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A week during which he NFL joins the ranks of Americans who are more deserving of harsh words than Vladimir Putin.
“Trump begins the morning by slamming the NFL”
@1 but me ride horsey poney bare chested. What not to love!
Na Zdorovie
I have a nominee for all-time down-field rushing. Just bear in mind that football had not yet been invented when he broke for the end zone.
His name was William Harvey Carney, and he was born a slave in Norfolk, Virginia, on a leap year day in February 1840. His father had escaped from slavery to Massachusetts, where he earned enough money to buy the freedom of his wife and child. When the Civil War broke out, young Carney enlisted in one of the first all-black Union Army regiments, the famous 54th Massachusetts, and rose quickly to the rank of sergeant. (Carney would become the model on which Morgan Freeman’s character, Sergeant Rollins, was based in the 1989 movie “Glory,” which tells the story of the 54th Massachusetts).
The 54th Massachusetts’ first great test of combat came when it was detailed to lead the assault on Battery Wagner, the Confederate fort that guarded the approaches to Charleston Harbor, in July 1863. Led by their youthful white colonel, Robert Gould Shaw, the 54th dashed heroically for the walls of the fort. Carney saw the regimental color-sergeant, bearing the regiment’s Stars-and-Stripes, stumble and fall. “As quick as a thought,” he scooped up the flag and rushed alongside Col. Shaw over the wall. Shaw was struck down, sword in hand. Carney was hit in the leg and the chest, and the 54th began a grudging retreat.
But rather than allow the flag to be captured, Carney “wrapped the precious colors around the staff” and “cautiously picked my way among the dead and dying.” He finally made it to safety, staggering on his last strength to a field hospital where he collapsed—but not before handing over the shot-ripped flag. “Boys, I did but my duty,” Carney gasped, and “the dear old flag never touched the ground.”
Carney was awarded the Medal of Honor, and in the years after the war, he worked as a mail carrier in New Bedford, Massachusetts, still limping from his wounds. Until seven months before Battery Wagner, Carney didn’t even have a flag to call his own, since the Supreme Court’s infamous Dred Scott decision in 1857 had decided that no black man could even be a citizen. But the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation in January 1863 changed that, and Carney got his flag and his medal—and a country.
William Carney’s injuries guaranteed that he would never have been able to play football. But I don’t think he would have had any trouble standing up for “The Star-Spangled Banner.” In his hands, that banner “never touched the ground.” Unless the millionaires of the NFL think they’re better or wiser than Sergeant Carney, they might begin to study his style.
Think about him as you drunken, invective spewing, arm chair ‘social justice warriors’ call him ‘Uncle Tom’: THIS MAN DISGRACES ALL OF YOU.
The flag took time to catch on. The Civil War, which tested the integrity of the flag, represented a watershed. It came to be known as Old Glory at this time courtesy of a cussed merchant seaman named William Driver, who demonstrated a characteristic American attitude to the Stars and Stripes.
Driver had retired to Nashville, Tennessee, with his flag still in his possession. When local Confederates demanded that he hand it over, he replied that they were welcome to take it … over his dead body. Secreted away in a bed quilt, the flag was eventually handed over to Union forces, and the legend of Old Glory spread.
After the war, Union veterans advocated for the display of the flag and for its veneration. The National Flag Conference of 1923 — yes, there was a national flag conference — set out the code subsequently adopted by Congress.
Per the code, “the flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing.” It states that “no disrespect should be shown to the flag,” and when it is taken down, it should be placed into “waiting hands and arms.”
When William Driver transferred control of his flag to Union troops, he is reported to have spoken “triumphantly, with tears in his eyes.” So many years later, Old Glory still elicits the same heartfelt sentiment. May it always.
I bet Boob would like to ride the Sybian with this hot babe.
Maybe he could even wrap the American flag around him and her while riding it.
Truth? “You can’t handle the truth!”:
That’s different. I’m offended
Who are you?
Huh! I wonder what he felt when he sold out to Russia?*
“Trump: I ‘Felt Ashamed’ After NFL Protests”
*Just kidding. The fucker didn’t feel a thing.
@3 and I’m sure he would be pretty proud today of all the bigots. Wrap yourself in that.
Who gives a single rat shit what you think? Honestly, what in the hell makes you think you’re so fucking special that you alone can tell how people dead for more than a century would respond to seeeing their unarmed neighbors and fellow citizens brazenly shot to death simply because their skin color and size frightens police?
