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I see the Senate Judiciary confirmation hearings are going well for the Democrats.
Feinstein served up a slow, hanging curve over the middle of the plate, enabling Gorsuch to cite a long laundry list of cases in which his decisions have favored the little guy.
Touch ’em all, he did.
still a conspiracy pimp.
Gorsuch is OK with me. They’re all political idealogues.
“Most honest people I know are not under FBI investigation, let alone two.”
Kellyanne Conway 6:12 PM – 28 Oct 2016
“Imagine if a REPUBLICAN presidential candidate came under FBI investigation as votes were being cast”
Sarah Huckabee 8:32 PM – 29 Oct 2016
Врач немой ебать?
@3 Gorsuch might be the best we can hope to get from the GOP jihadis, which is not to say he’s good.
@4 Truly. Now, when Republicans shout “lock her up!”, we’ll respond, “which one?”
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
Maybe the FBI is just doing a “security inquiry”.
Isn’t that how #CrookedHillary referred to it last year, when she was being investigated?
Even though Hillary Clinton has repeatedly described the FBI probe over her use of a private email server as a “security inquiry,” FBI Director James Comey today questioned the use of that phrase.
“I don’t know what that means,” Comey told reporters today in Washington, D.C. “We’re conducting an investigation. That’s the bureau’s business. That’s what we do.”
Retired wealthy person running for office Clinton, May 11, 2016
“blah, blah, blah, probe, blah, blah, great big nuthin.”
Comrade Pissident Putin-Puppet, March 4, 2017
“Obama ordered GCHQ to spy on me.”
Врач немой ебать, March 21. 2017
“All samey, same!”
@7 “Please, please, Lord, let her be indicted today … ”
To paraphrase my law school dean, “hoping and praying are not a substitute for,” well, facts. After the countless investigations and uncountable millions of taxpayer dollars that Republicans have spent investigating her, if Hillary was guilty of something, don’t you think she would have been caught by now? But keep hoping and praying, Boob …
…if Hillary was guilty of something, don’t you think she would have been caught by now?
She was, and she was.
Guilty of a horribly planned and incompetently executed campaign. Tried and convicted for same, 8 November 2016.
Clinton – “Guilty of a horribly planned and incompetently executed campaign.”
Hillbilly Jesus – Guilty of Misdemeanor Sexual Battery.
Врач немой ебать “All samey, same!”
Looks like the S&P 500 will close about one percent or so lower, and gold is going to close up with the same magnitude. This illustrates the usual coefficient of correlation between gold and the S&P 500. It’s pretty close to minus one.
Nice to see stock market theorists aren’t always wrong.
Here’s an interesting article:
From the last thread.
“Nobody uses ammonia to print pdf’s moron. Ever heard of a plotter?
You are akin to a first year apprentice telling a general foreman that he is stupid.
Dont you have something to go schedule? Lolz”
you are kidding right. You actually think I meant that with sincerity? For someone who is still driving around with blueprints you mine as well have kept the old blueprint machines too….I bet you have one in the back seat and you just don’t want to admit it.
For you to think that I was serious shows me that you might just be 25 years old and still living in Mommies basement.
Even plotters are becoming outdated a bit or used less often (I have to qualify every bit of what I say because you moron and Steve the Superior will twist and turn). How old are you actually and even if you told me I wouldn’t believe you.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse:
“That’s a $17 million delta and for the life of me I’m trying to figure out what they see in you that makes that $17 million delta worth their spending. Do you have any answer to that?”
So they’ve established what Gorsuch is. All that’s left is to settle on the price.
The frog marching begins!
It’s just my opinion, but Manafort and Stone both strike me as the sort of short sighted hustlers who wouldn’t even balk at perjuring themselves. That could ultimately prove useful if later on it can be traded for bigger fish. We’ve seen this one before, kids. And it almost never ends well for them.
Maybe the FBI is just doing a “security inquiry”.
Maybe they’re investigating American citizens who may have illegally colluded with the Russian government to influence an American presidential election.
You know, just like the news reports have said.
What was the result of the investigation into Clinton? You failed to show your work on that one. Oh, right, nothing worth further legal pursuit.
We’ll see how it goes with the current investigation into American citizens.
Puddy read the continual stream of mindless BULLSHITTIUM from the standard leftst HA DUMMOCRETIN freakazoids in yesterday’s open source thread.
Funny how the TRUTH is always missing from HA DUMMOCRETIN rants.
