Please join us this evening and raise a toast for the small victories at this week’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other 198 chapters of Living Liberally, including ninteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Well, the pollsters were all out to lunch in the 2016 election. They can only improve from here onward. They’ve got a lot of schooling ahead of themselves, though.
Well, the pollsters were all out to lunch in the 2016 election.
Trump supporters lied about their intentions. And while we can understand their need to hide their shame, there’s nothing the pollsters can do about that.
They can only improve from here onward.
Let me guess — you were enthusiastically un-skewing polls in October 2012?
They’ve got a lot of schooling ahead of themselves, though.
The pollsters are doing fine. We liberals need to GOTV and end voter suppression by right-wing political leaders against minorities. We need to school ourselves on the plain fact we are not dealing with decent or honorable opponents.
You’re simply histerical.
You’ll get over it in time.
Trump supporters lied about their intentions.
…is another way of saying that a whole fuckload of white people in America are waaaaaay more racist and misogynist than they are comfortable admitting outside the privacy of a curtained booth.
I’m pretty skeptical about changing the way such people think. And also, I really don’t like them. But the good news is that hillbillies are outnumbered when rational, well educated, healthy, affluent progressive people can be bothered to set aside the grand cru long enough to vote and phone their legislator. And the hillbillies are rapidly aging out or blowing their own brains out while cleaning their loaded guns.
In the mean time, the near term project is to educate the hillbillies, despite the overpowering banjo music in their heads, that their “unprecedented victory” is just a splashy own goal. And that they would have been better off going Okie Noodling instead.
The Senate has just confirmed Betsy DeVos, 51-50. Bring on the lawsuits. The Senate is now voting on Jeff Sessions.
@3 Will you learn to spell in time?
I’m pretty skeptical about changing the way such people think.
Why bother? They’re already in the minority nationwide, and here in Washington State, they’ve been locked out of most statewide offices for decades. All we need to do is keep ensuring our majority can always vote, and gets to the polls.
Another fraternity, another dead student.
“State College police say there were 12 hours in between the time emergency responders found Piazza unconscious and the time of his injury at the fraternity party.”
Nobody called 911. Seriously.
@7 Washington (and some other states) is an island of rationality in a sea of craziness. We and our electeds need to bone up on states’ rights before Betsy DeVos turns our public schools into fundie madrasses.
@3 Will you learn to spell in time?
Why should he have trouble acquiring the knowledge needed to —
Oh, I see your point now. Me bad.
Here’s one of Drumpf’s “under-reported terror attacks.”
@ 2
Trump supportersPrevious Obama supporters lied about their intentions.I think that’s a bit closer to accurate, nicht war?
Life in Boob’s utopia: A village with plenty of $10-an-hour jobs and even a few $12-an-hour jobs.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I get a feeling the GOP doesn’t have a lock on these Trump supporters<Previous Obama supporters. It may have a hard time holding onto them after they get a good look at the GOP’s agenda of $7.25-an-hour road building jobs, repealing Obamacare, privatizing Medicare, gutting Medicaid and food stamps, and raising the price of everything WalMart sells by 20%.
it’s certainly no surprise that in the United States things like educational attainment, earned (as opposed to inherited) income, and economic productivity are very closely correlated with liberal voting patterns. Generally true even within the states themselves.
If I understand your state’s redistricting, the 8th was redrawn specifically to include fewer high earners with high levels of education in order to ensure that Mr. Reichert would retain a “safe” seat. Ergo, increasing the proportion of ignorant toothless hillbilly sister fucking voters in the 8th increased the probability that the district would continue to elect unqualified cynical con artists.
It’s a small shame that was allowed to happen. But perhaps those people deserve to be ignored in Congress, even if they would never see it that way. I’m sure Mr. Reichert and his sizable staff are hard at work on some very important legislation involving brass plaques or military bands.
In an “historic loss”
for President Trump, Betsy DeVos was confirmed as Secretary of Education.
If this is a loss, I don’t think the NEA would ever be able to handle a Trump win.
Trump supportersPrevious Obama supporters lied about their intentions.Certainly.
