Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 345 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Roger is ill and can’t attend tonight.
But I’m not too sick to give the wingnut trolls their just desserts on this blog!!
Ha! I’ll bet wingnuts thought “reconciliation” meant “kiss and make up” and getting laid again! “Up your ass” is more like it …
Great video…
It may be a crappy bill (right now) but we can (hopefully) fix it later and it’s almost worth it to see the party of no get a dose of their own medicine.
Fake Ted Van Dyk is so much more entertaining then the real Ted Van Dyk.
Conservatives are energized…and Progressives have shown they are all about Bigger, more costly government.
Talk about how that will play out in November.
I was just listenin’ to a Merle Haggard song…called Rainbow Stew.
You KLOWNS believe Obam-mao gonna get you some free Bubble-up and Rainbow Stew??
Perhaps you should discuss whether the serial criminal Charlie Rangel ought to resign or not-
Today, even a member of the Congressional Black Caucus called on him to resign.
Congressman from Alabama who cares about integrity.
Naaaaaaaaaah, Charlie Rangel cares about payola baby! Money in his pocket…but his pants on the floor!
8 – You go goatman! Rangel is baaaaadd news so I suppose the solution come November is this:
Let’s not forget this as well:
Coming soon:
What, Mr Cynical, is your browser broken? You can’t embed that long ugly link, and thus to make it active for e z perusal?
OTOH, seeing that it’s a Faux News link makes it e z for the rest of us to completely disregard.
As for the substance of your inquiry, we can do it the same way the Republicans did with Newt, and put the matter before the Ethics Committee and give him a fair hearing. He’s worked hard and well for his district and the American people, but if he broke the law or broke House rules he should face the appropriate penalties. But in this country a person gets a fair hearing first, or at least that’s the promise.
Did anyone notice? Yesterday, on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Ezra Klein credited Seattle’s DL chapter leader Nicholas Beaudrot with coining the term “microreconciliation”, and actually called Nicholas “smart” on national TV.
Way to go Nick!
Heh.. Hey Stupes. The Ahhhhhhnooold of weather is saying
“it’s hot outside!”
He’s twisting himself in knots.. It’s too funny..
What else???
Longest heatwave in Australia in 10 years:
Driest in Singapore in 140 years.. Heh. Goes waaaay beyond the pattern for an El Nino..
and Antarctic ice keeps on retreating:
Of course wingnut fools will still fantasize that man-made CO2 dumping of billions of tons have no effect on the environment and if they do they’re beneficial.. I bet they’re buying tickets for cargo cruises in the northeast passage this summer.
Nick has guest-blogged at Ezra Klein’s place for a long time.
Heh.. Hey Stupes. The Ahhhhhhnooold of weather is saying
“it’s hot outside!”
Longest heatwave in Australia in 10 years:
Driest in Singapore in 140 years.. Heh. Goes waaaay beyond the pattern for an El Nino..
and Antarctic ice keeps on retreating:
Of course wingnut fools will still fantasize that man-made dumping of billions of tons of CO2 has no effect on the environment and even if it does it’s beneficial.. I bet they’re buying tickets for cargo cruises in the northeast passage this summer:
re 6:
onservatives are energized
About what?
Cynny saved up his money and was able to buy up a bottle of those blue pills this week. He took the bottle home and looked at his wife. He then put the bottle in his pocket and went out to the goat shed. He popped a couple blue pills. He said, “baah.” Cynny is now an energized conservative.
19 – Oh oh, Mickey Kaus will be jealous. He may have to drop his Senate campaign, no one fucks with his goats.
@6 “Conservatives … have shown they are all about Bigger, more costly government.”
There … with a little editing, I fixed it. Republicans are the mothers of all big spenders. Bush tripled the rate of growth of federal spending from what had existed under Clinton. He even put his wars off-budget so they won’t blow up the budget. He borrowed a trillion dollars from China to give rich guys a tax cut that didn’t boost the nation’s savings rate or produce any jobs. Cynical, you reek of hypocrisy. You also smell like your goats.