It was DUMMOCRETINS who screamed at Reagan that Russia was A-OK when Reagan warned us of Nicaragua and Daniel Ortega. Remember how Worthless Jim Wright was Ortega’s bestus friend until Ortega came back with $500 Million from the Soviet Union. You FOOLS forgot this and how DUMMOCRETINS were the Communist Soviet Union’s lackeys.
What’s hilarious is whatSolarz said… Mr. Solarz concedes that the letter to Mr. Ortega took a distinctly sympathetic tone. But he said, ”You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”
Now fast forward to 2017. Trump basically said the same thing for dealing with Putin. Morons like Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom, tensed up with a vibrator up his ASS, Seven Times Pressure Packed Shitstain Steve, Vomit Producing Dead Toad, monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed moist pink panty wearing cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch, and the pack leader early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit all possess 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
Funny how that works. Everyone including the Russians thought #CrookedHillary was gonna win. That’s why Russia attacked #CrookedHillary. Director Comey said so yesterday. Comey said in late October his analysts felt Putin wanted Trump! –
Late Fall? Just before the election!
So how did they attack #CrookedHillary?
They changed the vote totals in Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin? Ummm noooooooooooooo!
They created fake votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin? Ummm noooooooooooooo! Butt Detroit had voter head count issues vs vote total issues in Hillary districts!
Hillary Clinton claimed she would not modernize the military if elected. Trump’s budget, per the “Russian Reset” will add $Billions to modernize our military to fight Putin. Oh wait a minute… Obummer wanted the “Russian Reset” in 2012!
Remember these:
-Putin forced DUMMOCRETINS to nominate #CrookedHillary
-Putin caused Benghazi!
-Putin caused DUMMOCRETINS to camouflage themselves in lies, misconstrue, obfuscate, blame others, on November 9th 2016!
-Putin caused all DUMMOCRETINS to blame Comey for #CrookedHillary’s loss November 9th!
-Putin caused Nate Silver telling everyone of the 95% chance that #CrookedHillary’s gonna win.
-Putin caused all the FAKE Media to claim they knew of no one voting for Trump November 8, 2016
-Didn’t Putin kill Ambassador Stevens?
-Putin forced Jon Podesta to click on a phishing email!
-Putin caused FAKE Media to claim Trump had no path to 270!
-Putin caused dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 to claim #CrookedHillary was starting at 252 electoral college votes.
-Remember Putin didn’t hack Podesta’s email. Putin forgot!
-Putin caused the DNC head Blabbermouth to rig and collude with #CrookedHillary the election to #CrookedHillary over Sanders
-Didn’t Putin create the worst economic recovery in American history?
-Putin hacked all of these DUMMOCRETIN polls to mislead DUMMOCRETINS into believing #CrookedHillary had it in the bag!
-Putin created the Democrat Party mind set of not needing to visit certain states.
-Putin helped Obummer write ObummerCare and Putin told all those Real Americans to go vote against it.
-Didn’t Putin claim you could keep your doctor?
-Didn’t Putin claim you could keep your health care policy?
-Didn’t Putin claim “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”?
-Putin caused Donna Brazile to pass debate questions to #CrookedHillary’s camp!
YEAH, that’s the beginning of the ticket! Oh you don’t remember those?
Wait for it…
“Now fast forward…”
Stupid sister fucking pig ignorant uneducated low income trailer dwelling hillbillies are forever stuck in the 1930s hanging uppity negroes, guzzling moonshine laced with formalyn, speaking in tongues, and burning barns and crosses all across their rural garbage dumps zip codes.
Trump is Treason.
See how the FOOL @20 can’t refute the FACTS?
Back to name calling!
Why not “fast forward” to July of last year when…
Jason Miller called the suggestion that Russia directed the Wiki dump “a joke” and went on to say “Hillary Clinton will do and say anything to win the election and hold onto power in a rigged system”
Donald Jr. called the claim “a big lie”, “disgusting”, and “so phony”.
Major media orgs like NYT went out of their way to refute the charge and called it “wild speculation”.
Almost like it was scripted.
@ 9
To paraphrase my law school dean…
So much makes sense, now, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. On which Caribbean island was your law school located? From what language did you so poorly translate the instruction into English?
Like Two-term popular President Obama ordered GCHQ to “wiretap” Trump. A “FACT” diligently and obediently repeated by HA trolls many times in the last couple of weeks.
@ 9 @ 22
To paraphrase former Senate Majority Leader, architect of the Trump cabinet, and architect of the SCOTUS-to-be Harry Reid,
“She didn’t win, did she?”
