We’re in the final weeks of the 2016 General Elections and the ballots have dropped win Washington state. Isn’t this a good time for a drink? The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight. Please join us for an evening of politics over a pint.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other 188 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Here in Washington, Democrats will wipe the floor with our few surviving GOP candidates. According to the latest Elway poll, Clinton leads Trump 48%-31%, Inslee leads Bryant 51%-39%, and Murray leads Vance 58%-34%.
I-1433 (minimum wage), I-1491 (protection orders), and I-1501 (identity theft) look set to pass, while I-732 (carbon tax), I-735 (Citizens United amendment), and I-1464 (public financing of campaigns) appear headed for defeat.
Meanwhile, a new ABC News poll shows Trump’s support collapsing among male voters, his stronghold.
Think conservatives don’t believe in democracy? That’s not your imagination running wild. It’s a fact. And it’s driven by the age-old fear of being displaced.
If Hillary wins, it’ll be terrible. If Donald wins, it’ll be terrible.
If Hillary wins,
it’ll be terriblehardcore GOP economic policies of the 60s will continue and social policies of the 70s will continue with the gays getting some additional equality. If Donald wins, it’ll be terrible.Fixed
I find a long, but good, article about our evolving politics that seems worth sharing.
@4 Another brainless troll using that oh-so-tired rightwing argument that Democrats are just as bad as Republicans. No, they’re not. And that Hillary and Donald are equally terrible. No, Trump is vastly worse.
not that I want to set fear into the hearts of racist fake “conservatives” (I do! I do!), but if you compare Clinton to Obama (rather than Sanders), Clinton’s overall domestic agenda is considerably more progressive and old-school liberal.
She may not get the cooperation she’ll need in Congress to get much of it done. But I’ll be very interested to see how hard she fights for it, and precisely what she chooses to fight for.
Republicans will emerge from November badly weakened and buried in campaign debt. They’ll need to lean on corporate lobbyists to bail them out financially. They may be more motivated to cut some deals with Democrats and the President in order to implement the wishes of industry donors. So I expect to see some legislation moved in the first two years. But it’ll come at the cost of carve outs and gifts to industry. I’d give the ATT merger pretty good odds at this point, for example.
I’m deeply ambivalent about much of this kind of political analysis.
I start with the irreducible truth that “working class” white voters have been beckoned into the Republican Party over the past five decades with a ceaseless drone of racial dog whistles. And that the siren call was so overpowering that they have consistently found themselves openly advocating against their own interests, merely for the sake of depriving minorities and women of theirs.
I certainly don’t believe that a solution to this dilemma lies in any return to an era when the social safety net and government efforts to expand the middle class were administered as set asides exclusively for white males. And I don’t think it is any mere coincidence that the period of this great shift in political support precisely coincided with the period of legal and legislative victories that extended such social welfare programs to the rest of society.
Somehow these people came to believe that they would be better off with nothing, in a sink or swim, Darwinian “conservative” paradise, rather than stoop to sharing the middle class with people they believed “less deserving”. And nothing is what they got. Thirty years of steady roll back of everything that built America’s middle class has left these communities devastated. At their own hands.
I think the only way out, the only real answer lies first in convincing this demographic that they are not exceptional, that they are not “more deserving” or more “American” than anyone else. And that they must work together with everyone else in order to turn their communities around.
Democrats as bad as Republicans? Some women are realizing differently. Finally!:
7 – And you’re just another left wing brainless troll if you think Hillary is any better than Donald.
@11 Are you serious? Trump is a racist, bigot, misogynist, groper, deadbeat, and self-centered narcissist. Hillary is none of those things. She has faults, but is a MUCH better person than he is. By a country mile. The whole world thinks so. You should have your head examined. You have cement between your ears.
I think it’s fair to say that comments such as this are what are more commonly associated with trolling.
If you truly believe that both candidates are equally unsuitable to be President, perhaps you could explain what you are looking for in a President? What are your concerns and/or objectives? And what precisely would you like to see a President do to address those concerns or objectives?
If you can’t at least do that, you need to look in the mirror before calling anyone a troll.
I agree Trump’s “character” is shameful. But while it’s proven seductively easy to pile on to criticisms about his character, mostly because of what is says about the Republican Party, it’s worth remembering how astonishingly bad his policy prescriptions are.
These are his plans. He’s proud of them.
Immigration: He’d spend $200 billion dollars over decades building a wall that every day thousands of airplanes will fly over. He’d pour another $10 to $20 billion into expanding border security forces to augment the costly and stupid wall. And he’d spend twice as much more deploying an alarmingly understaffed and under trained militarized police bureaucracy into our local communities to kick down doors and drag children out of schools.
