Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. We’ll have the Kentucky and Oregon presidential primaries for our personal amusement, plus lots of local and regional stuff to discuss and debate.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight, the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma, Bremerton, and Spokane chapters meet.
There are 179 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find (or start!) a chapter near you.
“‘Manufacturing has long been thought of as providing high-paying, middle-class work, but the reality is the production jobs are increasingly coming to resemble fast-food or Walmart jobs, especially for those workers employed through temporary staffing agencies,’ noted Ken Jacobs, chair of the Labor Center and co-author of a recently released report on the topic.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. won’t revive the economy or help workers if those jobs don’t pay a living wage. And remember the rightwing bullshit about how minimum wage jobs are just entry-level, part-time, fast-food jobs for teenagers? That’s a lie. Millions of American families are trying to live on minimum wage. And, of course, that’s impossible. The taxes we pay for programs like food stamps and Medicaid are a direct subsidy of the labor costs of cheap-labor employers, many of whom are exceedingly rich and don’t need our help in this manner. Meanwhile, the Republican “solution” is to eliminate Medicaid and food stamps for low-wage workers. How the hell do Republicans expect those workers to survive? Short answer: They don’t care if they don’t. Republicans have no empathy for their fellow human beings. The only thing they love are the dollars in their own pockets.
Once again Ben Rhodes is a lying scumbag in the Obummer whitey house!
Seems creative writing is his only forte! Lied about Libya and tried to deny it and now lied to all about the Iran deal! This sadministration is full of lies and has been leading from behind for almost 8 years!
So much for those 500,000 jobs a month from VP Joe BiteME the Plagiarizer eh R senile @1?
Here’s something to discuss over some brews… How come Obummer’s is hiding the truth?
Oh look another crook R senile loves…
“Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council currently heads the executive committee of the CNP, and told CNN in an interview that Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party is posing searching questions for the conservative grass-roots.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These conservatives don’t get it. They executed a hostile takeover of the Republican Party, kicked out the moderates and purged the reasonable positions from the GOP’s platform, and thought they had made the GOP their own forever. But an outsider who is NOT A CONSERVATIVE has just mounted his own hostile takeover of the “conservative” GOP. What’s going on? The Republican grassroots is rejecting their party’s failed conservative leadership and policies, that’s what! Like I said, these conservatives don’t get it — they’ve just been fired by Republican voters, and the GOP is going to be a different party now, with different leadership, and a different platform. That’s what this is all about. They’re dreaming if they think Trump is going to toe their conservative line. He won, they lost, stick a fork in ’em, they’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. But they will, they will.
The current Congress, with Republicans controlling both houses, arguably is the worst Congress ever.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans often tell us government should be run more like a business. Really? In business, if managers or workers don’t perform, they’re let go. Dead wood doesn’t stick around very long. So maybe it’s time to run government more like a business and get rid of the dead wood, to wit, every single member of the House and Senate GOP caucuses. I guarantee that if voters elect a 100% Democratic Congress, work will get done!
Of course, the terrible record of the 114 Congress is no surprise, given that both houses are controlled by Republicans. After all, the GOP platform is to “drown government in the bathtub,” not make it function for the benefit of citizens. When you hire a demolition crew to manage your government, you should expect nothing from government. But is that what we want for 2 more years?
The Atlantic has an article about a Pacific Northwest city that’s experiencing an influx of tech companies that’s driving housing costs through the roof. No, not Seattle; Portland.
Part of the problem, the magazine says, is that Portland has lousy strategies for dealing with population growth, including weak or nonexistent protections for current tenants being displaced by gentrification, and a lack of funding and support for affordable housing.
The city also has done a poor job of managing conflicts between newcomers and established residents, who want different things (e.g., bike lanes vs. improved bus service).
Tech companies are fleeing to places like Portland and Seattle because San Francisco and Silicon Valley have become hopelessly crowded and expensive. But if these cities aren’t careful they, too, will become San Franciscoes.
The Atlantic R senile?
Sadly The Atlantic has nothing to say when Heilary Clinton claims Obummer’s economy sucks and she is the only one to fix it!
