The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a drink. Please join us.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 242 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Republicans are trying to sell their tax plan with bullshit. To give trillions to the wealthy, they’re adding $1.5 trillion of debt, and to keep that figure from becoming even larger, their plan calls for raising taxes on the 99% (or at least the 90%) five years from now. And they’re trying to whitewash the whole thing with a pack of lies.
But polls show the public isn’t buying it.
The question is, will Republicans press ahead anyway, and risk losing seats (and possibly their majorities) next fall? I think the answer for most is yes, they would rather lose seats than donors, and also because it’s personal: Nearly every Republican in Congress is a millionaire and will personally benefit from this smash-and-grab robbery. The practical question is whether this scheme is so blatant and unpopular, and so plainly immoral, that they’ll lost three of their own senators. That might be in reach. In fact, they might lose one those seats next month, if Alabama voters have enough moral fiber to refuse to elect a pedophile.
A very creepy defense of Roy Moore.
“All of the ladies, or many of the ladies that he possibly could have married were not available then, they were already married, maybe, somewhere. So he looked in a different direction and always with the [permission of the] parents of younger ladies … He did that because there is something about a purity of a young woman, there is something that is good, that’s true, that’s straight and he looked for that.”
As you know, these people also fuck goats. Young and pure goats, no doubt.
Another article giving clarity to what Republicans are really up to, namely, the ultimate purpose of these deficit-creating tax cuts is setting the stage for destroying Social Security and Medicare.
@3 “Young and pure goats”
Lambs. They’re called lambs. These people are lambfuckers.
Trump “populism” or not, the GOP is still run by the billionaires, who still want to take all of America’s wealth for themselves and reduce the rest of us to servitude.
baby goats are called kids.
They are kidfuckers.
There’s that pattern again.
The Hillbilly Traitors left Sgt Johnson behind to die alone, far from home, defending Putin’s oil. Then Putin’s HandPuppet mocked, scorned, and insulted his grieving widow. Then Hillbilly directed bot accounts attacked his entire family for weeks, while the DOD lied to them and refused to release his remains. More treasonous hillbilly lies and attacks followed soon thereafter.
There is always a reason. More than a month after the attack they hadn’t returned to the area to look for him. And the Hillbilly Traitors continue to obstruct, obscure, and hide the truth, that Sgt. Johnson was sent in to defend Putin’s oil and abandoned by That Disgraceful Orange Shit-Gibbon and his hooting mob of ignorant, racist supporters. Investigate!
Better keep an eye on those turkeys. There’s a genuine risk that Trump will have them carted off to a slaughterhouse after the photo op.
“Better keep an eye on those turkeys.”
Indeed. Never, ever leave a young and pure farm animal alone with a Republican.
@6 Correction accepted. I’m doing things hurriedly this morning. I’m busy trying to save those turkeys. Those poor dumb birds have no clue whose clutches they’ve fallen into.
Once again Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom is spewing BULLSHITTIUM @8. In fact the Oregon moron AKA IT spews BULLSHITTIUM in every thread on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddy displayed this link over two weeks ago! Nobody checked with the clueless crazed databaze deala?
When did US forces arrive in Niger? — They arrived in early 2013 to help the French military that had intervened in neighboring Mali the year before. The French had moved into Mali after an Al Qaeda affiliated group and tribal groups took over the vast northern part of the country and were moving toward the capital of Mali. As part of the U.S. effort to assist that mission then-President Barack Obama ordered 150 U.S. military personnel to set up a surveillance drone operation over Mali that would fly from Niger’s capital of Niamey.
How many U.S. troops are there in Niger? — About 800, but the vast majority of them are construction crews working to build up a second drone base in Niger’s northern desert. The rest run a surveillance drone mission from Niger’s capital of Niamey that helps out the French in Mali and other regional countries in the fight against Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and now ISIS. A smaller component, less than a hundred, are Army Green Beret units advising and assisting Niger’s military to build up their fighting capability to counter Al Qaeda and ISIS. There are an additional 300 U.S. military personnel in neighboring Burkina Faso and Cameroon doing the same thing. They are there as part of what’s known as the mission in the Lake Chad Basin.
Yet the Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom claims its Putin’s oil being protected by Trump! Really? All one needs to look at is who built and owns the Soraz refinery. It isn’t Putin! All one needs to do is remember it was Obummer who sent the US Special Forces in there to protect Putin’s oil!