Why, no, I believe I have read in these parts that, in fact, she did not.
Oh, and to quote Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit,*
How about those two illegal aliens doing that violent rape in Montgomery County? One of these was a dreamer! Thanks Obummer!
Now Rockville, MD wants to be a sanctuary city? Hmmm…?
This is so disturbing. Remember in Connecticut recently an illegal alien raped a three year old!
This is what HA DUMMOCRETINS crave!
How about those two illegal aliens doing that violent rape in Montgomery County? One of these was a dreamer! Thanks Obummer!
Now Rockville, MD wants to be a sanctuary city? Hmmm…?
This is so disturbing. Remember in Connecticut recently an illegal alien raped a three year old!
This is what HA DUMMOCRETINS crave!
Why not fast forward to Russia attacking the RNC and Trump’s campaign butt not coming out with anything per Director Comey Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom?
Why did theDNC hide their hacked servers from the FBI Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom? Maybe there was some damaging stuff on how DUMMOCRETINS really hate America?
that’s good. That’s exactly where we want you traitors.
Arrogantly crowing about how you leveraged a massive pack of deceit and corruption to put a perverted Russian mob puppet in control of the average voter’s health insurance.
Keep it up.
Yes, you are right: i am 25 and live in mommys basement…..but guess what, i am actually running tens of millions of dollars of projects, while you are still just the scheduler.
Moms basement is full of blueprints!
I bet Steve still uses sepias!!!
Hell, i bet you still have a Diazo Printer up and running in your garage, right steve!
Just watched video of Durbin and Gorsuch, referring to Gorsuch’s method of instruction in an ethics situation, and a complaint that one of his students made to the administration and then went public with shortly after his nomination.
I’m not sure Durbin’s a Democrat anymore.
@30 I’d bet I have at least a hundred rolls of blueprints in my house.
“Mine as well…”????
Da fuq?
Management is definately out of your reach….sorry.
“I’m not sure Durbin’s a Democrat anymore.”
Why do you say that? Did he turn traitor and sell out to Putin like you and the GOP?
I love sepias even more than blueprints!
I see that Chrome is kicking the loon’s ass again. SAD!
“I’m not sure Durbin’s a Democrat anymore.”
Why? Did he move into a trailer, begin finger banging 13 year olds, and shorten his dick?
Illegal aliens and rape.
Part of the Obummer “DREAMER” legacy!
Something to discuss while curling some foamy beverage!
We are so far behind the times….obviously we arent qualified to work in this industry any longer as pisscan is here to take over for us……time to retire!
Tee time at 8am…
See ya at the 1st tee!
Impossible to imagine pisscan ever getting a job with the likes of Sellen. But trying to imagine it is pretty damned funny.
Why on earth is the loon babbling about raping a 3 year old girl?
Moron @42,
Illegal alien raped 3 year old girl. One of the friends you like in sanctuary cities! R U an illegal alien? Your writings on this blog makes one think about you!
Sux to be you!
Why is the loon saying he raped a 3 year old girl? WTF? It’s common knowledge that Republicans love to rape little kids, but they seldom admit to it like the loon just did.
Wrong again shitstain… Reading is not fundamental with you!
Puddy said your DREAMER friend did it unless of course it was you!
DREAMER illegal alien program was from your ex-preznit shitstain steve! This is what Trump is trying to stop. Of course you are against stopping horrific actions like these shitstain steve!
This is some funny shit.
“Trump sends lawyers after teen for site where kittens can punch POTUS”
Perhaps my decoder ring is deceiving me, but I swear the loon just posted that he and his friend raped a little girl.
Whack job DUMMOCRETIN in action in California…
This fool is also against Kate’s Law!
This is what happens when libtards run cities. Libtards have no compassion snd run amok…
This is what happens when libtards run cities. Libtards have no compassion snd run amok…
Love how Doctor Dumbfuck and the loon are spinning like crazy today in hopes of convincing themselves that Trump’s freefall dive into Putin’s bucket of shit isn’t really happening.
Keep dreaming shitstain @47. We suspect it was one of your DREAMER friends! Didn’t he stay with you for a few days?
Maybe shitstain steve can hire Colin Kaepernick!
Maybe shitstain steve can hire Colin Kaepernick!
No shitstain steve @51.
Puddy laid out what “Putin did” in the last presidential election!
No shitstain steve @51.
Puddy laid out what “Putin did” in the last presidential election!
