Join us this Tuesday evening for a Special Election edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. Stop by and cheer your team. In one coner is a man accused of molesting children. In the other corner is a man accused of molesting the KKK church bombers.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm, but the polls close at 5pm, so some of us will be there early. We expect election returns to trickle in all evening.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 242 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
In the news today is an admission by CNN that the Russian contacts by Sessions, when he was a senator, did not need to be disclosed. His staff asked, and the FBI replied in writing, that unless he developed personal relationships from those contacts, they were part of his routine activities as a senator and did not need to be listed on his disclosure form.
Biggest loser, more and more commonly, is Steve.
No borscht for you!
Didn’t have to be lied about either.
That’s a thing too.
Q. How many times have Roypublicans been caught red-handed lying about working with the Russian commies?
A. As many times as Doctor Dumbfuck was duped into passing along Russian FSB bot-farm hastags and social media links.
If Bannon-Russia’s Hillbilly mob don’t hurry the fuck up and get behind Satan, the Roypublican Party just might have to admit that they’ve lost their mojo.
Prediction, and we know that went….
Moore wins because it’s vote supressing, DMV office closing Bible Belt dumbfuckery Alabama.
But I read Fox News own analysis of their +9 Jones final poll and they found a 30% Jones spread of voters polled on mobile numbers. Lots of polls were land line only. So if Jones wins and even more if he wins comfortably land line polling is done.
The wife of one of my Republican Tea Party friends once said to me that “Everything will be ok”. She said this in reference to Humpty Dumpty becoming President or being the President (it was after the election). And she was basically stating this to the people that didn’t like that Drumpfy was going to be Leader of the less free World (to Ireland and now Australia).
But I wonder if she would take a gulp of her own medicine or advise and say “you know Alabama, everything will be ok if just elect Jones. No need to stoop to the level of electing a child molester as a State Senator”.
What do you think Trolls… that some good advice you fucking pukes?
“..passing along Russian FSB bot-farm hastags and social media links.”
Maybe it would be fun to do the same for male porn.
@5 I think it’s more likely Republicans will steal the election in the counting rooms. Alabama’s Republican supreme court has just blocked a judge’s order to preserve digital voting records.
Last I heard, Rand Paul’s vote for the tax bill was in the bag, and this still appears to be the case. This morning he said he won’t vote for more debt, but was talking about spending, not tax cuts, which he said “are never the problem.” He specifically referred to “shrinking the government.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This, of course, is the height of hypocrisy. And it sure looks to me like Social Security and Medicare are in Republican crosshairs. We know they’re going after food stamps, and the children’s health insurance program already is a goner.
Perhaps someday Alabama voters will emerge from their centuries-long dark abyss, but not today. My money is on Alabama electing a Senator who, among numerous other serious flaws, is a pervert who lusts for little girls and who would revive slavery and take away a woman’s right to vote.
We’ll just have to win back Congress and the White House, then reverse all this shit. Restore the guts. Reimpose the taxes. And, above all, redraw the districts so a tyrannical minority can’t do this to the majority again.
“Didn’t have to be lied about either.”
Doctor Dumbfuck grasping at any straw that might come along in his failing effort to absolve himself treason is some really funny shit.
You’re a fucking traitor, Doctor Dumbfuck. You’re a traitor to the tune of 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags. Just be glad Mueller is working his way up, and not down.
@5 Re polls, the 2016 polls weren’t that far off. After all, Hillary won the PV by nearly 3 million, which would be a comfortable margin in almost any election. In that one, the losing candidate snatched the EV away from the obvious winner by carrying three large states by a combined margin of 60,000 or so votes. If that doesn’t look fishy to you, your brain is a rutabaga.
One thing we’ve learned about polls is those have been wildly off were conducted by landline and failed to capture the mobile phone-only demographic. This is a plausible explanation for why Fox’s poll shows Moore +9 and Emerson College’s poll shows Jones +9.