Soraz, the oil refinery in Niger owned by China National Petroleum Corporation’s (CNPC)… FACTS… never a friend to a DUMMOCRETIN!
Does this libtard moron remember FACTS? Hell NO! Does IT spew BULSHITTIUM all the time. Hell YES!
This is why Puddy continues to laugh at this FOOL and its hillybilly shtick! Puddy really thinks the Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom is from West Virginia where the family tree is a straight line and is using Psych 101 Projection like shitstain steve does with those continual head explosions!
See ya! Sux to be FACTless Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Till Next Time!
Downright amazing the animal sex needs of shitstain steve. Always talking about goat sex. Must be another Psych 101 Projection again! And then the FOOLS running to jump on that “train”!
Till Next Time!
Hey shitstain steve here’s a hint since you really are a dipshit… (TNT – Till Next Time)
Golly that shitstain; what a dummy!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No sentient life found in a shitstain!
Meanwhile this guy prolly voted for Obummer and #CrookedHillary…
Till Next Time!
The GOP, which has welcomed Nazis, white supremacists, the Klan and traitors into its Big Tent, now welcomes child molesters too.
“Nicolle Wallace sickened by Trump’s embrace of Moore: ‘I have this physical feeling of being repulsed’”
“He had no problem with Nazis, so he has no problem with child molesters”
Uh-oh. The loon and his exploding head are back and he’s talking goats and posting psycho-laughs. This definitely isn’t a good sign.
He’s ashamed and defensive. And well he should be. Soldiers like Sgt. Johnson deserve better than what they get from Hillbilly Traitors like that troll and his beloved Orange Shit-Gibbon, President PeePee.
They left him there to die like he was nothing to them.
They absolutely should be ashamed.
Here is Hope Hicks’ public statement from last November as the evidence of Russian/GOP election tampering began to pile up:
And that, we know, was an absolute lie. A pretty big lie, in fact. Because we know now, for sure, there were lots and lots of communications between the campaign and all kinds of “foreign entities”. And there were even a bunch of face to face meetings, at least one of which involved a discussion of Russian election tampering on behalf of the GOP.
So now that she is called to be interviewed by the Special Counsel investigating Russian/GOP election tampering she’s going to have to shed some light on how that false statement came to be on her lips.
There’s only two ways this goes: She lied. Or she was lied to. And if she says she was lied to, she’s going to have to tell the Special Prosecutor who the author of the lie was. Of course she can opt to refuse to talk. Then an immunity deal comes into play, etc. But the only way she earns immunity is by giving up names, dates, and specifics.
He’s ashamed and defensive.
Wrong again Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom! You claimed it was Putin’s oil. So Obummer sent US soldiers to protect Putin’s oil!
Your words jackASS!
Till Next Time!
“The question is, will Republicans press ahead anyway, and risk losing seats (and possibly their majorities) next fall?”
These are people that have no problem with a Republican chasing a 14 year old girl in the mall…….of course it will pass.
As much as I dislike the Drumpfuck…..I’ve always said the Republicans are the problem, not just Drumpf. He can’t do anything alone, aside from Executive Orders. He needs the rest of the dumbfucks to go along with him…..The Tax Bill is not a Drumpf dream come true, its a Republican Senators dream come true.
The new GOP base mourns the death of Charles Manson.
“Neo-Nazis are mourning ‘great revolutionary’ Charles Manson for his attempts to start a race war”
“A great revolutionary”
“The world really does feel a little emptier”
Yeah Steve, give Puffy some slack…he only fucks pure Apes and Monkeys, and sometimes the occasional Orangutan.
I guess some Disney executive is in hot water over sexual misconduct.
Where is One Million Moms in protest? Those family cunts they love them some children molesters and sexual perverts.
As I have stated previously, owning gold is not something I would recommend for all of one’s money. The volatility can be a killer, but if you want to own some, go ahead. Just don’t over do it. The only gold I own is a couple of jewelry items. I have a couple of silver dollars, minted in the years my grandpas were born. That doesn’t mean I endorse buying silver over gold – just wanted to own a couple of silver dollars, so I went to a reputable dealer and bought them. I think I paid $41 each for the coins. They’re in pretty good shape, too.
I see the ads on TV for precious metals, and think to myself, “If your precious metal is such a good investment, why are you offering it to me with your TV ads? Why not keep your gold coins and silver ingots and make all the money for yourself?” Gold, silver or stocks are only worth something if you can find a buyer, so these guys are just selling for the sake of selling. They have no idea whether or not gold or silver will go up or down in the future.