Trade: he’d launch crippling trade wars with our economic allies and partners that would drive up the cost of basic necessities like food, energy, clothing, and building materials while simultaneously sabotaging our export industries costing tens of thousands of American jobs.
Taxes: He’d carve out even more massive tax cuts for corporations and billionaire individuals, shifting the cost of government even further onto the rapidly shrinking middle class and explode the deficit.
Global security: He’d imperil our strategic defense alliances all over the world by making unilateral demands, abandoning mutual security agreements, and forming dangerous new alliances with destabilizing authoritarian regimes. He simultaneously promises to reduce deployments while threatening to escalate our direct involvement in every major conflict.
Jobs: Blah, blah, blah… terrific! Essentially he has proposed absolutely nothing in terms of programs or legislation to restore wage stability and grow living wage employment beyond his promises above. He claims that all that destabilizing, disruptive madness will somehow magically spur new investments into the U.S. economy and produce thousands of wonderful new terrific jobs for everyone. Psychotic supply side on meth armed with Vulcan chain gun.
Republicans elites are “okay” with all this nonsense because they rely on their broken Congressional leadership to hold most of it in check.
11, 12 & 13,
Hillary is going to win because the gimme dat and free stuff crowds are going to elect her, even if they have to vote more than once to make that happen, Also, Goldman Sachs has bought and paid for Hillary Clinton, so it’s a certainty: Hillary is going to win.
Yeah, Trump will not do anything good for the debt we owe to hostile countries. The only good idea has has is term limits. It really is time to drain the swamp of these career assholes we call politicians.
We’ve long established that the “gimme dat and free stuff crowds” in this state are the Rethug counties (except maybe Kittitas county). All of the other Rethug counties suck at the state teat to the tune of around 2.5 billion a year. Leaving King county to pick up most of the bill.
Amanda Carpenter:
historical rate of voter fraud in federal elections:
Elections in most battleground states are controlled by Republicans. Their laws, their ballot access, their polling places controlled and overseen by Republicans. Hard to reconcile that with yet another racist “gimme dat” dog whistle.
Honestly, if all these white people were so fucking superior you think they’d have figured out a more subtle way of preventing non-whites from voting given how they totally control the system. But maybe the reason is they’ve never really had to before. No wonder they oppose the 14th Amendment.
I’ll take Goldman Sachs over Gazprom, Bayrock Int’l, the KKK, the BJP, Storm Front, Deutsche Bank, and the casino mobsters any day. So will most every other voter.
speak for yourself and the rest of the racist Rape-publicans you align with.
I’m quite happy with my states two Democratic Senators and my Democratic Congresswoman. They have no trouble at all getting re-elected because they continue to do great work under nearly impossible circumstances confronting and fighting shit-stain TeaPublican majorities and their weak leadership.
Republicans should definitely be limited to zero terms.
Real election rigging.
@18 See @10
@4 Well, yeah. However, things are pretty terrible already.
Left the TV on Sunday night after the Weirdest Football Game Of The Millenium, and ended up watching some of the Senatorial debate between Patty Murray and Chris Vance. How refreshing to witness two candidates for the same office able to hold an intelligent, respectful, optimistic discussion in spite of their sometimes differing views.
@15 You think the rich who spend billions to put Republicans in office aren’t getting free stuff? Bush filled his cabinet with CEOs who were experts at living on government handouts.
@16 You want amateurs instead?
@26 Also known as Tea Party douche bags.
@22 My bad. Missed your link.
Oh no senile Wabbit fool @7.
WikiLeaks has proven to the world that DUMMOCRETINS are way worse! Proved that DUMMOCRETINS are really SCUM!
Nuff said sucka.
Could it be the end for Marco Rubio?
Florida Latinos boo Marco Rubio off the stage: He’s a ‘freaking sellout’
Maybe he should have groped a few Hispanic hotties. I’m sure that would have worked well for him.
Once again the senile Wabbit fool misconstrues facts.
The rich paid Careless Crooked Heilary all those $Millions. FACT
The Arabic rich who hate gays and treat wimens as DUMMOCRETINS do paid Careless Crooked Heilary all those $Millions. FACT
Meanwhile some Clintonistas realize Careless Crooked Heilary SUCKS… https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/her-instincts-can-be-terrible-wikileaks-reveals-fears-and-frustrations-inside-clinton-world/2016/10/25/a6ceefdc-9ae0-11e6-a0ed-ab0774c1eaa5_story.html
Remember when DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate and the Oregon moron claimed that rising Obummercare costs were all conservative Republican lies?
Well what did we really learn about that DUMMOCRETIN farce called Obummercare?
Average increase in cost to the middle class American $4100 when Obummer lied claiming it would save $2500.
