The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets this evening. Please stop by, have a drink, and join us in political conversation.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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Jeffrey Gundlach, who knows more about financial markets than Trump can imagine, says Trump doesn’t deserve credit for the stock gains since November:
“The current president is getting virtually nothing done. … The market’s been going up with nothing getting done. So I don’t think the president’s performance has much to do with where the stock market valuation is today.” But if this was the reason the market rallied, the rally should have stalled when the agenda stumbled. It didn’t. Stocks are still going up. Why? For other reasons, primarily (a) continued accommodative monetary policies by central banks, (b) synchronized global economy recovery kicking into gear, and (c) recovery from the U.S. earnings recession of 2015-2016.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Immediately after the election, it was widely assume stocks were getting a “Trump bump” based on expectations of a business-friendly agenda being enacted — health care, tax, and regulatory reform coupled with infrastructure stimulus.
@1 is incomplete. HA crashed while I was still writing it.
@1 (continued) But if this was true, the rally should have stalled when the agenda stumbled. That didn’t happen. Stocks have kept going higher. Why? Primarily because (a) central bank monetary policies are still highly accommodative, (b) of synchronized global economic recovery, and (c) recovery from the U.S. earnings recession of 2015-2016. Trump deserves NO credit for any of this. If anything the market is being helped by receding fears that he will enact his protectionist trade policies, which would be a huge negative for financial markets.
Truth is, Fuckface doesn’t know what he’s doing, and investors are better off because he isn’t able to do it. The markets are waking up to this fact, and pretty soon you’re going to see a parade of Wall Street people openly wishing he would go away for good. Nothing would boost stocks more than his resignation.
I fully believe the primary cause of Legislative inaction on Net Neutrality is caused by the fact that about a third of the Senate are the kind of people who call you every 3-4 months to ask how to get the pictures of the phone or print out a webpage and mail it because they thought of you while reading.
Bombs Awayyyyyyyyyy!
Better do it now, instead of making threats and then it being too late.
Everyone better start sucking all the cock you like or whatever you straights do. I know rabbits fuck.
Maybe if we insist won calling it Islamic Terrorism the President would take a moment out of his twitter tirade to comment on American Churches being bombed in Minnesota?
@4 or they and other people just like to send dick pix.
the red line has been drawn!!!!!!
Boooooooombbbbbbs Awayyyyyy!
I just hope we can get through the day without one of those two idiots starting WWIII. It’d really mess with my plans for the weekend.
Doctor Dumbfuck suffers some road rash.
Steve – consider it better than what DD had it
Maybe over 12 oz pilsners y’all can discuss this…
So which leftist is the “Magic Negro”?
Maybe over 12 oz pilsners y’all can discuss this…
So which leftist is the “Magic Negro”?
Or maybe the shitstorm will continue to blow…
Wait for the shitstorm from shitstain steve on the Puddy double post above. On command and on cue!
Maybe you should see my TV critic work on
Bagger VancewaitRafikiUh, old ex drug addict if sage advice on “This is Us.”Really trailblazers new ground there, eh Piddles?
Maybe you should see my TV critic work on
Bagger VancewaitRafikiUh, old ex drug addict if sage advice on “This is Us.”Really trailblazers new ground there, eh Piddles?
Aside, “Blackish” created by and centered around black people has a magic negro character. The show, at least so far, isn’t smart enough to be satirical with that character. So maybe it’s the trope that will never die. Kind of like, “I only want guys in Yamalkes counting my money. Blacks? I hate that “
The Army is considering returning to the 7.62mm round for its basic infantry combat rifle.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The changeover from 7.62mm to .223 cal. occurred while I was in basic training, so I was trained on both the M14 and M16, although I carried M16s exclusively in Vietnam. Those early 16s were POS’s. I was never able to put more than 2 magazines (38 rounds) through one before the fucking thing jammed. So, far road convoy protection duty, I normally carried a 12-gauge. The truck I was riding in might or might not have a mounted machinegun, which would usually be a .50 cal. The theory behind the .223 was that its high velocity and tumbling projectile would tear big holes in the enemy. Our experience with that in Vietnam was that the enemy often was hopped up on drugs and would just keep coming. Also, the .223 round was too lightweight to penetrate dense brush. The infantry guys probably can elucidate on this better than I can; I was in artillery, so the combat I experienced consisted of getting shelled and sniped at. In any case, the U.S. services adopted the .223 and the later 16s and their progeny supposedly were more reliable (although not easier to keep clean). In recent wars, some of our combat units have equipped a few soldiers with updated M14s, and our elite forces also use them for sniper duty and other tasks. And, of course, the standard squad machinegun has been using the 7.62mm round since Vietnam and before, and continues to do so. The bigger round is heavier and you can’t carry as large an ammo load with them, but it looks like the Army is now acknowledging in a big way that there’s no good substitute for their hitting power. For civilian self-protection, I want nothing less than a .45 ACP. The magnum handguns don’t seem like a good alternative for a variety of reasons, including too much weight and bulk, and overpenetration. A big, fat, ugly, slow hollowpoint that isn’t overpowered seems the best option there.