Goat intimacy leads to goat stink. Cynny stinks like goat. As a rabbit, you must have some opinions about cross-species “dating,” don’t you? For instance, Roger, I’m quite sure you don’t want dogs around. But, Cynny? Damn, I think that goat shed draws him like lead to a magnet.
Well the righties did get that pro-choice, pro gay-rights, pro-stimulus, guy voted into office in MA….
And they showed that there’s at least 12 Tea Baggers that aren’t white!
Is Puddy one of the 12?
@22 I never saw any good coming from crossing a cockroach with a goat.
Re 23
I wouldn’t get too excited about the Senator from MA. The coming fall elections are not going to be kind to the Democrat caucus. Conservative districts that voted democrat out of fear are more scared of the government now than they were of recession.
If every registered Dem voted that way every time, and every registered Republican did likewise you guys would win every election on the numbers. Problem is the Will Rogers quote someone brought up the other night. You don’t belong to an organized political party, you’re Democrats.
The other problem is the independents. They’ll vote Dem out of fear or a good candidate excitement. But, tell yourselves otherwise all day long and it’s still true, most Americans simply don’t veer as far left as your party usually does.
Final problem? History and economics. A meaningful decrease in the jobless numbers is highly unlikely in time for the elections this fall. That won’t help people whom Obama and the Dems thought they were buying with stimulus money, and they won’t vote for you in the numbers of 2010. Historically Americans like balance politically and diminish one parties control if it seems too strong.
I’d say good luck to the Dems, but I’m more interested in good luck to America as a whole. Frankly the Republicans deserve the beating they got in 2010 for not being sufficiently and truly conservative. Overspending, foreign adventures etc don’t play well with the base of idealists, as opposed to blind partisans.
@23 I see the Teabag Party candidate got 18% of the GOP vote in Texas’ primary today. That’s about half of what cigaret smoke gets in Washington.
Re 21
Once in a while, once in a long, long while you write something with which I agree. (Of course, you’re response will be highly censorable and excited disagreement with my concurrence, always amusing.)
Bush did fail conservatives in being fiscally irresponsible. He was a mediocre president at a time when America needed a great one. (In this he’s like Obama, if Obama could dream of rising to the level of mediocrity.)
But you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Most true conservatives don’t agree with the fiscal irresponsibility. They happen not to like it when Obama is more irresponsible, but that’s less partisan than a real fear for the future of the country.
@26 Boy you sure rationalize a lot.
“A meaningful decrease in the jobless numbers is highly unlikely in time for the elections this fall. That won’t help people whom Obama and the Dems thought they were buying with stimulus money, and they won’t vote for you in the numbers of 2010.”
So who they gonna vote for, the party that put them in a depression? Did the voters want Hoover back in 1936 because they were still unemployed?
“Historically Americans like balance politically and diminish one parties control if it seems too strong.”
This isn’t your grandfather’s Republican Party. It’s a howling mob that only nuts vote for. There’s only one party today, the Democrats, and it’s not strong enough yet to defeat GOP obstructionists. Voters understand that.
@28 You’re completely nuts to compare Bush with Obama. Bush put us in this depression. Obama (with Bernanke’s help) kept it from being far worse. If Obama accomplishes nothing else, his place in history as the man who saved us from Great Depression 2.0 is already assured. Bush was the worst president ever.
Re 30
My Grandfather was a Republican during the real Depression.
He was told he couldn’t quit his job. It was against the law in America for him to quit his job. He quit and bought a cab and told them to lock him up if they wanted to. It was his feeling that no man could tell him where he had to work.
That was FDR and the democrats, and has been ever since. It is the party of massive government intrusion into peoples’ lives, whether constitutionally warranted or not.
Republicans made the same mistake under Bush, with the Patriot Act and other egregious attacks on civil liberties, with bank and homeowner bailouts, with the belief that the Constitution and basic human rights could be disregarded to protect the country. This is always a mistake, to sacrifice principles for a percieved goal. It always results in loss of the goal and the principle too.