You have an opinion. Whoopee! Rather than support your opinion with some semblance of a rational argument grounded in evidence you’ve chosen instead to conjure ghosts and put words in their mouths. We aren’t scared. We’re amused.
Boob – how could you!?
Why #CrookedHillary’s doubling of Trump’s campaign spending wasn’t enough.
We argue that the best estimate of the effects of campaign contact and advertising on Americans’ candidates choices in general elections is zero.
Plus, she was just awful. Truly awful.
“Who gives a single rat shit what you think?”
It’s less about what our troll thinks and more about what he copies and pastes without attribution.
More troll cutting and pasting without attribution.
“The flag took time to catch on. The Civil War, which tested the integrity of the flag…”
Must suck not having original thoughts.
Plus, she was just awful. Truly awful.
Let me correct that for you: Plus, she IS just awful. Truly awful.
Hillary Clinton: Women Who Support Trump Are ‘Publicly Disrespecting Themselves’
Huh. Kinda like publicly defending her cigar poking hubby and the pervert pedophile Weiner… nope no, cognitive dissonance for Hillary Hypocrite.
LOL. Keep talking, keep kneeling (Clinton knows kneeling) keep rioting, keep whining.
@14 you are a pretty good whiner yourself. I bet you have a fridge filled with cheese.
@1 “Trump begins the morning by slamming the NFL”
Of course he starts his day that way, he has a serious ax to grind with the NFL. The NFL is the only club he hasn’t been able to buy or bully his way into. Fat Donny could buy the presidency, by there are 32 NFL owners that don’t want his BS ruining the league. Seem the owners are a pretty smart bunch when it comes to sizing up who they will let into their club.
Besides, bashing the NFL is way more fun than facing serious issues like the island of Puerto Rico essentially being destroyed. But hey, let’s kick them while they are down and remind them what a bunch of deadbeats they are:
Yeah, Donny would really class-up the NFL.
@ 14
Let me correct that for you: Plus, she IS just awful. Truly awful.
True. But now the liberals know she is, and with her book tour she’s made it impossible for them to deny it..
Last year they needed to feign surprise.
He can’t win a war of words with Kim Jung Un so he is trying with the NFL…he probably figured they have a second grade vocabulary too.
Trump should be ashamed at how he is responding to Puerto Rico.
However, it is great to see people respond to the call and give what they can. The amateur radio community is really stepping up and will get the communications up and running (they have already been doing that in other areas).
They put out a call for 50 people to go for three weeks and in less than 24 hours they had their team selected:
It is great to see a group of dedicated volunteers move so quickly to help.
So nice to see Jared learned so much from Clinton.
Did they not see the news about Clinton’s private email server and what problems that caused her? What a bunch of morons the Trump crowd is.
@ 19
What’s to be ashamed of?
Large amounts of federal aid began moving into Puerto Rico on Saturday, welcomed by local officials who praised the Trump administration’s response but called for the emergency loosening of rules long blamed for condemning the U.S. territory to second-class status.
NPR interviewed the PR congresswoman today. She didn’t condemn the response. She said the magnitude of the response isn’t proportional to the magnitude of the disaster but she also said that the aid can’t get where it needs to go because of infrastructure deficiencies. Any response magnitude wouldn’t be enough.
Until yesterday only ten flights per day were allowed at the San Juan airport. The closest US port is Miam.
It’s a fucking island a thousand miles away from the US mainland. Four-day journey by ship and many of them have already arrived, meaning they were sent out last week, 2-3 days before people discovered that Trump wasn’t tweeting about PR.
And Francis Scott Key wanted all free northern blacks, he didn’t live to see the Civil War, forcibly returned to Africa. So that hero you bring up get him off the field. He’s fired. FIRED!
That’s why, to African American scholars, the National Anthem is deeply offensive.
History is complicated.
“It’s a fucking island a thousand miles away from the US mainland.” Wow, so much compassion. I bet most of your patients hoped whatever ailed them killed them in order to get away from your charming bedside manner.
They are United States citizens and Trump treats them as second class citizens at best. Airplanes can make that flight in a few hours. I’m sure you would say the same thing if it was, say, Hawaii.
1209 nautical miles from Miami to San Juan, and your point is?
