Come in from the cold this evening, warm your hands at the wood burning stove, order the beverage of your choice, and then join us for discussions and merrymaking at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
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There’s a photo with the story. I’m thinking ‘froggy, only younger and less insane.
An Alabama man who referred to residents of Gatlinburg as “mouth-breathing, toothless, Trump-suckin’ pond scum” in the wake of last week’s deadly wildfires has lost his job and been targeted by social media users as a possible suspect in the blaze.
“Funny story. I was recently in Gatlinburg. Had a terrible time. I felt the place was a cesspool of consumerism and a bastion of the worst aspect of southern culture. Turns out a wildfire just burned most of the town to the ground. Good riddance, Gatlinburg. And good luck you mouth-breathing, toothless, diabetic, cousin-humpin,’ mountain-dew chugging, moon-pie-munchin,’ pall-mall smoking,’, Trump-suckin’ pond scum. (Chuckles and smiles like the smarmy liberal elitist I am,” Bonner wrote.
He got a bit redundant in that last sentence. Since his name is all over Alabama now, I’m sure he’ll have a very Merry Xmas. Oh, and the free time to enjoy it, too.
Another innocent Muslim woman is assaulted by a knuckledragger drunk on rightwing hate. Hey, Trump, you built this.
Sounds like we to put the asshole loony progressive in post 1 and the asshole racist in post 2 in a cage together for a night of naked oil wrestling….then use them as live human target practice. I have a few thousand rounds of 7.62 x 54 that I could contribute.
@1 He must be a Cruz supporter, because there aren’t any Democrats in Alabama.
@3 Let’s sell tickets. I’ll give you a 50-50 split. There’s a huge market out there for this kind of entertainment.
@4 Actually there are, but most of them are to the right of the Republicans.
Assuming Trump is inaugurated and serves out his term, four years from now, let’s see how he did — by the numbers. This is a golden opportunity for him to prove he’s more than hot air.
Count me in
Any lingering doubt that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s a clown really should be extinguished at this point.
Yes, there are Democrats in Alabama. Plenty of liberal ones as well. But the AL Democrat party suffers from disorganization, infighting, and money (mis)management issues. Here’s a nice summary:
Whither the Democrats? Amid losses, party debates future
Note that not even the state education association is contributing to Democrats anymore. Who woulda thunk that the nation’s smartest teachers are in Alabama?
Not a word in the piece about Artur Davis. Oh. He’s back in Alabama, and he’s back to being a Democrat.
I spewed too soon. Turns out Alabama’s teachers bet the farm on 2014 elections, and had nothing put away on the future.
AEA’s political action committee, Alabama Voice of Teachers for Education, spent $2.1 million of its $2.2 million in revenue last year paying back the loans, according to a campaign finance report filed Tuesday.
The article doesn’t say, but they must have used Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit as an investment and expenditure consultant.
Apparently Alabama pulled a Scott Walker on the AEA, and someone within the AEA PAC had the idea that 2014 was the perfect election cycle to do something about it.
The teachers’ organization, once a dominant force in state government, took blows after Republicans won control of the state Legislature in 2010. Long a bete noire of the GOP, Republican legislators in 2011 approved bills cutting off check-off dues for teachers, AEA’s chief source of revenue.
Really, libbies, stupidity should be painful. Like blowing off WI and MI in order to turn AZ blue, for instance.
2016 has been quite a year, even in Europe.
Post-Brexit vote, Britain lost its PM.
Italy’s resigned this week.
French president won’t give it another go.
And now Angela Merkel says no to burkas.
Whatever could be the reason, I wonder.
@9 “Who woulda thunk that the nation’s smartest teachers are in Alabama?”
@11 “Whatever could be the reason, I wonder.”
The same disordered thinking that has been causing human misery for 1.5 million years. Run this by one of your psychiatrist friends at the next Medical Association meeting.
Georgia man sentence to life in prison for leaving a toddler in a hot car who then died.
He should have just left a gun lying around.
Kids shot by other kids or themselves in Georgia in 2016, all tragic accidents.
March 2016, 9 year old, no charges
April 2016 2 year old, no charges
October 2016, 18 month old, no charges
October 2016, 2 year old, no charges
@14 Don’t you know? Gun nuts are privileged characters. Shooting people is a constitutional right.
The stuck groove that is one of our formerly named boobs must be wondering about this:
Today is 28 days since the election
0 Trump press conferences
Obama had one 3 days after.
You do not fuck with The Don!
You don’t even want to hint at criticism of The Don. Our Great Leader has power! Doubt it? Then watch with shock and awe as your jobs disappear. Order canceled! Good luck feeding your filthy children on righteous outrage and social justice.
