Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening over the next week. Tonight, the Federal Way, Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet. On Thursday, the Tacoma, Bremerton, and Spokane chapters meet. And on Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 185 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Launched Sunday on Wiki leaks with a reader poll, picked up Monday by Alex Jones, Trump staffer Hannity, and WND, Trump’s tweet finger is getting itchy!
Trump proposes six weeks of paid maternity leave.
But only if you earn less than $500k as a family.
Hey, anybody seen #CrookedHillary?
Trump Interview Airs on Kremlin-Backed TV? Hell, Thom Hartmann and Larry King both have regular shows over on RT-TV. Sounds a little hypocritical to call Trump out on something Hartmann and King do five days a week, i.e., appear on RT-TV.
What does CNN stand for?
#CrookedHillary enjoying her break so much she’s taking Wednesday off as well.
Gray Lady, today.
Travis, you should just give up on this Hillary tirade: she’s gonna win because she has so many powerful people and groups behind her. They all expect her to get elected and do their bidding.
Bernie Sanders would have been a much better choice.
@ 5
I think the same. Relative to the rest of the economy I expect my investments will be beneficiaries of a corrupt Democrat in office, and I further expect that more than a few around here will find themselves further behind and only themselves to blame for it. One reads Goldy uncritically at one’s own risk, after all.
Despite my expectations, there really is no reason to let HA libbie hypocrites enjoy the ride for the next several weeks.
The deplorable.
“‘A real positive thing for all of us’: Grateful David Duke thanks Pence for not calling him names”
Company I work for already offers 6 weeks family related leave of absence. Including caring for elderly (parents and spouses) if Alzheimer’s and other matters.
Such disappointing news.
Income grew.
South Africa bars Anti-gay Pastor…
Maybe we should line him up here in America against a firing squad.
We know that Drumpf’s uuuugeee Penis would be a problem for him to jog at all.
RCP No Tossups map has GOP retaining Senate control with 51.
Further addressing @ 5, I would venture that down-ballot races are an important reason to remain engaged. After all, #CrookedHillary can hardly pay off Goldman Sachs on her own.
nothing more enjoyable than watching Boob squirm and have head explosions. Retirement is going to be fun for him.
Looks like it is time to go out and buy the gun…..sounds like I’m going to have to shoot at a few people.
I bet Republicans then start gun control.
Tens of Millions? That’s nothing. I’ve given Hundreds of Thousands of Millions to charities.
Making America Great Again!
not sure what it translates into but the banner in the photo has the word “Family”. Are the talking about the family where daddy disappoints the children by screwing the lady neighbor? Or do they mean the Duggar Family? Maybe the Willis Family?
@9 should have included the word “paid” as in paid leave…..maybe I’ll keep working and not decide to retire…..working seems to be getting fun!
“I said nothing of the sort”!!!
“Relative to the rest of the economy I expect my investments will be beneficiaries of a corrupt Democrat in office…”
Deportations one day.
Amnesty the next.
Punishing tariffs and trade embargoes one day.
Trade partnerships the next.
Dump NATO and abandon the Middle East one day.
Invade Syria and seize the oil fields the next.
You’ve gotta admit. This new breed of “conservative” is consistent.
@20 Yup. For that you don’t need a head that explodes. More like one on a swivel.
@ 20, 21
Corruption is far more consistent policy. You’ve got me there.
Lather, rinse, repeat @ 7.
@ 20, 21
An example:
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton’s top aide asked US ambassador to Malaysia for favors related to the for-profit Laureate University that was paying the former president millions as a consultant – and copied the requests to Hillary’s State Department
Read more:
Consistent. Clintonian. corruption.
Surprises absolutely no one. Stability is good for the stock market and for parts of the economy. The parts that benefit the higher earners.
Perhaps not so much for those who paid money into for-profit entities in order to try to get ahead.
Bill Clinton sure made out well, tho.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Bruce Bartlett @BruceBartlett
A reminder–George W. Bush’s White House ‘Lost’ 22 Million Emails …
Just think…..
In a few more weeks, or perhaps less, #CrookedHillary’s deleted emails will be “found” again.
Then you’ll be able to bash GWB43 for carelessness even more!
Liberal spin:
“Chris Christie’s government is killing Obamacare in New Jersey!”
Health Republic Insurance of New Jersey has announced that it will cease selling and renewing
individual and small group insurance in the state as a result of being placed in rehabilitation by
the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance (DOBI). Both individual and small group
policies will remain in effect through December 31, 2016 and the company will continue to
compensate providers and pay 2016 member claims. Staff will advise members on how to
transition to new plans with other carriers for the 2017 plan year.
