After the holiday weekend you might just need a drink! Please join us on Tuesday for our weekly meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 238 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Gizmodo laughing at the #CrookedHillary-approved Verrit:
No One Asked for Verrit, but Here We Are
As Daou has made fairly clear on Twitter, Verrit is intended to defeat the “Hillary-hating frenzy”and trumpet that “Hillary is not going to be erased.”
Where’s the future in that?
Who wants to erase #CrookedHillary? She’s pure comedy gold. She, and those of you who can’t accept what you caused.
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president. But that doesn’t mean we can’t guffaw at those who still think she’s got a shot.
Goldy, are you #StillWithHer?
Peter Daou ✔ @peterdaou
Replying to @peterdaou and 2 others
4. @Verrit is necessary because if you’re #StillWithHer, you endure constant harassment and bullying from the radical right and fringe left.
4:23 PM – Sep 3, 2017
Interesting about the party Merkel is hoping for a coalition partner, the Free Democrats. They are hoping for a comeback after failing to clear 5% in 2013. They are pro-business but socially Liberal.
Although they are barely above 5% in the polls, the Greens are not just being courted by the Social Democrats, but also the Christian Democrats.
A great guide to the six parties that have a chance of being elected this year in Germany.
The election for the Bundestag uses a mixed Member proportional representation system, where voters have two votes, one for a district rep, and one for a party. A party must win 5% to gain proportional seats, or a minimum of three districts.
Time to bend over! Kiss that ass goodbye!
But hey the Stock Market is doing great!
@1. Something you can relish as you kiss your ass goodbye,
It is all part of God’s plan because you love them gays too too much!
Wondering how many times this week McGahn will have to explain to Fuckface that he can’t pardon Bibi.
So much winning.
@ 1
Something you can relish as you kiss your ass goodbye,
If you need to apply a condiment, maybe you shouldn’t rim that ass in the first place, gman.
Well, what’s not to like?
Republicans suddenly seem to like unions again
Forty-two percent of Republicans said they approved of unions, a jump from 2011, when only 26 percent of Republicans showed support.
Maybe it has something to do with this:
Clinton’s poor performance among union households appeared to especially damage her in crucial Midwestern states. Obama won Ohio in 2012, besting Romney in those households by 23 percentage points. Clinton actually lost Ohio’s union households to Trump by 9 points, according to exit polls. The state went to Trump.
Michigan would have been an easy victory any other year — Democrats had won the state since 1992 — but it’s currently still too close to call. Exit polls show Clinton holds only a 13 percent advantage among union households there. Obama beat Romney in union households by a whopping 33 percent in 2012. A similar scenario played out in Wisconsin this year, another state that went to Trump.
Not to worry, HA libbies. Just as he shilled for #CrookedHillary a year ago, Goldy is shilling for unions.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Our Revolution ✔ @OurRevolution
When unions are strong, wages for all workers go up. This #LaborDay, let’s commit to strengthening our nation’s storied labor movement.
You see, the word ‘revolution’ is a good word when a liberal uses it.
First it was Labor Day and now this:
The administration won’t consider new applications for legal status dated after Sept. 5.
Hanauer’s gotta be wondering what it will take to get his lawn cut this week.
(I was gonna write ‘toilets cleaned’ but that’s why Hanauer’s got Goldy.)
“We demand you take this book out of the Library!”
Suburban Chicago Library, “No.”
Dig a little deeper and you get to the bearing false witness part. The complainers run a Evangelical Ministry called “Defenders Media.” The book in question appears on a bunch of “Ban these blasphemous books” lists of various other American Taliban related sites. So we are to believe a three-year old girl just happened to take this particular book out of the thousands on the shelves and bring it to mommy.
(Sidebar) One of my evangelical nut job extended family video’d and bragged on Social Media about how wonderful it is that their toddler picked his first book off the shelf and it was the “Kid’s Bible” Praise Jesus, what a blessing. Huh, which book do you suppose was the only one in their house with a bright blue handle attached to the spine as if enticing little hands?
Now mind you, the same library does have biblical books, kid’s bibles, biographies of Moses (first hand sourced for sure) but Heaven forbid a parent should keep an eye on their three year old because if they ever see a picture book that they can’t read with a picture of a bunch of flamboyantly dressed, are they men or women or both, people gathered together well the little angel will demand a trans bathroom and start rubbing their genitalia on like genitalia tomorrow.
Nah, not THOSE sorts of images. Just nice hetero couples having babies, preparing siblings for new babies, trolls eating babies, Monsters jumping on beds… Save me from being a parent. Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children!
Relish this gift.
North Korea Vows ‘More Gift Packages’ To U.S.
And look how quickly the Dumbfuck goes to racism. All Dreamers are janitors or landscapers.
Nope, none of them are students, in the armed forces, degreed professionals, journalists, nope. No sir. They are brown and Latino/a so they must clean for white folk and mow our lawns.
That’s pretty racist. Good work there.
@ 13
I’m angling for a new career as a writer for Salon.
I wonder if the GOP has asked itself who will clean their toilets & nanny their children & drive their limos when we’re all dead & deported.
