Join us this evening for some politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Tonight is the final presidential primary in D.C.
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There are 179 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Why the Gun Debate Probably Gives Donald Trump an Edge
It doesn’t help that liberals start out by wanting to ban a gun other than the one used in Orlando.
Probably also doesn’t help that Team Obama dumped 500 AR-15s into the Fast and Furious disaster.
But all the talk-show comedians were in lock-step last night, so you’ve got that going for you.
((((((Goldy)))))) Retweeted
igorvolsky ✔ @igorvolsky
It’s actually MUCH harder to immigratelegally to U.S. than it is to buy a military-style gun …
Fixed that for you.
The loon, with his incessant spew of hatred towards LGBT and Latinos, has the blood of 49 dead on his hands. But so do Goldy, Darryl and Carl for knowingly and willingly giving the SOB a platform to spew an endless stream of eliminationist hate speech.
“It doesn’t help that liberals start out by wanting to ban a gun other than the one used in Orlando.”
Fuck you, Bob. Try growing a spine for once and disassociating yourself from the loon and his ilk.
“After 49 people were gunned down in an Orlando gay nightclub in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, pastors in California and Arizona praised the gunman for massacring “perverted predators” and “pedophiles.”
“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” Jimenez said in a sermon originally posted on YouTube. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”…
Your presidential candidate preens while prancing on the dead as you sick bastards celebrate the carnage.
“The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re going to continue to molest children and recruit children into their filthy homosexual lifestyle,” he said, adding the attack would be used to attack Christians and push gun control.
“I’m not sad about it, I’m not gonna cry about it because these 50 people in the gay bar that got shot up were going to die of AIDS and syphilis and whatever else,” he continued. “At least these dangerous, filthy predators are off the streets. I’m just trying to look on the bright side.”
Say, Darryl, how about sharing again your wimp-ass excuses for tolerating an endless stream of hate speech directed towards LGBT on your blog.
@ 4
I’m not religious. I’m being lumped in with SW USA pastors… why, exactly?
I’m also not a Trump supporter, never have been, and fortunately at present have an option enabling me to pull the lever in November for someone who is neither Trump nor Crooked Hillary and do so with a clear conscience.
@ 5
First they came for Puddy…
No carnage celebration here, Steve. I’ll admit to being gratified that Crooked Hillary is now straddling the fence between radical Islamism and inadequate gun control over this shooting. It’s a start.
If HA libbies continue to respond to this the way they responded to the San Bernardino slaughter (see the 12/12/15 Open Thread), they’ll get nowhere. If Orlando is to mean something it will have to be as the event that made the left begin to wake up about radical Islamism and the cover it has been provided by the left.
If HA libbies continue to hide behind gun control, they’ll make Carl’s fears about fading Orlando a reality.
Your choice. If that suicide vest had detonated and slaughtered a bunch of SWAT team members and additional hostages, we wouldn’t be talking gun control today, would we, Steve?
You mean there are ways of targeting gays that don’t involve weapons that can be mistaken for AR-15s?
Islamic State group targets gays with brutal public killings
Notorious for their gruesome methods of killing, the Islamic State group reserves one of its most brutal for suspected homosexuals. Videos it has released show masked militants dangling men over the precipices of buildings by their legs to drop them head-first or tossing them over the edge.
From the AP, no less. Pieces like this will do more to keep Orlando in the public eye than misdirected gun control efforts.
Maybe tonite all of the talk-show comedians can use their monologues to discuss this. Doesn’t seem likely we’ll hear about it from Obama.
((((((Goldy)))))) @GoldyHA
“Gun control” is a GOP frame. But even a majority of gun owners support RESPONSIBLE REFORMS like background checks.
Which Mateen underwent, repeatedly, and passed.
Will one of the results of Orlando be a GOP Senate hold this year?
McConnell prods Rubio again on Senate run
@1 This might sway 0.00000001% of voters. The other 99.99999999% don’t know what you’re talking about and don’t care.
FCC’s net neutrality rules upheld by DC appeals court.
“The 2-1 ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is a win for the Obama administration, consumer groups and content companies such as Netflix that want to prevent online content from being blocked or channeled into fast and slow lanes. The rules treat broadband service like a public utility and prevent internet service providers from offering preferential treatment to sites that pay for faster service.”
Meanwhile, the religious right weighs in:
“A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising the attack on an Orlando nightclub that left 50 people dead has the local LGBT community outraged, reports CBS Sacramento. …
“‘Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?’ he said in the sermon. ‘Um — no — I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.'”
