A week ago during a convention’s prime-time broadcast we heard from the Duck Dynasty guy and Scott Baio. At a different convention a week later, we heard from Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren. One of the conventions seems serious. Please join us tonight for an evening of political pontification and convention chatter at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight, the Tri-Cities chapter meets. On Wednesday, the Burien and the North Spokane chapters meet. The Kent and Woodinville chapters meet on Thursday. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 184 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Republicans wanted Putin, but settled for his doppelganger.
Another Republican bails on the GOP.
“Utah lawmaker bolts GOP after attending convention: ‘I’m wondering what this party is all about’”
@ 2
He’s bolting to the Libertarian Party in Utah, if the article is believable.
Gary Johnson’s operation is based in SLC. Supposedly there’s an internal poll out of the Mia Love camp that has Johnson only 3 points behind Trump.
Idea is that Johnson takes Utah’s 6 EVs, maybe takes an adjacent state as well (he used to be NM governor), Trump wins a few battlegrounds, and no one gets to 270.
None of which is plausible unless he gets to 15% and makes the debate podium, and that’s looking pretty iffy as well.
Hey, a guy can dream.
“Hey, a guy can dream.”
A presidential election decided by the House of Representatives? Your dream could become your nightmare. If House Republicans split between Trump and Johnson, Clinton wins.
@ 5
Yeah, that’ll happen. ’cause the GOP won’t think to meet beforehand, take a test vote, and game out the consequences.
If the election is thrown to the House, it could be anyone ending up president, not just Trump or Johnson. But it won’t be a Democrat.
Rough morning for the BernieBros.
It must be tough to wake up and immediately realize that you’re still gonna have to pay for your own shit.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
That’s the headline from a night in which Michelle gives amazing speech and Bernie makes case for Hillary? Shame. https://twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/757785378568806400 …
So, the hurriedly constructed wall is a visual metaphor. It’s not supposed to prevent the BernieBros from doing damage. Amirite?
The anxiety for Democrats: Are more leaks to come?
Hard to believe the Russians hacked the DNC but didn’t make it onto Crooked Hillary Clinton’s homebrew server.
Comey clearly left open that possibility.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
David Frum ✔ @davidfrum
One man’s opinion, but I prefer that my law-and-order candidates not accept the aid of hostile foreign intelligence services
One man’s opinion, but you might also have preferred that Crooked Hillary Clinton not have provided that aid.
@5 If no candidate has 270 EVs, each state gets 1 vote. No chance of any Democrat winning this type of election, because most House delegations are GOP-majority. The Democrats are concentrated in a handful of large-population states. In this type of election, Wyoming and Idaho outvote California. To Boob it looks great on paper, now all he has to do is keep Clinton under 300 EVs, then peel off 30 more. Good luck with that, Boob.
@9 Doesn’t matter. Voters will go tribal in this election, and only party labels will matter, making both candidates teflon. And Democrats happen to be the larger tribe.
So, I was just thinking…
Had Crooked Hillary Clinton not wiped her server, the FBI would be more likely to know with certainty whether the Russians had successfully hacked her.
I guess now we’ll just have to wait awhile to find that out.
So, what is Trump supposed to do about this, exactly?
“Hey Vlad, baby, I got this.”
Is that it?
I think it’s more like Trump and Manafort taking orders from a handful of Gazprombank shareholders communicating through Trent Lott.
In any other world it would be called treason. In GOP bizzarro world they call it “Winning”.
Wont be long now before The Libertarian Party will just be Republicans who smoke weed and watch porn.
@ 14
Well, look at the bright side. The DNC leaks took down DWS and there might be some underlings to follow, but you’re good going into Fall.
’cause Crooked Hillary Clinton was smart with her data.
No worries, mate.
DWS was gone after this week with or without the hack. Clinton’s org can’t stand her. They begged the Pres. to shit can her for nearly a year. And none of the hack has anything to do with the Clinton campaign as you well know. Campaigns have been trying to hack each other for decades. In the old days you guys did it with late night break ins. Forgotten so soon? That’s why the campaigns wall themselves off from the party, especially during the primaries. Care to guess why? Answer starts with N, ends with N, and has an I, X, and O in the middle. Still guessing? Figures.
Now you too are veering into schizo liar territory. Is that really what you want? Just for partisanship?
I hope you aren’t too disappointed when this political espionage caper blows up in Cheeto Jesus’ face. I’d give the Russian espionage services credit for knowing what they are doing. Trump and Manafort? Like Tricky Dick before… Not So Much.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Will Bunch ✔ @Will_Bunch
Looking forward to tonight’s DNC ritual: Introduction of nominee’s obscure spouse to nation. I wonder what Hillary’s husband is really like
That’s funny. I don’t.
