Join us this evening for an election-watching party at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Tonight California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota have presidential primaries. And North Dakota has Democratic caucuses. It will be entertaining.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm, but consider showing up earlier for the vote tallies.
And something else…Negin Farsad is coming to Seattle on June 12th promoting her book:
A memoir-meets-social-justice-comedy-manifesto
By Negin Farsad
Book Trailer
Purchase link
Reading & Standup at University Book Store
4326 University Way NE
June 12th at 4 PM
FB Event
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight, the Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters meet. On Thursday, the Kent chapter meets.
There are 179 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Seems people are getting fed up with the libtard slant of newspapers. Never been fair and balanced. Sure they attribute it to the Internet. Puddy got rid of the Seattle Times and other newspaper subscriptions due to their news slant.
Radio too. Think Scare America and Randi 4 Gun Shots Rhodes! People in the media can’t hide their libtard slant. They average greater than 85% libtard! PuddyStatistics already supplied.
Seems this father is probably a libtard. Son too. Notice the tone deafness of the commentary. Similar to the tone deafness of HA DUMMOCRETINS here.
Even Paul Ryan gets it.
“House Speaker Ryan says Trump comments about Hispanic judge are ‘racist’”
If Trump doesn’t stop, what’s next? Republicans demanding that Trump drop out? The loon’s head would explode like a 15-megaton thermonuclear bomb. Hell, it’ll explode just seeing a link from Raw Story.
Paul Ryan calls Drumpf’s remarks about the judge “the textbook definition of a racist.” Yet he’ll support and vote for him anyway? What does this say about Ryan’s character and leadership qualities?
@1 “Seems people are getting fed up with the libtard slant of newspapers.:
I admit some people can’t stand being told the objective truth and won’t be happy with any media outlet that doesn’t reassure them that Obama was born in Kenya and is a Muslim, global warming is a hoax, and Drumpf knows how to make America great again.
Oh, absolutely; Stanford is a working class school if there ever was one, with a student demographic resembling a community college; and also, as long as we’re profiling, guys in Dan Turner’s occupation are a solid DUMMOCRETIN voting bloc:
“According to military documents, Dan Turner works as a civilian contractor for the Air Force, assisting with technology projects needed to help build weaponry.”
And it’s just a random coincidence that he hangs out with GOP hawks:
“A photo from Carleen’s now-deleted Facebook page from June 2015 shows Dan Turner with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Or maybe Poodebutt is a babbling jackass.
it’s head exploded long before it ever started posting it’s angry racist hate speech on HA.
What we see here are the random spontaneous utterances of a bleeding knot of exposed synaptic tissue with access to a Tandyvision One and an endless supply of Red Bull.
Stock market’s up again. That seems to happen every day now. But if you’re too chickenshit to participate there’s always bank interest. I’m sure Poodebutt sleeps better at night knowing his money is safe as long as Republicans don’t defund FDIC and is earning 1/10th of 1% interest. I haven’t looked yet to see how I’m doing today, and shouldn’t post that anyway, because it makes our trolls feel bad inside.
“I still believe we have the institutions of government that would restrain someone who seeks to exceed their constitutional obligations,” Mr. McCain said. “We have a Congress. We have the Supreme Court. We’re not Romania.”
“Our institutions, including the press, are still strong enough to prevent” unconstitutional acts, he said.
Ah yes. Our “institutions”. Like McCain’s Republican Senate now in it’s second year of institutional gridlock. Or his colleagues in the House now in their fourth year of institutional gridlock. Or the Supreme Court, locked in a four-four split because Senator McCain and his Republican Senate pals are refusing to recognize the “Constitutional obligations” he thinks would save us from a racist lunatic like el Douche.
“Or maybe Poodebutt is a babbling jackass.”
I’d put money on that but nobody here would bet against it, not even Bob.
The long, slow, struggle to recover begins tonight as Republican members Renee Elmers and George Holding, whose CDs were redrawn together under court order, will face off in the NC primary. One of them will lose. It will be the first of what must be many Republican House members to lose their seats in the coming years if our nation is to pull back from the brink of this racist, dysfunctional, abyss of Republican corruption and madness.
@9 So, McCain’s solution to Trumpism is hoping the Constitution protects us from Trump, and that’s why he’s voting for Trump?
