Please join us tonight for an evening of political conversation at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Call this one a briefing for the forthcoming GOP
Reality TV Show Convention.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening over the next week. Tonight, the Federal Way, Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet. On Thursday, the Kent chapter meets. Finally, on Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 178 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Wherein the Dallas mayor shoves Rudy Giuliani’s racist remarks about Black Lives Matter back up Giuliana’s ass.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Conrad Hackett @conradhackett
Say increasing diversity makes country better
US 58%
Sweden 36%
UK 33%
Spain 31%
Greece 10%
Germany and France each came in at 26%. Germany might have been higher if not for those 1200 women sexually assaulted by 2000 men on New Year’s Eve.
Authorities now think that on New Year’s Eve, more than 1,200 women were sexually assaulted in various German cities, including more than 600 in Cologne and about 400 in Hamburg.
More than 2,000 men were allegedly involved, and 120 suspects — about half of them foreign nationals who had only recently arrived in Germany — have been identified.
Officials have linked the sexual assaults to the influx of refugees. “There is a connection between the emergence of this phenomenon and the rapid migration in 2015,” Holger Münch, president of the German Federal Crime Police Office, told Sueddeutsche Zeitung. Many suspects had originally come to Germany from North African countries rather than Syria, officials said.
Be careful what you wish for, libbies. Diversity’s great until you wind up with more of it than you can handle.
From the previous thread it appears that Boob is finally on board that Drumpf will most likely not be the nominee. It took about 50-70 tweets for him to figure that out – what a Nazi,…I mean genius.
Boob – maybe you should take an x-ray and then submit the bill to USA – Care of Medicare.
yes libbies fear the reaper – Donald Drumpf!
@2 So if an immigrant commits a rape, that makes all immigrants rapists? You sound just like Drumpf.
@ 5
No, but again you sound like the Fucking Moron. Or maybe the Fucking Moron has read enough of your spews that he thinks like you sometimes think.
If hundreds of immigrants commit sexual assault, that creates enough of a concern that laws are toughened:
Cologne attacks: Germany toughens rape law after New Year’s Eve mob assaults
It’s not by coincidence that it’s now easier to deport someone convicted of sexual assault in Germany.
Apparently there comes a time that after lying to yourself and to others
Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers’ nationality because she did not want to encourage racism
Read more:
about the existence of a problem, you actually need to do something about it.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Civic Skunk Works @civicskunkworks
Brilliant email from our troublemaker, @paulconstant. …
He’ll still come by to climb REI’s wall, tho. ’cause Stone Gardens is a ways away. And they charge for it.
@6 “It’s not by coincidence that it’s now easier to deport someone convicted of sexual assault in Germany.”
You mean it already wasn’t? According to your own linked article, the problem in Germany wasn’t deportation practices, it was getting the legislative body to define rape as “no means no.” That’s an issue here in the USA, too, and it isn’t just about immigrants. It involves a lot of athletes and fraternity brothers, too.
@ 8
Don’t forget former presidents.
@7 And here’s HA’s paramount Cheap Labor Conservative shilling for below-subsistence hours and wages again. Boob, I’ll bet my REI number is lower than yours. But this isn’t the REI that I remember. It’s run by a self-perpetuating board of businessmen who imposed a rule that only the board can nominate board candidates. I walked away from REI when it ceased to be a democratically-managed cooperative serving its members and became just another big business that no one can hold accountable. They need a strong union to keep them honest.
@9 While you’re at it, don’t overlook wannabes who lust for their own daughters. Of course, a little thing like that won’t stop you from casting your vote for the new chief of your tribe.
What about all the date rape in colleges and or just plain old rape… does that fall under diversity.
Boob – never spoken about rape until some foreigners rape…..go scalp an Indian Boob….you were the birth of diversity.
I propose shutting down all American Universities and Colleges to protect all womanz from the menz, especially the ones like Boob.
Obama gets another Supreme Court pick.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg intensifies criticism of Trump: ‘He is a faker’
Clearly The Notorious RBG is Hillary’s Veep pick.
We cant even convict an College Football Quarterback or Reciever from having raped….but Boob wants to school us on all the bad rapes out there.
Bravo Boob, Bravo Boob. Libbies Boob is speaking….listen up everyone.