The loon came really close to laying a triple-post head explosion of hate on us @49,50. With Trump in such deep shit as he is, I’d be willing to bet we see a loon triple post, maybe even a quadruple, before the week is over.
Mauricio Ortega friend of yours shitstain steve?
Once again conservative groups demonstrate compassion. Libtard groups don’t!
Whoa! The loon just scored a double-double @53,54 and @55,56! I most definitely foresee a quadruple in our future.
Trying to pretend that Russia isn’t happening is really putting strain on the Doctor Dumbfuck and the loon. Love it!
So we’ve established that 3 year olds are too young for Puddy.
But he’s still down for fucking 13 year olds according to his Milo link pimping. Disgusting.
@62 As my decoder ring went on the bum ages ago, maybe the loon is actually talking about a 13 year old. Makes sense, seeing as he admires Trump, who, as everybody knows, loves to rape 13 year old girls while Russian whores are raining golden showers down on him. Huh! Golden showers. I bet the loon is into that, too.
@10 Really? And she was convicted of — what? If you don’t have a conviction, you have nothing, Mister Blowhard.
@11 Clinton – “Guilty of a horribly planned and incompetently executed campaign.”
That’s not a crime, merely a national disaster.
@18 “Funny how the TRUTH is always missing from HA DUMMOCRETIN rants.”
The fact you embrace alternative facts as though you intend to hump them makes you neither right nor smart.
@23 Project much? Caribbean medical school, yep, that makes sense. As for my law school, that’s none of your business, but I’ll tell you anyway: University of Washington. Surprised? I didn’t have the money for an Ivy League school. After all, I came from the working class, and didn’t have a Bush daddy to pay my tuition. I got my education the hard way — by holding down jobs while going to school.
@25 Does that link actually go somewhere? Doesn’t look like it. Doctor Dumbfuck can’t even operate a computer.
@26 “How about those two illegal aliens doing that violent rape in Montgomery County? One of these was a dreamer! Thanks Obummer!”
How about the millions of illegals who never break laws, just work hard at stoop labor to put cheap food on your table and cheap shingles over your head? Don’t you think a little gratitude to them is overdue?
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a black Republican turns out to be a fucking racist along with the rest of them.
@30 “i am actually running tens of millions of dollars of projects”
Next you’ll tell us this makes you a public policy expert …
@46 Somebody has a very thin skin. In any case, his lawyers are full of shit. They should read up on First Amendment law, because it’s clear they don’t know anything about it. He’s a public figure and that’s protected free speech.
@62 And goats. Don’t forget the goats.
“Guilty of a horribly planned and incompetently executed campaign.”
Oh, so that’s the Dumbfuck definition of “crooked”. That explains why we actual users of standard English, including Roger Rabbit, kept pointing out that you’d completely failed to provide any evidence to satisfy any of the many non-Dumbfuck definitions of the word. And here we just thought you were as illiterate in English as you are in politics.
But now we know that you’re such a Specal Special Widdle Snowflake, you’re entitled to your very own special definitions of each and every last word you use. Of course you are. Just ask you.
Have fun defending the very best President the Russian spymasters could procure* for you.
*Too bad you can’t see what I did there.
@30 tens of millions is a small number. How about 100 of millions of projects?
Yeah, I am just a scheduler. And you (I think because you really haven’t directly said) are a General Foreman. And I respect that. So this, along with the comment that you run tens of millions, tells me that you work as a Subcontractor and possibly a self performing General Contractor. Because where I come from, working with a Construction Managef, we have General Superintendents (your so called Forman). And although I said I respect that, I’ve also met many stupid General Foreman and General Superintendents.
But I don’t think you respect me, and my position. Like I said, I work on around 15 Projevts (the number changes because some jobs finish and done start) that probably total close to a billion dollars worth of work. One Project alone has close to a Ten Million Dollar Fee (potential profit alone and not general conditions).
Yes,I don’t make the tough decisions and deal with owners, but the PX’s, General Supers, and Project Managers, and Project engineers that I work with me rely on me all the time to aid them in their decisions. You’ve heard of the expression time is money I’m sure. I provide a service to the people I work with, and there isn’t a day that goes by where I provide them with insight and advice.
But you can poo poo that and think that your are much better, that’s where you faults probably lie. This basically all started way back when when you made comment that liberals or democrats all have their hands out and are takers and low wage earners. Well my comment was made to tell you that you how wrong you are.
