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The people Steven Bannon hangs out with.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you voted for Trump, you helped put Steve Bannon in the White House.
RR that’s not who Republican Hillbilly Traitor voters “hang out with”. That’s not “who they are helping”.
That’s who they are.
They are Daily Stormer.
They are Richard Spencer.
They are the 4chan goblins toiling away in the digital hate mines.
These are the people raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide a lawyer wall for Andrew Englin to hide behind.
These are the lawyers too.
Millions more to smear anyone anywhere who dares question or even report negatively on the Republican Racist Hate Machine.
That’s why there are significant documented legal, and financial ties between these violent white supremacist hate armies and The RNC leadership and The White House.
This is who they are.
The other major political party.
The one controlling two out of three branches of the federal government and about two-thirds of state governments.
It’s not something going on “over there” with those “other people”. It’s all around us right here.
Now that Don Jr. has changed his alibi for the fourth time, and released one of the incriminating email chains to get ahead of the media reporting, maybe it’s worth pausing for a moment to consider the substance of Don Jr’s admission thus far.
He admits to a criminal violation.
At a minimum he admits that he eagerly solicited an in-kind campaign contribution from a foreign national. Actually he admits that he solicited the campaign assistance from a foreign government.
That’s against the law. Lots of folks have been convicted and gone to jail for doing that.
Moreover, taken in totality, the subsequent failure to report the solicitations, concealment of the existence and nature of the assistance being proffered, sworn affidavits denying the existence of such solicitation, and the twelve months of collective lying about it all by everyone involved and all their subordinates could easily be made into a pretty serious conspiracy charge.
Perhaps the next alibi offered up by Don Jr. will be that he offered to pay for the campaign opo hacking work carried out by the Russian FSB. That would be pretty cute. But there’s no indication of anything like that in this latest email chain.
Donnie Jr. apparently didn’t read the advice I posted on HA some time ago, to wit, never write anything in an email that you don’t want a hostile lawyer to read aloud in a courtroom to the judge and jury. It’s amazing how many people — including CEOs and politicians — ignore this basic rule. Most of humanity is just plain stupid about spilling the beans in emails. Lawyers always subpoena the emails, because they know from experience that the stinky shit is always in the emails.
We will now be treated to the spectacle of Der Drumpfer throwing his own kid under the bus. His loyalty ends where his own skin meets air.
Heh. Brought down by emails. Love the irony.
What, there are no pro-Putin hashtags posted by Doctor Dumbfuck today? SAD!
@7 He’s busy deleting his own emails. There are a lot of them to delete, especially the ones in which he rambles about bad diagnoses, so this is going to take a while.
I thought today might be a good day to make a purchase or two in one or more of my portfolios, but things recovered after that 100-plus Dow 30 drop several hours ago. When the market is reacting badly to news events, it’s generally a good time for buying because the little guy is highly likely to bolt at the sound of a firecracker two blocks away, and he’s generally wrong about the market.
But for today, at least, it’s a good day to do nothing with the portfilios.
Max Boot, no liberal, but no longer a Republican.
“You know, the comments of Mike Shields I think underline why, after a lifetime as a Republican, after serving as a senior foreign policy adviser in three Republican campaigns, I am no longer a Republican”
“I am disgusted with the way the Republican party is behaving. What we saw is that Donald Trump puts his own self-interests over the interests of the United States. You saw that just a few days ago in Hamburg where he refused to press Putin on his meddling in the U.S. election, and he tried to excuse it away, refusing to believe what the U.S. intelligence community said.
“And he cooked up this cockamamie scheme to engage in so-called cooperation with Russia on cyber issues — which is like the fox guarding the henhouse — and Republicans are not outraged.
“They’re trying to make excuses for the White House and Donald Trump even when we see evidence of collusion come into clear view, with this jaw dropping meeting that Don Junior, Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, they’re meeting with a Russian leader connected to the Kremlin to get dirt on Hillary Clinton — and still Republicans are making excuses for this.
“It’s time to come clean. It’s time to put the interests of the country over the interests of the Republican Party.”
Country before party. Do you think that perhaps Doctor Dumbfuck is thinking on his sins today? Nah! Roger’s probably right. This is a good day for the doctor to be deleting emails.
Putting slides together for a talk. Lemme know when the actual frog-marching commences.
Today’s the day you can slap a few big black spots on that horse’s ass costume and get yourself some free cluck.
@9 I suggest waiting for this dip to become a sinkhole before you start unloading your cash.
@10 What took him so long? Most of us had the GOP figured out way back in Nixon days.
@11 You have plenty of time. No meaningful law enforcement will occur until after the 2018 purges.
