Please join us tonight for special Fat Tuesday edition of Drinking Liberally. Our point du Mardi is the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier to enjoy a rich, fat dinner for your Carnival celebration.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 344 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Roger can’t attend tonight because he has Rabbit Flu.
Drink to President Obama’s national security leadership!
And too bad wingnuts, gays and lesbians can serve their country too:
Hopefully this change is just a matter of time: sooner rather than later.
Thank God that video is a spoof. Guvmint is too involved with marriage already, and they want to get more involved by letting fags marry. No Way.
This is too cute. Leonard Bernstein in the fifties drawing lines between Shakespeare and the Blues:
Letting as in LESS government.. Wouldn’t you know it?
More right wing hypocrisy…
You beat me to it.
And yeah, that would be less governmental control, not more. That’s why the civil libertarians, you know the get the government out of our private lives folks, support gay marriage.
you fucking retards
@3 Why do you care if gays marry? What business is that of yours? How would you like it if they interfered with your relationship with your goat?
At our last big meeting of rabbits in the park, they all voted against humans getting married or having children. They want your species to go away, so we can have this planet to ourselves. Just make sure you take all your damn dogs with you when you leave. Dogs are useless.
@7 You’re so smart you’ve never been laid.
Of course marriage isn’t about being happy. Marriage is for procreation and tax deductions. Marriage is …
[running feet]
Roger has gone off the air.
Do you have the email address of My Left Foot? Could you check on him? Puddy concerned he’s MIA from the libtardo side with his bad ticker.
Carl? You out there?
You still don’t get it “we ylb arschloch” moron. Conservatives cheer the military successes. We’re happy the military caught the #2 man for the 9th or 10th time. Remember KSM was supposed to be #2 and the mastermind of terror in Al Qaeda. We don’t call them baby killers like the idiot Jack Murtha did with the marines. We don’t scream at them when they come home like progressive libtardos do. We don’t complain about deficits when we fund the Pentagon to update and modernize the military unlike your preznit Jimmae Cahhhhhhrter who killed or deferred projects. Peeps thought Cahhhhhhrter was a friend of the military being trained by Admiral Rickover but were sadly mistaken. We don’t rush to judgment over a supposed “Koran being flushed” only to have to retract it and apologize because it was a lie. We don’t rush to judgment of Camp GITMO and when non-political peeps visit Camp GITMO they see the prisoners are better treated than a super-max facility.
Those are the qualities demonstrated in the leftist progressive libtardo whackamole wing which you populate with both of your hateful personalities “we ylb arschloch”. This is why you will always be the dumbest brick on HA Libtardos.
re 14: “Conservatives cheer the military successes.”
Yeah. As long as you don’t have to personally participate in achieving them.
14 – I can’t say a damn thing without Stupes going into overdrive..
Must be those “pavlov tricks” of mine…
Right wing idiots blathered on and on about the time Obama took to get the policy right..
Looks like it was time well spent. Excellent work President Obama.
Perhaps you LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS can chew on this–
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I saw some statistics comparing Gallup Poll numbers with those at this time in 1994. Actually, the Democrats are even worse off this time by a point or 2 on key indicators.
Progressivism is DEAD! Thank God.
re 16: Bush and Cheney took 8 years and never did get it right.
As for the ‘surge’, Democrats said repeatedly from the beginning of the Afghan and Iraq wars that it wouyld take 400,000 to 500,000 troops to succeed — in each theater. It was Rumsfeld who kept the numbers low.
However, the real Republican goal with these two wars was not to win them, but to bankrupt the U.S. and enrich themselves and their cronies in the process.
13. Puddybud is Sad my friend died spews:
I confess I totally forgot about Carl. He seems like a decent man…although a bit uninformed at times. There are only a couple lefty’s you can have meaningful dialogue with…and Carl was one. So is rhp. All the others….kool-aid gulpers.
SeattleJew was ok until his Christian hate gland starting overworking. Perhaps someday he will work thru that issue.
Other than that??
steve was ok until he became obsessed with goat fornication. I shouldn’t bring it up…it may trigger more.
The rabbit is kind of pathetic. bad health and big government obsessed. He has foolishly made mincemeat out of his arguments with hate-speech and goat obsession.
