Join us on this sub-Super Tuesday for an election watching party at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Voters go to the polls in five states (FL, IL, MO, NC, and OH) and Republicans caucus on one island entity (Northern Mariana Islands). For Republicans, the presidential primary outcome is “winner take all” in all but the IL and NC primaries. We’ll have election results on the TV.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm, but feel free to join us early to watch election returns.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight, the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma, Bremerton, and Spokane, chapters meet. Finally, on Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 178 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or go out and start—a chapter near you.
I’ve been listening to the talking heads on the way in. They are blathering about how trump is such a juggernaut, as if the votes for him are just magically appearing out of the ether. They need to be asking the questions the other way. Why is this candidate getting such unwavering support from a large chunk of republican voters? Politicians don’t start movements, they find an existing parade and get in front of it and claim it as their cause.
The other candidates cannot craft a message that the republican voters care about or believe. The republican establishment cannot get the republican voters interested in a different candidate with a different message. Republican voters were not buying what Rubio or Carson or Bush or Santorum or Paul were selling. Only a fraction is supporting Cruz’s old testament christian values positions or Kasich’s moderate by comparison “I’m the only adult in the room” presidential message.
I’m reading more and more blogs that describing the trump supporters. The people who want to believe in him and his vague message.
What do Trump supporters value? This is what I have summarized from the blogs and news I have seen.
Trump supporters value jobs pulled back to America, and where Trump supporters specifically get those jobs.
Trump supporters value bullying and violence to everyone who isn’t them.
Trump supporters value security for them.
Trump supporters value a return to an America where every one who isn’t them, knows their place as second to them.
Trump supporters value a military with the capacity to bully every country and a leader who will do it.
Trump supporters value a country where all those who are not them, are forced to leave or hide in the shadows.
The single best predictor of Trump support in the GOP primary is the absence of a college degree. Non-college men have been trampled by globalization, the dissolution of manufacturing employment, and other factors, for the last few decades.
Next, they don’t think they have a political voice. This feeling of powerlessness and voicelessness was a much better predictor of Trump support than age, race, college attainment, income, attitudes towards Muslims, illegal immigrants, or Hispanic identity.
Third they support Authoritarianism and have a personal fear of terrorism. The classic definition of authoritarianism implies a tradeoff—more security for less liberty—but MacWilliams says it’s also about identifying threatening outsiders and granting individuals special powers to pursue aggressive policies to destroy them.
Last, they live in parts of the country with racial resentment
@ 1
Only a fraction is supporting Cruz’s old testament christian values positions or Kasich’s moderate by comparison “I’m the only adult in the room” presidential message.
Only a fraction is supporting Trump.
Only a fraction is supporting Clinton.
Only a fraction is supporting Sanders.
@ 3
“Non-college men” is really not an acceptable liberal descriptor, Better.
You would come much closer to accepted liberal terminology using the term
“Unless Menendez has to go.”
That didn’t make the WaPo transcript. You have to watch the video to catch it.
Hey, if we can have a sitting Dem US senator under federal indictment, why not a sitting Dem US president, amirite?
Donna Brazile, calling Sanders a disgrace. Extremely.
Donna Brazile ✔ @donnabrazile
This is extremely disgraceful. Why Senator Sanders says he ran as a Democrat: Fof ‘media coverage’ …
I do think Sanders has no reason to bitch and moan about the superdelegate deck-stacking in the Dem party. It’s Hillary’s party, not his.
Bickle, you nitpick around the edges, manufacturing outrage on some detail or another, but you don’t provide arguments or links that disagree with the summary.
Today is Tuesday, March 15, 2016, aka “Super Tuesday,” the last day of Marco Robotio’s presidential daydreams.
@2 Sounds a lot like another country in another time, whose surviving inhabitants later all said, “Who, us? We didn’t support that guy. We were against him, but were afraid to say anything.”
@5 They lost when they believed the lies that loyalty and hard work would get them ahead in the Grifter Economy inaugurated by St. Ron in 1981.
@1 ““I’m the only adult in the room” presidential message.”
It is tough to get them to understand what an adult is after they have been behaving like children for the last 8 years or more. They think Donald is the adult. Thanks to their own efforts of turning the adults into children…They now like to play with the child…children like playing with children not adults.
Preliminary reports on Aubrey McClendon’s death are coming in.
Not wearing a seatbelt, driving 89 MPH, left the roadway 60 yards before.impact and made no attempt to stop.
I don’t celebrate his death but it would appear he followed the Madoff way from building a sham fortune to never answering for it.
@13 If he’d slowed down and thought about it, being indicted wasn’t so bad; he might have gotten Madoff for his cellmate. They could’ve pass their time swapping fraud techniques. On the other hand, he might’ve got stuck with O.J. or Whitey Bulger …
Thats all that’s left for economic “conservatives”. Sniping at minutiae and manufacturing outrage over trivia.
