It’s a double-header Drinking Liberally in Seattle this evening. You get two chances to engage in politics under the influence. The early meeting will be at O’Asian Kitchen 800 5th Ave starting at 5:30 and going to 7:00 or 7:30. The later meeting is at the usual place: Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier and join some of us for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 344 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Ed Schultz and Rush Limbaugh – to partisan propagandist peas in a pod.
@1 “to … peas in a pod”
Typical wingnut — can’t spell any word longer than 2 letters.
Roger can’t attend tonight. He’s too busy. (Not to or two, dummy!)
my bad roger…I saw it when I typed it but couldn’t get the edit function to work – even I am subject to typos.
thanks – and go fuck yourself, mr. goebbels. :)
I was drinking cheap beer at home; mourning the loss of my children’s future by Obama pissing away 10% of our gdp on worthless deficit spending (used to be we’d get trails and lodges built; now we just get slush funds to his cronies
@4 What edit function? There ain’t no freakin’ edit function. Do you see an edit button? I don’t.
@4 P.S., you suggestion is anatomically impossible. Maybe a skinny rabbit could do it, but I sure can’t. Would you like to lick me instead?
@5 I can’t argue with the “cronies” part; he spent more money than any presidential candidate in history, and Wall Street paid for a lot of it.
But your argument, as I understand it, is that we should have fixed up the national parks and let the banks go under, taking the economy with it.
I have to admit, there’s more logic to this than usually seen in wingnut arguments, or your arguments for that matter. With 25% unemployment, a lot more people would be using the national parks.
yes, I do see an edit function you fool…and it usually works.
The edit function doesn’t work anymore. I’m surprised you hadn’t noticed.
i heard from ariana huffington that glenn beck said obama is going to slaughter people. anyone know which people?
oh…..the administration had to go to the family of the holiday day bomber to get him to cooperate..oh, i get it now.
After Ariana got her butt kicked by Roger Ailes last week over this slaughter “claim” did you see her try and get the last word in? Then Ailes kicked Krugman a new arschloch. So the Krugman-Huffington tag team was thrown out of the ring.
It was on ABC News so certain “humanoid” types can’t complain too much!
Remember how Jonathan Alter screamed and shouted this when the Bush Administration tried to kill the NY Times story over terrorist wire tapping, something Odumba now thinks is still needed…
“[Bush] knew publication would cause him great embarrassment and trouble for the rest of his presidency. It was for that reason—and less out of genuine concern about national security—that George W. Bush tried so hard to kill the New York Times story. …We’re seeing clearly now that Bush thought 9/11 gave him license to act like a dictator, or in his own mind, no doubt, like Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.”
Well Puddy now sees MSNBC took down the link. Hmmm Puddy wonders why?
Now we see this same fool on the Keith ASSO show and the lowest rated cable programming MSNBC crying over “I wish they would look into their souls a little bit, is that if they convey over and over again that the president of the United States is weak, what does that do? It emboldens the terrorists.” Jonathon, Stratfor called Odumba weak on terrorism. He’s proving it with his continual decision making with the mirandizing of the EunuchBomber. He proved it last year with his European Apology Tour. That was well received by Russia and China, huh Jonathan? They block Odumba’s tries at reining in Iran’s nuclear ambitions at every Odumba turn.
The poll Keith ASSO is referring to… with around 33% of Americans approve of Odumba’s efforts against Al Qaeda.
Then there was this from the same MSNBC Keith ASSO show… “Nevertheless, even though the shoe bomber, richard reid, got exactly the same rights from the bush administration, the republicans disapprove of this.” Puddy loves how the MSNBC crew gets so many facts wrong. Remember Rachel’s misunderstanding of the Preamble…?
Ummm… MSNBC fools Richard Reid was December 2001. There was no GITMO back then. There was no enemy combatant configuration then. MSNBC are historical fools. Civilian courts were the only option in 2001. And you HA libtardos continue to throw MSNBC as a viewing resource for this blog.
Why do progressives hate America?
Oh Puddy. Where to start?