The phenomenon is called Moral License.
It’s exactly what happens when you give a small donation to Save the Children and then later on forgive yourself when you let the Pharm Rep buy you too many drinks at lunch and kill a patient. You remain exactly the same person throughout.
Exactly the same person.
here’s to many more such “victories” for Trailer Trump America.
@14 The main thing about Washington’s redistricting is that we went from 9 to 10 congressional districts, due to population growth that occurred mostly in the Puget Sound corridor, so Reichert’s district was reconfigured in the process of carving a new district out of the existing geography.
@ 18
Taking that one step further, was there not an effort to make the new WA district a minority-represented one? I cannot recall specifics but I believe that what resulted was a district composed of minority residents but so many different minorities that one group was not obviously dominant. Looking around for a citation and so far drawing a blank other than this proposal:
A new group aims to target politicians who support vote suppression laws.
@ 20
Bet the real goal is to divert whatever is donated to it toward the support of McCaskill next year.
Oh. I almost forgot. Yesterday Missouri became a right-to-work state. Which would seem more newsworthy than another lefty entity likely quietly backed by Soros.
“before Betsy DeVos turns our public schools into fundie madrasses”
She more likely has hopes of turning public schools into recruitment centers for her family’s pyramid scheme, er, multi-level marketing company.
Wherein Drumpf threatens to “destroy the career” of a state legislator in retaliation for supporting asset forfeiture reform.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The civil forfeiture program, originally designed to cripple organized crime and drug cartels, is badly in need of reform due to its misuse by corrupt police departments who literally steal property from innocent citizens. At least two things need to change: (1) Forfeiture should require a criminal conviction, and (2) the proceeds should go to the state, not to the police department. Meanwhile, Drumpf flaunts his customary ignorance about the issue.
@21 “Bet the real goal is to divert whatever is donated to it toward the support of McCaskill next year.”
Isn’t it early in the day to get into the formaldehyde cabinet?
“under-reported terror attacks.”
Geez, I wonder where Trump ever got that idea?
“Trump pushes InfoWars conspiracy theory that press ‘doesn’t want to report’ on terror attacks”
“Trump’s ‘Terrorism Isn’t Covered’ Ruse Is Old Breitbart Trick”
@ 25
It’s not the underreporting so much, Steve.
It’s the desperate attempts to report terrorist events as being perpetrated
BloombergVerified account
San Bernadino shooting happened less than two miles from a Planned Parenthood health clinic
1:29 PM – 2 Dec 2015
by people you don’t like, against people you do.
No, it was Trump supporters who blatantly lied to pollsters, as the very first comment in this thread reminded us.
Also, Hillary got more of the votes.
Live on your knees.
@ 27
Also, Hillary got more of the votes.
Trump got more of the votes that counted. The electoral kind.
Baseball games aren’t decided by which team has the most baserunners.
#CrookedHillary struck out with the bases loaded.
No wasted votes.
With historic tiebreaker from Pence, DeVos confirmed as education secretary
Too bad #CrookedHillary couldn’t have pulled that off, isn’t it, tensor.? I’m sure the NEA wanted some of those dollars spent outside of CA and NY.
Also, #CrookedHillary got more of the dollars.
“It’s the desperate attempts to report terrorist events as being perpetrated”
LOL! Boob is desperate… Let’s start a pool on what this freak will be hashtagging a year from now..
Heh. “Desperate”.. Desperate to manufacture a grievance in its pinhead by confusing a 54 page reconciliation bill, (42 pages of which had anything to do with health care) WITH a 906 page health care bill that passed with 60 votes.
“Desperate” indeed.
@ 31
No betting necessary on what you’ll be parroting a year from now, girlfriend.
Clinton: ‘The future is female’
You’re only a nip and a tuck away, YLB.
If the emperor thinks something is unreported, he should tell the American people himself. They hang on his every misspelled falsehood.
“It’s the desperate attempts to report terrorist events as being perpetrated”
Try this:
count up the number of county health department training events held in an typical year. Next count the number of terrorist attacks (politically motivated violent attacks with specific intent to do bodily harm to more than one person) occurring at such events.
