Tonight: Meet, eat, drink, think, debate, hydrate, brainstorm (free form), venerate and commiserate. Join us for our weekly meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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Behold some truly breathtaking Hillbilly:
Charlie McCarthy ‘splains how even though Asad is “worse than Hitler” we’re cool with him… for now.
He should just kill himself and get it over with.
Ivanka enters the Oval, red eyed and weepy, “Dad, I really want you to bomb Syria.”
“Of course, you sexy beast. I can’t say no to you. And no means maybe.”
“Oh Dad, you’re the best. And can you maybe carry one of my handbags whenever you’re in public?”
And we’re learning a bit about the school shooter in San Bernadino.
Contraditions – He was a Christian pastor (not terrorist)
He was a person of color (terrorist)
He wasn’t a muslim (not terrorist)
He threatened sports coaches and neighbors on Social Media (terrorist)
It was a murder suicide (not terrorist)
It was done in public and a child indiscriminately killed (Terrorist)
It’s embarrassing to be an American today with fucking Drumpf as our leader,
@2 “And can you maybe carry one of my handbags whenever you’re in public?”
Which one? With the nuclear codes? Doesn’t Ivanka issue the launch orders? Or does she just launch the lunch orders?
DNA testing has freed hundreds of innocent people from our prisons, and exposed the ugly reality that our criminal justice system is rife with shoddy police work and unethical prosecution practices, but Trump’s attorney general seems intent upon shutting down those investigations — and any serious efforts at reform. Shame on him; shame on Trump for appointing him; shame on Senate Republicans for confirming him.
I don’t mean to alarm you but I can think of only one metric that a submarine is more powerful than a Nimitz class carrier.
Jeff Sessions needs to be retired to a wheat farm in Australia and never heard from again.
What a nightmare this guy is. His family are a bunch of freaks. Sorry, they want to play boss too means that they get fucking ridiculed too.
Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. More than Mayor Murray. This is America going down the tubes,, not something you sit in jail for.
I hear Drumpf is so upset with Chechnya for rounding up a gay people and killing and torturing them. He’s going to take care of it just like he did with showing Assad a thing or two,
I hear Drumpf is so upset with Chechnya for rounding up a gay people and killing and torturing them. He’s going to take care of it just like he did with showing Assad a thing or two,
For some reason, I don’t think Drumpf will launch ICBMs, or even drone strikes, in retaliation for torturing and murdering gays. The Russians and Chechnyans probably can do whatever they want in that sphere without concerning themselves about blowback from the USA’s current regime.
Headlines, we got your headlines
I for one am going to watch some local news tonight to see if any anchor cracks up reading “Mayor’s Genetalia”
Haven’t been paying that much attention to the BillO meltdown..
I mean, serial sex harrassment at Faux? So what’s new? Andrea Mackris anyone?
Then I browsed the nytimes articles on BillO..
I mean, this stupid book “Old School” which preaches “family values” like respect for women?
W T F ?????
And the idiot bloviates about “snowflakes”… Has this asshole been reading the HA trolls?
“Snowflake”.. It parodies itself.. The idiot is taking a vacay to wait out the heat over his idiot behavior.. Days of hookers and blow..!
@7 Obviously you don’t know shit about what comprises a Carrier group. Could be they include one, two ect attack submarines. And for real fun can include a boomer. Who knows could be a boomer off the coast already. Still the navy fly boys like having all the buzz.
@13 Could happen. Will still leave a lot of mud for the upcoming election. Then again if the plaintiff’s attorney’s would like their doctor to examine the mayor after perusing the Doctor’s report, the case will roll on. The Mayor’s attorney maybe able to quash the case now, but that involves more than a press announcement, maybe involve a judge or something, who maybe a little upset with the Defendant going public before coming before him for the way things are going to go down. If the judge is upset might be awhile before he or she deals with the existence of a mole or not, and much more likely to allow the Defense to have their expert do an examination. If the judge happens to be a former pirate he might insist on doing the examination him or herself.
Mr. Spicer actually said something today that is factually true. Germany did not violate the Geneva protocol on chemical weapons during WWII. He was clearly unprepared to tell the even more ignorant press the facts. The chemicals used in the NAZI death camps were not weaponized chemicals. The chemical most used was carbon-monoxide which would be totally useless in warfare, unless your enemy is in a sealed bunker. There were the 600 Soviet POW’s the Germans tested a chemical weapon on, but for the most part what was used in the death camps was fumes from a running truck or tank engine.
What the Germans did in the death camps was execute people usually by the cheapest method available. Bullets are expensive.
I don’t know who was more ignorant Spicer or the reporters doing the follow up questions.
By the way the United States, Britain and Germany all had stocks of chemical weapons, So which nation had a release of chemical weapons during WWII?
The United States at Bari, Italy. A ship was damaged or sunk that was carrying chemical weapons, and chemicals were released that killed and injured US service members and civilians. And three US States sill use the gas chamber as their primary execution method.
