Please join us this evening for a post-election edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. Debrief, discuss, and debate, over a drink.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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Hey, remember only a couple of weeks back when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was recommending GE stock?
Good times, good times.
GE’s stock plunges again as another analyst abandons bullish view
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit really liked that GE dividend. The one that was halved today.
The stock has plummeted 44% year-to-date, by far the worst performer within the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which has climbed 18% during the same period. GE’s stock was also the worst Dow performer on a 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 12-month basis.
No lie. This is really the New York Times.
I Believe Juanita
What diehard Moore supporters are saying now: “It doesn’t matter in God’s eyes because he’d have been forgiven.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Using this logic, they could justify electing a mass killer to the Senate. In fact, I’m pretty sure mass murder is okay with these folks, as long as it’s black people and liberals getting killed.
@1 Did you short GE as I suggested 2 weeks ago? C’mon, did you? Bet you didn’t. And you call ME a “dumbfuck” …
For quite a while now, the dumbfuck doctor has been preaching to the HA crowd they should do the opposite of whatever I do. Yet he doesn’t follow his own advice! If someone could trace the neural pathways in his brain that have shorted out, we might gain insight into why his political thinking is so fucked up.
Trump was never serious about “draining the swamp.” In fact, the current newsstand issue of Newsweek says his cabinet is the most corrupt in history. Worse than Harding. Worse than Grant. The worst ever, period.
Yet the blind hillbillies continue to slobber over him, still hoping for coal jobs or God-knows-what. And Doctor Dumbfuck is right there with them!
Buried in the NYT, “I Believe Juanita”
Must suck for you that the front page headlines lately have been some variation of “Republicans Support Child Molestation”.
@6 I doubt it stirs his conscience (if he has one). His misgivings (if he has any) are purely tactical. In other words he’s a typical Republican.
“Draining the swamp” means shrinking the size of government, among other things. It’s unlikely that we will ever have an ethical government because it has taken centuries for us to reach our current level of bad actors, self-servers and corrupt perverts.
Power corrupts absolutely.
@ 6
Buried in the op-ed section on page A27, listed immediately next to Krugman’s column here:
Naw, you’re right, Steve. No one will ever see there.
She’s right. She’s Michelle Goldberg. So she’s only partially right. As a woman, and in a moment like this one, it’s only natural that she’s focusing on the gender politics more than the partisan politics.
Here’s the thing:
There’s a very, very important way in which harassment/sexual abuse allegations on the left differ from those on the right. And no, it really isn’t that the right makes a living off of stern soapbox moralizing in the public square. It really has to do with the Devils bargain of Big Tent politics that the right have made over the decades.
In the post-Clinton era, most of the time it’s pretty easy, and not very costly, for the left to jettison a perpetrator. Obviously that’s never the case for a sitting President. And that’s true for both parties. Understandably Moore’s defenders would argue against this. But in order to do so they’ll dig back into the last century. In the here-and-right-now the Radical Right has a problem. They can’t aggressively expel pedophiles, Nazis, White Supremacists, religious bigots, or virulent homophobes without alienating significant chunks of their base political support in ways that don’t just cost them support, but also have a proven track record of producing direct and well funded intra-party opposition.
Banishing Anthony Weiner costs Democrats nothing. No crazy New York billionaire mounted a dark fund to destroy Kristen Gillibrand as pay back for betraying New York Jews (or narcissistic body builders, or whatever the fuck). Practical politics is compromise. Party politics even more so. But there are some compromises not worth making, no matter how desperate we might be for numbers and votes. Republicans lost sight of that right about the time they started letting lunatics like Anita Bryant, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, David Duke, and Alex Jones fill up their dance cards. It helped win them a huge election victory in 2016. More than that, remains to be determined.
a significant part of the size of government at any level is owing to the amount of oversight and accountability demanded by the voters. You’d actually know this with great familiarity if you were indeed Thomas Jefferson instead of some lurking pedophile “conservative” asshole Treason Troll.
