Please join us this evening for some conversation over a drink at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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The GOP continues its war on poor people …
“Kansas won’t be extending its health coverage to thousands of poor adults … after Democrats and moderate Republicans failed Monday to override conservative GOP Gov. Sam Brownback’s veto of an expansion bill.
“The state House voted 81-44 to override Brownback’s veto of the measure, which would have expanded the state’s Medicaid program to cover as many as 180,000 additional adults. But supporters needed three more votes … for the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn the governor’s action.
“Brownback … argued in his veto message that expanding Medicaid would burden the state with ‘unrestrainable’ costs even though … the U.S. government would pick up most of the cost.”
Chrome really kick the loon’s ass in that last thread.
@2 @3 Choked in the game of a lifetime. What is there to say?
@4 He feels no pain. Which makes you wonder whether he’s human or a machine. There are other signs: A level of intelligence equivalent to the computing power of an early Compaq. A 19th century worldview. Pre-Reformation ideology. It all points to a very primitive steam-powered mechanical troll.
It happens.
@7 So do ICBM launches if you have a juvenile imbecile squatting on the launch codes. That would ruin any basketball game. Which is one reason why voters should exercise more discretion than sometimes they do.
Thats reaching….
Perhaps this latest #FakeNews from the #FailingWhiteHouse makes sense if you try to see it from the perspective of the intellectually retarded fanboys. Legitimate, experienced, highly proficient and accomplished national security professionals actually investigating spying (rather than covering it up) would probably seem very suspicious when compared to the kind of people Teh Hillbilly Jeebus has chosen to surround himself with.
When are you guys going to realize there is no real difference between Democrats and Republicans? They are both parties of big government.
Hillbilly apologia. Very 1996. Unlikely to be embraced on these pages. Andrew Sullivan called. He wonders if you could interrupt yourself down there long enough for him to have a good scratch and take a leak.
Affluent, highly educated, physically fit, politically progressive coastal elites have come to see some very, very significant differences. Moreover, we happen to embrace the concept of government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”. So we aren’t necessarily troubled by the size of government relative to the size of society in general. We like the services that government provides to our communities. That’s why we order them the way we do. We aren’t even bothered by the fact that occasionally those services benefit non-white, non-male, non-Xtians. We’re very cool with that. Not so much hillbillies, though.
Yep…hit the nail on the head.
11, 14,
Sounds like aggrieved WWC”M”s vainly hoping to sweep a clear pathway for their retreat from The Orange Humiliation.
Too late, hillbillies. We’re not coming for you this time to cover your retreat. If you want out, you’ll have to come to us. All the fucking way.
I’m sensing a theme.
…molest children.
Which is probably how you were concieved.
Zags rile….huskies drool.
Bada bing bitches!
Well, progress. Admitting you have this problem is the first step on what undoubtedly is a very long journey in your case. A journey that likely ends in chemical castration. Or has it already? That would explain a lot. Now may be a good time to begin considering restitution to all your child victims.
Lol…oops, that should have said zags rule!
Zags rule
And you are still a pretender….
More like a Putin Link-Bot. Which in terms of personality means he’s a 24 year old Moldovan with scripting skills who grew up in post-Soviet decay playing with broken televisions and microwave ovens. And whose teen aged vodka-fueled fist fights with police disqualify him from emigration.
In other words, the new face of the Trumpublican Party.
You are trying too hard. Every now and then its worth a small chuckle, but you usually rehash the same shit every time. You need to get some new material. Maybe you can ask your roommates for new ideas?
A journey that likely ends in chemical castration.
A rubber band castrator is better and much more reliable, though a bit expensive. I prefer a sharp knife and a bit of disinfectant.
Best of all both of these methods are pain free as long as you keep your fingers clear.
Did you hear about the one about:
Ten companies pull ads from ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ in growing movement
Nothing new here.
Bill O’Reilly is a perv.
Fox had to pay out more money to settle claims.
Advertisers pull the plug.
Not sure if anybody cares about Oreilly, maddow, olberman, or any of their ilk.
Just a bunch of salesmen capitalizing on partisan zombies…
Fuck all of them……with gmans dick.
Just a bunch of salesmen capitalizing on partisan zombies…
Whereas slavishly genuflecting to the Cheeto Jeebus and re-linking to fabricated “pneumonia” diagnoses while brandishing trans-vaginal probes and public school prayer manuals is “independence”.
Pro tip: You are one of the Zombies. The slow kind.
Like fucking clockwork. You might have at least given your fucking disaster of a President his 100 days before burning your MAGA hats. Absolutely pathetic.
Not sure if anybody cares about Oreilly, >
Dumbfuck actually confuses Fox with news, so he’s probably hanging on L-oof-a’s every word.
perhaps not.
Loofa Bill isn’t totally down with Врач немой ебать’s latest fig leaf for Trump Treason.
Of course, like most of the rest of the 11th hour Conservative wind-sock “converts”, O’Reilly will only back away from the hate-warmth of Trump’s Bonfire of the Vanities enough to keep his magnificent eyebrows from being singed. Whereas Врач немой ебать is a cinder.