@28 “They happen not to like it when Obama is more irresponsible, but that’s less partisan than a real fear for the future of the country.”
Bullshit. Half the people carping about Obama are vile racists. The other half are ignoramuses. There’s a very good reason why Wall Street backed Obama, including former Bush supporters, and that’s because they understood how grave the situation was, and how clueless about economics McCain, Palin, and the rest of the GOP are. Obama did the right things. Economists criticized his stimulus package for being too timid and too small, not too bold and large. Rightwing populists have worked themselves into a frenzy over bank bailouts that were absolutely essential and will end up costing taxpayers nothing. The Teabaggers want to do exactly the same things that turned an ordinary recession into the Great Depression in the 1930s. I’ve read over and over in the conservative business press that the deficit frothers are misguided. There is no inflation. The danger to the economy is deflation, not deficits. Cash infusions by the Fed and Obama’s stimulus spending replaced only a fraction of the currency that has been pulled out of circulation by hoarders. There’s three trillion dollars sitting in zero-interest Treasuries alone. In the short term, more not less deficit spending is needed to stabilize the money supply. Some rightwing idiots even want to go back on the gold standard. Nothing could be more foolhardy than that. You should get on your knees and thank God the Republicans lost the 2008 election and this crisis is being managed by people who know what they’re doing.
@31 My father was a Democrat during the real Depression, boy.* Everyone knows World War 2 pulled us out of it. Does it occur to you that war production was financed by massive government deficit spending? You should read up on how we got into the Depression. That was the gold standard, and Hoover’s refusal to provide government support for failing banks, and his insistence on balanced budgets and his refusal to spend — the Republicans were in charge until 1933 and they made all the wrong moves, and all their moves were wrong. Republican philosophy hasn’t changed and would have the same results today.
* It appears I’ve been around at least a generation longer than you. It also appears I’ve learned more about economics and history than you, too.
Whoever told him that was giving him a line, for whatever reason I couldn’t say, but I’ve never read of that kind of thing anywhere else and it certainly was never a law or Presidential act. Good for him for making up his own mind, but it’s nothing FDR and the Democrats did, and blaming them for it is bunk. He have a valuable skill that his employer was paying less than market value for? With so many unemployed, it’s difficult to imagine why either the government or an employer would tell anybody that, with replacements (of unknown value to be sure) waiting ten deep outside the gate. Again, not calling your grandfather a liar, because in those times I can imagine that people were liable to told all manner of bull, but something about the story doesn’t jell.
Roger Rabbit, have I ever told you how much I enjoy your posts?
Yes, you make me laugh. But, you give so MANY points/details of history/financial info. Just want to say thanks. I scope in at times at HA, mostly to see what you have to offer. Just sayin’.
Stay warm in your rabbit hole, spring is coming. The daffodils are coming up.
Hey arschloch@13, Bastardi did not say it was CO2 as the culprit. He says it’s the SUN.
Did you know increased CO2 makes pot plants grow faster and mature earlier?
Did you know increased CO2 makes trees grow faster.
Get it?
@32 said: Rightwing populists have worked themselves into a frenzy over bank bailouts that were absolutely essential and will end up costing taxpayers nothing
Mr. Rabbit, care to wager on that statement?
You can pick the date where we measure the cost vs profit for US Taxpayers on the bank bailouts.
There’s three trillion dollars sitting in zero-interest Treasuries alone.
You know why? Because the FED is creating money out of thin air and buying treasuries. (quantitative easing). Those trillions aren’t because of confidence in our economy, but because of the creation of fictitious capital. It’s a mirage, Rabbit…
Hey arschloch@16,
It’s summer in Antarctica. Wait a minute… you are a chronological idiot.
Nevermind… More recycled horse manure from another spreader ylb arschloch…
“And as you can see, as of May 2009, Antarctic sea ice is about 1.0 million square kilometers above normal.