Do the same for PP clinics.
I don’t think that particular troll is stupid. But unless he truly is “desperate”, I might have to revise that assessment.
Trump’s lies keep coming in swarms. First, he falsely claimed the media aren’t reporting terrorist attacks.
Then, he falsely claimed the U.S. murder rate is at its highest level in 47 years.
The media isn’t rolling over, so Trump’s minions are pushing back, calling the reporting of Trump’s lies “fake news” and accusing the press of “attacking” Trump.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s great to see the media grow a spine and call these liars exactly what they are: Liars.
Trump’s Muslim ban, and why it’s illegal, explained.
@28 “Also, Hillary got more of the votes. Trump got more of the votes that counted.”
Hmm, and you don’t see a problem with this?
@26 I won’t even try to make sense of this comment. That looks like “Mission Impossible” to me.
“I won’t even try to make sense of this comment.”
I’d guess something about Bloomberg and fake news.
How many electoral voters were polled before the election?
That number would dwarf the amount of useful knowledge you have ever brought to the comments here.
Live on your knees.
@ 34
count up the number of county health department training events held in an typical year. Next count the number of terrorist attacks (politically motivated violent attacks with specific intent to do bodily harm to more than one person) occurring at such events.
Do the same for PP clinics.
Since it was your idea shouldn’t we count up the number of training events at county health departments, and then compare it with the number of abortion events at Planned Parenthood (and elsewhere)?
I think that might make a bit more sense.
@ 35
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s great to see the media grow a spine and call these liars exactly what they are: Liars.
The reason you’re watching the media grow a spine is because they have been spineless for the past eight years, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re watching them rejuvenate what’s been absent when a Democrat was in office, Politifact 2013 Lie of the Year excluded.
Buncha fucking sore losers.
Sixteen percent said they have stopped talking to a family member or friend because of the election – up marginally from 15 percent. That edged higher, to 22 percent, among those who voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton. Overall, 13 percent of respondents said they had ended a relationship with a family member or close friend over the election, compared to 12 percent in October.
Maybe go have a march so we all can see how
fucking silly you lookunhappy you are about the election result.Oh, wait. You’re having one YLB can participate in.
Women’s March ✔ @womensmarch
The will of the people will stand.
8:05 AM – 6 Feb 2017
Date to be announced. Probably have to wait until you all syncronize your cycles. All due respect to Dr. McClintock, hell will freeze over first.
Fortunately, we’ll have a good laugh at your expense on the 17th of this month:
Nationwide General Strike Gains Traction, Scheduled For February 17
A proposed national general strike to oppose any and all things Trump has been coalescing around February 17, the Friday before President’s Day — when, presumably, a lot of people will be taking off work anyway because it’s the Friday of a holiday weekend.
So the point of a work stoppage on a day a lot of people aren’t going to be working anyway is……?
Liberal logic. There wouldn’t be a President Trump without it.
Maybe rethink all of these marches.
Democrats brace against potential 2018 Senate ‘disaster’
Or at least get rid of those stupid pink hats.
welp, either you’re a stupid liar, or a “desperate” liar, or you’re not a doctor, but still either stupid or “desperate”.
I’m leaning toward not a doctor.
Shorter 44,
“Absolutely nothing significant has happened and nothing’s changed since September”.
Sure. Go with that.
Once again tensor is all tensed up,
Trump supporters lied about their intentions.
Yeah they did. They were called homophobes, racists, and every other progressive hateful name in the book! Hence they didn’t tell the pollsters how #CrookedHillary sucked!
America are waaaaaay more racist and misogynist than they are comfortable admitting outside the privacy of a curtained booth.
Really Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom? 210 counties switched and that’s your best answer?
Another DUMMOCRETIN SCUM useless tool!
Another fraternity, another dead student.
That’s what they teach at libtard progressive schools. Hide and obfuscate!
This might be Kellyanne Conjob’s biggest whopper of all.
The phenomenon is called Moral License.
DUMMOCRETINS have morals?
