The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets this evening. Please stop by for political conversation over a drink.
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Wherein Larry Summers calls Trump’s top economic adviser “dishonest.” And his touting of Trump’s tax plan “dishonest, incompetent, and absurd.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Lying is de rigeur for this administration, and with Trump dragging down the reputation of everyone who works for him, soon there will be no one working for him.
Mark Penn, writing in the WSJ:
In the last week of the campaign alone, Mrs. Clinton’s super PAC dumped $6 million in ads into Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Lost them all, she did. Because Russians spent a hundred grand on FB ads, right, Steve?
In the 12 days since brave US Green Berets gave their lives in Niger for our freedom the avowed leader of The Republican Party has played 7 rounds of golf, posted 43 tweets calling somebody fat, eaten 9 cheeseburgers, and written not one single letter of condolence.
And Doctor Dumbfuck has posted 1000 treasonous hashtags at the prodding of Moldovan script kids.
This is what treason looks like.
Less than 80,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania made Trump President, so the answer to your question is, maybe.
Plus most of the BS you folks spew about Secretary Clinton is lies.
All that money dumped into those states. While she visited Arizona during the last week of the campaign.
A day spent traveling from PA to WI to MI instead of grandstanding in AZ may very well have locked up those 80k votes – although I read it was fewer than that.
Although not having created her homebrew server and avoiding all of that Comey mess most certainly would have done it.
She was awful. Awful human being, awful candidate. Lost to the opponent she most wanted to run against, did she.
How many SCOTUS seats will that cost?
DJIA crossed 23,000 today.
Fuck you, Krugman.
Krugmsn is another armchair Keynsian academic who would starve to death without his Ivory Tower “job.”
@6, 7- So I assume you give full credit to President Obama for the market, and the economy’s rise under his presidency?
@5- She lost, and clearly made campaign mistakes. How long you gonna hang onto that? Is it all you’ve got?
All you Patty Murray haters, she just cut a deal with Lamar Alexander. How many deals across the aisle has Trump negotiated?
More evidence that Trump’s inner circle is populated by Nazi sympathizers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For the record, I don’t consider people like Tillerson and Mattis to be part of Trump’s inner circle. This shouldn’t require any explanation.
@5 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck, who has yet to call Donald Trump an “awful human being,” calls Hillary Clinton an “awful human being.” That’s why we call you a dumbfuck despite having garnered an offshore M.D. degree.
“She lost, and clearly made campaign mistakes. How long you gonna hang onto that? Is it all you’ve got?”
“Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck, who has yet to call Donald Trump an “awful human being,” calls Hillary Clinton an “awful human being.”
Anything to keep the discussion here from turning to Doctor Dumbfuck’s unbridled support of Russia’s interference in our elections to the tune of 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags.
We have two traitors posting comments in these threads. The loon, who yesterday shared his desire to see North Korea nuke America’s cities, and Doctor Dumbfuck, whose support for Putin and Russia is unwavering.
you completely missed the point @5.
This is all about how it is That Bitch’s fault that Doctor Dumbfuck betrayed the United States and cast his ballot for the puppet of a Russian pimp.
More or less a replay of Doctor Dumbfuck’s first divorce.
I’m sure he has an equally long and detailed list of all the things his first wife did wrong that drove him to sleep with hookers too.
@2 And here’s Doctor Dumbfuck arguing that all the Russians did was buy Facebook ads. It’s why we call him a dumbfuck.
How stupid is Trump? Even the Republicans in Congress know better than to cozy up to Putin. That’s how stupid Trump is.
@5 “her homebrew server”
Like this one?
@6 @7 How well has supply side worked for you guys lately?*
* “Lately” meaning 1929 – present
Supply side is a faith-based GOP religion.
@9 Two big losses for Trump today.
Loss #1: Senate deal to restore the Obamacare subsidies Trump cut last week.
Loss #2: Federal judge blocks Trump’s Muslim ban again.
@6 That blows the Efficient Market Hypothesis to smithereens.
DerTrumper’s baseNFL Owners called a meeting with players and NFLPA executives today to talk about what could be done about Anthem Protesest that despite what DerTrumper says are really angeringolder white dudesAmericans the public is in favor of their right to protestHere’s how that went.
Players – How come Kaepernick wasn’t invited?
Owners – He’s not in the league
Players – How come Kaepernick isn’t in the league?
