The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for our weekly dose of political chat and beer. Please join us.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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Looks like nobody is going to pay for Trump’s wall. Another campaign promise down in flames.
“The threat of a U.S. government shutdown this weekend appeared to recede on Tuesday after President Donald Trump backed away from a demand that Congress include funding for his planned border wall with Mexico in a spending bill.”
“We are GOING TO REPEAL OBAMACARE! FIRST DAY! Okay, first 100 DAYS! Listen to me folks, And if you don’t fund my border wall we will shut down the Government and that will shut down OBAMACARE!?”
“Mmmmkay. Feel free to shut down Obamacare in order to build the wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Close the National Parks again GOP. Close the Smithsonian. Feel free to explain why Americans can’t have health care because your free wall is expensive. We double dog dare you!”
“Oh, the border wall was just a metaphor.”
By 3 am the Orange Russian Puppet will be rage-tweeting about it.
by tomorrow Spicer will refuse to discuss it.
Wow, you guys really hate Trump!
I don’t hate him, I hate his policies. I don’t care what color his skin is. I don’t see color.
I hate treason. Too bad you have a problem with that.
But it’s okay. We’ll manage just fine without you.
Ummm, you don’t know me, nor I you.
Spicer’s dancing and smiling at the presser is laughable.
1. His claims that the WH doesn’t have any records of Flynn’s contacts with foreign agents and officials prior to Jan 20 is provably false. But lying to the press is no crime.
2. His claims that records of any such contacts are “too unwieldy” is an appeal to ignorance. Call details are recorded and logged. They are available if you bother to pull them up. Again, not a crime to lie to the press.
3. Claims that WH has no record of what Flynn might have been up to prior to Jan 20th is bullshit. He worked for them. He was a statutory employee of the campaign and the transition. They have records. Produce them.
They will be compelled, eventually. So lying to the media is simply playing for time. There’s really only one reason for that.
Under pressure Spicer just punted on Exec Priv.
Some weeks ago he had avowed that the WH would have no interest in invoking Exec Priv with respect to Flynn and any docs relating to Flynn.
Today, um… well… different story… not gonna say… um…
… in other words yes. Yes the traitors will try to obstruct the investigation by invoking Exec Priv over any and all documents that might tie Flynn and the WH to Russian espionage.
At this point only a traitor would argue against an independent investigation. Congress can’t do it. Especially not if the WH Counsel is going to invoke priv.
I’ve got a problem with treason and people who make deals with foreign espionage agents, particularly those representing adversarial nation-states.
And you object to that.
I know you well enough already.
Spicer just acknowledged no wall in FY2017.
Did all the hillbilly trolls get that? Orange Russian Puppet lied to them about the wall. He says he’s going to keep talking about it. He says he’s going to keep bringing it up in the media. But inside the gubmit the wall is dead for now. Pissident Fuckface Von Clownstick will not be pursuing any funding or other work on any border wall until FY2018.
And, then we’ll see. Maybe.
Like I’ve said before, he’s got the stupid drunken hillbillies face down on the side of the road, pants around their ankles, Russian hookers peeing all over them. Gives a whole new meaning to “Cuckservative”.
10 – I didn’t express an opinion one way or the other. Also, I did not vote for Trump or Clinton in the last election. You have no reason to criticize me over making a simple observation. Stop acting like a dick.
No wall. No ACA repeal. No Muslim ban. No tax cuts for the super-rich paid for by eliminating health care for the sick and dying.
Suck much, trolls?
You may not get your Wall, ACA repeal, tax cuts for the rich and Muslim ban, but at least our nation’s Glorious Leader hasn’t grabbed any pussy or committed any other sex crimes recently. That we know of. So at least you’ve got that going for you!
“‘Congrats on not committing sex crimes’: Internet roasts Trump’s ‘historic accomplishments’ in 100 days”
Feeling triggered? Do you need a safe space now?
You didn’t vote for Clinton? Fuck you. You are 100% to blame.
You had a very clear and simple choice. You chose to stand aside. That is a choice.
Qui tacet consentit.
You consented to all of this orange treason, all the pussy grabbing, all the environmental plunder, to abandoning the Ukrainian people, to re-launching the “War on Pot”, to blowing up the deficit to give tax cuts to hedge fund pirates, to trade wars, to 4am raids of motel housekeppers, to a four foot rise of sea level.
You bought it. Now you get to own it.
don’t forget the Cheeto Jesus has failed to torture confessions out of even a single terrorism suspect. Nor, I might add, has he targeted even one single terrorist family, as he solemnly promised on so many occasions. 100 days in and no torture. 100 days in and no wives and children rubbed out.
Just golf, twitter, and treason.
Hey, Republicans! Here’s some more of what winning looks like! Clip’n’save!
Seattle City Council member Lorena González said in a statement, “Today’s victory in court proves once again that when cities stand with their immigrant and refugee communities, they win. Trump is not only on the wrong side of history, but the wrong side of the law.”
If you’re keeping score at home:
Political leaders elected by Seattle voters: 3
Political leaders rejected by Seattle voters: 0
Another good day in the market. I’m up 8.78% (annualized) overall for the year so far.