Malala schools Trump. I’m not sure talking to a fencepost does any good, though.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At 19, this woman knows more about the real world than Donald Trump ever will. Oh, and she has a Nobel Peace Prize, too, and he doesn’t and never will.
@15 Well, you’ve proved with your HA postings that you don’t know jack shit about much of anything, so you’re really not one to lecture others in those terms.
@17 “for the most part what was used in the death camps was fumes from a running truck or tank engine”
Most, if not all, Holocaust historians would disagree with you. The Nazis used carbon monoxide and shooting in the early phase of their mass-killing program, but eventually replaced these methods with Zyklon B, which was the predominate killing method used by Hitler’s regime to carry out the Holocaust.
The Nazis didn’t use it as a battlefield weapon because it didn’t work in that context. You can’t herd enemy troops into an enclosed space. In the open, gas is difficult to disperse, works only in ideal conditions (the wind has to be blowing in the right direction, etc.), quickly dissipates, and is easy to counter with gas masks and other protective gear.
Additionally, poison gas was unsuited for the tactics of WW2. In WW1, it was used to open gaps in enemy trench lines; by WW2, static defenses had been replaced by mobile warfare, and tanks worked better for penetrating enemy lines. For that matter, even in WW1, poison gas never produced decisive victories, whereas the advent of tank warfare did finally break the trench deadlock and fundamentally alter the nature of the war.
It should be remembered, however, that in both world wars the most decisive factor as to their outcomes was the naval blockades instituted against Germany.
Bullets are cheap, and their cost had little to do with the Nazis replacing shooting with gassing methods. Shooting people was traumatic for the troops who had to carry out this task, whereas gas chamber victims writhed and died out of view of those who were assigned the task of killing them.
Spicer was rightly ridiculed by the press for saying Hitler did not use chemical weapons in WW2. Zyklon B was developed as an insecticide, but it most certainly was used as a weapon against the Jews and other victims of the death camp gas chambers. And it certainly is a chemical. Therefore, it is rightly called a “chemical weapon.”
No one in history killed more people with chemical weapons than Adolf Hitler. Not even close. That’s why the reporters snickered at Spicer’s stupid comment. Sure, we all know what he was trying to say. But, his lying and fabulizing aside, he’s paid to not stumble over words when conveying a message his boss is trying to get across. Yesterday’s press conference demonstrated, once again, that Trump’s press secretary is not only dishonest but also incompetent.
“During the daily White House briefing, Spicer told reporters that Adolf Hitler ‘didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.’ Critics noted the remark ignored Hitler’s use of gas chambers to exterminate Jews during the Holocaust.” Spicer has now apologized for this remark, which he himself characterized as “insensitive and inappropriate.”
But wait, there’s more: “It was the second day in a row in which Spicer, President Donald Trump’s principal spokesman, appeared to struggle to articulate the president’s foreign policy at a critical time.” Isn’t that precisely the point I made in my comment above?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where does this leave you, Mark? The guy you tried so awkwardly to defend has left you dangling in the wind. Maybe you need different friends.
Not talking about a carrier group. DerTrumper compared a U.S. Submarine to the USS Carl Vison (“Much more powerful than a carrier)
Korea doesn’t have much of a navy to speak of and their submarines are pretty much straight outta 1950 designed so when alluding to “more powerful” what strike capability is greater from a submarine than a carrier of aircraft?
I remember the days of living with constant low level angst that nuclear weapons could be used someday. I don’t miss it. But we have a president who openly wondered why we don’t use them as if a 10th grader couldn’t figure out the geopolitical ramifications of such use.
Holocaust centers don’t count. But he uses the words Islamic Terror.
Spicer’s fuckup is more about mission creep and the admin’s awkward and futile attempts to deflect it.
Of course the idiot is wrong about the Nazis. Doesn’t even need explanation. But what’s key here is how the hillbilly fucktards used the analogy. In their flailing attempts to make Teh Hillbilly Jeebus appear to be a Big Daddy Protector they run a very real and ongoing risk of drawing the U.S. into a proxy war in Syria. They know this. So they find themselves looking for oblique ways to puff up the impotent missile stunt that don’t obligate the US to take further action. The internal logic of it is fundamentally flawed. And it leads directly to this kind of stupidity and confusion that barely registers a blip in reversing the poll decline. Don’t forget, that’s what this is about. The polls. If they don’t see his numbers climb there will be blood. No other modern President has turned to military intervention this early in their term without a direct attack against US forces. The Republican Party is clearly positioning themselves to regularly, routinely, and casually use military intervention as their go-to public relations tool during this administration. It’s all they’ve got.
@25 Thing is, when you attack someone, they usually hit back.
That serves Republican needs as well.
Whether retaliation comes in the form of some direct attack on US forces, a suicide attack against the US overseas, or an outbreak of terrorist strikes here at home, once the bloody rag is hoisted the media will lose their shit and declare that we have to cut Medicare to “save out way of life”.
Who knows? Maybe I’ll get my tax cut after all.