Owners – He’s not good enough.
Players – He had better stats last year than 20 quarterbacks who are going to start this Sunday
Owners – He’s divisive
Players – His last team, after he started kneeling, named him most inspirational, the team’s highest post season honor, after last season so what was he dividing?
Owners – Can we get back to finding a way to end the protest?
Players – We have a contract through 2021 that says we don’t even have to be at this meeting because you can’t make us stop protesting.
Owners – What can we do to get you to stop?
Players – Why wasn’t Kaepernick invited to this meeting?
Owners – He’s not in the league.
Players – Y’all can go fuck yourselves now.
@1 You left one out:
Owners: Let’s all file for bankruptcy so we can get rid of that contract.
who yesterday shared his desire to see North Korea nuke America’s cities,
More BULLSHITTIUM, no proof!
Sux to be shitstain steve!
Till Next Time!
Another verification about the libtards at the NY Slimes.
Till Next Time!
@23 No one believes you
@24 No one believe Project Veritas (too damn funny)
Just a reminder.
It has been 67 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
67! days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
Nothing you post here matters since you’ve proven you are a coward who still supports openly racist leaders and a party that does not dare lose the racist vote.
But when he’s done pretending to believe in the Lord Jesus on Saturday he’ll be posting all the things that were “Ignored” on Friday Night Multimedia and bearing false witness as if he is without the sin of ignoring things.
They were screaming something about e-mails and national security and purjury on Benchazi. Jared Kushner signed a bunch of documents under penalty of perjury. Now no one believes he actually prepared those documents himself but either his legal team is the single most incompetent in the history of Bar Association Sanctions or Kushner knowingly committed a felony. Kushner still has his security clearance.
They can’t do that because part of their long term strategy of tax deductions and theft of municipal funds through stadium deals requires that they keep the books private.
To declare Bankruptcy would make every single transaction public and then it doesn’t take much imagination to think that several owners would be looking at charges related to their signatures on highly unusual bookkeeping and filed tax returns.
A real Russian plot being uncovered by FBI investigations…
Newsweek… libtard!
Till Next Time!
Poor flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252 @25
Quoting the actual peeps of the NY Slimes bothers flat beer froth!
More frothing at the mouth above. 9,986 days until Puddy will careabout anything from the slimy fingers of checkmate-252!
Till Next Time!
Under Trump Raqqa falls! ISIS being crushed and HA DUMMOCRETINS are sad their friends are losing!
Till Next Time!
@29 & 30
Your “rebuttal” indicates you care. As long as we’re talking about felons at Project Veritas, when you gonna quote Dinesh DeSouza again? Too Damn Funny.
Gee, many red states in “flyover country” are TSA compliant while libtard voting states are not! Very interesting!
Gee, many states that vote against big government and send politicians to Washington to get the Federal Government off their backs have ceded their states’ rights and responsibilities to the Federal Government. (Fixed it for you)
Hypocrite, thy name is Red State.
Once more, DerTrumper acts the tough guy, once more it gets smacked right back at him.
Putting aside that using Gen. Kelly’s dead son as a political prop is pretty unseemly….
Obama hosted Kelly at breakfast for Gold Star families after son died
We can expect a new version of this bullshit on Twitter from DerTrumper by the morning.
Politicians really don’t have a lasting impact on the market. Right now, everyone thinks there’s going to be a massive tax cut under Trump, but that ain’t gonna happen. The market is up under the false belief that Trump will actually get a tax cut through the House and Senate. Well, the boys and girls in the House and Senate are not about to give up on their biggest weapon for dealing with enemies and rewarding friends – the Internal Revenue Code.
Behind the scenes, the armies of special interests will be doing their best to insure the tax laws that benefit their people don’t change. The realtors will fight like wolverines over the mortgage interest deduction, and home builders will definitely be their allies. The AICPA ain’t too keen on any simplification because it threatens their rice bowls, too. Ditto for the tax attorneys and the whole tax prep industry.
But what will really defeat tax simplification is the entrenched Republicans and Democrats who use the tax code for their own delusions of grandeur. Until term limits are enacted and take effect, we will be stuck with 70,000+ pages of arcane, stupid, wasteful and overly complex tax laws.
Eventually, the market will realize Trump ain’t gonna get shit accomplished with tax reform, and the market will correct to more reasonable levels. Watch out below!
