Join us this evening for a scandal-free edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally as we come clean about our Russian connections. You know, Vanilla Winter White Russians, Bailey’s Frozen Russians, Russian Kvas, Moscow Mules, …. It’s Valentines Day, so bring the comrade you love.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other 200 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
If the Democrats nominate Elizabeth Warren in 2020, she will not win, and Trump will get re-elected. Warren is less likable than Trump.
The Hillbillies have finally put together a plan to replace Obamacare. Its something called The Affordable Care Act.
@1 Must be a slow news day. Everyone already knows Flynn resigned, took money from Russia, and Republicans are refusing to investigate how deep his treason goes or who the other traitors in the Chump Camp are, so sure, go with Elizabeth Warren when you’ve got nothing else to prattle about.
Looks like the treasonous Doctor Dumbfuck is struggling to come up with a suitably snide comment this morning. I wonder why?
“If I, a guy who knows this business, had done a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today,” Flynn says.
Flynn leads “lock her up” chant at GOP convention.
@4 He did, and he should be.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
it certainly isn’t just Flynn.
The whole team is riddled with paid Russian stooges right up the The Hillbilly Jesus himself.
After all, they had the transcript of Flynn’s conversation all the way back in January and did absolutely nothing about it except provide cover and distract. Flynn is out because he became a liability, not because he lied to everyone. All the hillbillies ever do is lie. Most of all to themselves.
No Boob or Puffy this morning? Maybe they’re busy lawyering up, like the rest of the GOP traitors.
HA: Proudly Abusing Trolls Since 2004.
Look who’s upset by Flynn’s ouster:
“Russian lawmakers have been reacting with outrage to the resignation of President Donald Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn, calling it the result of American paranoia towards Moscow and a campaign by Trump’s opponents to damage relations between Russia and the United States. … A series of senior lawmakers in Moscow came to Flynn’s defense on Tuesday ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With this kind of evidence, you don’t even need an investigation.
@9 And now the Russians are operating off our coast and violating nuclear arms treaties in Europe. That didn’t take long.
@9 And now the Russians are operating off our coast and violating nuclear arms treaties in Europe. That didn’t take long.
If you want to see a troll, Roger, take a peek in the mirror.
@11 This is a liberal blog. Liberals post here by invitation. You uninvited rightwing hacks are trolls. Nevertheless, you fascist traitors have a useful function here, so don’t go away. See #8.
In other news, Zombie (u)SP is still dead.
Because they’ll be too busy investigating somebody’s emails…
“House Oversight Committee Chair Won’t Investigate Michael Flynn”
Steve @14, from your link:
Michael Flynn served in the U.S. military for more than three decades
The unanswered question is how long has Michael Flynn serve on the PUTIN PAYROLL?
The whole hillbilly derp team is riddled with frauds, con artists, and pathological liars any one of whom could be bought and sold by the Russians like $20 whores.
Pence even delves into the ultimate murk of stolen valor here (14:00 min mark):
Steve Bannon served six years in the Navy and rose to the rank of O-3 (Lieutenant). A Captain is O-6, a senior officer ranking just below Rear Admiral. Only 50% of Commanders (O-5) are advanced to Captain.
And while DRUMPH figures out how to fix the Michael Flynn situation, DRUMPH is apparently ignoring the Oroville Dam which is featured on TV news world wide.
Maybe someone in the WH should let DRUMPH know about it. He could fly over the dam like GW did over New Orleans.
@15 “The unanswered question is how long has Michael Flynn serve on the PUTIN PAYROLL?”
“Michael Flynn Is Under Investigation by Multiple Government Agencies”
“In addition, the Army has been investigating whether Mr. Flynn received money from the Russian government during a trip he took to Moscow in 2015, according to two defense officials.”
Speaking of GW, why didn’t his admin do something about the Oroville Dam back 2005 when the matter was brought up to his administration.
And don’t go blaming Obama. His first duty was keeping the whole country afloat after GW crashed the economy in 2008. And don’t forget Obama did try to get that infrastructure bill through congress to fix such things like the Oroville Dam but the RETHUGS blocked it. No political wins for Obama, no matter what the cost.
@11 oh boy – the anger is mounting. Don’t become suicidal….or actually you might want to give it a try.
Long Live Ireland! I’m sure Naggy will be here soon.
Mabye they were just saying hello to Humpty Dumpy Drumpf.