“The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack. ‘We don’t need to do anything to help. As far as I’m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,’ he said.”
It seems the shooter was a regular patron of the club who may have been gay himself, or was suffering from sexual identity confusion. In other words a self-loathing nutjob like the loon.
WaPo is reporting that Russians thoroughly hacked the DNC computers, including Trump oppo research
In response, Team Crooked Hillary stressed that none of what the Russians stole was marked classified at the time, and that everyone already knows Trump is a big fatty with bad hair.
@ 13
It seems the shooter was a regular patron of the club who may have been gay himself, or was suffering from sexual identity confusion.
Actually, it seems we’re gonna be hearing from CAIR again, very shortly.
Bradd Jaffy ✔ @BraddJaffy
NBC NEWS: Orlando gunman’s wife told FBI she tried to talk him out of conducting an attack -@PeteWilliamsNBC
8:18 AM – 14 Jun 2016
Might as well go the full Medea Benjamin.
Democrats shout down Paul Ryan after Orlando shooting moment of silence
Or at least have someone more forceful than Clyburn raise the issue.
“Or at least have someone more forceful than Clyburn raise the issue.”
Is that code for “more white”?
@14 Now you know why the stupid Russians lost the Cold War. The Chinese are better at this; they steal useful military technology while the Russians and Ukrainians are still hacking for dollars.
@ 17
Watch the video.
I actually had typed that it could have been a career-making moment for someone like Tulsi Gabbard. Then I realized that Ryan might not have recognized anyone who wasn’t in the Dem leadership and Clyburn’s the #3, so I ended up not including it.
The video shows a lot of empty seats and it may have been that Pelosi and Hoyer weren’t in attendance this morning.
Although Clyburn was attempting to bring up the anniversary of the Charleston shootings and so maybe he was going to be the guy even if #1 and #2 were there. Plus, the House was in the middle of voting, so I suppose Pelosi and Hoyer were there and the seats were empty because people were milling about.
All I was saying, Steve, is that someone breathing fire should have been used. Not an old guy who can’t project when it’s called for.
What Drumpf really means about “political incorrectness” is he wants racism to be respectable again.
@ 18
The Chinese are better at this; they steal useful military technology while the Russians and Ukrainians are still hacking for dollars.
Well, if I was hacking for dollars and didn’t want to have much difficulty in the process, Crooked Hillary’s server is where I would start.
Love those slow, hanging curves right out over the plate. No one serves them up better than you do, RR.
You really don’t see it? Shouldn’t all Christians be linked to these two pastors? It fits the pattern.
I’d like to see a plurality of media outlets who have had hosts or guests call out main-stream Muslims for not denouncing radical Islam (BTW, good speech today Mr. President) give the same call to denounce radical Christianity.
There are budding Jihadis in the Christian Persecution movement but that isn’t important, right?
In case you missed it, The President addressed the silly talking point today and blew it the F up!
Another citizen exercising his Second Amendment rights:
“Authorities have responded to a Walmart in Amarillo, Texas, amid reports of an armed person inside the store ‘who may have hostages,’ the Amarillo Police Department said Tuesday.”
GOP = party of gun violence, bigotry, and racism
@5 you are the only with a spine in this place. Hold them to some decency!
@6 you aren’t black either, from the best of my knowledge, so I guess you would just sit back when people say to hang the niggers or kikes too.
You have quite the squid ink too Boob. Well done.
Looks like Mateen’s ex-wife could be in some serious hot water.
@6 Please explain how to stop these mass slaughters without taking guns away from people who shouldn’t have them, and without limiting military weapons to the military.
Hey Boob, it’s not just some pastors saying what has been written about above. It is also some Exceptional American Freedom Fighters like saying it too.
Nic try to try and isolate yourself as not the problem. Yes Boob you are one of the mother fuckers too.
@ 29
@6 Please explain how to stop these mass slaughters without taking guns away from people who shouldn’t have them, and without limiting military weapons to the military.
I have no objection to increased scrutiny of those who would purchase a weapon, RR. None at all.
It’s the sorry/not sorry effect of taking guns away from people with a Second Amendment right to own them in the process that I object to.
I mean, you’d probably be OK with enhanced surveillance of Muslims who would do our nation harm right? But not if it came at the expense of Muslims who live here in total peace.