Classic Trump: “I wasn’t preoccupied with the NFL,” Trump said. “To me, the NFL situation is a very important situation. I’ve heard that before about was I preoccupied. Not at all. Not at all. I have plenty of time on my hands. All I do is work.”
Yeah, so much extra time it took him days to “tweet” about it and can’t be bothered to visit the place.
What is next for you Dr. Dumbfuck, demanding the changing of the name of the U.S. Virgin Islands to just U.S. Sloppy Seconds because they were royally fucked by Maria?
@20: Kushner isn’t a White House employee. He draws no salary, and therefore is not limited in communications methods. White House STAFF cannot use private e-mails for official purposes – but advisors with no official role (meaning: no pay) are free to do whatever they want.
@23: learn about Puerto Rican citizenship:
They do not enjoy the rights of citizenship until they come to reside in the US. They do not vote for Federal offices:
OK, so Kushner isn’t an employee, so what? Bannon and Priebus were on the payroll and they used private email. Trump and all his “Lock Her Up” crowd sure know how to bring sleaze and hypocrisy to a new level.
Kushner doesn’t need a salary, he is making a tidy sum selling access to the White House in China
What is that old saying? “The fish rots from the head.”
I didn’t say anything about voting rights. They can travel between U.S. Possessions and the mainland US without showing a passport as they are U.S citizens. They can volunteer to serve in the U.S. Military
So go ahead and split hairs that they can’t vote, they are still U.S. citizens and are part of the United States. Tell the military veterans of PR that they are on their own we are not coming to help them regardless of their service and commitment to the United States.
you really just make this shit up, don’t you?
Nobody other than cab level, Senate confirmed, is limited by statute. But just ’cause it’s legal that doesn’t make it smart.
If Manafort (who you can be pretty sure was engaging in illegal espionage at some point) is tied to these people in any way (and you know he is) they and all their deals, connections, counter parties, and “unindicted co-conspirators” are now an open book to Mueller.
Dance, hilbilly! Dance!
And a Congresswoman from PR has to kiss the ass. She can’t vote. She can only hope For the kindness of strangers
And she may have noticed that Trump is a vindictive piece of shit who over reacts to the slightest perceived insult.
Some in politics are diplomatic. Say what did DerTrumper say about Puerto Rico’s debt when the island has been devestated. Why it was almost as if, “They’re not deserving of our help.”
I’d say he’s losing with the NFL.
This con may be working on the low-info, trailerdyte, beer guts throwing long necks at the flat screen down at MOE’s, but it fundamentally sets Fuckface up in opposition to a pretty damn popular television show. A show that has waaaaay more viewers than the Apprentice ever did. And the stars of the NFL come away looking better and better and gaining more support with each tweet. He’s getting people’s attention at the same time he’s losing their support. That’s a bad combo.
I’m beginning to wonder if Fuckface isn’t looking for a new vote coalition ahead of 2020. The promises he is making on taxes are a massive betrayal of main street Republifucks and greed pimps. Maybe Fuckface is laying the ground work to abandon the “moderate” right and try to make the seven – ten split between working class right and left. If Fuckface follows through with these promises Doctor Dumbfuck better stay retired.
Trump doesn’t care about the working class, period. He will make a deal that makes The Donald look good, no matter what the “cost” is to make himself look good.
@ 23
Airplanes can make that flight in a few hours.
Well, sure they can. In about 2-3 hours. But they can’t land at an airport that cannot handle the traffic because of the damage on the ground. And until Monday only 10 flights per day were permitted. Most of those were to evacuate people, and planes intended for passengers aren’t cargo planes, are they?
Pull your head out and breathe every now and then.
It’s all just a big game of “telephone.”
As for Puerto Rico, Fat Donny took over management of a golf course there that had already been pretty much run into the ground by one of his pet property developers. He then raised the membership fees, raised his management fees, and then borrowed money to support his management costs. Then he declared bankruptcy, leaving the people of Puerto Rico with a $30 million bond default. He personally made somewhere between $600,000 and $800,000 on the deal.
So much winning. He has refused to waive the Jones act for Puerto Rico, as he did with Texas and Florida, that would permit non-American crewed ships to dock and unload relief supplies there.
Fat Donny undertakes no action that he cannot personally make a profit from, ever. He cannot make a profit from the disaster in Puerto Rico as he can with his properties and holdings in Texas and Florida, so he slaps them around instead.
The man is a fucking psycho pimp is all he is. No wonder Conservatives love him so much.