Oh and this week or next I find out if I’m officially promoted and what that compensation is. And like the new president, the chief scheduler who I work for, that reads his iPhone all day I think is about to probably get fired. Who knows maybe they make me the chief scheduler, but I doubt it, it’s just a title, i don’t care, but I basically do his job today and self manage myself. He can’t even be a manager never mind lift a finger because he’s real lazy. Executives come directly to me and go around him with any work, they don’t want to even deal with him. I’m getting pretty fed up with the guy. I know TMI, but again you can poo poo what I do, I don’t care – it shows your ignorance.
@31 I bet Steve will still blow you.
@36 called it!
@68 how about all the frat boys that rape the womenz. At least the illegals aren’t as stupid as the frat boys.
Oh I know. Gasp. Puffy will think I condone a person (illegals) raping.
@69 see above it makes him nothing other than Steve’s blow up boy that he blows at the first hole
hahahahaha- just googled Sellen. You are kidding. Hahahaha.
I wouldn’t want to work for them. Hahaha.
Let me quess Sellen uses Microsoft Project. Hahaha
General Foreman??? LOL try again champ.
Way to bring out the big guns superior steve. I might of missed it but Sellen doesn’t even rank in the top 400 contractors (ENR).
I don’t want to give away who I work for but let’s just say you don’t have to scroll down too far on page 1. Yeah, I know, a high ranking doesn’t really mean your the best contractor but hey at least make the top 400. Hahaha. So Sellen became a big contractor doing work for bill gates and amazon. Smart develope a relationship with a good repeat client. Smart.
@79 I don’t play guessing games. No thanks. Run your ten million dollars. Don’t over exert yourself.
steve, this clown is clueless…..time to let him go, he is far too small of a fish to keep.
at least he was good for a few laughs..
I guess I did miss it. 86. Looking with iPhone was a little hard. Not bad but not close enough
@82 no don’t run away now. Where you going Steve gonna blow you.
Sounds like your embarrassed jackass
reading comprehension, apparently its not whats for dinner..
I enjoy met some pretty dumb PX’s and company owners too. Run along.
@85 again, Sarah Palin is my mother.
where = were? “Mine as well?”
yup, lots a management potential there. For sure, a senior PM or AE in the making..
more like injured framer or rod-buster that got re-trained(because nobody wants to pay out lifetime disability) to put together schedules…..schedules that PM’s end up changing anyway.
but hey, thanks for the laughs, especially when you claimed to be “running” “10 or so” high rises….with a yuuuuuge raise even!
oh man…the laughs…they just kept comin’!
86 up from 136. Wow Amazon and Gates did them pretty good. Hahaha
It’s a funk in iPhone I’m typing on. You are a real brilliant guy running tens of millions.
“I enjoy met some pretty dumb PX’s and company owners too.”
yessir! upper management in the near future! You could be a superstar in contract negotiation meetings.
In fact, I also enjoy met some people too!
Hey, it ranks higher than that rural hillbilly backwater where Gorsuch teaches. Much higher bar pass rate too.
@88 wrong again bachelors in civil engineering. Besides, whatever you education is only means you might be better to bullshit others.
If only I had a good scheduler, I could run 10+ high rises too!
I wonder where I can find one? I sure would enjoy met one soon.
Sounds like the tail is between Maxipad legs
I know I know, they dont let you bring a laptop into the glory hole stall, just the iphone.
@94 fix your grammar errors first.
I enjoy met some grammatical errors.
Big time guy like you running tens of millions of dollars and you have time to hangout here and talk about gloryholes. Stick to riding a snowmobile, you hillbilly.
Its the internet. Next time he’ll tell us about his adventures as a Navy SEAL b4 retiring to become a security consultant in Hawaii driving around in an F430.
Maxipad using exclamation points now too. Sounds like he’s angry. Time for some double postings by Maxipad too now.
“I enjoy met some grammatical errors.”
Too funny!
I doubt that pisscan could even schedule lunch.
Jesus, Pisscan, I don’t give a shit about the biggest. I want to work with the best. Hell, Kiewit’s in the top 5 on the ENR list and they’re the second worst contractor I’ve ever worked with in my life, the worst being from NYC. After doing the convention center with Kiewit, I wouldn’t hire them to build a fucking outhouse. I’m presently doing a high-rise with Suffolk (#27) in the Bay Area and they’re okay, but having Cupertino Electric on the job has been great. They understand what it means to work as a team. Sellen (ENR #86) is the best I’ve ever worked with. Lease Crutcher Lewis (#145) and GLY (#126) aren’t bad.