Another product that is vigorously marketed is the variable annuity. Avoid these things like the plague! To me, the “variable” aspect negates the reason for having an annuity in the first place. Fixed annuities are about the most conservative, low-risk tool older people can use to guarantee cash flow. In that case, you want something that is certain, so the word “variable” should never appear in the same sentence next to the word “annuity.” Of course, if you’ve got more money than you need, buy a variable annuity if you want. You’ll be doing the salesman a favor, as the commissions for selling the damn things are quite high. Don’t expect to out-perform the market, however.
Bottom line: know what you’re getting into when you make an investment in anything. Discipline, diversity and delayed gratification are what it takes to achieve financial security.
@13 Nah. He seems more like Trump’s type.
@23 “As I have stated previously, owning gold is not something I would recommend for all of one’s money. The volatility can be a killer … ”
That’s roughly like saying you shouldn’t play Russian roulette with all the chambers loaded. So tell us something we don’t need.
“I see the ads on TV for precious metals, and think to myself, ‘If your precious metal is such a good investment, why are you offering it to me with your TV ads? Why not keep your gold coins and silver ingots and make all the money for yourself?’”
Exactly, and not only that, but those ads are expensive so they have to charge a hell of a markup on what they sell you.
“Gold, silver or stocks are only worth something if you can find a buyer”
Not true. Every year, I collect more dividends from my Starbucks stock than I paid for the stock. (The dividends are $1.20 a share, and I bought the stock for $1.10 a share.)
“Another product that is vigorously marketed is the variable annuity. Avoid these things like the plague!”
I totally agree! Most are egregious ripoffs.
@25 (cont.) But reputable annuities can be useful in some situations. When you buy an annuity, you’re hiring an insurance company to manage your money. You pay for this service, so it’s not an efficient way to invest. But it’s also insurance against outliving your resources. Of course, like all insurance, this is a zero-sum game in which some people have to get back less than they put in, in order for others to get back more than they put in. So, when you buy an annuity, you’re betting you’ll outlive the average age. If you don’t, well, you don’t care at that point, so it works for everybody. Especially the agent who sells you the annuity.
Of course, if you’ve got more money than you need, buy a variable annuity if you want.
If you have more money than you need there really isn’t a reason for a variable annuity, unless you have some sort of fear of losing it.
There isn’t really a reason for life insurance if you are sufficiently well-off, either.
This comnent is specially for Doctor Dumbfuck. I was reading the “Pacific NW” magazine tonight that came with the free Seattle Times that I picked up at the public library on Sunday. It has an article about Seattle’s restaurant boom. After noting that, nationwide, restaurant receipts now exceed grocery sales, meaning Americans now spend more on eating out than for the food they consume at home, the relevant excerpt says,
“‘Why Are so Many Seattle Restaurants Closing Lately?’ asked a plaintive headline in Seattle Magazine, way back in 2015. The article pointed to four closures over four months, with an air of alarm that seems quaint – at this writing, the most recent Seattle Times tally of local restaurant closures was six over about two months, with 48 openings during the same period. The article speculated about Seattle’s impending $15-an-hour minimum wage, touching off a sky-is-falling firestorm in the conservative blogosphere.”
Well, this just has Chicken Little Doctor Dumbfuck written all over it, doesn’t it? Continuing,
“When contacted for comment, the chef/owners of the restaurants in question said NONE OF THE CLOSURES WAS DUE TO THE MINIMUM WAGE.”
Gee. That blows the hell out of Chicken Little Doctor Dumbfuck’s thesis, doesn’t it? Continuing,
“But restaurateurs now face a real wage-related crisis: a shortage of workers, here and nationwide. Job sites like Poached are sellers’ markets, with hundreds of openings – sometimes in desperate all-caps – for bartenders, line cooks, dishwashers and more. Some local chefs report that to even have a chance of hiring someone, starting wages must exceed the minimum.”
Hmmm. First of all, an obvious reason why restaurants (and other employers) can’t hire workers in Seattle for $15/hr. is because that’s not a living wage here. And second, what’s happening on the ground is what conservative economists call a classic market-based solution, i.e., the absence of a supply of workers willing to work for $15/hr. is forcing employers to pay more than $15/hr. In theory, restaurants will have to raise prices to sustain their higher labor costs, but that should be no problem in a town full of thirty-somethings who make six figures working at Amazon and don’t have time to cook at home. So the $15 minimum wage ordinance is a red herring because food service wages were going there anyway.