In your addled brain, W. administration attempts to spike a factually accurate but embarrassing story is equivalent to the Obama administration attempting to get factual errors out of a soon to be published story. One tramples on the First Ammendment, the other is standard public relations strategy. (We could get into the larger issue of the “liberal” press not presenting both sides of an issue, but I digress.)
“The lowest rated cable programming MSNBC.” That is so factually wrong but it’s toooooo damnnnnnn fuuuuuunnny (fuy?) to see you grasp it like Linus’ blanket. Actually, you can still claim that FOX gets more viewers and be accurate. But the “lowest rated” show you’re referring to is rated higher than CNN, Headline, Fox Business, CNBC, and a whole host of cable entertainment channels at the same time. So, find a new meme, cause you’re just lying on that one.
And finally, so you think that because GITMO didn’t exist for Richard Reid that somehow negates the Federal Court system’s ability to try him without incident. So what changed? Does the fact that Richard Reid committed nearly an identical crime and was tried in civilian court mean that it is not possible or too risky to try Abdul Muttalub in like fashion simply because a new option now exists? How does that work? Enlighten me with your logic, Puddy.
As my wise Latina neighbor likes to say, “You Stupid!”
Oh checksaaz another fart?
The NY Slimes told terraists (ylb arschloch spelling) we’re listening to you, so you better change your transmission methods so GWBush can’t find you. The NY Slimes told terraists we’re tracking your funds transfers, so you better investigate methods and banks who won’t cooperate with US funds tracking methods. You are such a fool. Odumba has decided to keep the eavesdropping up and running. imagine that moron?
Why do progressives like you hate America?
Regarding Keith ASSO and MSNBC, you are almost right . They don’t count the peeps who watch HLN or CNN in the airports do they? Puddy does since that’s all Puddy sees except when he walks past a FoxNews sports bar in airports. Don’t worry the “progressives” running Sea-Tac won’t have one of those any time soon. Campbell Brown is lower butt Puddy doesn’t call her program “news”. And CNBC is a sister station to MSNBC fool! Besides chechsaaz, once you watch a half-hour of HLN you don’t need to see it again for two or three hours since it repeats.
Good “meme” try chechsaaz. Mike Rogers always comes to mind with you. Butt, here is your really smelly fart
You haven’t been paying attention to the every day Americans have you chechsaaz?
Why do progressives like you hate America?
Now the Odumba sadministration is looking to move KSH trial out of NYC. In fact 56% want a military trial. They had no problem with Richard Reid or KSH and his buds in GITMO. . Oh wait a minute… yous a progressive libtardo so you don’t pay attention the every day Americans do you? The ACLU has problems. Butt then again they hate every day Americans too.
Why do progressives like you hate America?
We now know when they mirandized the EunuchBomber he clammed up. Even libtardo commentators have reacted negatively against Odumba and “Texas” Holder. We’re experiencing the freak legal shows these past few week from the Kenya bomber. We’re already experiencing the methods and madness for the upcoming trials of KSH and his buds with the interview of one of the lawyers on O’Reilly’s show.
Your logic frightens me and a majority of Americans checksaaz.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,why do progressives like you hate America?
@16 Now the Odumba sadministration is looking to move KSH trial out of NYC.
More . . . the Dems are all for the trial as long as SOMEONE ELSE is hosting it. And a civilian trial, forget that:
A growing coalition of lawmakers are saying “not in my back yard” to the terrorism trial, as even the most loyal Democrats are moving to block funding for any civilian trials. The pushback may represent yet another congressional rebellion against a high profile Obama White House terrorism decision, proving that even a persuasive president can’t overcome the power of local politics.
Maybe czechsaaz – who has a very astute neighbor, incidentally – will host the trial in his living room!
Here is self-proclaimed “Fiscally responsible” Barry Obam-Mao’s example of watching our money!
Updated February 03, 2010
Taxpayers to Fork Out $2.5 Million for Single Census Ad During Super Bowl
Here is the whole article–
Let’s see now…this is either Reason to Not Vote Democrat point #1989 or #1990??
There are so many of them it’s hard to count.
Puddy, do you have the exact count??