The phenomenon is called Moral License.
DUMMOCRETINS have morals?
@42 “The reason you’re watching the media grow a spine is because they have been spineless for the past eight years, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
You won’t get an argument from me about that. For eight years, the gutless media refused to call Republican treason by its right name.
@43 Doesn’t apply to us. We haven’t stopped talking to you. And yes, you’re part of our goat family here.
@44 That article is from September, written before Democrats acquired an enormous political tailwind named “President Trump.”
Of course, it’s always possible Republicans might impeach him before 2018, which would be a disaster for the Dems.
Mitch the turtle McWhatshishead just SHUT UP a political enemy on the floor of the U.S. Senate.
This is what they are, this is what they do!
SPPSteve @@25
Wasn’t the pink moist panty wearer at the womxns march?
Heh. Pinheaded boob took offense at being called on being a total ignoramus..
Still desperate.
@58 Ooooh.. Look everyone. The freak is practicing for saturday night!
Goldy should charge the fool for what it takes from here to the salt mine.
@45 “I’m leaning toward not a doctor.”
I wouldn’t go that far. I used to believe you have to be very smart to become an attorney, but I’ve met too many stupid attorneys to believe that anymore. Same applies to doctors.
Puddy bets the numbers are similar for leftist DUMMOCRETIN activists…
@49 “That’s what they teach at libtard progressive schools. Hide and obfuscate!”
Pretty strong words from someone that seems to have a mail order diploma (if you have one at all).
When I was in college (a well known college in Washington that is a private secular school) , I got a knock on my dorm door from an nice person that identified themselves as a member of the Young Republicans on campus and they they were on a voter registration drive and wanted to know if I was a Democrat or Republican. In this state, you did not have to declare your party to vote. I told them that I was neither. He thanked me and turned and left. When asked he stated that they were only interested in registering people they could count on to vote Republican.
So at this fine liberal and progressive school, even the young Republicans were engaging in voter suppression at an early age. That was certainly not the ideal or moral ethic taught by the school, then or now.
Once again, you clearly don’t know what the fuck you are babbling about.
A classic definition of “liberal” in the terms of education is, “the liberal arts are those subjects or skills that in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free person to know in order to take an active part in civic life…” often using the Socratic method. The Socratic method can be described as, “is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presumptions. ” and
Both the idea of liberal arts and the Socratic method are clearly repugnant to the Trump followers, as they would rather hide and obfuscate and create alternative facts. Critical thinking is just something you and Dr. Bob don’t really display much of.
Pink lace panties @60 are moist tonight!
Pink lace panties @60 are moist tonight!
That DUMMOCRETIN arschloch is SCUM!
Look everyone! The freak @ 64,65 is putting its hand before its salt miner buddy!
Only too predictable and SAD!
“That’s what they teach at libtard progressive schools. Hide and obfuscate!”
So that’s what your SPAWN learned at UW? What kind of FREAK daddy are you to send your SPAWN to a liberal progressive skewl where Prof Darryl teaches?
Pretty strong words from someone that seems to have a mail order diploma (if you have one at all).
Who was discussing libtard arts? YOU! Puddy was discussing libtard thought pervasive on almost all public university campi!
Keep this fool guessing!
@63 Newt, education was WASTED on the babbling troll freak.
The FREAK will babble about its “vaulted” education till the cows return to the homestead and look how it behaves..
Like a f’ing A-HOLE!
Like a f’ing A-HOLE!
Looking in the mirror again fetid gaseous arschloch?
@63 I’m not sure what Republicans consider a valid degree. They seem to be against all forms of liberal arts education. Supposedly this implies people should get “useful” degrees in math, engineering, or science — until you start to question their numbers, the feasibility of their projects, or try to explain science to them. As for “higher” education, I think this is what they have in mind:
@68 ” … libtard thought pervasive on almost all public university campi!”
Maybe that’s because there’s something wrong with conservative thought. Many colleges have an unwritten rule against bullshit making it into the classroom.
fetid gaseous arschloch @67,
Let’s see where your devilspawn go! They have to pass the SATs or ACTs with good scores and then get in. Gonna pull the poor card like you did last summer? BTW we bought GET so they stayed local for their undergraduate degrees!