But Doctor Dumbfuck will not be appeased by the fact the culprit is the free market, not government interference in the economy. He’ll thump and stamp his feet like a jilted rabbit anyway, while shrieking, “Robots! Automation!” Because, you see, it’s not validation of economic theory he’s seeking, but revenge against the working class for not respecting their place in the social pecking order or acknowledging his.
@27 “There isn’t really a reason for life insurance if you are sufficiently well-off, either.”
If you’re that well off, you need a shitload of liability insurance to protect your assets, the premiums for which offset the savings from not needing life insurance.
But if you’re Bill Gates rich, you don’t need any insurance at all because you can self-insure.
“Nearly two-thirds of voters say that President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office if any of the multiple sexual harassment allegations levied against him are proven true, according to a Quinnipiac poll published Tuesday.”
Hooboy. And they haven’t even asked voters yet if Trump should be impeached and removed from office if the Russian collusion allegations against him are proven true.
If you’re that well off, you need a shitload of liability insurance to protect your assets, the premiums for which offset the savings from not needing life insurance.
Standard insurance on vehicles and real estate, plus an umbrella policy.
We’ve never been unhappy with our insurance premiums. $5M umbrella coverage runs us less than $1,000 per year.
It would be one sad motherfucker retiree who considers a grand a year to be a shitload of money, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Which is why Sen Franken should just relax, sit back, and wait for his Senate colleagues to take action against him if they dare.
@31 $1,000 is the umbrella policy. That doesn’t include the auto or homeowners, which probably is $3-4,000 more. And it certainly doesn’t include your malpractice premiums. How much did it cost you to protect your assets from medical fuckups? Or would you rather not share?
Fwiw, my understanding is doctors pay a shitload of money to protect their assets.
Otoh, if Doctor Dumbfuck and his colleagues can protect their assets for only $1,000 a year, then doctors don’t need so-called tort reform.
The walls close in tighter …
“A retired Alabama police officer said she was told to keep an eye on Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore back in the 1980s because he was known to harass teenage cheerleaders at local school ballgames.
“Ex-Gadsden cop Faye Gray told MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell that rumors of Moore’s liking young girls were heard on a daily basis and she was informed that he had been banned from Gadsden Mall because he allegedly targeted young female employees. ‘We were also told to watch him at the ballgames and make sure that he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,’ Faye said.”
Roy Moore’s escapades have inspired a couple of new acronyms:
GOP = Groper Old Pedophiles
MAGA = Molesting Alabama Girls Again
The APEshit FOOLS above are running to believe the police on Roy Moore are the same ones who vehemently discounted the police on Cigar Clinton.
Now why is that? Ohhh yeah… DUMMOCRETINS only care about womens issues when it’s a Republican! DUMMOCRETINS get a free attack pass!
Till Next Time!
Ain’t it great the Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom reminded us how Obummer ran to Africa to protect Putin’s oil!
Thanks again for that “info” Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Till Next Time!
Good grief! At 3:00 AM the loon woke up to spew lies and more HATE! Sad!
The Russian TreasonTroll is wracked with shame and humiliation and cannot sleep. He abandoned a volunteer hero in a foreign land and left him to be tortured and dismembered by terrorists. Then he lied about it to the hero’s grieving widow. Then he mocked her grief. All of it in service to a shirtless Communist dictator. All that on top of the pedophilia. What a shitshow.
@39 More accurately, the loon woke up at 3:00 AM to spew Roy Moore innocence, which is a whole new level of previously unattained bullshit.
Puddy gets up early to go to work on certain days so Puddy can come home early on those same days!
And Roger senile moronic idiot wabbit, TRUTH is TRUTH! You can try and twist what Puddy says all you want. You dismissed the Arkansas State Trooper stories about Cigarman and his use of their services for his specific proclivities. Y’all dismissed and discounted these stories from long ago yet are right there to absorb Moore police stories now… It has nothing to do with Moore’s “innocence” as you claim Puddy was saying. More twisting of someone’s words using EPIC FAYLE lawyer tricks.
FACTS, they kick DUMMOCRETINS in the ASS all the time! Just like how Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom claimed Obummer sent US Troops to protect Putin’s oil! Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!
Puddy will be using that one for a long time Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Wait for the shitstain steve comment of a dead thread! Puddy calls it!
Till Next Time!
Listen to the violent raving loonatic. He’s an expert on big chicken dinners.