Join us this this evening for a “good riddance, 2017!” edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 242 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Fair primary.
Goldy Retweeted
Remember when Trump used to say “she should never have been allowed to run” when he was on the campaign trail? It sounded so strange. Who would disallow it? How would that work?
Well, now we know.
Doctor it’s ok you missed xmas eve service, just put your tubby glass slippers on, close your eyes, click you heels 3 times and say “fag, fag, fag”
How many of you gave gifts to your loved ones on CHRISTmas? You are representing God’s gift to humankind, His Son Jesus Christ! Hence you admit He is the Creator and Saviour of the world.
Funny how that works. So much for your “sky daddy” criticisms. Not thinking as DUMMOCRETIN is superior in thought libtards! Remember your side stacked the political DUMMOCRETIN primary against The Bern!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your sins really stink!
Till Next Time!
I’d say the loon has lost it, but he never had it. SAD!
Holy horsesASS manure… Hey libtards remember this?
Well it seems now…
“a lawyer familiar with the outlines of Mueller’s probe” said the dossier was “the road map that Mueller was using in his investigation.”
So if this was ill gotten gains through the DNC and #CrookedHillary… wow Adam Schiff, swirly bowl time!
Do you think Doctor Dumbfuck understands that we’re not “going Godwin” when we’re talking about real fucking Nazis?
“Trump’s “very fine” neo-Nazis are terrorizing mother of slain Charlottesville protester”
Piddles, I can honestly say I did not give anyone a gift of any kind on 12/25/2017. Why? Because I don’t believe in supreme being, hence why I didn’t give any gifts in it’s name or it’s son’s name. No such deal for Dad, Grad, and Spook from me.
All of my friend/family know it so they don’t expect it, so it isn’t big deal to them. What I do give them is my time during the entire year, be it a dinner, helping with a project, or just having a beverage of choice to catch up and relate on an interpersonal level. I also volunteer year round. None of it is done in the name of any religious entity.
What did I do for 12/25? Got up really early and watched water fall from the sky, hit a temperature layer and freeze to cause snow, and watched it gently blanket the flora and fauna of where I live and listened to the sounds of silence. I watched in amazement and wondered how different it would be if there was no gravity. Had a cup tea in honor of Sir Isaac Newton.
I have to say it is really refreshing not to have to “keep up appearances” on that religious bullshit. The day was stress free and zero disappointment or didn’t meet expectations on the “right gift”. You can have all that crap, it just complicates life too much, and to what end?
@1 “Well, now we know.”
Yeah, now we know how it works, and who Trump got the idea from.
@3 If you kiss me, I’ll give you my flu.
@5 See #61 in previous thread.
“This year, the president attacked” … everybody.
Not exactly inspired politics.
Mr. Huckabee, Donald Trump is no Winston Churchill.
@12 Nobody does Churchill better than Trump. Even Churchill couldn’t match Trump’s Churchillity.
“24 Things Nobody Does Better Than President Donald Trump (According to Donald Trump)”
@13 Then why didn’t he get the movie role?
Ryan’s worldview explained. Excerpt:
“Ryan wants to curb spending on … Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. … Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. … Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ryan wants to remake America to resemble the fantasies of a dead novelist. That isn’t what the American people want.
@3 In support of Puerto Rico and three kings day they could be waiting for January 6th. And there is still time to get a gift for a child on the island.
@7 Umm Newt all rain ect from the sky starts as snow. No snow, no rain, snow, sleet ect. Fair chance if it melts on the down and refreezes you get ice. It’s called science. If this is a science based blog, political discussion.
@7 Also a cup of uranium weighs 10 pounds.
@13 Mike Hucklebee Attorney General. Mike Hucklebee Secretary of State. Either of those sounding good to the man who is so much like Churchill.
RR here is your way in as a secret agent rabbit of the Democrats, shake a few hands, spread some flu.
And the Pope and others got a anatomy lesson today from FEMEN. The Swiss guards had their hands full.
@14 He had already thrown his hat in the ring, so he was not available.
Trump does not drink.
Trump’s Bronx accent.
The general British rule of no Yanks allowed to portray Churchill.
(If that happened there could be a black King Arthur King of the Britons!!! Well the French would not taunt a black King Arthur. )
GOP: Tax cuts for workers is Socialism, but tax cuts for billionaire shareholders is good government.
So, by this logic, we should tax hourly workers at 100% of their income and make sure that people who hold stocks in multinational corporations aren’t burdened by unnecessary expenses.
Gotta pay for those private islands and personal 777s somehow.
Republicans, the party that:
1. Supported an admitted child molester for the US Senate, then says, “I knew he was a loser, which is why I supported the guy who lost to him in the primary.”
2. Nakedly defames decorated combat veterans and accuses them of Treason.
3. Funds and trains mercenary death squads operating in tiny Central American countries and then accuses people who resist or defend themselves of being terrorists.
4. Smears Presidents with accusations that they’re not American citizens by labeling their birth certificates as being fake, then rescinds the accusation by inferring that even if he was a citizen, that his skin color or religion disqualifies him, then says it was Hillary who originally said that, then repeats it again as though it were proven fact.
5. Prances with a codpiece on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier in a Halloween costume in an absurdly comical premature victory celebration of an oil war that was started on a wholly false narrative.
6. Apologizes and grovels to global oil companies when same cause ecological catastrophes, then shovels them taxpayers money.
7. Attempts to make distinctions between “legitimate” and “illegitimate” rape, then refuse to acknowledge that rape should even be considered a crime, and attempts to block abortions of young girls who were raped, citing “Fathers Rights”.