@11 I think Boob wonders if Rubio has a hot daughter… she rapable to Boob?
“Don’t forget former presidents.”
Seeing as how rape accusations are for you as good as a conviction, your present GOP candidate is accused of raping a 13 year-old girl. But I’ll grant you that that’s somewhat out of character for a Republican as they usually rape adolescent boys and farm animals.
@ 17
Not my candidate, Steve.
I’ll probably have less difficulty pulling the lever for Johnson in November than any of you HA libbies will pulling it for Hillary.
@18 I can’t wait to vote for Clinton. I just love people who vote for losers. Loser is as loser votes. And Clinton is a winner. She will eat Trumpty Dumbty and Johnson alive. I’ll be as happy as I was when Obama outsmarted them twice.
I think I installed solar in 2013. So I just received my third annual incentive rebate of around $2400, in addition to the Federal income tax credit exceeding $5k, no sales tax, and a PUD rebate of nearly $2k. Two more of these incentive years and it’s paid off, and I’ll have two after that before the program ends in 2020.
I’ll be up around $7-8000, total, and other ratepayers will have made it possible.
What happens in 2020? Does Inslee – or as YLB would say, TWO-TERM GOVERNOR INSLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! – ask the legislature to extend the program, which by then will have so many participants that the cost going forward will have snowballed for the ratepayers bankrolling the subsidy?
Or does the program end, meaning the incentives for Washington solar panel/inverter manufacturing end, and an industry goes tits up? Not to mention the solar installation companies unless they can get by on thin margins putting up Chinese-made panels?
Gotta love liberal politics in WA. Oh, and no income tax. Why live anywhere else?
@13 Unnecessary. If colleges and universities revise their admission standards to require an IQ higher than a watermelon’s there won’t be a campus rape problem.
@18 Less difficulty but a lot more futility.
@18 Btw, please thank your candidate on my behalf for splitting the GOP vote. We libbies appreciate that.
@20 “Oh, and no income tax. Why live anywhere else?”
We understand perfectly well, and have realized for a long time, that Washington’s regressive tax system that soaks the poor and lets the rich skate is why we got stuck with you.
What you don’t want to overlook, though, is Washington’s death tax. We have one, and Arizona doesn’t, so when you hear the grim reaper knocking on the door you want to make like Tom Stewart and move to Arizona, the idea being to make sure Washington gets nothing back from you after you’ve spent a lifetime sucking a lucrative livelihood from its economy. Just make sure you don’t take any helicopter rides after you get there.
Crooked Hillary Clinton nails down the YLB vote.
WH PRESS SECRETARY @weknowwhatsbest
Hillary’s speech today unveiled new entitlements. Apparently, everything will be free except her speeches. They’re still $500,000.00
This is interesting.
“Hillary Clinton is vetting a retired four-star admiral as a possible pick to be her running mate, The New York Times reported Tuesday. A person familiar with the vetting process told The Times that James G. Stavridis, who previously served as NATO’s supreme allied commander, was being considered for the position. The news was confirmed by MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What I said about Drumpf’s possible choice of Gen. Flynn also applies here: Retired generals and admirals might be great in adviser or policy roles, but VP is a political job that requires political skills and you want an experienced politician for that role. A retired military man, unknown to voters, and with no elective office experience, doesn’t make sense.
@25 Y’know, for once you posted something that’s actually funny. Have you been drinking this afternoon?
Hey Goldy, check out the disclaimer at the end:
Nina TurnerVerified account
Fighter for the People, Blessed By God! Wife,Mother,Sister,College Professor, OH State Senator, Motivator-In-Chief. Retweets do not = endorsement.
At the risk of going all skewed polls…
The nut-o-sphere is all jacked about a Trump leading a JMC Analytics Poll (internal) by 5% in Florida. But there’s a problem in the single page poll crosstabs
Florida’s population is about 22% Hispanic/Latino so it would seem they are missing a huge segment of the population. In 2012, Latino/Hispanic made up almost 17% of the votes cast in Florida.
How’s Trump doing among Latinos?
Sandwich is gonna need a shit-ton of red pepper flake, Goldy:
Hillary Clinton’s Covert Campaign for the TPP
The run to the center begins.