There’s a good chance this discussion is irrelevant, though. With only a 2-vote margin in the Senate, including several waverers who may not be wholeheartedly on board for tearing up the social contract, Republican leaders from Trump down are making clear they will do literally anything to keep this seat.
Anyone who thinks they won’t resort to stealing this election if vote suppression, smears, dirty tricks, and the other standard GOP tactics fail to get the job done is daydreaming. That was made perfectly clear the by GOP-controlled Alabama supreme court’s actions this morning.
typo @11: “cuts” not “guts”
Liberals correct their errors. Conservatives won’t even admit theirs.
Trump and his party may not be taking climate change seriously, but nearly everyone else is, including most governments and a growing number of big corporations traditionally considered part of the GOP’s business base.
Meanwhile, corporate activism is growing like mushrooms after a rain:
“A group of institutional investors calling themselves Climate Action 100 said it would use its financial clout to raise the issue of climate-related risk with companies. The group, which comprises 225 investment funds managing more than $26 trillion in assets, said it will focus its efforts on 100 of the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters. The idea is that companies will heed the concerns of major funds because they don’t want to be considered a bad investment due to the financial risks that climate change might pose for their business.”
In addition,
“Over 200 companies have pledged greater transparency on reporting climate-related risks in their businesses as part of a voluntary program led by U.S. billionaire Michael Bloomberg. The former New York mayor and Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England and chairman of the Financial Stability Board, said Tuesday that the number of companies supporting the program had more than doubled since its recommendations were first published in June. The 237 companies , with a combined value of over $6.3 trillion, include construction firms, energy companies and financial institutions from 29 countries.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The ignorati can’t make climate change go away by pretending it doesn’t exist. It’s happening whether they acknowledge it or not. Sure, informed people can debate the details, but kneejerk denial isn’t constructive. The deniers are like ostriches burying their heads in the middle of a busy road. Sooner or later, they’re gonna get run over.
Just another day for the GOP, which now stands for “Gang of Perverts”.
“Kentucky Republican who compared the Obamas to monkeys accused of sexually assaulting teen girl”
“Religious right leader accused of sexually abusing teenage boy — and claiming it was a God-sanctioned secret”
“GOP lawmaker accused of rape sings about baby Jesus at press conference before calling victim a liar”
“Vietnam buddy tells Alabama rally about visiting child brothel with Roy Moore: ‘Some were very young’”
So where does Doctor Dumbfuck fit into all this? I read somewhere about horses, but my hunch is that it would have something to do with black males.
When talking about a Republican controlled Congress, “restore guts” sounds fine as they’re nothing but a bunch of gutless SOBs.
Channeling Putin, Roy Moore rode a horse to his polling place this morning. It didn’t take long for wags to dub him “Sleazy Rider.”
I give you the top law enforcement agent in the United States government when it is controlled by Roypublicans:
Unless I did.
But just the one time.
Unless it was several times.
And then I don’t remember.
Unless there are emails.
And then I didn’t need to disclose them.
So there.
That dog won’t hunt. When you testify before the senate you’re under oath. When a Senator asks about meetings with Russians and you say no, you’ve perjured yourself even though, in your former roll as a Senator disclosure isn’t required. Under oath, direct question.
@12 (cont.) The horse he rode in on.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Poor horse! First Doctor Dumbfuck, now this.
@16 “So where does Doctor Dumbfuck fit into all this?”
See #21 above.
This would not have happened in a #CrookedHillary presidency.
“A Mexican national in the country illegally, who has a prior conviction for sexual assault on a minor”
If he’s gonna come here and act like a Republican pervert, then, yeah, he should be picked up and dealt with.
Moore prefers a Philly
@23 Trump and Doctor Dumbfuck policy: Round up and deport illegals who committed crimes, then congratulate yourselves over a beer or Diet Pepsi.
Roger Rabbit policy: If foreigners commit crimes in our country, try them in our legal system, and if they’re convicted, make them serve time in our prison system, so they can’t hop the border again, come back, and commit more crimes.