@ 12
Stop acting like a dick.
That was no act.
19 – Yes, I think you’re correct on that one.
@ 18
I think that’s cumulative YTD return, not annualized.
If that were an annualized return you would be doing more poorly than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. At minimum, you wouldn’t be telling anyone about it. Although God only knows why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit insists on telling the world how poorly he invests.
Check again.
12, 19, 20,
You dupes have seen yourselves cheated out of your patriotism, your intellect, your privilege, much of your money, and all of your capacity to reason.
Seems to me your “manly” identity is most of what you have left.
Are you sure you want to give that up too?
@ 22
Seems to me your “manly” identity is most of what you have left.
Manly, yes. But YLB likes it, too.
22 – You are in need of psychological help.
@10 We are all Russian! It will become the new GOP motto soon, as soon as they repeal protections for all the fags. Hey but at least we aren’t thrown in jails yet.
@12 freedom of speech. If you dont like it you don’t get to suppress it. Dicks are for everyone.
@15 don’t forget the potential of WWIII
First we had Wash. Gov. Jay Inslee and Att’y. Gen. Bob Ferguson; now we get Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, and Seattle Council Member Lorena González.
Who will be the next Seattle-approved liberal politician to achieve hero status by defeating the current Administration?
Fuck the HBA – them liberal scum! Fuck Canada! They don’t know we play hardball!
Fuck the HBA – them liberal scum! Fuck Canada! They don’t know we play hardball!
Yeah!!!! @30 A stolen base to 2nd
Heh. and silly boob is still finding “NEMOS” I see.
So Drumpf’s ICE is perfectly entitled to enforce the letter of the law…
just don’t expect the locals to do its work..
The locals have enough on their plate, the obsequious Joe Arpaio types notwithstanding.
How’s that “Republican plan” going trolls?
Heh. Did Limbaugh just dump on Drumpf over a “measly 1 billion dollars” for that “fucking wall”?
LMAO!! And how much did Obama’s golfing cost again?
@1 Hey White Nationalists, also known as Nazis, how’s that wall thing coming along? That Mexico is gonna pay for? Oooo, is Herr Drumpf backpedaling on THAT, too? Can’t get Mexico to cough up? Or the Republicans in Congress? Planned Parenthood won’t give you their money? Your barrel of funding options is empty? My, my, my …
It turns out you don’t always get what you voted for.
@3 “by tomorrow Spicer will refuse to discuss it”
Maybe he’s finally learning what his job is all about. A flack working for this fuhrer does his best work when he keeps his mouth shut.
@4 We don’t hate him. We’re simply concerned about our country being led by an incompetent, dishonest, lying, racist, sexist, ignoramus, as any rational person would be. Would you board a plane if you knew the pilot had never flown one before, couldn’t read a navigation chart, doesn’t know how the instruments work, and refuses to follow the instructions of air traffic control? Would you be a tad upset if your ignorant neighbors compelled you to fly on it with them? The analogy isn’t perfect, as an unqualified pilot can kill only a few hundred people, not an entire population, but you should get my drift.
@7 Show us you know something and are worth listening to. We don’t have time for aimless gibberish.
@13 They aren’t doing so well with their vendetta against sanctuary cities, either. But the big city police unions still have blacks to beat up, and Jeff Sessions has their back.
@14 Are you sure about that? Why do you think they’re keeping the WH visitor logs secret?
For all we know, the limousines with black-tinted windows are ferrying Russian prostitutes to the servants’ entrance, straight from the embassy, courtesy of BFF Vlad.
Of course, these girls moonlight as intelligence agents too, but Drumpf doesn’t care about that, as long as the kinky sex is good.
@15 If we take him at his word that he didn’t vote for either Trump or Clinton, then at best he’s sort of like the people who stood aside and watched as Hitler rounded up the Jews, and said nothing. The analogy isn’t perfect, but you get my drift. There are times when a voter has an affirmative duty, and shirking it has real consequences. Last November was one of those times.
@16 We should be thankful for the little things.
@18 Careful, or Doctor Dumbfuck will give you shit about it. That’s much worse than the Dow (19.7% annualized) or S&P (21.3%). Hell, he thinks my 13.4% (annualized) is inadequate. He’s gotta be clearing 25% on his options trading, unless he paid for that shiny new horse trailer and growly new pickup with V-10 engine, chrome wheels, and heated leather seats from his Medicare income.
I remember when doctors drove Buicks to their house calls.
@20 Don’t bet on Doctor Dumbfuck being right about anything. That’s a losing trade.
@21 See what I mean?
@24 That pretty much applies to anyone who posts here, in case you haven’t noticed. Of course, self-reflection comes hard for some people.
I guess Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t appreciate me referring to him as a quack and Medicare leech. Plus, he just doesn’t like lawyers.
