Please join us for an evening of political toasts and roasts at tonight’s gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 238 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Stupid is stupid does. Explains Doctor Dumbfuck.
Save you money – don’t donate towards hurricane damaged areas, it only encourages stupid behavior. If you are going to donate put a note on that say “put the money towards renewable resources only, you fucking brainless morons”.
If you donate to hurricane “victims” then you are enabling bad behavior. These people aren’t victims they are idiots, Joel Olsteen, the great inspirational leader, even said they shouldn’t think of themselves as victims.
He’s the President of Evangelical Hillbilly Traitor America.
And it shows.
“We were hacked.” Yeah someone emailed me the naked picture boss. I had no idea what it was and I had just opened it when you looked at my screen. It’s not my fault.
L’affair de Cruz turns out exactly as expected. A staffer whose job it is to tweet for Cruz accidentally big time air quotes liked porn site thinking he was on his personal cell phone
“Who among us doesn’t love porn” Fired staffer
I think it was Heidi.
She’s unstable, you know.
@1 You have to remember that nothing is outrageous in politics. Even Hitler and Pinochet had popular followings. What should incite our outrage is their treatment of goats.
@ 4-6
The part about his college roomie weighing in is pretty funny.
Anyone think this will hurt his re-election chances? I think it’ll help.
@4 @5 I don’t get you stupid humans’ fascination with seeing each other naked. What’s the big deal with nudity? Every creature on earth except homo sapiens run around in the nude. Nobody makes a fuss over rabbits or deer or crows going out in public in our birthday suits.
I have lots of jokes.
“why do you giggle when I say it was a Cruz Staff Member?”
“We’re looking long and hard for one responsible.”
“We’ll poke around and see what comes.”
“We will bring this wicked staffer to his/her knees.”
“We will get in the bottom of this. Shit to the bottom.”
Normally, the idea of being a middle school social studies teacher is the stuff of permanent nightmares for me.
But the thought of presenting and then teaching for a semester this recent Republican political speech could almost make it worthwhile.
I like that he’s the odds-on favorite to win the GOP primary. Plenty to work with, there. And a fine opportunity to test the current GOP angry white guy theory that “Revenge-of-the-Wife-Beaters” and “What’s-Wrong-With-a-Nigger-Joke” are the most powerful political forces in America.
Plus, so long as this douche is out there nobody can scold me for saying FUCK. Works for me… motherfucker.
A judge has thrown out criminal charges against former Amtrak engineer Brian Bostian, saying the crash was an accident, not a result of negligence. The judge also said Amtrak’s failure to install speed control devices on that curve was a contributing factor.
Dave Trott has announced he won’t run again. And another district becomes a potential flip in 2018.
Haley Stevens is doing well out of the gate and can use our support:
The only way to defend against ignorant White Pride Hillbilly finger rapists mowing down crowds of young people in #TrumpCars and burning our country to the ground is to elect Democrats to replace them. Skip a round of beer and give to support America.
The only way to defend against ignorant White Pride Hillbilly finger rapists mowing down crowds of young people in #TrumpCars and burning our country to the ground is to elect Democrats to replace them.
Just don’t let them become mayor of Seattle afterward.
Incestuous pedophile doesn’t sound any better than pedophile, Ed Mole.
Q: Hey, Ed Mole, what was the best thing about showering with your 13 year-old cousin?
A: When his hair was wet he looked like he was only 9.
When you’ve lost the Seattle P-I:
“I have come forward after these years to stand in support of Delvonn Heckard, the other accusers, and all sex abuse victims,” Dyer said in a declaration provided by attorneys for Dyer and Heckard, whose sexual abuse claims against Murray first brought long-whispered allegations against the mayor to the fore.
After listing his claimed accomplishments in office, Murray said that it has “become clear to me that in light of the latest news reports it is best for the city if I step aside.”
Dyer also noted, correctly, that Murray has used the public platform provided him as mayor to respond to lawsuits brought against him as a private person. In doing so, Murray and his staff may have created an opportunity for Heckard and other accusers Murray disparaged to sue the city.
@ 13
The only way to defend against ignorant White Pride Hillbilly finger rapists mowing down crowds of young people in #TrumpCars and burning our country to the ground is to elect electable Democrats to replace them.
Incestuous pedophile doesn’t sound any better than pedophile…
Does President Pedophile?
How ’bout President Golden Shower?
Maybe President Unwanted Finger Banger?
Perhaps it’s President Moved On Her Like a Bitch?
At least one of ’em must sound might good to you racist traitors.
Only 63 million of you voted for it.
@18 with that comment you just shriveled DD’s penis making it smaller the smaller. He’ll need a suction cup to pull its head from the foreskin.
@ 18
President Enabler-of-a-Rapist isn’t much better.