Or maybe more proof George Soros is the puppet master after all!
Media Morons working with Facebook and Twatter to bury anything positive about Trump!
I see the loon lost another battle with Chrome. Sad!
“So which leftist is the “Magic Negro”?”
Beats me, but if the loon would look in the mirror he’d learn the identity of the right’s “batshit insane negro”.
Well, I suppose you’re all heard that Fuckface threatened to nuke Little Kim if he makes any more verbal threats. What are the bookie odds that Kim calls that bluff in less than 24 hours?
Did your know Soros was a Jew? They control everything. They’re in on it with the Masons.
Politics and politicians have very little long term impact on stock market prices. Trump cannot claim any credit for the stock market performance this year. Politicians are bad about trying to take credit for anything that is good and blaming their opponents for anything bad that happens.
While the 45 ACP is a great piece, I never developed a liking for it. Couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with it, but it does have the stopping power that’s often needed in certain situations.
Google fired an engineer who said that women may not want be in the engineering fields. Well, Google can fire anyone they want to fire, but I think firing a guy for stating a non-politically correct opinion is bad ju-ju and anti free speech. Seems to me that Lawrence Summers, formerly of the Clinton Administration and Harvard, got pilloried in the politically correct media for suggesting women man not be as interested in engineering and science than other less technical fields. Both examples are total bullshit, and some of these idiots out there ought to lighten up a bit.
“Magic Negro” is a term coined by Rush Limbaugh, if I remember correctly. Don’t hear it much any more. Since I don’t listen to Limbaugh, I don’t expect to hear “Magic Negro” on any given day.
“Magic Negro” is a term coined by Rush Limbaugh, if I remember correctly.
Well Politically Incorrect, you are still politically incorrect and very wrong. The term was coined by a DUMMOCRETIN leftist named David Ehrenstein
You can read the article here and see that he’s a “magic negro” himself… google David Ehrenstein picture
If you paid attention to the details on this blog you would have known and remembered this! Is this a roger senile idiot wabbit moment PI? The “Magic Negro” was covered in depth by us whom think RIGHT because leftist libtards accused Limbaugh back then of the exact same BULLSHITTIUM you are now PI!
Did your know Soros was a Jew?
Everyone should know that here because Soros has been covered in depth. His own words told us that he turned in Jews during WWII. No wonder leftist libtards love Soros. Turns on his own kind!
Hillary the preacher?
Look who rejected her.
I’m not the only one who noticed Trump cribbed his threat to North Korea from Truman.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The difference is back then we were at war with a savage enemy who refused to surrender, whereas Trump is threatening to nuke NK in retaliation for mere words. Of course, no one believes he’d do that, even if he would, becaus that would be crazy, although we all know he’s mentally defective.
@17 Yes, and you are dancing on his strings!
@21 “Couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with it”
Don’t need to. In fact, I recommend filing the sights off, to prevent snagging on the holster or clothing. If you plan to shoot someone from more than 6 feet away, you need a lawyer more than you need a gun.
@21 “Google fired an engineer who said that women may not want be in the engineering fields.”
When I was in college in the sixties, I met a very smart girl who enrolled in the College of Engineering of a prominent midwestern university. Before the semester started, 5 of her 6 professors told her they would give her an “F” if she didn’t withdraw from their classes.
When she complained to the dean, he told her engineering is a male profession, and she had no business signing up for those classes. So she withdrew and enrolled in a humanities languages major instead.