@ 17
That’s why the campaigns wall themselves off from the party, especially during the primaries.
Yes, that’s just what the DNC email leaks demonstrated.
You know, Trump’s involvement in the DNC hack doesn’t really have to be true in order for Putin to have leverage over Trump. It would be astonishingly easy for the Russian intelligence services to “leak” manufactured details of the hack tying themselves to Trump. And the U.S. media would run with it. It doesn’t really have to be true. It just has to be shown to come from Putin. That alone would suffice. And Trump would be destroyed.
Right now, even if Trump were to have nothing to do with the hack, Putin owns his ass. This seems obvious enough that Trump’s response so far implies to me that he was involved.
@ 20
So, heads you win, tails your opponent loses, then.
Got it.
DR, you must be salivating over the prospect of the next leak, given all the damage you claim has been done to Trump with this one.
“Hard to believe the Russians hacked the DNC but didn’t make it onto Crooked Hillary Clinton’s homebrew server.”
Your Republican Party presidential candidate has all but sworn fealty to a Russian dictator and you keep going on and on about servers and emails.
True to form, Trump stiffs the patriotic “Freedom Kids” who performed at campaign event.
“Those Freedom Kids Who Performed at a Donald Trump Rally Are About to Sue Him”
“Now Jeff Popick, the creator behind the patriotic trio and father of the youngest member in the group, says he plans to sue Trump, alleging his campaign violated several verbal agreements and subsequently stiffed the group of proper monetary compensation.”
@21, 22,
It is what it is.
And it’s not like this sort of thing is unfamiliar. Especially to the United States. We did plenty of it in the 60’s and 70’s.
The point is in the time remaining before Nov. 8th there is simply no way to know that the GOP nominee isn’t being controlled by a hostile foreign power. And there’s plenty of reason to suspect that he is. You really want to hand the White House over to Putin?
@ 25
You really want to hand the White House over to Putin?
Not at all. But I’d rather give it to the House of Representatives than to the DNC or to Trump.
“Why, yes, I am a part of a current FBI investigation. Why do you ask?”
WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. investigation into the suspected state-sponsored Russian theft of emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee’s computer networks has expanded to determine if aides and organizations considered close to Hillary Clinton were also attacked, according to federal officials involved in the investigation.
But so far, a sampling of senior Clinton aides at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia found none who said they had been notified by the F.B.I. or private investigators that their private emails had been compromised.
I heard that one of Bernie’s demands was that no American flags be visible when he spoke.
Guy BensonVerified account
1/ It looks like the #DNCinPHL has reacted to criticism re: lack of American flags by adding some to the stage.
I think the real question is: Did he wear the right pin?
You know. ‘Cause enamel flag pins will defeat the Russians.
Yup. #ConservaDerp
@ 29
Pins aren’t patriotism.
Neither is dissent, we learned last night. Dissent is ridiculousness.
I wonder if they’ll post trigger warnings outside the venue tonite now that they’ve added American flags to the stage.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Bruce Bartlett @BruceBartlett
I repeat my advice to Trump campaign vendors–get cash up front, no credit, or you will regret it. http://www.usatoday.com/story/...../85297274/ …
Crooked Hillary Clinton paid off her 2008 campaign debt in December, 2012.
There was a not insignificant quid pro quo, in which Bill Clinton helped Obama in the 2012 campaign in exchange for Obama’s help in retiring the debt.
Just a hunch, but I have to believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton’s campaign vendors regretted extending her credit as well. Four years is a long time to wait, and it probably got a little tiring receiving all those letters from Bill offering speeches in exchange for forgiveness of debt.
So. Good advice, that.
Trumpty Dumbty sure looks like an agent of Soviet dictator Putin. Even George Will thinks so. Really not surprising. He has no morals, no loyalty to anybody but himself. He should not be given any detailed national security info. He’s possibly a traitor. Traitor Trump has a nice ring to it.
Head over to Goldy’s Twitter sidebar, click a link, and you learn this:
Jim BrunnerVerified account
@Jim_Brunner Jim Brunner Retweeted (((Goldy)))
.@cmkshama has endorsed Democratic walkout & vote for Jill Stein.
If only Donald Trump had a charitable foundation with which he could mask his Russian relationships.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
You’re going to have a hard time making the case that Trump is too close to Putin without facing responses like this, HA libbies.
Think on your sins.
The members of CFIUS include the heads of the following departments and offices:
Department of the Treasury (chair)
Department of Justice
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of State
Department of Energy
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Office of Science & Technology Policy
The following offices also observe and, as appropriate, participate in CFIUS’s activities:
Office of Management & Budget
Council of Economic Advisors
National Security Council
National Economic Council
Homeland Security Council
The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting, ex-officio members of CFIUS with roles as defined by statute and regulation.