Just like last year, to assist in the research for this post I contacted Dr. Roger Pielke Sr., a climatologist at the University of Colorado whose blog is one of the most balanced forums and respected sources of technical information on global climate anywhere. In response to my inquiry, he wrote the following: “The sea ice around the continent is far above average (ref. UIUC). Also, note the colder than average sea surface temperatures around Antarctic (ref. NOAA). If the media is going to discuss the Wilkens Ice Shelf, they should also discuss this other data. The expansion of the sea ice coverage implies a cooling.””
– Golly the month of May, when winter starts in Antarctica arschloch.
Now who is Dr. Roger Pielke Sr.? He’s one of those “hated” questioners Phil Jones and Michael Mann kept dissing in their emails last year and earlier this year over the climategate scandal at East Anglia University.
Of course this factoid is lost on the arschloch! You can go back and review your personal backup of the whole HA blog you keep.
You should share that chronological buffoonery with HA Libtardos more often.
BTW, when does your single celled mind thaw? Lt Gen Russel Honore said “Stuck on Stupid”; you are stuck on frozen!
I think the reason why they are willing to do just about anything to get this health care bill passed is because the Federal government is flat broke.
Everyone will immediately be taxed and/or fined when this current healthcare bill is passed, but no new health care benefits will be available until sometime between 2013-2018.
They will borrow from this new revenue stream to pay for other parts of government (it’s allowed in the current bill).
Funniest quote so far today
Another in the long line of HA Libtardo leftists who doesn’t fact check Dumb Bunny Pellets!
Oh yeah Puddy remembers this lady… her granny didn’t like black peeps when she walked this earth!
This is for Proud Goatist…
Nuff SAID Sucka!
.So Dumb Bunny that would vary between 20-27% of Americans. Where’s da proof Dumb Bunny or as always this is another of your Pre-made Pellets ready for stepping on?
ylb arschloch and other HA anti-bank bailout screamers are rightwing populists Dumb Bunny? Do tell!
“Brooklyn prosecutors on Monday cleared ACORN of criminal wrongdoing after a four-month probe that began when undercover conservative activists filmed workers giving what appeared to be illegal advice on how to hide money.” A law enforcement official said, “They edited the tape to meet their agenda.” Imagine that.
39 nolaguy
No, it’s because our employment-based health care “system” that we’ve had since WWIIis breaking down, millions are stuck without insurance or any meaningful chance of affording it or even being approved for it, and the reforms that have been promised touniversalize health care providence since the time of Theodore Roosevlt are damn well due.
Show us in the bill. Not in an op-ed, in the bill.
Show us in the bill. Not in an op-ed, in the bill.
10. Mark Centz spews:
Nice for you to “disregard” Fox as a source. Seems like the only true accountability of those in power is Fox. Occasionally, the other MSM is guilted into doing a 15-second snipit on something like Rangel’s TAX CHEATING and now this disgusting Payola. But hey, whatever. Things are quickly sorting out.
When the Democrats don’t act when one of their own, Charlie Rangel, is an admitted tax cheater and head of the powerful Ways & Means which makes the tax laws….it sends an FU message to ALL Americans.
Here is how Americans feel about the Party in power–
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
It’s been -8 and -9 for a looooooooooooong time now.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
With the exception of a few days, Obam-Mao has been double-digits NEGATIVE STRONG APPROVAL for almost 5 months. That’s a loooooooong time. That poll rating is really important because it represents your Base and your oppositions Base.
And as you all know, “it’s the economy stupid” will drive the next election…as it does every election:
Confidence In Economy’s Future Is At Lowest Point of Obama’s Presidency
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Lot’s of facts about the strong tone of America for you KLOWNS to ignore, mock & ridicule!
Hey, why is Pelosi now pandering to the Tea Party? Read an article where she made comments about how much the Tea Party & Democrats have in common.
I think she was trying to give folks a good laugh. That was the response she got from Tea Partiers. She went from mocking them to trying to engage them. Apparently she thinks she has the same mojo as Obam-Mao.