We layer government agencies with bureaucrats, auditors, checks and balances, and reporting far beyond what even the most byzantine of corporate behemoths would ever support. And we (yes, we, as in “us”, the people who own it all) do all this because we have so little trust in our elected officials and those they appoint. So your phony, self-serving, foil-hat concept of “draining the swamp” is nothing more than an open invitation for a career con artist like Fuckface to loot the public treasury and sell off the public trust for personal profit. It’s impossible to know if Ryan Zinke procured hundreds of millions of your tax dollars for his hunting buddies if most of the senior staff positions in his department are vacant. There are no records without record keepers.
More treason.
You must be a retired government employee.
“Naw, you’re right, Steve. No one will ever see there.”
Oh, perhaps someone will see it. But unless that someone is desperate to turn their thoughts away from Republican treason and support of child molestation, they’ll probably conclude it’s about as relevant (more Clinton?) as your hashtags (yet more Clinton), then either read Krugman or go to the sports pages.
we don’t need to speculate about what you are, comrade.
This Moore supporter compares Moore’s soliciting teen girls to “stealing a lawnmower” and/or Obama smoking marijuana.
You’re the member of the Politburo, comrade. I didn’t vote for Trump, you arrogant fucking dick.
There’s some funny shit going down these days. It took them awhile, but it looks like even Alabama right-wing pastors can figure out that endorsing a child molester isn’t a terribly bright idea.
“Alabama pastors want off Roy Moore endorsement letter as sex abuse allegations pile up”
@16 So you’re a man without a tribe? Must be lonely down there.
He has a tribe, oh yes. But only when it suits him. Even Andrew Anglin disavowed his own Stormfront mob when it came time to face the consequences.
Guys like this were perfectly happy paying taxes for a “big government” right up to the moment it became clear some of that money would be spent on “the undeserving”*. I don’t believe for a second that he didn’t vote for Fuckface. But even if it’s true, you can be sure he prayed nightly for Clinton’s defeat. And passed along more than his share of Bot Farm promoted Obama-as-witch-doctor and Buttery Males memes. In the end, what’s the diff.
It is funny that those that label such as “Snowflake” are so sensitive to “Hillbilly”….what Snowflakes. Can’t you hillbillies take a joke? My bad, it’s no joke – you are a bunch of hillbillies!
@9 “The Conscience of a Liberal”
Wow – maybe you should learn something just from the title of the editorial. And I’m not talking anything relative to Roy Moore fiasco. Repukes should think about having a conscience.
@8 with that said then Fuck it, let’s just get Putin himself to be our President and a bunch of his cronies.
The way to correct a problem is not by adding to it….and that is what we have….and instead of you agreeing fully, you poo poo it by say that it was the past that created the problem. Man – you are full of solutions. Way to go slugger.
Meanwhile in New Mexico a DUMMOCRETIN is running…
A Democrat running for Congress in New Mexico’s second district was found and arrested…
Till Next Time!
The problem isn’t the “poo poo”ing. The problem is the double standard.
Reagan Democrats (or EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE, or WWCMs, etc.) simply don’t apply the same standards to public servants with an (R) after their name as they apply to those with a (D) after their name. Essentially what it boils down to is they seem very comfortable overlooking a host of defects in any Republican candidate or incumbent (particularly if they are a white, hetero male).
But when it comes to Democrats they demand perfection. John Kerry threw away medals? Can’t vote for him. Al Gore is wealthy and lives in lots of big houses and flies around the world a lot just like most really wealthy guys? Can’t vote for him. Mike Dukakis looks stupid in a tanker’s helmet and refused to say if he would drink the blood of a guy who raped and killed his kid? Can’t vote for him. Buttery Males and a shit bag husband? Can’t vote for her.
Rather than debate the absurdity of the comparative standards it’s better to just admit that the standards ultimately have nothing to do with it. There’s a theory in cognitive science concerning how people form core beliefs. The sad truth is most of the time we aren’t very rational. We don’t weigh evidence in the cold light of objective reality. Most people form judgements emotionally from motivations emerging from fear, or hatred, or anger, or resentment, or even occasionally love, or joy. What follows from that is a process of recruitment sometimes called “growing legs” wherein we look around for “rational support” for our emotional responses.