What do I have in common with Hillary Clinton?
We both blew it!
@ 16
Today is 28 days since the election
0 Trump press conferences
Oh, silly Cz-252. How quickly you forget.
Hillary Clinton hasn’t held a press conference in 257 days. That’s ridiculous.
Boob seems proud of its “stupidity should be painful” bleat..
she was talking about alt-right entities few had ever heard about or cared about.
Seriously, next time y’all go for a First! Woman! President! candidate, maybe consider picking someone the average person can stomach for more than 15 seconds at a time.
Oh well. So what do we read today?
Hillary Clinton gets 2.7 million lead in the popular vote
The Democrat could end up with more votes than Obama in 2012
Seriously boob should retake that arithmetic class it failed in the first grade and/or pay attention to things a plurality of voters care about.
Oh the pain!
Rex Tillerson for SecState??? That’s a head scratcher.
Oh shit, that’s Vlad Putin’s choice.
Now it makes sense.
@ 20
The Democrat could end up with more votes than Obama in 2012.
1. This isn’t 2012.
2. She didn’t run against Obama this year.
3. The one time she did run against him, she lost.
4. She’s never won a competitive election.
5. The number of nationwide popular votes received by each candidate plays no role in the determination of the election winner.
Other than that, YLB, spot-on.
DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate-252 farts
Today is 28 days since the election
0 Trump press conferences
Obama had one 3 days after.
Trump is NOT the President yet you moron! Only one bully pulpit you twit!
President-Elect Donald Trump was never called a racist until he asked that the country change its open borders policies and start enforcing the law.
That’s the DUMMOCRETIN mind for you!
Drumpf’s “African American”, silly kooky Ben Karsen is “qualified” for HUD because it lived in public housing.. Wow – that’s some experience there for a guy who has no government experience.
Sigh… Yet another load of bullshit.
So Faux Snooze/Drumpf tool Huckabee said it got that information from a “fake news” site – the NY Times who in turn got it from Armstrong Williams – karsen toady… Shame on the Times for not fact checking a karsen toady.
Jesus Fuck, I see that the loon is still batshit fucking insane. Sad!
Ben Carson is first HUD Sec to have actually lived in gov’t housing. Fancy Nancy Pelosi says he’s not qualified; is she racist or just dumb? – Mike Huckabee
Doctor Pro-Trump Twitter-Bot hates Star Wars.
“This film should be boycotted. Episode 7 was bad enough featuring that retarded storm trooper Negro and another empowered White female in the lead roles,” one white supremacist wrote.
Three doormen said they had been instructed to deflect blacks who came to Trump buildings to apply for apartments.
Though just 26 years old at the time, Donald Trump was already president of the Trump Organization. Rather than work with the government to bring the company into compliance with the law, as the New York apartment king Sam LeFrak had done, Trump retained one of the most notorious lawyers in the country, Roy Cohn, and commence an all-out legal war.
Started young. A chip off the old block..
You should thank Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and James Clyburn…
ESPN, libtard of course…
That Fortune article has another interesting fact:
According to Drumpf, the babbling jackass troll had a special “advantage”.. Interesting. I bet the Breitbart crowd lapped that up.
VP Dick Cheney is RIGHT again
Fancy Nancy Pelosi says he’s not qualified…
Quoting Armstrong Williams…
Looks like Trump’s point is perfectly made.
China PWN’d Obummer!
@22 you said a random audience didn’t like her and somehow that translated into Hillary getting more votes than any other candidate.
Pretty stupid but fortunately for you, you’re so doped by hate you can’t feel it.
Sooo…people just post links that nobody reads?
Is that what good ole political discussion and grade-A ball-bustin has come to?
Since we’re apparently debating Ben Carson’s qualifications to be HUD Secretary, let’s look at the man currently holding that job, shall we?
That would be young Julian Castro, twin brother of Joaquin, who is a congressman representing a Texas district. Young Julian was picked to run HUD by Obama. What did young Julian do prior to that? Why he was mayor of San Antonio.
Which sounds impressive. Until you look at how San Antonio runs. It runs by City Council, one member of whom is the mayor. The other TEN members of the council are elected by districts, the mayor is elected citywide. Together, the Council hires the city manager, appoints judges, hires the auditor, and names members of boards and commissions. The mayor runs around cutting ribbons and riding in convertibles during parades.
So that low-level executive experience qualifies one to be HUD Secretary. So says Obama.