@16 “VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: I think we’re off to a great start. The American people are seeing in President Trump a leader who is keeping his word to the American people. We like to say we’re in the promise keeping business.”
So, the question is, is Pence …
[ ] 1. Under a rock,
[ ] 2. Drunk,
[ ] 3. Smoking an illegal substance, or
[ ] 4. Auditioning for SNL?
Oroville Dam is not the only one in trouble. They are keeping a close eye on the Shasta Dam as well. Not in danger yet, but…
It seems that the root cause is all the unprecedented storms hitting the area, just as predicted in the GLOBAL WARMING computer models.
But this can’t be true. The RETHUGS tell us this ain’t true. No way. Don’t worry, be happy. Oh look, a shiny light.
@17 The advantage of helicopter inspections is you don’t have to get your feet wet.
@20 Is that little maxie asswipe’s handprint on the screen door again?
Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB
Trump, “When I am President, Russia will respect us far more than they do now”
“Russian Jets In ‘Unsafe’ Encounters With Destroyer: U.S. Official”
“Russian spy ship patrolling off U.S. East Coast”
“Russia Deploys Missile, Violating Treaty and Challenging Trump”
Gee, it appears all we need is one major FUBAR by the current administration, and all of our trolls just magically disappear.
Since we can expect scandals like this one pretty frequently from the current administration, we could be troll-free for quite awhile.
Of course it’s illegal to record an American citizen’s phone calls; butt when you are DUMMOCRETIN who cares about laws…
Of course Congressionlal DUMMOCRETINS are trying to sweep this under the rug!
Of course it’s illegal to record an American citizen’s phone calls; butt when you are DUMMOCRETIN who cares about laws…
Of course Congressionlal DUMMOCRETINS are trying to sweep this under the rug!
Puddy can double post whenever Puddy wants. Seems the Goldy/Da Perfessa/KLOWN Karl protective measures continue to fail!
Now watch SPPSteve’s head explode.
Seems when you harbor illegal alien criminals with felony convictions you do that because you want your city to be known as a “welcoming, inclusive” community!
Now we have president whom keeps campaign promises!
The loon is back with double-posted head explosions of hate! Chrome wins again! Sucks to be the loon!
Oh lookie here vomit producing dead toad FASCIST BROWN SHIRTS in action…
DUMMOCRETIN are SCUM with two legs and FASCIST tendencies!
Seems there is no limit to Facebook putting up with libtard malfeasance! Facebook yanks down video of comedian encouraging his audience to assassinate Trump When a conservative puts up the video Facebook removes it!
Yes, typical hateful DUMMOCRETINS!
Texas Governor lays down the SMACKDOWN!
They either magically disappear or the show up very frustrated and lash out very angrily, because it’s all Hillary’s fault!
@35 man you are an idiot – doesn’t sound to me like he was egging on his audience, sounds to me like he was speaking of Drumpf supporters to do it.
“get the rednecks out to the grassy knoll,” Griffin said. “Y’all took out one president, you need to take out another.”
What Redneck didn’t Vote for Drumpf?
“Y’all need to put Trump into a convertible and take him out, or better yet, the driver should take him out,”
Who but a Drumpf supporter would be driving Drumpf around?
Sounds like you didn’t get the fact that he was mocking stupid Drumpf supporters like you, you big Ape.
Two white nationalists share their love on Valentine’s Day. So cute!
“Kellyanne Conway Tweets ‘Love You’ To A White Nationalist, Then Claims It Wasn’t Her”
Love the way the loon’s head is exploding today.
“No Boob or Puffy this morning? Maybe they’re busy lawyering up, like the rest of the GOP traitors.”
The loon and his exploding head are back, double-posting the usual incoherent hate.
Perhaps the treasonous doctor who sold out to Russia is spending the day heeding his own advice to “Think on your sins.”
@37, @42:
But Hillary had e-mail on a private server!
(Somehow I doubt we’ll be reading that old chestnut again.)
There seems to be a Murphy’s Law-type rule which requires any Clinton-hater’s loudest accusation against a Clinton to be a pale imitation of that Clinton-hater’s own actual crimes. Clinton-haters really do project all of their many hatreds onto the Clintons, and especially onto her. It’s like watching flies assault a spider-web.
Trump should treat Pence better than that. If for no other reason, Pence could be our president in few weeks and Trump might be in desperate need of a pardon.