Every time I see some rightwing asshole make fun of humanities degrees, I think of this girl, and wonder if she’s now doing Russian translations for Mueller’s grand jury …
This is all too much like a scened from Dr. Strangelove:
“[Turgidson advocates a further nuclear attack to prevent a Soviet response to Ripper’s attack]
General “Buck” Turgidson: Mr. President, we are rapidly approaching a moment of truth both for ourselves as human beings and for the life of our nation. Now, truth is not always a pleasant thing. But it is necessary now to make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless *distinguishable*, postwar environments: one where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed.
President Merkin Muffley: You’re talking about mass murder, General, not war!
General “Buck” Turgidson: Mr. President, I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks.
Sometimes I think Trump is getting his diplomacy cues from this movie.
@21 “Well, Google can fire anyone they want to fire, but I think firing a guy for stating a non-politically correct opinion is bad ju-ju and anti free speech.”
Why do we have to keep repeating to you rightwing civic illiterates that the First Amendment only applies to the government? Private employers can restrict free speech in their workplaces to their hearts’ content.
There’s no constitutional right to work for Google, or if you do work for Google, to use Google’s email system to disseminate your personal opinions to your coworkers. Virtually all employers have email policies, certainly Google does, and it’s a safe bet this ex-employee violated them.
Anyway, unless he had a contract, he was an at-will employee and Google didn’t need a reason to fire him, as long as it wasn’t for a legally prohibited reason like racial discrimination.
This isn’t about conservative or liberal. It’s about following your employer’s rules when you’re at work. If you can’t do that, then you’d better freshen your resume and start looking for another job.
@23 Of course his point flies over your head. Maybe because the tinfoil cap keeps brainwaves out. In any case, the term “Magic Negro” was coined by a conservative to belittle and insult Obama. Who said it hardly matters.
@24 “Did your know Soros was a Jew?”
Yes, so what?
“His own words told us that he turned in Jews during WWII.”
@30 He’s probably getting his diplomacy cues from the real-life late Gen. Curtis LeMay, who was the model for Buck Turgidson, a barely fictionalized character reprising LeMay’s role in the Cuban Missile Crisis. He couldn’t wait to nuke Cuba.
Even when you try you can’t get it right. Magical Negro is something Spike Lee discusses in film and interviews going back at least a decade before David Ehrenstein latched onto it. Wanna have a discussion about appropriation?
Political corretness run amok!
I hope he sues them into oblivion. I hate Chrome! Hate it hate it hate it! It is absolutely none of Google’s business what one guy thinks about women in tech. It his absolute right to believe that women are unable to keep up with real engineers and to believe that while he’s at work and to express himself honestly at work about his beliefs. It wouldn’t be any different if he believed that Jews are superior engineers or that blacks are lazy or that Catholics are violent drunks – all true, btw.
I want guys in turbans writing my code. Nerd chicks? Hate ’em. It’s really difficult for a woman who knows Python to be a 10. I mean if you’re on a keyboard all the time when are you working on your figure? They can come here for a while and then go back to curryland and beg for a new visa. Must speak English though.
@36 “It is absolutely none of Google’s business what one guy thinks about women in tech. It his absolute right to believe that women are unable to keep up with real engineers and to believe that while he’s at work and to express himself honestly at work about his beliefs. It wouldn’t be any different if he believed that Jews are superior engineers or that blacks are lazy or that Catholics are violent drunks …”
Sure. He just can’t say it at work, that’s all, especially to the entire company on Google’s email system. When someone goes public with their private opinions, they’re not private anymore. Sue? For what? What’s your legal theory of recovery?
Puddy is just pissed because I said Donald Trump is not the reason the stock market has been doing well. Earnings, market share and innovation are more important to a company’s value than anyone in political office. (Disclosure: I did not vote for Trump or Clinton in the past election.)
As far as the .45 ACP goes, some guys can shoot it really well, but it never was my thing. I carry a .380 that fits nicely into my pocket. It’s enough, I believe, to end any unpleasantness that may occur. Two .380 slugs to the chest will generally take care of any disagreements.
The .223 is a good, accurate cartridge but not necessarily a big knock-’em-down. I once put a hole through a quarter at 100 yards with a bolt-action chambered in .223. It’s not much of a hunting cartridge either, except for small game. A .243 is a better choice for most smaller deer, with the .270 a good long range weapon on bigger stuff. A lot of guys shoot the .30-06 for big deer, evenly. Of course, I don’t hunt any more because I don’t eat the animal. Why shoot ’em if you ain’t gonna eat ’em?