Add to that the one and only elected person who has authority to veto any CFIUS decision – The President of the United States.
My that’s a long list of cabinet members to buy off.
Hey all you #Fightfor15 types:
Just make sure you put some away for a rainy day.
Analyst Paul Westra downgraded 11 restaurants, including Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. CMG, -2.42% , Darden Restaurants Inc. DRI, -3.83% , Panera Bread Co. PNRA, +4.04% , Cheesecake Factory Inc. CAKE, -4.68% and BJ’s Restaurants Inc. BJRI, -4.91% to sell ratings, an unusual grade for the sector. Westra said “we confidently believe” that a recent Stifel survey showing restaurant-industry sales decelerating “simultaneously” across all categories “is a harbinger to a U.S. recession in 2017.”
’cause there might be a storm a’brewin’.
Nazi Traitor Trump the Drumpf is more appropriate.
Bernie Sanders supporter is a racist DUMMOCRETIN… https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/07/26/white-bernie-bro-calls-black-trump-supporter-insane-at-the-dnc/?singlepage=true
Bernie Sanders supporter is a racist DUMMOCRETIN… https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/07/26/white-bernie-bro-calls-black-trump-supporter-insane-at-the-dnc/?singlepage=true
The double-posting idiot loon just can’t do anything right. What a stupe!
Well, that didn’t take very long at all.
Clinton friend McAuliffe says she will flip on TPP trade deal
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z4FZ2e17O0
All those things you want to believe you accomplished, BernieBros? They’re a fallacy.
$200M to see Bernie cave. Crooked Hillary Clinton’s minions aren’t even waiting until after the convention to undo her amble to the left.
Trump even stiffs kids.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump promised them gas money. They should’ve gotten it upfront. In cash.
@42 if only there were a way to harness the hot air that comes out of The Nazi Traitor Trump the Drumpf’s mouth, we would be able to fuel the world for a lifetime.
@ 41
And now the ass-covering and back-tracking begins.
John PodestaVerified account
Love Gov. McAuliffe, but he got this one flat wrong. Hillary opposes TPP BEFORE and AFTER the election. Period. Full stop.
Soooooooooooooooo we see some of those ISIS buds slit the throat of a priest in France. Seems Careless Crooked Heilary’s on successful action as Secretary of State is working.
@45 Another reason why we need someone who knows what’s she doing in the White House, not an empty-suit blowhard would pals around with Putin and promises to dismantle NATO.
@43 But think of the global warming that would cause.
@45 (and all your other brain explosions, copy – pastes and chrome influenced multi -posts.) huh? what?
if you don’t understand / can’t use the English language, then please don’t post in it.
and also, where have you been man? the start of this thread (http://horsesass.org/open-thread-july-25/) was every one else 8 to 8 for the pud-puller. you had fifty percent of the score! but you napped on it! come on! stop pulling your pud and use your hands to bash that key board harder!
you can win this! stop jerking off and start jerking on!
@45 I wonder if any of those priests were touching little boys and girls private parts.
@49 – yeah, it was one priest in a very respected position in a small town where he had a good reputation.
your smear is (most likely) misplaced and you should apologise for it.
Boob’s fantasies about Johnson-Weld are most likely going the same place as the fever dreams of Rubio-Martinez..
Swirling about and being swallowed by the black hole between the fool’s ears.
Watching Meryl Streep right now.
Such a contrast to who? Chachi?
@50 no smear, just wondering. I’m just an LIV.
I’ll say a prayer for you tonight.
@50. Kind of like I wonder about Boob and whether he is a Nazi. I done necessairly think he is but I thought I heard reports, maybe it was the National Enguirer (I can’t recall), that claimed he was or is. I’m like, “not Boob! Boob loves the Jewish, the Black, the Mexicans, and the Gay People – how can he be gay!?
Do you think Boob is a Nazi? Boob a Nazi?!
Yes R senile @46,
Careless Crooked Heilary is going to destroy the group she helped create? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
“Autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful.” – George Orwell
There is no smear of the priest. Your partners in ISIS did this. Careless Crooked Heilary helped create ISIS!
Sux to be you pissgonedownthedrain!
Just think The Bern and Fauxcohantas sold out to their wall street enemies! Forked tongue DUMMOCRETINS!
Meryl Streep
Strange fantasies.
Where were the police families who lost loved ones? MIA at DUMMOCRETINland
No problem!
@53 LIV = Low Information Voter? or something else? honestly not sure what you were going for with that. . .
also, please don’t ever say a prayer (seriously, sarcastically or otherwise) for me (or any one else that hasn’t asked for it.) i can’t imagine a more insulting and useless gesture than that.
also, who or what do you propose to pray to? Lebron James, Tommy Cooper, Chewbacca, the U.S. Navy? at least a few of those things are real (more real than any “deity” ever has been or will be,) but i doubt Lebron is gonna answer any prayer you have for any one unless it involves a vicious slam dunk.