Progressives and Conservatives both don’t hate America. They just disagree on what America should be.
The Progressives was an America where everyone is exactly equal – all wealth is equally distributed to everyone, and government’s role is to be the big nanny in the sky, insuring wealth re-distribution and equality.
Conservatives want an “Christian” America and love Israel but hate Jews who live anywhere else but Israel. They also want to provide absolutely nothing to anyone who doesn’t think as they do. That means crony capitalism – socialization of losses and privitization of profit. In short, they’d prefer indentured servitude to a middle class. They want superiority of the wealthy classes at the expense of everyone else.
I’d say both groups’ views are exactly the opposite of what America should be.
Hey Goldy–
How about this story by Erica Barnett about one of your Leftist pals….and one of McGinn’s main men–
Can you say LIAR??
Let’s call this another “Burner”!!
PI @ 19
In my personal experience, nothing could be further from the truth. That’s waaaaaaaay to broad of a generalization. I have lots of Jewish friends and some relatives who don’t live in Israel…that I love them. And some of them I disagree with politically on almost every issue.
HATE is a strong and overused term.
And as far as “indenturing” the middle class???
Now in any broadly identified group, you will find exceptions. But your generalization here is way off base.
Nope Puddy lost count.
Looks like the knuckle-dragging Macaca-Chewsetts Democratics are impeding progress…
So Breitbart is paranoid about SEIU and ACORN..
Yaawwwwnnn.. sounds too familiar… and yaawwnnn too stooopid…
Nice dodge Pudwacker! Shifting from exposing the fact that the FBI was breaking the law to “it will let the terrorists know” doesn’t shift the topic that you compared a blatant attempt to squash the first ammendment with a blatant attempt at PR spin. You can change the subject, but that just proves you have no defense.
Why do you hate our nation of laws Puddy. Several laws on the nature of criminal trials that pre-date our nation of laws. Do you hate that the founding father’s thought some of England’s laws were sensible? Why do you hate Thomas Jefferson Puddy?
Point number 2, re: ratings? Really Puddy? They don’t count the number of people watching ESPN in bars either. Ratings are ratings and you said “lowest rated.” I don’t recall seeing “lowest rated according to my anecdotal thought that some people who aren’t rated might be watching and BTW, sister stations count.” (By the extension of that train of logic, the combined viewership of NBC Nightly, MSNBC, CNBC, Universal Sports, Telemundo, SyFy, Bravo, USA Networks makes the ratings of FNC and FBC and Fox nightly; oh right, they don’t have a newscast, itty-bitty. This is a really stupid argument even for you Puddy.
Why do you hate facts Puddy?
As for polls regarding where the trial should be held? When did we allow polls to determine our system of justice? Why do you hate our system of justice Puddy? (polls like 72% of republicans either sure or believe likely that Obama was born outside the U.S. don’t help your argument that polls are a good reflection of facts.)
Mirandized Abdul Muttalub clamed up? You’re a day late on that story aren’t you?
You’re a whole series of dodge and fail, change the subject and fail today aren’t you?
Yup. If my house was in a Federal courthouse with all the attending security that is in place in such a location, I would have no problem with the trial at my house. You see, I’m not a terrified little pu**y about the ability of the Federal Marshals to keep a courthouse safe.
Nope you Dope!
Most of your drivel is worthless screaming, noooo pissing into a fan. Why do progressives like you hate America?
You have to track terraists fool! You don’t tell the methods used, except of course if you hate Republicans like the NY Slimes. Yep, we were figgering out the money trail and maybe it was getting close to the Slimes sources? Who knows? Butt of course you don’t care. Puddy doesn’t talk to overseas terraists, maybe chechsaaz does and that’s why his pink lace panties are all twisted around his shrunken scrote? Why do you hate every day Americans chechsaaz? Why do progressives like you hate America?
You can’t get over Fox Cable News being the most trusted news channel in the latest poll! Too bad fool! MSNBC is down in the 20-54 demographic, almost 50% since 2009.
Puddy heard the EunuchBomber is now talking. Odumba’s disciples called a news conference and told the world but didn’t tell Congress first. That’s BRILLIANT!
