The Supreme Court will not hear a challenge to Seattle’s minimum wage law. And tonight’s election calendar includes an Indiana primary. We’ll roll these topics into our political conversations with cocktails at this week’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Long Beach, and West Seattle chapters also meet. The Lakewood and Bellingham chapters meet on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 178 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find (or start!) a chapter near you.
How come when DUMMOCRETINS protest they leave damage in their wake and basically nothing is ever done against them?
Yet let a few Republicans protest and the libtard msm goes nutzo!
The CEO of a fast food chain says raising wages will result in higher prices, not fewer jobs.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bickle should retake Econ 101. He slept through that class. Otoh, radiologists don’t need economics, just a pen to endorse the Medicare checks.
@1 I didn’t realize leftists are exempt from being pepper sprayed, punched, gang tackled, hit with truncheons, tased, etc. When did this start?
I guess my advice to you, looneytunes, is that if you behave like a progressive you’ll be treated like one.
Maybe Puddy’s problem is he’s been flying first-class so long he’s lost touch with the realities of life back in coach class. Many Republicans suffer from a similarly warped perspective.
Next up, high-rise office hammock index.
Matthew RoseVerified account
Irrefutable evidence the Silicon Valley bubble is bursting: The @WSJ Ping Pong Index.
How come when DUMMOCRETINS protest they leave damage in their wake and basically nothing is ever done against them?
To a libbie that’s not a mess to clean up. That’s a created job.
I got yer fucking safe space right here, Snowflake.
Faculty can carry handguns on public college campuses under controversial new Tennessee law
“Overall, (the Faculty Senate) thinks the bill is a very bad idea,” MacLennan said, the newspaper reported. Some faculty respondents threatened to leave their jobs should the bill become law.
@7 Leave their jobs? Why the hell would anyone work in a Republican state in the first place?
For that matter, not putting too fine a point on it, why does anyone work, period? At anything? Anywhere? Our whole system is set up to facilitate capitalists screwing workers. It’s obvious that everyone should be a capitalist and nobody should work. Let Bickle’s robots do all the work. They have no needs or feelings, and won’t complain about how our society treats workers. I don’t work. I get paid for not working. I might add the pay’s pretty good, too. Just ask Bickle, he’s doing even better than me, and he’s not working either. Like me, he sits on his bum and posts on HA all day long and for this he gets big bucks. You don’t do well under our system by working; you do well by owning stuff and getting paid for other people’s work. Hey, I’m not saying this is fair or moral; it’s just what is. I didn’t create this shitty system, I’m just going with the flow.
Does anybody know when anarchists became liberals? I don’t remember that. It’s not like when the leader of the RepubliKKKlan party tells his mob to beat peaceful protesters at his rally. And it never occurs to the gun nuts people might not let their children attend shooting galleries. Red states keep shooting themselves in the foot and saying “more please”. Can anyone say “brain drain”?!?
This woman needs to be told to shut the fuck up and pay the bill for the Iraq war that she has let go uncollected, she loves a free ride when she gets hers.
Right wing radicals behaving badly at Target…I’m sure they would really light the building on fire, probably the next step they will take…..
Puffy – do you think little Suzzie really appreciates the right wing nut jobs going into her bathroom. What fucking nut bags.
he’s right, of course.
Raise the price of one meal from $5.00 to $5.50 and he grosses an addition $120k per year. That’s $10k per month to put towards wages and benefits. So the family of four paying $20 for dinner pays $22. And the min wage employee gets off TANF and Section 8 vouchers and starts paying taxes. Wins for everyone. Everyone except the crazy people sitting in the corner eating worms, speaking in tongues, and voting for Trump.
@11 Yeah, the guy should’ve asked her why she’s shopping at a store that pays its employees so little they need food stamps to survive. The cashier ringing up whatever’s in the box she just bought is probably on food stamps, along with 90% of the other workers in that store. She’s the kind of fucking redneck who votes for the likes of Trump, Cruz, David Duke, etc. And if she’s shopping at WalMart she probably isn’t making enough to pay taxes.