Tomi Lahren being Tomi Lahren.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She’s very young and doesn’t know anything. Give her time. With luck, maybe she’ll grow up and pull her head out of her ass by the time she’s 35.
You gotta hand it to Sarah Fuckabee Sanders, it takes moxie to stand in front of TV cameras and rattle off this kind of bullshit with a straight face. Makes you wonder if they drug her before she goes on.
Trump and Doctor Dumbfuck policy: Round up and deport
illegals who committed crimessome guys with brown skin named Gomez, then accuse them of being illegals who committed crimes then congratulate yourselves over a beer or Diet Pepsi.101? Wow! Gosh!
Since Fuckface Von Russian Pussygrabber was installed by a shirtless commie dictator, ICE ERO have arrested nearly seven times more U.S. citizens and legal residents using the same warrantless administrative removal orders.
@29 Won’t surprise me if some American kid finds herself dumped in a foreign country she’s never seen, where she doesn’t know anybody or speak the language, without money or due process, under this regime.
Fact is, nobody’s safe. My surname, “Rabbit,” could get me deported to Australia without notice or warning even though I’ve never been within 2500 miles of the place.
Mueller’s office isn’t commenting on a source that claims that FBI agent Strzok, who was removed from the investigation, got his FISA warrants by requesting them through FBI lawyer Page, who he was adulterously fucking and who also was removed from the investigation.
You’ll likely be reading about it in USA Today very shortly.
I guess it turns out that there is something wrong with FISA warrants, just as Dems had once alleged. It’s just that the problem is when they are requested under a Democrat president, not a Republican president.
Fact Checker Analysis
Pelosi’s claim the House GOP is ‘inviting’ violent criminals to carry concealed weapons
We wavered between Two and Three Pinocchios but ultimately settled on Three because her last line — “the @HouseGOP just voted to do exactly that” — is so over the top and exaggerated. One can have a respectful political debate, raising the issue of a lower common denominator for concealed-weapons permits, without accusing the other side of voting to let violent criminals and stalkers have guns.
Stated differently, one may possess a cunt without being one.
Oldie but a goodie…
The right wing is trying so hard….
But that’s not the way the justice system works. Even if, big if, an FBI investigator and an FBI Attorney are fucking the attorney still has to go to the FISA court and get approval.
This is not how it works
“Hey honey, you’re a lawyer for the FBI and I’d like a warrant.”
“Done, I signed it myself. It’s all legal. Go wiretap to your hearts content you sexy beast!”
This theory wouldn’t even work in a terrible TV Law&Order ripoff.
Mueller’s office isn’t commenting… full stop. Never has.*
See how easy that was?
Then again it wouldn’t serve your Russian Treasonist agenda of stopping the investigation into Roybuplican corruption.
Every worthless skell defense lawyer makes the same claims. “The warrant was no good because the detective punched his wife once!” In the real law it never works. Warrants are challenged on merit, not the reputation of the law enforcement who request them. Doesn’t matter who they vote for. Doesn’t matter who they fuck. What matters is the information in the app. Wanna know why your Orange Shitgibbon’s lawyers aren’t challenging that? Because they know the FISA court ruled correctly.
*Got leaks? Talk to Devin Nunes and all the backstabbers in the Fuckface White House.
@ 34
“Hey, honey, I’d like a FISA warrant.”
“What’s the basis, Balls o’ Steel?”
“This document ginned up by some guys who work with the wife of my colleague down the hall. Got some real salacious stuff cooked up to make it smokin’ when it leaks. We call it a dossier ’cause that’s what the guys think will help you sell it.”
“OK, I’ll tell FISA it’s from MI-6. But I get to be on top before you go home to the missus.”
Since it looks like Doctor Dumbfuck is fully signed on, it’s probably worth considering the precise means that the Traitors plan to obstruct justice to save their Cheeto Jesus.
He’s going to fire Mueller, and close down the investigation.