Might be a good idea to take a bit off the table before the shit hits the fan.
Politicians like to say they believe in Keynesian economics, but they only half believe in it. The parts they truly like are:
1. Taxing and spending.
2. Borrowing and spending.
3. Spending, spending and more spending and then increasing spending.
They’re only half Keynesian because they never address the second part of Keynes’ idea. They never want to pay down the accumulated debt when times are good. All they want to do is spend, spend, spend because it gets them elected and re-elected.
And the most important thing to any politician is getting elected and staying elected.
The Great Depression was the fault of Herbert Hoover, the Federal Reserve and Franklin Roosevelt.
@4 not to mention that every losing presidential candidate spends money, big money, and loses the State. Yes maybe it’s stupid calculation, but it’s sure as ice melting in the desert.
But the Dumbfuck thinks he has something there….and I have tonight’s winning Powerball ticket.
Gullible fool @24: Project Veritas! LMBAO!!! Har har har har har har!!!!
@28 Sez the goofball who just cited “Project Veritas” as a source!!! LMBAO!!! Har har har har har har har har har har har har har har!!!
@35 “The market is up under the false belief that Trump will actually get a tax cut through the House and Senate.”
Shows how little you know.
The market is up because of the synchronized global recovery, strong corporate earnings, and the fact foreign central banks are still pumping liquidity into the financial system that needs someplace to go. Tax cuts aren’t priced in yet.
Today, 90% of trading in stocks are done by professional investors who are extremely well informed. Your suggestion that these traders, who have direct connections to D.C., are motivated by a “false belief that Trump will actually get a tax cut through the House and Senate” is ludicrous.
I’m not saying the market is entirely rational as opposed to sentiment-driven. These guys are riding momentum. But if the market breaks, it WON’T be because Trump’s tax scheme dies. Everyone knows it was dead on arrival. If Republicans do manage to pass some sort of tax legislation, it might help prop up the market a little longer. The current momentum trade is unsustainable and we’ll see a pause and a modest correction next year. However, it will take a recession to take this bull down, and with no recession in sight, it probably has 2 or 3 more years of running room left.
@36 “They’re only half Keynesian because they never address the second part of Keynes’ idea. They never want to pay down the accumulated debt when times are good.”
“All they want to do is spend, spend, spend because it gets them elected and re-elected.”
Also true.
“And the most important thing to any politician is getting elected and staying elected.”
And who’s responsible for that? Don’t say “borrow and spend Democrats,” because Republicans borrow and spend just as much, they only spend on different things — military toys, corporate goodies, and tax cuts for the rich instead of doing anything for the working classes who make it possible because it’s their labor that creates ALL the wealth in the economy.
Betcha didn’t know Puerto Rico makes a lot of America’s drugs. Betcha didn’t know there will be drug shortages because Trump and his fellow travelers are throwing Puerto Rico under the bus. Why? Because they have brown skin and some of them speak Spanish as first language, so fuck Puerto Rico and that piece of our economy.
@37 Two out of three ain’t bad. You left out some, though:
(1) Financial speculation coupled with lax margin requirements
(2) Absence of bank regulation
(3) Gold standard
(4) Credit and liquidity collapse
(5) Wrong monetary and fiscal policy responses
(6) Lack of financial safety net
(7) Laissez-faire economic policies
(8) Misplaced faith in “self-correcting” markets
(9) Excessive debt
There’s more, but those immediately come to mind. Ultimately, probably the most damaging culprit was #3, which caused #4 and encouraged #5.
File this one under – carefull what you eat; eating has consequences.
@38 Put the money in judiciously selected stocks. The momentum’s not over yet.
@44 “The predicted probability of high-risk oral HPV infection was greatest among black participants, those who smoked more than 20 cigarettes daily, current marijuana users, and those who reported 16 or more lifetime vaginal or oral sex partners,” the researchers wrote.
R.I.P. Puddy. Trump’s prognosis doesn’t look so hot, either. Probably some ex-hippies (they’re all Republicans now) will go with them, too.
Stock futures point to another day of gains tomorrow. Johnson & Johnson gained +3.4% today. IBM is +5.6% in after-hours trading. Boeing is up +66% since Jan. 1. Free money.
