Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening over the next week. Tonight, the Federal Way, Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet. On Thursday, the Kent chapter meets. Finally, on Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 185 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
The Republican answer to polls showing Drumpf losing badly? The pollsters are wrong! They’re counting too many Democrats. Just like they did four years ago, when Romney won by a landslide. Harumph.
Et tu, white people?
Trump goes there.
“Trump darkly hints that ‘the Second Amendment people’ can stop Hillary from picking judges”
Too sweeet! Where’s the trolls to agree with this piffle?
Especially that joke, boob.
Not satisfied with calling for his supporters to reject his impending November loss, today the Republican Party nominee for President called for Clinton’s assassination should she win.
Congressman Dave Reichert stands by his silence.
That’s their theory in Florida and most of the battlegrounds as well. Actually it’s what Turdblossom declared four years ago before they had to platter him off the set weeping to a safe room.
Having broken the political mold by openly catering directly to the narrow subset of angry, white, male “conservative” Republicans, they now want to “expand the tent” by claiming that “Republican” itself is a kind of electoral demographic.
All about the grift, baby. All about the grift.
Now that one of the two major party candidates has called for the assassination of the other, can the media finally admit that there really is a difference and that there is no obligation to seek “balance” in covering this?
Hey trolls! Your party’s nominee is a John Wilkes Booth wannabe! Whatcha gonna do now?
Actually, we haven’t seen the trolls for a couple days. They’re probably hiding under rocks. I would, too, if I were them.
@7 The media laps this shit up. That’s how desperate they are for eyeballs and advertising dollars. Meanwhile, I’ll bet the GOP poobahs are huddling right now trying to figure out how to get rid of their nominee. It’ll be interesting to see whether Drumpf is still a candidate 48 hours from now.
@9 Great campaign strategy. Now he’s added homicidal maniac in addition to his other charming qualities. That there are people, actual humans, who think this is presidential material is a very sad commentary on our society and an embarrassment to our nation.
don’t hold your breath.
My guess is he will not be the candidate. I’ve been a saying that for a while now. Not sure I’m right but I’d put good money on it.
@ 9:
“I’ll bet the GOP poobahs are huddling right now trying to figure out how to get rid of their nominee.”
Maybe they’ll get one of their “Friends of the CIA” to smoke his ass, then blame some dumb bastard who just happens to be sort of Liberalish and a registered Democrat.
At least plausibly so.
Gee! It’s 1933 all over again!
Just remember kids, if this was a blue state asking for money to take lead out of water then BillO would call it dead beats asking for free stuff.
“But rejecting the conventions of political correctness
is different from showing complete disregard for common decencyhas always been about white people wanting to say nigger.”ftfy…
Seriously, the fact that at long, long last one or two of these total assholes comes around to the shocking(!!!) realization that their party of nihilistic racist dickheads is full of nihilistic racist dickheads is better than nothing. But that sure as fuck shouldn’t buy their way back into the game.
Fuck ’em.
Stewart and Lynda Resnick have unimpeachable progressive credentials. Lynda helped Daniel Ellsberg photocopy the Pentagon Papers. The Resnicks also are California’s biggest water consumers. Their farms slurp up more water than everyone living in Los Angeles and San Francisco combined.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In California, you have to be Democrats to get away with that. But at least the Resnicks are genuine boot strappers. Which maybe is why they’re Democrats.
@14 Obviously you missed the fine print. Obama asked for $1.9 billion, but Congress will pass a “compromise” bill of $1.1 billion. That’s just enough for the red states.
@15 We need the GOP. It’s where we park the racist nihilistic dickheads. Like this guy, for example:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP is where we keep ’em until we can process them into jail.
You know that neighbor you hate? The one that beats the hell out of his dogs in the front yard and screams at the kids when they’re riding their bikes around the street. You know the one. Pure asshole.
Crazy and mean as an anus flea.