Remember, my children are not a burden to society (money sucking leeches) like you and the vomit producing dead frog are!
The FREAK’s beloved Drumpf called soldiers who served in Iraq “killers”…
On the SAME LEVEL as Vlad Putin and its thugs who MURDER opposition journalists and politicians.
The FREAK must agree with this!
@73 “Remember, my children are not a burden to society ( money sucking leeches) like you and the vomit producing dead frog are!”
Why was I left out? I feel hurt. After all, I’m the second biggest bloodsucking leech around here, second only to the Medicare-tit-squeezing doctor, so I deserve at least an honorable mention.
Socratic method is not repugnant to conservatives. It’s you anarchist DUMMOCRETIN whom are afraid of other ideas hence no socratic methods allowed on college campi!
NYU and UC Berkeley come to mind!
BTW evolution theory is greek thought, not Darwinism. Darwin stole that!
@74 Yeah, looks like Vlad spiked another one.
“Looking in the mirror again”
is your daughter turning tricks yet?
Look in that mirror and put the hand first you sick fool!
@76 “whom are afraid of other ideas”
We’ve already tried 2 + 2 = 5 numerous times. It has never worked, and our calculations indicate it never will work, so we don’t see how open-mindedness about conservative math is anything but a waste of time. A 6,000-year-old earth doesn’t work, either.
I see the loon’s head exploded with double posts of hate @51 and @52. Chrome strikes again!
Whoa! The loon double-posts his lust for YLB @64 and 65! I knew the loon would go there sooner or later.
Has the Washington State GOP yet designated a sacrificial victim for Senator Cantwell?
Will it be a no-talent white guy, or will it be Rep. McMorris Rodgers?
Or perhaps, just perhaps, they’ll choose someone so fresh, so dynamic, so obviously deserving of promotion to higher office, that Sen. Cantwell will have to actually, you know, campaign?
(For her own re-election, I mean. Not for a liberal cause like gay marriage.)
Do keep us posted.
A doctor would know that most abortions “events” take place at home.
Actually, anybody on intimate and frank terms with a reasonable handfull of women under 40 would know that.
Remember, my children are not a burden to society
Dont be ridiculous. Of course they are. The delousings alone cost more than they’ll ever manage to pay back in taxes over the course of their careers as honey dippers, banjo tuners, and professional Okie noodlers.
Abortions are a helluva lost cheaper than a life time of public support for kids that single moms can’t support. One of the stupidest things an unmarried woman can do is to have a kid out of wedlock, and abortion is a remedy to this stupidity.
Birth control is cheaper than both.
Shame that Trailer Trump American hillbillies oppose that too.
“had the unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as an extremely famous and well-known person, as well as a former professional model and brand spokesperson, and successful businesswoman, to launch a broad-based commercial brand in multiple product categories, each of which could have garnered multimillion-dollar business relationships for a multiyear term during which plaintiff is one of the most photographed women in the world.”
So she is a whore after all.
Glad thats settled.
A69 “@63 Newt, education was WASTED on the babbling troll freak.”
That is certainly obvious to all except Puddy. Go golly he should ask for a refund because they ripped him off, just look at his posts, complete gibberish. Syntax and prose like that is simply shameful from a college/university educated individual. I’m sure he won’t post where he matriculated and graduated from, they surely would be ashamed to have their name on the sheepskin they presented to him and probably move to revoke it.
I didn’t realize you could get a degree in ESL, maybe they treated that as a foreign language.
On second thought, he probably doesn’t have a sheepskin diploma, because GoatFucker University only scribbles with crayons on the back of a Waffle House menu out of professional courtesy to sheep because sheep have such a tough life in the Trump-loving Red parts of the country.
*Ebonincs as a Second Language
Abstinence, birth control, abortion – whatever works.
@85 Accidents happen. The loon, for example, almost certainly was an accident. Nobody in their right mind would intentionally sic a moron like him on the world.