“Pence kept in the dark by Trump over Flynn concerns — until he read about it in the paper”
Because Trump is even more under Putin’s control than Flynn.
“Shep Smith shreds Trump: He wouldn’t have done anything about Flynn if the press hadn’t busted him”
“Let’s not lose perspective on exactly who we’re talking about here,” he continued. “If members of the administration are essentially conspiring with Russia, either through the campaign earlier, now than the — look, Wolf, that’s the definition of treason. This is a very, very serious affair. We all have to understand what’s going on with Michael Flynn, but we can’t let this little scandal or perhaps a big scandal at the moment let us lose sight of the much bigger scandal, which is what is the overall connection between Russia and the Trump administration.”
“Moulton now serves on the House Armed Services Committee and served in the Iraq War.”
So when ya movxn?
@29 “Although it remains unclear whether Flynn himself was being monitored for any reason, his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were intercepted because the Russians’ calls are routinely monitored.”
Sheesh. You’re a fucking moron. And, naturally, the Rethugs don’t care what the Russkies were up to; their panties are in a twist because one of their guys got caught lying about his “private” conversations with Putin’s agent.
@31 “Puddy can double post whenever Puddy wants.”
Of course you can. There’s no law against being a horse’s ass.
@35 Yeah, Republicans would never say anything like that, would they?
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
@36 I sure hope he enjoyed the last-ever NFL playoff game in Texas, and I hope you did, too.
@41 “The loon and his exploding head are back, double-posting the usual incoherent hate.”
After spending all morning finding out no lawyer will take him as a client. The men in white coats will come for him any day now.
@45 Those Russian planes buzzing American ships? They’re dropping boxes of Valentine candy.
RECKLESS and CARELESS Michael Flynn, the babbling jackhole’s favorite!
@54 Be kind to him. He may be the star witness in the soon-to-be-announced Trump impeachment hearings. For all you know, he could be vindictive like his ex-boss, especially if he acted under orders and is now being used as a fall guy.
@29 “Although it remains unclear whether Flynn himself was being monitored for any reason, his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were intercepted because the Russians’ calls are routinely monitored.”
There is a FISA action on record early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit? Apparently Congressman Devin Nunes wants to know about it butt Adam Schiff the top DUMMOCRETIN cares less.
DAYUM you are one EPIC early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit!
@55 And here’s the traitor loon complaining about the FBI spying on Russians. Are you working for Putin, too?
Of course you can.
Well early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit try posting the same thing twice! Go on ya moron!
Watch the error message!
@57 Even without opposable thumbs, I’m not as clumsy as you, so it’s gotta be a mental issue.
@55 You don’t need a warrant to eavesdrop on Russians
If the call originates from an American owned number early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit! That’s why Devin Nunes is asking!
You see early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit, this is Obummer’s FBI! Now why didnint’t the bunny DUMBFUCK know this too?
Seriously, Puddles, can you really defend this administration and its members actions towards Russia? Their mishandling of situations with classified informations? Making significant decisions (apparently) over dinner in public places? Continued use of personal unsecured android phones?
And can you do it without blaming it on President Obama or Secretary Clinton. Last I checked neither was currently president.
Wow the fetid gaseous arschloch needed to be in pixels again!
Nuthin was farted!
This has nothing about defense. It’s about following the LAW. If Flynn broke the law then see ya. If the NSA and FBI broke the law by not redacting Flynn’s name and then leaking it you turn a blind eye? What about eavesdropping on US citizens?
Otherwise it’s easy to defend this administration just as you fools defended every wrong thing Obummer did!
Are you working for Putin, too? NOPE!!!!!
R U early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit?
So this is where we are:
A partisan hack who is a regular on fake news said what we did was totally normal. Never mind that he’s a non practicing physician, not a lawyer and a partisan hack, he says it’s OK so I’ll stand here in the White House press room and say it’s O.K.
James Carville wrote that it was perfectly normal so move along.
Michael Moore said it was perfectly normal so move along.
Reverend Wright said, “GOD DAMNED that’s perfectly normal, so move along.”
@ 62- This administration has spouted more falsehoods in less than one month than the previous in eight years. Ms. Conway makes things up and uses her public position to push a private company. Mr. Miller spews fantasies about bus loads of voters and is praised by the president. The former national security advisor has questionable eties to Russia, with the President unconcerned. The President withholding from the Vice President he has been mislead.
And its less than a month!