The bottom line is Reagan Democrats are fundamentally suspicious of Democratic candidates and incumbents. They suspect that they will not use government to favor whites over non-whites. They are right to suspect that. Furthermore they suspect that Republicans are more likely to use government to favor whites over non-whites. Or failing that, they are at least confident that Republicans will cut funding for government programs most likely to benefit non-whites. They are right to suspect that also. This basic motivation leaves them poised to seek out any good excuse not to vote for a Democrat.
Meanwhile if Senator Aqualung (R) AL happens to beat up a few 14-year-olds and jamb his chubby fingers into their panties…
meh. At least he’ll take away the Obama phones from the goddamn welfare-Cadillac queens, right?
@23 Some guy calling himself a “Democrat” who hasn’t filed candidate papers, has never been elected to anything, is publicly disowned by the DNCC, and who might get 10 votes in a primary if he actually runs, is all you’ve got? That’s your answer to the GOP’s Roy Moore problem?
Puddy has fallen on hard times.
@24 “Most people form judgements emotionally from motivations emerging from fear, or hatred, or anger, or resentment, or even occasionally love, or joy.”
Doctor Dumbfuck seems to have a lot of fear, hatred, anger, and resentment toward GE. Wonder what prompted that? Maybe he was caught holding a shitload of GE the last time its stock tanked after its dividend was cut back in ’09. I bought GE then and those shares are still worth almost 3 times what I paid for them.
“That’s your answer to the GOP’s Roy Moore problem?”
It’s not even the answer to this problem.
“Conservative megachurch founder Bob Coy accused of molesting 4-year-old”
Venezuela is defaulting on its debt. Who didn’t see THAT one coming!
@23 I know – it is unfortunate the heterosexuals can’t keep their dicks in their pants – what perverts they are.
@28 see @22….if not Putin then lets get Hugo to be our President – why not?! Let’s just lower the standard because of the piss poor past – @8 is all for it.
Didn’t El Whapo Drumpfy talk about it being ok to default on the debt? Nobody thought anything about that and people voted for him. Go HUGO!
How many times did El Whapo default on his debts?
Possible coup attempt in Zimbabwe after 93-year-old dictator, Robert Mugabe, purged Army chief’s political allies. CNBC reports explosions and troop deployments in capital.
yeah….leave it to the fuckwads to try to get the sheep to think this is real. Probably Assange and his Commie buddies.
31 – That isn’t such a bad idea for the people of Zimbabwe. Mugabe is a horrible tyrant and deserves to be thrown out on his butt. His polices and cronies turned the Breadbasket of Africa into a famine zone. The country became a cruel joke under Mugabe.
Looks like Jeff Sessions doesn’t have too much longer in office. He should just resign before he gets tossed out and retire to Alabama to live quietly and comfortably. I’m sure he’s got a damn fine pension coming his way and lots of other benefits, too.
This government “service” they’re always talking about seems to be a pretty nice deal instead of a hardship.
@34 Sessions doesn’t need a government salary or pension. He’s a multi-millionaire. His principal income derives from timberland that’s been in his family for generations.
35 – I doubt he’ll donate any pension money to charity, however. He went to Washington to do good and ended up doing damn good!! For himself…
With all those timberlands in Alabama, maybe his anti-cannabis stance is just another example of him protecting his rice bowl. W. R. Hearst was a big dick when it came to making sure cannabis was made illegal back in ’37. Hearst was growing pulp timber for the newspaper business, and hemp was a great plant for making paper. Hearst didn’t want any substitute product such as hemp to come along to replace all that loblolly pine he was growing in the South, so he was very instrumental in insuring cannabis was made illegal to protect his cash flow.
Unfortunately, there are lots of examples of powerful people doing the wrong thing protect their wealth and power.
Well, just as long as Sessions is gone in a few weeks it won’t matter much what he did or didn’t do as AG.
Keep you fingers crossed!
