The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for a 4th of July celebration. Please join us as we discuss the past and future of our democracy.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other 234 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Happy Birthday America.
Looks like Amtrak 506 may have hit a derail,which was in place while Bridge 14 was up.
Happy 4th of July to everyone.
Just listened to a rousing reading of the declaration of independence on NPR. Still so many echos to today’s issues.
Happy 4th of July, everyone! Including you unpatriotic, unAmerican, traitor trolls; don’t blow your fingers off with illegal fireworks.
I wouldn’t doubt if this kid is a descendant of Boob. “Hey Dad look at me”
What a great day! The birth of our Great Nation!
For your viewing pleasure and a reminder of what risks the Founding Fathers took:
Happy Birthday America!
Including the racist, treasonous hillbillies who, RR not withstanding, have an inalienable right guaranteed under the Imaginary Reagan Constitution to blow all of their digits off with explosives purchased from Native American enterprises.
Anybody need matches?
apparently some risks aren’t worth taking:
For treasonous hillbillies, some things never change.
If the Democrats run Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders or me again, thy will lose.
They should look for younger people like Corey Booker. He could definitely be a winner if he could get support from the Democratic establishment.
Really? Think so? So, what you’re saying is, if “Democrats” run a younger, hipper, darker skinned, male candidate, this will somehow discourage the Kochs and Mercers from investing hundreds of millions of dollars in a giant media campaign to invent a secret Muslim terrorist love child out of thin air, while simultaneously robbing the major global media corps of “following up” on the fabricated bullshit?
BTW, can Booker produce a “certified original” of his “long form” birth certificate? Democrats had better hope so.
10 – Yes, exactly.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Not particularly in the mood to celebrate a nation that elects a hateful, lying, selfish, would-be dictator.
This would have been November’s outcome either way. Suck it.
@ 10
BTW, can Booker produce a “certified original” of his “long form” birth certificate? Democrats had better hope so.
That might be the GOP test for acceptability.
Here’s the Democrat test:
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
A Corey Booker storybook.
Sure. We believe you. No reason not to. Absolutely no reason whatsoever. Programmable racist hillbilly meatheads are going to change. Pivot any day now. Like victory in Afghanistan, it’s just around the corner. Fer sure.
Consider Врач немой ебать who in only a few short months of orange testicle gargling has evolved to the point where he sees absolute equivalence between the confused ramblings of a 74 year old has-been public housing activist from Scranton, and a well orchestrated media campaign funded by billionaires to invent fake scandals.
Change was only a slogan. These people have had fifty fucking years. If they haven’t done it by now, maybe it’s time to stop looking for it.
@ 14
These people have had fifty fucking years.
Hey, time flies. That Permanent Majority thingy you guys had didn’t last long at all.
The longest fifty years of your life, what with the years of career struggle culminating in the loss of professional licensure, wives, community property, alimony, unaided sexual potency, and your dignity.
At least you get to keep the lingering aftertaste of orange throat yogurt. And the loyal companionship of dogs. Like every good lesbian, you can always rely on the company of a half dozen shelter dogs.
@12 If you think Hillary is the same as The Donald, it’s time for you to see one of your fellow doctors — in this case, a shrink.
Under Obama, illegals who served in the U.S. military were rewarded with citizenship.
Under Trump, illegals who serve in the U.S. military will be rewarded with deportation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un must be laughing their asses off at Trump’s military “buildup.” More like a tearing down.
Not only won’t we have anyone to pick our food for us, we won’t have anyone to fight our wars for us, either. I guess Republicans will have to train their children in farmwork and military skills.
Yawn. That Rove thing?
Nope. Nothing to do with anything to which sane people could relate.
Enjoy the Fourth HA heroes!
@ 15
“Hey, time flies. That Permanent Majority thingy you guys had didn’t last long at all.”
Neither did your thousand year Reich.
RR clearly supports his Majesty King George, hurrah for the trolls. They are what made America great, though they liked going as native American’s to a tea party.
Yep July 4th 1776 with a bout a 1/3 supporting the new nation. 1/3 supporting King George, and the other 1/3 not giving a fuck either way. That all changed by 1783, but there was no exact polling in those days, and had there been there would not have been an American Revolution.
@12 And we will get to elect a new self styled dictator in 2020. Disproving Goldies remarks. Only if that election does not occur is Goldie right, and according to some folks it will be Obama’s shadow government coup that will not allow any election.
NJ Man Arrested For Evergreen College Threats
“A New Jersey man is accused of making threatening calls to The Evergreen State College in Olympia after protests there last month attracted national attention. …
“The charges stem from telephone threats made against Evergreen, which caused the school to be shut down for three days last month as students and faculty were finishing up the school year.
“A man left a message on the Thurston County Communications nonemergency phone line June 1, saying he planned to kill people at the college. ‘I’m on my way to Evergreen University (sic) now with a .44 Magnum,’ the caller says in audio obtained by KIRO 7. ‘I’m going to execute as many people on the campus as I can get ahold of. You have that, what’s going on here, you communist scumbag town?'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy looks like one of yours, righties.
@21 @22 Stupid comments by stupid poster.
@18 Setting up an American version of the French Foreign legion has never been popular. We like to keep our colonization on the down low.
“Seven out of 10 Americans believe their country’s government has become less civil since Donald Trump was elected, and worry about the weakening of rights, according to a new PBS NewsHour/National Public Radio/Marist poll.
