The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight. Please join us while Washington state is still in business and people can still afford health insurance.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other 234 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Republicans should be careful of what they wish for, as the wedding cake case could backfire on them, given that many religious people believe the GOP is a satanic cult.
Never underestimate the power of the GOP to find itself another Todd Akin. That having been said, McCaskill has been pretty helpful to the GOP and notably unhelpful to Bill Clinton’s wife over the years.
Despite tweet, McCaskill attended reception at Russian ambassador’s home
And now, CNN has learned, McCaskill spent an evening at a black-tie reception at the ambassador’s Washington residence in November 2015.
McCaskill was photographed at the event, honoring former Democratic Rep. James Symington, who hails from her state of Missouri and worked to promote US-Russia relations.
Drink enough free scotch, I suppose, and it’s easy to forget who’s pouring.
If enrollment numbers at the U of Missouri don’t improve next year, she could be in some serious trouble. It’s not like the Democrats are going to have a ton of spare cash laying around to protect her.
Free scotch is the only brand YLB will drink.
I guessed the wrong campus. Twice.
California University Hit With Lawsuit Alleging ‘Hostile Anti-Jewish Environment’
UCLA, I thought. No? Then UC Irvine, for sure.
Wrong again.
It seems to me that any ruling for the pet., however narrow, would have to include some kind of precise test for the lower courts to apply in order to avoid giving a broad license to discriminate.
There may be more to Roberts than he has shown so far. But I doubt he’s the kind of Chief who could craft a consensus decis. advancing a sweeping precedent from this Court in this political climate on such fundamental individual rights. And while I would argue that the grant of cert here indicates the Court wants to clarify, I’m skeptical that the majority wants to change direction. To do so opens a Pandora’s Box of potential discrimination extending well beyond bakeries and weddings.
A very direct line can easily be drawn from Phillips’ sincerely held religious objections to same sex marriage and a certain orthodox Muslim’s objection to granting public accommodation to women. Other examples abound. And most would probably survive any narrow legal test. It’s hard to imagine the Court wants to blindly experiment with a broad, undefined avenue in religion for widespread, unchecked discrimination throughout civic life. Harder still to imagine the Court wants to establish an enduring legal precedent, however narrowly drawn, to permanently enshrine a balancing test based on a concept as nebulous and historically fraught as religion.
@ 5
It seems to me that any ruling for the pet., however narrow, would have to include some kind of precise test for the lower courts to apply in order to avoid giving a broad license to discriminate.
Not if it’s decided with “Our consideration is limited to the current circumstances.”. Can’t get much narrower than that.
“(T)he current circumstances” being a sincerely held and consistently demonstrated religious objection expressed within a commercial enterprise of public accommodation weighed against a state statute of broad and compelling public interest. And just as Bush v Gore would entitle any other party nominee for Pres involved in a too close to call state contest muddled by poor ballot design and vague state law to the protection of that decis. so too would any other person with a sincerely held and consistently demonstrated religious objection to a state statute be entitled to the protection of any prospective Court decis.
No hanging chads. No obscured voter intent. Much more difficult to confine. And unlike Врач немой ебать, most of the members of the Court have a demonstrated track record favoring pragmatism, Bush v Gore notwithstanding.
@ 7
No Ralph Nader. You left one out.
@6 Then what is the point of deciding the case? The Supreme Court is not a traffic court. It takes cases precisely to establish precedents for other courts to follow on issues of a recurring nature.
The foregoing legal insights of Doctor Dumbfuck have been brought to you by Doctor Dumbfuck, who has nothing better to do with his time. Not much action in the stock market right now.
Breaking News — McConnell has postponed the flash vote on the Senate’s iteration of the GOP scheme to raid Medicaid to finance tax cuts for the rich. That can mean only two things. One, he doesn’t have the votes to pass it. Two, the delay will give the public time to react to it, which means he will never have the votes to pass it.
Trumpcare ver. 2.0 is as good as dead.
What is it with these fucking idiots in college these days? Some speaker comes to talk, and they all show up to shout down the speaker and totally disrupt the event. They label anything that they don’t agree with as “hate speech,” and act like spoiled little brats if they don’t succeed in totally making assholes of themselves. There’s very little difference between them and the fucktards who try to destroy downtown Seattle every May 1st.
Those little shits go through years of “higher education,” yet aren’t qualified for anything other than running off at the mouth or some minimum wage shit-job. And their so-called “professors” are a bunch of elitist dip-shits who couldn’t pour piss out a boot even if the instructions to do so were written on the heel of the boot!
They’re all a bunch of fucking losers.
@12 I agree there’s a problem when you can’t distinguish a college campus from a pro-Trump rally.