Deep thought. Maybe Roy Moore is only interested in people at least 14 years younger than he.
Socially acceptable when you marry a 24 year old at 38
Felonious when you’re 29.
As damage control this is weak sauce and sheds light on why these rumors weren’t fully reported before.
Roy Moore’s Attorneys have filed suit against a local Alabama paper for reporting on WaPo report of his penchant for fucking little girls against their will.
This suit is an immediate loser but not until after the election.
They have to prove the paper knowingly printed false info. It is 100% true that the Washington Post published that Roy Moore liked to fuck underage girls against their will.
Moore’s camp is trying to bully a small paper with few resources rather than WaPo.
Cue the ACLU…
And Columbia Jornalism School…
And WaPo’s attorneys….
What ever happened to that fucking wall?
If I did this correctly and if just looking at the marginal tax rate changes proposed by Republicans and not any changes with deductions/credits then the following would happen.
24% of America’s poorest, those earning from $1-$19,000, would see an increase of 20% in their tax liability.
55% of America’s next poorest American’s and those being approximately within the Median ($37,610) range, those earning from $20,000 to $77,000, would see a decrease of 20% in their tax liability.
Those next 5% earning from $78,000 to $90,000 would see a reduction of 52%.
The next 10% earning from $91,000 to $156,000 see no increase and no gain.
The next 3% earning from $157,000 to $237,00 see a reduction of 10.7%.
The next 1% earning from $238,000 to $260,000 see a reduction of 24.2%.
The next 1% earning from $261,000 to $424,000 see an increase of 6.1%.
The next 1% earning from $425,000 to $480,000 see no gain nor an increase.
The next 1% earning from $480,000 and greater see a reduction of 11.6%.
I know that adds up to 101% – close enough.
Even if the changes with the deductions help reduce these percentages for the lower wage earners (75%), looks like higher wage earners make out better?
But in the end I’m sure this is all about getting rid of the death tax and other changes that benefit the 1%.
Looking at this again, I may have phrased it wrong. The percentages given are not percentages based on the marginal value or rate, but based on straight comparison from the old tax bracket to the new tax bracket.
He’s taking back his old Senate seat. It’s being arranged by the Great Emancipator of Enslaved White Men.
That way he gets a new AG under no recusal agreement free to limit or fire Mueller as he sees fit!
Still… buttery males.
Someone realized the advertisers are really who is in charge…
Hannity gives Moore “24 Hours” to come up with a satisfactory explanation.
Which is essentially meaningless as the deductions are where the detail devils live.
Most everyone has caught on by now that in the same way, “The highest corporate tax rate in the World” isn’t true on face and BTW there are so many exemptions and deductions that while the Tax rate seems high the taxABLE income is astoundingly low, the new tax rates will be great as long as no one notices that the check you write is larger because you no longer get to deduct some the things you’ve been deducting your entire adult life.
“Why are they saying that I have lower taxes when I paid $1000 less under Obama than I do now under Trump. It’s almost like they lied to me.”
Seems like it can be called. King Co. is down to under 4000 ballots uncounted and all four of the White Supremacist “No Sanctuary City” Burien city council candidates have lost.
Meanwhile Democrats picked up a deep red formerly R open State Senate seat in a special election in Oklahoma of all places this week. The winner is a 26 year old lesbian and the GOP in Oklahoma (?) couldn’t beat her. Sad!
@41 @44 Well here’s some more back-of-envelope math. A married couple’s standard deduction increases from $13k to $24k, but they lose their personal exemptions worth $9.3k, so their tax-free income increases from $22,300 to $24,000, a whoop-de-doo gain of $1,700 and if they’re in the 15% tax bracket that saves them $285 of taxes. But if they have (a) mortgage interest, (b) property taxes, and (c) state income or sales taxes, plus (d) other deductions totaling more than $13,700, their tax bill INCREASES, all other things being equal.
Of course, it’s not that simple. When experts at the Tax Policy Center worked through all the numbers they estimated 80% of the tax savings will go to the top 1%, and 27% of the middle class will be paying higher taxes by 2023. Of course, you also should take into account that adding trillions* to the national debt — virtually all of which will go to wealthy people — will result in increased pressure for middle class entitlement cuts in future years.