I’m sure the University of Missouri was quite different 50 years ago, rodent. Now most of the people in college are women, and I’m sure some of them are pursuing engineering and other useful technical skills. Women have also done very well in accounting. I have 2 ex-sisters-in-law who are CPAs, and they’ve both done very, very well in their careers.
Puddy, nobody cares about who coined the “Magic Negro” phrase. Limbaugh tried to make a song out of it called “Obama the Magic Negro,” sung to the tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon.” That is probably why I though Limbaugh coined the phrase. I was incorrect, but I don’t give a shit what you think. BTW, lay off the coffee and energy drinks in the afternoon.
Private companies can restrict free speech if they want by firing people who speak what the firms don’t want to hear. I know that, rodent. I was just stating that I believe anti-free speech is not good for business or for society. The answer to what others perceive as hate speech is more free speech.
Lil’ Kim may try to put a nuke on Guam. That’s a bad idea if he’s out to get the US. There are a lot of brown skinned people who inhabit Guam, so blowing them to kingdom come won’t win friends with the Asians of Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, and other areas. China would definitely have something to say if that idiot tried to nuke Guam. Also, Trump would probably have a wonderful time ordering the AF and Navy to end his family’s reign in North Korea.
What China wants is for the US to leave Korea for good. China wants to be the big dick of the neighborhood, and that means enslaving the Korean Peninsula, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, and the Philippines. In regard to Japan, China would like to return the “favor” of what the Japanese did to China during the first forty years of the last century. Can’t say what that means, but I’ll bet it’s not pleasant for the Japanese.
Once China consolidates its take-over of the South China Sea, they will turn their attention to seizing the oil-producing regions of Indonesia. China wants to dominate all peoples who happen to look similar to themselves, and they certainly don’t want to see any white, European faces in ANY of those soon-to-be-subgigated lands.
Gonna be uninteresting time ahead, that’s for sure!
@ RR @ 16:
The primary reason the military wanted to standardize around a .22 caliber bullet was the idea that each round was lighter and an individual soldier could carry a greater quantity of ammunition into the field. The trick was getting it to be fast enough to reach out to at least 150 meters and remain effective. They tried 6mm rounds, 6.5mm, and even toyed around with a 4.5mm (.17 caliber). The 5.56mm round was a compromise.
Bear in mind that the old M1 Garand was a .30 caliber, 30-06 round, designated as 7.62×57 in metric terms. The M-14 was essentially a modernized version of the M1A carbine that fired the .30 Remington, really just the rimless version of the 30-30 Winchester. It was essentially the same rifle, beefed up and redesigned around the .308 Winchester.
The Army especially wanted to reduce the number and variety of rounds used to standardize the entire military combat system around a specific type of rifle that could meet requirements across several different combat scenarios. The 5.56×45 was apparently good enough in the testing to meet that requirement. Stoner’s AR rifle was just the ticket. Lightweight, precisely manufactured and extremely accurate at distances up to 450 meters.
The problems was the contract that the US Government had with Dupont, then being the largest manufacturer of smokeless powder and the sole supplier to the US Military. Stoner’s rifle as he designed it used ball-shaped powder with low cellulose content, that burned at a slower rate and lower temperature. Dupont manufactured rod-shaped powder that had a high cellulose content that burned very hot and much faster. The rifle as supplied to the US Military had to be altered from Stoner’s original design to meet the requirements of the powder that was going to be used.
This is what cause the god-awful fouling that you guys saw happening in the humidity of Vietnam. Cellulose attracts moisture, and when it burns it leaves more residue in the action. That humidity was a major factor in the fouling of the gas tube and the receiver. This means more misfires and more jams. The powder used was the direct cause of that and the Powers That Be in the Military were not going to try to go up against the largest explosives manufacturer in the world at that point. The contract was written in stone.
The other part of that was that the rifle was just too damn complex to strip in the field under high pressure scenarios, like when the fucking thing jammed on you while you were getting shot at.
Studies of the effectiveness of the .30 caliber round was that in the second world war, people were most often engaging at distances of under 150 meters and the round was good for 650, really 1000 with a really good rifleman. It was considered too much bullet for the actual conditions seen during combat action. They needed a less expensive and lighter round that would retain effectiveness up to 400 meters, but be most effective at distances of under 100 meters, which was the case for the most part in Vietnam. It’s my understanding that most combat engagements in Vietnam actually happened at distances of under 40 meters through heavy brush.