President Munch-Carpet-Then-Lie-About-It is awkward, at best. Although I’d probably still watch.
President Enabler-of-a-Rapist isn’t much better.
Um, right there… um… you just said it was better.
Not much. But you did admit it was better.
Face meet rake. Rake, that there is face. Hope you two get along. You’ll be seeing a lot of each other.
“Incestuous pedophile doesn’t sound any better than pedophile”
Says Doctor Dumbfuck, who has posted thousands of treasonous hashtags in support of Putin’s orange stooge, a man who viciously and violently raped a 13 year-old girl.
@ 22
Steve, into what depth does #CrookedHillary delve about this alleged violent rape of a minor girl?
I am guessing not much, as that alleged rape occurred at the home of…
wait for it…
Bill Clinton’s close friend and private jet buddy Jeffrey Epstein.
Alleged? Don’t tell Ivanka. She’ll go mad with jealousy.
And so will Jared… if he doesn’t get to watch and clean up afterwards.
BTW, Ross Douthat thinks Ivanka is being groomed for the Presidency herself.
Talk about “delving” into some “depths”. s If only Jared could.
Family values. Very fine people.
So much winning.
@16 You prefer the guy who lusts for his own daughter.
@20 “Although I’d probably still watch.”
Through a window, hiding in bushes.
@23 It’s well known the Clintons hang out with Trump’s pals.
Doctor Dumbfuck and Jared both, if Republican White House Senior Policy Advisers are to be believed. And when it comes to reports of Hillbilly felching I always believe them.
Democrat Charles St. Claire won the special election for New Hampshire House in a district Trump won by 17 points.
GOP had a 12% advantage in declared registered voters in the district.
@ 30
The final margin was 1,267 for St. Clair to 1,009 for Whalley.
I’ve seen more voters in line to use the ladies room in the left field 100 section at Safeco.
@ 1,2,and 3 of course building some good will for the upcoming super quake that will hit the Pacific Northwest with or without tsunami or the future eruption of Mt. Baker, Mt. Ranier, Mt. Hood, ect might be a good idea, and the same things could be said of these crazy northwesterners building on volcanos and in earthquake zones. Them stupid people. And with Seattle being a top target for North Korea.
Of course our friend in New York may be paid a visit by Jose. Unlikely but possible. So if it hits no one donate to assist our friend in New York.
@9 So we can put you down as a yes for the all American love in. This one could go all the way to the white house. Yeah Mr. Pres and Ivanka might be down for it, The Rolling Stones might be down for it. Making America great again. We can rise up! Feel the love! Glad you are down for it RR. How about the funky Dr?
@11 Please go live your nightmare. First you would realize middle school social studies has nothing to do with the video. Though you would gain insight as to why Kid Rock is so hot with that crowd. It is an entertaining video and perhaps like a former Saturday Night comic he may actually get elected, and have to learn the political speak.
Go be a great American and live your nightmare.
@13 Actually Haley should get her support from the good people of Michigan’s 11th district and not depend on outside dollars as should all of our politicians. So if your living here in Washington state please do not give to Haley though some of your contributions to the Democratic part may end up going to her.
Support your local and state folks here in Washington state first.
@32. Dont need your help. Thanks though. Never needed your help in the past and will not need it in the future.
Given that oceans are rising the events of hurricanes causing more damage is a greater risk or known then all your other examples. And the areas hit by Hurray and You go Girl are more likely to be struck again.
Go sit under a tree during a lightning storm.
But I’ll give you the North Lirean one, you probably should be moving from the northwest area. Rebuilding it after an H bomb could be costly.
@32. Dont need your help. Thanks though. Never needed your help in the past and will not need it in the future.
Given that oceans are rising the events of hurricanes causing more damage is a greater risk then all your other examples. And the areas hit by Hurray and You go Girl are more likely to be struck again.
Go sit under a tree during a lightning storm.
But I’ll give you the North Korean one, you probably should be moving from the northwest area. Rebuilding it after an H bomb could be costly.
Something no American middle school teacher wil be teaching in social studies class.
Maybe there is some info for the adults in this.
Only foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal campaigns.
Unless of course they happen to be vicious murdering dictators possessing video of Your beloved President Fuckface drinking hooker pee.
So hoping for low turnout, got low turnout, suffered a 20+ point swing in under a year since the last contest.
Were you cross dressing to perv in the bathroom again?
@ 40
Assuming 2020’s a low turnout election, you’re all set.
relax. If by some weird circumstance these kinds of Hillbilly reversals continue you can always just blame That Bitch.
Oh wait.
Never mind.
@31 Excuses are like assholes — everybody’s got one.
You guys are now 0-for-5 in special elections.
How does all that winning feel?
@33 You want to put on your eclipse glasses to see the doctor nekkid.
@34 We have enough amateur politicians, thank you very much.