CNN claimed the Fox News announcement of Susan Rice unmasking Trump campaign and transition team names was FAKE NEWS. Yet Susan Rice appears on PMSNBC and Susan Rice admits unmasking Trump officials. Hence CNN is FAKE NEWS after all!
HA DUMMOCRETIN heads explode.
Meanwhile friends of Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom and early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit are at it again…
Islamic State burn 9 in Kirkuk, including kids, for escaping stronghold
Yes, they use words and methods of the American DUMMOCRETIN hordes protesting free speech of all Americans!
Wow the Clinton FAKE News Network are racists too? http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....uit-991036
“It’s hard to manage black people” and “Who would be worth more: black slaves from times past, or new slaves?” – CNN execs!
Thank you UNIONS for the rules in place…
So the guy who was viewing pornography sites wasn’t some office drone handling paperwork. He was actually a front line worker who had to deal with patients and was doing this while he was in with and presumably taking care of one of our veterans. Initially, thanks to the current rules which were pretty much written by the unions, they couldn’t even suspend him. He was moved out of patient care responsibilities and into an “administrative role” at the Texas facility. When they did finally manage to get him out the door he was put on leave with full pay and benefits and those same rules dictate that nothing could be done for at least 30 days after he was initially notified that they were considering terminating him.
For those of you who work in the private sector out there, let me just ask you a question. If you were caught doing that, would you even be allowed to collect your things from your desk before you were unceremoniously dumped in the parking lot?
Now watch HA DUMMOCRETINS perform a CYA move for this VA employee!
Wait for it… Can’t wait for the ASS-Kissing response from early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit!
And of course the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset will scream about which union is it!
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, Susan Rice claimed she didn’t remember anything, then remember everything!
Flip flop flags!
Susan Rice in NSA is just like John Koskinen in the IRS. Spying for political reasons!
No sale, dumbass. Oh, you’ve got the kooks and trailer park conspiracy experts. And you’re welcome to them.
But the rest of America remains focused on concerns that your flop sweating, Tweet seething Orange Hillbilly Jeebus is presiding over a gang of Russian double agents. And Haley’s Comet won’t be returning for another 45 years. Maybe you could pull a fire alarm?
you must have me confused with someone else. I voted for neither Shillery or Trump.
neither came close to earning my vote.
but hey, keep on with that meme of yours! its works so well!
…talk to your roommates yet?
yo tensor! you check into that water-ski bus yet?
would really like to know if its available.
trapped, with no life.
Just wondering how many D1 championships in any sport have Gonzaga?
How many Gonzaga professors or Alums have a Nobel prize?
My Alma Matter crushes UW an Gonzaga combined. Well UW. The old if Bill Gates and 84 homeless are in a room on average they’re all billionaires.
Sorry. We wont believe you this time. You still have hat hair. And orange scrot cheese around your mouth and nose.
The handwriting is on the wall. Can Republicans read?
“A poll released Tuesday shows that a whopping 75 percent of Americans, including a majority of supporters of President Donald Trump, want Trump and his administration to do what they can to make the Affordable Care Act work. … The survey also found that just 19 percent of Americans — and only 38 percent of Republicans — want the Trump administration to take steps to make Obamacare fail so that it can be replaced afterward.”
@9 But not out of the question. Which is why it’s a problem. See, e.g., saber-rattling at NK, and also http://highline.huffingtonpost.....ry-crisis/ …
@11 But one is big government for the rich, the other is big government for the rest of us. That’s different enough for me.
@14 Of course you would embrace the nonsense spewed @11. You’re as dumbfuck as he is. Maybe even dumbfuckier; he doesn’t mindlessly chant “Zags” without context or meaning, like cult members repeating the only word emanating from the mouth of their guru, completely detached from the reality that their team not only lost but lost sloppy.
@34 I’m curious, from a clinical perspective, what connection you see between me and the news story you linked to.
@36 “Now watch HA DUMMOCRETINS perform a CYA move for this VA employee! Wait for it… Can’t wait for the ASS-Kissing response from early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit!”
Any federal employee caught viewing pornography at work should be terminated immediately. If current law does not allow this, the law should be changed.
Did the dumbfuck loon actually think I would say anything else?
I heard the whale’s name was Zags.
@47 puffy should read this. His right wing Christian friends and ilk are only mad at ISIS because they are jealous of them.
Wow Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom, seems that house of cards you been spouting is falling down!
from a clinical perspective early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit?
All of your commentary against Republicans over the years on this blog are sooooooooooooooooooooooo similar to IS commentary!
@53 Yes, I’m curious which compartment of your multifaceted insanity your attempt to paint me as an ISIS sympathizer came from. The answer might be interesting for what it says about you.
Use hallucinogenic drugs much?
What does your unshakable, contrafactual belief that I’m trapped in Seattle have to do with Dumbfuck’s amusing belief that Fox is a news outlet?