Best you stay in the office, Pisscan. You don’t belong out in the field.
The way Sellen ran the Redwest campus, getting a $billion project in today’s money done in little more than a year while dealing with tens of $millions of owner changes, was fucking amazing.
This is some funny shit. Teen girl pwns Trump. So Trump sues teen girl. SAD!
“Trump sends lawyers after teen for site where kittens can punch POTUS”
So we’ve established that Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom is a young sexual predator lunatic cheer leader and early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit has renewed his farm animals fetish!
Jury still out on shitstain steve!
This just in: Jury decided it likes both!
Wait for it…
Friends of HA DUMMOCRETINS released by sanctuary cities:
-Milton Berrera-Lopez, who was released from local custody after authorities ignored an ICE detainer request. Berrera-Lopez has a conviction for two counts of indecent exposure involving minors in Guatemala.
-Estivan Rafael Marques Velasquez, a self-proclaimed MS-13 gang member who was released from NYPD custody. His criminal record in the U.S. includes criminal possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment.
-Ramon Aguirre Ochoa, who was deported in 2009 but made his way back into the country and was arrested on domestic assault charges in 2015. Authorities refused ICE’s request for detainment and let him leave. He was subsequently charged with unlawful contact with a minor, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, indecent assault on a person less than 13, indecent exposure and assault.
Friends of HA DUMMOCRETINS released by sanctuary cities:
-Milton Berrera-Lopez, who was released from local custody after authorities ignored an ICE detainer request. Berrera-Lopez has a conviction for two counts of indecent exposure involving minors in Guatemala.
-Estivan Rafael Marques Velasquez, a self-proclaimed MS-13 gang member who was released from NYPD custody. His criminal record in the U.S. includes criminal possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment.
-Ramon Aguirre Ochoa, who was deported in 2009 but made his way back into the country and was arrested on domestic assault charges in 2015. Authorities refused ICE’s request for detainment and let him leave. He was subsequently charged with unlawful contact with a minor, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, indecent assault on a person less than 13, indecent exposure and assault.
Seems HA DUMMOCRETIN friends don’t care about the safety and security of Americans. They want those illegal alien votes every November.
Vote early and often! – John Van Buren
I wonder if Max runs around work, while managing his tens of millions, yelling out “Called it”. Quite the drag queen performance.
@ The Schizo @ 107 & 108
Your “president” railroaded 5 kids for a rape that they didn’t commit.
One other thing, who do you think the conservatives you worship so dearly are going to go after once they run out of messicans to blame for every rape in the country?
It ain’t gonna be us white folks.
That was the whole point of Trumppps campaigns in New York City back in the 1980s. He took out full-page advertisements about it. NIGGERS RAPE! and the Conservatives and Christians ate it up like it was honey-flavored dogshit.
Hell, black folks get blamed for raping as often as them filthy brown skinned messican people. You hate black folks almost as much as any stormfronter, so it’s all good, right? Are you ready to sit in a jail cell for 3 years waiting for a trial because someone “mistook” you for a rapist? Are you prepared to see one of your kids get his face beaten into a mess of crushed bone by some cop so some prosecuting attorney can put another notch in his belt on his way to Congress? Because that’s what they do in places like New York, Baltimore and Chicago. Hell, in Baltimore and Charleston and New Orleans, when a rape is reported, they just grab the first black kid they see knowing full well that they’ll get a conviction. Because they can always get a black man convicted no matter what the circumstances.
They sure as shit aren’t Liberals.
Don’t think it can’t happen. There are a lot of cops out there just itching for that chance to shoot themselves a black man deader’n hell. Even right in Seattle. There are a lot of prosecutors who have no problem with crowing about their ability to gain “confessions” and plea deals to get themselves promoted to that next job. There are a lot of cops who have no problem using the flimsiest excuse to pull a trigger. That woman going after the old dude with the golf club is a primary example. She was in the mood to shoot herself a black man that day, and she thought she found the perfect patsy to pull on. In Baltimore or Philadelphia she would have, and she’d still be a cop. Probably would have even been promoted. But in a “Liberal” city like Seattle, she was actually held to account for her criminality.
You better think twice about what you wish for, Boy. Because some day, they’re going to run out of Central Americans to blame.
Great. Cue the scripted caps-lock shrieking about New York, Baltimore and Chicago being “liberal” “Dummocretins”.
Same hillbilly shit. Different day.
Railroaded vomit producer?
And this is pertinent to the rape of a three year old and a 14 year old how?
You suck at moral equivalences!