Please join us this evening for our regular weekly meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Tonight Trump will give a fake State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress. (Really…it’s fake. Google it.) The fake-SOTU address begins at 6pm.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm. If you wish, show up early to watch the fake-SOTU address.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other 213 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
My guess is that we’ll go from “exceedlingly rare” to “no evidence that an election was decided by…” pretty quickly.
Ohio investigation found 385 non-US citizens registered to vote, 82 cast illegal ballots
“When you consider that in Ohio we have had 112 elections decided by one vote or tied in the last three years, every case of illegal voting must be taken seriously and elections officials must have every resource available to them to respond accordingly.”
Note that the BMV database is helpful in chasing down illegal votes.
Non-citizens with legal resident status can obtain a driver’s license or a state ID at the BMV. But, in doing so, they acknowledge their non-citizen status.
Husted’s review is able to identify people who have registered to vote as citizens but obtained a driver’s license as a non-citizen.
“no evidence that an election was decided by…” pretty quickly.
Yes, that was the standard Rossi’s lawyers utterly failed to meet in their miserable lawsuit.
The best part of that exercise in sore-loserism was when the court found illegal votes of felons had gone to Rossi, not Gregoire.
But keep on tellling yourself it’ll be different this time. The entire point of the cream pie in the face is the victim not seeing it coming.
@1 And here’s Boob promoting the idiotic notion that elections must be perfect to be legitimate. There has never been a perfect election and never will be, jackass. You’re probably also one of those morons who doesn’t know the difference between “mistake” and “fraud.”
A Republican is someone who believes it’s better to keep 10 citizens from voting than to allow 1 non-citizen to vote.
Of course there’s zero chance that anyone who got a DL 3-4-10 years ago is now eligible to vote.
What’s important is the headline.
The best part of that exercise in sore-loserism was when the court found illegal votes of felons had gone to Rossi, not Gregoire.
Almost as wonderful as the fact that the hillbilly criminal showcase of immigrant voter fraud also involved an ignorant-as-fuck Trailer Trump voter.
Hillbillies are gonna hillbilly.
Looks like the pot smokers aren’t going to be happy.
I hope all the conservative pot smokers wallow in their tears.
Strong leader.
lost him. You know. Like sunglasses or a set of car keys.
Ooops. Oh well.
Boo hooo hooo… Your Honor, we just don’t why leftists can’t take a joke anymore… Boo hoo hooo. We ask the court for mercy.. Boo hoo hooo hooo.
He followed up with, “Matt Damon, who is totally overrated by the way, shouldn’t have needed saving.”
@9 Are these terrorists from a country on Drumpf’s travel ban list? Nope. Hell, they aren’t even Muslim. Just another gaggle of homegrown Confederate flag-waving, Trump-voting terrorists.
Rachel Maddow has a breakdown on what lead up to that Yemen raid clusterfuck. The good news: the dinner was wonderful for all that attended.
Sad. Very sad. With DRUMPH as POTUS who needs enemies.
Should we impose a travel ban on Georgia hillbillies?
They look dangerous to me.
After Watergate, Iran-Contra, and years of Whitewater investigations resulting in zero indictments of anyone named Clinton, it should be obvious illegal voters should always favor Democrats.
If you were not such a Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’d know that we thus protect voting integrity only and exactly to the extent we prevent likely Democrats from voting.
Really, just to be safe, we should limit the franchise to just those citizens who watch 150-plus hours of Fox News per month. You can’t be too careful!
And HA is losing it, as the rest of the country – including Washington – is sliding to the right:
Yep, the ONLY State that did not move to the right, politically, was Alaska. The Left is collapsing, and the current hysteria over President Trump is simply proof of the collapse (and probably will cause it to accelerate).
Were you referring to our recent votes on gun control, de-criminalization of cannabis, to legalize gay marriage, or to raise (even further) our state’s minimum wage?
Perhaps you meant Sen.
Maria Cantwell and Sen. Patty Murray’s land-slide re-elections?
Or the comfortable margin by which we re-elected Gov. Inslee?
Or was it our ST3 vote?
Do please tell.
If this is what hillbilly “winning” looks like…
go for it! Bon Voyage! Keep your Russian phrase book and your insulin handy!
So, Drumpf will propose an immigration “compromise” that gives illegals who work, pay taxes, and obey the law a legal status, and possibly creates a pathway to citizenship for “Dreamers.” Sounds like Obama’s immigration policy to me. You know, the one the GOP refused to pass.
President Trump looks more like an Obama third term every day. Meanwhile, the Obamas have roped in a $60 million book deal.
@14 “Dumbfuck Rabbit” is kind of endearing, when you get right down to it, but I have no intention of becoming that dumbass doctor’s pet. He’d probably forget to feed me.
@9 black woman are too nice….8 times out of 10 they are always saying how they forgive them, meanwhile the white woman would be saying “hang that motherfucker”.
Booooooo Hooooooooo Hooooooooo.
Rot in Jail Scumbags.
