Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a drink at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. All are welcomed—no ideological purity tests involved.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight, the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma, Bremerton, and Spokane chapters meet.
There are 185 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Tonight the Republican Party Presidential Nominee will be “Town Halling” with Sean Hannity in Milwaukee.
The dumpster is overloaded and dripping with gas.
@1 It amazes me how this guy keeps running in the primary by pandering to right-wing whackos. I guess it’s the mark of somebody that has never run for public office and has no idea what he’s doing. So I hope he keeps doing it.
Another politician trying to force-feed his religion to others.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Christianity is a beautiful religion. Too bad nobody practices it. But that’s asking too much of selfish and stupid humans.
A jury has convicted Pennsylvania’s elected attorney general, a Democrat, on multiple counts (including perjury) growing out of a conspiracy to leak confidential grand jury information to a newspaper as revenge against a rival prosecutor. The state’s Democratic governor is calling on Kathleen Kane, a hobby politician who used her wealthy husband’s trucking-fortune money to run for public office, to resign. She has already been stripped of her law license, and isn’t running for re-election.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The jury has spoken. Time for her to leave. Democrats, unlike Republicans, don’t close ranks and protect their own when they commit crimes or are guilty of corruption. Democrats don’t behave like Doc Hastings, who willingly accepted the House ethics committee chairmanship with a mandate to sweep Republican corruption under the rug. Democrats hold other Democrats accountable, and that’s what’s happening here, as it should.
@3 “Christianity is a beautiful religion.” Guess you don’t read much history.
I think it must be about his insecurities.
I don’t think he’s at all interested in meeting the majority of Americans where they are. Instead he wants us to come to him.
But so far it is only an angry, racist core of Republicans who are gathering ’round the stinking dumpster fire.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
One of the best things about being an ex-journalist is that nobody can blame me for helping to make Trump a thing.
Yeah, but THE best thing must be not having to consider the other side of the issue before you post.
After the third time Hassan was asked about Crooked Hillary Clinton’s honesty/trustworthiness and dodged the question
I swear you can hear a cock crowing in the background.
I guess anybody who supports phony Libertarians wouldn’t know an honest person even if they whooped their ass in an election.
3 & 5
All religions are nuts. The Golden Rule is all we need consider when it comes to religion.
Have they gotten around to clearing up Feldman’s very suspicious death yet?
Johnson doesn’t strike me as a murderer. But then again I’m not staying up at night parsing thousands of routine office emails for PROOF!!! that the ALL-POWERFUL Femi-Nazi ordered the BENGHAZI!!! attack.
@4 Please. Read my post. I referred to what the religion teaches, which is indeed a beautiful prescription for how humans should treat each other. I explicitly said the problem is that nobody practices it. I didn’t deny that awful things have been done in the name of Christianity, but those people weren’t Christians, and those weren’t Christian practices.
Didn’t your Republican patron Nixon define that standard when he forged his ’69 tax returns? And now your nominee won’t even release a single page.
If this holds, it could be the ballgame.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With Virginia in her pocket, Clinton needs only 1 more state. Any one of Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Georgia, or North Carolina will take her over 270.
@7 What’s the other side of the issue, doc? A womanizing narcissist who doesn’t pay taxes, robs everyone who does business with him, is a serial liar, and doesn’t know what he’s talking about? If you don’t give a damn about your candidate’s total lack of character, and want to discuss issues, then how about: He pals around with Putin, thinks it’s okay to use nuclear weapons, wants to run up another $10 trillion of debt to give more tax breaks to the rich, and favors the same kind of protectionist trade policies that helped cause the Great Depression? How bad does someone have to be before you give up on him? How effing stupid are you?
@8 And your alternative is … ? Mine is —
“I’m not crazy about Clinton,
but … I’m not crazy.”
@10 The Golden Rule is 99% of what you stupid humans need. You’ve already had 2 million years to teach yourselves to practice it. What’s taking you so long?
@12 It clearly doesn’t work so what’s the point? That excuse is as old as the religion itself. Fact is, they’ve always taught their children to hate. I know from personal as well as anecdotal experience. It has never once accomplished anything for humanity. In fact it does a superior job of keeping people ignorant. It’s been just another excuse to pillage and enslave.
The United Stares use to be the first in many things. Not anymore. You can’t be first at anything if you don’t invest in anything because you think that the rich are taxed too much.
We csnt even build a road anymore as the existing roads crumble
Fuck Republicans. Bringing us to be like Somslia.
China Launches The World’s First Quantum Satellite
Build a Mexican wall you dumb fucks!