Here’s the thing, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: You’ve dropped your mask. You don’t want to enhance background checks, require firearms safety education, and deny purchase to a slightly greater number of people with sketchy backgrounds.
You want to take away guns. Your words.
This is why Orlando will fade. You’re the personification of Carl’s worry. Only this time you won’t get to spike the ball on the 10 yard line. You just fumbled deep in your own territory, champ.
Oh checkmate @23,
You don’t get it like Obummer. This is why you are a dipshit leaving DIPSHITTIUM here on HA DUMMOCRETUNS.
It’s not that the radical islamist jihadists care or not, people wonder if Obummer really cares. He can’t even call them correctly who they are. They are islamists first! They want to cut off your silly head through Sha’Ria law checkmate!
With home grown nutz like this dead DUMMOCRETIN all Obummer focuses on is the gun issue. So he conflates it with the fool who went into the church and killed nine. Or the crazed autistic moron at Sandy Hook that killed 30. Or the deranged medical school fool in the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado that killed 24.
Did any of them call 911 and claim allegiance to ISIS or the Tsarnaev Bros? This is why the NY Times article is saying many nominal DUMMOCRETINS in the party are agreeing with Trump you moron!
DAYUM EPIC FAYLE checkmate. You really are a fool!
@ 23
‘We can’t beat Isil unless we call them Radical Islamists ™ ‘ What exactly would using this language accomplish? What exactly would it change?
Well, for starters, it might have helped the FBI take notifications like this
Karla Ray ✔ @KRayWFTV
#BREAKING- law enforcement source says Disney notified FBI the couple may have been casing Disney in April #WFTV
9:52 AM – 14 Jun 2016
more seriously, Barack. Fish rots from the head.
It might cause you to take things more seriously, too, CZ. “MIC DROP!”? Really?
I thought we had YLB for fawning commentary like that.
@6 you aren’t black either, from the best of my knowledge, so I guess you would just sit back when people say to hang the niggers or kikes too.
Sounds like QPPS @17 has worn off on HHTL @27.
Strange thing is… when has HHTL ever displayed compassion for dead black men shot by other black men? Seems QPPS @17 can’t find one instance where it demonstrated compassion on dead black men, unless they were shot by a white policeman. It didn’t demonstrate any compassion when a black policeman killed that black teenager. Or when that black policeman killed that white guy!
Two inconsiderate jackASSes braying into the day and night with nothing real to say. Just hot air!
Apropos of nothing,
In my travels last week I plowed through all 11 Episodes of Serial regarding Bergdahl. It’s totally worth it from any perspective. I don’t expect it will change any minds because even the members of his platoon are divided.
On the one extreme there are those who the media grabbed onto who insist he is a traitor who got others killed. The CO of his company doesn’t agree with this assessment. Then there are those who think he was a dumb kid under high stress who shouldn’t be punished at all because face it, he was a Taliban prisoner for years and that’s enough. And then there’s those who think he was a dumb kid who broke the code of being a soldier and should be tried and see what happens, bad things happen during war.
Like most things in life, I find myself in the middle. He should have a trial. Some of the charges the Army is pushing are way out of line. What is clear to me is that after washing out of Coast Guard basic after a severe mental breakdown, he should never have been in the Army in the first place.
The Army failed and Bergdahl failed.
Give it a listen.
The loon emerges. There are very few people who think The President doesn’t care.
It takes a sick fuck mindset to believe that anyone really wants people to die for an ideology.
I personally hate GWBush but do I think he invaded Iraq because he really wanted to create ISIS AND get thousands of U.S. Personnel killed AND squander the U.S. Treasury in some desperate plot to avenge his father at all costs? No. That would be kind of pathological.
Have you considered counselling or does you Cloud Being tell you it’s okay to think the President really doesn’t care?
This will have repercussions on HA DUMMOCRETINS…
PuddyCommentariat: That really has to sting windie, worser and NYC’s own HHTL gorilla fool! You guys are lower than Muslims now. How does that feel from one of your own? Ohhh The Bern!
I personally hate GWBush but do I think he invaded Iraq because he really wanted to create ISIS AND get thousands of U.S. Personnel killed AND squander the U.S.
Ohhh dipshit checkmate… GW Bush didn’t create ISIS. Obummer did. You and the kook-aid drinker are united in that DIPSHITTIUM! Pinprick attacks really work eh dipshit checkmate? ISIS is losing ground dipshit checkmate? How many US mainland ISIS investigations are ongoing right now dipshit checkmate?