Does anybody else get the sense that our trolls have just given up on the White House this year?
I wonder how many other “conservatives” are in that box?
So… Rafael Cruz killed JFK?
This shit makes me feel kinda bad for national Democratic consultants and strategists. Republicans putting them outa work like this. They’ll just have to go back to their respective states and work on Senate campaigns or state house races.
The unarmed service member who died in Iraq today was a Navy Seal. So Obummer can continue to claim they are not there to fight.
The Navy Seal would have shot back! You HA DUMMOCRETINS voted for this fiasco!
The loons have gone mad. Puffy is putting a wig on to see little Suzzie.
Anti-Queer Christians Are Wreaking Havoc In Target Stores
@18 If I was running Target, I’d blow up the pictures of their faces, find out who they are, and sue the crapola out of them.
Donawld Drumpfhole:
The choice of REPUBLICANS everywhere!
Especially David Duke and one very SILLY karson kook-a-nut.
God forced Crud to quit!
Scum of the earth. God rid him.
Trump: Cruz’s Dad May Have Been Involved In JFK Assassination
Damn! It sure sux to be a klownservatic, a lunatic klown servant/sycophant of the ‘murkan greed class.
That fig leaf of “principle” blown away now that the crazed base has gone in full worship mode to a bullshitting jackass of a greedhead.
They’re out there eating each other!
Oh, deary dear dear. The path is cleared. We know how this will play out.
For our favorite troll:
This is the guy you’re going to vote for.
@16 He knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried, too.
Sorry guys (and Gals) but I think Trump is going to win in a landslide.
And if he does everything he says he is going to do at lest I’ll get the gratification of taxes going up or the deficit going to 30 trillion.
This guy is a con artists but then again most con artists do well, for a little while at least.
Meanwhile the beat goes on… the beat goes on…
PuddyCommentariat: What does Heilary and gang have to hide? Hmmm…?
@26 “Sorry guys (and Gals) but I think Trump is going to win in a landslide.”
Only if all the female and minority voters drop dead between now and November.
Trump became the GOP nominee tonight and there is no shouting from the rooftops. The mood within the GOP is more like a dirge.
Religious protestors employ Bible scriptures to condemn the retailer’s bathroom policies. – That’s what Target has wrought. From Leftists so QPPS’ head explodes!
Indiana feels The Bern!
Friend of yours HHTL @26…
So has Seattle figgered it out yet?
Yeah right!
The DUMMOCRETIN stooooooooooooopid delegate issue is so corrupt!
Meanwhile the absurd delay from Harvard President Faust has finally ended.
Harvard… the capital of BDS disease!
@34 HA … the capital of troll keyboard diarrhea disease.
Meanwhile on the ObummerCare front
Of course dr checkmate and his WaPo article didn’t report on this “finding”. Libtard biases are strong in the WaPo!
Meanwhile the white house correspondents dinner was the last hurrah for kissing Obummer’s ASS for the 8th straight year. All that cheering from the sycophantic crowd!
Well there’s the smoking gun. Less than $200 by an organization with satellite offices in all 50 states spent on document and/or dead laptop destruction.
“See, if only they would investigate Benghazi!” The more you link Piddles, the more everyone NOT insane realizes that you’ve got nothing.
$200. From a campaign that has so far spent $17M.
Yep, you’ve nailed her! THIS! ™ Now she won’t be president!
Little Suzie. Don’t look now.
Artist Who Drew Trump With Small Penis Claims She Was Assaulted By Trump Fan
Man, NY is quite the shithole of Democrat corruption.
Ex-NY Speaker Sheldon Silver sentenced to 12 years in prison for corruption;or=tn_us
How fitting the Clintons moved there.
Heh. “First they came for the loon”
With the NE liberal Trump trouncing the lame ass Christo-fascist Cruz, it’s too bad I can’t see the loon’s head exploding. I bet it’s really spectacular. Maybe I should unblock him for a few moments and check it out. Nah. The loon is irrelevant.
“Man, NY is quite the shithole of Democrat corruption.”
