It is primary election night in Washington…technically. So get that ballot turned in and then stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally for discussion over a daiquiri.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm, but some of us will show up earlier on election night.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien and North Spokane chapters meet. Finally, the Kent and Woodinville chapters meet on Thursday.
There are 179 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
The FBI is investigating Virginia guvnur Terry McAuliffe and his ties to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. Imagine that?
Sure is amazing how the libtard press is all upset over Megyn Kelly’s interview with Donald Trump. Their libtard biases are on full display.
Puddy guesses Megyn displaying their Donald Trump hate for all to see really pizzed them off. Good for Megyn.
Over a daiquiri? What, YLB isn’t quaffing Lemon Drops and Fuzzy Navels anymore?
Debating is like gay marriage. One may evolve over time as to whether it’s a good idea, and get away with it.
You should be willing to campaign for every vote. You should be willing to debate anytime, anywhere. “
If one is a Democrat.
Reid scalps Warren.
Reid: ‘Hell no’ to VP pick from state with a Republican governor
Replying to Puddy @ 86 in the previous thread but bumping it to a fresh one.
Maybe that Politically Incorrect dude can become more active over the next several months to provide another dissenting opinion hereabouts.
So far the only non-liberal opinions regularly spewed here are Puddy’s and mine. If significant numbers of HA libbies are using a plug-in to ignore Puddy’s commentary, that means the only person preventing HA from becoming the echo chamber that YLB wet-dreams about is……
Liberals being liberals, eventually I’ll be plug-in code excluded. Better and YLB would be so happy.
Why HA libbies apparently wish for more concentrated spew streams from Roger Rabbit and the truly psychotic Teabagger – ’cause that’s what happens when opinions by others are airbrushed out – is beyond my comprehension. Stiffer dose of local inanity to mix with the national stuff they consume must have some appeal, I suppose.
Well, this felon’s gotta flee for now. Back to your regularly scheduled Roger Rabbit.
@5 He’s trying to keep Warren in the senate and her seat in the Democrat’s hands. It hardly “scalps” Warren. It’s far and away an endorsement. But I understand how some people see only what they want to see.
@ 7
So, it’s OK to deny a woman the opportunity for promotion and a salary bump in the name of political expediency, while still claiming to champion the cause of women in general. As long as you’re a liberal.
I do hear that Warren makes a killer batch of Pow Wow Chow. Who would want to have Senate caucus lunches without that delight?
He’s trying to keep Warren in the senate and her seat in the Democrat’s hands.
Keep their muffins in the oven and their buns in bed, eh?
Police Shooting Statistics
Firstly, there’s no mandatory reporting, or comprehensive database of police shootings; so numbers are only estimates. Available data indicate about 10 civilians are killed by cops for every police death. CBS News provided these numbers:
“Since 2005, 70 officers in this country have faced charges related to an on-duty shooting. Only 23 were found guilty. That is a conviction rate of less than 33 percent.”
“Researchers at Bowling Green University said about 1,100 people are killed in police shootings every year. But in 2015, just 18 officers were charged and only three were convicted.”
In addition, when cops are convicted of killing civilians, it’s often for manslaughter instead of murder, and they tend to get light sentences.
There are at least three key reasons for this. One, police have legal immunity. Two, the public (from which juries are drawn) sympathizes with police and gives them the benefit of doubt. And third, these cases are difficult for prosecutors to prove, although the proliferation of video recording devices is making it somewhat easier to disprove cops’ lies.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Obviously, some police shootings are necessary and justified. But equally clearly, some cops are prone to use excessive force, or outright abuse their authority, and unjustified police killings are occurring. There is a visible racial tilt; minorities and the poor are much more likely to become victims of police abuse. Sources of the problem include unqualified people becoming cops, lack of training, racism in police ranks, supervisory failures, weak discipline, and a revolving door system that allows fired cops to get jobs with other police agencies (this was the case with Tamir Rice’s killer). Close ties between prosecutors and the cops they work with, plus unwillingness of prosecutors to charge or convict cops, also makes it very difficult to get the problem of unwarranted police violence under control.