This week, The Atlantic does a psychological profile of Trump. Who, really, is he?
First and foremost, Trump is a performer, an actor, a role-player: “More than even Ronald Reagan, Trump seems supremely cognizant of the fact that he is always acting. He moves through life like a man who knows he is always being observed.”
And that makes him hard to read: “[M]any people who encounter the man—in negotiations or in interviews or on a debate stage or watching that debate on television—seem to find him flummoxing.”
But there’s one thing Trump isn’t faking. The man has an anger problem. “According to Barbara Res, who in the early 1980s served as vice president in charge of construction of Trump Tower in Manhattan, the emotional core around which Donald Trump’s personality constellates is anger: ‘As far as the anger is concerned, that’s real for sure. He’s not faking it,’ she told The Daily Beast in February. ‘The fact that he gets mad, that’s his personality.’ Indeed, anger … ‘lies at the heart of Trump’s charisma’ and ‘permeates his political rhetoric.'”
What kind of president would Trump be? People with his personality type “tend to take high-stakes risks” (uh-oh) and “rarely question their deepest convictions” (not good, either). Another impulsive risk-taker like G. W. Bush? Maybe, although Trump is a more complex man, less ideology-bound, and more prone to switching positions.
A loose cannon? Good chance he is. “The real psychological wild card, however, is Trump’s agreeableness—or lack thereof. There has probably never been a U.S. president as consistently and overtly disagreeable on the public stage as Donald Trump is.” Unlike Nixon, who “was tough, pragmatic, and coolly rational” in international affairs, “Trump’s disagreeableness appears so strongly motivated by anger.”
And we already know Trump fails the character test, even by politician standards. “It is generally believed today that all politicians lie, or at least dissemble, but Trump appears extreme in this regard. Assessing the truthfulness of the 2016 candidates’ campaign statements, PolitiFact recently calculated that only 2 percent of the claims made by Trump are true ….” And, in addition to the constant lying, you have the multiple divorces and bankruptcies, and the overarching question of whether the man is, in essence, a fraud.
What does all this mean from the American people if Trump wins? Probably something along these lines: “In sum, Donald Trump’s basic personality traits suggest a presidency that could be highly combustible.”
That’s not a good thing for our country or the world. Trump has performed a service, in a way, by retaking the Republican Party from the conservatives and pretending to provide a voice for America’s dispossessed blue-collar factory workers. But that’s far short of what America needs in the White House at this unsettled time in our history.
Nate Silver is an election prognosticator without peer. In 2008, he called 49 states correctly; in 2012, he called all 50 states right. He recently reminded us that polls don’t mean anything at this stage of a campaign.
As he sees things, “In 2016, Florida and Ohio will likely remain necessary for Trump to obtain 270 electoral votes,” but he expects Pennsylvania to be the key swing state: “I’d argue Pennsylvania has leapfrogged Colorado and Virginia as the next most winnable state for Republicans. In fact, it may be on pace to claim sole “tipping point” status.” He then launches into a detailed statistical analysis which shows, among other things, that Colorado and Virginia are becoming more Democratic.
Silver notes that while Philadelphia is getting bluer, this is more than offset by a “rightward drift” in western Pennsylvania, where the economy is based on coal and fracking. But while this trend could benefit Republicans generally, Silver says Trump might throw it away by blowing the suburban female vote.
And finally, Silver reminds us that even if Trump carries Pennsylvania, it won’t mean a damn thing if he loses in Florida or Ohio. To get 270 electoral votes, he has to win all 3 of these states. And that could be a very tall order.
Corey Lewandowski grabbed me.
And I liked it. Grrrrrrrrrr
Last month, for the first time in American history, people lacking health insurance dropped below 10% of the population — thanks to Obamacare.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people think that’s a problem. Most of us think it’s progress. During the 30-odd years that conservatives controlled our government, they sat around and did absolutely nothing while insurance premiums rose, claims were denied, and medical bills became the leading cause of individual bankruptcies in the U.S. Do we really want to put conservatives in charge of our government?
@13 Things have gotten that desperate in the dating scene? (I wouldn’t know, because I’ve been off the meat market for 40 years.)