Rosenstein won’t do it. But Rachel Brand will. Gladly. She’s a treason gargoyle. But the table must be set first. So all of this preoccupation with Uranium One, and who slept with who is pretext. They have to provide enough of what passes for credibility among traitors to first allow Fuckface to appoint a second Spec Prosecutor to investigate the first one. And that second one will leak like a sieve, feeding the daily news cycle with “unconfirmed” reports of “disturbing” allegations, etc. Once the waters are sufficiently muddied they can move on Mueller without too much blow back.
And that, dear friends, is how you can know for certain that Fuckface, the RNC, and the Roypublican leadership in Congress were in bed with communists from the start. They won’t allow an investigation. They can’t. They are going to shut it down before it leads to any of them.
They’re traitors. We knew it would come to this.
“OK, I’ll tell FISA it’s from MI-6…
Which if it isn’t true get’s you fired, disbarred, imprisoned, and left to pay off your student loans working the fry station at Burger King.
I have no doubt that some bitter ex-cop, ADA in LA would have no qualms swearing false statements to get a warrant.
But DOJ lawyers making application to FISC don’t.
And how do we know?
Because the Traitors can’t stop talking about the fucking, instead of the application.
Former People magazine reporter Natasha Stoynoff said Trump once pushed her against a wall and forced his tongue down her throat.
Trump says he doesn’t know Stoynoff and has never met her.
So, today, People magazine published its photo of Trump posing with Stoynoff at Mar-o-Lago.
@ 38
Which if it isn’t true get’s you fired, disbarred…
Yeah, possibly. If your boss turns you in.
But he won’t.
The Justice Department is refusing to reveal details of the process that led up to former FBI Director Robert Mueller being granted an ethics waiver to serve as special counsel investigating the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.
@40 Trump’s solicitor general got one of those waivers, too. They’re not uncommon and don’t imply anything amiss. Bar association rules allow clients to waive conflicts of interest rules in many situations after proper disclosure by the lawyer. It’s not in the same category as, say, a radiologist purporting to diagnose a prostate condition in a patient he’s never seen whose x-rays he doesn’t have.
@37 That’s my take, too. Sooner or later, he HAS to fire Mueller, then pray the Democrats don’t win Congress and his own party doesn’t acquire a moral spine. Canning the special prosecutor is the easy part; he can always find some lackey to do it even if he has to keep firing everyone down the line until the new hire with a rent payment coming due is the only one left. The hardest part is trying to drive a wooden stake through the heart of the investigation. If he fires Mueller, Congress can reappoint him, or Mueller could take his evidence files and apply to Schneiderman for a job.
Damn this one made my day:
Side splitting!
However, isn’t this true of all male Moore voters and the roypublican HA trolls? Kinda strange the roypublicans are hating so much on yertle.
A capital gain tax is a form of income tax because capital gains are considered income for income tax purposes.
It’ll be a miracle if Alabama elects a D to the US Senate.
It’s a whole other world down there and they’re welcome to it:
They’d better pray. Too bad they confuse jeebus with their corrupt tribal chiefs.
Great new poll:
Though I’d say it’s a tossup on the greater dumbass between the fake Preznit and Mike Flynn.
the vast irony of a Medicare cheating radiologist son of a disability scamming ex-cop turned LA county ADA lecturing on ethics.
To morally bankrupt hillbillies snuggled comfortably within the warm embrace of the Russian Golden Shower somehow it must make sense. A breathtaking slide for Doctor Dumbfuck to go from reluctant Trumpist to unabashed defender of No Law but Trump. Eager to burn the rule of law for a small tax cut and access to high school freshmen.
The turnout for Alabama women who aren’t batshit insane will be interesting. I really don’t think the women’s movement is about left or right, it’s a women’s movement, and the issue of this campaign is one candidate’s molestation of girls, while the other fought to protect the rights of little girls who were murdered. This election is really about right versus wrong, good versus evil. But how many women in deep red Alabama are into the women’s movement, or for that matter, even care about right versus wrong when it comes to left versus right?
Here’s the answer to your question about women in Alabama, Steve.
Sorry, dude.