But this doesn’t mean cops have free rein. Police shootings are receiving heightened media and public scrutiny. The Justice Department has investigated a number of (mostly big-city) police departments (including Seattle’s) and put them under restraints. Police violence against the public has given risen to activist movements like Black Lives Matter, and while juries are reluctant to send cops to prison, they are handing down large civil judgments in favor of victims. In death cases, these awards commonly are over $1 million. Civil rights lawsuits have little deterrent force, though, because it’s innocent taxpayers who get stuck with paying these settlements.
The need for far-reaching police reform is self-evident. Britain, with about a fifth of our population, averages 1 or 2 police killings a year. In other words, adjusted for population, American police kill more than 100 times as many civilians as British police do. That can’t be explained in terms of crime rates.
America’s police agencies need to be more selective about who they hire. Admission standards for police academies need to be more stringent, and must be revised to do a better job of weeding out unsuitable candidates, with grater emphasis on psychological and temperamental factors. Cops should be licensed by states, and there should be a national database of disciplinary actions. Police departments should be discouraged from hiring other police agencies’ failures just to save on training costs; one way to do this is by having state governments pay for all police recruit training. In short, professionalism standards need to be raised — and enforced. Rogue cops should be kicked out of the profession and not allowed back in.
Our police also need to be demilitarized, not only in terms of equipment, but more importantly, in attitude. Cops are not soldiers on a battlefield. The public they serve is not “the enemy.” Their job is not to engage in firefights. It’s to maintain public order and keep us safe. Racism and bigotry, in all its forms and manifestations, must not be tolerated, and must be systematically purged from our policing system.
And, finally, the wall of police immunity should be lowered so that cops who violate use-of-force policies can be prosecuted. The public must demand that prosecutors go after cops who break the rules. Juries should be willing to convict cops whose conduct is criminal in nature.
If these things are not done, unjustified civilian deaths at the hands of our police will continue, and public respect and support for the police will erode away. America is drifting toward an “us-versus-them” relationship between police and the communities they serve. This is highly dangerous for the rule of law, for the police, and for the public. And police unions need to understand that aggressively defending bad cops who shouldn’t be on the force is harmful to the profession and to their members who do their jobs properly and well.
@8 “Keep their muffins in the oven and their buns in the bed, eh?”
Silly nonsense.
@1 If he broke the law, throw his ass in jail. I’m good with that. Unlike Republicans, Democrats don’t sweep criminal behavior under the rug. They hold their bad actors accountable. That’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
@8 “Keep their muffins in the oven and their buns in bed, eh?”
Hooboy. Why do Republicans like Bickle have such a hard time keeping their misogynistic impulses in the closet? Maybe they need stronger closet locks.
Mexican-American activists wanted Texas schools to provide course offerings on Mexican-American culture. So Texas accommodated them by adopted a racist textbook about Mexican-American cultural history.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can’t change a leopard’s spots. Texas is a racist state. The best thing to do is not live there, visit there, or do business there. Let them wallow in their own pig shit. Texans are what they are.
Fuckwad Jr. has to go face another grueling three day work week.
SeaTac’s ex-city manager Donny Payne wanted to create a “tactical map” of where every Muslim in his city lived, the Seattle Times reports. You know, as a counter-terrorism measure. Thank God this racist has been fired.
@8 & kind of 12
“Pow Wow Chow?”
Would it have been OK to wonder how Capitol Hill lunches are surviving without Alan West’s Watermelon and Kool Aid?
Casual racism. It’s
American. Republican as apple pie.Tom Lehrer
Not sure if this is big news…but last night I was @ Trump Towers on 5th Avenue and some Orangutan looking old man asked if he could suck my cock.
How cute – Bickle @ 6 is “bumping” things….who is the gay one here? YLB or Bickle? Tone it down Boob….don’t let all your fabulous, just fabulous, colors show.
@ 12
Elizabeth Warren contributed recipes.
One of the Amazon comments:
5.0 out of 5 starsDiversity Dish
By Joseph E. Toomey on May 17, 2012
Format: Paperback
I thoroughly enjoy the recipes here. My favorite one is called “Diversity Dish.” This was contributed by the world’s only confirmed blond-haired, blue-eyed Cherokee who used her tomahawk to dig this up from her Oklahoma archives. You start out with 10 quarts of sanctimony, add in a gallon of hypocrisy, throw in a few fables (I recommend the “Family Lore” brand available in Cambridge), add a pinch of whining (1/32 ounce will work), toss in a paleface poseur and a large measure of insufferability. No integrity required. And there you have it: political career implosion. Great for faculty lounge gatherings and unearned academic advancement.