Too late.
Won’t work.
@8 If you walk out of a Safeway with a loaf of bread you didn’t pay for, you’re a thief and go to jail.
If you take someone’s deposit and then file Chapter 11, you’re a businessman and get to start a new business next month and never have to refund the money.
Cynical, why are you criticizing Rangel for allegedly having the same ethics as countless businessmen? Isn’t that sort of like a blanket condemnation of, you know, the private sector?
36 – LMAO!!! Never said he did moron.. The article says Bastardi is twisting himself in knots contradicting his previous claims about satellite data..
It’s too funny..
You’ll believe any bullshit that’s served up to you as long as it reinforces right wing bullshit..
Yeah and it lets shipping companies zip stuff between East Asia and Europe a lot faster as well..
46 Cyn
And to think it was only two years ago that the generic ballot didn’t mean a thing…
Re: Jim Bunning’s unemployment extension hissy
It looks like being shown on TV fucking the unemployed and our elderly Medicare patients in the ass is a bad enough that Republicans will back down.
Too bad it’s not actual concern for the unemployed or our ill elderly.
Uh duh moron.. Didja read the article?
USGS fool. Not some goto guy for right wing bullshit slingers..
Wow another failure of the chimp. Couldn’t cut their budget enough to totally stop scientific inquiry.
The nail in Ahhnoold Bastardi’s coffin:
In January he predicts cold not seen since the 1970’s “ice age scare”.
From the Climate Progress article:
Warmest January on satellite record according to NOAA:
Bastardi is full of boooollshit…
Racist Rabbit who calls Puddy a Flying Monkey spews:
Gee Rog…you hold elected officals in positions of power to the same standard as citizens?
Charlie is setting the example.
Cheat on your taxes and take bribes!
You are a real numbskull.
One of your dumbest comments ever…and that is really saying something!
Hey Stupes,
Here’s Gateway Pundit:
One goofy looking right wing doofus!
One who “stinks right”.
GOP Forced Bunning To Retire
“Bunning is so toxic that Republican leaders pushed him to retire when his second term is up at the end of the year. … University of Kentucky political scientist Donald Gross [said] … after two terms he has no notable legislative legacy and has essentially been forced into retirement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How bad does a Republican have to be, before the Republican Party won’t support him? Kentucky’s voters wasted 12 years of their representation in the U.S. Senate by voting for this guy. How sad. How stupid.
53. Daddy Love spews:
The fact is that in January of 2009, the very same poll showed Democrats ahead in the Generic Ballot 42-35. Pretty could reflection of the Presidential Spread.
Now the same poll shows the opposite..
44-36 for the Republicans.
But you must dismiss it.
To acknowledge it would mean you are concerned.
Right DL?
A 15 point shift from +7 to -8…but it’s meaningless. While it will change between now and November elections…will it be meaningless when the polling is in October??
Just 7 months away DL.
@57 Cynical, why do you have a problem with expecting businessmen to live up to ethical standards of congressmen? After all, that’s not a very high bar.
@57 “Gee Rog…you hold elected officals in positions of power to the same standard as citizens?”
So Cynical thinks congressmen have more power over us than anonymous health insurance company executives who literally make life-or-death decisions to boost their company’s profits and their own bonuses?
Cynical World
Crooked Democratic congressman = not OK
Crooked Republican politicians = OK
Crooked private businessmen = OK
Memo To Confederates: The Civil War Is Over
“A U.S. congressman from North Carolina wants the $50 bill redrawn to feature the face of former President Ronald Reagan.
“Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry wants Congress to tell the U.S Treasury to replace former President Ulysses S. Grant on the bill.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I suppose if I was an unreconstructed southerner I wouldn’t admire Grant either.
Did you see this in the Times?
Guess old Victor Moore is sick & tired of being forced to play “shell-games” on the public!
Governor’s budget director leaving for state investment board
Posted by Andrew Garber
What a time to leave!!