Ray Breim was tape recorded and played all day long..
George Putnam and Joe Pyne worshipped.
Wally George was flipped on for sport.
What’s the difference between you fantasy and Porn? Porn is more believable.
You should get with Bill ‘Falafel’ O’Reilley and write some FBI fan fiction.
@49 Eh. I watched for two minutes and not a single one of them got naked.
@44 This is true, and we capitalists make our hay from capital gains, which isn’t taxed at all until you hit the 25% bracket, and then it’s taxed at less than half the tax rate on wages, and there’s never any FICA taxes.
I just don’t understand why anyone would ever try to get income by working for wages. Work is the worst way of making money there is. Any capitalist will tell you only saps and suckers work.
Personally, I think it’s a stupid system, not to mention unfair, since workers create all the wealth of this country. But I didn’t create this idiotic system. I’m only along for the ride; and this free ride will get even better if the GOP tax bill passes.
@45 We’ll soon find out if Alabama is still the state we’ve always thought it is.
@49 Aren’t you a little, um, “mature” to be ogling college sorority girls, doc? Does your wife know what you do on the computer?
I’m not sure how many sororities there are in all 50 states, but now that doc has time on his hands, he can check them all out.
same old, same old:
Yes it will take a miracle.
Hey, libbies, I found where ‘froggy’s hanging out.
The @DecisionDeskHQ/@BuzzFeedNews livecast of AL-SEN is great on its own terms, but the comments are gold simply b/c ppl are talking about how best to cut heroin with fentanyl.
After all, Hillary won the PV by nearly 3 million
Yeah about that 3 million… It was all California! Remove California and #CrookedHillary loses the election!
D H. Clinton 65,788,583
R D. Trump 62,955,363
A margin of approximately 2.8 million votes
California Results 2016!
D H. Clinton 61.6% 7,362,490
R D. Trump 32.8% 3,916,209
FACTS lead to TRUTH, things hated by DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
Live feed of the AL results. …
It’s pretty consistent, in most counties. The absentee count in all the red counties is announced first and Jones is up, then it quickly flips to Moore when a couple of precincts roll in.
This is a whole lotta hoopla to just end up with Senator Strange again.
Now… here’s a really smelly fart from Flat Beer Frothy…
But that’s not the way the justice system works. Even if, big if, an FBI investigator and an FBI Attorney are fucking the attorney still has to go to the FISA court and get approval.
PuddyCommentary: Well well well… DUMMOCRETIN U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras was appointed by Obummer in 2012. He presided over the Michael Flynn sentencing! BTW Contreras just got recused! See ya!
DUMMOCRETIN U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras was also appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in May 2016 for a term lasting through 2023.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooo, being a stoooooooooooooooopid DUMMMOCRETIN, it’s very hard for the libtard diseased mind to connect the dots.
Till Next Time!
Stupid post.
Take away Texas and Trump loses by 4.5 million votes.
FACTS……something I read in a blog…er….Heard on Fox
Tweet du jour?
Guy Benson Retweeted
Shannon Bream
Our @FoxNews producer @JakeBGibson has obtained 10K texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page
It’s still early.
Joke du jour:
Strzok now works in the FBI’s human resources department.
FOOL @61, you forgot to remove #CrookedHillary’s votes from Texas.
Does NOT add up to 4.5 million vote loss ya moron!
Good TRAIN WRECK though! Sheeeeeeeeesh!
Till Next Time!
Didja think to pray for the pedophile moore before the “next” needy visit to HA HEROES?
Damn fool!
And Roy Moore cleans his swimming pool.
Losing in AL, the Treason scheme to discredit federal law enforcement in order to protect the Cheeto Jeeezus may be in some peril.
We’ll know if the WSJ begins to back away from the cliff in the next few days. Whichever way the wind finally blows, it’ll be another case of Hillbillies blowing their own balls off. Again. If Ryan opts to sell his hard earned majority for the sake of protecting that mob of corrupt perverts nothing could make me happier.