Of course, young Julian had zero real experience, and was elevated to the HUD position because #CrookedHillary might have been wanting to pick a young Hispanic for Veep, and young Julian needed some executive chops right quick. Hence the selection to run HUD.
Castro’s a zero. Obama lowered the selection bar to a point that Carson can clear it without breaking a sweat.
WHAT? Libtards say…
So are the trolls still gloating over the taxpayers of Indiana paying Carrier 7 million bucks to send 550 jobs to Mexico?
@38 That’s a lot of typing to cover for the idiocy of one Mike Huckabee, a guy WITH government experience, who says all one has to do to run HUD is to brag about having lived in public housing.
And it turns out Carson can’t even manage that.
Well done.
@37 It’s called talking past each other. Try to keep up.
Keep up? LMFAO. Keep up with what?
I am so far out in front of you all that you arent even in the rear view mirror.
@ 36
Yes, I really should stand corrected, YLB.
After all, even Obama pronounced her “likeable enough”.
With an endorsement like that, geez, I probably should be embarassed. And if #CrookedHillary hadn’t put up numbers like this
I would be.
You really should take off the hate goggles but then the adjustment might be more painful you can bear.
Hillary’s 54.5 unfavorable is exceeded by Drumpf’s 58.5 unfavorable..
Whatever – somehow this squirrel combined with the random audience squirrel translates into Hillary getting more votes than any other candidate.
Fueled by “Iranian Oil” – I get it now.
@ 45
…Hillary getting more votes than any other candidate.
If ONLY that meant something according to our Constitution, YLB.
Cling bitterly to that factoid, girlfriend. It’ll absorb those tears in the long and cold nights ahead.
@ 45
Hillary’s 54.5 unfavorable is exceeded by Drumpf’s 58.5 unfavorable..
#CrookedHillary’s 232 EVs is exceeded by…
the number of laughs the rest of us are having at YLB’s expense these past few weeks.
Oh the irony….it burns.
@ 49
Naw, you’ve just contracted gonorrhea again, Cz-252.
@ 48
Hey, speaking of laughs at the expense of YLB and other libbies, just for shits and grins re-read the comments section from the November 9th Open Thread.
Despair has never been so hilarious.
‘nite, gentlemen. You too, YLB.
One time revisit; excellent choice!
Now this is very interesting… http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....ump-953267
Time Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes Says Democrats Were Bigger First Amendment Threat Than Trump
Yawwwn.. You number fewer than us. Laugh if you’d like.
A lot of us will remember.
Four people associated with #CrookedHillary’s server debacle asserted their Fifth Amendment rights during the general election campaign.
But don’t call her corrupt.
Treasonous losers can assert whatever the fuck they like.
But after Our Great Leader takes his oath and reinstates waterboarding, we’ll see how long they remain silent.
Oh yes we will.
@55 Ouch! Did boob say Benghazi didn’t matter because Hillary got more votes than Drumpf?
Now it’s still obsessed with staffers asserting their constitutional rights to avoid being the victim of zealot prosecutors – or nutcase fbi agents armed with discredited books.
Oh the pain!
@ 56
I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you should post at least twice as often.
Keep wanking it doofus. Maddog says it’s not on board..
Your Dear Leader may be “softening”…
@ 57
Benghazi mattered plenty, YLB.
It mattered in eastern Ohio, in more of PA than you were expecting, and far too much for #CrookedHillary’s comfort level in substantial parts of MI and WI.
At this point, tho, I can wait until the books are written, YLB. Can’t you?
“Benghazi mattered plenty”
Here’s your words:
“Little point to bringing up Benghazi these days”
Silly me.. The point of the mail server is HATE.. mail server gives you a bigger hate rush than Benghazi..
The fantasy about Benghazi mattering leads to Hillary getting 2.7 million more votes than Drumpf?
We get it now.
“At this point, tho, I can wait until the books are written”
And published by Regnery Press? Are they still around? Hawked on Hot Air, the Gateway Hater and the Daily Caller?
I can wait till hell freezes over. You? Count me as skeptical.
Ahhh the hatred of the fetid arschloch.
Here is what really happened with Hillary’s email server!
You see fetid fool…
BTW Neera was on Megyn Kelly’s show last night!
This is an intellectual blog, populated by highly educated academics and professionals (except for a few deranged trolls), so naturally we go to reputable sources for information and analysis, and gravitate to sober and thoughtful pundits with their feet on the ground, e.g.:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey Trump voters, you built this!
Remember the good old days when those overly smart Obama voters were giddy with the thought that they would no longer have to pay their mortgages, and that a veritable conveyor belt of never ending free shit was on its way…..oh man, those were some good interviews….you tube classics, thanks to CNN, ABC News, etc….