Wow. The babbling jackhole said the FBI was infuriated at Hillary and TWO TERM President Obama..
Now we learn the FBI is going FULL FORCE on Drumphole’s people:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
RECKLESS and CARELESS Michael Flynn, the babbling MORON’s favorite klownspiratorial klownservatic military PUTIN TOOL!
MORE Drumpfhole TOOLS to come!
@36 I sure hope he enjoyed the last-ever NFL playoff game in Texas,
If Dallas or Houston make the playoffs and have home field advantage?
EPIC DAYUM early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit!
Oh fetid gaseous arschloch @66,
This is a rerun with slight mods ya moron! Check the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit posts you moron!
LOL! Why should there be a FISA action required when one side of the conversation is a foreign national?
And if the intercept came from a partner like the Brits?
Devin Nunes? Oh that Drumphole transition team tool?
Michael Flynn and FAKE “President” Donald Drumpf!
Why should there be a FISA action required when one side of the conversation is a foreign national?
Because it’s the law when the other side is an AMERICAN you FOOL!
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (“FISA” Pub.L. 95–511, 92 Stat. 1783, 50 U.S.C. ch. 36) is a United States federal law which prescribes procedures for the physical and electronic surveillance and collection of “foreign intelligence information” between “foreign powers” and “agents of foreign powers” (which may include American citizens and permanent residents suspected of espionage or terrorism).
Michael Flynn was NOT an “agents of foreign powers”!
The babbling jackhole TOOL is PWND totally:
But a U.S. person’s name can be used when it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information in the report, and no serious argument can be made that Flynn’s identity was not necessary to understand the intelligence significance of his call with Ambassador Kislyak. The call is foreign intelligence information mainly because it involves Flynn.
C’ya Flynn lovin’ TOOL!
‘Michael Flynn was NOT an “agents of foreign powers”!’
Sez you FOOL!
Suck on it babbling butthead!
Enough for one night! The babbling idiot is BORING yours truly once again..
That NY Times article from the fetid gaseous arschloch was a lede from the Daily Kos. Thanks for posting the whole link fetid fool! It allowed Puddy to back track it.
Still being led by the warm Markos man juice. No wonder the pink panties are always moist!
I would try to calculate your word to content ratio, puddles, but dividing by zero is meaningless- like you
@46 I may never move now, seeing that I’m a Commie and soon we will be The United States of Russia! I’ll be right at home!
Trump Administration Caught In Lie About Campaign Contacts With Russians
Useless tool @73,
It was leaked you moron! They leaked that we monitor the Russian ambassador’s phone! That was P R E C I O U S! Leaked on purpose!
Not arguing what Flynn did. Congress want tot know how it was leaked and why?
Of course the SCUM DUMMOCRETIN tool @73 missed this little fact!
Long Live Ireland! True Home of the Free and the Brave, not like the fake, frauds and phonies,
Boob has got to be passed out long ago, probably drank 6 bottles of wine by 10:00am.
“a lede from the Daily Kos.”
WRONG! Straight from the nytimes website!
You can’t hand the TRUTH you miserable FREAK! The FBI is investigating the CARELESS AND RECKLESS IF NOT TREASONOUS DRUMPFHOLE hack campaign operation!
@76… Damn the babbling jerk is putting the HAND FIRST…
“It was leaked ”
OH MY! We are so impressed with this little factoid!
This was known in early JAN and NOTHING WAS BEING DONE! Flynn LIED TO PENCE.
What’s worse? A leak or a RECKLESS, CARELESS and FAILED GENERAL faking being a NatSec Adviser to a TOTAL IDIOT???
Was Flynn’s RECKLESS and CARELESS conversation with an AGENT of a FOREIGN POWER a TENTH of what Hillary Clinton did????
The fish rots from the HEAD DOWN!
It’s even worse than that. Was he really speaking with persons in the Russian government, and assuming the Russian government was not recording him?
I expect scoundrels, grifters, and power-lusting fools to infest any government, even our best government. I didn’t expect such painful naïveté from supposed adults.
Making you less safe, thousands of guns at a time.
“Senate Republicans are set to repeal an Obama administration regulation that prevents individuals with mental health conditions from purchasing firearms. The Senate vote on a resolution of disapproval to scrap the rule is expected to happen about 10:30 a.m. Wednesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: On the bright side, paranoid liberals can have guns, too.