The Kalashnikov 7.62×39 round would have been very effective at that range except for the fact that the rifles that the NVA were given were pretty much substandard and inaccurate. They were mostly the old SKS and early model AK-47 that were designed primarily around the the idea of mass production. As a result, quality control was very poor. They required a lot of tweaking and tuning to be made compatible to the M16 in terms of accuracy. It was mostly a spray and pray rifle.
What the American Military has discovered since then is that in open field combat such as the desert and mountainous areas in Iraq and Afghanistan, the 5.56 was only really effective at distances of around 100-150 meters and the greater distances rendered the round mostly ineffective a the distances actually experienced in the majority of cases studied.
The AK-47s quality is still not very good, and the newer versions like the AK-74 and 77 utilizing a 5.7mm round are still underpowered for the distances most engagements are occurring at. The object is to find a way to increase an individual soldier’s supply.
So now the American Military is talking about going to a 6.5mm round, and the .308 Winchester (7.62×51) has the reach to remain extremely accurate at 650 meters or more, something that the 5.56mm cannot do, especially in windy conditions. There have been some very interesting experiments with a 6.5mm caseless round but I haven’t heard anything about how that research is going. Eliminating the case would save huge amounts of weight.
It’s all about saving the amount of weight a man can carry into the field while increasing his effectiveness in combat.
Where all the watermelon?
Can anyone really be this stooooooooooopid?
Yes your honor. Roger senile idiot wabbit is that stooooooooooopid…
From the fingers of the senile stooooooooopid idiot wabbit: In any case, the term “Magic Negro” was coined by a conservative to belittle and insult Obama. Who said it hardly matters.
Magical Negro – Coined by Spike Lee – March 2, 2001
Ehrenstein – Mar 19, 2007
Limbaugh – later that day…
From WikiPedia – the leftist web bible!
And this is why senile old idiot moronic fools like roger senile should NEVER discuss racial issues on blogs! It’s another of roger’s senile Cuyahoga County moments!
One old dumb senile leftist idiot has been legal mofo! Sux to be senile!
Puddy is just pissed because I said Donald Trump is not the reason the stock market has been doing well. The rest is blah blah blah…
Uhhhh no PI. FACTS are FACTS. You are chronologically challenged like more leftist FOOLS here!
blacks are lazy?
Where all the watermelon?
At Whole Foods, of course! It’s the store for uppity white people (and a small smattering of minorities)!
American patriots fought and died to protect our solemn right to our beliefs, no matter what they may be. When most or all private workplaces impose controls of what an employee may express, simply because it offends SJWs, special rights whiners, and lesbians with penis envy those employees are robbed of their right to be consistent in their beliefs throughout their daily lives.
Employers have every right to set policy as they see fit. And employees should be bound by those policies, even if they dont agree. But employers must not be permitted to mandate agreement. Thats going too far. And while it may be fashionable to pretend that women are as good at all things as men, or that whites aren’t more successful, or that paying a doctor to cut your junk off isn’t insane, employers should not be allowed to impose these fashionable beliefs on their workforce.
I want guys in turbans writing my code.
So you only want Sikhs to write your code beer jizz @37?
How racist and sexist you libtard DUMMOCRETINS are!
“Folks, let me tell you something and they won’t print this in the failing New York Times. If we just pour more money into it and try harder the war on drugs, I guarantee victory. The lying media won’t tell you that the last 40 years there hasn’t been a president tough enough to go after drugs. But I know drugs. Bad, horrible and I am going to go after it let me go after nothing you’ve ever seen. And I won the popular vote. Fist we’re going to arrest every Mexican we can find. Some of them are rapists and drug dealers and some of them voted for not Me. Then we build a glorious wall. And when everyone who sells or uses drugs gets a tax cut then you’ll really see how a war on drugs works folks. I saw a baby, beautiful boy, he got drugs in his vaccinations and a week later, autism. (Eds note, Mr Trump was having mock spasms and epileptic jerking at this point in the briefing) If Congress stopped lying big about their military service Pocahontas and repealed Obamacare there would be no more drugs. Give all the Sanctuary City money to the DEA folks. I’m brilliant so it will work this time “
“It wouldn’t be any different if he believed that Jews are superior engineers or that blacks are lazy or that Catholics are violent drunks – all true, btw.”