Biggest losers: BernieBros.
Just think: He could really have put her on the ropes when he had the chance. Instead he threw out the damn emails line and he was toast.
Roughly one week from now:
“OK, he robbed that convenience store and he had his gun in his lap when we was stopped. But that still doesn’t give him the right to shoot my boyfriend with no warning. And he had a license to carry that gun.”
Another couple of stereotypical Republican Voters.
Interesting notion that it is these people’s greatest single achievement in life to have been born White.
Amazing development…
About that Notorious RBG Donald Trump commentary…
It’s amateur hour on the Supreme Court. The Notorious RBG stepped in it and objective DUMMOCRETINS have real issues with their prima facie abortion proponent, Again The Notorious RBG is an inappropriate jurist!
FACT suck!
@31. And what will you do if that doesn’t not turn out to be true?
@ 35
I’ll do what I have done here in the past, and what you are incapable of doing, Fucking Moron. I’ll admit I was wrong.
@ 32
Interesting notion that it is these people’s greatest single achievement in life to have been born White.
And because there was no actual police officer in the vehicle he shot up, this:
During his interrogation at IMPD headquarters, Ratney denied the shooting but became irate, cursed the officers and urinated in the interview room.
probably will be this asshole’s single greatest achievement.
Puddy bets that person has to be a DUMMOCRETIN like HA’s very own vomit producer…
Of course he was a DUMMOCRETIN.
Obummer’s Dallas speech was in two parts… The elegant Obummer that peeps were persuaded to vote for in 2008 because he could speak well and made a moving speech at the memorial service, and then the Obummer calling all whites racists at the same memorial service!
Remember Obummer could not untangle the motives of the Dallas police shooter while you know the motives of Dylann Roof!
@ 38
Of course he was a DUMMOCRETIN.
Now, Puddy, you can’t be sure of that.
There’s nothing in the story to suggest that the man intended that someone else pay his way for him.
@36. Is that like that bet you didn’t pay up on?
Does anyone remember R senile calling out this rhetoric, let alone any other HA DUMMOCRETIN?
“What do we want? D e a d C o p s
When do we want them? Now!
“Pigs in a blanket, Fry them like Bacon!”
Puddy has mentioned many times that my second cousin was a Phila. police LT., now retired, you can see how Puddy reacts to continuous R senile police BULLSHIT here! Imagine how would you feel if you had to attend a funeral for your dead police cousin!
R senile, a real living moronic twit!
Imagine if Clarence Thomas makes disparaging comments on Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton? The libtard msm would go NUTZO!
The Notorious RBG makes similar Donald Trump comments and nary a peep!
Where are the #blacklivesmatter idiots over these killings…
Where are the HA DUMMOCRETINS on this?
@31 If you know all that, you must have been there. How many other convenience stores have you helped rob?
@34 Maybe Ginsburg is taking her cue from what happened when people didn’t speak out against Hitler before it was too late. Btw, you play the role of dupe very well.
@36 Maybe it’s better not to be wrong in the first place?
Hillary will probably win – she’s got the Gimme Dat and Free Stuff crowds on board, and the big investment banks are backing her. Goldman Sachs has put a lot of money on her. Jamie Dimon likes her, too. The K Street crowd will vote for her, too.
@42 I see you’re not blaming this on BLM anymore. You must’ve read this link the last time I posted it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, you can always find a few cockroaches, if you turn over enough rocks.
And another stereotypical Republican Voter.
Gee, you guys are batting a thousand this week.
Did y’all see this doosey? Is that how you spell doosey? Ehhh, who gives a fuck…..certainly not GWB!
GWB must have been hitting the sauce with Boob….or was he high on something?
Is there video of this? If so, I’d love to see it. Someone post if there is please. Unless the Nazi’s have confiscated the video.
Hasn’t Boob been predicting the run to the center for about a couple months now? And isn’t Hillary pretty much in the Center?
Boob has been hitting the sauce with GWB and dancing the jig.
@43 Are you kidding? It took 10 years just to get him to say something about a case he had to decide.
56% of Real Americans thought Careless Crooked Heilary should have been indicted.
@ 51
Cocaine and Scotch is a hellava combination.