You really are a dumbfuck. Who said anything about cargo planes landing? Ever hear of a C130-J? They have STOL capability and do load drops all the time.
They can load drop heavy equipment, fuel/water bladders/food medical equipment. They do this in war zones all the damn time and PR right now isn’t much better than that. At least the people of PR are not shooting at the planes as they fly over.
No, Fat Donny just doesn’t really want to help the US citizens of PR, but go ahead and continue to defend and make excuses for him.
Somewhere in Texas, Shrub is sitting there smiling and saying, “Heck of a job Donny!”
@ 35
Range of the C-130J is 2100 nautical miles, sez Der Google.
What’s the round-trip distance between Miami to PR?
If you are going to make a real dent in the delivery of aid to the entire population of that island, it has to be by ship.
Nice try.
Southern Florida is seeing an unprecedented number of refugees, floating in on rafts from Caribbean nations after the huge storm systems, I read on HA News this morning.
Oh, sorry. Shit. My bad. Those were actually C-130J airmen floating in on wreckage after their planes crashed into the Atlantic during their return from cargo drops in Puerto Rico. Apparently they ran out of fuel on the way back.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. Ever hear of aerial refueling? They can do that for C130-Js you know: Talk about epic fail on your part.
The real question is, why do you and Donny hate the Puerto Rican US citizens so much?
Yes, agreed on one thing, to make a serious dent, you need ships to resupply, but to make a concentrated effort to resupply by air in a quick manner gives people a glimmer of hope. Donny isn’t spreading the love that is for sure.
I would have expected more compassion and empathy from a doctor
@ 37
300 of those planes, worldwide. Since 68 countries have them, probably only a handful in the SE US. So you want to mobilize these planes from all over the world, along with the refueling planes, so you can make a few flights per day from the US to Puerto Rico in order to drop bottled water packed in CDS cases in such a way that they don’t explode on impact? Or do you pack the water in sturdy 55 gallon drums and expect people with no sanitation to handle the water in a sanitary manner for distribution to others?
You’d tie a thimble to a drone in order to increase water delivery to a forest fire, wouldn’t you?
Aid was on the way well before the port could open to handle it. Dropping 40,000 plastic half-liter bottles, assuming they survive the drop, and expecting them to be accessible to people with no infrastructure and no real working means of communication, is idiotic.
But at least you can blame Trump for not making his military and Coast Guard do it, so you’ve got that going for you.
I would have expected more compassion and empathy from a doctor
Common sense is really more important in early phases of disaster response, don’t you think?
Shorter 39, “Too bad you’re on a fucking island over a thousand miles away, pay up your debt, until then you are on your own.”
You don’t get it. The US knew this storm was coming, did they ramp up an adequate response? Not really.
The USCG has far outperformed any other military branch in humanitarian aid and rescues after disasters. The USCG had a tremendous response plan to Katrina, units from all over the US moved into position and were able to respond much faster than even FEMA an the US Navy. The USCG back-filled positions using reserves and the USCG Auxiliary where they could. The USCG learned much from Katrina, and as a result was even better prepared this time.
The C130-J is but just one type of cargo aircraft that could be used for immediate resupply, but you would rather nit-pick the number of aircraft after you get your ass handed to you about refueling.
There are means of communication in place, just not normal means. You apparently didn’t read the ARRL response I posted.
You really don’t know much about disaster planning do you? I would sooner try and give them something than sit back and do nothing until it could be all neat and pretty for a photo op.
@ 40
I did read the ARRL post you made. Found it interesting. Great that you have all those people able to mobilize and go to PR. I assume they are retiree hobbyists, which is how they have the time.
There weren’t two other competing storm responses when Katrina hit, were there? Wilma was after, as I recall.
The US couldn’t very well park ships off the coast of Puerto Rico when they didn’t know where Maria’s path would be. A safe distance was necessary.
You have this perspective that anything short of completely meeting the needs of those on the island is a shortfall. That’s not a rational expectation.
Eventually there will be an accounting and I suspect that FEMA will receive pretty high marks for dealing with so much, in so many locations, so well.
Right now it’s political. If #CrookedHillary had won we’d be hearing different stories in the media and we’d be hearing disaster relief success stories from you about the same response we’re seeing occur today, rather than your version of perceived shortcomings.
For everyone’s sake I hope that FEMA truly does have this well covered.