@6 Conservatives are brainless nut jobs…..reference the HA Trolls.
@10 you are the reason why the economy sucks….take some accountability you moron.
@16 Speaking of brainless nut jobs …
“The speed of technological changes in modern political campaigning appears to have zoomed right by a conservative congressional candidate in Virginia. Mike Webb, who is running as an independent after losing the Republican primary in the 8th District in eastern Virginia, posted an attack against his opponent on Facebook on Monday afternoon. The self-described conservative with a libertarian streak included a screenshot from a web browser, and forgot to close all the tabs.”
Yeah, he forgot to close the tabs to the porn sites he frequents. What a moron.
When liberals get caught lying and confronted with it, sure they dissemble and make excuses and shit. But in the end they acknowledge the truth one way or another.
Ever since W it has become a reliable characteristic of “Christian” “conservatives” that they refuse to fold when they are caught lying. They stick to the bullshit story no matter what. Whenever they are confronted with undeniable proof refuting one of their many lies, they double down and repeat the lie. There can be no better example than that Fuckwad troll on these comments. It used to impress me. Now I see it for what it is: pathology associated with a diseased mind. Very sad.
We’ll see if you’re right about that once all the shit hits the fan with Representative Chaka Fattah (D-PA). Give that story a read, Distant. I’d say he’s gonna come out as a definite liar and a soon-to-be convicted felon.
And a Democrat to boot!
After six years of power napping, Republicans need “another month or so” to formulate an alternative to the bipartisan approved Affordable Care Act.
Sure. They’re probably assigning this important work to the same guys they put in charge of creating a jobs plan – the guys who haven’t woken up long enough to notice that Republicans now control the Senate. Here’s the real beauty of this. This fuckup by the Republican Speaker has been called out for weeks. And Ryan’s staff still hasn’t gotten around to fixing the page.
Understandable. They’ve been pretty busy wiping Trump jizz off the speaker’s neckties.
Christie being a shithead again. I hope he’s done in politics. I’ll never vote for this guy for anything, ever.
@20 PI, the difference between us and your herd is we don’t cover for our gutter crawlers or sweep their offenses under the rug the way the GOP does. If this guy is guilty, he’ll be gone; we weed out losers. Too bad Republicans don’t, because they have a lot more of them.
prisons are filled with the self-proclaimed “innocent”.
But as I pointed out to any who cared to read, there is a meaningful difference between proclaiming
“I didn’t kill JFK”
“JFK is still alive”.
No shortage of Democratic liars and crooks. They just seem to be a bit more “traditional” about it. When caught they claim “somebody else did it” (as in your example), or “what I said wasn’t really a lie” (Bill Clinton).
“Conservative” “Christians” these days are more likely to claim “it never happened” (Trump denying posing as his own PR spokesman) or “I never said it” (Trump denying that in sworn affidavits he admitted to posing as his own PR spokesman).
I admit, I’m still a little concerned about how prepared Clinton really is for how negative and combative facing Trump is likely to get.
But then I see an ad like this one from Priorities USA and I’m greatly relieved. This is smart. Come out fighting at the bell. In fact, don’t wait for the bell Don’t hang back and take Trump’s temperature. You know his temperature. He only has one temperature. Go negative. Do it now. Knock his campaign off balance before they have a chance to get their feet.
@24 Who are you kidding? Taking the parties as a whole, there is a profound difference between Democratic and Republican ethics. There should be no need to elaborate, because this blog’s comments have elaborated about that for many years.
@25 Voters are used to attack ads and negative campaigns. It has no effect anymore. The country is so polarized no one looks past party labels. If Satan won the GOP nomination, Republicans would vote for him. And it won’t matter a whit how much mud they sling at Hillary.
These minimum-wage workers aren’t kids working after school for gas money. And if they could be replaced by robots they would be.
Bernie Sanders is poised to win every Clinton County in America.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There are 9 Clinton Counties, and Sanders has won 8 of them, and may win the 9th today. As far as I know there’s only 1 Sanders County, which is up for grabs in Montana’s June 7 primary.
Roger Rabbit’s financial philosophy in a nutshell. (NSFW)
If your wife has to go on TV to insist you’re “not Hitler,” you’ve got an image problem.