Right in the middle of the biggest fiasco ever in Washington State.
That tells you something folks.
Plus, he got a real cushy job that will bump up his Pension….Gregoire-style!
Big Raises before retirement….it’s a reason why we are in the mess we are in.
Rep. Patrick McHenry even has a fan club.
@65 I don’t see anything there except a guy changing jobs to something with higher pay and more job security. People do it all the time. You got something against smart and ambitious people seeking promotion, Klown? Go fuck your goats.
62. Roger Rabbit spews:
Yes…and in addition, Charlie Rangel is dealing with PUBLIC MONEY. Big difference Rog. I see you didn’t call Charlie a “Flying Monkey” like you did Puddy?? Have you learned a lesson?
This just in..
Crooked Charlie is taking a “leave of absense”.
Nice compromise so the disgraced criminal can try and save face–
The flying monkeys were in the Wizard of Oz.
Was Frank Baum a racist?
Klynical, you’re the true racist who told a racist joke about President Obama..
67. Roger Rabbit spews:
Nice try Rog==No Sale
No one would leave that position right in the middle of the storm unless there was something seriously wrong…especially if he were truly loyal to Gregoire. She had to give him something…or he might tell us what happened behind closed doors and the other shell-game stuff we haven’t found…YET!
Cynical is envious because he couldn’t land one of those $105,000-a-year liquor store clerk jobs for which our state is famous.
More on the flying monkeys from wikipedia:
That’s the key word: “controlled”..
The “flying monkey” right first are converted to the religion of right wing bullshit and then are “controlled” by the propaganda organs of the right, “the mighty Wurlitzer”.
What a sad way to live..
@65 “Plus, he got a real cushy job that will bump up his Pension….Gregoire-style!”
The governor doesn’t choose the state investment board’s employees, jackass. They’re hired by an executive director who is appointed by a commission. Even the commission isn’t chosen by the governor. It’s chosen by retiree organizations, other elected officials, and legislators.
Dumb goatfucker.
Hey arschloch, this is the Antarctic ice answer you can’t swallow cuz something from Kos is in your mouth…
“And as you can see, as of May 2009, Antarctic sea ice is about 1.0 million square kilometers above normal.”
See ya moron!
Appears when Dumb Bunny’s argument was dissected as WEAK!
You mean your aunt from Mexico ylb arschloch?
More for you arschloch…
“The sea ice around the continent is far above average (ref. UIUC). Also, note the colder than average sea surface temperatures around Antarctic (ref. NOAA).”
Looks like 2009 had ice above average for Winter 2009 arschloch. So there goes that Antarctic losing ice theory. The NOAA data is out of data butt you can visit NOAA arschloch.
There you go “genius”. Genius used in reverse for the dumb brick ylb arschloch”
Hey arschloch be sure to save #76. Wait a minute… you save every post from HA becuz you created a full backup of Goldy’s HA database for home use. Is that similar to playing those computer games at home?
Oh no arschloch, the media uses the same photos for different years globull warming stories…
Racist Roger Rabbit who calls Puddy a FLYING MONKEY spews-
I never said Gregoire choose him. But it’s apparent Gregoire would have the political juice to make it happen.
This smells…like a dead rabbit rotting in the sun.
You mean your aunt from Mexico ylb arschloch?
No fool. Once again you proved can’t read. I repeat – “the mighty Wurlitzer” or right wing bullshit from AM right wing hate talk radio, the internet bullshit sites like Andy NotTooBreitbart, Newswhacks, Sludge Report and Birther News Daily, Moonie Times and Murdoch/Scaife supported bullshit – there’s tons more all financed by corporate and rich right wing bastards.
But if I had to assign it all to one woman from the the west, it’d be oh Nancy Raygun…
Party of NO, Just say NO – it kind of fits.
And not a single aunt in my family was born in Mexico. There were all born here.
They’re American citizens..
Are you implying they’re not?
Maybe so. Maybe not. But USGS is saying the trend since 1940 has been retreat… That’s the latest claims from them.