“The survey, on the nation’s 241st birthday, showed a country deeply divided and worried about its leadership and direction.
“The gut worry came in response to the question: ‘Since Donald Trump was elected President, how has the overall tone and level of civility in Washington changed?’ Just six percent said it has improved, with 20 percent answering that it has ‘stayed the same.’ A whopping 70 percent answered ‘gotten worse.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey Trumpistas, how’s that “populist revolt” working for ya?
@26 Obviously you’re unaware of the foreigners who fought in the American Revolution, the Civil War, and all our wars since. You probably also don’t know that roughly 20% of all our Medal of Honor heroes were foreign-born.
You do realize your ignorant posts make you look like a fool, don’t you?
@9 id love to see Corey Booker run. He’d have my vote!! He’s awesome. But the right will demonize him just like the rest.
@12 LONG LIVE IRELAND. Suck on that.
@18 Roger don’t expect every doctor to have a brain. Boob isn’t the only dumbfuck Doctor in the bunch, but he takes the cake as the best dumbfuck Doctor there is.
@25 maybe Abigail is a doctor, another dumbfuck one.
You do realize your ignorant posts make you look like a fool, don’t you?
That’s not the problem here.
You see, Short Bus does realize that her posts make her look like a fool. The problem is that she believes her next post will fix everything.
Now that Seattle is in North Korea’s crosshairs the radical right — those characters packing pistols in leg holsters and muttering about “civil war” — will cheer when the “left coast” is vaporized. I wonder if Puddy, Dumbfuck, and the other trolls realize they’ll go up in smoke with the rest of us? Unless, of course, they tuck their tails between their legs and make for other parts. Should we help them pack?
Sundown syndrome.
Donald Trump is exhibiting all the classic signs of advancing Alzheimer’s Disease. He has been for a while now, probably a few years but certainly was during his campaign. He’s openly boasted of only sleeping for a 4-5 hours a night for much of his life, so at the very least he’s been chronically sleep-deprived for decades. This is one of the suspected major causes of dementia. People who suffer from the disease do not sleep very deeply and often never to the point of deep sleep that everyone needs to recover from day to day.
Trump loses his limousine.
Classic, typical GOP thinking. Elect someone who is utterly incapable of making real decisions or managing his own affairs, and run rings around them doing whatever graft or other exploitation of the lack of leadership in the corresponding vacuum. Blow smoke up the guys ass, keep telling the individual how great they are at everything, keep him entertained and pretending to advise him while making sure he isn’t ever in any sort of position to really influence the situation. Such people are easily manipulated and distracted. Meanwhile, slip a few papers under his nose for him to sign without telling him what the words on the paper actually say. Fat Donny interprets language, both written and spoken at the level of a 7-year-old. So anyone in a position to communicate with him is also in a position to influence his decisions by either lying to him or obfuscating the actual meaning of legally binding statements. Really, it’s not any different from a used-car salesman hiding the actual contract in a 2-point font at the bottom of a sales agreement.
Fat Donny has been entirely consumed with building his own fortunes and public persona for his entire life, he is incapable of thinking about anything else, and now that is even fading out.
It worked with Reagan, it worked with both Bushes, and it will continue to be the Republican method of governance until someone actually does something to end the idea that an easily manipulated moron shouldn’t be allowed to sit in the President’s chair.
How stupid are Trumpers? So stupid that if you read the Declaration of Independence to them, they think you’re a subversive.
Well, actually, it was by the standards of its time. That is, if you thought America owed allegiance to King George.
You get what you vote for; at least, that’s how it works if your side wins.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In the topsy-turvy world we now live in, Republican voters lose big — they lose their health insurance, they lose their businesses, etc. — when their candidate wins.
He wouldn’t feel that way if he were a Hillbilly-Traitor-Republican.
Where’s Doctor Dumbfuck today? In a hospital getting his fingers reattached? You’re supposed to throw cherry bombs after lighting the fuse.
@34 and Abigail tried to tell me that our dear friend from North Korea was years away from an ICBM. Ohhh, how the sideways people think they know everything.
@40 The work goes faster when you steal someone else’s design.
If the initial reports are correct, the tested device would have a range of up to 6700 km. The notion that the continental U.S. would be in range is still speculative and based on the proposition that a different missile, the KN-08, could be modified to use the more efficient engine fuel demonstrated yesterday. As yet no such test has been displayed or detected. And Alaska voted Hillbilly-Traitor. With any luck at all, when Fuckface Von Клоунпалка tweets us into a nuclear exchange, the entire Palin family will all be home from rehab at the same time for once.
42, cont.
Beer drunk Hillbilly-Traitors are unconcerned, however, since they have it on good authority that North Korea will never develop the technology they just demonstrated to the world.
Also, FOX! And Mika! And Fake News! And Voter Fraud! And Birf Certificates!
To be fair, if I got 900 tweets one morning from somebody I follow on Twitter I’d be pretty irritated too. But if the first one read, “When in the course of human events…” I’d catch on and temporarily unfollow.
Side note, who are the Trump fans following NPR. Aspiring podcasters who want to learn how to produce a conservative ‘On the Media’?
Loved this 4th of July message
“Happy Treason Day – you ungrateful colonials!”
@37. Republicans will just have to pay high and high wages until they will find a price point that Americans will work at.
Or automate.