@62 “What about eavesdropping on US citizens?”
It was okay when Chimp did it, so why wouldn’t it still be okay?
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
Democratic Priority: Finding out whether Trump’s top national security adviser sold our national interests to the Russians.
Republican Priority: Finding out whether the FBI broke the law by finding out whether Trump’s top national security adviser sold our national interests to the Russians.
@63 “Are you working for Putin, too? NOPE!!!!!”
You’re too stupid to get the job.
“Boob has got to be passed out long ago, probably drank 6 bottles of wine by 10:00am.”
The loon’s partner in treason is a glaring no-show.
“WASHINGTON ― U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies have confirmed that President Donald Trump’s campaign aides and associates had constant contact with Russian intelligence officials before the election, directly contradicting public statements made by top administration officials.”
Think on your sins, Doctor. Today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your miserable fucking life.
@65 When someone lies 100% of the time, it’s easy to tell when they’re lying.
@72 “Michael Flynn was NOT an ‘agents of foreign powers’!”
Well, actually, that’s the matter under investigation.
@76 You might be interested in this article, too.
“High-level advisers close to then-presidential nominee Donald Trump were in constant communication during the campaign with Russians known to US intelligence, multiple current and former intelligence, law enforcement and administration officials tell CNN.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Messing with the intel agencies gets you headlines like these.
Right now, the best thing America has going for it is the rest of the world realizes this chump wasn’t chosen by a majority of Americans, and he’s in there only because of an 18th century quirk of our constitution.
@79 “It was leaked you moron! They leaked that we monitor the Russian ambassador’s phone! That was P R E C I O U S! Leaked on purpose!”
Well, well, watch the lightbulb go on, albeit ever so slowly. See #95.
@81 Maybe took some pills, too.
Enough for one night!
See how Puddy controls the useless fetid gaseous arschloch? How many posts after that?
Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn
Can’t let this fall flat! NO ONE WILL EXPOSE THE TRUTH!
“The White House kept Vice President Pence in the dark for weeks about the warning it had gotten about national security adviser MichaelFlynn from the Justice Department, Pence’s press secretary, Marc Lotter, said Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The veep can’t feel good about being treated like this by his boss. But he surely can see the day he’ll be his own boss creeping closer.
@99 Yeah, but the Rabbit is still here, so your problems aren’t over. Speaking of gasbags, you emit more methane than all the cows in Kansas. You can change the climate all by yourself.
@100 Flynn ousted himself. All he had to do to keep his job was not lie to Pence. All he had to do to lose it was lie to Pence. That’s nobody’s fault but his, and even he knows that, even if you don’t.
Meanwhile NY Times SCUM
Nancy Pelosi falls for fake news.
Then it gets funnier…
Elijah Cummings isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. Do you FOOLS remember his comments regarding the Baltimore Mayor controversy? No? Well Puddy placed them here. Ask the fetid gaseous arschloch!
EPIC DAYUM! DUMMOCRETIN are really stoooooooooopid!
@104, 105 And this exonerates Flynn how?
You’re right about one thing, though — Flynn is no scapegoat. He’s guilty as sin. And you’re still as stupid as always.
Where did Puddy exonerate Flynn? You already forgot post #62. Another stoooooooooopid comment like your football playoff rant above!!! And who is stooooooooooopid again?
@107 Squid ink. And you’re too stupid to realize you’re stupid.
@99 ??
–See how Puddy controls the useless fetid gaseous arschloch?–
you don’t control any one here. if one of us chooses to unlock your absolutely schizophrenic self-hating rants from our Dr. Orpheus provided script, then we might challenge you.
challenge you to provide sources. sources that are vetted, reputable, double checked and so on. (of which you have none.)
or we might just call you names. like UNCLE TOM, or PORCH NIGGER. ’cause let’s face it, if you were black (which you aren’t) these names would fit.
but the only one controlled here is you, controlled by your made up life, made up wife, made up ethnicity, made up convictions. – all to earn $0.12 cents per post.
“all to earn $0.12 cents per post”
Make that .12 rubles per post. Considering the exchange rate, little wonder the loon posts comments 24/7.
s0……w3nn ya m00v3n?
Sucks to be the loon.
‘Each new day is a new nightmare’: GOP ex-judge wants Trump ‘impeached and removed with all haste’
@72 et al.: “The FBI applied for a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court last year to monitor several members of the Trump team as part of its investigation ….”