You make a lot of assumptions about a lot of things. It may very well be a bunch of “retired hobbyists” that went, but then again, many companies that are progressive, like the one I work for (a fortune 500 company) would grant the leave if I could demonstrate I could fill that role that was needed, so I bet there are some that are going to help not because they are retired, but they have the skill and ability to perform the task at hand and are willing to put others needs before their own. What they are asking is for a deployment to a tropical region, with little or no infrastructure and what they don’t need is some 80 year old retired person that will not do well in those conditions.
You assume that I feel that anything short of “completely meeting the needs of those on the island is a shortfall.” Again, wrong. I know all of the needs can’t be met with current resources and conditions. I’m just critical, and so are the people on the ground living there, of the slow response and planning and execution of aid. You seem fine with how it has gone, easy for an armchair quarterback in a nice comfy horse trailer.
I don’t give a fuck what Hillary would or could have done, as you constantly point out, she didn’t get elected. Why deflect? Because you can’t really defend the lazy-ass position of the POTUS.
It is clear that the response has not be adequate: It isn’t my perception of shortcomings, it is the stated shortcomings of the people standing in line for water, food, and fuel. It is the patients dying because doctors can’t get to hospitals, or when they do, the generator runs out of fuel. Those are not perceived shortcomings, those are real and tangible.
John McCain, Jones Act critic, had this to say on 9/26: and one more:
Ironically, it is the C130J that is the storm chaser plane they send to they eye of hurricanes to study and track them:
Sure, safe distance for shipping is required, however advanced planning and logistic could have easily been started before hand. Someone should have at least decided to waive the Jones Act before it actually hit, or had the paperwork ready when it did hit and sign it while it was pounding the hell out of the island. But no, The Donald couldn’t be bothered, too busy tweeting about the NFL.
Don’t be stupid, they knew it was huge and they knew roughly where it was going to go. They were trying to figure out if it was a Cat 4 or going to be a Cat 5, however massive infrastructure damage was going to happen.
Heck of job Donny, heck of a job….
Today, Kaepernick is an unemployed whiner and it turns out that he has never even registered to vote.
The Sacramento Bee reported:
REMINDER: In 1936 Jesse Owens Had The Courage To Salute The American Flag Flanked By German Nazis…
The entire Dallas Cowboys org, including the owner, took a knee arm in arm before the anthem, then rose as one to stand when the colors were presented and the anthem played.
This fury over these respectful public demonstrations obviously has nothing at all to do with “patriotism” or “national pride”.
It’s an entirely different kind of pride. With an entirely different kind of history.
@ 44 Most people don’t pray (or do that thing Monica did on her knees) “arm in arm”.
And I didn’t boo because I didn’t watch that game as I didn’t watch any other game, nor hang my flags nor wear any NFL swag. I hung the American flag instead.
OOPS, your forgot to mention Ben, Jim Brown, Burgess Owens, John Elway and
P.K. Subban, the most prominent black player in the NHL who stated bluntly that he would “Never” take a knee for the U.S. National Anthem.
Time to Switch Leagues?
The New York Times editorial board was blunt and straightforward. Anthony Weiner was a pathetic jerk, who possibly helped Trump get elected.
Ha! It’s less than he’s pedophile “pathetic jerk” pervert and more that they’re mourning/blaming with Hillary! So definitive. Baaaa
L O L! Best. Troll. EVER.
Trigger asswhiners in 3, 2….
You booed ’em. Why bother lying about it?
You trolls get caught lying every day. Why should this one be any different?
They did everything right.
And still you booed them.
But it’s really no secret why.
Lake Ozark?
97% white, more than half of whom are over 50 about a third of whom work, median income for males $26,000, 14% poverty rate, $7600 per pupil public school budget, below avg performance on standardized tests in all areas all schools, 15% of population under 65 receiving public assistance for healhcare, highest prevalence of diabetes in MO, most common post high school training or education – general cosmetology, largest post high school educational institution – Central College of Cosmetology.
Sure you wanna pick these people for your team?
The disaster this has been for the NFL is hard to fully quantify.