ST reports 3 Chicago cops have been indicted for the Laquan McDonald shooting.
I have no doubt they’ll be acquitted, which will do nothing to help solve the epidemic of police violence against citizens.
American policing is badly in need of reform. Changes are needed in how police departments hire, train, and supervise cops. The current system isn’t working.
I think one essential change is requiring police officers to have state-issued occupational licenses. Such licenses are required for many other professions, including barbers, truck drivers, lawyers, and doctors.
An effective licensing system would go a long way toward taking bad cops off the streets by precluding police departments from retaining cops whose licenses have been suspended or revoked, and preventing such cops from getting hired by another department.
@13 Anarchists and college students are not pro-Trump.
Free speech is free speech. Wherever. Whenever.
You don’t like the kids.
And we don’t like Hillbilly Traitors like these idiots.
But you don’t get to pick and choose who benefits from the bill of rights. Don’t look now, but here come some Black Panthers with shot guns marching down your street. Enjoy!
cute only compensates for Dumbfuck if you have an extra chromosome and are starring in a prime time network family drama.
Is that you Corky?
Start the Sarah Sanders meltdown clock.
@15 I didn’t say they are. I said when they behave like Trump’s supporters, that’s a problem.
That’s true of anyone who behaves like Trump’s supporters, regardless of whether they’re anti-Trump or pro-Trump, no matter who they are.
And particularly on college campuses, I expect professors and college students to know better, and do better than that.
I wonder if there’s more to this story than just a stock investment going south?
What do you expect? These kids have an entitlement mentality that knows no bounds. Ever since they were old enough to understand words, they’ve been told they’re wonderful and special. There are no consequences for personal actions or failings. Bad things are always somebody else’s fault. There is no personal responsibility. Everyone gets a trophy for just showing up for sports. Academics mean nothing, and they feel entitled automatically to at least an upper middle class income and lifestyle right out of school, whether or not they learned anything in school that’s practical or not.
@21 That may describe some Republican families, but none of the working class families I know.
@12 Sounds like someone didn’t get accepted to their school of choice and was rejected by their second and third choices. too.
Almost every word of that can also be said of the “conservative” militia “heroes” who courageously steal from public lands, bravely start forest fires, and patriotically hold government employees at gun point and threaten them with murder.
Its all now “protected” political expression.
Hillbilly Traitors built that too.
@23 You know things are bad when you get a rejection letter from a for-profit correspondence school.
given that many religious people believe the GOP is a satanic cult.
Really senile idiot wabbit?
That’s why #CrookedHillary won right?
Oh wait… yeah… ummm…
Silly wabbit!
Hahaha … the sucker took the bait. LOL
@12 I agree there’s a problem when you can’t distinguish a college campus from a pro-Trump rally.
ANd this is why the senile dumb wabbit is a senile idiot wabbit.
Middlebury College
University of Missouri
University of Chicago
University of California Berkeley
Columbia University
Franklin College
Vassar College
Northwestern University
Evergreen State College
Brown University
Cornell University
Harvard University
University Wisconsin – Madison
all are leftist ELITE COUNTRY CLUB BRED universities not Trump campii you moron! These are the places Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom love! Frothing at the mouth, full of hate, attacking those who disagree with your kind!
EPIC FAYLE of DAYUM stooooooooooooopid proportions!
This professor would mos def be a byline writer for HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Sounds like a plan to Puddy. Will UW or WSU attend?
CNN pushing FAKE NEWS…
One year ago #CrookedHillary’s presidential hopes were officially sunk…
@1 Would those people be Muslims or Hindus?
Will we be doing the Washington Shutdown Mumbo?
@5 Didn’t you get this memo I’m still puzzled about. That we are a Christian nation. First it was ‘In God we Trust” on our money, And now states have to pay for churches playground stuff. Corporations have religion. I’m seeing a trend, that should upset liberals. Or do liberals think this whole separation of church is passé. Must have the Church of the USA (Mormon version) to make America great again.
PS Frank Zappa predicted this. First music, then rock and roll, then videos, and tv, and books and now hallelujah. (Sorry Puddy your brand is not the brand selected, still I suggest a hearty Halleluah!)
@2 At the Russian ambassador house the bar is going to serve Vodka, Kentucky bourbon and maybe rye. I don’t know what the deal is here as nearly 100% of US Senators have met the Ambassador and 75% of house members. The man is a very accomplished diplomat, and the Russians have some damn good diplomats, because in Russia you got brains you become a diplomat, general, or government minister here you become a lawyer or get an MBA.
@7 Of course finding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act unconstitutional would be a good start, but thus far an unlikely outcome, even if it’s the correct outcome. I know so far the court is supporting its original precedent the act is constitution in a limited kind of way, and no one would use religion to dupe us, it’s all firmly held beliefs.