It would sting more if it wasn’t penned by an Anonymous author who may or may not be who he says he is and published on a well known Right Wing drivel site read by few who haven’t made up their minds to vote Trump.
On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog.
Liar thoroughly missing the point. A Piddles specialty for about a decade.
Seems CNN is really putting forth more fair and balanced coverage lately…
– Bernstein thinks Trump’s words could appeal to independents and Democrats because Hillary Clinton and our current president have been buffoonish and sticking their heads in the sand for so long.
So you see dipshit checkmate, a long time WA Post DUMMOCRETIN thinks Obummer and Crooked Heilary are ostriching this issue for so long!
On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog.
Yet we all know you are one here dipshit checkmate. We figgered that out long ago!
dipshit checkmate @40,
You didn’t make a point. Puddy made it for you!
This is some scary BULLSHITTIUM from the next DUMMOCRETIN senate leader… “but neither the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, any amendment is absolute.”
DUMMOCRETINS hate the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They want absolute control and dominion to tell you they are right.
Yet DUMMOCRETINS hate it when someone labels them. Butt, of course, they will call a conservative a Nazi or a fascist in a heartbeat.
So why is that HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Don’t worry Puddy realizes thinking is not a DUMMOCRETIN forte!
penned by an Anonymous
Because Anonymous saw what happened to this lovely black ex-ACLU woman when she questioned the staked out position of the leftist libtards.
PuddyCommentariat: If you don’t lockstep jackboot goosestep to the DUMMOCRETIN cause, being a black woman has no power anymore. You are thrown to the curb.
This is why Puddy saves these minuteman missiles for the right time now. They make Puddy’s points over and over and over!
@ 39
On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog.
On the other hand, it’s really easy to figure out when @ 23 someone strapped on kneepads.
And then we have Erin Burnett who seemed to get more stoooooooooooopid after coming back from her pregnancy leave.
AR-15? 700 rounds per minute? Burnett is a buffoon like dipshit checkmate is the HA DUMMOCRETIN doggie!
How come the vomit producer or HHTL couldn’t post this on HA DUMMOCRETINS?
PuddyCommentariat: Maybe because there is nothing for them to act out their common theme of DUMMOCRETIN hatred! Butt we aren’t seeing Obummer do his primary duty lately. Gotta close Guantanamo. Gotta prosecute these “people” as criminals, not like we are at war with them!
Hate 24×7. The DUMMOCRETIN way!
I see the slug crawled out from under the porch and is leaving a slime trail all over the place. Anybody got a mop?
Theodore Shoebat: Dancing on the bodies.
Pat Robertson: Dancing on the bodies.
@48 I applaud you Puffy for the post, but for you to also ignore and pretend the other side doesn’t exist (as you don’t want to speak about it an be quite about it) is complete bullshit.
Your post is nothing more to mask or acknowledge that their are others basically calling for killing and death, which incites more violence.
Would you like if I applauded or were silent if you son were hung for being black…and people were saying that that was a great thing? I don’t thinks so.
You are a coward and have no spine.
Fuck you. I can take care of myself, and defend myself, and if I have to I’ll do what I have to (everything is on the table).
Just a thought.
For just over three decades now, Republican orthodoxy has held firmly in support of lowering taxes on high earners, maintaining low taxes on capital gains, eliminating estate taxes, minimizing or eliminating all industry regulations, promoting global trade through international market agreements and global trade promotion, and limiting domestic wage inflation by exporting work wherever possible and importing cheap immigrant labor everywhere else.
Now I’ve held to the belief that most of Donald Trump’s astonishing success in blowing through the Republican establishment primary candidates has had to do with more or less overt racism. The alternative explanation has it that Trump outflanked his own party – that the establishment Republican leadership have been pretty much wrong about the orthodoxies listed above. The alternative explanation holds that aggrieved, working class “conservatives” feeling betrayed by those orthodoxies have finally had enough and decided this year to give the establishment the middle finger.
Now, if you’re inclined to be squeamish about America’s fine traditions of racism, you’re probably attracted to that alternative explanation for Trump’s out-of-the-blue success. And you might also be pleased about the idea of establishment Republicans being so wrong about their own voter base. So if establishment Republican political orthodoxies could be so wrong about those things, why couldn’t they be wrong about others?