The only dumbfucking going on here is by the Drumpf supporters….they are getting fucked not so much because of policies, but because of their belief of integrity and morals and values. Drumpf got the wool pulled over their eyes – bunch of dumbfucks.
don’t you like the part where the Trailer Trump hillbilly bitch begs forgiveness and sobs: “But I want you all to know, that is not me. That is not me, that is not him. I would never… “.
Um, wait, what? Yeah it is. It is you. You did that. That’s who you motherfuckers are, down to your bones. That’s why you’re being sentenced. Stand in court denying your culpability after a jury finds you guilty and you leave the judge with very little leeway. You can bet the transcript will find it’s way to the parole board when the time comes.
Hillbillies gonna hillbilly. That’s who they are.
Maybe you were referring to the number of new postings, and site traffic figures, over at (un)SP?
How have those trended since 2008?
@12 “With DRUMPH as POTUS who needs enemies.”
To call Trump a tin-pot dictator will only insult true tin-pot dictators like Kim Jong Un.
Kim Jon Un knows how to do a attacks and clean up loose ends: and
Trump just comes across as incompetent, reckless, and extremely dangerous. No wonder the folks like Dr. Bob and Puddy like and defend Trump.
So, if we citizens here in Washington state next vote to de-criminalize sex work, heavily tax the johns, and dedicate some of the proceeds to improving economic conditions for women, would you tell us this is proof our state has moved even further to the right?
Just wondering.
I bet the HA trolls are so inspired by Drumpf’s
twurds, they wish they sent their kids to Drumpf University…Damn! Enough props tonight to make G. Dumbya Bush blush..
@15 Yeah, that rally in Everett really put Drumpf over the top in this state..
Waytogo Suze Hutchison! The most effective state leader since Chris Vance.. Remember him?
@26-27 Long on soaring rhetoric, short on details about how he’s going to do all this.
These speeches never have details….just fall off the turnip truck?
@ 28
@15 Yeah, that rally in Everett really put Drumpf over the top in this state..
Hey, YLB:
How did that rally in Tempe November 2nd work out for #CrookedHillary?
You’re a clown.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
I seriously can’t watch this bullshit anymore. Turning it off.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have mouthed “Not true.”. Were she only awake.
Goldy has another planning session scheduled with Kshama on how to take over Boeing and make choo choos and bikes….
Can you imagine what the losers who votee for her look like…..ewwww
Only thing worse would be waking up next to Pramila Jayalalalalapal after an all night whiskey bender…..fuck.
That face is……..just fucked up
@31 Wasn’t talking to you…
You’re an idiot!
Or do you have a schoolboy crush on Suze? Thanks again for the laughs.
@34 Got a bridge to sell me? Or was your last gig a sales rep at Drumpf U?
Pouty face?
Is this a multiple choice question?
@38 Thanks for answering. Like I thought: all of the above..
@31 No it’s worse than that. You gave money to Vance…
Damn, I never thought I’d feel bad for a troll.
I was actually gonna what was behind Door #3
So, a mere 2.85 million more votes for Hillary Clinton means the country is moving to the right?
If a Democrat wins the popular vote by even more next time, what does that mean?
Just wondering.
Aw, is the enduring unpopularity of the local Republican Party getting to you that badly?
Maybe they need to convince us of their relevance.
Live on your knees.
@ 42
So, a mere 2.85 million more votes for Hillary Clinton means the country is moving to the right?
That’s the kind of Permanent Majority I can really get behind.
That’s the kind of Permanent Majority I can really get behind.
I’ll take the one we liberals already have here in Washington state.
You know, the one whose programs your taxes pay to fund.
Do you always wear knee-pads?
Hey I listened to Trump’s speech on NPR certainly did not sound fake. And the Democrats did respond to the speech. So so so fake.
#still lovin those “Hillary is ahead” polls that Goldfarb still has running on this site.
@1 The best part of the news story is where they went to law enforcement or prosecutors about how those 82 cases are going. Oh wait they didn’t. Not fake news, but does show the sad state of todays journalism. Guess they want to be invited to this guys next big press conference announcing the convicted felons who voted.
@3 Hey elections in the People’s Republic are perfect. The party says so. Elections are perfect in North Korea as well. The masses have been properly educated to the highest levels in the perfection of the Marxist-Leninists idea.
The rub being these two countries disagree about those basic principals. Still their elections are perfect.
@5 You do know some states with large population of illegal immigrants do get more votes in the house. Perhaps we should count immigrants legal or illegal as 2/3rds of a person.
@6 Hey I don’t see what is wrong about pot being sold at all the nations drug stores. Or if you want a little acid or some heroin. Still Sessions is doing his job as AG. Seems the folks in Congress have not passed anything to legalize any of these drugs, so no one can buy marijuana legally anywhere in any state of US.
Looks like he’s telling state AG’s get with the program, and tell your states Gov and legislatures there is a new AG in town. Especially you the AG from Washington. Suppose he made our AG stand in front of the class of AG’s then hit his fingers with a ruler like a mother superior. The Penguin knew how to handle Jake and Elwood Blues does Sessions know how to handle our highly seasoned, out for justice, musician, radical, AG, who have admitted to inhaling?