That the same person could post @13 and @14 in succession is remarkable. Can’t help but wonder exactly what went on during that 48 minute period. Is the mere thought of YLB’s very existence triggering some sort of psychomotor seizure?
Michael Steele had a great meeting with Tea Partiers–
Allow me to educate you KLOWNS who believe the Tea Party Movement is merely Republicans in Disguise.
In general, Tea Partiers are CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVES. Think about that. They will never support candidates who don’t sign on to their platform related to this….no matter what Party the candidate says he belongs to. It is about track records and commitments. I guarantee you there are Republicans the Tea partier will never support.
The other thing about the Tea Party Movement is there really is no head. It’s built on a local grassroots movement…where local folks exchange ideas with other like-minded folks nationally. The vast majority of folks I have met hate both Political Party’s. However, the Republicans have extended the olive branch and candidates have emerged from the Tea Party Movement…choosing to run as Republicans.
Obam-Mao and his henchmen blew it by arrogantly mocking and ridiculing Tea Partiers. Some of these folks voted for him and come from Democrat roots. Never again.
So, you see, the Republicans embrace Tea Party principals and insist Candidates adopt the philosophy…they get support. If they mock & ridicule…they are the enemy and get run over.
Obam-Mao and his henchmen BLEW IT!
Not they want to try and mend fences. Watch them ask to meet with Tea Partiers too!
The vast majority of Americans…when it comes right down to it, are CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVES, not Progressives.
You Progressives have pigeonholed yourelves as big government, soft on terror, big deficit lunatics!
Now Obam-Mao is trying to kill as many terrorists and civilians as possible….out of desperation to show his toughness.
Where is your Progressive/Dovish outrage??
So much Democrat confusion.
So much Republican/Tea Party unity.
It must be painful for you KLOWNS to think about where you were a year ago…and where you are now.
Seems like you are unable to accept the shift in American YOU KLOWNS CREATED with your hot rhetoric and lameass President who is not a leader.
Obam-Mao is about to throw the Democrat Party under the bus. His sole goal is to somehow get re-elected. Watch Harry Reid and Pelosi get the shaft soon. Harry already did. He didn’t even know Evan Bayh wasnt going to run!
20 – The fiend (Stupes) can’t stand to look himself in the mirror..
The mere thought of it drives him to distraction.
BTW, did you see Evan Bayh’s press conference when he told America that his goal is to create jobs, at least 1 job, which is more than the Obam-Mao Stimulus did!!
Bayh is really upset.
You KLOWNS are lucky he didn’t switch parties.
Now the Dems have John Cougar Mellenhead saying he’s gonna run as a Liberal Democrat!
Folks saw one KLOWN in Al Franken.
They cannot stomach another “celebrity” KLOWN.
I hope Mellonhead gets the Dem nomination.
he didn’t switch parties.
Wish he would – just like that other prevaricator Lieberman.
Plenty of stimulus jobs went to his State.. Problem is, greedheads can’t ship jobs fast enough to Mexico, China, what have you fast enough..
And this right wing hypocrite wasn’t shy about taking stimulus jobs:
Apologist for murder @14: As I recall, Number Two was caught only once before, and you asswipes let him go. And yes, a squad of Marines murdered innocent civilians at Haditha, including old people, women, and children. Right in their own homes.
@15 Be careful — Puddy thinks the cold-blooded murder of unarmed civilians in their own homes is a “military success.” The rest of the world calls it an “atrocity.”
@21 “The vast majority of folks I have met hate both Political Party’s.”
That’s not much of an agenda for governing a nation facing crises on multiple fronts.
“The vast majority of Americans…when it comes right down to it, are CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVES, not Progressives.”
Bullshit. Where were these people when Nixon, Reagan, Bush41, Bush43, and Cheney violated the Constitution? They’re not constitutional anything, they’re a subsect of wingnuts, nothing more.
re 19: RR seved in Vietnam.
No wingnut has as yet even attempted to refute the fact that they and their leaders are chickenhawks.
@23 This is a clown.
This is a clown, too.
This is another clown.
And two more clowns.
Oh, yea, right, the war that killed 2 million or so, most of whom were civilians. Can you get your head around those numbers? If it were raging today HA would be railing against it.
The really courageous souls were those who refused to fight in that murderous war.
And when did you volunteer headless lucy.
Puddy knows of Carl Grossman and GBS. Puddy knows of PacMan. When did you show up at a recruiting station and swear allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America?