If Careless Crooked Heilary wins this sums up America!
A real truth HA DUMMOCRETINS still can’t fathom… https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/07/26/note-to-dnc-stop-blaming-putin-you-wrote-tthe-emails/
How true!
Was amazing watching the Clinton News Network panel struggling to find the correct gushing adjectives to describe “greatness” of that incredibly boring Clinton speech.
If she was his best friend, why did he cheat with all them wimenz?
Meanwhile Sigi is gone at the Sounders!
Did some DUMMOCRETIN get on stage and say that repeated, misleading claim that Planned Parenthood ‘provides’ mammograms? Really?
Sawant claims the DUMMOCRETIN Party is losing credibility with voters? Well Puddy bets she pulls the DUMMOCRETIN lever!
DAYUM funny stuff!
Here’s video of Bernie supporter yelling at Warren about selling birthright for bowl of porridge, in all its glory
DAYUM funny!
DAYUM Funny!
DAYUM Funny!
Union workers afraid of losing their jobs are stooooooooooooooooopid? Sad too!
Lots of birdshit in this thread.
–your friend “teabaggers again” smeared the 85 year old victim by suggesting he was a kiddy-fiddler (i know your reading comprehension is for shit, but do try to keep up.)
–i am not partnered with any one except my wife.
–HRC is responsible for dáesh? wow, new masturbatory fantasy for the pud whacking with one hand, typing with the other crowd.
oh, and congrats on 55-61 and 63-74, despite taking time to rub one out over HRC being a member of dáesh, you’ve really got things going in this thread now.
keep going little puddy, you can beat the thread and not your meat!
Is that you Mr. Adams?
You might have smear and shmear mixed up in terminology.
Welcome to HA. A lot more smearing has been going on here than you probably know. But maybe you conveniently like to be selective in what makes you so sensitive.
LIV = Look I’m Vinning.
–i am not partnered with any one except my wife.
Sounds like Straight Privelage to me. I bet you posses the miracle powers of helping make a baby.
One Vote for Drumpf, The Triumphant Nazi Traitor Trumping Hot Air Machine, is one Vote for Vlad (Russia). What was the purpose of Vietnam War? How ironic to die for that freedom.
@ 75 RR
Lots of
birdshitbatshit in this thread.Ftfy.
On another note, it seems as though there are no American (or likely British) banks that will do business with Trump under any circumstances, as his repeated bankruptcies and constant habit of fucking over people he owes money to has apparently manifested itself in what amounts to total ownership of Trump by the Russian mafiosi, who are really just another set of big-money racketeers.
See, the problem here is the fact that now we have someone who might have committed open treason simply because there is nobody of any legitimate reputation in the banking industry who will do business with him, and now they own him, lock, stock and barrel.
Bear in mind that Putin is old-school KGB, and likely has access to all those dossiers on various people such as Trump. Perhaps they have actual, direct knowledge of Trump raping that 13 year old girl (and possibly others), and solid proof of it. If Trump or anyone on his staff colluded with the Russians, or agreed to use the information they apparently released on his behalf before it was released, theres a real, solid reason for a Treason trial for Donald Trump. He’s an old racketeer, and has pretty much solidified his reputation for being a real criminal in every sense of the term. New Yorkers have known this for decades.
This is what Conservatives freely embrace. They don’t give a shit about the content of his Character, they only see a man with lots of money and none of them give a shit about how he acquired it or where it came from. Wealth is their only measure of an individuals value. Thus, they’re very willing, even eager to promote a wholly-owned stooge of a hostile foreign power to the highest office in the land, the same it was with the Bushes.
These people would elect Al Capone in a heartbeat.
Of course the Conservatives being what they are, would somehow turn this around to show how astute Trump is with his business, and how experienced and knowledgeable he is with concern to foreign policy. Never mind that he’s a chronic deadbeat and tax evader. He’s their new Hero Of The Day.
HHTL is your friend not Puddy’s. HHTL thinks like you, almost acts like you and is a DUMMOCRETIN like you!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. pissgonedownthedrain is a real moron!
Aim here! So true so true!
Watch the senile wabbit head explode… https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2016/07/27/charges-dropped-against-baltimore-officers-in-freddie-gray-case/?
There was no case. Ever! Prosecutorial misconduct! The other person in the paddy wagon was unhurt and unscathed. Can you say
R senile will deliver the always useless early morning BULLSHITTIUM shortly! QPPS will demonstrate Puddy PWNage in a little while!
A libtard with a Bill Clinton speech review: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/compost/wp/2016/07/27/bill-clintons-speech-translated/
DAYUM Funny vomit producer!