It’s also amazing the EunuchBomber’s family had to be brought in to persuade the EunuchBomber to talk and now the Odumba sadministration is now broadcasting to the world his family helped his turn around his positions. So now Odumba and disciples don’t care the family is now at risk from an Al Qaeda snuff attack. Butt it still stands he clammed up fool after being mirandized. Odumba’s administration admitted it to Congress. Holder today said he ordered the EunuchBomber mirandized. Butt to those facts you are the moron. Dodge? Wait… you are still the moron.
And your stupid response to #17, who pays for it moron? $200 Million to a $Billionis the projected cost. Cough it up moron!!!!
“You can’t get over Fox Cable News being the most trusted news channel in the latest poll!”
Uhhh, did you miss the part about polls not necessarily being reflective of facts?
And weren’t you one of the ones railing about jumping to conclusions on the Landrieu office story? So you KNOW that Abdul Muttalub completely stopped cooperating with investigators until his family showed up? You KNOW that there’s no offer of protection for his family or even asylum? You KNOW because your media sources tell you it’s so?
Here’s a good question for you Puddy. You have a suspect who was arrested with overwhelming evidence on his person. You also have a planeload of witnesses to the crime. You don’t need his statements to convict. It’s, in the language of George Tenet, a slam dunk. How does Mirandizing hinder prosecution?
Answer, it doesn’t. How does it help? If you want to build an arrest warrant against some OTHER suspect, you don’t really want the information gathered to be tossed by a third-rate defense attorney on a simple Miranda violation. Are you absolutely sure that, even in the legally dubious notion of military courts, none of the suspects being talked about by Abdul Muttalub now are U.S. citizens, or people within the U.S. who are REQUIRED to be Mirandized? You willing to take that risk? Let them go free as long as we can score some points politically trying to pretend that Miranda is dangerous? That’s what you’re arguing?
Again Pudwacker, why do you hate our system of justice? Actually, check that. Why do you have no concept of our system of justice?
WHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAT? You’ve got to be kidding with all the HA Libtardo peeps using polls telling us conservatives we are/were a dying breed. Massachusetts showed something else to HA Libtardos!!!!What planet do you live on?
Odumba’s peeps went on Sunday shows telling the world he clammed up. What planet do you live on?
It stopped him giving up more planned attacks he bragged about. What planet do you live on?
He bragged about more coming from Yemen. Who knows what they’re nationality? Do you know? What planet do you live on?
Where has Puddy argued this moron? Puddy says any terraist goes to military courts plain and simple. They are NOT to be tried as US Citizens. FDR didn’t do it with the Nazi saboteurs fool!
Terraist scumbags do not need to be treated as US citizens fool! Send them to military courts – plain and simple.
Why do progressives like you hate America?
Your ignorance is on full display here!
Do just a little basic research on whether or not non-citizens arrested in the U.S. are protected by the constitution. Then do a moments research on whether or not U.S. Citizens arrested abroad are protected by the U.S. Constitution. Then do some research on RECENT Supreme Court decisions on whether or not someone can be labeled an “enemy combatant” or a “terrorist” and be removed from the protections granted by the constitution.
Thank you for citing a case that was decided BEFORE the ratification of the Geneva Convention. (See the Hamdan case in particular where your exact interpretation of Quirin got bitch-slapped. Jesus Pudwacker, you don’t remember just under four years ago? What happened to your moniker?)
You’ve argued yourself into a corner. Why do you hate the Constitution? Why do you want to toss out the foundation of American Democracy? Why do you hate your country?
And why do you jump to conclusions about what type of information Abdul Muttallab is giving up? He was educated in London. No chance of him running into any Americans there? He spent some time in Dubai, but there are no Americans there right?
This is the problem with you progressives who hate the US chechsaaz. Who said the EunuchBomber is a US Citizen? Who is bringing up anything on US Citizens except you chechsaaz? Why is this your cause celebre worthless canard? Puddy never asserted that claim about US citizens potentially being terraists? And now you bring the Big Deity into the argument? Why do you do that chechsaaz? You and your ilk wanna give rights to non-US citizen terraists!