Tell us.
Because the Congressional Libtardos went in front of the slobbering media and tried to stop many aspects of the Iraq War even visiting the enemy. Remember, Jim McDimWitt visited Baghdad Bob.
Of course headless lucy forgets these facts.
Can anyone decipher was post number 16 is about? Oh yeah it’s from ylb arschoch oops “we ylb arschloch” the one with two personalities: hate and dumb hate so it’s written gibebrish.
Maybe Proud Leftist and Dumb Bunny can figger it out. Or maybe it’s just lost in translation.
Puddy read the supposed smacking of Dumb Bunny by Mrs Dumber Bunny, Puddy was reminded of the opposite and kind way Tereza treated Carl Grossman. Then Puddy wondered what happened to old Carl. Puddy misses a lefty who actually has a brain and uses it on HA Libtardos unlike fools like FartyArt.
Next Puddy read the other comments of the thread and saw the wondermoron ylb arshcloch farting something from a link he truly didn’t understand. Butt that’s nothing new because his is the dumbest brick here. You are starting to rival him in dumb brick attitude.
Butt the FartyArt is hate 24×7 so his simple one celled mind can’t think about anything except hate 24×7 so he projects his stupidity stupidly on others.
Six posts from wondermoron ylb arschloch and what he wrote that actually made sense could be placed in a thimble.
No, make that on the point of a needed.
No, make that a slide under the most powerful electron microscope.
No, make that on an electron.
headless lucy
where did dumb bunny seved in vietnam? Did he seved with John Effin Kerry?
@33 Maybe Proud Leftist and Dumb Bunny can figger it out
That should be a thrill, since each of them is only contributing a right brain!
re 36: Do you know the difference between Jane Fonda and George W. Bush?
Jane Fonda actually went to Vietnam while the war was on.
re 32: Jim McDermott could affect the course of the war?
Yeah, right. I remember the headlines. ‘Rumsfeld wants to increase troop strength, but Jim McDermott won’t let him.’
@19 I feel your pain, goatfucker. I get hate speech flung at me, too. Of course, both of us know the comment threads of this blog are a cesspool, don’t we, because we’ve been here for years taking it and dishing it out. You and I play the same game: We try to give as much as we get. So kwicherbellyachen already!
@32 I volunteered in 1968. When did you volunteer, pudpacker?
@33 It wasn’t Democrats who sent 130,000 troops to Iraq when the Joint Chiefs said they needed 500,000.
Bush sacked the chairman of JCS for saying he needed 500,000, and sent 130,000. The result was the military had to leave Iraq’s borders wide open, and fighters eager to kill Americans poured in from all over the Muslim world.
That’s a hell of a way to fight a war — especially one you didn’t need to fight in the first place.
@34 Puddy, I’m mighty tempted to side with those who say if you can’t understand English then get the hell out of my country. In any case, I can’t help you, because I’m not trained to translate English into gibberish, anyway.
@37 No. Kerry was in the Mekong. I was up north on the DMZ. I spent my whole tour within sight of North Vietnam. We could look right across. In fact, I took photos of an enemy flag on the other side.
@38 See #44.
@39 I’m not a Fonda fan, but it wasn’t enough for the wingliars that she went to North Vietnam, so they made up lies about what she did there.
And, of course, the whole swift boat thing against Kerry was a pack of lies.
But Kerry won the election anyway, and Bush had to steal it in Ohio.
@41: 1974. It’s here on HA Dumb Bunny. Ask “we ylb arschloch” for the original PuddyMissive
From the fool who brags about indulging in and looking for animal sex.
Hey Dumb Bunny et. al.
Results 1 – 10 of about 1,970,000 for Democrats against Bush sending troops to IRAQ.
Start reading. Use your time wisely Dumb Bunny!
@19 KLOWN spews: steve was ok until he became obsessed with goat fornication. I shouldn’t bring it up…it may trigger more.
So says the KLOWN who fucks goats. My bet is that he posted this comment and then headed back out to the barn again.
You project too much, Mr. Klynical. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but that’s a Psych 101 thing you’ve got going there.
Thanks for making my point.
Your comment is merely a waste of space….again.
The good news is you & the other KLOWNS have effectively ruined the comment section of this Blog. Few folks read it….thanks to y’all,
Ironic that leftists ruin a leftist Blog.