Clearly money has had a lot to do with it, if the alternative Trump explanation is true. The donor class has had a bigger influence among Republican elites in terms of policy than rank and file base voters. This has left the Republican establishment patronizing base voters on these issues like domestic economic policy, immigration, and financial bailouts, while essentially serving the donor class. Can we think of any particularly yuuuuuuge Republican campaign donor industry not included in this analysis? Here are some hints: this industry is represented by one of the single largest lobbies in the U.S, it is commonly referred to by a three letter initialism, the first letter is N, the last letter is A, the middle letter is R.
Give up?
@31 “I mean, you’d probably be OK with enhanced surveillance of Muslims who would do our nation harm right?”
Just Muslims? Why not also:
White supremacists
Members of rightwing citizen militias
People who support violence against abortion providers
Preachers who believe homosexuals should be killed
Members of known hate groups (e.g., KKK) and their sympathizers (e.g., Donald Trump)
People who advocate “executing” liberals (e.g., Ann Coulter)
Confederate sympathizers (e.g., anyone who displays Confederate flags or symbols)
Rightwingers who talk about overthrowing our elected government, assassinating public officials, and/or starting a “civil war”
This would mean about half of all Republicans couldn’t own guns, but let the chips fall where they will.
No, I’m not in favor of confiscating everybody’s guns. I have no problem with hunters, sport shooters, etc. I only want to keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them: Toddlers and children, misfits and psychopaths, criminals, political extremists, terrorists (both domestic and foreign), jackasses, road ragers, various nutjobs, domestic abusers, and so on. It’s obvious who shouldn’t have guns; identifying them isn’t the problem. Getting reasonable gun legislation past GOP obstructionists is the problem.
As for the Second Amendment, all of our individual liberties are subject to qualification. The First Amendment guarantees free speech, but that doesn’t mean you can yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater (unless there’s a fire). You can be drafted. Republicans would argue you can be kidnapped, transported to a foreign country, and tortured without access to an attorney or a trial; I’m not so sure that’s a correct interpretation of the Constitution, but they certainly take the position that the rights guaranteed by the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments aren’t absolute and can be somewhat flexible. Well, why wouldn’t the same rationale apply to the Second Amendment, too? Are guns entitled to more rights than people? That makes no sense.
Some more information about Omar Mateen that fits the narrative we know about QPPS @3!
@52 The Republican Party evolved the way it did because of their top-down system. The voting base is supposed to obey orders, not give them. What they think is irrelevant, because they’re not supposed to think, only do as they’re told. Plus, Republicans don’t believe in democracy. They believe the elite should run things, and everyone else should fall in line. So it’s not surprising they were completely blindsided by the popular revolt of people they’ve been exploiting and abusing for decades. I mean, what elitist could have seen that coming?
HHTL @51,
Head exploded again…
Where does Puddy claim the extremism doesn’t exist? It’s your ilk whom never says anything when the likes of Alan Grayson appear and make inflammatory statements. Or how about other congressional DUMMOCRETINS or the Code Pinks or others who are quick to call names because the ends always justifies the means?
Then you fart – Would you like if I applauded or were silent if you son were hung for being black?
Some of our ancestors didn’t make it into their 30s on southern Georgia or South Carolina plantations you moron! has two slave censuses saved! You can pay to view them! Not too expensive either. Folklore has some of them dangling from a tree. Who knows?
You are silent hence you applaud for all those blacks killed each weekend in Chicago and other inner cities HHTL! is calling you HHTL! This is always lost on your knee padded ASS! You are a coward and have no spine. So as you wrote “Fuck you” – back at you HHTL. Your lily white DUMMOCRETIN spine is on full display here along with QPPS! When the mirror and spotlight is shined on your sorry ASS your head goes:
Thanks for playing!
@52 The DUMMOCRETIN Party evolved the way it did because of their top-down system. The voting base is supposed to obey orders, not give them.
FIXED! Projection 101 hard at work in the senile mind of R senile.
You are sadly confused R senile. Remember Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz and the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP). They believe the elite should run things, and everyone else should fall in line. Remember the stooooooooooopid delegates in the DUMMOCRETIN party!
@49 He truly seems to be in rare form today. Recent events must have really tweaked a few of his fetishes.
A mop sounds too much like work. How about a pressure washer?
@ 54
Are guns entitled to more rights than people? That makes no sense.
And yet guns kill people makes perfect sense to you.
Wrong again, FartyArt,
New FACTS put us in standard form!
FACTS make DUMMOCRETIN heads explode!
R senile forgets why The Bern is so popular in DUMMOCRETIN land!