* Republicans claim their “tax reform” will add $1.5 trillion to the debt over 10 years. This is misleading, because it assumes future Congresses will actually allow child tax credits to expire in 5 years; and nobody, including them, believes any future Congress will actually do that because this would increase taxes for families with children. The assumed but politically unlikely “expiration” of these child tax credits is merely an accounting gimmick to keep the deficit within their self-imposed $1.5 trillion limit. Extending the child tax credits will blow through this figure in a big way.
This tax bill is a shell game that would make a light-fingered carney blush.
It appears the army has taken control of Zimbabwe.
Rutroh Raggie… Harassment at HuffPo and Arianna knew about it? Say it ain’t so Joe…
Gizmodo… Yeah another right leaning rag per HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Till Next Time
Remember all that screaming about how Virginia was a “super” win against Trump. All that posturing by dr DIPSITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer frothy and the Oregon Moron AKA Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom along with HA DUMMOCRETIN own senile wabbit Roger idiot! Well… it seems the real minds went to work reviewing the voter demographics from the NY Slimes and…
Patrick Ruffini, a savvy conservative pollster, made a similar point when analyzing Virginia’s House of Delegates results. On first glance, those results look fantastic for Democrats. They flipped 15 of the 100 delegate districts, including a few inspiring long-shot wins. Yet only a single one of those 15 districts had voted for Trump. Republicans largely held the Trump districts, which let them keep control (pending recounts), 51 delegates to 49.
Ralph Northam, the Democratic governor-elect, didn’t only lose outside of the big metropolitan areas, and badly. He lost by more than the previous Democratic nominee, Gov. Terry McAuliffe, had in 2013. Of Virginia’s 133 counties and cities, Northam fared worse than McAuliffe in 89 of them.
Yeah, the NY Slimes is another of those right wing rags of hate shitstain steve screams about!
Till next Time!
@ 48
But but but…
Go ahead, keep fucking that chicken. It was a standard joke amongst the Soviets for several decades, to the point where the average citizen in the USSR would just shrug and ignore the propaganda altogether. It’s one of the political methods that insures that an average citizen of any country will end up choosing to ignore politics no matter what effect doing so might have on them. Believe it or not, the average Russian saw a basic increase of their ability to make a living under the Soviet system over what it had been under the Czarist dictatorships. It took a massive black-market economy to accomplish this, but at least it was something. Nowadays, Russians are amongst the stupidest and most corrupt people in the world. It makes life easier and safer for them, at least in theory.
Wanna know how I know this? back in the late 80s, I was working in a shop in Seattle there, and a company working as an “agent” for a large Russian fishing vessel came in with the need for a three-part sectional drive shaft for their main drive screw and repairs to the screw itself. The shop bid on, and got the job, I spent two weeks making the shafting, got it done three days before the due date. Included were several flexible couplings, bearings, and the fastener kits for installing the bastards.
They came in with a big flatbed truck, and I loaded them up and they went away. When the bill was supposed to be paid, nothing. The Boss went to the “agent” and found out that he had been working out of a small office in Bremerton that had only been rented for a couple of months and he was long gone. The vessel in question had long since gone out to sea, and there was no way to track them down. That was about $120,000 in material costs, plus the machining and shop time costs, totaling about $230,000.
A couple of years later, there was another large RFQ that came in for a similar job and my boss sent in the bid and he must have gotten suspicious because he called the “agent” and had him come in to finalize the deal. The guy was the same, stupid asshole fucked-in-the-head Russian as before. The boss played dumb, got everything signed and then called the Police after he guy left the shop. The cops dinked around for a couple of weeks and finally got around to visiting the ship that was sitting at a dock next to Harbor Island. It was the same goddamn ship as before but under a different name and registry, and the “agent” turned out to be the first mate and engineer. When the cops got around to notifying the Coast Guard about the situation, the ship had already left and was long gone. Then a few months later, some moron filed a lawsuit because The Boss had gotten the “agent” to pay for materials up front and as they had not gotten their parts per the due date.