Only in Progressive America!
Understand this, KOWN. Your insipid thoughts mean nothing to me. Post your stupid Rasmussen poll and go back to the barn, you dumb fuck.
From Rasmussen this week-
This is where the “Tea Party” edge has shown itself…..bigtime.
Denial won’t change it.
Mocking and ridiculing unaffiliated voters was really stupid!
Watch Obam-Mao and the Dems come crawling to the unaffiliateds.
Watch them be sent packing.
what’s a KOWN?
Seems like your anger has accelerated as the Dems sink lower in the polls and turn their back on the Progressive Agenda.
Perhaps more exercise and less booze will clear your noggin.
Progressivism is DEAD!
Oops, that’s “KLOWN” @54
The edit function here sucks, but it still works better than the KLOWN’s brain ever will.
Hey, I see that our teabagging KLOWN wants to string up our senator. Classy stuff, KLOWN. If you lose an election, kill your opponent.
How are we going to help these KLOWNS deal with their chronic anger?
Perhaps they need a 12-step program or something to realize that they have blown it due to their arrogance and stupidity.
Arrogance & stupidity are a bad combo.
Rather than simply govern…they choose to attack those who disagree, waking up a sleeping giant in middle America.
Mock & Ridicule.
All that got them was a setup to lose power…faster than they gained it.
The KLOWN. As shallow and insipid as always.
You’ve fucked too many goats, KLOWN. It’s left you all fucked up in the head.
re 57: It’s easy to understand why low information voters prefer Repuyblicans.
It’s easy to say no.
Unfortunately for you Steve..the Tea Party is a loosely knit organization with no head for you to try and chop off. No one speaks for the Tea Party….other than the key focus which is Constitutional Conservativism.
Pulling out a few inappropriate comments does nothing…unlike Rahm Emmanual and his F**king Retard comment. Emmanual should resign. He is the #1 advisor to the President for God’s sake. This Tea Partier is speaking for himself.
Big difference.
Some are way beyond help. Some run away from help. Some can spell help. Some wonder what is help.
You don’t have a mind left, KLOWN. You lost it fucking goats. Go back to the barn where you belong.
It’s been said so long and so often that it must be true. PuddWaxx and Cynical are goatfuckers.
@62 Shut up, KLOWN. You have nothing worth saying. You’re no Puddy. You’re no HNMT. You’re just a fucking embarrassment to humanity.
Sure, teabaggers like our KLOWN want to kill Senator Murray. That’s their style. Kind of like how that ratfuck gov of Texas wants his state to secede during a time when America is fighting two wars. You do these things because for love of country? No. Of course you don’t.
Why do KLOWNS hate America so much?
@65 Sorry, but my friend Puddy doesn’t do that kind of stuff. Neither do my friends HNMT and Marvin. Nor do Lost, Mark1, RickyD and Max R. No, that kind of disgusting behavior is the solely the stuff of KLOWNS. We have only one KLOWN commenting here. His name is Mr. Klynical. He’s the one who fucks goats. He’s probably fucking one right now.
I heard from a friend that Ken Starr had seen Puddy and Cynical fucking a goat on Cynical’s ranch in Montana.
I take it that the old friend that you told me about has passed away. I’m so sorry, Puddy. It’s saddening to think of someone giving up on life. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of his family and friends, especially to you and your family. I hope we can get together and talk about these things and much more one day soon.
@54 “Few folks read it….”
You do.
@50 You volunteered in 1974? My, isn’t that convenient. The U.S. was out of Vietnam by 1973.
@51 I take it you have no rebuttal to #43. Of course you don’t. There isn’t one.
@51 (continued) Bush’s military strategy was a lot like Hitler’s final days. Hitler created divisions by decree. When his generals told him the imaginery divisions couldn’t hold back the Russians because they didn’t really exist, he had them shot. Bush didn’t go quite that far. When he got bogged down in Iraq, he decreed “mission accomplished.” Of course, that was imaginery, too — we’re still there.
@52 Read what? I don’t see any links.
@52 Of course Democrats were against sending troops to Iraq. Because Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11/01, dumbass! And because Iraq wasn’t a threat to us. But what does this have to do with my point?