You tell us rodent: you’re a human, too. You just use that moniker from some old movie with Bob Hoskins and an animated rabbit as a way to remain anonymous.
@19. Politicians aren’t the problem with this Country, although all the Republicsn ones suck. It’s the people that are the problem! All the dumbfuck ones that have about as much common sense as Boob and as brainless as Puffbdlls.
Puffballs, I’m waiting for your return!
Sloppy Tavis Bickle,
“Yeah, but THE best thing must be not having to consider the other side of the issue before you post.”
…says the amateur propagandist.
@ 23
Amateur, absolutely.
Goldy’s the professional propagandist around here. Sorta my point @ 7.
The other side of the issue.
It happens so fast. One day you’re dropping him off at a whites only pre-school. Then before you know it he’s all grown up. Boob must be so proud.
Good grief! Texas might be in play? Must be a sign that the world is coming to an end…for the GOP.
A white guy stabs two people to death, and is eating their faces when the cops arrive, isn’t faced by a taser or police dog, yet they don’t shoot him. The cops say they didn’t want to shoot the victims, but the victims were already dead. Looks like white privilege to me.
Roger Rabbit Commentary; I’m now waiting for Boob to claim that Michael Brown and Tamir Rice were much greater threats than this dude.
I’m confident he’ll do that long before he ever apologizes to the family of Philando Castile
and meanwhile The Pros from Dover are campaigning in Milwaukee.
So I guess tomorrow we’re going to show our junk to Putin.
I wonder if he’ll try to wear a wire.
Roger Ailes helping him with debates? Oh, that’s too bizarre for words. Expect a lot of demeaning and sexist name calling.
More bad news for Trump and the GOP. New poll out of Florida…Clinton +9.
I’m so glad they cleared this up.
“Trump Adviser Clarifies: Clinton Should Be Executed, Not Assassinated”
The GOP has become a death cult.
@30 So what? Drumpf & Co. have been doing that all along.
About that Texas poll, the future looks blue.
“With voters under 65, Clinton leads him 49-45. And
when you look just specifically at voters under 45, Clinton leads Trump 60-35.”
There’s also this,
“If Clinton is elected President this fall, the Trump voters really want out- in that case 61% say they’d support seceding from the United States, to only 29% who would stick around.”
Sigh! If only they would leave.
Country boy in Louisianna said on NBC , you work so hard to obtain the things you do but then a flood comes along and you lose it, in reference to the flooding there that some have said can be contributed to global warming.
I wonder if Country Boy would have paid a couple thousand in taxes to combat global warming and not lose what he lost.
Oh well, boo hoo hoo, stupid is as stupid does.
We are just going to have to deal with things like this because we can’t believe any scientists.
It’s great to see how cops know how to keep the public safe.
Tulsa Man Runs Over Lebanese Neighbor With His Car, Later Kills Her Son
Cops aren’t supposed to protect and serve unless some crazy terrorist is out there waiting to kill everyone. I’m sure this Lebanese guy would appreciate that.
Right Abigail? Here is where you are suppose to tell us all about the 1st amendment, so long as it’s not being used to libel.
@3 Hey the Pope may like the display. Or the Orthodox guys in Moscow and in Constantinople. And with both Vice Presidential being Catholics and both Presidential candidates being nominally Protestants the Presidential election is looking very Christian. Maybe we learned from the 100 and 30 years war…kinda sort of…maybe.
The cool thing about rabbits is they get a starring role at Easter. All that spring and rabbit if often served at the Vatican that time of the year. It’s pagan roots being quietly shushed and served with rosemary and carrots. Is it an enlightened religion now?
@10 Try telling that to the Scientologists, and they are anti phycologist. So the only people able to determine they are nuts they won’t listen too.
@15 Still the man is more likeable than Hilliary Clinton. Yes this years election is just a cliché High School election.
@17 Well some Greeks argued he who has the gold makes the rules is the golden rule. There is some truth to this especially if in reality all our politics are theatre, and we are really in a oligarchy.
@20 And Bob Hoskins clearly enjoyed roasted rabbit.
@21 Yep some great man said in some speech it’s a government of, by and for the people. Includes Republican, Communists, and those funky Hairy Krisnas.
@25 Making one man in Texas very happy indeed. Visions of 2020 in his head President Cruz. Only one way to prevent this is Texas must go for Trump.
@36 Well Jack Reacher was not in the neighborhood to render justice. Lot of hubris and tragedy and very Greek. Limits to what our superman errrr warrior cops can do to protect the public. This is those 2nd Amendment peoples field. Good Lebanese guy is equal to crazy old white guy if he has a gun.