@48 “goldfarb” “pro-borts”, “limpwrists” blah, blah, blah..
Too funny to look at its pre-2008 comments. What happened in 2008 again?
Some trolls never change.
@16 Well the chart for Washington does show it going to the right with more Republicans in the state house and senate. Which was one measurement, along with the trend of more Republicans in Congress. Which Senator is up in 2018? Seems about time for there to be a Republican Senator from Washington. I’m more of an independent, but you know it’s just possible for the Republican’s to land that cream pie on you Democrats.
Meanwhile there are two more weeks of freaking winter. Time for some groundhog stew. No groundhog, well rabbit will do.
@22 You can’t get to the parole hearings until after the appeals. Chances are we won’t hear squat about the appeals which could well find the prosecutors were over zealous in the application of the law. It’s Georgia and well that battle flag may still have some fans at the appeal and supreme benches in Georgia. Just remember no Coors in Georgia!
@24 Have you asked Kim Jung In how he feels on this? You can send him a letter or get on the North Korean web site and ask. You would be a total horses ass, and if he answers you can put his reply on here. Or invite him on here! Wouldn’t that be cool! We’d be speaking to an authentic dictator. My second one. I spoke to Kadaffi before the revolution, but I don’t remember, maybe I spit up on him.
@25 How do you mean sex workers?
Maybe this song will help you out.
Gotta tax the John’s and Janes.
@56 How’s Putin’s jizz taste? Let us know Abby.
Chances are we won’t hear squat about the appeals which could well find the prosecutors were over zealous in the application of the law.
Can’t. You really are just fucking terrible at this. People like you have only one way of learning this shit: the hard, lengthy, expensive way. It is always cheaper to pay a lawyer. In serious criminal cases it would be cheaper and easier to send yourself to law school and pass the bar. Living a very small hillbilly life you may never have to. But if the day ever comes that you get so falling down drunk on Keystone Light and Percocet that you torch your sister-wife’s trailer you’ll be in for some hard, expensive lessons.
I’m not exactly sure what an
autistichillbilly person means by “over zealous application of the law”. But in any case, how a prosecutor charges a criminal defendant may not form the basis of an appeal. Every criminal statute has it’s own elements. And if a prosecutor can unanimously convince a jury that the elements are proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that’s a conviction. The chance to take that up with the jury has passed. And these hillbillies got their chance and lost.Appellate panels may review trial transcripts. But they do not, and may not weigh the credibility of witnesses or the persuasiveness of evidence or testimony. That is only for the jury to decide.
And believe it or not, prosecuting attorneys have a congruent duty to their client, the people. Just as a defense attorney is professionally obliged to zealously defend their client, a prosecutor is obliged to zealously seek justice for the people.
As for sentencing, that’s on the judge, not the prosecutor. I’m not about to spend time reading the Georgia law to determine if this sentence was in the range. But it’s pretty fucking unlikely the judge with decades of criminal trail experience would step outside the law without plenty of legal support. And it does not at all surprise me that these are tough sentences (I like the part about them being “banished”). Georgia plays rough with armed terrorist felons. Something about bombs and Atlanta.
Love the liberal mindset! Facts presented – in a nice, Liberal, Trump-hating paper – and you can’t handle it. The FACTS are that Washington is moving to the right. It’s so far left, it’s now rebounding. That’s the fact.
Suck it up, the Democrats, the Left, are losing across the nation. The pendulum is swinging away, but keep up the insanity and ranting!
Meanwhile, 76% of all viewers said the President’s speech last night was positive and good. The other 24% are raving lunatics who put party above all.
Pendulum swinging?
That would be nice if it really worked that way. But we are no longer bound together as a society in a common political destiny like the weight on a pendulum.
Instead unaffiliated and disengaged moderates are slowly drifting toward the extremes. Once people have drifted away from the middle they are very resistant to moving back. The battle is over the shrinking middle and giving them a push in one direction or another.
Washington has a high workforce participation rate. A high level of education. High incomes. Trade dependecies in every major employment area. And growing levels of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity in all key industries and employers.
What direction do you think your racist, pussy grabbing, anti-intellectual, anti-trade, anti-immigrant Hillbilly Jesus is pushing Washington voters?
If the plaintiff prevails in Murr V. Wisconsin in the SCOTUS, it will be a great, great victory for private property rights and for the rights of the individual over government oppression.
Seriously. Given the direction the Hillbilly Jesus is dragging the GOP, if Libertarians sold futures I’d buy. But they’d have to do hella better than a glassy-eyed pot peddler next time. And it might be worthwhile to run some locals and build the base. The opportunity is there. But the window may close after 2020.
Great news!
It might be great news for regular folks if Libertarians could ever get get their shit together outside of a courtroom. Absent that it amounts to little more than a boutique practice for plaintiff’s attorneys at public expense. You guys move the ball five yards down the field in court and the leg moves it ten yards in the other direction the next year. You guys cost the taxpayers plenty one year and the next year government takes even more.