One reason why is that half the country agrees with most, if not all, of what our mystery source posted and the internet is busy making famous. To wit…
“When my president lied to me and claimed four of my comrades were murdered because of a video insulting Muslims… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president shipped pallets of cash to my sworn enemy… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president failed to identify Muslims as terrorists and Islam as an enemy of the state… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president claimed that a man who tried to kill another man who lawfully defended himself could be his son… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president defended a thug who bum-rushed law enforcement… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president ordered businesses to spend unnecessary funds to appease a minority of people who need mental intervention far more than they need their own toilet… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president ordered that words ‘one nation under God’ be removed from the pledge of allegiance… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president lied to me and said I could keep my doctors and my premiums would go down… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president spent my tax dollars in foreign lands to interfere in their elections… I didn’t take a knee.
“While my president sat by passively and enabled ISIS to emerge as a stronger force dedicated to spreading Islamic ideals by committing murder, rape and torture… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president allowed dictators and murderers to violate his red lines and continue to murder women and children with chemical gas… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president chastised law enforcement for their actions but ignored the violence in our streets… I didn’t take a knee.
“When my president identified the weather as the greatest threat to America’s safety while Muslims worldwide are murdering innocent people… I didn’t take a knee.
“While my president’s insistence that pacifism and reform in numerous areas of the globe would bring peace but instead led to the strengthening of those that seek to destroy us… I didn’t take a knee.
“When the election of my president broke barriers never thought possible in America but ended up being the high point of his eight years in office… I didn’t take a knee.
“In all that time I never disrespected our Country, our Armed Forces and Veterans, or our Nation.
“I remained vigilant.
“And I got a new president.”
I would only add to this none of us took a knee when the president deployed the combined power of the intelligence community to spy on an opposition party’s candidate and, finding no incriminating opposition research therefrom, wove together a few disparate strands of data, many of them false, into a narrative of foreign influence “hacking” an election to discredit the candidate.
In retrospect, maybe we should have taken that knee. Isn’t it what all the cool kids do?
Ah, She seems to have forgotten Princess J. E.
Keep talking, babe . Please.
@ 49: Yep, I screwed up the coding:
Ah, She seems to have forgotten Princess J. E.
Keep talking, babe. Please.
HA! Perfectly knee jerk DEFINITIVE!
So it’s agreed then?
You arm-fishin’ Hillbilly race warriors get The Orange Shit-Gibbon and a tax-credit for Confederate mudflaps on your coal-rollers.
And we get the NFL.
That’s cool.
49, 50,
Just curious:
How do you Russian Patriots plan on spending your free Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays?
Hot Roddin’?
How ’bout wholesome family togetherness?
I’ve noticed quite a few of you folks have some pretty large NFL logo decals on your pickup trucks, or farm implements, or whatever those things are. I have it on very good authority that the very best way to remove those without damaging your paint is to use plenty of unleaded gasoline and a cigarette.
Don’t mention it.
To the pajama boy @51 who thinks he laid a trumpcard:
And YOU CAN have the NFl.
And the phony #virtue signalling the Seattle socialist, pedophile pols, the angry gays, the immature, ignorant but safe space needy aggressed students, the rioters, looters and destroyers, the hectoring, lecturing “celebrities” and most especially the sex offender enabling Hillary with her whining blame game (which never gets old to those who voted against her!) Keep it up, babe.
It’s no longer ‘knee jerk’ liberalism. Now, it’s PINBALL liberalism: swat at any/EVERY ball not caring where it lands but hoping beyond it lands somewhere/anywhere and scores a few cheap points.
Pity the poor (and ineffective) pinball wizards.
Thanks. We appreciate that. Looking forward to easier parking and fewer drunk chicks to step over.
Not to be ungrateful, but in the sincere interest of accuracy, it’s you alt-right Betas who have elevated an avowed pedophile Milo to be a major spokesmodel for your movement and who you continue to support, even when he cons you bigly. And speaking of sex offending, among most of polite society forcibly shoving your fingers into another person’s genital orifices without their consent is an actual criminal sexual offense – as opposed to a mutual consensual blowjob between adults.
Just for instance.
And talk about “safe spaces” isn’t that precisely why you are volunteering to stop enjoying professional football? Because those teams and their owners have insisted on confronting you with a serious ongoing problem that you don’t like to think about?
I’m pretty sure it is.
I’d recommend professional bowling but I’m afraid it was taken over by hipsters years ago.
Pinball: LOL MIlo.
Is he going to jail? Penis waver Wiener is! And he cried :(.. What a man!
Was he forced to walk away from being mayor of a major (if ignorant socialist) city? My, my, now who was that exactly and what city could that have been?