Meanwhile, Sanders is holding onto a 1-point lead in Kentucky:
Sanders: 96,309
Clinton: 93,146
dof they confirm with a voice vote to hide or have no record of who (which conservatives) voted for it? Does a voice vote get recorded? If not, what s bunch of cowards conservatives are. And basically their problem. They talk about not being politicall correct but they are cowards and have to hide.
Senate Confirms First Openly Gay Army Secretary
Clinton has pulled ahead in Kentucky, where the vote counts now stand at:
Clinton: 212,318
Sanders: 210,505
Uncommitted: 24,100
Sanders leads in Oregon, 53% to 47%, with 60% of the votes counted.
Meanwhile Heilary won another red state, Kentucky. Seems them old WHITE PRIVILEGE DUMMOCRETINS overcame those young spunky DUMMOCRETINS!
Once again the Oregon moron is proven wrong! So wrong for so long!
This was missing on the raw story DUMMOCRETIN site…
Tom Stocky, the head of Facebook’s trending section, is a maxed-out Heilary Clinton donor. No wonder the trends are always DUMMOCRETIN!
Thanks gizmodo!
@13 You go Katrina. Have fun. Are you somewhat like another Katrina that is in Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew”? The poor SOB will never know what hit him.
@18 Perhaps he not just a libertarian but a libertine.
@22 The man is in New Jersey. You have never voted for him. He’s the folks in the meadow lands problem or savior. You have heard he’s moving to your district? Other than a Presidential election it’s not likely you will ever have a chance to vote against him. Unless he changes and comes out as a Democrat you will never have to worry about political angst for voting for him.
He’s just another politician in another state you will never vote for or against. Of course it’s those politicians that creating the problems rather than our own glorious politicians here in Washington state. Even the Republican ones are above average.
@23 You mean we voters don’t know our guy is a crook, but he’s our crook doesn’t happen in Washington state? At least since the legislature doesn’t select our Senator.
@25 That’s from a super pack and they aren’t supposed to coordinate with the candidate. It’s also big money in politics.
@26 And those ethical differences are? I think Ralph Nader would tell you the difference is not much and it’s about each party getting their folks elected. Shall we e-mail Ralph Nader and ask his opinion on the ethical differences? Or those when it comes to presidential politics?
@44 Because this is about ethics I will reveal that I’m biased having voted for Mr. Nader at least twice for President. I believe he was in those elections the better candidate than what we got.
@33 It’s in the rules of the Senate. Too bad they won’t move along and vote to confirm Merrick the same way. Bet he would be confirmed. It’s a perfectly legitimate way of doing business not just for the reasons you mentioned (some Democratic Senators might be from a state not excited about having a gay Army Secretary.)
Puffy’s coocoo friends.
Woman Says She Was Accosted In Walmart Bathroom After Being Mistaken As Trans
@46 I’d be willing to bet that 3-4 times as many Repukes were more worried about than Democrats, beyond Republicans not wanting to look like they go along with Ibama. People of cowardness and not making the right decisions based on right thing.
Did you HA DUMMOCRETINS view all the garbage left by the “environmental protesters” in Anacordes?
Yeah let that sink in DUMMOCRETINS! They are your peeps!
Betcha y’all forgot in Kentucky back in 2008 Clinton beat Obummer by 35 points. So once again the Oregon moron is just wrong wrong wrong. Those old WHITE PRIVILEGE DUMMOCRETINS keep voting for their favrit WHITE PRIVILEGE DUMMOCRETIN!
This is so funny!
You can’t make this shit up:
So we’re going to see the fiery side on Heilary Clinton now? So we experienced her softer side up to now?
You are so right…
PuddyCommentariat: Blabbermouth Schultzie is upset Bernie has no stopped dropped and rolled to the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP)!
Today the office of Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz decreed that for the balance of the 2016 election season, the terms “DNC” and “chair” are not to be used in the same sentence.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Is @NickHanauer’s newest Parasite Economy piece is so controversial it crashed @theprospect? …
Or did Goldy just give away the old HA server to Hanauer?