Racism’s last hurrah? Now that Republicans have discovered their candidate is a full-blown racist, maybe we can turn this election into a national referendum on racism, with white supremacists on one side (Drumpf) and everybody else on the other side (Hillary). Depending on how it turns out, maybe we can finally put racism to bed in this country for once and all; in the future, whenever racism rears its ugly head again, we can point to the 2016 election and say, “We’ve already taken a vote on that.”
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
From sniffing out FEMA director padded resumes to sniffing padded thrones. In little more than a decade.
maybe not put it to bed. But get it finally out into the open where it can be looked at directly and hopefully discussed more honestly.
Once enough people, and the media, finally acknowledge racist Republican posturing, coded language, and dog whistling for what it truly is, we’ll be one step closer to moving beyond all that. And we’ll be able to get at the real issue how most people, regardless of identity or politics, think of “white” and “whiteness” as the normative, default context and perspective for all civic interactions.
This looks like it probably is the year that the Republican’s “Southern Strategy” finally jumps the shark. What comes after remains an open question. But if the Republican establishment finally decides to abandon racism as a political tool, it doesn’t mean we’ve moved beyond racism in our politics or anywhere else.
Heh. Yours truly never subscribed to the Seattle Republican Times jackass..
As for “news slant”. Shit it’s tough for a kultist when the newspaper regardless of its politics might insist from time to time that the earth is older than 10k years. A kultist wouldn’t want its spawn to read that.
See Akin, Todd, “legitimate rape” and “has the tendency to shut that all down”.
Poodebutt, the babbling bleached jackass seems really energized with an unrepentant Republican racist running for the highest office in the land!
I think Paul Ryan is done. Trumpty Dumbty and his circus are going to be hating on him but good. Which is fine by me because the guy has a screw loose for taking the job of speaker in the first place. The place is full of ignorant peckerwoods.
@15 What I meant in my post is that America has a democratic culture, and most people in our society are in general agreement with the notion that we settle our differences of opinion by taking a vote, and the majority rules. We’ve never really held a national referendum on racism pitting white supremacists against those who believe in racial equality. If this election is a proxy for such a referendum, and things go our way, henceforth we’ll be able to confront racists and say, “We voted on that.” And yes, I think it will change the tenor of the debate, because many people would consider the issue settled in a way they didn’t before.
@19 Ryan may be down but I doubt he’ll ever be out. There will always be a place in that miserable party of his for a guy that believes the rich should not pay one penny in taxes.
That’s Ryan’s life mission.
Perhaps Trump never really wanted to be president and now that he has the nomination he’s sinking his campaign (and the GOP along with it) on purpose.
China’s back at it.
“A U.S. Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft flying Tuesday in international airspace over the East China Sea was intercepted in an ‘unsafe manner’ by a Chinese J-10 fighter jet, several defense officials tell CNN.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course this was intentional, premeditated, and carefully scripted. The Chinese are “sending a message” that they want U.S. military forces out of East Asia, and they’ll gradually and carefully escalate to get their way. Eventually, they’ll shoot down an American plane, and it’ll undoubtedly be an unarmed and unescorted reconnaissance plane like the one that was buzzed today. After that, they’ll sink an American ship, possibly an aircraft carrier.
What are the stakes? China doesn’t necessarily want war with the U.S., but they’re willing to accept such a war to achieve their aims. They want to push our military forces farther away from their sphere of influence, so we’ll be less able to defend our friends and allies within that sphere, notably Taiwan, which they regard as a renegade province.
Americans who think China would blink in a military showdown are kidding themselves. China is madly racing to build up its “asymmetrical warfare” capabilities, which includes such things as disabling our communications and surveillance satellites, infiltrating and disabling our computer and information systems, and building effective weapons to use against our principal military assets. These include missiles that can hit Guam, anti-ship missiles, and fifth-generation stealth fighters that can dogfight our best jets. Their main naval effort is a crash program to build a submarine fleet whose specific function is to sink American aircraft carriers.
China is a country preparing for war. I haven’t suddenly become a conservative or a military interventionist, but only the blind can fail to see what’s going on in Asia. Two-term President Obama recognized the threat in his “pivot” to Asia, which puts greater emphasis on our alliances and military resources there, but I believe it’s not enough. More needs to be done, and specifically, while some of my liberal friends may not be happy with this, I think the U.S. needs to increase its military spending at this point with the increased spending directed toward countering the specific threats posed by China’s new capabilities. And to send a message to the Chinese that we’re not going to play the Munich game with them. This is a task that Democratic politicians need to undertake, because if they don’t, when the American people finally wake up to the threat they’ll vote in Republicans to get the job done.