All the other neighbors hate him too, because he likes to start his straight-piped Harley or his drag boat at all hours of the morning, just so he can hear it run for a few minutes or half a goddamn hour. He throws his dog shit over the fence into your kid’s swimming pool just for the lulz and there hasn’t been any decent way to retaliate or even to make him stop doing it.
Then one day, you see him mowing his lawn, pushing that fancy little Toro around with a beer in his hand, and then, he bends down to reach under the mower.
Thats what the GOP has been for over 100 years, and what they are doing now with Donald Trump.
This man has absolutely no idea the shitstorm he could unleash with the sort of outright lunatic crap he’s been relying on to make him feel better about himself, especially in the last couple of weeks.
Get 15-20 million gunrubbers with an average IQ of 75 and not much better than a 6th grade education all riled up, liquored up and mobbed up and you can damn well bet they can do some real fucking damage. They’re stupid and mean enough to try it.
When Donald Fucking Trump goes on Television at the end of the election and demands that people march on Washington to “take it back”, there are likely to be at least tens of thousands of people that would do just that. With their little toy Barbie-Doll machine guns and their little bullshit plastic pistols. They’ll all be Real Patriots®, Standing Up For Whats Right.
That’s really what he’s talking about. He all but says it.
Another God-Fearing Patriotic Conservative American exercises his second-amendment freedoms.
What a world they have built for themselves. Always in a constant state of terror, always fearful and watchful of every shadow and flicker of furtive movement. They’re so scared of every little thing in the world that they’re all but pissing themselves.
Guns are dangerous even in the hands of “good guys.”
Guns are dangerous even in the hands of “good guys.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Speaking from my perspective as a rabbit,
I don’t think any of you humans should have guns, because you’re all stupid. Plus some of you hunt rabbits. Life was a lot easier when all
I had to worry about was bows and arrows and broadswords. The last thing I need is some asshole shooting a 155mm into my hole.
@14 By the time Congress reconvenes the zika epidemic will be underway. I think we are safe here, but with the warmer summers it’s hard to know for sure.
Maybe President Obama needs to get that Oval office speech thing going and throw in a few jabs about his Supreme court nominee.
@18 Or you could suggest having a loyal opposition is better than a single party system. In the event that the Democratic wet dream comes true and no Republicans are voted in how do you suggest the Democrats use their new found power? Will it be a good thing for these United States?
@22 The most efficient way of hunting rabbits is trapping. A 155mm is overkill. Wouldn’t be able to use these recipes.
Rabbit hunting is the third most popular hunted animal in Oregon. Will RR claim special status as a endangered species?
Your opinions on lynxs and hawks?
Seems like Boob’s and Puffy’s departure was coordinated amongst themselves.
Zika, Zika, Zika. Yummy, sounds good. Like I’ve said months ago – Enjoy Zika!
Why is it that, unlike Boob and Abigail, that I’m always right?
I think scientists predicted this – geeez, who knew that they know anything, especially this warming shit.
There is no such thing as global warming…….Opps, I meant there is nothing we can do about it that won’t cost me a dollar.
or maybe asswipe obstructionist Republican traitors in Congress should stop tying defunding Planned Parenthood to every single critical piece of legislation. It’s sleazy political pandering in an election year to a bunch of crazy zealots who are endangering our communities. And Maybe religious nut job Rick Scott should have thought of that before he welded his personal private brand of snake handling evangelism to his political identity.
does gotta make you wonder.
If they ever reappear I’m blocking the both of ’em on principle. Burden of proof is on them that they aren’t one and the same.
asleep on the dock idiot? That boat sailed about the time Lee Atwater hired Larry McCarthy to make Willie Horton famous.
When the Republican Party shifted the “Southern Strategy” into an open appeal to gun humping racist shitbag white supremacists, they forfeited any claim to patriotism or loyalty. Now that the party leader is openly calling for the assassination of the opposing candidate it moots any question about the party’s role in a democratic system of government.
Learn to vote for Democrats. Or stay home. Those are the hard choices you’re faced with if you have any sense of honor.
Voting for Republicans who promote assassination and armed insurrection speaks for itself.