Meanwhile, in Republican TV Land. “It’s Obama’s fault that the White people are going to start shooting every black man they see in pure self-defense.”
This is coming from an individual who once said that the African Race is inherently violent and ineducable.
I can see where our resident Schizo gets his ideas.
@48 “Hillary will probably win”
” – she’s got the Gimme Dat and Free Stuff crowds on board,”
That’s not why.
“and the big investment banks are backing her. Goldman Sachs has put a lot of money on her. Jamie Dimon likes her, too. The K Street crowd will vote for her, too.”
That’s not why, either. This is why:
If you want to blame someone for turning this election into a gimme for Hillary, blame the stupid Republican voters who flocked to Drumpf.
Are you nucking futz R senile? These are #BLM peeps. And they vote DUMMOCRETIN.
So why does R senile jock strap cop haters?
@35 what he does when everything else he says eventually turns out to not be true. Ignore that he ever said it, continue to drink the sauce and go onto the next false prediction.
@50 He’ll fit right in with the Bundys.
@36 hahahahahah – to funny. Must be the booze talking.
@54 Probably the same 56% who will vote for her anyway because your party’s candidate is so much worse.
Gimmmie, Gimmiie, Gimmmie. Yippie, Yippie, Yippe!
@57 Oh, I see you ARE blaming BLM. Well, I can debunk it as many times as you can post it.
Don’t miss this one, either.
Why does your character hate its own race?
@ 41
@36. Is that like that bet you didn’t pay up on?
Moronic, unable to admit error, and blatantly dishonest is no way to go through life, son.
Although those qualities dovetail nicely with liberalism, so I can see how you’ve gravitated to it.
Keep at it, Fucking Moron. Not everyone here is laughing at you yet.
@50 yeah but at least he didn’t rape them! That’s why Repukes keep the goats around, so they don’t rape their 10 year old womenz.
@ 47
@36 Maybe it’s better not to be wrong in the first place?
Wholly unsurprising that you would need to ask someone else, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@62 Come on now, we can’t all be capitalists, someone has to work.
I can see where our resident Schizo gets his ideas.
Wrong again vomit producer!
@66 Even less surprising that you think I’m asking someone else.
@68 You have another rectal orifice we don’t know about?
“This is coming from an individual who once said that the African Race is inherently violent and ineducable.”
Maybe he knows Puffy and is speaking with experience.
FACTS Sux!!!!!
I guess the link I posted of the monkey dancing did have video. You should watch it, it is great.
The memorial for the dead cops looked like a real blast of a party, judging from the good time the monkey was having.
Just like Boob advocated – that gay people should git thar gunz!
“The New Black Panther Party, a “black power” movement, will carry firearms for self-defense during demonstrations in Cleveland ahead of next week’s Republican convention if allowed under Ohio law, the group’s chairman said.”
@ 64
The only people “Moronic, unable to admit fault, and blatantly dishonest is no way to go through life,” are Conservatives who openly disparage and defame real researchers, scientists and historians when it comes to supporting their narrative.
It was the Conservatives who sided with the British in the Revolutionary war and the War of 1812.
It was the Wealthy Corporatist Conservatives who sent their young men to kill their fellow Americans, and be slaughtered on American soil to preserve an institution that all but guaranteed to permanently obstruct those same young men’s future ability to support themselves with meaningful, gainful employment.
It was the Wealthy Corporatist Conservatives that fought, tooth and nail and to the point of open Murder to prevent Women from being allowed to vote.
It was the Wealthy Corporatist Conservatives who fought, tooth and nail to the point of open Murder to try to prevent workers from organizing themselves in their own defense, and against the prohibition of Child labor.
It was the Conservatives who used ropes, bullets, blowtorches and firebombs to show their disapproval of Dr. Martin Luther King when he was making real, honest political progress in fighting for the rights of the Black Man to vote, own property and stand up as a full citizen of the United States.
It was the Conservatives who openly opposed and mocked the disabled and sent the Police to beat up and arrest them when they started claiming their rights to the same level of access to the same buildings that everyone with working legs could already do so freely.
Need more examples? I have hundreds.
The GOP trying to spread their Nazism.