Other than the political career implosion comment, pretty accurate.
@11 they (Repukes) spit shine their shit.
Once again, I see Boob and Puffy again aren’t working today.
Keep digging that hole deeper by quoting racist Amazon reviews (tomahawk?) and whining about afirmative action (casual racism, it’s
AmericanRepublican as apple pie.)Hey what was the fallout from finding out that what your entire family told you for your entire life wasn’t really in your Geneaology? Oh, right, none at all. THIS ™ is the thing that we can harp on and turn the voters around.
The libtards here are truly insane. Anything that upsets their apple cart is thrown out as head explosions or goat sex or cut and paste exercises.
Your conscience is clean. Is it ever! Clean as scrubbed financial disclosures. Clean as a rinsed, and re-rinsed comb-over.
Relentless Recycler, you’re one of us!
And you deserve a better kind of political party. One that answers to white supremacists like you. Instead of Wall Street types in… well, Wall Street.
Republicans. We’re a lot like you. A lot like you if you happen to be a white male over 50. Or just aspire to being one.
I can’t even begin to comprehend this individual other than to think he’s mentally ill.
there’s something rather modern and businesslike about this in it’s shortsightedness and strict adherence to message discipline.
Republicans aren’t concerned about Native American voters at all. And really, it’s obvious they aren’t concerned much about any voters who happen to be racial minorities. If those voters manage to subsume their racial identity enough to be able to tolerate the appeals to white supremacy, that’s great!. But if not, that’s okay too.
But it’s kind of interesting to see this unfold over time as it affects the brand. Present troll company notwithstanding, my sense is the percentage of “conservative” white voters comfortable being associated with this kind of racial insensitivity is in pretty steep decline, and has been for some time. I don’t doubt that quite a few of them will look past this for a few cycles. But over time I expect it to create significant barriers between “conservative” voters and the Republican brand.
“So far the only non-liberal opinions regularly spewed here are Puddy’s and mine. If significant numbers of HA libbies are using a plug-in to ignore Puddy’s commentary, that means the only person preventing HA from becoming the echo chamber that YLB wet-dreams about is……”
The batshit crazy loon doesn’t express opinions, he wakes up spewing unintelligible hate like a babbling jackass. But I can see how you, a white racist doctor, derive some pleasure from having a stupid, self-loathing black man as your HA sidekick.
Looks like another bigot got his tail feathers clipped. It’s not hard to figure out why he’s changing his tune. Imagine Boeing and Airbus, his biggest customers, being associated with someone of his reputation.
I see not much has changed with this place….its a “who has the biggest dick” contest, and nobody has made it past 4″ yet.
Republicans aren’t concerned about Native American voters at all.
This faux football brouhaha is one case of DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM. 90% of Native Americans could care less about the Washington Redskin name. Butt butt butt we have to cave to the minority of 9% who are “upset”.
Or did the Oregon moron forget this from last year? Puddy posted it before Dr Obnoxious struck! Was there condemnation?
Well the HA DUMMOCRETINS possess 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
@29 You are, after all, dealing with a primate. You just can’t expect anything more.
@29 I view troll bashing as a useful occupation, similar to guarding the inmates of a mental institution. What we do here is somewhat like Nurse Ratched’s job, except our patients come to us pre-lobotomized.
Damn! Boob is so freaking OBSESSED with yours truly. HAHA! Too damn funny.. The fiend must really miss Rujax!
In appreciation of this amusing mania from boob:
A little trickle-down slaponomics from its beloved saint.
It might help to bring out more of your “inner-Drumpf” boob (and that of your leeetle babbling sidekick).
Thanks for playing boob. On to November!
CBS News reports the New York Police Department beat the shit out of the New York Fire Department during their annual charity football game. The cops also won the game, 29-13.
“I’ll have the New England CHOWDUH!” JFK
Vanessa Williams has blue eyes, so I’m guessing that a second or third generation removed from the reservation could have blue eyes also.
Sez the freakazoid obsessed with Puddy! Even copied the HAHAHAHA! as not being original!