When The Boss got into the courtroom, the vessel representative was the same stupid asshole fucked-in-the-head Russian “agent” who was absolutely incensed that he was going to be held to account for the work that we had done a couple of years earlier and the material deposit he had paid was forfeited to pay part of that previous job. He acted like he was fully entitled to get the work done no matter what, and tried to convince the Judge that, as the ship was now under a different name and registry, and he was now using a different name for his “agency”, that any previous deal wasn’t his responsibility. He was pretty much laughed out of court. As far as I know, that ship is still under warrant for immediate arrest as soon as it re-enters US waters. It is certain that it is now under a new name and registry and will likely never be located.
A live girl or a dead boy, or is it the other way around? Either one works for the Greedy Old Pedo party. There are reasons why they want to all but eliminate the public school system. They want to preserve their access to little girls and boys to fuck and torture.
The EvilAngelical home-schooling movement is more about protecting pedophiles, gaslighters and sadists from legal scrutiny than it is about education. That is why Betsy Devoss is so popular amongst the illiterati. The only book they need or use is the Revised Abridged New American Capitalist Bible. Money is the only god they need. As long as one has money, one can do anything they want and not ever have to worry about secular Law, which is just communism in disguise anyway, right? That’s really been the basis of the whole corporatist argument so far when they talk about “smaller Government”.
Smaller government, indeed.
I thought Mexico was going to pay for it? I suppose that mean’s we’ll just send them a bill, and make nasty noises about them being deadbeats when they laugh and refuse to pay it.
49 is right. Hillbilly pedphile traitors can’t possibly be expected to earn votes and win elections in the economically developed parts of America. And they should just stop trying.
What puzzles me is why so many hillbilly pedphile traitors insist on living and working in the economically developed parts of America? Wouldn’t they all be happier joining their “cousins” at the trailer village living on the EBT, forging Oxy perscriptions, and taking part in the Mountain Dew bartering economy?
David Leonhardt in brief:
“Democrats have to do better in whiter, more rural areas.”
Right on math, wrong on policy.
Reagan Democrats need to be driven into the wilderness. His perscription is a fast acting remedy that gets the patient on their feet but kills them by sundown.
Embrace the aging, fearful, ignorant, racist Reagan Democrats and the Democratic Party drives away their natural demographic advantage and hands the future to hillbilly pedophile traitors. Better to lose a few more mid term races in the near term and build for the future in the districts and among the voters where progressive principles of diversity, plurality, and modernity are celebrated. Leave the Reagan Democrats to die off in loneliness, and despair.
@49 “Republicans largely held the Trump districts”
If they can maintain that the Deep South and Bible Belt plus Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah will still be theirs.
@53 Right. The Reagan Democrats will all be dead within 10 years. The millennials will be voting for another 40 to 50 years.
It’s a whole lot more than just millennials. Leonhardt is right as far as it goes with his math. That much has been obvious since before last year. It’s very hard to win with less than 50% of white likely voters. Near term that has serious implications. Getting younger whites to register and vote helps enormously. Getting non-whites to register and vote helps enormously. But as Fuckface taught Robby Mook, right now a fairly small increase in older white vote swamps a moderate increase in just about anything else.
What’s the near-term solution? Aside from standard, targeted GOTV what else? Fuck the DLC/Third Way sell outs. Don’t address the older white vote. Suppress it. Focus the efforts where it counts. In prosperous, well educated suburbs where a rising class of tech and other brain power workers give rise to feelings of insecurity and inferiority among the older class of retiring WWCMs. Rub it in. Make them feel how much they fall short in every way. Make them embarrassed by what they’ve let their fear, bigotry, and complacency do to themselves and “their tribe”. It’s time to stop making excuses for a generation of entitled assholes who had every conceivable advantage set aside for them and chose to use all that privilege to lash out at immigrant single mom motel cleaners with sick children. They’ve been a disgrace for a long time.
And now they are traitors.