Their core animating principle that they have relied upon to bind their coalition has collapsed. For the first time since Ford, no Republican Presidential candidate has been able to arouse a consensus of “conservatives” with the magic elixir of supply side.
White working class communities awash with heroin and joblessness have lost the voodoo faith. And the dog whistles relied upon by “conservative” elites to call the faithful to their knees have been stolen by a Reality teevee clown. So all Boob has left is to distract himself pot-shotting liberal beer cans and snarking on the hippies and lesbians until November. At which time he will surrender to the “losers” and join them voting for Trump.
If the rallying cry of the teahadists who’ve thrown in with The Donald is “He’s gonna give us our country back”, it’s a new descent into the depths of idiocy even for them. There’s scant to nil evidence Trump has ever -given- anything to anyone.
Sold, yes. Including the Brooklyn Bridge, if that’s what you’re after.
This is the year when the GOP slave masses revolted and handed their Wall Street masters their asses. The disenfranchised and dispossessed working classes are about to get their Fuehrer.
” The disenfranchised and dispossessed working classes are about to get their Fuehrer.”
Only a demographic fraction of “the disenfranchised and dispossessed working classes” are butt-hurt, xenophobic, racists bent on subjugating out-group minorities in order to backfill the hole left by their loss of privilege.
There are enough of them concentrated within the ranks of Republican primary voters to disrupt a colossally inept “conservative” leadership. But they are but a blip electorally and historically. And they are dying fast.
I’d certainly like to see them get help. But they have to learn to stop harming themselves first. And they seem unwilling to take that step if it comes at the cost of making common cause with those of their neighbors they deem unfit to be considered American. Fuck them, then.
Wow. Who would have ever guessed that Carson was a whore?
Certainly not the credulous, ever-tithing, lick-spittle fuckwad troll. Dumped all his family savings in to the grift. Only to see his beloved “Doctor” face-plant the racist Trump’s crotch for a job holding Melania’s purse.
It doesn’t get much better than this.
“My stand on this doesn’t rise on the merits of the individual. It’s the procedure. And you’ve got to let the people decide,” Sen. Pat Roberts told National Law Journal last week.
Unless the President were a Republican. In which case he admits, the people would not decide.
Also if the President were white. That too.
@20 The people did decide. Twice. What’s he gonna do if his party swings and misses again? Ask for two more pitches?
lose in November, lose the Senate, and retreat once again into the “conservative” biennial tradition of “who’s your enemy”.
That’s what he’s gonna do.
Drumpf must have been hanging out in Connecticut,
Southington Police Investigating After ‘White Power’ Fliers Found On Cars
Eastern Florida polls* closed 20 minutes ago, and early returns coming in now. With about 300,000 votes counted so far:
Clinton 62%, Sanders 35%
Trump 48%, Rubio 24%, Cruz 16%
* The Florida panhandle is in a different time zone, and polls there stay open an hour later.
Percentages holding very steady as vote totals climb. Robot Man is finished.
“Robot Man is finished.”
In more ways than one.
Hillary is beating Bernie by 2-to-1 margins in Florida and North Carolina.
In Florida, with over a million votes counted, Trump is beating Rubio by 46% to 27% with Cruz at 16%; in North Carolina it’s Trump 41%, Cruz 31%, and Kasich 14%.
Ohio early returns: Clinton by a wide margin; Kasich slightly ahead of Trump
There is something I cannot wrap my mind around at all. That is, if the GOP/Conservative/Fascist party is supposed to be “correct” with their policies and plans for Government, etc. Why is it that they have to use such awful, borderline illegal methods to raise money for the Party, and tell such awful lies in the course of their campaigns? I mean, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, “Ted” Cruz et al I don’t think have ever made a substantiative, factual statement during the entire course of their lifetimes. They’re all about Bullshitting their way into their particular station. I suspect that has been the substance of the entirety of their personal careers as Humans.
So, by what right do they claim to have the highest level of authority to rule? They have to LIE and CHEAT and STEAL to convince people to vote for them, and the people listen to that shit, knowing full well that those candidates are lying right in their faces, and somehow accept their corruption as being normal and continue to vote for them even after they’ve lost everything.
I’m almost 52 years old, and I just can’t figure it out.
@29 Imagine what a half-assed stage musician with a stone and loaf of bread could do with these people.
I don’t understand why you GOP/TeaNazis are so utterly focused in your rage and hatred of anything and everything under the sun that people try to do to make their lives a little better.