Finally, I’ll close this post by saying I strongly suspect the day when the Chinese shoot at our people may be much nearer than any of us imagine.
The GOP has its tit in a wringer.
“GOP leaders dump on Trump judge comments, reconsider endorsements”
@22 That thought crossed my mind, too.
Too little, too late. The GOP ship is sinking fast.
“MUTINY! GOP senators disavow Trump and float contested convention after tirades against judge”
Raw Story. Heh. This one will cause a double loon head explosion.
It gets worse and worse for the GOP with each passing minute.
“Lindsey Graham Wants Republicans To Unendorse Donald Trump
“If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it.””
Trump will always have Chris Christie.
“Chris Christie: Trump ‘Not A Racist’ For Racist Comments About Judge”
@23 I fail to see how a war with us will help their economy. If they attack us, I think we’ll take away their islands. But you are right about our vulnerability in cyberspace. It is a serious weakness. I believe they could shut down our electrical grid. That’s like a knife to our heart.
Big news today (see @1) – people getting fed up with libertard media.
Meanwhile.- US Repuke Senators un endorsing the Repuke nomine because he says the current nominee doesn’t have the temperament to be president.
That senator is a little slow, that’s the news, not that thevRepuke nominee actually doesn’t have the temperament to be commander.
@3 Does it matter? Seems like when you make bullshit excuses to oppose gay people and fire them for just being gay that it then becomes perfectly acceptable to be s racist!
I’m not disagreeing. But that fact that Americans in 2016 need to have a vote on whether or not its okay to take away someone’s job because of where their parents were born is a giant flashing sign that there’s a lot of work to do.
And none of that work includes empty promises to stop at a rib joint now and then on the way to the Acela.
“What I said was that I was worried that we would do to the Latino vote what was done to the African-American vote by defining our party in such a way that we could not reach out to what has become the nation’s largest minority group,” McConnell said. “I am worried about that.”
Who cares about last week. What I wanna know is where were these guys last winter?
Oh, right. They were doing this shit.
Reap what you sew, motherfuckers.
Fatso on Trump:
“Those are Donald’s opinions and he has the right to express them—the same way anybody else has a right to express any of their views regarding how they are treated in the civil or criminal courts in this country. That’s part of what free speech is all about.”
Yay! Free Speech and stuff!
This is what rats fleeing a sinking ship looks like.
“Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) became the first Republican member of Congress to rescind an endorsement of Donald Trump, saying on Tuesday that he could no longer support his party’s presumptive nominee for president after Trump’s racist attacks against a federal judge.”
“I cannot and will not support my party’s nominee for President,” he said.
@33 What McConnell and his ilk fail to realize is it doesn’t matter how big or small the group is. What matters is compassion. And he and his fellow RepubliKKKlans have zero compassion for anyone but themselves. They are mean spirited.
@ 35
This is what rats fleeing a sinking ship looks like.
“Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) became the first Republican member of Congress to rescind an endorsement of Donald Trump, saying on Tuesday that he could no longer support his party’s presumptive nominee for president after Trump’s racist attacks against a federal judge.”
Maybe. But it’s also what a blue state GOP politician in serious trouble in an election year looks like.
Think Mary Landrieu’s speeches on the Senate floor in the closing months of the 2014 election season.
Politicians gonna politician.
Although that having been said, Steve, I hope you’re right.
Seriously, there may be a thin sliver of blue sky for Boob in this!
Although it’s massively unlikely, and it would almost certainly trigger an independent campaign by el Douche, there’s some fairly serious discussion of ways to fuck with the rules to move a sufficient number of delegates to get to a second ballot. Cuckservative Lil’ Marco and his “Hot Wife” may yet live!
Trump’s refusal to apologize:
” I do not intend to comment on this matter any further. “
So his week long big time “professional campaign” effort at damage control consists of…
intensifying the damage himself, yelling at and belittling his campaign staff for their efforts to limit or reduce it, and then refusing to do anything else to fix it. Wiiiinnnner!
Awesome! Republican Governor of Nevada and rising star Mexican, Brian Sandoval has switched his vote to Not Sure!
He got a higher IQ than any man alive!
He’s gonna fix everything!