What are wage slaves getting this year? A 2% raise? I don’t work. I’m a capitalist. I’m making a 17.5% return by sitting on my fat bunny ass doing nothing. Personally, I think our economy’s incentive system is screwed up. But I didn’t create this system, I just milk it for fun and profit. I’d be stupid not to.
Working is the worst way of making money there is. How many wage earners do you see living in mansions, driving fancy sports cars, or lollygagging on yachts? You do the work, pay the taxes, and fight the wars; the capitalist reaps the rewards and tax breaks. What kind of deal is that?
And the ignorant wage slaves thought they would get a better deal by voting for a “businessman” who doesn’t pay people who work for him …
Just a thought.
So you freely admit that you were making shit up yesterday when you said PRESIDENT Obama didn’t call families of soldiers killed in action? You didn’t know then nor now what his policy was?
(eds note, This publication has no expectation that any President will have the time to call every family of every KIA serviceperson especially as the U.S. has been in a perpetual state of war in the middle east since December 2001 but we stand by our reporting that the current Commander in Chief is a lying sack.)
“Trump is effing crazy.”
Of course, knowing this doesn’t make things better for the rest of us.
So Tomorrow’s big story is going to be about DerTrumper, trying to catch up and pretend he’s EVER called the family of a KIA servicewymyn getting a pregnant woman on the phone and telling her,
Its a spit fight with a drunk.
Do not engage.
Sure, he’s a horrible person. Just like all the racist monsters who voted for him. But there is nothing but hurt to be had here. And all of it will fall on the families of the deceased.
@50 @51 A day after accusing Obama of disrespecting the families of a fallen soldier, Trump disrespects the family of a fallen (black) soldier. @49 offers an explanation.
Other news: Trump and Ryan say “no deal” to Alexander-Murray Obamacare deal; a second federal judge blocks Trump’s latest Muslim ban; Sessions refuses to answer senators’ questions about Comey firing, Russian meddling, and the Arpaio pardon, “citing the confidentiality of his conversations with President Donald Trump” (quoting NBC News).
@3 That would for the uranium deposits, oil and other valuable things in the ground there. That is what those soldiers gave their lives for. And just when did Congress authorize this. oh yeah that is right Congress stopped doing those kinds of things long ago giving the last President free agency to go into Libya, Syria, Niger, ect.
You people ought tot be asking what the fuck are our troops doing in Niger. But no you want to play this for your political ends.
Or was Trump’s statement a little to close to some of your own opinion of our troops in the all volunteer military. Maybe a good draft will get you all to come around to ask the question you ought to be asking, and not worry about the President being the consoler in Chief, but why is he consoling.
Ask RR he probably has stocks in companies involved in Niger, and arming our troops.
@4 Come on you all are saying those folks are so horrible and all that,. Then why didn’t Hilliary just go bribe these dumb voters for like $10 dollars a vote and spent $800,000 guaranteeing victory and pocketing the rest. (Therefore your theory does not hold a lot of water. And she was a crappy candidate.)
@9 A deal that died when some smart ass decided to tell Republicans they would be voting in support of the ACA if they voted for the compromise. Not that it was goin got happen in the House, Still I’m sure the Republicans would have figured that support thing out for themselves or been reminding by their supporters, with a little gee you got a primary coming up.
@15 Selling 20% of America’s uranium deposits, and getting a $500,000 for a single speech isn’t cozying up? And siging off on the deal with the Presidential pen?
@35 Fortunately or unfortunately the markets run up can only be partially attributed to the market anticipating a tax cut. Is growth up? Are financiers dreaming of robotic workers, and electric sheep? Is it a bit of unrestrained exuberance? Is it the classic disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street. Too bad most of us live on Main Street.
@19 As curses were heard from outside the US Supreme Court. Fuck we punted, we punted, didn’t that judge get a clue? Think we can punt again? We get 3 to months before it’s back here. Hey Ginsburg you are feeling good? You sticking around Kennedy?
Trump’s most lasting legacy could be the courts.
@42 Following your logic then “Trump (Or any President) should throw Puerto Rico under the bus because they are not a state and have exactly zero votes in the electoral college. Cannot say the island would be doing better with a Democrat in the White House. Though it can never hurt to be able to appear to feel peoples pain. Oh wrong Clinton.
@45 That is what investors thought most of October 1929 until October 24th and then JP Morgan tried some 1907 magic and it worked for a day and then it didn’t and then there was October 30, 1929. October can be a rough month for the market.