Do any of you horsesass intellects/estrogen drowned droids with penises see/admit the cognitive dissonance of Hillary campaigning on (screeching and demanding) women vote for her because she has a vagina and her latest excuse for LOSING: White women voted against me because the men in their lives told them to or Michelle recently whining that women are too stupid to think for themselves, to act in their own best interest … But despite Obama’s high popularity, millions of women voted against the first woman to win the nomination for a major party. And Obama is still not okay with that. She told a crowd in Boston this week that she believes women who voted for Trump voted “against their own voice.”
Here’s the full quote:
Let me paraphrase: If I win your an empowered female hero, when I don’t you’re a non-thinking man slave idiot.
Again, insulting half of America.
Full TILT.
Great point there!
Makes me wonder who might have been insulted by this.*
Also, so not sure what any of that has to do with low-information trailerdytes booing at NFL teams. Meh.
*Big pro tip: It’s a good example. But it is faaaar from the only one.
Just sayin’
whatever you do, please don’t make the same mistake as this guy.
Charlie DanielsVerified account
I would ordinarily be watching Thursday Night Football, but for some reason I’m not
5:44 PM – 27 Sep 2017
Dane RauschenbergVerified account @SeeDaneRun 19h19 hours ago
Replying to @CharlieDaniels
Probably because it is Wednesday, you senile racist dick.
You just make my point for me with absolutely no expectations?
See Milo is still getting Mercer Money, still getting Bannon promotion, still getting lots and lots of βeta male clicks and eyeballs. Right now. Today. You stooges even lined up and gave him your money for his Fyre-Fest-for-Fascists debacle.
There are undiscovered pedophiles.
And then there are the people who enthusiastically cheer their approval for someone who admits to being a pedophile.
That’s sick dude.
Now this is interesting,,,
-The media, eager to bury the story of the mass shooting at a church in Tennessee on Sunday in which a Sudanese immigrant, who is black, murdered a white mother of two and wounded six other people, including the pastor, has totally ignored the incident, conveniently using the NFL/ Trump controversy as grist for its mill.
-Emanuel Kidega Samson, from Sudan, first murdered Melanie Smith, 39, in the parking lot, then entered Burnette Chapel Church of Christ and started shooting. He was only stopped by the heroism of an usher, Caleb Engle, 22, who was pistol-whipped in the face, but held tight until Samson accidentally shot himself. Engle then retrieved his firearm from his car and stood guard over Samson until police arrived.
Of course Elijah McJackASS DotScum will excuse this piece of trash as just another immigrant!
Till Next Time!
Hmmm Jones Act lifted for Puerto Rico.
Where was the updated vomit producing ASSwipe’s updated fart storm?
Till Next Time!
Another Milo fanboy.
Although in this case, from what I understand, the attraction is mutual.
There are 10,000 shipping containers already delivered to Puerto Rico. There is a shortage of truck drivers vomit producing dead toad. The native drivers are still MIA!
Of course anything to try and make a crisis!
Till Next Time!
Nope. Not a clue.
Steve Scalise returns to Congress today. A Republican hating DUMMOCRETIN tried to kill the Majority Whip and the dead DUMMOCRETIN failed!
Till Next Time!
Still no clue.
Not only is he dumb, but he probably looks cute as hell in handcuffs wearing a ball mask, eh? If only he were still 13.
Who says Milo can’t have it all? Certainly not Robert Mercer.
And certainly not our trolls.
Nice to see that the loon is still batshit insane and full of hate.
Nice to see the shitstain steve FAKE caring about someone in #66.
Nice to see the shitstain steve FAKE caring about someone in #66.
@54 And talk about “safe spaces” isn’t that precisely why you are volunteering to stop enjoying professional football?
Are you seriously that ignorant?
I took a knee to day to pray for you.
Football is a business. That business has overhead: the players amongst other outgoing costs.
They have profit. Who is the PROFIT?
How long will those 1% millionaire owners tolerate losing PROFIT.
Evidently not long, as evidenced by actions by the Packers and Bears, comments by the Steelers, promises by the Bronco’s … and THIS
Oh! And to take even more pleasure in your misery, we can now celebrate the YOU are aligned with the Koch brothers!
Code correction, again:
Evidently not long, as evidenced by actions by the Packers and Bears, comments by the Steelers, promises by the Bronco’s . . . and THIS.
Oh my, to quote the very High Earth Priest Gore, an inconvenient truth:
Spitting on the flag, disrespecting the dead, maimed and current military in harms way, insulting patriots ALL FOR A LIE.