Puddy jumped to no conclusions. It’s all in Odumba Disciple transcripts where they testified before congress or gave interviews to their MSM lackeys. They told all of us they only interviewed him for 50 minutes and then he went to surgery. When he came out he clammed up. Read it fool! You prove everyday how ignant (ignorant to the common folk) you are from the common daily news cycle. Oops… you must live on the whackamole sites. This was never covered by them so you missed these everyday facts. Well too bad fool! Read real news.
Why do progressives like you hate America? Puddy loves America. Puddy agrees with Scott Brown, the new senator from Massachusetts. You don’t lawyer up terraists. Maybe someday you’ll get that through your thick skull chechsaaz when you stop sniffing the ACLU jockstraps!
Do I need to spell out your ignorance? Do some research. Look into the jurisdiction over a person detained on a vessel, bound for the U.S. and taken into custody on U.S. soil. Then look into the constitutional rights of anyone detained within the United States REGARDLESS of their citizenry.
Why do you want to overturn the legal system? Why do you hate your constitutional rights? Why do you hate your country and its institutions?
Done with yet another episode of Pudwacker pretending to know something. (Nice try with bringing in the Quirin though. It’s awesome when your “can’t miss” talking point blows up in your face. I didn’t even need to go into Richard Reid’s Miranda rights. I beat the snot out of you without busting out the heavy artillery. Have a good night’s sleep.) Feel free to bring up Rogers. I’ve copped to making an error once. Blew up in my face. We’re up to what, 38 or 39 to 1?
@30 Nice try, my fascist flying monkey. You dare to claim that progressives hate America? I say that’s just more Psych 101 projection drivel delivered in tiresome third person P-bonics. You can eat it. Understand this, you hate-crazed fascist freak, 42% of you batshit crazy wingnuts either want or are contemplating your state’s secession. That’s how much you love this country. Listen up, wingnut America-haters. America, love it or leave it. Good riddance to the lot of you, you damned fascist traitors.
China initiated a stimulus project (govt spending) and it worked; instead, Obama is blowing a chance to stimulate the economy by funding anything and everything. its insane. he is simultanesouly not solving a problem, but then also blowing his chance to get it right (folks won’t want to do this a lot more times) and then of course, greatly increasing our national debt.
this place is starting to feel like Argentina; a once rich nation screwed by greedy politicians (not saying he’s skimming $, but am saying he’s pissing it away to be popular w the masses…and w/ huge consequence for all of us
A C L U and their attacks on GITMO!
Show that up your ASS Steve while you drink Steve’s™ Stupid Solution®
Puddy used all the libtardo MSM sources. As Puddy said to a friend, what if the EunuchBomber was successful. The plane would have exploded in Canada. Any survivors would have been in Canada. Butt since he failed (Thank God for that… BTW who do your thank chechsaaz, SATAN?) he landed in the US. He’s still a terraist. Throw him into military courts like FDR did with those Nazis. You surely skip over that FACT eh chechsaaz? Why is that?
Now with Richard Reid… HE PLED GUILTY FOOL!
Why do progressives like you hate America?
And you two fools, more Americans agree with Puddy than you useless worthless progressives!
It’s innate, Puddy. These simpletons simply hate anything that doesn’t fit into their square peg/round hole philosophy in life. Oh well, ignorance is bliss they say…
Guess I’m not done with you after all Puddy.
Reid plead guilty prior to Mirandizing, ergo, prior to arraignment? How does that work. Enlighten me with your higher knowledge of the judicial system?
I didn’t skip over your FACT. See my reference to Quirin. And Hamdan directly bitch slapped your interpretation and stated bluntly that Quirin, which was decided BEFORE the Geneva Conventions DOES NOT APPLY to Gitmo detainees or future enemy combatants, terrorists, or whatever label you think will sway opinion to your case. From a legal standpoint, what FDR did pre-Geneva has no bearing. How do you say.?.?.?.KaBlaaaamo!!!