If you’re looking for a good laugh, google “TrigglyPuff,” and take a look at the fat, politically correct bitch from Hampshire College (near U-Mass – Amherst) and her rantings. It appears freedom of speech is longer welcome on college campuses.
(TrigglyPuff has such a fat ass that, if someone told her to haul ass, it would take multiple trips!)
I don’t bring up Jaime Herrera Beutler goat fucking because I don’t know enough to really discuss it. I will say, there are people who continue to bring it up because they think she fucks goats. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair.
Sportscaster with small dick goes off on female newscaster on air.
@38 It’s certainly not fair to the goats if it’s true. Of course, I have no personal knowledge of this matter. To me, it’s just rumor and hearsay.
@37 Free speech is messy.
now that it’s blown up on him he insists he was only “acting” and that the whole thing was just him “playing” with the anchor.
Hey, maybe he’s a genius. Maybe deliberately making your audience squirm with discomfort for what feels like an eternity will prove to be a giant ratings booster. Local broadcasters are all being advised to make their tightly scripted newscasts hyper-local, more conversational, and generally more casual in order to create a more personal and continuing family type relationship with viewers. This oughta do it.
Is it true what I heard that Jaime Herrera Beutler fucks goats? And here I thought it was just Republican men who fucked goats. So it’s the women, too, huh? That’s damned strange.
Well, I guess there are a lot of people bringing this up about Washington State Republicans in general.
And then there’s all the stuff about even bigger tax cuts for Boeing, selling off the State Parks, plans for internment camps, and raising retirement age to 75. and even talk about gas chambers. For “the bad ones”, I guess.
Anyway,I don’t know enough to really talk about it. It just keeps coming up.
BREAKING NEWS — Kenneth Starr has been fired from his position as Baylor University president amid complaints the school does nothing to investigate rapes and sexual abuse.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sexual abuse matters only as a tool to “get” Democratic politicians. Co-ed raped in dorm room? That’s an image problem for the university that has to be swept under the rug.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM)
“Police in Missouri were searching Tuesday for a man who fatally shot his 8-month old son while aiming for his wife …, St. Louis police said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I honestly think you stupid humans can’t be trusted with guns. Only deer, bears, and rabbits should be allowed to have guns.
Not sure I follow everything – did the goat fucking lady rape the goat or goats? Bad enough to fuck a goat but the nerve to rape one. We need a wall to protect us from goat fuckers.
I don’t understand why we need any fucking laws. Let’s all fucking be free for once. We don’t need jails, we need freedom. No freedom is holding this economy back. Oh wait -economy? Let’s all fuck goats and watch KRON reality TV.
It is unconfirmed but some Oranguntan on 5th avenue near Trump Towers was soliciting free blowjobs for all.
This is how a Super Predator® is made. It starts with stealing milk. Before you know it he’ll be selling “loosies” and carrying a “switch blade”.
And what’s this kid doing on a free lunch program anyways? Did Obama buy his mama that fancy brick house? How many cases of Cristal and how many tons of of King Crab legs did she buy with her EBT card? How high was he when he attacked the cop? Where’d he get the money for drugs when he needs a free milk? Where’s the father? Attending a BLM rally? Why does he get free lunch when they could sell their TV? Are they too busy sitting around in their fancy brick Obama mansion eating King Crab legs, drinking Cristal, stealing free milk, doing voter fraud, joining ISIS, and watching BLM rallies on the TV they should be selling? I want my country back! TRUMP 2016!!! BUILD THE WALL!!! BUILD THE WALL!!!
Poor R senile. It happened at least 7 hours ago. So how is that breaking news.
Oh wait… when you are senile 24 hours ago is breaking news!
A Republican state judge has blocked the GOP’s latest attempt to keep American citizens from voting in their own country.
@51 I take a lot of naps.
Drumpf has hired Moses as a policy adviser.
Correction @52 A federal judge appointed by GWB.
It’s only getting worse. I just read that Jaime Herrera Beutler actually raped the goat.
I doubt that this young Republican lady rapes goats, unlike that notorious wingnut goat raper, Jaime Herrera Beutler.
“Top Young Republicans official quits over Trump: ‘I want no part of a racist, fascist, hateful presidency’”
It is official – she raped goats.