8. Sells weapons to a declared enemy and smuggles illegal narcotics into the United States to fund illegal proxy wars in poverty-stricken Central American countries that were helpless to resist, then labeling those countries as “communist” to rationalize the slaughter of their civilian populations by foreign mercenaries.
9. Allows the folksy racist president who oversaw the execution of that conflict to get away with saying “I don’t recall” over 200 times in court when questioned as to the reasons and rationales for it.
10. Launders money for crime organizations and coordinates propaganda with a declared enemy to fund a presidential campaign.
11. Attempts to crucify a Democratic president on a sex charge, falls back to, “But he BROKE THE LAW!” while making overt attempts to block the investigation into #10 above.
12. Cuts health insurance for poor kids to deliver truckloads of cash to their campaign contributors, tax-free, in return for financial and propaganda support from those same contributors to their campaigns for office.
13. Preaches about family values while banging their stepdaughter from the age of 14 (I think) to 28 when she finally cracks and murders her kids.
14. Nominates a psychopath religious fanatic for Vice President who is too stupid, trashy, and unfit for office to be assistant dogcatcher in his home state.
15. Confirms an individual for Secretary of the Department of Energy, the agency responsible for the nation’s nuclear weapons arsenal, who is literally too stupid to find his way out of a broom closet and doesn’t understand the basic purpose of the agency he is supposed to lead.
16. Confirmed a man for Secretary of State who has literally done nothing his entire life except work for a single oil company, and has a huge financial and personal stake in a oilfield development deal with the same enemy as #10 above.
17. Has a Speaker of the House who has never held a job, nor has ever had to financially support himself.
The old-school Mafia runs the Country now. It may not be the Italians, Jews, Sicilians or Irish, but they sure as hell play the same game with the same rules. The only difference being that now they have the whole Government backing their efforts with the full support of Law Enforcement.
Even Ted Bundy was considered a “good” Republican.
@18 The first time someone put a cup of uranium on a baker’s scale, they should have known that stuff would be trouble.
Trump screws consumers again. The FTC has stopped investigating lodging businesses — Trump properties among them — that boost room rates by charging guests hidden fees. Advertising a room for $80, then charging the guest $100, after nowhere disclosing there’s an additional $20 of fees, is legal fraud pure and simple. It’s against the law. But if Trump has ordered the FTC to not regulate, investigate, or prosecute violaters, being against the law is meaningless. And Trump is one of the violaters who stands to personally benefit from non-enforcement.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: People who voted for Trump based on his promises to revitalize the middle class arguably can be forgiven for not knowing he would break those promises, although I would argue they’re not wholly innocent because Trump has long been known to be untrustworthy. But there’s no excuse, except ignorance, for continuing to support him. Trump fucks over workers and consumers at every turn. His program isn’t designed to “make America great again,” it’s designed to “make business owners rich again” at the expense of their employees and customers. If you own a resort hotel or wedding cake shop, fine, I understand why you might vote for this guy even though I wouldn’t — your interests simply don’t align with mine (or very many other people’s interests). But don’t tell me you still support him because he’s going to make life better for the middle class. That lie has been exposed, that ship has sailed, and the only way you could still believe that is through self-delusion or intentional and premeditated ignorance.
@24 followup: One thing you can count on is, if you book at a Trump property, you’re gonna get ripped off.
Trump isn’t a complicated man. He’s easy to understand. He’s a thief. Period. That’s all there is to him. Everything he does involves stealing. The Trump administration is simply one gigantic con game.
@21 I’ll bet it won’t come as a big shock to you that he graduated from a Texas Bible college and worked for Campus Christ for Christ before getting into real estate. Kind of the Dino Rossi of North Carolina politics with a southern Jesus-freak twist. Gotta watch out for these “Christian” businessmen; they’re all thieves.
He’s also a big fan of “The Skeptical Environmentalist,” a climate change denier, a virulent Obamacare opponent who suggested that people with pre-existing conditions move to a state where they can get insurance, and blamed the Charlottesville violence on protesters who “hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not.”
Just an all-around very nasty guy who barely got elected to Congress in a district the GOP hasn’t lost since 1986.
correction @26 Campus Crusade for Christ
@17 Stick to mansplaining the bible, science isn’t your gig.
“A snowflake begins to form when an extremely cold water droplet freezes onto a pollen or dust particle in the sky. This creates an ice crystal. As the ice crystal falls to the ground, water vapor freezes onto the primary crystal, building new crystals – the six arms of the snowflake.”
Snow starts as cold water.
And what hell does uranium have to do with Sir Isaac Newton? Uranium was discovered in 1789, Newton died in 1727.
Ice-Nine, Ice-Nine baby!
Meanwhile when explaining the law…
PuddyCommentary: When you have shitstain FOOLS like steve claiming HATE anywhere and everywhere TRUTH is put forth you are going to claim someone has lost it. Even the great Alan Dershowitz is dealing with the shitstain types.
You see to a really HATEful HA DUMMOCRETIN, principles and the law don’t matter. Witness the BULLSHITTIUM in the above comments just in this thread!
Sad and soooooooo typical.
Till Next Time!
Gotta love it when libtards go postal over another libtard stating some hurtful TRUTHS!!
Gotta love it when libtards go postal over another libtard stating some hurtful TRUTHS!!
Watch the shitstain go postal!
Wait for it!
Till Next Time!
Did you know since Trump became president ISIS has lost over 95% of its territory? Has anyone mentioned this FACT on libtard web sites?
Till Next Time!
Seems libtards in media have potty mouths. Well see the same thing on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
This moron screams racism against one of her own! Sad and so typical of DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
It seems there were other shady activities happening in Obummer’s just us department…
Hmmm…? It seems that it really happened and this DUMMOCRETIN confronted another DUMMOCRETIN over it.