@12 Who the hell wants to choke on chicken right wings? I have a better idea. Your local 7-11 Paki franchisee is giving away free Slurpees* today in honor of our nation’s tolerance for cultural diversity.
* It’s a security measure. The 7-11 honchos figured out their stores are less likely to be robbed by white Christian neo-nazi hoodlums (i.e., Steve Bannon’s friends) if they’re full of customers.
@12 I’d say that The Best of Cow Appreciation Day 2016 photos were kind of cute and wholesome.
To have come to this point in less six months required an unprecedented number and severity of own-goals. There shouldn’t even be an independent prosecutor. Instead Fuckface’s own pride and joy is the leverage given to that prosecutor.
Given the track record of self-injury so far, the degree of involvement at the very highest levels of the campaign, and the kinds of legal and financial entanglements implicated, my best guess is the line is now forming of those seeking immunity/plea deals in exchange for detailed testimony.
It’s gonna look like a fuckin’ Republican Mardi Gras parade.
16 – No, the free Slurpees are ’til 7 pm and it’s being done to celebrate 7-11’s 90th anniversary.
My goodness! This is the 10th consecutive thread that has been 100% loon-free. Is it possible that all that treason and sedition the loon was into blew his head up for good? Hmm, could be.
Boy I’m hungry. I was just thinking how nice it would be to enjoy a great dinner with a good man like Putin or the dear leader from North Korea.
If you want to double teen abortions, defund family planning.
“In Gregg County, where the local health center lost 60 percent of its family planning funding, the abortion rate increased by 191 percent between 2012 and 2014.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If abortion is murder, as Republicans claim, then defunding Planned Parenthood makes Republicans murderers.
Privileges of the rich.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: August Adolphus Busch IV? Yeah, I guess if you start a company that makes your descendants filthy rich they’ll keep their kids after you until they’re not rich anymore. And if you leave them really serious money, it can take several generations to go through it all.
@20 Maybe he got raptured. Or arrested. But more likely he’s working on an IT assignment in Russia or North Korea.
@19 I’ll bet 7-11 robberies go down until 7 p.m.
25 – Those usually happen later in the evening, no matter what specials the 7-11 store is running that particular day.
“The emails posted on Twitter by Donald Trump, Jr. connect so many dots, so crisply and so concisely, that words that have only been hinted at –- ‘collusion’ and even ‘treason’ — are suddenly in wide circulation in Washington.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s no longer innuendo, Doctor Dumbfuck. You’re in bed with traitors and subversives.
Quite true. Really, while he certainly appears to be rather incompetent, easily bored, morally weak, and easily exhausted, there’s no reason right now to believe that President Fuckface himself participated in criminal conspiracies with Russian espionage agents. Circumstances are highly suggestive. But a lot remains unclear. The job at hand for a responsible investigator is to continue gathering facts to learn as much as possible about this apparent criminal conspiracy.
But if you know anything at all about investigations of organized criminal conspiracies you know that yesterday Robert Mueller’s job just got a whole lot easier. Kenneth Starr spent $70 million trying with little success to gain leverage over anyone capable of providing testimony implicating President Clinton. It was only when Jonah Goldberg’s mom convinced Linda Tripp to illegally tape record her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky that he finally had some leverage. Threatened with indictment, Lewinsky cooperated and ultimately admitted under oath that she was infatuated with the President and that she consented to suck his dick. That’s leverage. Don Jr. just gave Mueller what Linda Tripp nearly went to jail for.
In order to prevent teenagers from having kids, let’s distribute the morning after pill in schools. Keep those little itchy clits from saddling us all with years and years of expense!
@29. Better yet neuter every married heterosexual on wedding day.
This guy looks like one of yours, Doc. Definitely not one of ours.
This guy, too.
@28 “Kenneth Starr spent $70 million trying with little success to gain leverage over anyone capable of providing testimony implicating President Clinton.”
And later achieved even greater glory as Chancellor of Rape University.
Hypocrite is every Republican’s middle name.
“The latest incident was last week, when the Buddha statue was decapitated. … ‘Someone had drove by and rolled down their window and screamed the word ‘Islam’ and then ‘Nation of Islam,’ at the statue and then sped off,’ Frankel said. A few hours later, he said what appeared to be the same man hit the statue with a sledgehammer.”
Dumbfucks don’t even know the difference between Buddhism and Islam. And, they’re vandals. That’s what Eisenhower’s once-proud Republican Party has descended into.
I don’t know about Doctor Dumbfuck, but if I were still a Republican,* I’d go around with a paper bag with eye holes over my head so nobody would recognize me.
* As regular HA readers know, I was a Goldwater Republican way back when I was young, stupid, and didn’t know anything about the world.