How Republican Police Officers Do Their Job.
No wonder the Republicans want to retract all the Laws concerning sexual assault. The way things are now, they’re all eligible to go to prison.
What factual reporting looks like.
What Fascist propaganda looks like.
Poor, poor Jerry. Tsk tsk tsk.
@29 It’s not about helping their economy. It’s about being the king of the hill on their side of the globe. Like all aspiring hegemons, they crave power more than prosperity. And the capabilities they’re developing go far beyond shutting down our electrical grid. They intend to take the United States down.
@34 And we have a right to not elect him president because of how he exercises his freedom of speech. That’s what free elections are all about.
@37 And you’ve got a glib rationalization for everything, don’t you? Maybe Sen. Kirk has more scruples than you do. Have you considered that?
I’ve just spotted some waste, fraud, and abuse in government:
“In recent months, Democratic members of the House have sent five letters to House Speaker Paul Ryan calling for him to disband the so-called Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, the committee formed by Ryan’s predecessor, John Boehner, in the wake of the since-discredited sting videos released last summer purporting to show Planned Parenthood staff negotiating the sale of fetal tissue, a practice that is illegal.
“Despite revelations that the videos were deceptively and selectively edited, the felony indictment of the videos’ creator, and 4 congressional and 12 state-level investigations that have found no wrongdoing and no evidence of illegal fetal tissue sales by Planned Parenthood, this committee has pressed on ….”
But not satisfied with merely harassing witnesses appearing before the committee, the Republicans running this witch hunt are now resorting to a new tactic: “accidentally” failing to redact names of Planned Parenthood staffers and affiliated university researchers in documents released to the public. Which could be marking those people for a bullet from the crazies who act as the enforcers of the right-to-life thuggery movement.
Bicycle tragedy in Kalamazoo, Michigan. A pickup truck hit a group of 9 bicyclists, killing at least 5 of them. The pickup driver has been arrested.
Hillary and Bernie split the Dakotas, with Sanders taking North Dakota by a wide margin and Clinton winning narrowly in South Dakota.
Meanwhile, “Renee Ellmers, R-North Carolina, the only member of Congress endorsed by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, has lost her primary, becoming the first Republican incumbent member of Congress to lose a reelection bid this cycle.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So much for the Trump brand. I wonder if this is a harbinger of things to come?
Some will regard Ellmers’ loss as evidence that Trump is down-ticket poison. Expect a few more switches to “Not Sure”.
I called it in a previous thread that Drumpf was losing his support and the Grand Ole Pukes would be looking for Crud again.
You guys are always late to the table.
And you get what you ask for.
@ 50
Some will regard Ellmers’ loss as evidence that Trump is down-ticket poison. Expect a few more switches to “Not Sure”.
Bob Etheridge is probably smiling this morning, although the seat is unlikely to flip come November – remember what really counts. Ellmers won in 2010, took an honorable (in my opinion) but difficult vote in the current Congress, and had that maybe-she-had-an-affair thing hanging over her. Those further right than she have had a target on her back ever since.
Don’t overanalyze her loss despite Trump’s late endorsement. That Trump is not a savior isn’t a negative. Obama turned out not to be a savior, either.
it scarcely matters how I analyze her loss. I’m sure $1 million plus spent late by AFP and Club for Growth had a lot to do with it.
I do think it matters how vulnerable Republicans in moderate states/districts analyze her loss. Seem to me it’s a double bind for most.
Option A) Don the sheet and hood, kiss the big orange ass, and go full Tea Party to avoid the targeted spending by extremist outside groups.
Option B) Discover “principles” and distance your campaign from racist el Douche and draw the attention of the Koch bros. if your “principles” aren’t right.
Ellmers unique situation somehow caused her to do both and neither at the same time. Worst of both options.
One thing is for sure, the Republican Presidential campaign was banking on her doing much better than this. Her loss creates another obstacle for “party unity” before the convention and gives Congressional Republicans one less woman to take cover behind.
@ 53
Um, what Republican presidential campaign?
I see a guy in a suit.
A guy in a suit surrounded by cameras and microphones.
“Millennial are selfish and entitled, said the generation that could get a full time job with benefits right out of high school and afford a house at 21, but destroyed that possibility for future generations by electing economic illiterates like ronald reagan.”
You mean those that pulled the ladder up with with them, and then complained bitterly that paying $15 an hour would wreck the economy.?