Because the only obvious connection is that both beliefs have never, ever had even the slightest bit of supporting evidence cited by their proponents.
I dont give a fuck if you believe me or not…
I thought we were talking about basketball…who gives a fuck what your alma mater is? I sure dont.
1. Zags
2. Trapped
neither came close to earning my vote.
HIllary won Washington State’s electoral votes quite easily, so I hope you didn’t spend too much time fondling animal entrails to determine which candidate should or should not get your meaningless vote.
Whenever hillbillies dissemble it’s because they care.
And there it is in all it’s awkward splendor. The entirely predictable disclosure that he used his Montgomery benefits on a sub-prime, for-profit, fly-by-night voc tech.
That wasy win also meant your vote was just as meaningless. But guess what, your gal didnt win thevbig game, did she?
Sez th guy making a measly $20 an hour….
Sez th guy making a measly $20 an hour….
Mary Anderson, widow of Lloyd Anderson, who together started REI in their West Seattle home in 1938, has died at age 107.
She won the election in which I participated: the one for Washington state’s electoral votes.
Keep telling us all about your loser of a basketball team.
Drunken loser.
@63 And you think turning over the leadership of our country to a racist, pussygrabbing, incompetent, demagogue and serial liar who appears to have sold out to our enemies is cause for celebration, yes?
You don’t have to like Hillary or agree with her policies to conclude that nearly all of us would be much better off with her instead of Cheeto Jesus in that office.
But what’s done is done, and it is what it is. Only Pence and the cabinet, or the Republicans in Congress, can undo the damage that Trump’s idiot voters have wrought.
Anyone notice that
Everything Max accuses people of is a reflection of himself? I think the guy needs a therapist. He’s more loonier than the loon, he says I need attention but he yells out Zags about 100 times. He calls me a stalker about 100 times but doesn’t like to be called a bully of which he is.
The only thing loonier is that Steve claims to be a friend of his and backs him up, yet Steve rides Boob about being a traitor.
They yell out called it and stupid phrases. Anyone know how old Max and Steve? Or are the ollder than think but their brains just never matured?
If you keep talking to Max he’ll continue to hank around and just bully you guys. If you stop talking to him maybe he’ll just go away. Maybe even Steve will too. They be happily married lugging around blueprints that can’t even be used for toilet paper, unless your #86 Sellen, working up a two story steel joist structure.
Heil Hitler!
I also have read that this problem would become even more of a problem because of Drumpf’s immigration policy and deportations.
Shortage of labor increasing costs. Inflation? Economy retracts? Good thing my overpayment of taxes towards education are really paying dividends. I know what they need – more blueprints!
Gooooooo Zzzzaaaaaaaagggszzzzz’
Called It! (swooshing my hair back as I cock my neck)
Loser of a basketball team? Oh, so you want me to talk about them Huskies eh?
Who was celebrating? Me?
You fools on the left should be blaming the heads of the D party. Their own skullduggery is what set the stage for failure.
Hey stalker, how ya doin?
Are you being triggered?
Would you like some time in a crying room?
Strange, nobody, including me, mentions your name throughout the day…..then you come in throwing unsolicited bombs every morning while at the same time crying about being bullied…lol.
Self awareness…..its whats not for dinner.
@71 “loonier than the loon”
That’s impossible.
@76 “Who was celebrating? Me?”
Yes, that’s how gloating about the other candidate’s defeat is usually interpreted.
Hillary’s ego sealed your fate. Had she not run, it would have opened the door to a more electable candidate(s) who more than likely would have beaten trump…..and if she had not run, Trump would probably not have won the R primary as well.
….and please, dont tell me Bernie would have won. That clown was never going to win anything…enough people saw through his “free stuff” routine….
The county numbers really dont bear that ignorant bullshit out.
In the dozen or so counties that turned the electoral tide for your treason-hero, Dems turned out for Clinton about as well as Obama.
This treason is on you. The orange evidence is smeared all around your fake “independent” pie hole.
@81 Sealed my fate? My fate has been to get a +10% bump in my stock portfolio in the 5 months since the election, with more to come if Trump manages to enact even one piece of his agenda. Dirty money? Sure. But that’s pretty much the only kind there is, now that workers aren’t paid anything for honest labor anymore.
So….no new material from your roommates I see.
Bummer, was hoping for better.
….and another person who needs a crying room.
Pisscan really, really hates my blueprints.
Lol…no kidding….he just cant let it go.
I think i have an apt analogy….
If pisscan was the factory-floor broom sweeper at the #1 largest widget producer, he would spout off and give shit to the president and CEO of the #3 largest widget producer, simply for working at #3.
I think he forgets what a small, non-managerial, non-decision making fish he is. Meh.
As an aside, I read an article(dated from Jan 2017), that seattle had 3x as many tower cranes of NYC…..and thats not counting all the cranes in Bellevue. Crazy stuff.
Shitstain Steve,
Frank Rizzo double post above… shitstain has nothing to say.
Can you say biased?
B I A S E D!