The DUMMOCRETIN Nutcase Committee was hacked?
Butt butt butt Crooked Heilary’s server was never hacked eh DUMMOCRETINS? Seems like that is a smokescreen now!
This could make dipshit checkmate’s head really explode…
PuddyCommentariat: Wow the next day after Julian Assange statements. Julian better watch out as the Clinton Crime Family may strike like Vince Foster!
“How about a pressure washer?”
If you post a link to Darryl’s unflattering student reviews with a snarky remark one too many times as Marvin Stamm did, as soon as you give Darryl the slimmest excuse to do so*, you will be banned as Marvin was banned. Post a constant stream of eliminationist hate speech and Darryl will find a wimp-ass excuse to do absolutely nothing about it.
*Marvin joked that he was a paid troll, as though anyone would believe it. Pay for that inane drivel? Yeah, right. But that’s all the excuse Darryl needed to get rid of him.
“First they came for Puddy…”
And they were wearing white coats, although I’d have much preferred they were wearing DHS jackets and that they had shipped him off to Gitmo for some “enhanced” interrogation.
“No carnage celebration here, Steve.”
If I wrote that, I apologize. You’re better than that.
Puffy, this might give you some insight to who I am, but I really doubt that you will get it.
Here is a link to and article and a video – headline Cooper grills……blah, blah, blah….
You see. although Anderson Cooper may have just asked her to explain herself, I don’t agree with the headline that the woman was grilled. And I mean that in the sense that the media wanted to portray the woman (AG) as some villain or anti-gay homophobe. I give her the benefit of the doubt, not knowing what Anderson may have known about, like possibly things that she may have said about gay people in the past or the future. And I don’t even care if she disagrees with same sex marriage – she is entitled to her own opinion but not the right to discriminate.
You see, I just appreciate the woman in the moment and being civil, like she was, unlike the rest of your heathen apes, who don’t know how to evolve and know what true freedom is.
Although it is pretty funny that Obama is railed for not being able to say radical islam, and this woman can’t even refer to the victims as gay men and woman……bunch of fucking morons.
Puffy, this one is more your type.
Ummm… not really interested!
As Paul Harvey used to day… Good Day!
@48 Nice sentiments, but talk is cheap; actions matter more — especially when you vote. Do you agree it’s okay to lock up innocent people in Gitmo, without due process or trial, and torture them “if it keeps us safe?” This guy thinks so. Did you vote for him? If so, how do you explain that?
@58 Man, you’re desperate. What a reach.
@59 Pressure washer is good, but we’ll need industrial-strength soap. This slug is SLIMY. Ugh, his spew looks like it came from a giraffe with bronchitis.
Desperate R senile?
More like the truth!
712 DUMMOCRETIN stooooooooooooopid delegates!
Desperate R senile?
More like the truth!
712 DUMMOCRETIN stooooooooooooopid delegates!
@60 You’re too stupid to figure out that guns make it much easier for people to kill people. Plus, an AR-15 or one of its clones makes it waaaay easier to kill them in batches. Especially little kids at their school desks, or bunched up patrons of a movie theater or club.
So Omar Mateen’s 2nd wife participated? Amazing.
It’s hard to not feel people like our two idiot trolls and the NRA folks aren’t afflicted by an evil streak. They’ve gotta have some Satan in them. How else can anyone be so callous about all the victims of American gun violence?
You see, it’s not NORMAL for a country to have thousands of gun deaths every year, and mass killings every few weeks. In fact, NO OTHER COUNTRY experiences America’s gun violence. We are UNIQUE, folks. We’re the ONLY country with this level of gun violence.
So what makes America so violent? It’s a combination of our violence-loving culture (see movies, video games, etc.) and easy access to guns. America has more guns than people, so what do you expect? The way to reduce gun violence is by reducing the number of guns. People are people, and you stupid humans aren’t going to change, so the obvious solution is to disarm humans and arm rabbits. It’s not rocket science.
@74 @75 Weak. Must’ve been a long night in the salt mine. You seem sleep-deprived.
Crooked Heilary Clinton’s email man Bryan Pagliano, is being forced to testify at the Judicial Watch trial by the Wee Willy Cigar Clinton appointed judge. Crooked Heilary Clinton purposely tried undercut the Freedom of Information Act. No emails no FOIA success. We now know this from Crooked Heilary’s own team emails released by the State Department. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
So, if Bryan takes the Fifth here at this trial, the judge said Crooked Heilary may be deposed. Since Crooked Heilary maintained from March 2015 at the UN that she “did nothing wrong” at any time, how can Crooked Heilary take the fifth if Pagliano does?