@87 If anything that rep enhances her market appeal. Who buys stuff from frumpy housewives?
@76 “BTW evolution theory is greek thought, not Darwinism. Darwin stole that!”
Go back and read “On the origin of species” you stupid fuck.
Darwin never claimed he invented “evolution” From “On the origin of species”: ‘There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.’
The idea of evolution was already know by him and the scientific community. Thanks for that insight Captain Obvious.
What he did do, through his description of natural selection and the roles of sexual selection, divergence, and inheritance, provide mechanisms for evolution to take place.
I hope you don’t ever go visit the primate exhibits at zoos, I’m sure the primates would just fling shit at you because they are ashamed that they are the ones that are caged and not you. But then again, zoos are trying it keep their animals active and engaged, they need the exercise and they should just give them computers and internet; they could probably provide better insight and commentary that Puddy and Dr. Bob.
To think, Koko has a better vocabulary than Puddy…
Fool whom plays midget @92,
Puddy writes this way on purpose on this blog. Why waste the queen’s English on a bunch of morons!
Go back and read “On the origin of species” – Why? Puddy believes in a Supreme Creator who’s Son will return to claim His own soon. What will you say when this event happens?
“Oh sorry, I didn’t think you were real!”
“Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?”
‘They will say to the mountains, “Fall on us,” and to the hills, “Cover us.”’
Zoos? There goes HA DUMMOCRETINS again; thinking about their animal sex and flinging shit. Why is it wild animals turn on these morons? Hmmm…? Maybe their home life needs a subliminal outlet and this blog provides the outlet.
Double Post just for SPPSteve because its head explodes every time!
Fool whom plays midget @92,
Puddy writes this way on purpose on this blog. Why waste the queen’s English on a bunch of morons!
Go back and read “On the origin of species” – Why? Puddy believes in a Supreme Creator who’s Son will return to claim His own soon. What will you say when this event happens?
“Oh sorry, I didn’t think you were real!”
“Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?”
‘They will say to the mountains, “Fall on us,” and to the hills, “Cover us.”’
Zoos? There goes HA DUMMOCRETINS again; thinking about their animal sex and flinging shit. Why is it wild animals turn on this morons? Hmmm…? Maybe their home life needs a subliminal outlet and this blog provides the outlet.
Seems SPPSteve borrowed a set of panties from the fetid gaseous arschloch YLShe and likes them moist.
Seems SPPSteve borrowed a set of panties from the fetid gaseous arschloch YLShe and likes them moist.
Looks like Newt Hoenikker and I can each chalk up a couple of double-post loon head explosions to our credit, although we should give Baby Jesus a nod for his contribution to @93 and 94, and YLB @95 and 96.
White House leaks – Trump unfit for office.
His head’s too fucked up. Same reason the loon’s unfit to post comments.
@93/94 “Go back and read “On the origin of species” – Why? Puddy believes in a Supreme Creator who’s Son will return to claim His own soon. What will you say when this event happens?”
Thanks for my morning chuckle, that statement is priceless. From my perspective, I seriously doubt, and I believe the probability of me facing a Supreme Creator or his son, will never happen. If it does, being a true scientist, I would have to examine the evidence and review the facts and my opinion may change. History is full of examples when scientists make discoveries and findings that change the conventional thinking at the time. See the Michelson-Morely experiment as a prime example:
Same goes for you, what will you say when you die and nothing happens? No soul, no heavenly light (or in your case eternal damnation)? You just go into the ground and decay into the elements.
I don’t know why you keep referring to me as a “midget”, I am not and we have never met.
However, people that do suffer from the medical condition of dwarfism take the term “midget” as a pejorative term. Does that give me the right to call a black person a “n*gger” when they have as much control over the color of their skin as they do to the overall height of their body. I would think that you as a follower of the story of God would have more compassion and empathy for one of God’s creatures, after all, according to your Sky Daddy legend, we are all made in his image.
Puddy you just continue to show that religion is useless other than a mechanism to control “less-offs” like you. You claim to be a follower but you constantly demonstrate you don’t comprehend what the message is really all about; you are just filled with hate, spite, contempt, and ignorance, which is why you are the perfect conservative/Republican.
half of all the women you have ever known have experienced at least one unplanned pregnancy.