Don’t you have anything better to do than destroy shit and hurt people? Is that really just all that it’s about? You just like to see people suffer. You’re a bunch of fucking sadistic, twisted humans who can’t fathom why anyone would want to feed a starving person, or heal an injured child, or help a city recover from a hurricane or earthquake. You like seeing people in pain. You enjoywatching people go to shit, as long as it doesn’t happen to you.
You’re just assholes. And that being said, I want to know. Why should people tolerate assholes being in charge of anything?
@29 don’t try to understand it – its like trying to push out a log when extremely constipated. The best laxatives won’t help either. You will only get a hemrhoid.
oh if this is true it would make my day – I’d go celebrate by getting drunk.
But I bet he would have some legitimate excuse and the Teabaggers will except it…..I wonder if it was with Sarah?
Conservative Assholes.
More Conservative Assholes.
It didn’t take long.
“Marco Rubio on Tuesday night ended his White House bid after losing his home state of Florida in its critical winner-take-all primary.”
@29, 31,
two explanations.
First, most Americans’ sense of fair play prompts them to respect a win, no matter how marginal or ill-gotten. So look around. Republicans, “conservatives”, and their fellow travelers are simply the worst, least gracious and most obnoxious of winners. They are the frat-boy intramural team you hated. They are the guys who whinge endlessly for pity fouls, hack opposing players, flop about at the slightest breeze, work the refs mercilessly, and sometimes just barely pull out a win on the slimmest of technicalities. And once having done so, they talk an endless stream of shit, sprint up and down the court tearing their shirts off, declare themselves world champions, mock the opposing team and their fans, and demand to rewrite league rules. They’ll never change. We need to. We need to stop respecting them and their weak, ill-gotten wins. We need to set aside our sense of “fair play” and start fighting back dirty exactly the way they do. Fuck their wins. Fuck them. And fuck them for claiming political dominance on marginal victories and the slimmest of pretexts and using that to shove their shit sandwich down America’s throat.
The second explanation is that your initial premise is mistaken, of course. The GOP/Conservative/Fascist party is most definitely not “correct” with their policies and plans for Government, etc. And history is abundantly replete with proof of this. Despite all the painfully repetitive revisionist sing-song, Ronnie Ray-gun and JEB!’s idiot brother were terrible executives. A big reason why the Republican party is cracking up right now, tonight, is directly down to Reagan’s supply-side bullshit. Selling American that poisonous snake oil has nearly destroyed our middle class. And W was simply a classic dry-drunk who should never be allowed behind the wheel of a golf cart. But they’ve all done a fine job of looking after a handful of rich daddies, and up until now, that has been enough.
Hillary is winning all 5 states up for grabs today, Trump leads in 4 but Cruz possibly could overtake him in North Carolina. Kasich won Ohio, Rubio dropped out. It’s not over yet, but it sure looks like Hillary vs. Trump in November.
Sanders has pulled ahead in Missouri. Cruz might win there, too, although he currently trails.
Good riddance to little neo-klown marco!
It’s up to poor Boob now to recruit Martinez as the great hispanic hope for klownservatic batshit insanity in the Oval Office.
vomit producer @31,
That’s those ASSholes who came to disrupt per their FB page! Of course you get it wrong being an OWS ASShole cheerleader yourself!
vomit producer @31,
That’s those ASSholes who came to disrupt per their FB page! Of course you get it wrong being an OWS ASShole cheerleader yourself!
worser 2 farted… Bickle, you nitpick around the edges, manufacturing outrage on some detail or another
And you don’t worser 2?
Puddy cracks up at the projection from the Oregon moron @36. The peeps stirred up the DUMMOCRETIN mASSes of ASSes and the video demonstrate some FACTS! peeps are FASCISTS! peeps threw punches! peeps have no sense of fair play! peeps are ungracious whiners!
DUMMOCRETINS want to shut up their opposition! Who are the American FASCISTS?
DUMMOCRETINS of course! They leave no doubt!
Mike Rowe Agreshuns!
Safe Zones!
Saul Alinsky tactics 101!
Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) of WHITE PRIVILEGE marches on!
Obummer who once said
Is trying to tell Trump voters to calm down? Has no problem with DUMMOCRETIN fascists!
Too funny. The babbling jackass troll is still in TOTAL DENIAL about what sunk its beloved karson kook-a-nut..
1) Utter stupidity and vapidness (running against “pc culture” anyone?)
2) A stoopid party in thrall to white identity politics.
All that white privilege adds up to a losing kook-a-nut.
And one silly and stoopid sicko-phant of that kook-a-nut: the babbling jackass troll.
The babbling jackass troll farted its preference for two klownservatics: HINOS kruz and rubio..
Little marco, over-scripted neo-klown robot – all the hispanic was bleached out of the fool by being possessed body and soul by white identity politics – neo-klown establishment style.