Federal District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan said: “If Plaintiff believes Mrs. Clinton’s testimony is required, it will request permission from the Court at the appropriate time.”
Martha, do we have enough popcorn?
Crooked Heilary Clinton’s email man Bryan Pagliano, is being forced to testify at the Judicial Watch trial by the Wee Willy Cigar Clinton appointed judge. Crooked Heilary Clinton purposely tried undercut the Freedom of Information Act. No emails no FOIA access success. We now know this from Crooked Heilary’s own team emails released by the State Department. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
So, if Bryan takes the Fifth here at this trial, the judge said Crooked Heilary may be deposed. Since Crooked Heilary maintained from March 2015 at the UN that she “did nothing wrong” at any time, how can Crooked Heilary take the fifth if Pagliano does?
Federal District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan said: “If plaintiff [Judicial Watch] believes Mrs. Clinton’s testimony is required, it will request permission from the Court at the appropriate time.”
Martha, do we have enough popcorn?
Awwww poor R senile. Do Republicans have 712 stooooooooooooopid delegates? NOPE. Did Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz and the DUMMOCRETIN elites stack the deck for Crooked Heilary? The Bern thinks so!
Sux to be R senile! – So GW Bush and Donald Trump called with condolences for the Pulse shooting while Obummer still has not?
@82 You’re right, Republicans don’t have 712 stupid delegates. They have 2,472 stupid delegates, of whom at least 1,542 are ultra-stupid. The only Republican delegates you can remotely justify are the 161 Kasich delegates, but even they are dumber than the dumbest Democratic delegate. After all, they’re Republicans, which is the very definition of stupidity.
Now we know 480,000 overstayed their visas?
Good try on your latest train wreck R senile @84. DUMMOCRETIN elites created the slanted playing field! 712 stooooooooooopid delegates such as those WA State congress critters like Maria CantVoteWell and Shorty in Tennis Slippers!
Sux to be you! Crooked Heilary has 581 Stoooooooooopid Delegates!
@82 You’re right.
Thanks for the admission R senile!
John McCain’s son married a black woman. How many DUMMOCRETINS knew that? So much for those racist attacks from HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Time for this…
Tooooooo funny!!!!!!
Check out this story from Breaking News: Update: Police say 16-year-old girl in grave condition after Oakland, Calif., shooting; injury toll raised to 6 – NBC Bay Area
Good Day to you too Puffballs.
16 year old shot and HHTL thinks that is funny?
((((((Goldy)))))) @GoldyHA
Hey, @splcenter: At what point do you certify the @realDonaldTrump campaign as a “hate group” …? …
They’re still wiping the egg from their faces over the Ben Carson thing. Probably be awhile.
We all knew that. It was part of the racist push poll that got W past McCain in the primaries. Without racists in the GOP primary electorate, W. may never have been able to be a disaster on OBL, Katrina, Prescription Drugs, Wall Street Meltdown, creating ISIS, Enron, Seeing into Putin’s soul that he was a good man, HuckuvaJobBrownie, outing covert operator, getting Tillman killed, lying about WMD…
We’ll never know if Gore could have beaten McCain too or if McCain would have been less of a disaster and the black grandchild was a not insignificant reason.
Can’t let a crook off the hook!
Remember when fools like the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS and other jackASSes attacked Peter Schweizer over his expose on the Clinton Crime Family Foundation contributions? Well fools… Seems Peter was correct!
PuddyCommentariat: Sooooooooooooooo, weren’t we told there was no conflict of interest and no foreign money coming.
Shouldn’t we say thanks Obummer for another foreign policy achievement?
It appears that the deaths of 49 LGBT has given the loon quite a rush. This thread could see the record of fifty-three loon head explosions in a single thread being broken.
“Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump’s words”
Imagine what they’d say about our hate-filled loon and his exploding head.
@14 Perhaps Republicans have learned to not use fake plumbers to do dirty tricks. Be friendly with the GRU and FSS to do the dirty work.
@29 Syria
@45 Sorry Puddy this is what Principled attorneys do. Sometimes attorneys working for the ACLU find their personal beliefs and the requirement to put the ACLU first in conflict. So they quit. She may return. She may not.