I dunno ’bout that part about Jews being superior engineers.
Ah, but you would concede that blaks are lazy and Catholics are violent drunks.
And I was just trolling about the Jews. Everybody knows that Asians are the best engineers.
“When you look at the Asians, the Asian is very gifted in creation, creativity and inventions. If you go to Japan or any Asian country, they can turn a television into a watch. They’re very creative.” Rev. Reggie White
“Ah, but you would concede that blaks are lazy and Catholics are violent drunks.”
Well, not all Catholics. Irish Catholics, yeah.
@39 “As far as the .45 ACP goes, some guys can shoot it really well, but it never was my thing. I carry a .380 that fits nicely into my pocket. It’s enough, I believe, to end any unpleasantness that may occur. Two .380 slugs to the chest will generally take care of any disagreements.”
Why bet your life on less than 1-shot stopping power? There’s a reason police departments and militaries swapped their .38s for 9mms. A .38 isn’t a reliable manstopper, and the .380 is even more underpowered. One of my law school classmates got herself killed by shooting an armed burglar with an inadequate handgun. Enough said.
@42 “And this is why senile old idiot moronic fools like roger senile should NEVER discuss racial issues on blogs”
Yeah, liberals should have done NOTHING about slavery or Jim Crow or segregation or KKK terrorism or racial discrimination in housing & employment etc. etc. etc. We should have left ingrates like you in the cotton fields, just as we should have let the Confederates secede and been done with them. Well, you know what they say about hindsight.
@43 Well, it’s not a fact the stock market is doing well because of Donald Trump, and this should be pretty obvious, because Donald Trump is not doing well. To paraphrase the immortal Babe Ruth, the S&P is having a better year than the president.
This didn’t take long: “Trump just set his own, uncrossable ‘red line’ — and North Korea crossed it instantly.”–and-north-korea-crossed-it-instantly.html
What now? Probably nothing. Kim has Trump’s number. He may be young, but he knows a blowhard when he sees one.
@46 “But employers must not be permitted to mandate agreement.”
And Google didn’t. The guy wasn’t fired for his beliefs. He was fired for using company email to inflict them on his coworkers. Those are two very different things.
You can be a racist, bigot, or sexist at home. Just keep a lid on it at work. Employers have a legal right to enforce policies protecting their minority and female employees from a hostile workplace.
@46 “employers should not be allowed to impose [their] beliefs on their workforce”
The only employers I can think of doing that are Ken Hamm’s ark park and Hobby Lobby.
@53 “Irish Catholics, yeah.”
That’s why they’re cops.
Need food stamps for them Melons.
In the two states with the largest number of Google employees it’s not merely a right. It’s a requirement of harassment/anti-discrimination law. By sending his, “Women aren’t as driven as men” screed company wide, he broke very specific laws in WA and CA.
Good for the local economy that all those right wing first Amendment defenders and Men’s Rights Activists are switching their default engine over to BING.
They are not.
Again, they are not.
You can believe any damn fool thing you want. If it suits you, you can believe that beer is health food, twinkies are vitamins, a big truck makes up for your small penis, mobile homes are a good investment, and that Vladdy Putin is a Great American.
But private belief is never enough for Hillbilly Traitors. For reasons no doubt owing to your deep insecurities you insist on blasting your idiocy into every corner of the workplace, and into every public space available. Whether it’s advertising hats, shirts, labels, stickers, tattoos, screen savers, or just the relentlessly boring break room/elevator pronouncements. Truly, Real Loyal America doesn’t give a single fuck what you heard on Alex Jones yesterday, or what your Crazy Uncle Treason posted on his Facebook. Keep it to yourself. You’ve had five fucking decades to get used to this. Learn to talk about the weather, instead of your denial of climate change. Or get your asses fired. You won’t be missed.
@24 “Did your know Soros was a Jew?”
Yes, so what?
Yes Roger senile idiot wabbit. Puddy didn’t ask that question!
Another point to demonstrate the senile FOOL can’t remember who originally wrote what in a thread.
Really sux to be a senile wabbit!
Yeah, liberals should have done NOTHING about blah blah blah
Puddy was discussing you roger senile idiot wabbit. Your “Magic Negro” screed above was one for the ages!
Maybe you should Google shit to verify your “commentary”!
Sux to be senile!