And the slick ivy-league trained bagger tool kruz is nothing more than a texASS redneck of cuban descent, a relentlessly negative hate mongerer who SCREWED the babbling jackass trolls beloved karson kook-a-nut driving the idiot into the arms of the odious trumphole.
Both seem to be non-starters for the babbling jackass troll.
The fiend will support the trumphole yet – this troll is all about white identity.
“this troll is all about white identity.”
And that’s only one of at least a dozen reasons why the troll is considered to be batshit fucking insane.
By the way, that was a great victory speech by Cruz tonight! For a loser who didn’t win a single fucking state,
His political corpse is even cold yet and the talking heads don’t even mention Rubio anymore. No Senate in his future. No power. No media attention. Could anything suck more for Rubio than that? Doubt it. Dude really blew it.
“Who are the American FASCISTS?”
The loon is still ashamed of being a fascist. That’s really fucking pathetic.
@23 While I’m hoping it’s Puddy and I agree some may find t disturbing. Unfortunately a YMCA in this neighborhood my have young men who are receptive. The problem is the police reaction. No one would say boo if Dominos or the local underground dance club puts a flyer on cars in the parking lot. That is commercial speech which has less protection than political speech. The police should be telling the public what the NAZI’s did is legal and the best way to counter is more speech on flyers that disagree with the original flyer with alternative web sites and cat pictures and videos. (Sorry RR other than porn cat videos rule the internet.)
@29 Because when politicians tell the truth of either party it turns off voters. For a politician Bernie Sanders is pretty straightforward and truthful. If we are lucky he will be the VP candidate or be in the cabinet. Chances are he will return to the Senate, have a Ben and Jerry’s pint of ice cream and continue on in the Senate. Something really weird happens he will become President rather than just keeping Clinton honest and holding her feet to the liberal progressive fire.
Yes we do have honest politicians of both parties in Washington DC and most aren’t sexy individuals, and aren’t in the limelight and like to help their folks back home and make policy in Washington. The best are able to make a decision or even run on something that the folks back home will not like, and probably won’t be reelected. Ben and Jerry sales spike in DC after elections. (Ok I don’t have any statistics.)
@43 You be out putting up flyers at YMCA’s? I support your right to do so or if you put up flyers for the Black Panthers. You think those brothers might tend to be democrats? Or vote democratic?
@3 I think one of the most powerful statements I ever saw were the American black athletes who did the black power salute.
I think our athletes should have gone to Moscow and been asked to refuse any medal if won and not to have stood on the stage. Yes there would have been tears, but that is how you speak to a people under the thump of authoritarian tyrannical government. So I’m cool with the next Olympics being in North Korea.
@44. White Power!
Having bad breathe isn’t illegal either. Or walking around with shit on the back of ones unwiped ass. Showing up to work without deodorant isn’t either.
Tell you what, Idiot Black Man @ 45
Is trying to tell Trump voters to calm down? Has no problem with DUMMOCRETIN fascists!”
You go to a Trump rally, and see if you are even allowed to enter the door, and if you are, see how long it is before a Trump supporter sneaks up behind you and coldcocks your dumb Black Ass from behind.
The reality is:
A) You won’t be allowed inside, at all. You have Black skin. That is one of the primary criteria that the Trump Brownshirts are using to judge who is permitted to see The Man. Non-White-skinned individuals are most certainly unwelcome. This has been repeated at every Trumpf rally in the last month and a half or so. This is not an accident. This is by specific design of the Trumpf campaign.
B) If you somehow do get in, you WILL get your ass kicked around on the floor by the Trump Brownshirts after they Knock You the Fuck Out, because it is impossible for you to be a Trump supporter (or a Christian), as you have Black Skin.
That is how they’re judging people. That is their only criteria.
That’s your man, just because you’re so tribalistic and stupid that you cannot recognize the very real danger of the paradigm involved here. You, as a Black Skinned Man, aren’t even considered to be properly Human by the standards of the Trumpf people and their own hangars-on, who they have openly encouraged to recruit.
Saul Alinsky tactics? I’ll take those any day of the week over the tactics of the modern American Sturmabteilung that Trumpf is actively courting for their vote.
Of course, then there’s THIS.
Tsk tsk tsk…
How do you know the vomit producer is talking out of his ASS as normal? NO LINKS to back up the assertion.
As R senile once claimed… All you need is one instance…
PuddyCommentariat: Once again it’s so easy to prove the vomit producer is a real stooooooooopid jackASS!
It really sux to be as stoooooooooooopid as you are with that faux WHITE PRIVILEGE arguments you proffer!
Keiser Report, Max and Stacy ask what’s the matter with Kansas? And Virginia? North Carolina? Florida? Alabama? Michigan and Massachusetts? Are voters flocking to Donald Trump because they’re racist? Or, is it the economy and so-called ‘free trade’ deals driving them nuts?