— Mary Beth Williams (@embeedub) June 24, 2017
It’s not typical Twitter format because she deleted it. You can still read it here:
Think on your sins. My post was parody of your ilk’s behavior.
Hey @ 13, guess which racist @ 14 still has a job at Salon?
Why does The View waste time with such racists, I wonder.
Kelly Osbourne: ‘Who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?’
Why would Los Angeles elect such a racist as mayor?
“This Congress has to acknowledge that (immigrants) built this country from its founding,” Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa told thousands of protesters who cheered from the steps of La Placita, one of the city’s oldest churches.
“Today we say to America: We’ve come here to work: We clean your toilets. We clean your hotels. We build your houses. We take care of your children. We want you to help us take care of our children as well.”
That was from 2006. Back then Trump was still grabbing pussy and #CrookedHillary was still figuring he’d be helping her beat Barack in ’08.
The Joy of Sax
Killing Kennedy: The End of Cumelot
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
And it’s all your fault, BernieBros.
Hillary Warned Us @HillaryWarnedUs
From WHAT HAPPENED, thanks to @ShaiRinku. “Nonetheless, (Bernie’s) attacks caused lasting damage…paving the way for ‘Crooked Hillary.'”
1:42 PM – Sep 4, 2017
(CNN)Hillary Clinton casts Bernie Sanders as an unrealistic over-promiser in her new book, according to excerpts posted by a group of Clinton supporters.
Oh, and it’s not just Bernie’s fault. It’s Barack’s, too.
Hillary Warned Us @HillaryWarnedUs
“President Obama urged me to grit my teeth and lay off Bernie as much as I could. I felt like I was in a straitjacket.” – HRC
2:18 PM – Sep 4, 2017
Just before that collapse episode last September 11, she looked like she was walking in a straitjacket, too.
Because others are racist and racism is pernicious in American “comedy” and discourse I am free to be racist.
Yep that’s how it works.
“Why can’t I use that word. The Hipty Hop Rappers say it all the time so why can’t I?”
“My post was parody of your ilk’s behavior.”
As opposed to your ilk – treasonous Putin loyalists.
Stealing from the Yankees isn’t really stealing. No real victim.
Boston Red Sox Used Apple Watches to Steal Signs Against Yankees
The Yankees, who had long been suspicious of the Red Sox stealing catchers’ signs in Fenway Park, contended the video showed a member of the Red Sox training staff looking at his Apple Watch in the dugout and then relaying a message to players, who may have then been able to use the information to know the type of pitch that was going to be thrown, according to the people familiar with the case.
Baseball investigators corroborated the Yankees’ claims based on video the commissioner’s office uses for instant replay and broadcasts, the people said. The commissioner’s office then confronted the Red Sox, who admitted that their trainers had received signals from video replay personnel and then relayed that information to some players — an operation that had been in place for at least several weeks.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&
Even #CrookedHillary’s pastor is a crook.
Publisher pulls book by Hillary Clinton’s pastor, citing plagiarism
Maybe he was the guy who taught her the phony southern accent, too.
This isn’t good for #CrookedHillary, ya know. She was counting on making some coin off the book
She is scheduled to appear at an event this Thursday in New York promoting the book. A spokesman for Clinton did not respond immediately to a request for comment.
this week, and now that’s shot.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Maybe, but you get what you pay for. Every kid should get the kind of high-quality public school education I got in Lower Merion.
Quality education is overrated. I would have traded all of those AP courses for 15 minutes in the janitor’s closet with Mary Kay LeTourneau.
15 minutes with MKL? That is priceless. Your time with her would be over after 30 seconds because, much like your reasoning and logic, she would be pointing at you and laughing hysterically at you and saying, “Is that all you got?”
@ 27
And because I was 13.
@13. That’s exactly why trump supporters demand DACA be abolished. They see it as the illegals are stealing “good” jobs from real Americans. It is fine if illegals clean toilets, but they are displacing real Americans from well paying jobs. That’s 800,000 people worth of jobs and scholarships and resources that should be given to them. I doubt a single trump supporter will vote for a democrat while dems argue that real Americans should have to complete against cheating illegals for jobs and resources that they see as rightfully entitled to them.
@28 So you really are a glutton for punishment.
If, at age 13, you knew you could only last 30 seconds with an older woman, why on earth would you want an additional 14 minutes and 30 seconds of ridicule? Speaks volumes as to why you keep coming here to get mocked and ridiculed all the time with you your posts.
Apparently those AP classes didn’t do you any good, you should ask for your money back.
@ 30
’cause when I was 13 I had about a two-minute refractory period.
@29 Americans aren’t smart enough to learn and too lazy to work. Bunch of snowflakes they are.
Yep. As soon as we get those 800.000 people out the textile mills, the coal mines and the electronic manufacturers will come storming back. And then the Auto plants in Flint will fire up and provide all the jobs a white person in the midwest could ever dream of getting. Steel has a big future if we could just get all the illegals out.
Huh. Based on your lengthy and conspicuous absence following the #TrumpCar race-terror attacks I would have assumed it was much longer.
@ Various: I see Doctor Dumbfuck is kicking back in his retirement.
And he criticizes ME for spending my golden years on HA … hey, it takes one to know one. At least I take a vacation once in a while.