then the guilty pleas can be challenged in court. The same FOOLS that Mueller are using as his prosecutors are the same ones that had their Enron and Arthur Anderson guilty verdicts overturned in court.
No wonder Puddy calls you the vomit producer! Your vomit is sooooooooooooo bad you can’t even put 2 and 2 together to get 4.
Yeah complain about suid ink. Puddy remembers the same claims when Puddy chided y’all on MErry Fitzmas; and who was RIGHT then?
Till Next Time!
2) Puddy has never cited any source that proves that the e-mails were marked classified at the time they were sent. Indeed, Puddy himself only ever said that the recent FOIA drop from the State Department proves that the e-mails were classified.
Oh yes Puddy has. TWICE John Doe! Refer to the clueless crazed databaze cretin. Puddy places sources here and you forget them. It’s already in the HA DUMMOCRETIN record so find it! Two different sources!
Sux to be you! Nuff Said Sucka!
Till Next Time!
We looked and looked. Then we looked some more. We found nothing. Maybe that means you’re a liar?
Only the yellowishleakingbuttspigot has the keys to the clueless cretin crazed databaze and you are not the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! You need to see the cretin for ASSistance!
See ya.
Till Next Time!
Only place to look for a “crazed databaze” is here:
Nope nothing there but a freak’s hate list.