@ 27
words that have only been hinted at –- ‘collusion’ and even ‘treason’ — are suddenly in wide circulation in Washington.”
Only hinted at? C’mon.
Even in backwater Seattle, ‘treason’ has been every third word Steve has typed here since, oh, about 11/9/16 or so.
@34 Should we explain to Doctor Dumbfuck why powerful politicians in Washington D. C. using the word “treason” to describe the actions of the President of the United States and his family is more significant than some anonymous poster using the word in HA comments?
Naahh, let’s see how long it takes him to figure it out on his own.
America’s top state for business is … drum roll … Washington.
Kinda hard to argue our progressive policies are job killers.
Oh, and they should neuter all priests and pastors, rabbis, and Imans.
And Neuter all Heterosexual teachers.
Interesting article about the Republican Base. What it essentially says is that they are people who cannot stand to hear negative information about themselves or their favored candidates. They act like anything they hear or read that doesn’t hump the legs of their own ideologies or politicians is fake news. They just don’t want to hear that the basic purpose of a Government is to put some limits on the assholes that will always exist in a society and they know damn well that they are the assholes.
It isn’t difficult to correlate them with the Sovereign Citizens, and I suspect that there really is a large number of folks amongst the TeaFascist/GOP/Fundamentalist set who seem to believe that they aren’t supposed to be told “no” by anyone for anything, especially by the Federal Government. They really seem to believe that the original Articles of Confederation are still an aspect of the Law in this country and often quote them in their arguments, often to the point of violence, when they can’t get what they want. They play stupid and utterly nonsensical semantical games with the wording of the Law and fully expect to get away with whatever bullshit they’re trying to pull.
That certainly held true for the lunatics who took over the Maheur Wildlife Refuge and the other folks you can find on YouTube. The assholes like Cliven Bundy who took active, deliberate steps to take possession of and develop land that just flat out didn’t belong to them. This is also why they seem to profess that the second amendment is actually a real, constitutional license to commit murder, especially when it comes to Federal Law Enforcement.
All that means is that they’re just a bunch of spoiled, stupid and ineducable little kids who are in dire need of a damn good paddling by an adult. They refuse to understand that the Constitution describes Liberties, not freedoms, and those Liberties do in fact have limits.
And each time Doctor Dumbfuck has quietly smiled, confident that Steve is getting too far ahead of the story.
And each time the story catches up and races wildly ahead.
So much winning…
What a Pussy. Just like the rest of the Pussy “Independents”
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Is Leaving The Republican Party
What’s a matter Joe? Somebody grabbing you by the Pussy?
“And each time the story catches up and races wildly ahead.”
Junior’s emails are only the tip of the iceberg. Heh. And the guy who has posted over 4,000 pro-Putin hashtags in these threads thinks I use the word treason too often.
What’s the difference?
An “independent” is just a Republican who listens to sports radio instead of Alex Jones.
As this Russian espionage conspiracy in the White House unfolds, we’re going to hear many Hillbilly-Traitors reusing a well established Hillbilly excuse: rookie mistake.
I don’t buy it.
These guys forwarded and responded to these emails and other communications implicit in their content with casual ease and enthusiasm to move forward with it. They’d been at the campaign for about a year at that point in one way or another. They would have had lots of meetings with lots of campaign legal experts setting out the boundaries of what you can or can’t do. That’s would be particularly true of business people like the Fuckface family who have extensive legal and business entanglements with foreign governments and private individuals. Bright highlighting those boundaries would have been a priority for campaign legal advisers. And definitely there would have been a requirement to pass any such contact in front of the campaign legal team immediately – no exceptions.
So all three of these individuals went around the campaign legal team and moved forward on this without so much as even mentioning that. Which would imply that this was a knowing act carried out with intent.
This excuse is particularly galling when you hear it coming from federal pols. Hillbilly members of Congress all know these rules very well. And they certainly know that rule number one is you advise the legal team immediately. A few of them probably also know that the only time you go around the lawyers is when you plan to break the law.
@39 Well, one of those Maheur terrorists found out what happens when you try to run over the cops and then jump out of your vehicle and go for your gun.
Puddy’s back…
Vacation was great until Mrs Puddy’s best friend in grade, middle and high school had her black hispanic NYC Police woman cousin assassinated by a criminal fool! Miosotis Familia’s three children will never see their mother again! Mrs Puddy’s girlfriend was devastated as this fool who ate up the black lives matter manure!
Puddy’s back…
Vacation was great until Mrs Puddy’s best friend in grade, middle and high school had her black hispanic NYC Police woman cousin assassinated by a criminal fool! Miosotis Familia’s three children will never see their mother again! Mrs Puddy’s girlfriend was devastated as this fool who ate up the black lives matter manure!