Says the doctor whose party is led by a bunch of child molesters. How many former Republican Speakers of the House have been sentenced for child molestation in the last week? One, or was it more?
The entire GOP is a shithole of pedophiles.
@40 and the Trump Camp is full of shitheads that are jealous of ISIS.
Once again dr checkmate went there.
Did Puddy go there? NOPE!
So why did dr checkmate go there? Because that’s what dr checkmate does! Makes insinuations from FACTS! That’s what dr checkmate does!
Damn! One can only conclude that Ted Kruzz’ politics weren’t white enough for the Republicans.
Remember that time that white identity politics lady called Ted a “p*ssy”? Heh. That white identity asshole Drumpf talked that one up.
Ted’s going to have work on that “whiteness”. I mean what does the freak have to do? It’s already got the pallor of an undertaker.
So sad. The Republicans could have nominated the first black Republican to the highest office in the land.
The Republicans could have nominated the first HINO to the highest office in the land.
Instead the Republicans chose a bigoted, misogynist, rich (some say) white confidence man.
That miserable party is just dominated by white identity politics. The trolls must be really happy right now.
Oh wait a sec.. Who was that other guy who was running?
John… Damn.. Last name begins with a C or is it a K?
It’ll come to me.
Why I’m not worried. From a deeply conservative, never voted Democrat in his life, pro-life marching, evangelical pastor who happens to be my cousin who happens to live in a swing state (VA) on Facebook an hour ago
It’s been a busy day so I’m just catching up but oh SHIT. Safe to say Ted’s not getting a VP look. And not helping smooth things for Trump among evangelicals.
Pathological liar, utterly immoral and my favorite,
Congratulations Welshing Boob & Puddles!
With only 2 dead end Republican trolls left it won’t be as much fun as it was in 2008 & 2012, but I for one look forward to your lame arguments and bullshit attacks as what’s left of the racist misogynist political party you choose to align with swirls down the drain.
Say it with us “President Hillary Clinton”, “Majority Leader Schumer”, ” Speaker Nancy Pelosi”
I think there would have been more chaos in the White House if the scum were President.
Ted Cruz Accidentally Punches And Elbows His Wife In The Face
Thank the Lord almighty Jesus, the creator of heaven and earth, savior in chief, came to his senses and rid us of this scum. Alleluia alleluia alleluia. Praise the Lord. God loves us all (except Ted).
One of Puffy’s friends.
Man Arrested For Allegedly Killing 11-Year-Old Girl From Navajo Nation
Geeze, I wonder what bathroom these guys would need or use?
Good luck to procreating delussional morons.
Theme Park Plans To Open A Kingdom Run By Robots
Hey look – it’s Boob, he is looking for Puffy in the ladies room.
So long as that there is some heterosexual fun in it then the evangelicals stay quite. – sounds like they enjoy this shit.
“Thank the Lord almighty Jesus, the creator of heaven and earth, savior in chief, came to his senses and rid us of this scum.”
Funny, how all of God’s candidates lost.
Maybe God is pissed at Republicans because she went to vote and was turned away because she didn’t have the right GOP-approved photo ID card.
even the pious little shit Ross Douthat had to admit that one.
Major crow eating for him this morning in the NYT. In a single column he admits that “movement conservatism” was a fraud and that neither “true conservatism” nor “evangelism” inform the thinking of Republican voters in 2016.
Probably like our trolls, he’s still angry. So how he processes this realization will unfold in the months ahead. And he leaves the door open to the possibility that “Trumpism” will fade in time. But I was surprised to see him admit that “identity politics” is the name of the game for Republicans now. Geez. Only took ’em five decades to admit it.
Since we know it’s all about the grift doesn’t it seem pretty certain that some coalition of billionaires will be duped into funding an independent candidacy for “true conservatives” in November?
The money is just sitting there for the taking. Greedy hustlers like Liz Mair are still scuttling around out there scheming for a meal ticket. And there are countless numbers of “true conservative” pundits and media organs left in the lurch by the collapse of “traditional Republican principles”.