Oh, I’m sorry. Were you too thick or lazy to look up and realize that Ex Parte Quirin was the Supreme Court Decision that was the legal basis FDR used to enforce military tribunals? I get it now, you heard about the FDR subject on some blog or radio show but didn’t bother to actually know what the f*** they were talking about. Did my really obvious and Google-able reference go over your head? Think before you speak you giant dolt!
GOOD NIGHT NOW!!! (Old school jungle fan!)
Funny that big time drug gangs are allowed to lawyer up and get away with way more murder and mayhem than terrorists could ever dream of doing.
And the former nude model has more cred with the wingy crowd than the record of putting away terrorists for good like Richard Reid, Ramzi Youseff and Scott Roeder using good old fashioned american justice.
The wingnut fiends just hate America.
chechsaaz the fool above,
The strident part of Ex Parte Quirin as you so “aptly” throw around….
“Unlawful combatants are likewise subject to capture and detention, but in addition they are subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals for acts which render their belligerency unlawful. The spy who secretly and without uniform passes the military lines of a belligerent in time of war, seeking to gather military information and communicate it to the enemy, or an enemy combatant who without uniform comes secretly through the lines for the purpose of waging war by destruction of life or property, are familiar examples of belligerents who are generally deemed not to be entitled to the status of prisoners of war, but to be offenders against the law of war subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals.”
Hamdan case “During the hostilities, in 2001, militia forces captured petitioner Hamdan, a Yemeni national, and turned him over to the U. S. military, which, in 2002, transported him to prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Over a year later, the President deemed Hamdan eligible for trial by military commission for then-unspecified crimes. After another year, he was charged with conspiracy “to commit … offenses triable by military commission.””
More from Hamdan “…the commission convened to try him was established in violation of both the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U. S. C. §801 et seq., and Common Article 3 of the Third Geneva Convention because it had the power to convict based on evidence the accused would never see or hear.” So what evidence does the US have that the EunuchBomber would never see or hear? There was a plane full of witnesses fool, many of them eye witnesses!!!!! He was caught in the act by a Flying Dutchman.
Since the EunuchBomber is an unlawful combatant of Al Qaeda and different from Hamdan who was captured on the battlefield in Afghanistan, Puddy rests his case. Military Tribunal fool is the correct procedure. You went there, opened the door and Puddy closed it locked it and now let’s see you get out of this one fool!
You progressives love to lump everybody into one small reservation. Golly chechsaaz, are your one of those Goldy NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat! Progressives who is all up in arms over the SCOTUS decision two weeks ago on corporate advertisements in politics? If so then what does that mean fool? You disagree with a SCOTUS decision? Well most of America disagrees with civilian courts trying terraists. The EunuchBomber was not captured in war hostilities by US soldiers fool. He was captured being a terraist by common citizens of the WORLD, most notably a non-American who was injured in the subduing of the EunuchBomber. Where do you get your lawyering knowledge from, Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny or Proud Goatist are were you taught that in law skuul?
Thanks for making Puddy’s case that chechsaaz is not only stupid but his “application of SCOTUS” is shotty at best. Did you ever figger out which Mike Rogers is which yet?
See ya fool!
Ever notice how the HA arschloch@38 always shows up like Pavlov’s dog when the discussion is ongoing never adding anything to the discussion?
Thats why ylb arschloch is the dumbest brick of HA!
We all know why ylb arschloch hates America. He sits on his ASS as a sucka of the American teat not providing anything useful to the common welfare of America!
@34 Good grief! I point out that a recent poll reveals that 42% of you America-hating freaks either want your states to secede or are leaning that way, and you respond by blathering on about the ACLU? Pathetic, Puddy, even for a treasonous, America-hating, flying monkey secessionist such as yourself.
@40 You simply can’t stop projecting your shit onto other people, can you? Christ, you’re fucked up.
40 – You hate this country fiend. You hate it to the core. You hate that people since the beginning here have fought and died so that you could be presumed innocent until proven guilty, so they could be free of being tortured until they coughed enough up “evidence” to be put before some phony court.
The only country you could ever love is one that tortures and jails innocents with swarthy skin and funny names in order to keep your scared ass so safe to be bribed by tax cuts.