An interesting analysis of why it doesn’t matter what they pay fast food workers
Let’s say a $35,000 robot can last six years. Let’s say it can work a 14-hour day (That is, sixteen hours the restaurant is open minus 2-hours maintenance such as battery charge). It is operation 330 days a year (minus 35 days for being in ‘the shop’).
The capital cost of that robot comes out to be $17.67 a day plus maintenance, or $1.26 an hour.
Comparing it to a $15/hour worker is pointless. Comparing it to a $7.25/hour worker is pointless. The only reason why these things haven’t already replaced the human worker is because we don’t have the technology. But we will. And when that price point is matched, they will replace the worker because people cannot survive on being paid $1.26 an hour or less in order to compete (at least not in first-world nations).
“It is official – she raped goats.”
Figures. If the Republican goat raping pandemic gets any worse, it could bring this nation down. So if Republicans really want to make America great again, they need to stop raping goats.
It wasn’t me who called Trump a hateful, racist fascist. It was that nice Republican girl who just resigned her position as the communications chair for the Young Republican National Federation.
Show me three Republicans and I’ll show you three crooks.
“Three state leaders. Three branches of state government. … ‘It’s not every day that you see three of the most powerful elected officials in a state come under fire like this at the same time,’ said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a government ethics watchdog. ‘Citizens need to know that their elected officials are acting in the public interest, not for their own personal gain.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You get what you vote for. If you vote for Republicans (but why would you?) you’re going to get scandals.
she’s just another silly bimbo going nowhere. Putting herself above party. Putting her pride above loyalty. She could learn a thing or two from Republican patriots who’ve summoned the courage to set aside their petty individual principles and get on the bus. Republican patriots like the great prisoner of war Senator John McCain, or the great Deputy Representative Dave Reichert, who understand how much value and opportunity lies in their support for President Donald Trump!
Onward to the White House and a White America!
There’s a problem with the logic. A single robotic arm can’t work the french fryer, cook and assemble mulitple styles of burgers (large bun, small bun artisinal bun? Cheese no cheese, special orders, forget it. Pour drinks, take cash and make change and dole out sundaes and chocolate soft serve ice cream cones. All core items at a McDonald’s franchise. I’d pencil out that a McDonald’s would need at least 5 robotic arms and then each time one of them went down, say it’s the one that makes fries, can the franchise afford to not sell at all one of the biggest profit margin and highest volume items on the menu for as long as it takes to get a very expensive highly skilled worker out to fix it? Fast food is notoriously small margin so imagine going 24-48 hours without being able to sell an item with a profit margin around $2/serving. There goes your month. Hell take the fry robot off-line for the few minutes it takes to hard reboot during a lunch rush and your looking at really long lines, walked customers to your competition because of the lines and the drive thru just stops while everyone waits on fries.
The Ex McDonald’s CEO may truly believe that it is cheaper but he’s full of shit and just making the same tired argument about something.
BTW, REd Robin chain wide rolled out less staff and touchscreens on the table this year. They also just announced a 4.1% drop in visits across the chain.Could just be a coincidence or it could be that people don’t like interacting with a touchscreen at a traditional fast casual environment.
Republicans need better toilet room policies in thier own homes, because daddy is looking for little Suzzie.
@ 59
And when that price point is matched, they will replace the worker because people cannot survive on being paid $1.26 an hour or less in order to compete (at least not in first-world nations).
Er, not quite. They will replace the worker because they more consistently do the job at lower cost.
And your ‘interesting analysis’ has no link. Is it interesting because you came up with it yourself, Better?
Pretty solid reasoning. It’s the same analysis industry has used for decades. Which is why, despite the collapse in manufacturing employment, US manufacturing is at an all time high.
And it isn’t limited to “robots”. Very small, low power, distributed, and wireless networked computing brings automation into everything. Even in workplaces where “robots” are impractical automated systems for monitoring and prompting human workers are changing the way employers get work done. Such systems are numbingly consistent, never have bad days, never play favorites, and never put their owners in court by telling racist jokes or hitting on staff. They don’t entirely replace managers and supervisors, but they dramatically thin their ranks. The managers that remain spend their time responding to the reporting and prompting generated by these systems. The algorithm is the boss. It is the speed control on Lucy Ricardo’s assembly line. And the meeting to discuss your performance improvement plan will begin soon.