Today is election day (really…it is), so drop off your ballot and join us at Drinking Liberally for an evening of watching election returns under the influence. We’ll be meeting at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or stop by early for dinner.
Tonight Clarence Eckerson will join us at Drinking Liberally. Clarence is a contributer to “Street Films” part of the Streetsblog family of websites devoted to documenting and improving urban livability issues. You can read more of his work here.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 344 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
If anyone sees DaddyLove or Zotz, tell them Steve says to fuck off and die.
Oops, sorry. Anger got the best of me again. My bad. But I’ve gotta say, when progressives attack another progressive for being a person of faith, something has gone horribly wrong. Hmm, does anybody else here see this my way? And if you all think I’m wrong, then help me out here – how do I go about getting a refund on my progressive movement membership dues? And is there any hope that Goldy will give me back the money I’ve given him over the last couple of years?
See, things are changing.
That youtube channel has lots more interesting video..
Again here’s my silver bullet for the energy and climate crises..
We could shut down every fossil fuel power plant in the WORLD by 2050, if we started on this now.
Steve @ 1
yeah not cool. Some of the most thoughtful posters here like Roger, Proud Leftist, rhp and yourself are people of faith..
I’m an atheist myself but no atheist worth his salt doesn’t read scripture and moreover, a thinking atheist acknowledges faith and religion’s contribution to the human enterprise.
How about you, Darryl? Care to jump on my ass because I’m a person of faith? Care to ridicule me for it? Would you care to do it to my face? It can be arranged, you know. You can bring your pathetic friends, Daddylove and Zotz, as an army of asswipes to back you up. Bring it, you fucks.
Oops, there goes the anger management again. God’s no doubt disappointed in me. Damn. My bad. Sorry.
I’m sorry, guys. Really. But I’m really, really pissed off. I’ll try to back off.
Thanks, YLB. You likely understand that my being a Christian doesn’t necessarily mean that I believe that there’s some old white guy with a beard floating around in the clouds taking note of any sparrows that might happen to fall.
“How about you, Darryl?”
Huh? Me?
“Care to jump on my ass because I’m a person of faith?”
Why would I do that?
“Care to ridicule me for it?”
As a matter of fact I don’t. But, you sure are setting yourself up nicely to be ridiculed for paranoia!
“Would you care to do it to my face?”
Sure…I’d be happy to not ridicule you over your faith to your face. Stop by DL, tough-guy, and I not ridicule you right to your face….
You can fuck off too, Darryl. And, yes, I will be glad to meet you at DL. Better bring your two friends. And bring the money I’ve given Goldy. Every last fucking penny of it.
Oops! There goes the anger again. heh- My bad. Sorry.
You know, Darryl, maybe you should hop on over to the healthcare reform thread before you open your fucking mouth and see for yourself why I’m so fucking angry.
ylb arschloch,
Where is the my sympathies on your loss Steve? NOWHERE! That’s why you ridiculed me in the Health Care Reform thread?
Steve, chill man, chill. 99.9% of us either are or are cool with people of faith.
9 – Just heard about it moron.. I haven’t been hanging out here all that much lately if you just bother to open your stupid eyes.
And wrong again about “why”…
Miserable, miserable, fool.. So full of bullshit… So ugly.. So holier than thou…
@10 I know. I’m sorry. I really am.
@7 I’m very angry. I apologize for that, Darryl. You were not part of this.
@9 Let’s drop this. I need your email so in the future we can discuss personal matters off-list. Maybe Darryl would be so kind as to help with an exchange of addresses.
Sorry, folks. I shouldn’t have come here today. Perhaps I’ll come back in few weeks after I’ve seen this thing through.
12 – Steve no problem.. Take a break from this place. It’s for entertainment only. This is a place where we laugh at wingnuts to keep from crying over what they’ve done to this country.
I’ll try to forward a note to you through Darryl and Goldy..
I’d say something here but I’m kind of mad at some FUCKING IDIOT with a degenerate agenda @ 9.
Look in the mirror fool left eye on the porn guy!
Steve, cuz you reached out, Puddy would like to take you to lunch sometime vs some stupid “note”, difficult time aside!
Good luck and God speed at the funeral dude.
arschloch claimed
He made the comment yesterday and you were at your degenerate worst after his comment on HA.
15 – Didn’t see it until I noticed Steve pushing back at DL in the other thread..
You tool – then you went and did your “divide and conquer” routine. “John” from the hit squad then piled in.. You see that???
That’s the way it is with the right wing. Always dividing people.
@1 “Hmm, does anybody else here see this my way?”
@6 “doesn’t necessarily mean that I believe that there’s some old white guy with a beard floating around in the clouds taking note of any sparrows that might happen to fall”
Now why did you go and pop my balloon? If She sees sparrows fall, then She must see rabbits get run over by cars too, because we’re bigger than sparrows.
Whatafool. It’s you progressive libtardos who use class warfare.
You are dumb and dumber in the same useless biomass!
That’s cuz your blind hatred ylb arschloch blinds you fool! You are so busy looking to hate life passes you by. And life passes you by while at home sitting on your ASS.
@18 “It’s you progressive libtardos who use class warfare.”
Uh-huh. Attacks on unions and minimum wage workers. Digging the country deeper in debt to give breaks to billionaires. Robbing taxpayers to give high-profit no-bid contracts to political cronies. Writing a tax code that coddles the rich with special exemptions, deductions, credits, and tax rates. Federal bailouts to pay bankers’ bonuses. Trillions for Wall Street, nothing for Main Street. Yep, that looks like class warfare, all right.
Hey, the first part of that clip was from Fireball XL5. Anybody remember that?
@21 Don’t distract Puddy. He’s too busy getting his rocks off over Snidely Scalia’s remarks about the latest of the Supreme Court’s pretending not to “legislate from the bench”.
Wow Puddy needs to visit old threads.
Pavlov’s Doggie struck the arschloch@20. GOOD!
You hate 24×7 like the Philistines hated David and the Hebrews.
The old Fart ArtFart has no rocks to get off anymore!
zzzZZZZZzzzzz. Your pavlov dog meme is as feckless as anything you’ve tried here..
Keep on using it fool… I’ll just count how many times you’ve used it and report back..
and Oh have I got reports!