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I thought Republicans were against unfunded mandates? You know, compelling private businesses to do things, without compensation? Guess not.
Cop violence against citizens is out of control. Human life isn’t worth anything in America anymore, and none of us are safe.
If the Russians hacked the election, then it’s payback for all the elections in other countries that the US has engaged in disrupting over the past 100+ years.
Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. It turns out that other nations are returning the “favor.”
There’s a lot to be said for minding our own business.
Two things possibly explained.
” … Trump owes “vast sums” of money to Russian oligarchs who have also invested in Trump’s various business enterprises … [which] could explain why Trump has not disclosed his tax returns, which Reich said “would show evidence of these deals.””
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sell out America for his own self-interest? Why not? That’s consistent with everything else he’s ever done.
@3 “There’s a lot to be said for minding our own business.”
Like we did in the 1930s and look what that got us.
I wonder if the CIA can induce a debilitating stroke without detection.
@6 Sure. See, e.g., McCain.
I was just sitting here musing about the role of a liberal arts education in society. Its purpose, of course, is to give undergraduates a general understanding of the world around them and teach them critical thinking skills. You don’t get this in graduate or professional schools. For example, as Ben Carson and Boob clearly demonstrate, medical schools — despite all the hype surrounding them — are just trade schools. Apprenticeships are hard to get into, too. Brain surgery is like welding or car repair. I’ve known some talented mechanics who voted Republican. A lot of doctors vote Republican, too. What further proof do you need that having an M.D. degree doesn’t necessarily mean you can think worth a damn? Boob proves every day that a doctor can go through life with his head up his ass. And Carson? What the hell can you say about Carson? His debate performances said everything that can be said about the empty space between his ears. Too bad these goofballs never got a decent liberal arts education. The world would be a better place if they had been force-fed an art appreciation class.
@4 More like sell out America to save his own wrinkly hide. Betcha he’s got someone testing his food for polonium just in case it isn’t enough.
@8 When the bar is so, so very low on that side, he sounds reasonable. I mean, the people that vote for him, well, you know, like home schooled types…
@10 Yeah, if we simply implement the economic stimulus policies that we’ve spent the last 8 years preventing Obama from implementing, the economy will do fine. So vote for us, if our vote suppression efforts fail to prevent you from voting.
The closer you look at Drumpf’s cabinet selections, the worse they reek. For example, Drumpf’s pick for Energy Secretary, Rick Perry, sits on the board of directors of the company building the Dakota Access pipeline. Guess how much consideration he’s going to give to tribal and public concerns about the safety of their water supply? Of course, the entire GOP reeks of self-interest and conflicts of interest. For example, former SecStates James Baker and Condi Rice have endorsed Exxon CEO and Putin buddy Rex Tillerson. But wait, Baker’s law firm represents Exxon, and Rice’s consulting firm has Exxon as a client, so what do you expect them to do? They’re paid big money to protect and advance Exxon’s selfish interests. Tillerson is probably more than willing to trade Ukraine and Syria, along with millions of human lives, for billions of barrels of Siberian oil. Exxon has a problem of shrinking reserves, you see. Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns a few hundred shares of Exxon stock, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to suck Putin’s dick, like Drump is fixing to do. I’m not a fucking traitor to my own country like your average Republican one-percenter is.
Romney never had a chance of being appointed SecState, because there was no personal profit for Drumpf in it.
Drumpf is going to drain the swamp in D.C., load it aboard a truck, and dump it in your driveway.
Then overcharge you for the service.
When your reputation is in the toilet, get a new identity.
@6 Would anyone notice?
@7 I rest my case.
I wonder what the general reaction would have been if Carter or Reagan had nominated Armand Hammer as SecState or ambassador to the Soviet Union.
The Fraternal Order of Police issued their wish list today — things they want Trump to do. Topping their list: Bring back racial profiling.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone still wanna argue we don’t have racist cops in this country?
“Tillerson is probably more than willing to trade Ukraine and Syria, along with millions of human lives, for billions of barrels of Siberian oil.”