Retreat of Antarctic and Greenland ice means higher sea levels. A fucking cruise industry is starting up taking well heeled vacationers through the NORTHEAST PASSAGE.
What will it fucking take to convince your stupid ass?
78 – One of your links don’t work and there’s no surrounding text to back up the other one. Not that it helps your case.
You don’t address Bastardi’s bullshit..
@39…FINALLY someone gets it.
ITS A SCAM…and when new health care deal finally does kick in in 5 years or so, they will ask for MORE money.
It’s really funny that Stupes uses that “wattsup” guy – another goto site for reality deniers..
He puts up a picture of Antarctica covering up a good portion of the United State AND Canada..
Canada??? Gee that’s a country whose square miles exceed our own. Antarctica covers a patch that consumes a good portion of the square miles of 2nd and 3rd largest countries on the planet.
And this supposedly disproves that in the last 20 years an ice area larger than Texas has been lost in Antarctica.
Let’s revisit this bullshit.
According to USGS, the “average” ice in Antarctica since 1940 has been????
the earth does its own thing…not a damn thing man can do about.
First do no harm. End the yearly dumping of billions of tons of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by mankind into the atmosphere.
The coward wants to leave this to his kids:
Golly Puddy didn’t know the Wilkins ice shelf was in United States or Canada ylb arschloch. Thanks for clarifying that.
Puddy said above – The NOAA data is out of data butt you can visit NOAA arschloch.This is why you are a dumb brick ylb arschloch.
“The closest station to the Wilkins Ice Shelf in the NOAA Global Historical Climate Network database is Rothera Point. The following figure shows the historical data for Rothera Point, with monthly temperatures in blue and the annual January temperature in red. Summer (Dec – Mar) temperatures have not increased – the 2000s January temperatures are similar to the 1940s (the oldest data available). So why does NSIDC’s Scambos blame it on air temperatures?” From Puddy link above… again missed by the arschloch.
Address Bastardi… he still says the earth is being warmed by the sun. He’s correct. ylb arschloch, such a feckless moron. You can’t even put together a cogent argument.
Hey arschloch…
Compare this from the USGS to this from Puddy’s link. Notice how it oscillates between seasons?
Well you are a dumb brick.
Yeah, that statement makes a lot of sense…
Here’s the original NOAA report:
Some of the warmest temps on record. Hardly evidence of Bastardi’s stupid “cooling”…
Still hasn’t confronted Bastardi’s contradictory statements.
Oh so the earth IS warming. I thought it was cooling according to you freaks..
Oh YEAH, Bastardi in January predicted a COOLING trend.
Lots of credibility that guy!
Oh where did I say that?
It’s all a conspiracy – USGS, NOAA against right wing bullshit purveyors…
TRUTH according to you freaks is a conspiracy..
Hey Jackass @1 @2 @3 @21 @32 @33 @58 @71 @73 … You’ve got mail at the previous thread … and a little something for your little problem.
He puts up a picture of Antarctica covering up a good portion of the United State AND Canada.. Canada???
See ya!
97 – Idiot can’t read..
He’s hopeless..
The sun fool. The sun warms the earth, not CO2.
Did you take Earth Sciences and Chemistry?
Yep 97 can’t read!
Uh duh…
And what keeps the heat in to keep us all not so warm not so cool???
The atmosphere..
And what happens when you add more CO2? Methane? Other man-made gases???
It gets warmer… Warm January… Warm February…
Bastardi predicted cooling in January..
Bastardi’s full of shit… Get it yet??? Lemmee guess..
Uh.. no??
Oh now ylb arschloch is a meteorologist.
When did you get a job?
Bastardi is a metereologist. I’ll give him that.
But not a climate scientist..
And his conceit is such that he claims to call the weather 20 years out.
To top it off he says or implies we should do NOTHING until 20 years have passed.
Wow what a convenient conclusion for the fossil fuel industry. No wonder he’s on Faux News all the time.
Hey arschloch,