There is more out there on this or will be and it won’t just be on a site which already has a bias on what the right answer is to all this. Pretty sure most folks can guess Glenn Becks position on the issue. He supports people using the bathroom in accordance to their gender or something like that? Or is this a rare surprise? The man needs to spend a month in the Netherlands and he will get a very different perspective on this whole issue. He may even have his eyes open to other things.
So your source is biased as are you on this issue. Some strong black woman needs to have a talk with you. Better if she’s a cross dresser though. Maybe Kay and Peele have time ti sit you down.
@54 While I agree with your sentiment I do not agree it’s so easy to identify who shouldn’t have a gun. How about trained killers? You are one as am I. As are most law enforcement. Maybe we should start taking away the guns there, before anyone else. You and I both know there is always one or two guys in unit no one wants to have a loaded weapon or at least some of the time. Only it turns out he ain’t the jerk who frags the lieutenant and causes a god awful bunch of paperwork. Your a trained killer sorry you can’t have a gun in this society. I don’t own one, but you have said you do. So you getting rid of yours trained killer?
@65 Wow a former KGB guy going against the classic rule of you don’t ever divulge your sources or what you have successfully scored. Fortunately the US Espionage act doesn’t apply to Mr. Putin oh but it does, Actually it does apply even though logically that makes no sense whatsoever. If true and it very maybe the truth why would the Russians do this? The rules of espionage means even when you have great hackers you gotta keep em secret this is not an episode of the Kardassians. Though it would be fun to show the FBI as clueless and incompetent, but that is how the Russian intelligence wants our FBI.
@78 Been pretty normal for thousands of gun deaths in Mexico, Syria, Iraq, Brazil, ect. are challenging our number one status. Though we do love our guns, and we love violence. We make great warriors and lousy soldiers. Great to be an American. We are special. We are exceptional. Maybe. Of course the last half of your post puts things in perspective it’s not the tool but us. I doubt your rabbits would do much better if you had opposable thumbs. Or your getting racks and you just pull with your fluffy tails and ka boom? WE got some smart guys who can set you right up so you got cash or a credit card so you can have some rabbit hole protection?
@84 Shhhh RR you will let the secret out that all politicians love stupid delegates. or at least those who acquiesce or easily bribed with an adult beverage. (Or Kool-Aid.)
@85 Yeah 480,000 overstayed their visit. The mouse in Orlando is very happy and laughed all the way to the bank as did many other companies who made money off those who overstayed. Welcome to America!!!
@86 When you don’t get any more Republican Washington State Congree critters please don’t cry any crocodile tears. As you are screwed. Though if there is a Republican Critter left his or her name is Tick Tock
Mark Adams,
Crooked Heilary loves her stoooooooooooopid delegates!
QPPS @96,
Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.) denounced Trump for trying to rally support for his anti-Muslim policies, while others castigated Trump for the accusations he has lobbed at Obama.
“I do not think a Muslim ban is in our country’s interest,” Ryan told reporters. “I do not think it is reflective of our principles, not just as a party but as a country.” He called for “a security test, not a religious test” for immigrants.
That’s a denouncement QPPS? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
NOPE They didn’t! And they wonder why libtard press credentials are being revoked by the Trump campaign.
Watch and learn later this morning!
Two interesting data points from mostly meaningless national polls.
From Bloomberg, 55% of polled say they would NEVER vote for Trump.
ABC/WaPo, Trump Favorabilty 70%U/29%F
Looks like there’s real movement in public sentiments toward assault weapons. Maybe Orlando changed things.
“In the wake of the nation’s deadliest mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, a new CBS News poll has found that a majority of Americans now support a nationwide ban on assault weapons. The survey, conducted in the days following the massacre at a popular Orlando gay night club, shows 57 percent of Americans now favor such a ban. That’s up from 44 percent in December, when the question was last asked in CBS News polling. Now, 38 percent of respondents oppose the legislation, compared to the 50 percent who opposed it in December.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Although there are millions of guns in the U.S., gun ownership is concentrated. According to recent estimates, only about 22% of Americans own a gun, and NRA membership is less than 1% of the population. And while the Supreme Court has decided that “keeping and bearing arms” is an individual right, the right doesn’t necessarily extend to every type of weapon. The real issue is the ability of a minority to block legislation desired by the majority. The solution is to enlarge the majority in legislatures and Congress at the ballot box.
@107 Kindergarten’s back in session. Classes start early nowadays.
Kindergarten’s back in session.
Yes, senility brought R senile back to that level two years ago!