Should we pick out a spot on the Washington Supreme Courts lawn for the 10 commandments? Does not seem to matter rhat some states Constitutions are more stringent than the US constitution.
@ 9 Unless it’s the trial court. Unfortunately it does not always accept cases to establish precedent, sometimes it’s to tell the appellate and trial court they had no jurisdiction, that the plaintiff had no standing, we really wanted to make a ruling and decided not too, tell the lower courts guys the bell tolled on this one, we really really like the precedent already set by this court. Damn we really thought we had come with a damn fine test…damned lawyer we will show him.
The court sometimes punts, some years the punting is breathtaking and often.
@11 Isn’t that what was thought after the house pulled the same stunt. Personally we just might be better off if 3 or 4 Democrats had voted to put passage over the top, forcing Republicans to move forward and then dealing with the blow back. Now they can have their cake and eat it. Not to mention sabotage the underlying fiscal requirements, and work toward implosion.
@12 @13 Can’t mistake them for Nuremberg though.
@14 Maybe they can use the Washington State Bar as an example they should follow. Hmmm perhaps Chicago cops already do that.
It’s Chicago so whatever is going to happen is going to have to be ok with the machine. If the machine thinks making some changes will be good they will happen as long as it’s not too expensive, or goes against the interests of the machine.
And yes they will probably be found innocent in a court of law. Still from time to time the Chicago internal affairs can actually catch a dirty cop. Odd it is often a cop the system has a beef with.
@16 The Black panthers did get California to pass it’s first gun control bill, and had a similar effect in some other states. It was olk for white guys to take shot guns in the California Capital rotunda, but the legislature got all stirred up when the Black Panthers did it.,
@18 Is the clock digital or analog?
@20 Of course there is and for expenses, and ohhh $500 a day I’ll go to Australia and ferret out the rest of the story for you. Between drinking beer, shrimp on the barbi, and checking out the really cool opera house. Probably end up at the opera house as that is where all Australian scandals end up.
@25 That means your check bounced and you will be hearing from their friendly collection agency.
@35 We are not a Christian nation. We are a nation of many religions and religious freedom.
@33 Well yes, and also real Christians. You seem to be forgetting that practicing Christians can’t be Republicans, because Republican values (selfishness, greed, exploitation) and behavior (lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, child molesting, warmongering, etc.) are incompatible with Christian teachings.
@34 That’s up to the Republican senators. Shutting down public services is a GOP thing.
@36 It doesn’t take an accomplished diplomat to spot people who would sell out our country in exchange for business loans, prostitutes, and booze.
Even news reporters know people like that when they see them.
I had to split @49 & @50 into two posts because WordPress is freezing up again this morning. They should be read as a single comment.
@38 This is a certiorari case, not a case involving the SC’s original jurisdiction, dummy. Please explain how the appellant (not “plaintiff”) lacks standing, or the district court lacks jurisdiction? What do you mean by “bell tolled”? that the statute of limitations expired? How so? Please stop posting idiotic comments about legal subjects you know nothing about and are unqualified to comment on.
@39 “Personally we just might be better off if 3 or 4 Democrats had voted to put passage over the top”
The Democrats weren’t elected by their constituents to sabotage the country.
@40 It’s not hard to see the similarities between a Trump rally and a mid-1930s Nuremberg rally, i.e., the xenophobia, the goose stepping, the intolerance for opposing views, the propensity for violence, etc.
@41 “Maybe they can use the Washington State Bar as an example they should follow. Hmmm perhaps Chicago cops already do that.”
??? Now you are completely incoherent.
Short Bus gives us all another demonstration of his Googlin’ skills.
Roger, you really shouldn’t encourage him. It’s just another form of trolling. He’ll spend the next 12 hours boning up on writ of cert only to come back tonight with some thoroughly unreadable Cliff’s Notes summary implying that you misunderstood his comment. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
An AOL News poll says the public favors Obamacare over Trumpcare by a 58%-28% margin.
This isn’t surprising because Trumpcare would rob ordinary Americans of health care to pay for tax cuts for the 1%, who will keep their insurance no matter what happens.
@56 My bad. (Paw slap.)
Mark Adams,
Ain’t it great to be called “Short Bus”? That’s exactly what you’d expect from elite country club loving SCUM like Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sux to be Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom SCUM!
Country Club?
WTFuck kinda stupid are you?
Your Russian Puppet Cheeto Jesus and the rest of your gang of perverted golden showering kleptocrats are in that game.
Affluent, healthy, very highly educated coastal progressive elites dont have time for chasing little white balls around. Its not healthy. And its bad for the environment.
Here’s our country club.