The trade is more likely to be Ukraine and the Republic of Georgia. As Trump says, “To the victor goes the spoils”. I wonder if Reagan ever imagined his GOP becoming a pro-Russian party run by a former KGB agent and now dictator of Russia? For all his faults, Reagan loved America, unlike this present gaggle of traitors.
@19 It’s not too late for the Electors to put a stop to this.
What? No boob or babbling jackass today?
Could it be that those two trolls can’t even stomach the stark reality of a Republican Preznit selected by Vlad Putin and his spymasters?
Naaaaaah! The HATE is everything to those tools.
Didn’t the trolls say the earth is actually cooling??? Of course they did. Denying reality is what trolls do.
They’ll deny to their dying day that a place that should be a solid block of ice has all of a sudden started forming rivers and lakes.
After all, the climate is ALWAYS changing.. Stop worrying and dig more coal.
No Interior Sec’y job for McMorris-Rodgers
Trump tapped Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-WY) for Interior. Zinke is a mixed bag. Big supporter of fossil fuel industries. Hedges on climate change; says it isn’t a hoax, but isn’t proven science either. Unlike McMorris-Rodgers, he opposes selling off public lands, or turning over federal land to states; in fact, he supports funding for more open spaces. So, expect oil rigs in National Monuments, but more National Monuments to put them in.
Of course. Why make it easier for States to secede?
We had one civil war already in North America. Civil Wars are bad for
lootingbusiness.The senile dumb wabbit claimed – Brain surgery is like welding or car repair.
So being a lawyer is like being a garbage man?
Could it be that those two trolls can’t even stomach the stark reality of a Republican Preznit selected by Vlad Putin and his spymasters?
Such fetid gaseous excretions from the fetid arschloch.
What did the DNI guy say again fetid arschloch?
“Loyalists who were with the Trump campaign since its early days have been frustrated that they have been shut out of top posts in the new administration.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ha ha ha, what did they expect from a con man? A share of the spoils? They’ll be lucky if their paychecks for their campaign work don’t bounce.
Meanwhile, in Crime Blotter news, the jackass who shot up a pizza parlor because he thought Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring there is looking at federal felony charges that could put him away for 10 years.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s hope he gets the max. This moron is a public health hazard. He shouldn’t be loose on the streets.
Question: Why didn’t he just report his suspicions to the police and let them handle it? George Zimmerman probably would tell you because it’s more fun to be a vigilante.
@24 “So being a lawyer is like being a garbage man?”
Sometimes. Depends on the client.
Tech titans bet on the wrong horse and now have to eat crow…
@21 I don’t see a problem. Let’s say you stupid humans raise the mean atmospheric temperature by 2 degrees Celsius, causing the polar ice caps to melt and releasing the methane trapped in arctic tundra, setting off runaway greenhouse warming. The few of you who are left will be reduced to grubbing for roots and berries in the subalpine zones still remaining above the new sea level. We rabbits will do quite well by living on vegetation you can’t digest, and soon there will be so many of us we’ll simply kick your sorry asses off what remains of dry land and then you’ll have to either swim or die. After you’re gone, we rabbits will have this place to ourselves for the next billion years. The heat won’t bother us; we have plenty of fur and insulation.
Can you thank Obummer for this too?
CNN discriminating against a black man? Noooooooooooooo! http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....cnn-955775
So Detroit created votes? A DUMMOCRETIN location? Nooooooooooo! Was the fix in?
Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday.
Obummer’s TSA in action.
Hey fetid arschloch… Check this out…
Since I was out of vanilla extract and I will be doing some baking I picked up a bottle of vanilla extract. Oddly it’s Kosher vanilla extract. I have no idea how it can be Kosher or just what I would have to do to actually keep it Kosher since I have no need to be Kosher.
I do wonder just how vanilla could be Kosher at all with an origin story of: The Totonac people, who inhabit the East Coast of Mexico in the present-day state of Veracruz, were the first to cultivate vanilla. According to Totonac mythology, the tropical orchid was born when Princess Xanat, forbidden by her father from marrying a mortal, fled to the forest with her lover. The lovers were captured and beheaded. Where their blood touched the ground, the vine of the tropical orchid grew.