@64. It’s way funnier when it was in Animal House
Dean Vernon Wormer: “… Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son. ”
And we all know what happened next to Dean Wormer.
I prefer to ignore or mock your posts and find the comedy and illogic in what you post because if I took your racist, greedy, evil, cruel, sick, cheap shot comments at face value, I would have to conclude that some people are just not redeemable, that some people are permanently broken, no better than rabid weasels.
I prefer to believe that all people have the capacity to be good, and compassionate people, and someday something significant will happen to you, since conservatives have to experience things first hand to understand, (like republicans who only supported gay marriage once their own kids came out to them) you will repent and change your ways.
@74. Well said.
FACTS Sux!!!!!
Imitation is the best complement HHTL!
More bad news for Trumpistas and Republicans. Hillary is now up 13 points nationwide in Reuters/Ipsos polling, a gain of 3 points since last week.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If she keeps going at this rate, Drumpf will end up in negative percentages by election day. Is it possible to get less than 0% of the vote? This is history in the making!
It was the DUMMOCRETINS who had the KKK as their military arm against blacks and Jews!
And now Careless Crooked Heilary is all of those qualities vomit producer @74!
This is what DUMMOCRETINS do when FACTS explode their puny leetle arguments… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....crime.html
This is what DUMMOCRETINS do when FACTS explode their puny leetle arguments… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....crime.html
Another DUMMOCRETIN says it… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....acist.html
Black People Unable To Be Racist
So much for that great Careless Crooked Heilary lead you DUMMOCRETIN screamed above…
Your self absorbed president…
Huh! A double loon post with double loon head explosion! The loon is taking batshit insanity to a whole new level.
@10 Slumming it RR? Taking a break from being a Capitalist Rabbit. Met some of your crew up in Marbelmount today 4 very fat rabbits and I thought of a fat Capitalist rabbit.
@18 No lever pulling involved here in Washington state. Slight chance of a paper cut or some disaster with a pen.
Anyone who can connect a dot should have no problem voting here in Washington State, but if your going to do a write in vote remember spelling counts,
@20 Would you prefer an alternative program where home and business property owners are required to install the panels. A long term program like the one in Germany could be done. Soon Germany on a good day could have green power to export, but none to the UK if they exit.
@26 Last time I checked anyone with a star or more is a pretty decent politician. Whether the parties should just rubber stamp the presumptive candidates pick is debatable. Would the outcome be any different if the name is picked from a jar at the convention. I think Harry Truman was a great VP pick, but he was foisted on Roosevelt by the party.
While the VP pick tells some things about a candidate the American public pretty much tunes out the implications. Wouldn’t it be so much fun if the original constitution were used and the person getting the second most number of votes got to be VP. We would have Clinton and Trump in office!
@34 When Ryan starts the impeachment proceedings then I’ll take the noise seriously. RBG could and did say things in an interview that she could say, and she will be on the court whether Trump wins or looses and will not need to recuse herself. Or is Ryan going to take the only action Congress can take against a sitting Federal judge.
But the Senate should then tell the House they can’t proceed with the impeachment because we have to wait for the American people to vote as we can’t fill a vacancy until after the election.
An now for something completely different. Found an article of 50 greatest sci fi TV shows of all time.;dom=fb
Ones I didn’t think belonged
Knight Rider is no sci fi. A talking car does not make it Sci fi.
Twin peak, Weird, but no Sci fi.
Quantum Leap. Nope.
Some of the Treks, Babylon 5, Lexx, Farscape, MST3K were on the list. None of the new sci fi, like Expanse or Dark Matter.
@92 Depends so much on ones definition of science fiction. Of course the people who made the list probably lumped fantasy in with science fiction. So someone who likes hard science fiction or uses Heinlein’s definition might agree with you. Someone using Rob Sterling’s definition would consider Knight Rider, Twin Peak and Quantum Leap more sci fi than fantasy.
In any 50 or 100 list there are going to be series you don’t agree with. Imagine if you were Russian you might have a very different list as science fiction did exist in the Soviet Union and the Soviets had their own series. Some British Sci Fi like Dr Who made it in and some American sci fi made it in as well, but a lot was kept out. Heck when the Beetles played Moscow that might have seemed to be Sci Fi and might be on your list.