Health to the People.
@22 yup. No corruption with the Tepublican Party. You got us there Boob.
in the same reporting from yet another credible alt-right source:
“…whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear she is mentally impaired.
This is not somebody you should be making fun of.”
But it’s okay!
Can’t Goldy get Hanauer to send Bezos a strongly worded email to stop this?
Hillary Clinton may not recover from her pneumonia until late October
Simpson: Men and women 65 years of age and up — e.g. both presidential candidates — are particularly susceptible to pneumonia, which is a very common cause of death among the elderly.
Maybe Cilizza isn’t on that “power through” recipient list.
Seems you have competition tonight. And they start four hours earlier. Maybe I’ll drop them off a map to the Roanoke.
@ 29
’cause in this, 2016, the Year of the Woman, what y’all need is some more direct exposure to Trig Palin jokes.
Although they probably help when attempting to interpret ‘bagger’s spews.
We’re all acquainted with one troll who reads Goldy because he’s a miserable, resentful guy who bears a grudge poorly. It’s his life to fritter away.
Yeah, the troll has worked hard all its life to retire as a on-line always wrong wing crank. It’s life to fritter away.
Septembers Progessive Dog Whistle Term: Alt-right
…whatever the hell that means. Is there an alt-left? An alt-center perhaps?? Is there something hiding under the Alt key on my keyboard? Does it noe mean that my car’s Alt-ernator is kooky? Oh I forgot, cars are TEH EVUL!!!!1111.
was there an Alt-erior motive to this post??
Looking forward to October’s term….any early bets?
@ 31
I don’t read Goldy because he’s a miserable, resentful guy. I’ve never met him. Although as an Eagles fan he clearly has a masochistic streak.
I read him, and reply, because left unchecked he helps cause the least-informed around here to believe things like, say………
Predicted job losses for a significant part of the working population as a consequence of a substantial increase in the minimum wage might be a ‘corporate lie’.
And because for the life of me, YLB, I can’t figure out what it is about the guy that makes you moist.
ignorant troll @ 33
Oh here’s another lesson authored by a right wing crank about the alt-right being a product of “cultural marxism”..
From a Bernie Sanders supporter to a nitwit troll: Enjoy!
Heh.. Yeah you’re not too smart as it turns out. Witness the fool Goldy and Darryl have made out of you.
And the grudge you’ve born poorly ever since.
So no bets on what Octobers term is gonna be??
@ 37 Trolls-suck.
Bernie Sanders? Who is he? Ohhhhh, was that the grumpy old communist who thinks money appears out of thin air and that people should get endless free stuff?
I think I heard of him……something about being absolutely clueless about economics.
Didnt he found #CommunistLivesMatter or something?
Same guy?
The return of little maxie aka Mark Driscoll’s puniest sicko-phant?
Maybe the average troll does….but I hear the good ones swallow too. Which are you?
@38 Still ignorant about the Alt-right, right?
Oh im sorry…..was “trolls suck” your vote for Octobers dog whistle term?
Hey hey YLB, how ya been
Figured i would swing by and see how the old playground is.
I see people are STILL mistaking you for a female…….wtf dude!
@39 Heh. Who’s your favorite economist? Ronzo Raygun? Didja know he majored in Econ?
Didja also know his second term was run partly by astrology?
Of course not, you’re ignorant of even the alt-always wrong.
44 – None of your business troll.
Don’t you have Driscoll sermons to catch up on? I bet Driscoll gave you an appreciation for the “pussified”..
Yaawwn. You’re boring.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
KUOW Public Radio ✔ @KUOW
.@rowefinkbeiner: Remember when George H. W. Bush vomited on a world leader? Nobody called for his resignation #KUOWrecord
Might have had something to do with immediately, and truthfully informing the public as to why it happened.
That honesty thing, yet again.
What remains from the GHWB41 vomiting episode: “Bushusuru”.
What people will remember from Sunday’s episode: Another lie.
This jackass manages to condemn Roger Ailes twice, once with a compliment and once with a concern troll. And all while saying he’ll keep his mouth shut “for once”. Put them both in the basket:
Who the fuck is mark driscoll?
One of your ex lovers?
Anywhoo…, like, Im gonna put you down for $20 on “trolls suck” for next months progressive dog whiste term….I know your good for cash, so no worries….just pay when you can.
Oh…..and hint to YLB: reaganbhas not beem president for nearly 30 years. Now, that said, the closest comparison we can make to reagan vs thebern as economists would be to compare 1980s US economy vs 1980s USSR economy.