Bush’s generals told him 500,000 troops would be needed to occupy Iraq. He sent 130,000, got bogged down, and we’re still there. What Democrats thought of it is immaterial. If you’re gonna fight a war, even an unjustified war, do it right! Bush ran a FUBAR operation. He fucked up.
Keep making excuses for Bush’s bad judgment, and the bad judgment of the whole GOP that backed him, puddy. Let the world see you for the fool, tool, and dupe you are.
@54 How can you “ruin” the comment section of a blog named after an initiative to officially declare Tim Eyman a “horses ass”?
@56 It’s quite possible that uneducated dumbfuck rednecks will take over our government again. After all, we’re a democracy, and you don’t have to know anything to get elected by people who don’t know anything. I can live with it. I’m past military age, so I won’t get killed in your FUBAR wars. Another financial crash will create opportunities to buy more blue-chip stocks for a song. I don’t need a job. My health care is taken care of — if everything collapses I can always get V.A. care which ranks with the best available. I have a food supply wherever grass grows. I’m gonna do just fine. So go right ahead, win elections, and run America into the ground. I’ll be happy to buy what’s left of it for pennies on the dollar.
re 68: Are you sure the others don’t watch?
Steve’s Head has officially exploded.
Watching his leftist lunatic brethren blow a vast House Majority, filibuster-proof Senate and the White House is obviously too much for him to bear.
63. Puddybud is Sad my friend died spews:
Gluing a KLOWNS brain back together could be a Senior High School project. Lots to choose from…and a pretty tiny, uncomplicated brain. All it seems to have is the Vulgarity lobe!
Thanks to heterosexuals we have people like Dr. Amy Bishop, you should be proud.
Updated February 17, 2010
Second Tea Party Convention Planned for Vegas in July
By Kimberly Schwandt
This is just awesome!
Rub Harry Reid’s face in the mess he, Pelosi & their misleader, Obam-Mao, have created for this country.
The more the Leftist Maoists mock, taunt and ridicule the Tea Partiers…the more in your face they will get back!
The KLOWNS just don’t get it.
They are in power.
Only one thing people hate more than incompetent people in power…that is ARROGANT incompetent people.
You would think the Democrat Party was in the minority the way they have been acting.
Fuck, you’re stupid. You must work at it or something.
You are legally insane.
Your chronic vulgarity and infantile comments are precisely why America hates Progressives!
Thanks for the support against headless lucy’s useless attacks. His racism caused PacMan to leave. Sad isn’t it.
Thanks, Puddy. I had thoughts for you @70. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. I take it this is the gentleman you talked about who had lost his will to live. That’s so sad. You and I know that he’s in a better place now.
With the richest Americans now paying less than 17 percent of of their incomes in taxes..
This “tea party” wants to lower that…
Hmmm.. Sounds like Republicans to me!
Moronic Dumb Bunny@72:
There is a thing called age limit. Such a dumb stupid idiotic Bunny who doesn’t pay attention to details. Is that the reason you were given early retirement?
Yes, he got colitis and then a breathing problem. His health kept getting worse. Then he got a blood infection and so he called his friends and family to his room this past Sunday and made the announcement to not resuscitate or prolong his life with drugs. Then I found out another friend, an ex-coworker died on Saturday from cancer. He was 63, still young.
YLB @ 88
Did you pay taxes on your unemployment the past 15 years??
Look at it this way YLB..
Paying taxes on a handout…still leaves you with a HANDOUT!
Get a job bottomfeeder!
Moronic Dumb Bunny@73: There is no rebuttal for your stupidity. You take stupid at a new level. Far be it from Puddy to interfere with your demonstrated stupidity.
Corrected Gman.
So sorry to hear about your friend.
Was he saved?
It sure is painful as we get older and people we love & care about have serious health issues and are dying.
The only ways to deal with this is DENIAL…or share the Gospel with those folks so they accept Christ into their hearts.
Does it seem less painful to you Puddy when the person who dies is saved??
@90 As I near the end the end of my career I realize more and more that the thing I really take away with me from it is the people I’ve known. The loss of one can be quite significant, or at the very least give one pause.
I don’t know how folks without Christ at the center of their lives, can handle the aging/dying phase of life on Earth.
Atheists are angry, scared l’il puppies who choose to rant & rave against believers because they have an empty spot in their hearts and simply cannot let their ego’s go and submit.
Life without Christ is hopeless.