Is this stuff just posing? Have I done what many non Jewish thinking they may need to entertain Jewish neighbors or guest actually done a terrible faux pau. Or is this the ingredient that makes accidently serving pork or lobster ok. (Yeah right.)
Sorry I couldn’t wait until Sunday to bring this up.
@8 A good liberal arts education would also mean people would realize the stick this whole the Russians tampered with our election. While they and other nations clearly are interested and clearly have not been hands off this election whether they actually overstepped should be the real question, because if they did it’s an act of war, and if so then the President should be asking Congress for a declaration of war not that Congress need wait for the President. Congress can act on it’s own. Since none of that is happening, and it’s most likely the Russians acting like Russians, and it’s being exaggerated, and Democrats are trying to make political hay. Not that any electors are going to get a briefing.
The truth is Hilliary Clinton was a sucky candidate. She got the candidate she wanted to run against, and lost. And she knows the rules of the game. So what do Democrats do they keep Pelosi in as their top person in the House. Seriously. That would not happen at in the Washington state House. The Democrat who is the House Speaker and the party loses is going to take a break from being the top Dem. Nancy Pelosi should have fallen on the sword. And since she didn’t the vote for leadership should have been a lot rougher with a guarantee Dems will have more Democrats filling seats after the 2018 election or Pelosi resigns, and I mean from the House altogether.
@4 RR you are a lawyer. While there could be proof of this in Trump’s tax returns it’s just as likely such loans won’t show up as they at one of his corporations or LLC’s and the loans are against them, and not Trump personally. So unless he’s using these loans to offset income it’s not going to be there. After all it’s all about income and then deductions even for a billionaire like Trump.
@12 Well President can still do something about Syria and Ukraine as he has for the past eight years. Looking like Syria will be pretty much decided by the time Trump takes the oath of office so the 82 civilians executed by Assad’s forces today in Aleppo are on President Obama’s watch.
@19 Well some are definitely making noise and one in this state. They may actually get up to the Appellate Court now and get told the State can tell you who to vote for. And I guess it could end up at the Supreme, of course they can just agree with the Appellate that the trial courts got it right. Which would mean the electors can’t do what you and others are dreaming of.
So the next dream will be impeachment?
@12 Now you can either be a proud Capitalist rabbit who loves their shares of what used to be Standard Oil, and think back to what Daddy Rockefeller would do. He would think this is just swell, unless of course Trump has a little Roosevelt in him and goes after some monopoly’s. Which oddly might be in the cards, we don’t know yet. Not like the past few Democratic administrations have not turned a blind eye to monopolistic practices.
I thought you were a Capitalist rabbit and you should be a very happy rabbit right now, or are you really a progressive rabbit? A commie rabbit as occassionally you seem to have read Marx and Engels and mad e fun of the proletariat.
@16 What if Ike had followed Churchill’s suggestion and gone to Stalin’s funeral?
@27 Sometime I wonder if your an attorney. This is a classic case of a Federal Prosecutor under a little pressure from higher ups and in the public eye putting more weight on the scales than maybe necessary. The guy is going to have an attorney or a public defender who is most likely gong to advise him to cop a plea, and will work to get his client the least amount of time he can. This is not a case where the public is going to be served well by sentencing this would be vigilante to a decade in prison. The local gun charges was probably sufficient for the purpose of justice. Thank god no one was hurt. There is plenty of room here for some mercy. Attorneys occassionally ask the Courts to take mercy on their client, ahs should this guys attorney. Now if he’s a real nut he’s going to insist on representing himself and we will be paying for a very long prison sentence on a very foolish man. The fool may grow up after all he did for the children.
@30 Only our dear neighbors the Canadians will be winners in the climate change lottery and your cousins the Artic rabbit will be extinct. Us Americans will be the new Mexicans trying to get past the fence the Canadians have put up. Meanwhile rabbits are mighty tasty. So it could be a good thing that in rabbit math one and one is not two.
My goodness! Those were some impressive explosions by the Putin-lovin’ loon last night.