Average American has fewer or no choices anymore
Average American has lost their favorite doctor
Average deductables for average American family of four will be around $14,000.
Trust DUMMOCRETINS to tell the truth? NEVER!!!!!
Thanks Obummer!
Trust me Drumph said. Drumph made millions. But his Atlantic City empire laid in ruins with hundreds of millions in debt. Banks, contractors, working stiffs left holding the bag. Many went bankrupt. Those that didn’t faced may lean years recovering.
Now Drumph says trust me to be your President. Yeah right. I’m sure he’d manage to make off with billions. I’m not so sure how well the rest of us would do.
More strange Careless Crooked Heilary email bedfellows.
Trump still down 12 in the ABC tracking poll. Even Rasmussen, which has been doing it’s best to keep hope alive, now has Hillary winning.
And that was before Newt’s epic meltdown.
“Newt Gingrich has a complete meltdown after Fox’s Megyn Kelly calls Trump a ‘sexual predator’”
The CAPS-LOCKED loon obviously has his own meltdown issues. Just imagine the show we’ll see after the loon’s big bully Trump gets his ass kicked by a girl.
The truth about those rising health insurance premiums
Not so bad after all. The sky is not falling.
Of course we could abandon Obamacare easily enough by extending Medicare to cover everyone. We could even get rid of the insurance companies with their death panels deciding who lives and who dies.
Expecting The Liar to grasp a complex issue…
My plan here is Washington is going up 2.8% and I still have the pediatrician I’ve had since I last moved 11 years ago.
Let me know when Obamacare and Wilileaks wins the election for Republicans.
@14 Of course he would need Congress to do most of this. Same is true of Clinton. I do think that a President Trump would be entertaining. Revenge on one of the elite. At least he’s never put his hand up and took an oath of office as Secretary Clinton did who then participated in determining who we were going to drone to death, no matter even if they are a US citizen. It’s ok to send our armed troops into a foreign nation we are not at war with to capture or kill. Add in that country having nuclear weapons, some stored not to far from that raid. Isn’t the Secretary of States job to protect US sovereignty, and that may require the Secretary to at least pay some lip service to the concept when advising the President.
@19 Where are you getting your number? You do realize that your percentage come out to 1 fraudulent vote for over 3,225,000 cast. While the number of people casting fraudulent votes is low it’s not that low. We probably have more than a few convicted felons in Washington state in past and the upcoming election who will cast fraudulent votes at a rate much higher then your given rate. Many of those votes will be for Republicans. The most likely type of voter fraud here is the buying of other peoples ballots and having them fill it out to someone else’s choices. Could be spouse or someone paying their strung out neighbor $20. Hard to prove this kind of fraud, but it happens.
The level of fraud in the 50 different states is unlikely to have any effect on the Presidential election, or the vast majority of federal elections. unless the election is close. It would take intense planning to know that the vote in the electoral college would be so close that fraud of this type in a single state would swing the election. I do think a single state or a couple of states elections could be rigged using individual voter fraud, the buying of ballots, or good old fashion ballot stuffing. Not here in Washington though being a progressive. Progresses was the answer to political machines that did rig the vote in some cities and states. None of that vote early and vote often stuff out here in the state of Washington.
@29 This is the kind of scum that many on this list might participate in including RR.
Or the one that happens during question time in Parliament.
Drumpf grabbed me by the Pussy last night and it felt good.
“Same is true of Clinton.”
No. It is not.
The same is not true of Sec. Clinton. Because she has not proposed insanity like the racist sexual predator you come here to defend every day.
So when does Drumph go to trial on those RICO charges in California? Oh yeah. November 28.
Drumph University was a fraud and the diplomas were worthless.
Drumph made millions from his victims.
If he looses it is triple damages and lawyer fees.
@39 And here we have a troll griping about the bin Laden raid and saying he’d find a Trump presidency “entertaining.” We need better trolls.
@40 His figure is accurate and comes from a Loyola study that found 31 cases of voter impersonation out of more than a billion votes cast over a 15-year period (from 2000 to 2014). This number doesn’t include other types of voting fraud, but several other studies have found that voting fraud of all types is extremely rare. Republican claims that elections are swayed by dead voters, illegal immigrants voters, people buying votes with cigarettes, etc., are a cynical myth used to justify GOP vote suppression schemes.
The Oregon moron really is a moron.
Mark Adams is a DUMMOCRETIN, a pretty level headed one most of the time. Has gone off the deep end a few times.
Unless you are way in the left field bleachers you are hated by the Oregon moron!
From the goat farmer’s link:
Now why were those plans underpriced ekim and DIPSHITTIUM fool dr checkmate? Seems the BULLSHITTIUM answer in the article skips right past it.
There is only one correct answer! Puddy wonders if the moronic twits can figger it out!