The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for political discussion over drinks. Please stop by.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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The media are still gently calling Comey’s testimony last week “inaccurate” and “a mistake,” but it now appears that Comey lied under oath to Congress in what could only be a calculated effort to make Huma Abedin (and, vicariously, Hillary) look bad.
But don’t hold your breath waiting for the Trump gang to prosecute this lying bastard for perjury like Republicans wanted to do to Bill Clinton. Because “Hypocrisy” is every Republican’s middle name.
Fucking Drumpf. This one is on his watch and all his fucking fault – bastard!!
Wasn’t it already pretty fucking obvious Comey was in the bag as a Hillbilly-Traitor party stooge and Russian patsy for the Manchurian Candidate as far back as last spring. This merely confirms what is already well understood. Gaining control of Congress must be accompanied by sweeping and merciless purges to secure our democratic institutions against Russian influence spearheaded by the Hillbilly-Traitor Party over the last six years.
It’s official.
Boy-fucker Ed Mole is out.
@4 Small potatoes. When will you go after the big kahuna?
Just to clarify, the stock market is doing well despite Trump, not because of him.
Radioactive sink hole? Seriously you guys?
Well, look on the bright side. Once Rick Perry figures out where his parking spot is, and gets back from his hair appointment, maybe he can conjure up a few weeks work* for some of Fuckface Von Clownstick’s beloved hillbilly coal miners.
*they’ll be dead after a few weeks.
Tweeted recently from the cool tile surface in of the WH residence magnificent bathrooms:
“…there is “no evidence” of collusion w/ Russia and Trump.”
Nope. None at all. Other than all the… um… collusion that is.
Now watch Drumpf put up Joe Arpaio as the new head G-man.
It would be too fucking perfect.
I wonder if Jared can even spell Special Prosecutor?
Not since Nixon.
And at least you can say, in his own way Nixon wasn’t a traitor. He certainly didn’t sell himself to Russians like Fuckface Von Clownstick.
So the lying sack of shit got fired. It’s obvious why. Loose cannon. Careening out of control. Overboard with him to save the ship!
@5. The big kahuna – you mean the guy whose cock Boob sucks?
Members of the Ape’s Ape Family.
Senate and Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are having a fit over Trump firing Comey! Butt these same morons called for Comey’s head last October!
Come on puddles, even you are not so dense. The outrage is over Trump firing (again) someone investigating his Russian ties. IN Watergate days there were Republicans who valued this country and its democracy over party. I do not have confidence that is true now. To quote he who shall not be named…SAD
Beside birther nutcase Arpaio, the only other possible choices Drumpf can make for top g-man is either Louie Gohmert or David Clarke.
yeah, that’s the insane klown preznit’s ticket!
Called it!
Because of my work schedule, I usually don’t comment until the weekend, did I miss anything?
I would like to see a special prosecutor, after today’s events, but the DoJ makes that decision.
After 8pm, I turned off coverage of the FBI chief firing and switched to the CBC radio feed out of Vancouver. BC Provincial Election, and for most of the night, too close too call. BC Liberal minority government with the Greens holding the balance of power, is a possibility. By the way, the BC Liberals are a center right party not connected to the Federal Liberals.
@16. Dude. He’s dense as an ape.
WE ARE ALL RUSSIANS! Boob likes it so so should you!
Long live Ireland!
@16 I think you are mistaken. I believe Piddles IS that dense. His long and sordid career on HA proves it.
DAYUM stoooooooooooooooopid useless tools 16, 21, 22…
If the Russian investigation was being stopped why were the subpoenas issued?
DAYUM stoooooooooooooooopid useless tools!