It is election Tuesday in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. Please join us tonight for an evening of election-watching over an elixir at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm, but some of us will show up earlier to watch the returns.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien and North Spokane chapters meet. The Kent and Woodinville chapters meet on Thursday. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 180 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find (or start!) a chapter near you.
The Tea Party personae in a nutshell.
Rape isn’t only not a crime, it’s an act of Christian religious virtue. Only communists, godless heathens and (probably) Jews don’t rape. This is why God hates them.
Having finally run out of new ways to avoid honestly talking about the rise of Republican fascism they’ve agreed to talk about nothing at all.
I’ve given up hope that we might get a “better” Republican party out of this year’s collapse of the “conservative” political coalition. But I remain hopeful that we might get “better” political journalism out of it. There are still six months of news cycles remaining to be fed before the Republican nightmare ends. And the most dramatic moments still lie in front of us. If leading pundits at the NYT, WAPO, etc. expect to fill all the emptiness with vague metaphors, arm-chair psycho analysis, promoting their own self-preservation, and more “horse race” insight, they’ll lose audience.
I don’t worry about the survival of media behemoths like the NYT. But they tend to set the tone for the rest of the local dailies, and frankly for much of the rest of journalism. Those businesses can’t afford to lose audience. But they will if they continue to insist on promoting a dishonest dialogue about the political changes taking place. It is what it is. This is the rise of an aggressive, nationalist, and extremist far-right faction poised to take over and fundamentally transform the Republican party. Some journalists are going to report on it in real time. And in a business where appearing smarter is the most important thing, they’re going to come out ahead.
We need to be lenient on actual admitted child molesters because, “Oh look over there, a biological male is going in the wrong bathroom.”
Gee if you google “Hastert Leniency (major cable news network)” guess which one has no matches.
Aside, “Trans people are deviant so they are all coming for your daughters. A predator will seize every opportunity.” is a common theme from my radical Christian relatives on social media right now.
Sound vaguely like, “Well the African is a savage so they can’t be trusted around your women.”
“Even now, now, very now, an old black ram
Is tupping your white ewe.”
Why do some people grow up to be this stupid?
“Police say a Pennsylvania school bus driver asked an 11-year-old student to get off the bus and move a downed, live power line. … [T]he boy’s hand was burned, but he wasn’t seriously hurt.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Which party does she vote for? Just curious …
I think it’s time to start referring to the RepubliKKKlan party as The Grand Old Toilet Trolls.
@3 It’s not what he’s going to prison for. In fact what he is going to prison for has to do with our nations drug laws than anything else. Perhaps he made an agreement with a victim to make them whole, but is now being punished for carrying out that agreement. The fact that at it’s heart it’s about gay sex in Illinois in 1970 (or even today) can wreck ones life is being over looked. Perhaps the victim here is a victim perhaps they are not. In any case they made an agreement that looks like Hastert was essentially coerced into paying which would be blackmail or he agreed to pay.
If he’s just paying this guy for his past transgression then what is the big deal. Oh because the funds may have been for drugs but they weren’t therefore the basis of the FBI investigation is one of overreach. Unfortunately the best advice any attorney can give Hastert is to plead out and try for a short sentence. Whether you are a drug dealer or not you or I can be tried under the same statute if we withdraw over $10,000 from our personal account for any reason, and should we lie to the FBI or tell them it’s none of their business we will join Mr. Hastert in prison. No matter how the prosecutor tries to spin this that is the law underlining what he is being sentenced for.
I see no one suggesting Mr. Hastert is a big time drug dealer, user or promoter,
Progressives should be against prosecutors acting in this manner no matter how noble they make it appear. The governments activities are wrong in this case, and even more wrong if blackmail or coercion of a public official took place.
This is a shameful act in a long series of shameful acts our government uses in its war on drugs.
straight out of a Russel Banks novel.
Perhaps a better question might be why on earth do parents of school aged children agree to entrust the lives of their children to companies employing idiots like this? It’s like some kind of dismal lottery.
@4 Looking through the article it appears the bus company is contracted by the school system. Therefore we are dealing with a bus driver whose training is minimal. She has to meet company requirements a downed line in front of the bus is not just a inconvenience . She doesn’t make the quota (isn’t on time) or gets paid overtime because she sat at the location and waited for the power line to be removed by the proper professionals. She probably could not deviate from the assigned route due to policy and possible due to the areas roads and bridges not able to support the buses weight.