“[Trump’s] plan would cut the top tax rate on ‘pass-through’ businesses, which include small business partnerships, sole proprietorships and hedge funds, to 15 percent from 39.6 percent, media reports said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary; In other words, he thinks small business owners should pay much lower taxes than their employees. That should sell easily to a Republican Congress (apart from the deficit aspect), but he shouldn’t expect any Democrats to vote for this, and he needs at least 8 Democratic votes in the Senate. Looks like another Trump project DOA to me.
The Seattle Times reports that Mayor Murray’s lawyers have filed a motion seeking Civil Rule 11 sanctions against his accuser’s attorney. This is the rule that authorizes courts to punish lawyers for filing frivolous or baseless lawsuits.
The Seattle Times reports that Mayor Murray’s lawyers have filed a motion seeking Civil Rule 11 sanctions against his accuser’s attorney. This is the rule that authorizes courts to punish lawyers for filing frivolous or baseless lawsuits.
I had wondered about this. The case seems to be based entirely upon thirty-year-old memories, most of which describe publicly-available information (old address, apartment layout, telephone number) or anatomical details which can change over time.
Given the firm bankrolling the suit was founded and is operated by an anti-gay bigot who had lost a political battle to Murray, and the suit was clearly timed to cause maximum havoc in Seattle’s election season, do you think Rule 11 applies?
RR you got some kind of crystal ball?
Any plans to be on Coast to Coast?
@49 @50
Not a very meaningful motion unless it’s attached to something that will quash or kill the case. Like the statute of limitations. Which could possible quash the legal case, but is not going to help the Mayor politically. It’s been in the news cycle long enough some damage has been done. The Mayors attorney’s seem to be intent in killing the case where if they are going to save their clients political career they should be wanting hearings now, and a trial tomorrow. Not likely to happen very quickly though. The Mayor could still be a viable candidate, but his attorneys tactics maybe hurting him with Seattle’s voters. One would think his attorneys would be wanting the judge to issue an order telling both sides to shut up to the press and public. Judge might do that anyways. Depends on if the current Judge likes his or her court turned into a circus.
@37 Only President Trump is not a pilot. Very few of our Presidents have been pilots. Qualifying to be a pilot or to work on the nuclear reactor that powers a submarine requires specific skills. As far as being on a plane with an unqualified pilot it really depends on what the situation is. If I’m trying to haul ass out of some lovely country like Iran well any pilot will do. Even one whose total experience is on a computer simulation.
You are comparing the Presidency which at best any highly skilled manager qualifies (this includes the CEO of United Air Lines who probably can’t fly one of their planes) to be President of The United States, as long as they are a citizen, a resident and 35 years old. Seems the founders thought any competent adult could do the job actually, and that the voters and electoral college could decide who would be President. For better or worse Dontald Trump is President. That is not likely to change for at lest two years and most likely unless he resigns or dies in office Trump will be President until 2018, and if he should pull off being reelected then everything you have said here, is total partisan bullshit.
And if Trump pulls the Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin two step play. Just what you going to do then? The key part of the play is you wait until the current VP can hold office for 10 years. And Paul Ryan reluctantly becomes VP?
@41 Of course some of those people in France, Netherlands, Poland, ect. were perfectly happy to point out where all the Jews in hiding were at.
And after the world records of 38,000 Germans and other involved with the camps were quietly buried, and these war criminals were never pursued. And that was fine with successive Republican and Democratic Presidential administrations.
Genocide, crimes against humanity were an invention that came out of WWII as there was nothing in the international agreements covering these concepts. While it was no more genocides at the end of the war, genocides have occurred. Intervening in another nation even when just war is the reason, the fact nations may do what they want within their borders is generally the stronger position, and Russia and China protect their national territorial rights, as does the United States.
There were and still are plenty of Europeans who would do exactly what those Germans did in the 1930’s. Hey just look at North Korea, the most NAZI nation on Earth today, and not at all welcoming to Jews, Christians, Shintos, ect.
@50 “do you think Rule 11 applies?”
I can’t really answer this, because that’s a technical question that depends on the specific facts of the case, and also is subject to the hearing judge’s discretion.
I mention it because the mere filing of the motion is significant, in that it indicates the defendant’s lawyers, who are familiar with the litigation, and presumably have conducted a careful review of the matter, believe there is a basis to assert Rule 11.
Rule 11 is not infrequently brandished as a threat by hyper-aggressive counsel in the heat of legal battle, but actually filing a Rule 11 motion doesn’t happen very often because a lawyer who wasted a judge’s time on a baseless Rule 11 motion would risk getting slapped down by the court — something no lawyer wants to bring upon himself or herself.
So, the filing of the motion does suggest that Murray’s lawyers believe there are grounds to assert the lawsuit against him is baseless. Another action they potentially could take is filing a disciplinary complaint against plaintiff’s lawyer(s) with the bar association, although there’s no indication they’ve done that yet, or ever will.
I don’t think they filed the Rule 11 motion as a publicity ploy.
@51 No to both questions. P.S., I’m not the dead rabbit. That’s somebody else, RIP.
@52 As usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about. A successful Rule 11 motion would instantly brand the lawsuit as frivolous, destroying the accusation’s credibility, which is the best publicity Murray possibly could get.