If you’re a hillbilly, the rate goes up to 99%.
Abstinence. Sure.
I don’t know why you keep referring to me as a “midget”,
Apparently you have no idea who owns that name!
Butt, being a scientist… Lib Un Scientist
No one owns a name, except maybe that nut musician that changed his name to a symbol that he could trademark it. Many people in the world share the same name.
Yes I am well aware of who you are making a reference to and it seems to be completely lost on you as to the meaning of the name and the context in which it is used. Clearly you never read the book.
{insert your favorite deity here}, you are one dumb goat-fucker.
Remember, Jesus is full of love, Puddy is full of something else.
Again, you use a pejorative term and by doing so clearly demonstrate your full hypocrisy on being a Christian who reads and follows the word of God. I think you are gonna be in for a surprise when your time comes to meet your Lord.
For the life of me I don’t know why you keep using your tag line “DUMMOCRETIN are SCUM” with me I’m not a Democrat nor am I am a Republican. Lies, more lies, and then Puddy’s comments. Priceless. It is the gift that keeps on giving.
You claim to be a follower but you constantly demonstrate you don’t comprehend what the message is really all about; you are just filled with hate, spite, contempt, and ignorance, which is why you are the perfect conservative/Republican.
Sadly you have real issues. Not only are you delusional by following your father Satan, butt you also have no idea what you are rambling on about.
There is no hate. If FACTS and TRUTH about DUMMOCRETINS through their own words copied from DUMMOCRETIN publications continues to spank your silly ASS everyday is hate; then you are demented.
There is no spite. If FACTS and TRUTH about DUMMOCRETINS hurts, the foo shits. If FACTS and TRUTH offend you, then being a LIV DUMMOCRETIN really has messed you up. Dr Mike Savage is soooooo right. Being a libtard is really a mental disorder. If FACTS and TRUTH about DUMMOCRETINS annoys you then you live in your little cocoon of DUMMOCRETIN injected stoooooooopidity!
There is no contempt. If FACTS and TRUTH about DUMMOCRETINS seems as contempt to you then you really are a contemptible DUMMOCRETIN with no moral compass!
The only ignorance is your silly ASS not comprehending FACTS and TRUTH! Jesus is coming again and all of Heaven will be coming with Him!
Newton “Newt” Hoenikker: The dwarf son of famed scientist Felix Hoenikker, from Cat’s Cradle!
Hence midget comment!
Oh nooooooooooooooo, A baby fetus can feel pain…
Wow, an explosion of verbal diarrhea.
So much out of whack it is unreal. You had to look up Newt, you wouldn’t know that because the book is a satire and black humor about religion, science, and technology. If you wouldn’t read “On the origins of species” because it goes against your 6000 year old earth and Creator theory, then you certainly wouldn’t read a book that openly mocks religion.
Satan is not my father, plain and simple. I don’t believe in god, without a belief in god, how can you believe in the good/evil paradigm of heaven/hell, there is no need? It is all pure BS. Felix had it right.
“The only ignorance is your silly ASS not comprehending FACTS and TRUTH! Jesus is coming again and all of Heaven will be coming with Him!”
There are simply no facts or truths to support your statement “Jesus is coming again and all of Heaven will be coming with Him” Where is the proof? What facts support your claim? The Bible is a work of fiction.
Religious fanatics/zealots/hypocrites like you just reinforce why organized religions should be avoided, as it leads to mental pygmyism.
Sigh, trying to reason with someone that believes a bunch of stories made up by sheep herders sitting around a campfires, is simply an effort on par with what Sisyphus was tasked with (oops, ripped that off from the Greeks).
Remember, Jesus saves (at Golgotha Savings and Loan).
One more for the road: what is white and flies through the air? The second cumming of Christ.
Damn! The freak was really UNHINGED in this thread!
Memory and date math challenged.
Conveniently skipped the issue of “two minds” too.
Yawwn.. Par for the course.