Soft golf clap, clap, clap for the asses.
@67 & 68
Just a reminder.
It has been 47 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
47 days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
I’m glad you set aside your solemn oaths and vows and enjoyed watching our game. Sorry it only took you a couple of hours to abandon your phony principles and every shred of personal dignity.
You gave up so easy. Are you over it yet?
Since it looks to all appearances that you enjoy the humiliation and you’ll stick around for a bit, let me offer a tiny piece of advice.
While you may be too poor to afford an html editor, there are work arounds. A pretty simple one involves just copying the attribute string into a note or memo or other plain text document kept handy. Just plug in null characters for the active content as place holders. To use simply paste into your comment and then type over the null characters with your text and target link.
I hope that helps. Sadly at this point since you’ve posted so many dead links I stopped bothering with them. We have to acknowledge that there are trolls who pose as incompetent, mindless simpletons in order to shut down valid commentary.
Evidently my response to the silliness at 73 and 74 is ‘waiting moderation”
LOL! Definitive, ain’t it?
Oh well.
Deadline proflied the severity of such a significant drop in ratings
Glad you enjoyed our game!
Keep watching and enjoy the pre-game demonstrations! After all, it’s not like you have something better to do with your life.
re 76 Here’s part of what’s “awaiting moderation”:
Re the nitwit at 73. Do I have to take another knee in prayer for you? I did NOT watch the game. There is this magic thing with WORDS called the internet where you can find information about something without participating in that something. You know, that thing you’re using to blabber on and which you use to embarrass yourself…
Aw, @74… suddenly you’re concerned. Prayer works. I’ll say another on your behalf!
Prayer? Why not? Imaginary conversations with an invisible sky-buddy is one way to keep you occupied on Sunday.
btw, has it at all occurred to you how supremely ironic it is for someone who can’t post once without mentioning “prayer” to use a play on the phrase “virtue signaling” in their avatar?
You don’t really know what it means. I see that now.
Another way you could fill up your free time now that you are no longer watching professional sports other than golf, NASCAR, and bass fishin’ might be to read the commenting policy. Although in your case, I’m not sure you can benefit from it. Your fucked up posts aren’t “awaiting moderation”. If they have failed to post it’s probably because you were including links to child porn or screwing up code again.
Yes, I fully admit to screwing up the code… and the comment posted … until I attempt to correct it with the edit function. User error compounded by site incompetence
I don’t need to “signal” my virtue: I live it quietly, unless as with you, someone needs to know I’ve spent prayer time for them. Most people appreciate prayers. But, point taken
I don’t need to gain attention by useless actions or hashtags. I said the other day all these nuts on knees are not going to change single one police policy or one black crime statistic. Creating awareness? How much breast cancer have all those ribbons cured?
I read an article the other day that Michelle Obama’s #Bring Back Our Girls campaign was mocked by ISIS . It is all for show and ACCOMPLISHES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
What exactly did Michelle Obama accomplish? She made the situation worse.
The Daily Beast:
It gets worse.
Recreating a post in segments:
With bells, bangs, clangs and bright flashing lights… TILT
Permission granted
PERMISSION ENACTED: According to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, the National Football League is seen as more unfavorable than ever before.
“The NFL’s net favorability has dropped from 30% on September 21 to 17% on September 28,” the poll shows. CHART
I wonder how long it will be before the league and players unions start handing out flags and patriotic shirts, hats, SOCKS…
Hold up your garlic and silver bullets, it’s from a CONSERVATIVE news site: No, A Seattle Seahawks Player Did Not Burn the Flag in the Locker Room
Yes, truth happens, much to the dismay of your narrative.
You’re. Not. Oppressed.
Jesus turned water into wine, King Midas turned everything he touched into gold, while Elsa turned everything she touched into ice.
Trump turns THIS into THIS
Shaming the NFL with video examples linked in the article.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%
The online ticket reseller TickPick told Secrets that sales have dropped 17.9 percent, far more than the usual Week Three fall.
From TickPick: [link in the article referenced above]
By announcing it hourly. Almost exactly like my nephew when he was potty training.
I’m so sorry your offended by someone praying for you. Who does that reflect on more?
Since God bless you will offend you, I’ll just wish you a hearty GOOD LUCK. In this life, or the next, you’ll probably need it but by the time you do, it will also be too late.