Oh….the memories. Gimmedat!
@65 No, I don’t remember that. I’ve been a Democrat for over 50 years, and I worked for everything. I served in the military. I held a job. I paid back my student loans. I paid off my credit cards, car loans, and mortgage. I saved money for my retirement, and accumulated stock. The Democrats didn’t give me a free education; they gave me a chance to get an education. The Democrats didn’t give me a free house; they gave me a chance to own a house. Free shit? I didn’t ask for any free shit; I asked what I could do for my country. Free shit is what rich kids got while I worked. They lived an easy life while I served with the working class kids the privileged class sent to Vietnam. If you don’t like who I am, I don’t give a shit, you can go fuck yourself.
@11 If Britain’s Highest court makes a quick decision and says parliament has to vote on Brexit you could see a 2nd British PM resign and/or an election. Or a vote on Brexit where the PM loses and then elections.
PS This is why we have elections at set times. An anachronism like the electoral collage.
@66 Them Senator sons should have gone to Vietnam. Now their daughters should be going to Iraq and Syria, ect.
@12 Lynryd Skynyrd sure thinks the nations best teachers are in Alabama.
@13 Yet it did give us the Enlightenment. Western thought. And a bunch of groovy revolutionists in some colonies on the other side of the Atlantic. (Even Fidel Castro thought they were a groovy bunch.)
@14 Bet you can find that pattern in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. There is a difference in the two situations, as toddlers generally can’t get out of hot cars particularly if they are in a car seat, yet amazingly they can do things with loose guns that are lying around the house, barn, yard, ect. They do have some free will, although ignorant of the consequences. Don’t let them show you what they can do with lighters or matches.
@17 I think the Don needs to try lavender hair it the in thing with the young crowd. He should invite Pussy Riot to the Rose Garden and put on a concert for Putin.
@18 Still smoking Cigars Monica? They can give you cancer.
Well if Donald Trump should get a Nobel Peace Prize he will have earned it.
@36 Maybe they were a roomful of folks from Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio.
@43 You are going soft Plissken if you are driving with a rear view mirror.
@45 Yep darn squirrel collected almonds in California when more hickory nuts were needed in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Lazy squirrel or why didn’t he have freakin moped. People in the Midwest love squirrels on mopeds.
Bet Hilliary’s and Trump’s unfavorable have improved since the election, someone is measuring that right?
@64 If what you are saying here was true shouldn’t we all be using our real names, and also have our sheepskins, accolades, ect available in a open and transparent manner? I don’t know if Goldy would like to go that route. Or am I missing the joke and this list and the folks on it are like in that beer commercial?
@65 No, I don’t remember that. I’ve been a Democrat for over 50 years,
That’s because you are very senile, senile dumb wabbit. Here, allow Puddy to assist your senile ASS… Google these and watch
obama gonna pay for my gas
obama gonna pay for my bills
obama gonna pay for my mortgage
It really must suck to be so forgetful nowadays!
Sux to be you!
Trump sends out an outrageous tweet about Boeing, blatantly lying about the costs, I check to see what trump is distracting the media from.
And there was this that is no longer in the news cycle…
“Now some say Flynn’s fondness for spreading fake news casts doubt on his fitness to serve as the White House’s national security adviser, suggesting that he either can’t spot a blatant falsehood or is just ideologically bent to believe the worst of his perceived enemies.”
The FACT remains that Shillary losers have FAILED to refute these legitimate concerns about her involvement in child sex trafficking!
And let’s not forget that it was the pathetic Bernie Broz who first noticed Clinton’s participation in a child-sex-slavery ring. Deflection!
@ 80
People like the Fucking Moron are particularly susceptible to false news reports, because it makes them wonder whether the CBO predicting a substantial loss of jobs following a nationwide minimum wage increase to $10.10 is a “corporate lie”.
@67 Get back to us after we see whether the Electoral College does its job as the Framers intended.
@68 Now there’s a bunch of people who know all about “free shit.”
@78 Everyone knows who Goldy is. That’s why he found a load of manure in his driveway and was reported to the police as a child molester. There are some real sickos on the right.
@83 A higher minimum wage is going to happen, even voters in red states are passing it, so you might as well use your suicide pill right now to spare yourself prolonged suffering.
Boob isn’t happy unless he sees other people sweating for $7.25 an hour while he’s cashing his Medicare reimbursement checks and conducting his Ameritrade trades.
Roger I dont give a flying fuck about you or your history. You are irrelevant. Save your resume’ speech for someone who cares.