Puddy is selectively reading just a few paragraphs of a long complicated SCOTUS ruling. And not comprehending. Should we revisit the health care debate?
“So what evidence does the US have that the EunuchBomber would never see or hear?” EXACTLY! Puddy. The “sensetive evidence” was the basis for the Government’s attempt to try Hamdan in Military Tribunal. Remove that and there is LESS legal justification, not more, Dullard! Your misunderstanding is that Hamdan applies ONLY to Hamdan. In fact, your point about non-military combatants was explicitly argued, and rejected.
“First, the assertion that military discipline and, therefore, the Armed Forces’ efficient operation, are best served if the military justice system acts without regular interference from civilian courts, see id., at 752, is inapt because Hamdan is not a service member. Second, the view that federal courts should respect the balance Congress struck when it created “an integrated system of military courts and review procedures” is inapposite, since the tribunal convened to try Hamdan is not part of that integrated system. Rather than Councilman, the most relevant precedent is Ex parte Quirin, where the Court, far from abstaining pending the conclusion of ongoing military proceedings, expedited its review because of (1) the public importance of the questions raised, (2) the Court’s duty, in both peace and war, to preserve the constitutional safeguards of civil liberty, and (3) the public interest in a decision on those questions without delay, 317 U. S, at 19. The Government has identified no countervailing interest that would permit federal courts to depart from their general duty to exercise the jurisdiction Congress has conferred on them. Pp. 20–25.
Yes, I disagree with the Citizen’s United ruling. But my being pissed about it doesn’t make it cease to be the current law of the land. You should try to understand that point.
It’s fun when you try Puddy. Seriously. I’m done with this topic but feel free to try to have some inane “last word.” Stick a fork in Pudwacker…he’s done.
Poor Stupes..
PWNED again…
Thank heavens for liberals!
I’ll drink to that!
(yes I know it’s been posted here by RR many times. Can’t be posted and reposted enough in my opinion…)
Goodness, adding MAP Ids to some code and Puddy doesn’t have the time to visit this site so much. Butt Puddy tries.
The funniest commentary to Puddy response follows from chechsaaz…
What does this have to do with the EunuchBomber fool? Puddy asked…So what evidence does the US have that the EunuchBomber would never see or hear?” As Puddy said above which this fool can’t comprehend… The EunuchBomber was not on a battlefield… He wasn’t captured on a battlefield unless of course a jetliner is now considered part of the battle. Hmmm…? It’s you hateful progressives who look at everything through the same kaleidoscope.
Why do progressives hate America so much?
Seriously chechsaaz if you can’t make the difference between Hamdan and the EunuchBomber what’s his name.. oh yeah… AbdulMuttalub and their actions… you need help real help.
ylb arschloch appears farts and then disappears. Too bad he has no idea what OWNED or PWNED means except the fact his wife owns the pants and brains in the arschloch household. Puddy wonders if she sets the conjugal visit dates too.
48 – LMAO!! The same old lame taunts he always resorts to when his silly ass is:
A fool and his feckless tactics are forever joined.
Same silly taunts ylb arschloch? You forget your “useless attack” on Puddy with your name “link”. Chronologically moronic, which is right up your arschloch!
What a feckless useless unemployed fool! So Puddy says is again since you like it so much…Too bad he has no idea what OWNED or PWNED means except the fact his wife owns the pants and brains in the arschloch household. Puddy wonders if she sets the conjugal visit dates too.
@50…Puddy wonders if she sets the conjugal visit dates too.
I doubt she wants to get horizontal with some lazy, frothing and slobbering fool.
Hilarious. The truth that you’re a lying degenerate fiend is “useless”.. Heh…
Well I got a lot more where that came from. You’re scared to death of the truth. Whether it’s about politics or your stupid lying ass.
You LOVE lies..
Oh and yet another lying coward race baiter comes back @ 51… Yawwwwnnn. ..
Keep it up fellas.. You’re just sealing your fate at the polls come November. And you’ll never admit to yourselves that you’re flat dead wrong almost ALL the time. Your kind never does..