So maybe she was stupid because of perceived self interest or enforced self interest from her employer.
Perhaps the school system should hire and manage their bus drivers. They may have to consider that if the company goes out of business because of a lawsuit and cannot complete the contract.
I see nothing wrong with a school district hiring out its transportation services, per se. But it has to be meaningfully regulated. First Student is a huge international corporation employing top lawyers and lobbyists in every state. They sell low price to public school districts crushed by financial constraints imposed by Republican tax cuts. In an environment like that the only way to ensure student safety is to regulate the shit out of the contractor. If bottom line obsessed public officials would knowingly poison thousands of kids in Flint, it shouldn’t surprise us if similarly motivated bureaucrats would cut corners on tires and brakes. Believe me, you can be absolutely sure this idiot passed dozens of drug tests. Too bad for the burned kid she never had to pass a single intelligence test.
Republicans will protect little Suzzie from the Frat boys, but she’ll have to continue to take a shit on the other side of the stall of fat little Mary, thanks to republicans. Suzzie will have to listen to Mary push out a big log because she eats like a pig.
Congratulations to Washington Republicans for your party’s likely nominee and without a doubt most popular candidate Donald Trump!
5 for 5 tonight!
They say this novice politician, notorious bigot and misogynist defeated the deepest GOP in generations.
Careful you don’t choke in the splinters.
PS Try practicing saying “President Hillary Clinton” once each day before November.
In a nod to diversity the Democrats of Maryland have gone with the white dude over the black chick in the US Senate primary. By 15 points.
Meanwhile #BLM hack Deray McKesson, who actually would probably make a better mayor than the twit currently holding that office, managed to gather all of 3% of the vote in his attempt to win that job. No word on whether he’ll be asked back as lecturer at Yale Divinity School next year.
Rubio’s wife is so much hotter than the pig’s wife.
Chris Christie’s Wife Had The Best Reaction To Trump’s Sexist Attack On Clinton
I wonder if that is the same expression that the pig’s wife gets when the pig tries to get on top of her.
Can you blame ISIS for wanting to kill everyone?
Creationist Explains Why It Was Cool For God To Kill Almost Everyone
No need to prepare little Suzzie or Mikey for College. Suzzie is just going to succumb to getting raped by Mikey, and Mikey is just going to become a rapist legal citizen.
Only A Fraction Of Students Are Prepared For College
On another note, is education the only thing we don’t hold individuals and thier parents responsible and accountable for – we seem to blame the teachers and the education system.
If we treated the plight of the poor and lazy like this, we should blame the teachers for not teaching them how to be better fisherman.
@13 I wonder if it is the same reaction when Boob’s wife gets when Boob tries to mount her.
have gone with the white dude over the black chick in the US Senate primary. By 15 points.
@12 welshing Boob,
What was the name of the “black chick” running in the Republican primary in Maryland?
Thanks for taking time to comment about racial diversity in the Democratic Party.
Check my math, but I think second place finisher, Donna Edwards, had more votes than the sum total of every Republican running in the Senate primary in Maryland.
If she’d have run as a Republican she’d have won walking away, yet she never for a moment gave that a thought.
Don’t think that was because the Republican party is too racially diverse.
Its just half court hail Mary time for ol’ Boob.
Since as much as a third of his party’s traditional general election supporters are indicating they’ll pass up this year now that Trump is their nom, Boob must do his cynical duty to try to suppress minority turnout.
C’mon, guys, let’s cut Bob some slack. Our favorite white racist doctor is only now realizing that his only friend this world is a batshit insane black loon. Imagine how much that must suck for him! Give him a break.
Oregon moron BULLSHITTIUM Alert… They sell low price to public school districts crushed by financial constraints imposed by Republican tax cuts.
@9 Won’t take an attorney long to figure out who has the deep pockets, still the school district will get the shaft and the bill.
Even the bus driver on the Simpson’s isn’t that stupid and he can’t pass a drug test. Of course he would get paid overtime. If only the driver could have used a time traveling bong.
@14 Wow two arks. So this can be fun. No better way to bring on some animals on either of em and demonstrate that neither have the capacity to hold enough water and food and only eight humans to feed them and shovel out the shit. And you need a barge to move the one that floats. We can even check that ones bilge when it visits Seattle. Will it come with doves. It definitely needs an albatross.
As far as ISIS hey they are right we are doing another crusade. It’s in response to their killing and violence.