Nuff said….
@46 I missed the honest explanation – was he vomiting as a result of overdosing on coke.
@50 ask Michelle Bachman what she thinks October’s term will be. She has a few up her pant leg or maybe under Marcus’ dress.
Hmm, “national disgrace”. Is that worse than “deplorable”?
“Colin Powell Calls Trump A “National Disgrace” In Personal Emails”
“Radical Anti-Abortion Activist Troy Newman Endorses Donald Trump
“Troy Newman of the group Operation Rescue has blamed abortion for causing California’s drought and has publicly called the killing of abortion providers “justifiable.””
But Bob will probably wait until they start inspiring nut-cases to kill radiologists for bungling their x-rays before using the word “deplorable” to describe these people.
Heh. Only the freak you’d follow to the ends of the earth. As if you didn’t know.
Do whatever the fuck you like troll. Your kind always does. Like I could give a flip. Stay ignorant. It’s next to impossible that you can do anything else.
blah, blah, blah. whatever little maxie. Scare up a meth binge for your pathetic self and stay a while. I.Don’t.F’ing.Care.
Excellent read!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet information from Colin Powell that will pizz off HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Click on the tweets ya fools!
When DUMMOCRETINS want to destroy you, they will…
Isn’t Kermit Gosnell one of those DUMMOCRETIN deplorables?
Isn’t Kermit Gosnell one of those DUMMOCRETIN irredeemables?
Why feminists are the real misogynists… Their own words…
Oh precious YLB, you are such a special snowflake.
I am not sure why you think there is some connection between a defrocked preacher from Seattle and myself. I have not been to church in a long time, and I never go into Seattle unless its for business or a sporting event(and maybe a concert or 10). I mean damn, have you seen all the fucking dirty ass bums, losers and drug addicts that have invaded YOUR city?
Anayway, did this Driscoll guy put 10″ of love into your old lady or something? Not sure what the obsession is there pal, but perhaps counseling is a good path for you.
And of course you “give a flip” – your whole obsessive, sociopathic life surrounds this blog. You cant not care – its who you are – otherwise you would not have engaged in these letters of love and admiration that you post to me. :)
I dont do drugs, so I will have to pass on your suggestion to hit the meth pipe.
@62 LOL! So little maxie did know Driscoll, maybe his on-line sermons about the “pussified” too. Haven’t been to Church in a while? Awwww. Mars Hill has been out of bidness for a long time too. What an “investment” that turned out to be for the faithful, especially those burbies who worshipped at the Olympia branch or Snohomish or wherever that dump metastasized.
Tell you what little maxwipe, hook up with the babbling jackass troll here – now there’s an HA “obsessive” for you, nearly 50k comments to its name. The fatuous one will initiate you into its Sat morning kult, get you right with da lord. Fair warning, 10 percent of what you make even before SSI goes to the kult, you can’t comment on HA on Fridays after sundown until you mumble your prayers (gotta put skydaddy first or there’s hell to pay), you’ll have to play “who’s the best vegetarian” all day Sat with the rest of the kongregation and you can babble about mass murder of darker skinned people in foreign lands but never, ever shoulder a rifle abroad to actually do anything. Same goes for your kids. Those are the rules for being “in the world” but not “of it”. Praise da lord!
Sociopathic? HAHAHAHA! Whaaatever.
You’re too funny of a freaking joke little maxie. Didn’t your stupid ass leave here in a panic after the slaughter in the ‘burbs of CT?
For shame, those parents in that town ought to be prosecuted for child abuse, raising kids in those sterile suburbs. Places that breed mass killers like Adam Lanza, Harris and Klebold and Jaylen Fryberg.
Still the same old ignorant asswipe, pushing the same lame bullshit memes, now a Drumpf fan. Who’d a thunk it?
And completely ignorant about the all too real alt-always wrong and its strong ties to the moronic Drumpf klown show. Stay stupid ass napkin. Yawwnn.
Btw, stupid and ignorant one, how’s that Iranian oil working out for whatever jalopy strokes your nuts these days?
As everyone can see from #63, it can’t survive without mentioning Puddy, Even when attacked by someone else, the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch flatulence has to mention Puddy!
It ASSUMES #61 is “max”. Well didn’t the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch ASSume someone else was “max” before?
That all you got jackass @ 64? You’re TOOOO DAMMMN FUNNNY!
The little maxwipe only admits to its identity @ 44.
Thanks for the lulz. Stay stupid.